The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 07, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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she oegq:t.stai:z:;.;, om:ao:r
f . !
; it
I It I
: i
Oregon Leon' ErroTitf "Clothes
Makethe Pirate." -r s ' H
ITeilig Zaxu Pitta in ."Wages
For.WIves.,v t
Bligb- vwho Cares' and ? fire
acts vaudeville.- - r -! - .
and accompanied them "home after
the evening's entertainment
After! the Long - f orm: initiation
had taken: place and . after merar
bers of the CAR had Japen admit
ted to honorary membership.' short
speeches- -were made- -br, the fol-H
lowing:" -Commander Newmeyer
of the GAR. P, Rutherford ;of
the Veterans of Foreign 'Wars.
IrlRacey Gideon Stols, John
' -"-1 f
' I tt t .. V I i ' -;-' -!- .i ...... .
Chewr a, few Pleasant Tablets,
, Stbmaca - Feels FJne I
i So rIeVWf,ad&expen.sive, so
quickS-tovsettle an upset stomach;
The moment? "Pape's Diapepsin"
reaches thej stomach all pain .aod
distress from indigestion or a sour,
rasRT stomach 'vanishes W
' Millions "know ltsinagic 1 AMI
flruggiBts Tecommeadi this-harm
less stomach "eorrectiTey-riilTiji V
J "-hV
would potretea.comft to Oeaera
f for he jpour purlers, with- Sir Ana-
t 'Vagr For .WiTes'yw flaying at thft IleUig theatre,, jb tne
latest of i the WillUm Fox screen pr9d actions, and is a version of
"Ctiickenf ed,n by, Gnr Bolton. The play is said to be uproariously
funny, .iiuu-ie anuxazi) inus are starrea in tne play.
Watson. Jamea Lisle. R. R, Jtyan, f Iflll TliriTnT Tfl -
sags? BLIfall THEATflE T0:-
fouver post,. and. Commander War
ten' dr the' Waldo CaUfield post of
Cregon?Cttyifr :'t--t ;',
tAiUuiWt, ..tfjeral George v 'A.
White r "was -the-prlaclpal speaker
of the eveningtalklng on 'Amer
)eanism.?Gbl3jpsAlirams past
commander 't - the Marion post,
and' 4:'S- Baker present comman-
Tne. ceremony .or lading, in. w
members of 'thfGAR Saturday
nrgtwas simigrto- tire eeienrony
Oregon City, -,whkh - recently ookr'
inta-! honorary menjpershlp, 1 the
jnetabers of the eafle-post'of the
1 1
f t y-ty
: I ... .. . k
LlJ a U S ULt 1 f U U w u . vjsf- dio ini th west. , .; y,v
lt- " " I
1 ? 'intys';' cri""i',T'1-" -f.;-v-'
High Class Vaudeville Is Of
fered Dancing and -Music :
: ; Headline Program : ' "
Today's. bill at the;BUgh theatre-
is dpite of the; season's best.. It
is full of co ndf. music and danc
ing. : Openinjg the bill are tb
tore .Sisters' and Rajrj who .offer
a dancing turn. , The feature in
their 'Offering is dancing upside
dpwn.-pr w ) . Vnv4 :i
jT Nnmber jtj4sLaur494d. ; L&
fAis.LB Dare with the .accordion
and herrpartnr:iwith-every Anstn
ment infthe catal6gue,rgo'lhrough.
rs(- serlesoL nvmberik U. -: s f
. . .The CiaytoA-ana urew. r-iayers
present i. a traTesty n oC5haikes
peare; '. Fire people maker np -! tpe
company. .They of fer their sketch
of the' public for larighing: pur
poses -oiiy.ft --j. SiriHiirt
number ' four is George Watts,
colored,! who dances his way into
the hearts of the audience. . J
ciosfn''!' ,the bill are Peres . and
La Flof; 'who Ap tumbling and
many daring stunts. ' ' " - V
Portland KGW broadcasting
station : dedicates -finest Mew stn
f f $10.00 Prixe
'"Monday "Evenlrt
ft test CharfiHiton .
rDaneerr' -.
- 4
-tf'TOpAY"ANp; MONDAY 4 f
t ; Don't Miss Our
5 1 - ehnrleston ' ; . ,
j Starts' Nextr Monday
' i 1". -.'- "t jt l
FOX, ... .. tSf?
f . ;v - presents; ; fs
rSieVIdHbh Bcturelxmon
ca Merry UJrama Based
Hm ricturef rrhat Has Taken AH
1 :r.-xv-
. sm. .. sr4s -. it- A".. TT-,. ViVM .111 ? . I . . I " I
N i f . -(Portland J3y Storm, V ; I " V25
1 if
m mm ii .
7 W
Tox Jffewsi
' Scenic -
. Fables V
Popular Orjaaisl .
0 'Ia'Cchcert: ;
1 , ; .... - w.
- -'IT'- - ":
mrnTrr t rnnv fFREncfrcRrsiSiis
VTwj;.' . r j j?iyr. aVlrirf
phicagO:Way- pa Chosen if
. Boxing Istliegaiiiedf OH
f CHICAGO", .JlarcS.vBy;
ground: f f or ;'thei , 4jrox!d.eajq
we(ight.'cJi4inp!onsWp.' ;boptY,bK
t'wee-a . :4ackU."mpsey ndj llAtfy
Wills wlil 'be-'Chicago if; jne'goUa
toons' started' here todajv r ,car
rjled :throuh"he "pt'. t-"1.6
staged und f ' the " auspice's foi the
S!lienm -Atlletlc Glbprovied
'law legalizing 'boxing pass-1
ea.aine .Apripiecuqn.'.' -,r."1
election ff Chicagd' vas thrf
se'ene't the ' battle was,4erlnlteiy
announced tohlgfibf TFToyd Flts
simmoits,vwlLolibias'Ca' oatrme
iot spempsey and 'Wills, aetrfee
tateK' cottflrmed bythA heayy
yelght champion himself. - '
i Dempsey also said tlhal Sheldon
Clark Chicago -sportsman end
rice president of the Sinclair Oil
Company i was fin anciaHy (interest
ed in tagtng the match. JJempsey
was Clarks 'guest at luncheon
Tb the- Chicago! Athjetio associa
tion yesterday-at whleb more than
one thousand Chicagoaaa'Wereia
dttendanoe.Lii: : -j,r jrib-f ; A
Excellent Comedy Is Based
ton ttie family iBariVroltrv
a"; Stari2azupittst .
H - " ' ;: v ; . '
' Mr. and itrs.' "Arerage "slortal
are going to ttee themselves in,the
moVles. at the Hellig; theater Jo
daj in "Wages for Wires, which
is announced a ji , , firm dramatua
Upn' orthe Jamily bAnkVblh-It fs
the Fox screen Versibii-of r"lh1ck-
enfeed tfythiy-jBoltoa,1 whiten-
jqyea.jan unosiiaiiy. successiui ran
on bsdwaxas a' stage: pfdyi? and
1 Ab might Ijs. gatlieTeaf torn ' the
Utle, "Wagei Jot ' Wves;,'deals
with ajrpblem as old as'maxrtage
itself vnethef ' husband-. should
divide hls'Vsiarr oWiiabisls
jrfth? his 5Nrife,'j or wfeiner ' ihft
should "be willing tolitfcepV WBaS
erer he feels'llke jflTfngrier,
j :f ajoueUne .'Loganhasf pole
of ther domestic stormyjietrpt end
Creightbn' H41e ithftt' Af- 'herihus-
Aand.' " Glatfde- Qiltogateir f ind
jaargarev seaoon reayr anovnjrsri
tJim ' Baite;nd ' Datid BtlM
piCta : a r typical' smatiftot'we-1
cre who(ajmrecialea;ia8if4hP4
Zasto Piiti. U cast ss. aVcUnglfig
(wlfe- and ; -Margaret' LiVlnisstdlta
th .ttlalf a a ntrkt3 i.r- '
. . . ... . - .V -- . .
ten Chamberlain andMbe German
.'8tAteiiBe;fednrning.the.. gtare
Lrpblem; of - jreconstractiilg'n the
league vCoubcIL ?whJch -are to pre
cede the'-openingbt' ta formal
e)sics4i Thls f t feeling i wa?, al
layed somewhat,. .Ispwerer, : by .the;
1 a t r anBouncement t h. a t' M.
Briand had decided o- leave , f or
GfneTaf tonight inVspite of the
collapse otT hi cabinet.- UThia ln
dicafes the importance, attached
tyr'the rreacb 1eaderv?td:tomtjr
row's; discussion .-not nly- for the
future-of - the league -but also or
the r program reconstruction
sad .reconciliation in Europe" be-
gnn ax ijocarao. v - . vi
,s Although; the French crisis and
the Strife. .within the league caused
by, -the clamor . pt , iTarlous coun-,
tries for -permanent seats In. the
cofuncll already werevsttfficient. to
occupy public interest. "new5 and ,-
disturbing, .element , crept into, tne
situation tonight to fire added
anxiety to the .friends of . tjbe
league. In the feeent attlttfde of
phina and Turkey ' tit connection
with league affairs these friends
now see the influence .Of BolsheVlk
R-ossia. .tf-xr4s-vi:,'A4"'V."i
i China, like Poland, Spain and
Brazil, has requested .election .t; a
permanent -seat en the -' council,
but Agoing - further than that,-- has
officially filed a demand for such
seat. -China specifically declares
that she wants a permanent place
"in case the council is enlarged,"
which Is interpreted here to mean
.that even if -the enlargement in
cludes no other .nations than Ger
man y China will stick--to the
righteousness : of (her .demand f .- :
- ; - , . . t ? ...
, . PORTLAND, March' 6. -Eugene
Bron;. 1 , oir ;Bend, was sentenced
toiiyf to-'serye aix mbntIftnVe'i
penal -institution , to - do named - by
thej attorney general. The - boy
pleaded guilty to 'robbing' a mail
bcotj near j Bend, .taking a letter
wjth far' ' check S enclosed'- be
looiittg to A. ; Dickson. ' The
iSirM 'repaid;.S?f1;r-
1 r-
JUNEAU. Alaaki,- March ft.
(AP.lThe. cast guard , cutter
Unalaga Jeit here today to go to
the relief W the, United States de-
partment of education,! schooner
Boxer, aground! at White Cliff Xs-
Rupert, BiC j "-. ' : , ; ;
-. J:-. J -
BakerImporUnt copper strike
reported (from, '.Goose- Creek dlsJ
trict. 1 V ?i ' m '
St. Helens-Thre shiploads
lumber seat but In one week.
-- i-f ... 'p
A t... .5.
. -i '! '.-Ii E
She Lanrbed! :
. ..Brooklyn rMrr. K. i Kummer
writes "Please take no Ucb ithat
Iv can write again. ' I .hare been
1trohled with .what I,- thought
Rheumatism. I ' laughed . when"
someone vStlggested -that I try;. Caiw
e Xdttle Lirer ills. f br,I neref
thonght , that my trouble, was con
stlpation. , About ( three f months
later I found' out t,lat X; am new
person. I am thankful to you for
the help your pills haye done tor
me" and ntr trlenda.fS' ''; '? y
CarUr's--Little Liver JPUlsv re
move; thevconstlpatioo' poison irom
iU systenwKot, habit uforming.
XlXTjgglsW, 25 & 75e red package
r"4XK : 'C.,- - - Adv.
JAlfrajs th JCest for Hellig
. ... -J. . VT... - . -
! -: - ;0, t; ' :
' . ' " i:':'V.-::m;C-HO. '
! Two Pr Cent Rddiictibn in :Ta2i 4,;
:'.: -:'iJEectiire:.:.-Waw-.i
mally does not become eftec-
lliismecmsm , i
j immefuate deliyeiy of a Nev : y
- "V - ':' ' : ... j. ' "-". j . ;
l if :':'. 1; ,a -; - : y.LEY ; MOT'O R lCQi3 T -- - - i !;; iv-' i
I : : .r;'v - "'!" - " 1 - I
, ' " 11 "" '' ' ''" '' "' 1 " i " i i i M..j i. ' J
T",,J,F"'',,,',,,3,," " Ml1
" i " .'') ii ." in n mmm ii,.. i nir ay iii n -win rutni ni T i . mi n i i ' -n .
1 -J !r-? 't.
: lLrkl m? Wsfe---' :; -has
CD ,
, ;Im. If.'
"OW that. Winter has goneand the j
'ny. iiew season bovrapidA-canre? ; I
.liiust kejiaee; in your home to rctabi. j
its charm I hd beatttyr With bcaiftif tl :
f arnitare alicssorjea propHlj
home with fjrratfWanjt) iasdnaidnV Oiir
vuv3 are repiexe ;,witn- counuess .-Ean-
geatipnsithat make, it worthwhile fcr.
, - Pyicesi ih'e jroad is easier .to .iravel'ln''
-Jnakjnofa "Jiappy ; decisibnV i f One' tarir n 'tl
help but be ehthuseii Uh such hQH;2f
Weas to complete your haDoinesa. '; :-v
;:;,;v'V'J " c'' ! -ffcjffSff Do you know wh-;:
K- ? ;k1 :r w S2iy0uf -'W -Hkettoi expiate. '"It only .akb" txh r ' ,
V ; -;: "!Jp:K v.'gWJSfftt Ka nutehell it means that whateveVyoli' fctiy r , -'
" : -C-v.; .noricky. ideas -ta-explain way...f,i :--,. -l;vA v; l'Ji
- t: :lv-.rr -s-u. Court Street Ar -:' -i- ii--.u
v -- '-.-'. ! ... ' " : ' i- '.'! - ' - -