The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 07, 1926, Page 7, Image 7

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    Tim oiiegoh ta.Tuj1iai i, galeu, celiac: ;..:?.
a Vi
i ti
Some of the Many Things Leading Polk ; County Farmer
r and Jersey Breeder Saw in Making an-Automobile
Tour, Going as Far. East as Council Bluffs, lowa-f-He
Likes Nebraska, But Longs for i the Great and
Peautif ul State of Oregon, Where People Are Neigh-
JLpriy ana. www now 10 Live v
Editor. Statesman: VJt . .
I made no promises when I hit
the trait to the sunny south. Jani
7. Howerer. it is possible omS
of your; young . rearfers and the1
older ones also, who have not had
the opportunity to ramble around!
may be interested a little in what
I may .say. Just at present, Feb
23, I am In my, sister's home at
Seward, Neb., one hundred miles
est and north of Omaha, Neb.,
listening In orer the radio to the
Henry Fields Seed, company .of
.Shenandoah, Iowa, who hate put
' on a 430-hour continuous radio
program, which started .yesterday
at noon. Now listen. This is a
musical ' and rocal program with
announcements between numbers.
Also announcing congratulations
by wire! upon the different num
bers rendered, also rotes wired for
favorite numbers, which so far
hare" exceeded 200,000 telegrams
which have been received from
every atate in; the Unios?and all
classes of musical Instruments are
represented, and I must say the
program la certainly interesting.
Now don't misunderstand me. The
program has been continuous, no
let up last night. Now, you Web-,
footers'; can yon equal this radio
service. Mr. Fields owns his own
station. I am still lojral 'to ur
old coast state, but I can .also say
a word of praise to the state of
Nebraska and Its good? people.
They 'inject you more-A long
time friend rather than a stranger;
The agricultural and lire Stock In
terests, (especially. ' jpenj, .wheat
beef cattle, hogs and chickens, are:
the principal resources.' Sheep are
also fed on a very extensive scale.
Dairying Is of only settonjdaty imi
portance. . The methods used "are
lWwrne Tha dalrv cows are
not as a genera) rule .tabled., pf
nights and the feeding is not np to
date, with the majority of the
dairymen. The weather condl--
tlons, since. 1 have been here, since.
.renruary 7. nave neen very nice
nothing what like I expected; low
est temperature 10 above tero,
highest 40: some wind t times.
A week' ago a know storm with a
three 'Inch fall with wind. ; -You
coast people probably received the
news. As a Nebraska blizzard it
appeared rather tame to- me, in
factrfljfVather enjoyed the snow
stortQi However, Itwas like our
Oregon snow; it was gone in about
three 'days. I must say I have
enjoyed my stay here very much.
I do not wish to be personal, but I
am feeling better than'; I. have
been (or fire years. So much for
Nebraska climate. However, one
sad accident has-marred my "Tisit.
The nextday-after I'arrived here
Oa that days travel we saw only
about 1000 cattle, where it should
carry many thousands. The cat
tie are very t bin In flesh. As we
travel on Into New Mexico we see
many wonderful Igbta Arriving
In ; Santa Fe, we stopped over one
day. f This gave me an opportun
ity to see some very ' interesting
sights in the oldest museum build
ing in the United 's States,'.? 1300
years old. and the most . Interest
ing.! ever saw on account of the
age of the exhibits. There were
stone tablets dating back 2400
years B. C, which part of the
Scriptures were translated from.
This; building was constructed ; of
mud In 1605, and was used by the
early governors of New Mexico till
1887. The old San Miguel cknrch
6f mud construction is located In
this town. The , building is 385
years old), it was reroofed 96 years
ago and 'Is' still in a good state of
preservation. There are still a
my. 18-year. old nephew was se
riously burned by the explosion of
black powder while blasting logs
open for.woqd.' ltle Jiaa been In.the
hospital 4 now for two i weeks,1 but
possibly may loss one- eye. The
other In time will.. become-, norpial.
Dropping back to'the timers left
home, I had purchased my ticket great many buildings of mud con-
for Palmdale, Cal., In the Mojave I struction and Spanish design;
desert. I arrived there the morn-1 however the Americans use only
lng of the 9th on a very cold and! modern buildings. I haven't
frosty morning. I had Intended! space to go in details of the many
spending the winter on this desert. I interesting sights to be seen here.
However.- 1 Miildn's- find 4.a. (The ! only Vay to know- what is
commodatlnn. I ,.iiht ih firrnt nere is to see them. Now I will
leave in is pi ace aou nurrioui i-
stage for Las Angeles, then to
vel on, for I have many days tra-
Irf HAIR IS- DRY ; !
Phoenix, Ariz. I .am getting a lit-ve before I reach my destination
tie ahead of my story. Through! We drop Into little narrow val-
the central part of California It leys ; with many Indian villages,
was foggy and had been (or three which are mostly little mud huts,
weeks and they expected another The population is mostly Indians
three weeks. ; However, on the and Mexicans. We crossed one
desert it was clear, Wi and dry. edge of the painted desert, which
The afternoons were -wam itill Is worth many miles drive to see,
sunset,, then cold all night. This and the mountain ridges on either
desert Is a high table land or pla- side! of this narrow valley; were
tean with 2500. feet elevation,. en- certainly very beautiful with their
tirely surrounded by higher moun- red rock with a scattering of low,
tains, never any fog, and seldom squatty pine trees, and a sprinkle
any rain. The settlers Informed of snow on them. ; The afternoon
me there had -been no tain for sun shining on them 'made a per
three years, hence no water for ir- feet picture which would be d ir
rigation, the only water available cult for an artiat to do Justice to.
was from a few wells, 400 to 600 - - .
feet deep, and there were only a Back a little to 21 miles cut of
few people able financially to drill Santa Fe Is a hill where they
inch wells. The others would buy carved a road out of a solid ragged
and haul water from those who rock blaff with a rise of 700 feet
had wells. Fruit trees in this val- In 1H miles, and the crookedest
leley. now called Antelope valley. & I ever traveled. It is a safe,
were .suffering from moisture: with a rock 11 on
The atmosphere was so clear here the outer side of . the road. This
that th .tor. a niwAf aH tn tut nnW Is between Stata Fe and Albuquer-
a short distance up. - The valley Qe. 3 " ine rB, p
fa Anira iawai anil .waii ii ka I hare BODken of in my letter Ou
with moisture. California Is back through New Mexico to the north
to normalcy. I we reach Ratan and the last town
We will now Jump over into tn New Mexico, wo op oyer
Arizona. I. awoke at a railroad mgnt. ana, a reuei io
Junctions Maricopa, which is in the white people once more. This Is
desert proper. But a short run a nice mtie town oi auuu peopie
brought us to irrigated alfalfa and at the foot of Raton Pass, which
hni. mvimrtr,a viva I rises to a height of 7800 Teet.
WVllU U UW.I. I -
Iet,oThIs shallow river crosses the This is a coal mining district.
desert.'" rxom nere we soon ytua iw cooi
ftiThe watter for Irrigation pur- ern Colorado . We are now get
poses comes from the Roosevelt ting Into a better stock country
lake and there Is nothing raised and a little further on farming by
without Irrigation. They claim irrigation, which is rolling, fertile
250,000 acres under ditch, but the land. On through Pueblo, which
water supply I very t low; bttt llt- ;ls a very smoky town where large
tie; snow on the Twatraahedtffit iron-smelters and steel mills are
supplies this Jake;' wfth water, located; Night finds us in Color
There are nice citrus fruits grow- ado Springs,: nestling at the foot
lng near Pheonlx. oranges, lem- of Pikes Peak. It Is Just a large,
ons, figs, dates.; grapefruits and rough, rugged, flat top mountain
grapes., also pecans, peaches, aprl- instead of a single-peak. Color
cots, pears, in favored spots. Ore- add Springs is a real city, nicely
gon cherries in season retail at 40 laid out with wide streets, nice
to 50c per pound. Great quantl- residential buildings, and the play
ties of melons, grown- In season,- place for the -Central states oraca
also lettuce. 7 I aw one farm that tlonlsts In the summer time. 1
produced 600 acres pf-lettuce. - Jtt alsd havef aliens in love with this
the alfalfa districts sheep and cat- place r Lf-t-.v.n t
tie ift large numbers are brought Again we crank; up our Littles
In for winter feeding 'I visited and go on through Greeley, which
one large feeding 'esUblUhment bas been a great seed poUto dls
where 1500 cattle were kept in trict. Denver la our next stop, for
feed lots This plant was very ex-1 aoout two nours s very nice
tniv. Their feed arlndlne and 1 city with extensive ; stock yards.
mixing tilant.kent 15 men busy, i However, it was Friday ana tne
The ration consisted t ground al-1 yards were almost clear of stock.
flfa. cotton seed, barley, molaas- This country is sugntiy roiling, un
This farm conUIned 3000 Ito.tne norm as we xravei me iana
I also went" Into the mln- Rets poorer, and we see some
I will, be able t to see :and know
more about It later, for on my ire
turn trip will go through 'Wyom
ing, Montana,' Idaho. ' Washington,
In all ten states. Including a stop
into Council Bluffs, which is just ;
across .the Missouri river from
Omaha. Council . Bluffs is built I
on the level land Just off from the
river . a short distance. It is a
Very, old clt. ; Practically all , of
the business; part Is located on
one long street leading back to a
bluff, or as It is called here, a hill.
and where the fertile rolling state
of Iowa spreads before you to the
north, east, and south,; with the
river on the west. .-4 I
Before ye editor casts this to itr
final .resting , place, the . waste
basket, where it belongs, as it is
already too long, a little more for
Nebraska. The more I see of this
state he more praise I believe it
Is entitled to. , After some sixty
years of farming the land Is still
rertlle. However, it n e e d s a
change In the present methods of
farming for best results. My bro
ther-in-law feeds ZOO hogs and
buys corn to feed, and on two oth
er farms the tenants feed about
100 cattle each with some hogs.
There was a public sale of regis
tered Duroe and Hampshire hogs
at this town. The Duroca sold at
an average of $148, the Hamp
shires at $83. The quality was
extra good. We are on the air
here with the radio, and we get
everything from the Rocky Moun
tains to the Atlantic ocean, and
from the Mexican border to Can
ada, but so far have been unable
to get anything on the Pacific
coast. So you must be washed
away or froze up.
Hurrah and good bye to Nebras
ka, and hello to Oregon, the state
that is kissed by the setting sun
at the mighty ocean, where we all
enjoy life.
(W. O. ("Billy") Morrow Is one
of the prominent farmers and fine
stock breeders of the Salem dis
trict, his specialty being pure bred
Jersey cattle. His address is In
dependence, and his farm is about
nine miles west of Salem, near
Rickreall. Ed.) S
Your Home Garden
What I Home Without a Garden? Timely Matter and IUastnttioBs
FtirniftlHHl ' by the- .National. Garden Bureau, ISO North Wells
Street, Chicago; Especially for -the- Amateur Gardener of the
Salem District-.:; -v -,f - ,.: Jr,-- -? -j
C-:- :i
of Oregon,' and Is a feature of the,
annual Jersey jubilee. The dates
for. the shows are; j Lane county.
May T; tJnh ounty, May 19;
Marion. . May '20:; Polk. May .21.
and ' Clackamas, May 22. I
. VA large number of breeders and
Others Interested In the . Jersey
industry in Oregon attended the
Independence 'meeting, j and two
Jersey calf clubs were organized
among the school children, follow
ing a discussion of the club work
in i the county. Paul Spill man
county agriculturist,- and-County
School Superintendent Wills took
an active part In the organising
of the-- junior . associations oi
which "there are now, three in Polk
'County. " :- ; ' i " . ..
The annual ppring shows havf
come to be recognized as perhaps
the most important of all the Jer
sey cattle club affairs, and are
held In connection with the an
nual jubilee celebration and as a
preliminary to the state fair in
What kind of a vegetable gar
den do -yon want? That Is the
main item to decide before order
ing seeds. Most people have their
particular likes and dislikes and
if they followed sterotyped advice
to grow a balanced vegetable gar
den there will be portions of the
crop not particularly wanted.
Sometimes ' a gardener overruns
himself with summer squash or
string beans. The idea is to pick
the vegetables you like best and
grow onry these if your space is
limited. ?
A salad and greens garden is a
favorite with many suburban
dwellers. ; ' They . can buv the root
crops in the market very readily.
For this garden seeds of peppers,
tomatoes, lettuce, and cucumbers
will be wanted for salads.- Cab
bage for both greens and salads.
spinach. New Zealand spinach.
Swiss chard, beets and kale, for
an all-season supply of greens and
endive, both the broad-leaved.
Girls' just must curl and wave
bobbed hair to appear their pret
tiAt. But constant curling and
waving burn and dry the luster,
vitality - and Tory .life j from tlje - . - ' "- '
To offset these bad effects. Just
ret a 3 5-cent bottle of delightful.
refreshing ; "Danderine".. at any
at, .rnm or toUet counter and
Just see for yourself how quickly
it revives dry, brittle, lifeless, and
I'-'Danderine" ' is dependable
tonic and wiU do wonders for any
.i,!'. h Air. : It nourishes, stimn-
lates and strengthens-each single
hrtnalnr back that youthful
i glean, glint and rigorous luxuri
ance. Falling nair siop uu u
liimrf lisannears. -Danderine i
pleasant and asy to nse. -Adv.
Revered Elk Passes Sud
denly On Stroke of 11,
Loss Is Mourned
The stroke o eleven carried a
brother Elk to the pages of mem
ory, Friday night, March 5. Wal
ter B. Chance of 992 North Cot
tage street, suffered a second
stroke of paralysis. He has doc
tored f Qgright'a disease for
more thjan a year
Mr. Chance was born- in Senecia
county, Iowa, ; October; 20, 1886
At the age of 17 his parents
Turns Right Out Itself
curly and French for late fall and
winter salads. ,
Celery is an excellent crop to
pur inj after the spinach. The
Chinese cabbage, or as it is usual
ly called, the celery cabbage,
should surely be Included for late
fall salads or greens. It Is really
an overgrown mustard and not a
cabbage at all.
Lovers of Lima beans ought to
be getting poles .ready and start
ing the seeds either in the house
or in - the frame the last of the
month. Gardeners vho want a
full supply of limas now plant
them indoors and transplant to
get full crops. They must be
planted eye down either indoors
or outdoors to be sure of germin
ation. Now is the time to decide what
the family wants most in the fresh
vegetable line this summer and
look over the lists and select.
This is the paper gardening season.
' Eugene Work to begin soon
on 12-stall Southern Pacific round
i Vassal" College has been given
an anonymous donation of $75,
000. The money was given for
the erection of a demonstration
clinic in.; connection wlth-the re-;
eentiy established course in eugen
ics at: the college. f
Who Is Your Skinny
Friend, Ethel? ,
Tell him to take Cod Liver O'l;
for a couple of months and get
enough good healthy flesh on his
bones to look like a real man. 1
, Tell him, it's the only way to
take I those grave-like I hollows
from his , cheeks and neck.
Tell. him he won't havi to swsl-r.
low the nasty oil with the nause
ating fishy taste because the Mc
"oy Laboratories of New York are
now putting up Cod Liver Oil In
sugar coated tablet form.
Ask fori McCoy's Cod Liver Oil
Compound! Tablets -J. C Perry,
Central Pharmacy, D. J. Fry and
every druggist sells them 60 tab
lets 60 cents. Any man or wom
an can put on five pounds of
healthy flesh in 30 days or your
dfuggist Is authorised, to refund
the purchase price, ' 1
One woman put on 15 pounds In
six weeks. Children grow robust
and strong feeble old people feel
younger In a few. weeks. I .
Be sure and get McCoy's. t
original and genuine and avoid
Imitations. Adv. ! -i
moved to Oregon.. He worked for
the Southern Pacific railway and
later acted as deputy labor com
missioner of Oregon.
Lovingly nicknamed "Dad" he
has been an active member of the
BPOE, AF & AM, Knights' of
Pythias, Order of Eastern . Star
and has been a member of the
Methodist church, for 28 years.
- He Is 'survived by his wife, nee
Delia Robnet. and two children,
Mrs. D. W. Knapp of Eugene and
Walter Jr. of Salem; by a sister,
Mrs. P. A. Goodwin of Albany,
and: a brother, HO. Chance of
Agania, Guam, L. I. . . y
i The funeral will be held lit Al
baaytlrst Method let-churehr Rev.
Thomas Acheson of - Salem Jasoh
"Lee Methodist - church officiating,
Sunday at 2:30 p. m. His friends
are all: welcome.' 1 -":
Annual County Spring Show
Will Be Held at Indepen
dence on May 21
At a maeting in Independence
Saturday plans were made for the
annual county spring Jersey cat
tle show to be held In Polk Coun
ty on May 21. The show will be
held in Independence as it was
last; year. -. ;
" The annual, spring Jersey show
is participated In by five counties
; -.jii-..... .
' 75 -I
ler tfcla trial
.llr-tlB. 11
warth SlS. '
GtlA BltOS. is,.
D . ,
After '
mt Peraaaal
- Wark.
1 ' ft. Prto Pkt.
farrat. Orcon ChtiitMH.lte
Cabbaa-a. Orcaun Ba!Uad.le
Sweat Cam. Oaid.n Early -
Market ..16
Mweat Cam. Karl 7 UarkeUlSe
sweet Car, improved
Oolden 'Bantam ....... le
Parsain. Sueeeaa . . . vf. .le
Beet. GiUV Early MoJl..l(k
Pampkla' Oranse Winter
Luxury ....jr..'.-).;.. .
Spinach. Mammoth Mar
ket ...... .va.. ..!...'. 0
oaaeh. Oo(rfen Ee1leltu I
Tan at a. Qilfa SeUcted
KrUaaa . . . . . .Wi t.
Total Value .SIOS
Try this collection, at it
will givtryow?an Id fa .
otu actd stock. ;
- I f -r-
Thle ta the rkBewMcea l4r aan
N a rt k treat grawera far a aaala erap- wtater " :
eabaaae e kave at elope thta atrala atll -It
e-ela all atbera far eallalty, raalataaea ta
aahla ar freeae laiarr. It la. aaeatlaaakl-
the beat eabbaire tar crattaa mt aeaeeal aar- v. .
ket aaraaaea. The eater teavee are aeea a; rem
a will kald their ealor weeba after ratllat. .
It Is the beat beeaer el all, mi every a la at ,-...
will aeaa aalld) If alvea half m abaw. It will
ataaa later plaatlaa; tbaa aay wtater aert aaff.
atlll areiara aalTdj beada. Mere mt ear aeed, of
tbia variety la pla a ted la tba Nerthweat. tbau i
aay ether klaa for wlater eabbase, Pkt. IJeii.
aa. v la. SOOt la. MAS v -r- - "
Smi tar
Ulale -Z.
Gill Bros.
Seed Co. . ;
IP. OS. 2 MoflUUletaitoflL. V V ,
acres, i aiso went, into iub iuiu- r a few drons of "Outeo" in the
lng district of Superior, Miami and snow, and before wreach Wyom. f? V Th? Ingrowing niu re!
riak. wbi.h iit iha mountains I lng considerable snow, and colder
125 mUes west of Phoenix. There 1 Many miles out irom uneyenne we
was about two inches of snow In could-see ; a smdke stack, wnrcn
h. m.,r,taina -aThich made' the appeared ta he oniy aoout. iwo
people'feel happy; for Tit would -crei miles distant but' it proTed near-
ate a little moisture. I countea i mnes.
w.eiAtia. nf cets in this lng was corered with snow. There
country; one kind "which will did not appear to be anythinr hut J
reach the height of 5T feet Tboe 8"ng 7C JS. Z
nix at first sight is hot very pleas, eighty miles to,, tha north Ihere
lng to the eye but as you look a goou imga
around more you see some nice
buildings and the north part of
town. Is a Teal nice residence sec
tion. LiTlng Is reasonable here.
The people do not toot their own
horn much. . Sunshine Is one of
their assets. A great. many peo
ple come heref lor their health,
but not as many as you would ex
pect to find. ' V
Three weeks in . this place ana
we start by auto for a 1300 mile
trlpi We first go north across
the desert and in the mountains.
The first night we stop oyer at
Flagstaff, 7000 feet eleration Tery
nice little lumbering. town with a
little snow. . Now we are i going
east. A short j.; drire1 the next
morning and we reach a great
broad plateau stretched before us.
We traveled all day orer janch
country; would be a great grat
ing country only for fthe tyckj pt
moisture. In the past this coun
try has-been stocked too hearily.
duces inflammation and pain and
so toughens the tender, sensitive
skin underneath the toe nail, that
it can not penetrate the fleshand j
the nail turns naturally outward j
almost over night.
"Outgro" Is a harmless antisep
tic manufactured for chiropodists.
Howerer. anyone can 'buy from
the drug store a tiny bottle con
taining directions. Adr.
pMM,,,,,a,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaM , bbbbbb fafteaaaa SSgSSW " fBBS aMata ataSg
Wree toting ballot J
This ballot is good for 100 votes for tha "candidate in
KThe Oreiron Statesman Subscription Campaign, whose ;,
' ' . I TV- ,f -fnlA - Trim
name Js written on it. Do not fold. ' Trim.
Name -Address
a a JbmL
.Now is tKe tixne to order for this spring's
plantings. I Wfe bffer you a most complete
line of good 'varieties in Apples, Cherries,
Pears AimcotsV Peaches, Plums,' Prunes,
Quinces, Jmonds, Walnuts, Filb e r t s,
Small FruiU,,etc: "
ornamental: trees, shrubs, etc.
r Every home Is .made - more valuable and more
" 1 ; attractive by a suitable planting of Ornamental . .
i' Trees and Shrubs..T7ny delay? The sooner you
iV get the plants set out the better development .
tw uriii ma1ca v this i summer, and. the 'more
pleasure you wUF derive from them. ,
: Cut Out This Ad : j
On an order oMlKOO or more; placed for this spring's
planting, this Ad accompanying your order gives you a
$1J00 credit. : ; " . L , : .
: . .'.r r ? address "
Gregpn Nursery Company
Orenco, Oregon
, - ;
I f trrivii ira vnn xarmitrl n ft jht rlenrived of it for anv amount of money. Then think ,
what it will mean to your, own children when tjtiey grow up. Anyone who performs ;
wtl on the nianr, is a much sought after person, and we are sure if you knew what it
really meant to your child's, future you would come down tomorrow and buy arpiand
and give them a musical education. We sell pianos of real merit on terms'; almost.;
like Vent. Anyone can afford; a piano here. J' .
.- r
7t M
n-1 t
i .
This Beautiful.
Baby Grand
,6rie of the bid standard makes, and it doesn?t take v
any more room, than an upright piano" I 'J'
25 Down $15 a Month or Your Old Piano Taken
f r as first fayment
y.-';li. f as first rayment - . . t . ; . .... ,u
f vWefhave a complete neJ.of. AmpicosA recreates the,' artist's
1 wxirk.You positively cannot tell, its playing from that of the artist. Come in, Ict.iT
V-irive you -a concert.' ' Vf T: hll!llllXr , -
; 432,; i; VE0; ' WlEfcl' ' 432 Stata "
t s
- i-
- --Your Leading Music Dealer For 45 Years ,
. We Have a Large Stock of Used Pianos From 575 Up
Salem. Oregon
' 4 -V
if '