The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 12, 1926, Page 10, Image 10

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i ! I ' t A
H '"ill,;-; i I
emne." .1 written for four -voiees,
with ereat. orchestra and' organ.
It elves, the Impression that the
youthful master desired to demon
strate .his - talent j in every direc
tion.. Each phrase has special
theme, . which was notWeber'a
custortrin later years. . "
. Directed, by. Scott Sidney, tlii
comedy includes in the cast -.Lilt
lian Rich; jcreighton Hale, Lilyan
Tashman, Hal Cooley,"Eddie'GrIb
bon, Rosa! Gore, Mabel Julienne
Scott and Tom Wilson, r "
..';.' Lebanon Work will be resum
ed on tLelsanon-Albaay and - San
tlam liighway. " --. 1
Clatsop ' county forest fires in
1925 burned Over 13,784 acres.'
Five Excellent Acts From the
; Association Circuit Cast
Intrastate Rates on Fresh
Dried, and Canned Pro
.ducfs '.'feeasbnable"
"Seven Weeks1. Feature
'Gomedy at the Oregon, "
Crammed Full of Fpn
J?rr!opf France i Carries .
DV TlDnn
U Ul! a
. on Program "
rfd's. Biggest. Overdraft
4 . Vi
i t
The old time harmony trio Is
exemplified in the appearance of
Erady Riddle and Murray in "Bits
. of Harmony. y Everyone relishes
Edod harmony songs, but there; ap
pears to be a dearth of this brand
of- entertainment. - Here Is an up
to date trio of exceptional singing
cf late popular numbers and a few
of their own origination. ; '.-v.
' Wednesday knight la familiar to
all swain as calling on the' best
girlxiIght,'K feertTCody and lluth
Day chose thia line for their; bill
ing for" excellent reasons. Wed
nesday night Vas written especi
ally for this couple by Paul Gerard
Smith, who his numerous success
ful skits to his credit. ;
j With a traTesty on professional
wrestling, said to be one'bf vaude
Tjlle's most exhiliration bits "if
comedy, theWllson-Aahrey" trio
promises to produce oailagled,
thrills and jlasgha. Prior o their
tumorous burlesque on thewristl
ing game, ,the three Taudevilllana
are to' be seen in a breath-stating
, exhibition of jplean-cut . bar ' work.
Their wrestle's match Jia am orlg
laallty of their own, wh'lch hasexj
lilted them to' a hjgh. standard pf
vaudeTille coAedyl ; 'M.9 " 1
j Birds of rsradf bring atioreU
ty dance kcttote prere-1 fcy"t' f
Rhalfcrate sisters; 'Expensive drop
rid beautU gas which reprts
tent the "ntmssOn. theatrical ex
travagance &T4 shown during their
net. One of the pair is a faultless
' toe danceri' ; -M' ': -i J'n f
j I That the serious is the comical
jnay be paradoxical; but it ii toer-
ertheless truthful. When a urtr
3y, dlshifled gentleman slips on a
banana peel and falls It is -certainly
serious and equally Jtanny I
j ; The affairs fof Cupid that lead
td 'spooning, honeyjnoonlng, and
possibly the 'domestic v relations
'court-are all serious, but if there
fare actualities' pro'dnctlre 'of more
A stool every woman wants in her kitchen. Well
made, strong and durable, round to.p, two teps,
both steps and back hinged, steel spreader, select- r
ed oil iinisheTwood; folds iiptO' 3 inches: Heights
24 inches. j j. . j. r ;
'Save f.loneyJJy Shopping -Herel ; v
'5--7vv " . 1 lirooaers
t - -VbaTesxnore
x Brooders
72 C ? Y ALL'
rrcni t" a 1-rsa frn-.a to the maTTcst nut sizp. Tell'
U3 f or hat purpose the coal is required and we'll point
cut the prefer tizs'tOfUfe. -'"But although we carryall
f'z 2, t 3 tsr.i!s only .. cne qunlity, the very bet t coal '
frcn t:.a t'Tj test'ralces. Our coal serv. a 13 yours'
-to cot f ; : : -
AI-o t-. .-t Bl- . JL., .... a vU "
- Whether the . religious reedomi granted to Americans ,by the
Constitution Includes right to doubt existence of the God of the Bible,
is a 'point the supetne ttcurt . will be called on to settle "in the-erent
the Anthony BLmba.'case is appealed from the Brockton, MassM court
In .which it was brought- to triL . Blmba,-ditar, is. rharged -with
blasphemy under'. d 3QO-year-6Id Massachusetts law. 'Photos show
him center) witbi his 'attorneys, Irying (left) and Harry Hoffman,
In court; and with! his wife. ' -? ' ' .' ". " '
humor 1 thn- these, theyhare not
yet cocirfto light. Stuart 'Barnes,
a imonoiogist singes 1 Comedian
and; entertainer at any r rate be
HeTes this tobe a fact and his be
liefs, are cjertainly crystallized in
to facts by the enormpu3 harrests
of laughs he caps at the expense
of rthDse : wlo hare'T been targets
for Gen. Daniel Cupid ' He ias
harnessed I the weaknesses t of the
- i
Welding Step
r fn
extended' -.- 4 V x : ;
are? exceotlonallT mWvl - for fThirkpn '
' as 'they are " smokeless ' and -
' as tney are " stno
lieat units. - :?
:C IZZS ' C 7; C O AL
swain to a chariot of mirth twhich'
rhearTtes 1aT"ure winner over , the
tape ptr public approvah
The Heilig Vilt ak(rw '"three
shows today- matinee and two"-at
Tireless . Efforts Result ; in
'Selection; -flames Sab- '
mitted to President .
. . PARIS. Ma.rch -ll. By The
Associated Press ) Determined
Id "get " to "Geneva with the least
possible delay, M. Briand woked
tirelessly for eight hours to frame
a'nw ministry. His efforts -were
r e w a rid d shortly -before' two
o'clock this morning, when he was
able to proceed to Elysee Palace
and present his ministers to Presi
dent Doumergue. ; . " . .
M. Briand will now be able, as
he planned, .to leave for ; the
League meeting at Geneva, .with
full authority as premier, to seek
to repair possible damage done .to
French - interests by j his absence
from league conferences.
" The cabinet Includes: '"'
Premier andT foreign "minister
Aristide briand. ,. r -.-;
: Minister of -: finance Raoul
Peret. ,
i,. Interior Louis' Ilalry.'
. Justice -Pierre Laval.; , , "
War Paul Painleve.
Marine Georges Leygues. .
Public Instruction- Lucien' La
moureaux.; ;"',-.;
- Public1 works Anatole be Mon
rle. ,
v, Labor-Antoine Durafour. .)
Colonies Leon' Perrler. .'
Commercer-M. Daniel-Vincent.
Agriculture Jean Durand.
Pensions Paul Jourdain.
' ra hy jjostox roLicc
- BOST0N, March 11. (By Asso
ciated Press)'. Police were inves
tigating tonight , ihe mysterious
knifing of a socially prominent
woman by a man in the, fashion
able back bay'filstrict.
Mrs. Leyerett Saltonstall Tuck-
erman was ? crossing the cublic
garden to attend! early 'services
Sunday at the Church of the Ad
vent, ii Her assailant suddenly ac
costed her aid lunged at her with
a. knife. 'The weapon cut through
a heavy coat and ' thick '. velvet
dress ;ahd ; inllicted a - painful
wounds The man : then ? stepped
back, 'lifted liis hat and" said:
"How do you do. I " ' .
. Mrs. Tuckerman walked to a
doctor's office. ; : Che since has
been confined to bed.' Her assail
ant was well dressed and about 35
years old. . " . i V-
Ccpy of .Weber's Lost ferand
Mass Found; In1 Salzburcj
VIENNA, March 10. The vol
uminous score of a mass, bearing
the name of Carlo Maria dl We
ber, found ia'Salzburg by a young
Vienna scientist,- Dr.', Kcnstart!n
f .-.cUer, has turned cut to le a
f !r ccyr "of ..the ."Gr.r. i 'i:
. ,'ii.i3 ";ar!,as-.iCarr- .rs fr-i
a dedicatory letter-attacLii to
; . The public -. service commission
Thursday issued, an Order; dismiss
ing, the investigation '.of" intrastate
freight . rates oh fresh, dried and
canned fruits and i vegetables.
Members, of they commission,, said
the rate structure on these, com
tnocjities hadbe3n ad us ted satis
factorily to all concerned.
j In another older the.conxmis
sion dismissed the applicaUon.ofi
the Coos jCay-tjggiag company
for a franchise on Coos and Wil
liams rivers, and the, petition" of
citizens of Gearbart for the estab
iishmen t of can Jindergrade; cross4
ing under the tracks of the Spo-
kane; Portland is Seattle railroad.
; Applicationf)f.ithet Siletx Boom
ing company ror a; franchise on
the Siletz river also was dismissed
by tthe commission. i; ' ' ' . "
The commission granted an ap
plication of the J Sonthern ' Pacific
company for permission to extend
a sidetrack' over a county road at
ChiloQuin, Klan.athi county. .'
Multnomah ecunty has filed ap-
plication ;wun the commission for
permission to establish a grade
crossing, oyer-the itracks .of , the I
Ore'gbn-Washinstori ! .Railroad Wfci
Navigation mi)anyi ; h I
the , Manuscript, ("was .writted in
Munich in J.7 99 ,;nct; was 'dedicat
ed, bytheyouliful composer .to
the-Prince rchishop f Salzburg
On May3rd; i2. U' HJ
H The, mass, wldch.; is the pricipal
work of the composer's youth and
wasjcaUediby ?eber "MIssa Sol-
In the Circuit Gourt of the State
f of 'j Oregon " for the wCounty.. of
V Marion, r V .1) .i,
Bquitible -Savings t& Loan )
Association, "a corporation," )
J ; -1 V- - plaintiff, t)
f :1 :f ;r : '"'i F'! i-i-'Art.. '
Rosooe FarmeriAHateUFaria-, !
er, his, wife; B.? $.;Burke.O -'
Maude rMay- Burke; 'his9)
"wife;fFrancea Allerton and -')
: United 1 States National j)'
; -Bank of ialem,! Oregon; ,
.'' ' " Defendants. )
To Roseoe Jarmer, Haiel Farmer
and .Frances' Ajler ton, defend
In the name of jthe State of Or
egon You are: hereby, req.uired to
appear and. plead to the amended,
complaint filed "against yotTin the
above' entitled 'suit on or" before
the date of the fast day of publica
tion of ."summons i herein, to-wlt
Onor before the 1 6th day of April,
1928, and tif jyoul fail -to V appear
and plead to . said amended 'com
plaint -within said time, "for ,want
thereof the plaintiff -wUl apply to
the court for the relief prayed for
in its complaints to-trtt: : , :
(a) For a Judgment against the
defendants,1 Roseoe .Farmer ' and
Hazel Farmer and! each of them
for -the ' sum of ' one , thousand dol
lars ($1,000.00) with .Interest
thereon from DecemberlO,1 1925,
at the rate of eight per cent ( S )
per annum. - ; j - i ;
(b) That' the pretended- trans
fer of the note and .mortgage se
curing the tame executed by de
fendants B S. -Burke and Maude
May Burke In favor of "defendants
Roseoe Farmer nnJ Hazel 'Farmet
by said Roseoe Farmer and Hazel
Farmer to defendant "Frances Al
lerton be dfcree4j toj be null and
void and of no force Jand effect as
to this plaintiff. and ithat the pay
ments of the sums provided to be
paid by defendants !B. S. Burke
and Maude lay-Burke to defend
ants , Roseoe . Farmer and Hazel
Farmer In said 1 iiote ? be ' paidl to
this plaintiff to be applied npon
the ' Judgment V herelif rendered
against : the l- defendants . Roseoe
Farmer and Hazel Farmer In favor
of this plaintiff. : -j- . ; i -. .
(c). That Spending final determ
ination of this 'suit the defend
ants, . Roseoe ; Farmer and Hazel
Farmer, be enjoined from , trans-!
f erring the note land mortgage ex
ecuted by defeh4ants B. S. Burke
and Mandef May! Burke- to . said
Roseoe Farmer ind Hazel'Farmeri
the defendants B. ' S. Burke and
Maude May Burke! be enjoined j
from paying to the defendant Ros i
coe . Farmer! or pTrahcea Allerton !
any moneys: due! 'upon said note; j
that the defendant .United States ;
National . Bank 'of Salem, Oregon,
be enjoined from delivering the
said noto and mortgage to Roseoe
Farmer or Hazel Farmer or. per
mitting the said not and mortgage
from being 'wi.drawn from said
bank or the jurisdiction': of this
court. . , 'r':: ..
(d) This ; summons " 13 served
upon you y by publication In " The
Oregon Statesman (daily) 'for six
successive and consecutive weeks
pursuant to an order made and
entered by the; Honorable L. ".IL
McMahan, judge of above entitled
court, on the th day of March,
1926. ' f -
Date of first publication, March
5th, 11925.. - i
Date of last publication, April
16,. 192$: 1 -
- CAi:a-& CAKE and
1 -lI.a..lilj::qvi3T,
1501 Teen E-IIiirj,
Portland, Crecn.
Attcrncya for riItl.
Ei 5-12-13-5; a 2-9-17
: t' PARIS. The biggest overdraft
ta the world Is carried' by the
Bank of (Frahce something "like
2,6 '.billion francs against the
French ; treasury t r t
The existence of an organizaaion
able to do this kind of financing
Is due to the foresight of Napol
eon.. When he founded the .bank
in 1 800 . he gave It, the exclusive
privilege of Issuing paper money.
with Jthe proviso that tha French
treasury be permitted to draw np-il
on the Institution up to the total
of, 140 jnillion francs.
The arrangement -proved to be
a most v convenient and flexible
means of tiding over hard passages
in the financial history ; of the
country. The amount of the ad
vancesor overdraft, allowed ""to
the government was increased on
the .renewal of the bank's money
lssuingf privileged until, after the
warj- It" approached the. enormous
sum of a score of billions:
.jrt Difficulties of trestoratlon, dis
appointments on the question of
reparations and the disinclination
of political parties to take the re
sponsibility -of asking the French
taxpayer to foot' the war bill, fur-
ther swelled
it to .
26 billions of
London Opera Season Is.
t ....." '.
? Losing rMcnByforCaclcers
LODONn ontract Hp ; the
Aneri9an bpera season, facounts
of ; the i Lendon Opera Syndicate
for 1 926 make a poor "showing.
'AnTeIghtweiy season t Cot
eht Garden is Jeing conducted at
considerable loss,1 there being only
an average, booking of 78 per cent
of the theatre capacity egainst the
necessary d 4 per '. cent. r " V
Guaged by ? the," averdge "book
ings for -eacn performance -the Or
der of popularity Is'Tosca.'Rose'n
kavalier, iKeisterJInger, -; Fedora,,
Tristan, Aida, Rigoletto, Lucia Lo
hengrin Bar Mere, Walkure and
Madam -Butterfly! vr rfv ;.;" ;
Death of MonaiLisarrWef
P Draws Crowds lX6 Picture
! I PARIS. Interest in Mo na Lisa,
the Leonardo ' da 'Vinci painting
which was stolen! years ago from
the Louvre, lias ' been intensified
by 'the -announcement "that the
thief died "near Varese, Italy.
i ' Carious crowds of visitors stand
about the celebrated picture, which
now Is heavily framed under thick
glass." "It receives more attention
from tasual .visitors than any oth
er painting In the Louvre.
r rr
f :
I -
- r
.". i l ' - . ' ' I " ' ' ' " . . ? :,- . ..:
vtti :;...'::: :;: I TN-o
. f I
f -Only Or a Counted to an '.Entrant'
This Nomination Ballot la good for 60,0 00 votes for the
person hose name Is written thereon. 1
Town ........
Nominated "by
A - W I PUil 1
Set! ?n will 1
i . -.jJ.c-O.
Of a fr
While the Al : Christie feature
comedy, ' "Seven Days," . has no
trick stairs or blind doorways to
confuse and. entertain,; yet it i3
crammed full of laughs originated
by ;.a disappearing burglar,: a ady
who thinks she can move screens
and tables by psychic powers, and
otherwise by the difficulties 6f a
group of folks quarantined In &
house by a smallpox scare, t
''Seven Days," which closes at
the Oregon theater with the last
show tonight, follows Al Christie's
idea of genuine . screen entertain
ment. '. Chuck full of mirthful sit
uations '" based on a reasonable
plot, it contains plenty or laughs
to satisfy both children and - the
grown-ups who attend . the theater
to have a good time. ' '
11 Of-I
IRON ; :
79 c
, BuiId3 np your, strength;
, hastens convalescense af
ter' fevers an d -wasting
4 diseases. ' For those ' who
, want fpep.'! ' , .
A pleasantly flavored elix-;
" ir which .has stood the test!
An Ideal food tonic
Perry DnStore
115 -South . Commercial Street
C'.'i'.V''' . . ,-. . ; ' v.. !,- .; t .
Nov Is .tIie:Tim3':to Make Flay
While the Sun Shines
JFCIl"-fi Nil:T.r-ID
noMirjATiori coupon
: GOOD FOR 50,0 CO VOTES ' .
i R. P. D..
-tlr-rtLo v!.incr cf t!.? CI113.C3 Ir-
f'ci-J Ij. yorjrL.rae or t! 3 c 1 . f
To efonorriize, we have moved the stock c?
mefchancllse we recently bought at a very
low figure to our own etore. - . .
t: Pr;icss:j;ye iAreiGcin to Sell 1
$ ! .25 Indies Muslin Drawers....... -39c
J2.50 Colored Underskirts .1.1 .iL:...98c
$7;505ilk Underskirts ;-i:.-:..:.51;09
Values 4 2 .Muslin or Crepe Gowns. C3c ,
Values to $2,50 Children's . --
'Dresses --r,--7Cc and 98c
Hand Embroidery fCrepe Kimonas. . . .0 1 .75
Worth to $3.50 House Dresses.!. . : 51.89
Sweaters in sonie instances price more
i , ; than cut in half
Button? on sale about ;Hlf price
Art Goods now about .......i.u-...:Halfrprice
Fibr i Silk Hosiery, black and -colors.. :.3 9c
Numerous other unadvertijed items vhere-.-
in you can malce material savings
3 reg. 1 5c' Van Gamp
3 large Hillsdale Pineapple .4......i..l-....lGoc
1 1-snall;flat 'ccin. Pmeapple-.....15c
2 oval Van Camp Sardines Ci.-..LlI..:I25ck
J sack Sunshine Flour .-......-5179 ;
98c .Quality Fine Straw Brooms.... ....69c
5 oz.can Good XDysters;I5c j
3packages Jellwell :;::::q.x:::..:25c ;
2 lb$. Extra Choice Dried Peaches....L..29c J
Other 'Grocery Prices
Low Prices.- Bririg Us Your Eggs
Phone 560
. r
. - a w
: Thi3 ballot is rood for 1C0
in' The Oregon Statesman is witten cn it
VOID AFTER r,!A!lCH 2yi!:, lC2j
.... ... . .
J vJ
Pork and Beans 29c
Same Proportion -or
m t
254 N. Commercial Si,
.ti n
. IJ.W- -,. ... M
r -
votes for ths candidal!
Subscription Campaign,
-Donot fold. -Trin.
, 0
i ' - .- ..t - . - '-- - .'-::..-... - , ;