TITS .-OXIEG 01 T : STATES?. t AI T; 'gATLH? L.O?.EGO:r. ! EC3EHS'2b THIS C0UP0II IS WORTH Upon rWnfitka rf Thii Cogpootnd fX10YatfXlIr ; Ream a Rcgutsr" . V: ' Cut it-'aut bring it to our Toilet Goods Department -" .find get a foil size Opdlvbue powder that Vogue, forecaster liave 'toLT yoa abou t! da snmattonof theTTaw, tie choice leadm - - - - ..I,. ,.- ' t....,-i.. raldpg jbbw Opalescent Beauty, rader ,. . 4ii-4osteolUdn, lifeless e2ect atworotelyjxrfi mtna ci the sness. oa xnost.ostjy fniadJeni; ei4 fafriT)r. . .- ..... t - - t ' COVPOriS REDEEMED' S4T0RDA1TOKI.YI I CAPITALTDRUG STORE - Agent OWL DRUG CO. , vM j. H. wnxETT; : .. -.- ? duly the Bcstl-- Stte nd Mbrty Enters Lcgislatire Race Ji O. Bailey of "Portland Thurs day filed i-wltk the-' Biecretjiry-,of state-here his declaration of can didacy for the republican: no miliar, tiort for- representative in, the Jeg?- islature from . Multnomah county. Mrs1 Bailey served in j the lower house of the legislature during the 925 session . i i CITY NEWS IN 'BRIEF r ! GurWeat herAVon JvliA J. M. Snyd!er, charged with issu ing a check If or $16 without sf- VTTfldent funds to cover'Jt, appeared 'ciA justicei cburt Thursday.- Tie case was continuea ior near in g-. 3. J. Edwards is-the eoaaplalning wunesa. - Fair ever east, eloudy over west n4 probably rain along the coast; Moderate' temDerature; winds: be- I" klng fresh and probably strong fni the coast; Thursday- Max., ?IT mln.vv 5 ; rtre8 .iWlingi ri;niall. tioffeatinospnere, ciear; 1 ' 'j' -': i'S ilble Class TodayJ j The usual Bible study class will keet at the Baptist, church Friday llgjit at30. .Dr. Jlaton has re ive red from his-rqcent tuness ana Ill rd teach" the invited. class again. All lUs Daftvriday Nite Elks1 Teh, I. Members only. m;3 to lortIand Ensign and Mrs, Pitt of the Sal- liUon Army will be in. Portland (night where they "will conduct a ited meeting of all army branch i jn that city. They will return iiturAy morning. Elks Dance TViaajrXlte- Elks Temple. . Members only. i s fi.fjkAirMkn4-A " A total of 59,5'3.66: Intazes ivs been tuifned in - to thd county 1 treasury on statements Issued for this year, a daily average of ; $2, 4 80.5 S. To date, approximately 2960 statements tea ve been issued. i-'- - ' ;--V'- - ' -' - QTJIETS DISTTttBIXG JIACKING c i . . COUGHS ..Healing pjine, tar, -pure honeys and other soothing, cough-healing ingredients, go into the making o( POLETS HpNEJND TAJtf No opiates, justly feared by: careful mothers, harmful, i and w Ttlthtfut medicinal value. - Read the. bottle contents as given on the package, and learn why FOLEY'S HONJ3Y AND TAR is the superior cough remedy, sate ' for ' children and grown persons, and reliable for coughs, colds, croup, i: tickling throat, nervous hacking and like irritations. Refuse substitutes Adv. Arrested on Liquor Charge C. V. Davis of Portland was ar rested earlr Thursday morning by Officers Wi O." Edwards and" Geo. Edwards, lie was1 charged with speeding andwhen arrested, oftl cers declare they found evidence to place the further charge against him of driting while intoxicated. PurBiture Upholstery And repairing. Giese-Powers Furniture company. sJOtf Esprit d'Amomr,JIair Waver - . Produces - attractive t waves like a marcel that - stays in for-days Call for Esprit d'Amour booklet, "Smart "Appearance" Specialty fSop$45S.Courtv .itijtlnl ClniM'to, Meet i. r.-V f.i A., meeting of the. Liberty. Sun nyside' and Saiem- -Heights Com- munityrslubs wil ;be .. held ' this evening : ai ;ine sunnysiae scnopi it was-annonnced Thursday after aooiu - For the triangular affair it- is said a unique "program- has been arranged. fi 1 t -w n St5ofcsnlt Dr. Frantz, 495 North JCtmmercial. - Phone 780. ml4 Miller to Spek ' 1 ev. Carl . t . MUier, pastor oi mtn baiem irienas cnurcn mu cretary of the local Ministerial nspclation, will ! be the special leaker, at" the SalvaUbn Army ill" Saturday night. The meet- d will be evangelistic and ; will IVmmence at 8 o'clock. Public jvitedy: ' ; : I ' : ' otel Marion ' Dollar dinner, served 5:45 to 8 ery evening. J2tl 4 I a Are Showing the Largest And most up to date millinery, tll styles and colors, reasonably '"ted. Our line of Madge Evans Hs is now complete and we; will i kble to fit any child. We make eclalty of children's hats and if stock this season is larger an ever. Mrs.! a. f. stun, 333 ,te street. " I ml2 1 me Marriage License . i j One marriage; license was' ap $&yCoT here iThursday. This Jruken out by John Klster and Hyv : Leone Tergen, both, or v f Poxneroy & Keens Jewelers and Optometrists . Salens!? Oregon ' i 1 i I Indgrwood Typewriter Co. J 1 - Direct Factory JJmnch (tl Court Street Phone SCa , i Typewrltersi Rented, Sold, - " ' 'i ? . Repaired . m ; -! 1 ' nnfiil r&tpa to stndanta Fairmount Hill Lot Some new! pick-ups. Becke- & 1&9 N. High listings at $700 are street.' Hendricks, m3if t Fined for Parking T r F. B. Howard of this .city, was fined $T-by Judge Poulsen Thurs day - upon hiving been convicted of parking overtime. For a Stylisl Hair cut call at .Model Beauty Parlor, 112 N. Coml-St. i 3, ml2 Business Cornei ""'' 1 ' $15,000. ! Another, . $26,000, extra large; Apartment house sites. Small r store lochtions for lease. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. ! ,. ..i .it..-':. I ... High street. m3tf Building Permits Issued Two i building! permitrwefe issued from the office .of the city recorder Thursday' H. C, Hum mel received! permits to construct a one and one-half story ; dwelling at j 1690 Market street at a cost of $3,000, and a one and cine-half ktory dwelling at 1790 Norh Cap Itol street, to cost $2,000. ' - - WOMEN t . You need Massage also latest method Of Radiant Sweat I JIRS. F, E HARRT3IAX V ? Dr. Massage -and Naturopath ' 1441'. Comn. Phone. 628-J FNjWOOlSR AUCnONEEK '. ' Pay Gash For Furniture Residence and Btore - 1010 jNorth Summec - ..PHONE' kill ; "Established Since 1910" Wanted, Several Boxes of Government powder, Ph. 23F11 ,. ml2 Hats Cleaned and Blocked 75 c. Cash and Carry Cleaners 352 Chemeketa St. f21tf Goei to Hospital- Josephine Morley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Morley of Sa lem, will be taken to the Shriner's hospital at Portland to undergo a serious bone operation. Dance Saturday , ; At Clemens Pavilion, Hazel Green M12 Suits Cleaned and Pressed 4$ 1.2 5. Cash and Carry Clean ers. Down town .receiving office 352 Chemeketa St. , f21tf Motion Is Granted 4 i,- An order granting the motion. of .he .plaintiff , for a voluntaryjnon- suit was signed Thursday by GJr- euu Judge Percy ItfTteliy in the action- brpight jby .the i Wadhamtf I $c Co. against the Silver King Min- hg'bompany4'i-i ..' " ; s r.. This Is Ford Demonstration ... Week. Arrange with -.Valley Motor Co. for a trial drive in an improved Ford.. ml3 JOE WILLIAMS The Battery Man Fbone TJ Tien 8a How Quick W Get Thar. B31,Conrt St. Phone 198 fl. DALLY STRUCK EXPRESS and freight service to and from alL points south 0 Medford' and meet to Coos Brfy pointsT Ex- Lprtss service - at .freight rate uexioV' tugn na-ivuu sireeis Phone J9fr: . Oregon Auto Tj Co. TRACY'S FUEL 167 D Street Telephone 2313 -r LADD & BUSH, Bankfers Establlshedl 1S63 General BnHas Burlnsea Office Honrs from 10 t. m. to 8 p. m. We have jnst the car t ar y on, . It's a nice Stair sedaa,. 1924 model, with new painf; 80: rubberi automatic ; windshield swipe, spot Ught and.-lots, of ''other extras antf-, cap which yon ! 'will be proud to own.? Be sure and see this snap for $325.00. 1 f Lakevlw highway ;bweens Ila,m der otlhe commission -fares ef-fect- immediately and restores to the, highways Jhe ; maximum load ftils presjpribedby law, ' .' ".. r TIianks for the Bnggy RideM yjetor record at Stiff's. ml2 MOTHER TAKE XO CHAXCES t OX CROUP Never put a croupy child to bed without having FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR right handy. It checks the sudden and terrifying onset ox croup, relieves 5 the strangling. choking: condition, eases aixncuit breathing: and allows peaceful sleep. , Ai friend; writes: ! "I have long used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR for croup. First, I gave it to all. my children, and now to my grandchildren, with thesame good results." f Reliable also for brn chial and "flu," coughs, tickling throat ' and troublesome night roughs. rAdv. 4., Crossley Addresses Speakers- James J. Crossley of Portland, fjublican candidate for United States senator at the primary elec tion gave an address before the student body of Willamette uni versity Thursday. He later called at the executive department, .-Mr. Crossley. said that Ije would make a .tour of the entire state prior tos the' close of the ; campaign. Senrrc- O. ' L. IMcNary is op- pospdto; tlCc, proposed law increas- ing-we c.y ra;j-hip of the inter state QT.Yzix-cG eoKjiTafwion to 13 nrcmr.ero-; ar.d aiMrictfng the United Ktaies int zinpi', according to a teieirr:i rilvo at the of- uce3 pi '.no uuut'o i-rvtce com mission ksro Tlnr4dt.. The.com- mislop.s .Scvr day aia reat a Xel e'grjim to n:uu.tor IIeKaTy and Representative Havrley urging tsja to, oppose the bill which is now in the hands of 3 senate com nlitee. . ; , tory tjb eouhtry, that-they willnfake- some, effort . to. modify the prbhibltion law so tfiat'lt can be esforced. ; 1 -; 1 Jt was said by some of the ar- hdent prohibitionists that ins only the; riff-raff who want an amend ment of the Volstead act, and who are! against prohibition. In June, 1920, Dr. Charles W. Elliott, president emeritus of "Harvard university, said that prohibition laws would' be brought into disre pute by fhe best people, who, he said, would not obey it; Today the!, truth of that statement' is everywhere apparent. There rare ly, 'if ever, was an educator, a 1 1 1 Obituary Christian Endeavor Elects "At a decent meeting of the Christian Endeavor of the Chris- Barnes At the residence. 1435 Hines street, Thursday, March 11, Mrs. Clee Dala Barnes, wife of W. F. Barnes, mother of Mrs. Ethel Noack and Ora Barnes of Salem; Roy and Granville Barnes of San Francisco; daughter of Mrs. Man- eryt Harbough of Woodruff, Kan tian'church Miss Genevieve Wied 8 5 sister of Mrs. Mary Hageman Elks Dance Friday Nite Elks Temple. Members . only. ml3 If You Are Weak And run down from etfects of flu. consult Dr. Arthur Frantz, 495 N. Commercial: Phone 780. .i-" ' mi4 was elected president of that so ciety for 1926. Elsie Main, vice president, and Ollle Lpvelaad sec retary treasurer, j The president appointed the following .commit tee "chairnlen: Chairman of the player meeting committee, Henry Frcfenjan chairman tit missionary. committee; .Frances j Gom; chair man lookout committee, Elsie Mafri, and chairman of social com mittee Delsie Main. i , : 'CBarmpoeg, Visitors On. Tuesday a , delegation of Methodists, was, brought to Chajn- poeg parkisy ""Newherg citizens'. There were 52 people in all and 15 machines. Those registering fromJ Marion county that day were: Salem Dr. Carl G. Doney, president of Willamette univer sity;. Rev, Sidney W. Han, Miss Mary E. Findley, F. C. Taylor, J. Willard Devoe, C. I. Andrews, G. O. OHveI Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. -Robert Mcllvenna. Pratum Mr'l and Mrs. M. A. Groves. Sil verton Rev. Sidney W. Hall. From Llrin county there were: Albany Mrs. G. V. Fallls, G. V. Fallis, At.' M. Hammer, Frances Gilbert jammer. From Polk county thre were: Dallas--Rev. and Mrsl W. S. Gordon. Falls City Harold H. Miles. of Woodruff, Kansas, Alburmah, Ora and Odell Harbaugh, all of Oakland, Cal. Announcement of funeral later from the Rigdon &, Son mortuary. Stone in inis civy, Jacob atone, age 84 years. Survived by two sons an d three daughters, Daniel W. of Oakland, Cal., P. L. of Winton, Cat, Mrs.'EUa Million of Ashland, Mrs. E. L. March of Ashland and Mrs. J. A. Shields of Winfon, Cal. The remains will be forwarded to Med ford f ronr.t h etlgdon Sl Son mortuary fof--eral eprviee and interment. Obtains Divorce Fenella May. "Young .was issued a : decree of divorce in her case. against Robert Le Roy. Young on. McMahan's department, Thejt were' married in Newberg in D$-l.? cember. ' 19 to:" "Desertion ZS charged. The-4"lhtiff was. grant ed the custody of three children. Dance Saturday Kite At the Crystal Gardens. ml2 Furniture Upholstery And repairing. Glese-Powers Furniture company. 20tf Divorce Is Granted Cora Cooley Rose was granted a divorce irom jonn y. uose in circuit court here Thursday be fore Judge L- H. McMihan. They were married in Harrisburg, Or., in April, 1920. Failure to support the plaintiff and a small child was alleged. ' Glandon In this citjf, March 11, Laura M. Glandon, aged 36 years. The remains are at the Rigdon mortu ary from whence they win be taken to Silverton on Friday, March 4.2, where funeral services and Interment will take place Tells of IVune Conditions- Prof. Ci E. Schuster of Oregon Agricultural college told mem bers of the Marion-Polk County Realtors w 'association at their luncheon Thursday noon about the prunfe experiments to be car ried on.iri Marion county. Trees ) THE UNDISCOVERED j COUNTRY 0 shoreless Dee, where no wind blows! And thou, O Land, which no one knows! That' God is All, His shadow shows. Ebenezer Elliot. W. T. Rigdon & Son or ; Tejj- Rtatestnan.tk" nhilosonher gious leader of the first rank'qP taroreu pruuiuuiuu. . ... --4 'We were; told thaT If 'the" pro hibition law would be enacted that tere wU"lie f eVlr, people, if any, in i 3 an. we wouia neea fewer policemen, and there ,would be less crime. Today we have more people io- jail; yiaia eyer be fore in thevlisitoryof the United States. We have more policemen and more enforcement off Icials than any 'country in the world. And we. have .more criminals, more people j Tti he penitentiaries jails v than we ever county and had. ! Sheriff Hurlburt -of Multno mah county, in a report given to the Portland press, said: " '."' ' ' ; In 1923; there were 23 peo ple sent to the county Jail by the sheriff's forces .""for being drunk. During the year 1925 a total: ot 216 persons were arrested hy the! snernt s rorces ana sent to tue county jail for being drunk'." 1 , Kansas Imports Mexican Quail as Farm Labor TOPEfiLA,'; Kan. Kansas has found a way to import farm labor without running afoul of the im migration authorities. . The state , has Just imported 5,000 quail from Mexico to help out the Kansas .farmers- "jThey'.are expected to eat up 125,000,000 insects during next summer, and, with their brood of young "bobby whites" to destroy at least a quar ter ol a billion wed seeds by autumn -T' -- i --The-fexican quail - is. : slightly smaller than the native bob white of Kansas, but the state game war- .lfM'8teK"Jttithe two wiU interhreed. He estimates conserv atively that the purchase of 5,000 birds will bring Kansas 25,000 young quail next summer. Longevity of Dolls : -Drives - v ? 0ut hospitals in New York . . NEW s JORK Modernism has brought - increased- longevity to,. TA the dolls that Santa Claue rl& lv' bring this Christmas. ' ' So evident is the doll's healthJm that a once flourishing, Jiusiness devoted 4o Its in a virtually has disappeared. Fifteen " years 'ago, there' were 250 ' doll hospitals in New York, while today there are only three. Even the latter have lucrative sidelines. : ' ;".'-.. Most of the twenty million dolls made ln America this T year have unbreakable beads and ; bodies plumply stuffed with cotton. Baker-Building permits, total ing 390,700 issued here in.recent fortnfght. ' -. . -Portland is fifth Pacific Coast ity in Building operations for January.- ' : '" ' ; 1 . " .1 j. 1 1 1 "HylMlwnffKWtr. rty,"y M. JL Omin. ISI V!t Buy ' City. CmJ. 'Th Mesal twttto reilcM wttr.ly.'" ; BALSAM C A toM CMirt ' BALSAMEA for Chronic' Co ughs J. C. PERRY DRUG CO. . 4-a " DISEASES Treated by Osteopathy and the latest ; Electrical Therapy in cluding Di. Abram's Electroniq System. ; v.: ' . '..,'. I r No Charge- for Qmsultatioxi r- - DR, RH. WHITE , Physician and Surgeon . j 506 U". S. Bank Buildings I k Salem, Oregon ' ,- ; i! il ! It 1 i !l i' !l II i! II EGGS and PJLTRY ' We are always in the market; for Egjjs and Poultry . anti pay the highest .market; price. . ?i W Eggs, clean white . i:J .-.. Cf C : ANDRESEN & SON 475 Ferry Street. ' . il )! 'if u J fr 1 li ii i! ii Thursday in Circuit .Judge L. H4te losto4, i.nei1! italy because the ground has been robbed of its tfertnity. The problem may be solved by putting humus in the soil. ,'Thfie would be a large crop this year if the trees were capable of holding it. For a. Stylish 1 Hah cut call-at Model Beauty Com'L St. ml 2 Parlor, 112 N Pleads Not Guilty - John Weinberg, held In the county jail charged with assault and battery on ' Henry Stauffer, a faihier near Donald, appeared In the circuit court yesterday before Judge Percy R. Kelly. Weinberg efejred a plea of npt.guUty to the cuarge. iuu iriai uuw un.s uui jci bee set. Klhiclten. Noodles, Buns, Pies ' And cakes; also plants and blubs. Sale Saturday, S. P. tick et office. ml3 Club to Meet 1 Miss Frances 1 Houston will en tertain members of the Sunshine club of the Unitarian church this afternoon at her home, 260 South Twenty-third street from 3 to 5 o'clock. A young peoples' play titled i "The Princess and the Water Sprites,' will be given. You Forgot to Remember" Bninswick record at Stiff's, ml 2 Fined lor" Parking- Roy King of this city was fined it by Judge Poulsen Thursday for haying .parked . overtime. Fined f or Fossea&ta Tom Leatherwood of Salem was fined. S 100 by Judge Poulsen yes terday upon having, been convicted of the possession of ! intoxicating liquor. ' A charge .of j transporta tion had : also been made against Leatherwood but was dismissed. Jefferson Club Dance- - Jefferson Community club will give a ' community dance at the Masonic hall March 17. : J Load Limitations Cut I : ; The state highwayj department Thursday announced the removal of the load, limitations on the fol lowing Btate highways; in Klamath county: - The Dalles - California highway between a point' six miles north ot Sand creek and the Cali fornia line. : Ashland-Klamath Falls highway between Klamath Falls and Kend, Klamath Falls- PROMISED CRIME BOMB ATTRACTS8 FEW PERSONS 1 (Continii-rpmpfe 1) - . ' plauded, and nqi an(I .then heckled. - Whn-.introduoed, Judge Gatens of PorltouJi, heai quietly, . ex pressing lis apprteoiaMoV of .'con scientious drys, and of religious workers. He spoke with tact, and polish. His remarks, in, brief, IOIIOITJ'I. , .r ' "Inlnypfeiipn the most despic able person we, have in the com munijy Is the ffellow who Is pub licly dry and privately wet. "He hasn't the moral courage to come out and ' say how he stands uWnt the prohibition ques tion. ' Th'S duestlon' is riot a lone sided one, but is a big question, and should be discussed only' with a view ofkcoming to some conclu sion asfto what is the best thing, under all the circumstances, for this state, and nation. "I - have a high regard. for th sincere ; prohibitionist, for I feel that in .him we have a. man who. wants 'to; do soraething for.the: benefit ,,A :our 'Country, and th world at large. He wants a-law abiding; coantr.They are usual ly clean, decent,rand ' respectable people. and. I am -satisfied . when they sej .know and :. appreciate that tie presentj prohibition law. has brought about, jhjore drunken ness, m pre, JminoraUty, more crim inals' jand,..more , .venile crime than was ever known in the his- Mf'rT-4TT15RE ore I many way tfo treat a' cold fa the "head, ut only one DIRECT wayv'a&d thJa:wUn vapbrs'that :' a pJlnhalcd.;A-; ? VJ.;, -v The easiest and most satisfying way to get these vapors is to snuff a little ' Vicks VapoRub well up the nose, r ' sneltUtUemspo or Uncus and. inhale. ' ' ' . ' ;?v' The medicated vpors reach Imnw diately into every corner of the air ' passages, soothing and healing with '.. "evciy breath r ;-';', ' " ' Fcr Wli forms of coU lrcbles iunt ( : rub Vicks over the throat and cheut at bedtime. Itis then the body beat whicli releases these vapors. . - n ,li li - '-1H -5 iA;ilqx If I jpere Mciyor Jopki. B Giesy - Here's whiit Pd do: I would call a special session of the city council tonight and after 1 had ? rapped the gavel for order here's hat Pd say: ; ' H' ..tf -! , ' ' ' U 'V ' X--'i ( V . . ': -j :r 1 . , ." . ,-. ...A '-U.i. JSi'.i.- t5entlerfirii ; norlei tb can serve best unless W are inipental And -ohsical con dition f or'service and after a long 'day of important business air pin "iieed some-, thing to djvert and entertain them. "The Oregon Theatre foiuojf o brings to Salem the funniest of all the wr pictures -satire on every phase of the' game, and . a picture equally as fujiny as Charlie" ' Chaplain's" 'Shoulder Arms. The name of t this Ipretufe is behind the Front and features Wallace Beery and Raymond Hat ton in; two of' thV greatest comedy roles :' ever seen on the screen.' . ' ' -n ; .Tr : . . .--;vv- ,u,- ' .. : i i"- "I. make . you gentlemen jtmotion that, a -, proclamation be issued tflf the residents of f the city of Salem Irtviting them to see this , great farce, as 'I feel sure' they will indi vidually and collectively profit from this -entertainment:" . ! ffv - I -i - . - , . . - ' ;-" , , And Pll bet the council would approve the ; proclamation and the residents 4f the city, pf Salem, would thank the mayor and the,, city council after they have seen the pic tured '.-' '. ' ' . ,' Tint's What I'd Do If I Were John B. GiesyMaypr;; of Salexri ;'; " . .. i . ,. ;- ' .. '.'..:!.,;' ' I! I il Ii li li iOIl III : 't. r III ' -..... i 1 ' t -id ' rtoo 1! 1 i! !. ) .11 ). - :nii;' J it V I ' .1 - . J i v-r:. : J J V.l-..t I -u ifii , ' . " 4 wvfll '-. V: ' ' i t h : f 1 ; . ' ' .liJ I : . i . nt:. f ..... j !