.'j- e i -r. -. i ..... SEVENTy-FTFTH VE A Jl U . SALEM. OREGON, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 10, 1926 PRICE FIVE CENTS -f j ..-I- .- . .r ' . j r-; ;. ; : - f I - - -- -.-kS jri. 1L . 1 t - i " ! ' fa f UXEfiO TMGl fiiTliillj .tit !' Extension of Church street Would Divide Property if Purchased? SPEciAL VOTE APRIL 12 tTBAnimoos SaUoi Cflt to Cijr Bernhart and Gnyser Tract; . Authority Sought Early Poll"" ; j t u aj h' a jrrjji Plansi pf the South leBfi resi dents to purchase the entire Tux edo Park site,-including the three tracts, tjrere upset Tufcsd.ay night when ,the, school,. (board voted unanimously to buy only the Bern hart .and. Gnyser ttacta.? U Q Reason tor the decision is gren by-tha school . hoard, to. nuu.that Church street is to be cut through and paved, under .plans, of. the street coipmittee of the. city -oounT cil. Suclj p4rin which residents hold desirable, would separate the third tract from the other two, making k t practically : useless for chool pjurposes. , n,. . , Purchase of he. three tracjts would pean ? 24,000; Purchase Salem school project. .. ; For the purchase of the. land and the construction .x a sciiool unit the, board vpted, unanimously . to divert 1120,000 to the South Salem school proecC 1 Diyertng the fund must be sub mitted to the Toters.A So, the fall ing ot af special election was votea. The matter of purchasiagjthe sjte and of 1 diverting. .tha,ttund3 , will come up, at the same time. ' April 12 has-been set for the date of the eleotion.: V.ii.L K j. About! two years ago the peo ple voted a 500,000 bondi Issue trc school building Of this total visO.OOQ now remains. Fon a wing to the hign school I Id 0,000 Is suppesed to be set aside. This would leave but .$$0,000 for the ' South Salem school. : But It was held at the meeqng; that theu $60, 000 left for the building after the site had been purchosed would not .be near enough for the; purpose Director , Neer made : the motion that $100,000 be diverted for, the South $alem project,' and the re maining $6 0,p$0 be set aside in an emergency fund. ' . ": .j ,,. j South. Salem residents, . a . the mass meeting held in i Lincoln school Friday evening March. 5, were unanimously in, favpr of. buy ing all three tracts of the Tuxedo Park addition. In lace of the Church, street situation, however, members, of the school board ex pressed, the belief, that those 'in- (Coatinocd ea,14jc 1 MURDER CASE NEARS END i , j ; PAPERS DISREGARD JUDGE'S ORDERS OS STORIES , BAY ST. LOUIS. Miss.. March 9. (By Associated Press ) The case of Jesse Favre. charged vrith the murder of J. F. Hinges,,. win go to a Hancock county jury to morrow. . Testimony which Judge V'aHer A. White ordered news papers with circulation in Han cock county to retrain'' front pub lishing was closed ': today and three speeches; by attorneys re main to be. heard. The. order has Jbeen disregarded by nome news papers .cirpulaIng,,- In . Iancpck county but no official notice, has been taken, " Judge White "saying that he did hot .propose to inter rupt the pending case to dispose of -other matters.; , v i . ,ti f Attorneys who ' have conferred with the judge have suggested that he may wait to 'note what effect pubUcatlon, of the testimony nas naa on tne seiecuon px ury for the trial of .other cases w hich- it. may .be necessary, to try here with approximately, the same testimony as thaCdeveiopedJn the jtriai of Favre.: This; suggestion, however, has no '.warrant of au thority from the confU 0 v ! 'w ' - OS Salem Public -SchVoIs 5. . Jtlla C. -Noble ?.f U.KU : Julia C. Noble., teacher of the fourth -grade at the Park elemen tary school. Two year"-with 4be Salem school system. Seven years' teaching experience, Graduate pf Oregon normal schpdl, , College work ' at r Willamette university Three, summer,, schocl. eesslons ..at Monmouth. Has charge of art A STORM TOLL GROWING SO SHIPS SlXl,ANY DIE IX .3 TERRIFIC GALE (By ."Associated Prewi.) A Belgrade dispatch to the news paper Pester Xioyd of Buda pest, reports . thai SO trawlers, with their . crews .irere ssutk slong the Dalmatian coast dur ing a trrriHc gale... ,;,-., , Ob shore a train was ?er turned. .and. i nmnj, passengers were seriously lnrt, , j,.Jho. Italian frei5h.ter Seen waa"shat,tered, on ,the roclis of Spalato harbor. : Half its crew perished. r.JOSTJMPORTAFjT WEEK FOR CONTESTANTS HERE SECOND VOTE PERIOD. COMES TO CLOSE OS SATURDAY After That Night You Will Not Get as Many Vote as You Can Now ! HONOR ROLL TODAY Helen PhiUips. No. 3 . Capt. Allen Pitt. .No. S Ixader of whole contest is 3Iar vin L. Shepard. ' Saturday nlghtshould be one of the biggest nights of all, as the second vote .period comei to close and as you go along the votes de crease. 5, Alter Saturday night you will jijat Je. jihle to get, as many votes as you are, now getting. i There are a great many reasons wjhy.thjspming week will be one of the largest and most Important weeks of the whole contest. There will ,pev f?at roany new candi dates to enter the contest. People are coming to realise more and more ererx.day just what the op pjortunity, means . to those people who have been thinking of enter ing but hadn't .made up their minds before,, will fill out the nomination and send it to the Con test Editor ,4- Yesterday .there was continued actirity all along the line, more people having voted than voted on the previous day. There is a new leader today, for, this publication, of the standing in votes.. j Don't forget that for every $13 worth of subscriptions you secure & coupon good for 100,000 extra votes.- - You -are entitled to as many of, these extra coupons as ypu can secure. It is very simple to understand. Turn in your sub scriptions just as you secure them ajid we will keep a , thorough track of them and issue you the extra coupon as you hit the $ 1 8 mark.. Every one in the contest should make plans to, capture just as many of these club offers as they possibly can for they will play,, a very important , factor in the winning of the valuable prizes i (Coatiame4 oa pf H) 4... - m , . i r FLOG MEXICAN OFFICIAL 1 RELIGION BELITTLED; WOR SHIPPERS TAKE ACTION (By The "Associated Press ).-r Charged by church members with having made sport of religion and attempting tov enter a cathedral while wearing, a large sombrero. the secretary of the state of Nar- arit, ,today was badly beaten by worBhlDoers." He was rescued when it seemed he would be beat en to death,,. It was said that the state func tionary entered the temple with orders tor its closing. They were not delivered. Dei pf th Sentiment runs high as a result e attack. LAND SAIDiUNDERTrVCED RECRUISING OF TIMBER SEC TION IS UNDERTAKEN KLAMATH FALLS, Or., March 9. (By r; Associated Presa. Be lieving Klanvath, timber lands to be undertaxed, the .county ; .court has awarded ; Edgati Cullison pf Portland a .contract! to re-cruise 100,000 -acres of pinp. The work will .be done for 16 cents an acre. Large timber companies. Includ ing the Long-Bell and the Weyer hau'ser firms entered violent pro test against the action. r i' FOUR KILLED If J CRASH EXPRESS S3IASHES THROUGH AUTO AT GRADE CROSSING f ' ;.' 4 ' 1; " ' ' ' I ' The Associated Press. Mrf- A. L. Parrpit, 2,; her mother and twp children! 3 and 5, were almost In stantly killed this afternoon when their, automobile, was struck by a Santa Fe train two miles south east of thereMr.patrAU.drtver of the machine, seriously injured, 'u iu'.;.u,:,t; RAILROAD NEED FELT I STATE "urie-Triifxi of Ofegon Is WitKotit Service," Declire's Devers LARGE MILLS GO SOUTH Will Sot locate Unless Assured of Adequate Car Supply During Peak Season Is Theory "Development of any state is ucyciiutruv fu iue pari, upuu lis transportation'facnitles," declared Joseph M. Devers, speakipg Tues day noon before the Salem Ki- wanis club of , which he is a mem ber. Mr. Devers is connected with ; the state attorney general's office. 'There comes a time in the de velopment of any state when the advent of another railroad is an impetus to that state. 'I condemn any railroad for at tempting to Confine the progress of a state to. its own-activities. "The Union . Pacific and the Southern .Pacific got together in NewjYork:and reached an under standing whereby the Union Pa cific agreed to stay out of the state, ,ot Oregon in consideration of tonnage to -be allotted it at Ogden by the Southern Pacific. "But such an. agreement, leaves our state without service or with out competition. j,- "We . have one-fifth of the standing timber in the United (CoBticaed on pags 3) THREE CANDIDATES, FILE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES AN- NOUNCE IXTEJfTlONS Glen O. Holmen. of Dallas Tues day filed . with the secretary of state his certificate of candidacy for the republican nomination for the office of circuit judge of the 12th judicial district, comprising Polk and Yamhill counties. Linn E. Jones of - Oregon City has filed for the republican nom ination for state senator from the 12th senatorial district, compris ing Clackamas county. Another filing is that of J. F. Clark of West Linn who seeks the republican nomination for repre sentative in the legislature for the 16th, representative jdistict, com prising Clackamas county. ; : fs i li !i ?!' I -JSSX Is lifltiVi SK&tT: S 1 : fc.:, v j.---v i' v rvr: -k I WINDOWS TO REFLECT SPLENDORS OF SPRING LitTEST NEWi YORK, A?JD FOR- EIGN STYLES TOs BE HERE I Uniform Response Fjrom Merch ants and Auto Dealers Insure Success, , , , Intensive , work, in preparation for the first annual window 'dis play week," being sponsored by the Salem Ad. club, began .Tuesday, In preparation for the formal 'open ing on Tuesday,' March 1, when judging of the "most": attractive window in Salem will take .place as a portion of the evening's' civic festivities. il Stocks of .local merchants now are reflecting . the latest eastern and foreign.- styles, ;,and( expert trimmers, have planned the feature windows tq be placed; in compe tition on the. opening night. Pro vfaion has been made for a record crowd during. the days of the Dis play Week, with extra police en gaged to- handle, traffic' Granted fair weather, i an elaborate auto mobile and outdoor,,' style show will be" conducted in connection with the opening,, dance, free at the armory, another feature of the first evening. - The special automobile show has brought a quick response from local dealers, who will have their latest models lined up for inspec tion. Among those who have In dicated theiri intention to exhibit are: MacDonald Auto company, Otto J. Wilsph, F. W. Pettyjohn, Marion Auto company, Vick Bros., Salem Automobile company, Wood' Auto Top company, Trumm Motor company and Valley Mo tor company. ! Several others have indicated their desire to eater. Local merchants who have sign ed up for window displays are: Millers, . Kafoury Bros., Smart Shop, French Shop, Shipley's, Di rector's department store, Mrs Stith, Vanity Hat Shoppe, Mar- (Coa tinned oa pass 3) DOG ON TRIAL FOR LIFE MAY l. EXACT DEATH PEN-' ALTYFOR CATS DEATH PHILADELPHIA, March 9. (By Associated Press.) "Ted dy" a Belmont fox terrier went on trial in police court, today, charged, with wilfully chasing and shaking , to death a six months old kitten. If convict ed Che law will exact its sever est penalty, ; police magistrate Gleen declared,. The trial involved ail the for mality of a murder case and is expected to hinge on the find ings of a post mortem examin ation of the kitten's . body which . was ordered today dis interred for -that purpose. The case was prosecuted at the instance, of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. ..... i . . . tHEfiRIAN FLOAT WILL . ENTER ROSE FESTIVAL MAY OFFER PRIZE FOR MOST . .. DISTINCTIVE DESIGN . .v. Vote to Favor of Going to Port- land Is Endorsed by Large , Majority. The Cherrian8 will atteud the i - Rose Festival this, year and will enter a float On floral day, mak ing . the float of such attractive ness that it; will have a good chance of being awarded a. prize. mis was tne action taken last evening at the "'monthly dinner held at the Chamber of Com merce. The motion was made by Leon Gleason. The vote in favor pf going. to Portland was carried unanimously, save for one weak, dissenting voice. .At the -meeting held in Febru- . - i ary the Cherrians voted unani mously in favor of attending the big Natron Cat-Off celebration at Klamath Falls. .For the floral day parade in Portland, S. A. Kozer, secretary of state and enthusiastic Cherrian. promised , co-operation in every way in order that the Cherrians should enter a float worthy of the capital city. W. M. Hamilton sug gested that possibly It might be a good plan to offer prizes for the most distinctive design. It was also suggested that with the aid of the governor and sev eral of his special flax workers, the Cherrians might enter a flax float that would, be something en tirely different, and would be fine advertising for the linen city of the west. For the annual Blossom day ob servance, the Cherrians will issue 5,000 Blossom Day post cards, which are to be distributed. These cards are invitations to visit Sa lem on the annual Blossom Day and which are to be mailed, most ly to people living within 200 miles of Salem. The date will de pend upon the weather and sea son. . For the various trips to be tak en this summer, Harley O. White, King Bln'g. appointed the follow ing committees: Transportation: W. M. Hamilton, chairman, E. A. Kurtz and K. B. Kugel;Ways and Means, C. F. Giese, chairman, O J. Myers and Otto Hartman; Stunts, A. A. Gueffroy. chairman; A. J. Rahn and Rex Sanford. HEAVY SEAS RAKE SHIP ' ; . , " ; . .. VESSEL LYING ON ROCKS; STORM MENACE GROWING . PRINCE RUPERT. B. C, March 9 (By .The Associated Press). - The U. S. S, Boxer continued this afternoon to lie on the rocks 25 miles south ot here. Heavy seas were beating upon her and a rain storm was raging. She struck Saturday. iiD SEATTLE HMD Mrs. 3ertha K. Landes Is Conceded Victor Oyer Dr. Edwin J. Brown AFPR0VE MANAGER PLAN New Mayor, Because of Change in City Government, Will Serve Only as Head of City Council SEATTLE, March 9. (By As sociated Press.)- Complete unof ficial returns ; tonight gave Mrs. Bertha K. Landes a majority , of 5784 over Dr.,' Edwin J. Brown, incumbent, in; her race for mayor. Complete unofficial . returns cut down the lead of approving votes on the city manager plan to 653, the total vote being: For 37,135: against 36,482. The total vote on the mayoralty was: Mrs. Lan des 48,705: Brown 42,921. The charter revision proposal was ap proved 32,844 to 28,450. SEATTLE. March 9. Although Seattle today voted to make Mrs. Bertha K. Landes, president of the city council, mayor of the city dur ing the term beginning June, 7, she will serve in that capacity only as head of the council. For the voters also approved changing the form of Seattle's city government to a city. manager. plan, abolishing the elective office of mayor on that date. As president of the council, Mrs. Landes becomes mayor for the formal purposes of welcoming con ventions, signing ordinances, and other official acts, but the city ad ministration will be directed by a (Continued on 2) DEBATERS GIVEN LEAVE SCHOOL BOARD GRANTS ONE MONTH FOR JOURNEY Permission for a leave of ab sence not to exceed one month was voted by the school board Tuesday evening to be officially extended to the members of the Salem high school debate team for their coming debate with Sa lem, Massachusetts. It was suggested by one of the members that only three weeks be extended unless the team should win the debate, upon which the members would be al lowed the full month. Dr. Olinger, chairman of the .board, . pointed out there would be enough sor row any how if the debate should be lost. ' A motion was passed by the board extending Superintendent George Hug authority to hold Or lando H. Horning, debate coach, personally . responsible . for the money being taken in . on the tickets for the local end of the debate. Mr. Horning' is an expert accountant,, , . A meeting of the debate com mlttee of citizens has been called for this afternoon. The . members will .discuss ways and means of making successful the. drive for 11500, necessary to Bend the local team east.. , , ; ) , RUDOLPH DENIES RUMOR ; r w n 1 1 I..- , i IKHKik WILL, NjOT MARRY, HE SAYS; WAGER AT STAKE HOLLYWQODh Cal-, March 9.- (By. The .Associated, Press)-? Ru dolph Valentino,, the film actor. whom Pola.Nejri said three days agovshe would marry perhaps denied today that he was to wed i nJu.'k - - . : "Wo hi nnt fvi We have :not even discussed marriage," Valentino said. In one sentence. . "It I. get. married be fore 1930 It will cost me $50,- 000," he continued in another. lie explained that he had made a bet with" Si .Manuel Reachi. of. Paris that be would not wed before that date., j ' ,tl.Jf :':rf flJt ,-::t. t; EMILIE F; BAUER DIES EDITOR OF .IUSICfL, LEADER . naa n i n vniMjUA toil . c . ft.NEW YORK, March 9. r-i (By The Associated Press); Emille F. Bauer, for 20 years Kew York editor "of, the JUusical Leader of Chicago djed her,, borne today. W iss iiaue,r : also wrpte masic. un- per the name . of Francesco DI i Born in Walta' Walla, Wash., she first, wrote musical criticism for the Portland t)regonlan. For six 'years she was musical critic Seattle's Mayor With a lead of approximately OOOO votes over Dr. Edwins. Brown, present mayor of Seattle, Mrs. Bertha K. Landes early .this morning was conceded the. .elec tion following the announcement of the unofficial results, of the balloting. At present Mrs.. Landes is president of. the council. ghe I wnn natinnal attention a vrar luro when in th absence of the mavor she served as acting mayor and flrMl th rhipf of nolire because be wouldn't clen n" th citv. "v w 1 ntWAnU IS Ur-f-tKtU fUK ni i-rr-no nr rvni rrl c 1 rLHmir.no ur CArLUOIVLI DESCHUTES COUNTY APPRO-1 oniiTra Ci-( exn crrji I State Reward Likely, Levens Says, Dry Agents Win Decision in Case uwu, ure., Marcn ite- waru w ou lor me arrest ana conviction of any person who may have been Implicated in the dyna- m m ersv a mm mne explosion nere yesteraay m wmcn me lives oi a nnmuer oi persons were endangered, was ot- j fered this afternoon by the De- scnuies county court. State Prohibition Commission- er W. S. Levens, who is in BendMitK vv h th. nti-, iu.hiiii conierrea wun . tne memoers pi the county court and said that he wouia present tne matter to Gov-1 ernor Walter M. Pierce with the possioiiity mat ne wouia oiler a similar reward. is iii in u, ore., March 9. c. C. McBride and A. F. Marriot, state! prohibition officers, were awarded uewsiuu ujr s jury m circuit court aere tnis evening, in a dam- age action . for, $5000 brought! against, them by W. H. Egbert, local restaurant owner. Egbert in his complaint, charged, assault and false arrest of himself by the oincers on me evenmc or Janu- ary 15. The Jury deliberated less than half an hour. The case last ed for two days. W. S. Levens, state prohibition commissioner attended the trial and was one of the witnesses for the defense. BILL SEEN" AS MENACE OREGON TO OPIOSE CHANGE IN INTERSTATE GROUP . Oregon's delegation in congress Tuesday was urged by. the public service commission to oppose .pass age of a bill increasing the mem bership of i the Interstate ..com- masa rnmrnteolAn t r fnsinthnrt and districting the United States liJ iV AVUVOi : r - - 1 ' Under the proposed act . one zone would, j include Washington, Oregpn and j California, with.- one member of j tne interstate . com merce representing the three states, , . . -we oeueve me u, bill,' read a telegram sent to the We believe the passage of this Oregon delegation in congress, would prove very detrimental to the best toterestsof Oregon and would make ineligible .for ap- pointment or reappointment. many able men including Commissioner Aitchlson of Oregon.. We, urge you to oppose passage of the MIL" OLYMPIA, Waah .March wy ia the truck, later abandon- (By Associated Press j.-MDpposi- tag it when they seised an auto tion : ;td ' 1 reportedj prpppsal tp yoUe from an Atlanta woman. amend the law so as to require ' ' . T" 1 appointment Of members of the NEWSPAPER. CASE IS SET ipterstate i commerce - commission f fi f . ,. . , , L from sones Js expressed in letters QUESTION." OF- PUBLIC RLU- being sent out .by the department I of : public works . to .the larger chambers of ; -commerce of the state. PASS DEATH jSENTENCEi A:i.TU it 'i V APRIL , COURT SAYS 7 . ; I i "5-;: KlXALE,.Ot ; March S.tBy The asBociaiBu -icpoj. -: iluw Copy must-nang Apru tS.iprjuji - ingSUerur. Austin .uooamaik. vox Harney unty in August, 1924. Sentence had been pronounced for a .second time on, Cody, whp -lost an appeal to the state supremo court for hi3 conviction. ' ERiT ENTERS PREP TOURNEY BaKer and Astoria 1 Here, Other Teams Expected to Arrive During Day v LOCAL ft EST FOR Weet Astoria and Med ford Present Formidable List of Wins; , . . - i - . .-. Teams Represent Ore- r gons Star Players ;, ; By Don Deckebachi -It is now a sure thing that Grant high school .of: Portland will enter I the . tournament In Salem tnis week, .This was announced in a teiepnone message late yesteraaT om. wct-aagnim 01 vorvai- I118 - secretary. of the. Oregon High m x w cnooi Aiiueiic , association, xnc- eight out of nine other teams en- i-ereu- ia vue lournameut -, enxijr Tuesday afternoon, and then for warded, the .Invitation ,tp. Grant,' which was accepted after i Grant's claim to the title of the Portland league naa ,Deen,assurea. McLaughlin high of District 2 is the probable team which Grant will play, on account of being the odd five in the tournament. If this is carried out, the winner of I the Grant-McLanehlin srame will Dl-y the winner of the. Medford- jMarshfield tilt. The Winner of this game , will then go. against either Eurene or .The Dalles, denendinr ' Mn wnich U victor in the 9:20 a. m: uvMm m Tha nnir ui go tQ the finals onJ Saturday night at 8:30 o'clock. If this arrangc- Iment is not -satisfactory i to Mr- I Lauchlin .hiah..whieh ia now on l will have to be re-drawn this mor- ning. j" h - Teams to arrive in-town Tues f dav vta Raker and Antoria ria ker .came, in neari noon; while As toria. registered : in -.the afternoon' Others will srriva tridav -Further doDe secured on Med. ford and Astoria scores that these- I teams are not to be laughed at. tin me season just completed. Med- I ford nas taken 13 consecutive games, garnering 394 tallies to her onoonents 1631 On the other I hand Astoria has also blared and I won 13 consecutive Karnes with her points established at 433 to H7i . .; . . - . The games played by these teams were' never lop-sided, and (Contiand rg S.) , SIX CONVICT fesCAlPE GUARD NEAR DEATH,. PRtSO.T- ,ER DYING FROM SHOTS . . ATLANTA, Ga.Y March S.-(By Associated Press. ) Six men were wounded, two probably.' fatally, -when six convicts wrested a pistol . from a guard and began a general fight on a . county; prison motor i truck: on the outskirts of the city tonight.' .. . - P. P. Kewsom. a guard,-was not fLlfj! " f?f Pis-, of the mutineers, was dying from buckshot iWpunds, received during the try for freedom. : ,. , , .Guy Re id and. J. L, Bar field, two guards. . Buff ere4 brnAses s . a re. sult of beatings administered by i the . convicts who ,dverppwered; ,heif wds M - y retQrced tPOCk from th d9Vi Inr nf. , . ,er aQd Ro wu,,,. .ackj!not woundg wben Reid and. flred shotguns, after the i , l i ¬ L i Tt,t JmwM. -Mil -f- imighu Tt;r left - their L vnnnA(tA mniMniAn ni ii.-w'- ORD3 SLATED TO BE HEARD I Arguments will be heard in the state supreme court here today ia mandamus i proceeding? filed, by the , Bend-Publishing company to compel J. IL Haner, county clerk if nesr.hntp.S entlntv. to mnVo M - MT"rd.fcmUnML or. Infraction ;lby rescat&tim;Qt..tii8,rrBS. f l .The. Bend- pnbllshias ccz:ran I. tigged that renorters emr!fl I by tne -newspaper werp ref i. ? i 1 access to the records cf tha Csi tfendant's office.. ITr. . I"--r r- 1 tends that he acted . ittia I rights when he refnssi to r:- jpufclie cert i La , !-! .r itnouga it v, 3 c a r Iar1 w?? ' A jrprk f 9T Tix act oc Jt Is In a Lindsay hospital, . ' j of the Jfew qj& TTk a lnf Mail,