The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 07, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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The; Engrave-Q-Graph
This Service Is Free to You Nothing to Buy
We have employed Miss Genevieve Campbell to "do this work, f Bring ini
' your pen, pencil or tooth' brash today . ' "
Cajpiidl Wug Store
1 K
State and Liberty
1 0nrWeatherMan I
r Cooler - "f'- Ji f
Fair, freezing temperature at
night; gentle northwest and east
-winds. Saturday Max 61;. Min.
33; River 4.8 falling; Rainfall
none; Atmosphere clear; Wind
north. ; : ' ' ! "
FaUs to Stop -
C. H.-Jknes was , fined $5 by
Judge iPoulsen Saturday upon
having been convicted of tailing; to
observe the stop street law.
Purebred Engllah Bulldog Puppies
For sale. 1055 Belmont street
Fined for OTerUme Parking
L. jL. Henry was fined 1 1 for
parking over, time, by Judge Paul
sen, t; ?! j !
Q ) J: . . I
,BMtnM Property- ;
4 Here's income'quarter block cut
to 126,000 that will net you 8 per
cent. . Investigation f will show' a
much greater value' and a certain
increase.! 10,000 to handle, bal
ance fat '8 iper-t cent. Others all
sizes' and locations,1 $1,500. on up.
Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High
street. - . ' mlO
i i-
Cherriams Meet -. if
, Members of the Salem Cherrian
club will' "meet -Tuesday i evening
in .the Auditorium of the Salem
chamber of commerce. A dinner
will be served at 6-: 30 o'clock.
General ' routine will be the order
of the evening;. . 1 j
Dr. Marshall, Osteopathlc
- Physician and Surgeon,
Boxing .Arnaoryi Arena - h
Wed.-March 108:30 p. m. Phfl
Bayes, Salem, 'vs. Allie Taylor,
Bend. ' Ten 3-minute ! rounds.
Snappy preliminaries. i ml
Case KIMwrntoscd' ' ; '!
The action brought against C
E. Barboer and Cecelia H. Bar
bour by Annabelle Lawrence, was
dismissed without : prejudice Sat
urday by Judge I. H: McMahan in
the circuit court. i !
Two licenses-Issned - T !
Two Vmarriage-l licenses -were
issued in the connty clerk's office
Saturday. They were taken out
by Benjamin W. Kebler.4 Jr., con
tractor, and Myrt Bartlett, both
of Albany," and Harlow L. Olsen.
landscape gardener, 435 North
Sixteenth street, and Lula Wolfe,
925 Union street. I
Porneroy Kceno
Jewelers and bptonustrtot ,
BaJem, Oregon , , !
Undented Typewriter Co.
Direct Factory Branch ! ;
519 Cosnrt Street Phone S02
Typewriters Rented, Soldj
-: Repaired - j ! -'
Special rental rates to student
Engraves Your Name on Your
-Pen, Pencil, Tooth Brush
Injunction Is Sought
Mrs. w . j. .porter nas niea a
complaint in the circuit court,
seeking an Injunction against A
Nickson, to prevent him from
connecting up -a sewer to her prop
erty. If the sewer' is connected
to her line, Mrs. Porter says, it
will' cause an overflow into her
Sunday Dinner
Salem Restaurant, 75c 12-8
p. m. - m7
Three-Room; House
-.With light, sewer, water, toilet,
sarage. On pavement. East
front. North Salem, S1050. $200
cash, balance $15 and interest
monthly. Socolofsky, 341 State.
Park Chosei
The Tuxedo Park, chosen unani
mously by residents of South Sa
lem as the site for the South Sa
lem school unit; is situated be
tween Howard and Oxford streets,
and is about half a block south
of High street. The site covers 15
Furniture Upholstery
And repairing. Giese-Poweri
Furniture company. , s20tf
Pop Corn Parent-Teacher
Association presents "Be An
Optimist," March 10, at Pop Corn
school. Admission, 15c and 35c
Inn Opened-
Minto's Chicken Roost Inn, lo
cated on Jefferson Way about five
miles' south - of Salem, has been
opened for business. The inn is
run by Frank Minto, Salem chief
ft police, and Mrs. Minto manages
the cooking. Fried chicken, sand
wiches and coffee are featured.
They raise their own chickens,
milk fed.
Elk's Dining Room
Special Sunday dinner from 12
to 8, 75 ceqts. ml
Salts Cleaned and Pressed
$1.25. Cash and Carry Clean
ers. Down town receiving office,
352 Chemeketa St. f21tf
Hotel Marlon
Dollar dinner, served 6:45 to 8
very evening. , J2tf
Low Stock Rate Lasts
' Railroads operating fn the state
of Oregon have notified the public
service commission that the re
duced freight rate' on purebred
livestock shipped in less than car
load lots will be continued during
the present year. The reduced
rate was established early in the
year 1925 and-applies to all pure
bred livestock used for breeding
purposes. The reduced rate was
You need Massage also latest
method of Radiant Sweat
Dr. Massage and Naturopath
1441 N. Com'l. Phone 628-J
:-v: Salem's Leading '" .j
Pays Cash For Fornltsre
rUwidence'aad StorW
1010 . North Sununec
r rfPHONESll
EstabUshed Since iDie
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
- EsUWishea-1868 i' i -
f Xh Oixloe Hors frorni 10 swnu to'8 p.,m-' ' C
Only the Best
based on 50 per cent of the old
charge. It was said that the Ore
gon railroads were the first .to
grant a reduction of freight rates
on purebred lirestock. Other
states have? since obtained a simi
lar concession.
Dr. White, Osteopathy
Electronic Diagnosis and treat
ment. m7
Childs & Bechtel, Realtors
Formerly at 540 State St., and
are to have . permanent offices in
the new Bligh bldg., are now. lo
cated temporarily in the Masonic
Bldg. Phone 1727. m7
Hats Cleaned and Blocked
75c. Cash and Carry Cleaners,
352 Chemeketa St. f21tl
License Revoked ? '
Ernest Teske, who was arrest
ed recently on a charge of speed
ing and having hjs cut-out open.
was sentenced by Judge rouisen
Friday to have his driver's license
revoked for 3Q days.
Ladles Hair Cutting
By 4 men who are experts.
Elite Beauty Shoppe, over the Gray
Belle. Marcels that stay. m7
Fred E. Mangis Has Moved
His Insurance office to the Ma
sonic Bldg. m7
Business Corner
$15,000. Another, $2,000,
extra large. Apartment house
sites. . Small store locations for
lease. Becke & Hendricks, 189. N.
High street. , m3tf
Car Stolen '
Eugene police have notified
local headquarters that a Ford
touring, Oregon license No. 19-
589, was Btolen from that city be
tween 6 and 7:15 o'clock Friday
A Brown Bird Singing-
Sung by McCormick on Victor
record at' Moore's Music House.
Furniture TJpnolamij -
And repairing. Glese-Powers
Furniture company. s20t
Cody Leaves Prisoi
Archie Cody, slayer of Sheriff
Goodman of Harney county, left
the penitentiary Saturday for Vale,
Malheur, county, for re-sentencing.
The Battery Han '
Satisfied Customer Bring
Other W Know :
531 Court St. Phone IBS
Wood Wood
YARD . : i ':.
167 D Street r Teicphone 2318
Office 'in New Salem Hotel
Building, 1 169 . South High
.i:,J ..IStreetnf f.P
Salegyard in rear, of office v.
Phone 1718 , i H
Residence Phone 111F21
We have a Durant Touring
which la . Just like new and
has only been driven : 234'
miles. This -car is folly
equipped -and 1 has 1026 li
cense. ; Ton ran save S300
in buying this car so why
buy new one? ; -
Cody was convicted of first de
gree murder In the Malheur coun
ty circuit court and was sentenced
to be hanged. He afterwards ap
pealed his case to the state su
preme court, with the result that
the verdict of the lower court Was
affirmed. , Officers said that Cody
would be re-sentenced Monday and
would be returned to the peni
tentiary here later In the week.
The Very. Latest Styles
In Ladies Haireuttlng skillfully
done by Mr. Maddison at the Bob
Shoppe, 331 State Street. Phone
391 for appointments. m7
Always the Latest Hits
On Victor records at Moore's
Music House. m7
Nothing Takes the Place
Of Leather. See F. E. Shafer,
harness supplies, 170 S. Commer
cial. m7
Attend Conference
Sereral ' Salem men were in
Portland Saturday to attend the
conference of boys' workers of
Oregon, Washington and Idaho.
The conference was held at the
Portland YMCA. Included in those
attending from Salem were Ben
J. Kimber, T. A. Livesley, Hugh
Shattuc. William East, Carlton
Roth, Ezra Webb, Ivan White and
Gilbert Wrenn.
Ladies Hair Cutting
By 4 men who are experts.
Elite Beauty Shoppe, over the Gray
Belle. Marcels that stay. ; - m7
Ships Come In
Pretty regular if you send any
out. We can show you Salem
properties from $100 on up that
are bound to increase in value.
Salem's future is sure. Invest in
Salem now. Becke & Hendricks
189 N. High street. mlO
Radio Poles
Of superior quality,
sets. Phone 1935.
Good used
Charged With Desertion
Earl JacqueB of Presidio, Cal.,
is stopping at the city jail where
he is being held to answer to a
charge of desertion.
Reserved Season Tickets
Basketball tournament now on
sale at Hauscr Bros., Anderson's,
and Willamette gymnasium. Tel.
647. m7
Sunday Dinner
Salem Restaurant, 75c.
p. m.
Methodist Service Tonight
The quarterly communion ser
vice wil be held in the First Meth
odist church on Sunday. Rev. Fred
C. Taylor will receive a class of
Child's Harmless Laxative is
"California Fig Syrup"
t Hurry Mother! A teaspoonful
of "California Fig Syrup" now
will thoroughly clean the little
bowels and in a few hours you
have a well, playful child again..
Even' it cross, feverish, bilious,
constipated or full of cold, chil
dren love its pleasant :taste.: "
? Tell your ; druggist you want
only the genuine "California Fig
Syrup" which has directions J for
babies and children of all ages
printed on bottle. Mother,1 yon
must say ; California.?, Refuse
any imitation. Adv.
The Oyster Loaf
.Full Course Chicken s
Treated by Osteopathy and the
latest Electrical Therapyi in
cluding Dr. Abram's Electropic
System.,' ' r : - f.-V--
- 'No Charge - for -J-s
: Consultation ISJ
" Physician and Surgeon
506 U. S. Bank Building
. Salem Oregon i
new members and will administer
the rites of, baptism and the sac
rament of the Lord's Supper. The
choir win sing In the morning
"Silent Sea," by Baines.- Miss Al
deane Smith wUl sing "I Sought
the Lord," by Galbralth. A brief
sermon will be given on "Spiritual
Minna In Ida .van in or m,m
hur. Taylor will speak on "A Mir
acle of Grace."
Suit Cases .
Hand bags, bill folds, purses
nothing takes the place of leather.
F, E. Shafer, harness supplies, 170
S." Commercial. ia7
Have Too Heard
The $15 Victrola? Great for
outings, at Moore's Music House.
Compacts by Poirette
Is not a face powder, it is a
combination garment . worn .by
fashionable women in New York
and Paris. Specialty Shop, 453
Court. m7
Arrested on Traffic Charge
Ray Stifflex of this city was ar
rested Saturday by officer Hick
man charged with failing to have
his lights adjusted. He is cited to
appear Monday morning at 10
Eaton's Up to Date Hat Shop
Cleaning, pressing, dyeing. 141
South Liberty. m7
Seven Set;
Of harness is a special order be
ing made up by F. E. Shafer, 170
South Commercial. Nothing takes
the place of leather. m7
Return from Portland
Mr. aod Mrs. C. P. Bishop re
turned from Portland last night,
after attending the funeral of Ely
Ioby, long a friend of the family.
Fairmount HU1 Lots
Some new listings at $700 are
pick-ups. Becke & Hendricks,
189 N. High street. m3tf
A Shipment
Of spring hats is coming this
week to the Vanity Hat Shop, 387
Court St. jn9
Fails to Stop
"J. H. Tanzer of 167 Bellevue
street was arrested Friday night
by Officer Edwards on a charge
of failing to stop before entering
a through street. He is cited to
appear before Judge Poulsen on
Monday morning at 10 o'clock.
A Wonderful Xew Treatment
For underarm perspiration and
used with great success Is Per
spiration Neutralizer on sale at
Specialty Shop, 453 Court. m7
Twenty-Four Minutes
Of, the best music on a ten-inch
disc phonograph record is what
Thos. A.Ediaon will be ready to
sell you soon. This news was re
ceived, recently, by Geo. C. Will,
the Edison dealer here. 7
Will Visit Salem
Mr., and jMrjs. George C. Blower
of Jacksonville, Fla., will arrive
in Safem this morning for an ex
tended vftit with Mrs. Blower's
mother, Mrs. Clara Myers, 1140
Center street. Mrs. Blower for
merly lived in Salem and has a
large number of friends here.
A Shipment
Of spring 'hats is coming this
week to the Vanity Hat Shop, 387
Court St. , m9
Twenty-Four Minutes
Of the best music on a ten-fnch
disc phonograph record is what
Thos. A. Edison will be ready to
sell you soon. This news was re
ceived recently by Geo. C. Will,
the Edison dealer here. m7
Mickey Visits Salem '
Arthur K. Mickey, editor of the
Pacific, Odd Fellow, official paper
on all branches of the order in
Oregon, was In town Saturday,
preparing fpr the Grand Encamp
ment scheduled for Salem in May,
He Intends to publish a souvenir
number devoted to the city at that
Reserved Season Tickets
Basketball tournament now on
sale at Hauser Bros., Anderson's,
and Willamette gymnasium. Tel.
47 m7
Too Many in Seat
Walter Munts of 1204 D street
was arrested by Officer,. Ed wards
Friday night on a charge of driv
ing with four passengers in the
front seat of his car. . He is cited
to appear for, his hearing March
8 at 11:30 a. m.
Have You Tried--
- Our French doughnuts? They
are different from any pastry you
have;; bought before. Just . buy
some." ' Bake-Rlte Bakery, . $45
State street, j , - mT
Load Limit Dropped i I
The state highway commission
announced Saturday that,' starting
March : 8 ' "the, load , restrictions
which have been in effect, on state
highways in Deschutes county will
be removed and that subsequent
to that date the maximum load
limit prescribed - will again
govern traffic over these high
ways. 1 f-
Baby Chirks if-: i'rj-tr
From superior strains. Hatches
off each, week, See our chicks at
Flake's Petland, 273 State, f 25tf
Employment Report Is Filed !
There were 87 men to receive
employment through the- employ
ment bureau of, the Salem' YMCA
tb report, filed, Saturday by. Sims
Phillips, ; . head of the bureau.;
There were 185 men to seek, em
ployment. During the week 110
Jobs were called in, and 105 men
were referred. Seventeen women
sought employment. . Seven jobs
were called in,' six ' women were
referred and four women placed. 4
Reserved Season Tickets
j Basketball tournament now on
sale at Hauser Bros., Anderson's,
and Willamette gymnasium. Tel.
47. ' . m7
The Statesman's Youngest
Lawrence and Ellsworth Morlej'
These ambitious young boys are
only 10 and 9 years of age, re
spectively. They are sons of Mr.
and Mrs. Lane Morley of North
Seventeenth, corner of C street.
These boys are the youngest car
riers on The Statesman Btaff and
are also among the best boys we
have. ; They are always on the job
at 5 a. m. every morning, fold
their papers and deliver them in
a manner so careful and have
given such good servce to their
subscribers on their route on
North Seventeenth street during
the two months they have been
carrying papers that they have not
had a single Complaint dnring this
time. They also enjoy their work.
They are making a success of this,
their first adventure in business
It is understood that the Mac
Donald Auto company .will have
the Overland and Willys Knight
agency fojejn U,.v-.
; Vick Brothers dropped this line
recently to take the exclusive
agency- for"" '.live counties 'for the
Pontiac and-Oakland. The Mac
Donald Auto;ieompany has jbeen
handling the M arm on. Locomobile
and Cleveland. It is understood
In this city, Saturday, March 6,
Harrison Hartley, age 81 years.
He is survived by six Bona:
W. E. Hartley of Broadbent, Orel,
Reuben H. Hartley, Satus, Wash.,
Benjamin Hartley, Yakima, Jack
son Hartley, Yakima. David Hart
ley, Bandon, and Leonard Hart
ley of Mt. Shasta. Calif. Two
daughters, Alice Morgan, Sno
homish, Wash.. . and Mrs. Anna
Grant of Broadbent, also survive
him. The body will be forwarded
to Broadbent on Monday for bur
ial. The Rigdon & Son mortuary
is in charge.
Believing, in the midst of our
afflictions,, ,
That death is a beginning, not
i an end . .
i We cry to them, and send
!FarewelIs, that might be called
Being fore-shadowings of the
future, thrown
Into the vast unknown.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
W. T. Rigdon & Son
I . i '-
About That Cough
1 : "I- USE : -"
1 - l -
,i. -
j SchaeferV Herbal
- Cough Cure
It is the best and most
economical Cough rem- 1
.cdy made.-; . . r; ;
I : " . ..... , - .. ,
Tlie.TellowProni- Phone 197
1S3 North Commercial Street
Thc Penslar Store
- i - -
i ' r ' V V
1 ? v. t v J, .a
be dropped
when they take; the Overland ag
-' In; giving up the agency, George
VIctTbf'VIclf Brothers, had noth
ing to say but good Jot the Over
land, but stated that they thought
thex hd a better, proposition with
the Oakland -and the new Pontiac
Mr.', MacDbnald has had cdnsider
able expetHence in the automobile
game ' and" his , friends will be
pleased to know' that he had the
agency for this popular line. ,
It has been my theory that, If
Salem folkf-wefe given a definite
thing to boost for, and a definite
way to boost for. it, they would be
"right there." ! ?
Surely the Loganberry has been
definitely! before you this week.
The definite way is your wife will
make Loganberry Jelly with "Lib
erty juice and Certo. Easy to
make, easy to eat.
At your grocery or we will de
liver one gallon Loganberry juice
(or 6 12-oz. bottles) and lb.
Browning's Loganberry chocolate
creams for $1.50. Mail check.
A list of all such boosters will
appear in both Salem papers. How
long will It be?
' Salem, Rt. 3.
,V Adv.
t for
In our stock of typewriters you will find New ftoyal
Standard Corona-Four Portable, Remington. Portable,
Regal Rebuilt Royals, - . ' . j
. ,v Typewriters Rented and Repaired Ti
- It : . '"... V-'. ;
Atlas Book j& Stixtionery Col
'r " 1 : I'' ' - i 465 STATE 'STREET VtU r ? '
Tliis is the last week of our 30 day; , ;r,
! 25 price reduction i
If you are going
painted this spring -Put
your car in our. shop u '
SAVE '25
Reliance Auto Painting Goi
'! 219 State Street Salem, Ore. ' ;
Tuesday. March 9, 1:30 P. M .
. -Located on the August Hilfiker farm 3 'a miles south
vtof Salem on Pacific Highway, consisting 4f. :
' 1 horse, 8 years old, weight ; 1400 lbs;, blocky built, --1
hbrse, 9 years old, weight i 1400 lbs , blocky uilt,
1-34 inch wide tire wagon and gravePjtox, ,1 one
" horse wagon-with double box, 1 new riding corneul-
tivator, 1 Oliver hand plow, 1 Oliver plow. No. 20, 1
gas. wood saw on trucks, 1 iron wheel wagon, l.crqam
separator like new, 1 set heavy breeching harness,,
1 two seated spring buggy, 1 coal brooder, 6 tons '
bailed oat, Vetch and cheat hay, 1 disc harrow, oil
and gas barrels, milk cans, and pails, extension tabic,
iieaters, range, oak buffets oak. bed and spring, ivory
, bed and spring, ivory dresser; ivory chiffonier, loath--.
cr rockers, oak rocker,1 small nx:ker, Ftar 1 tMe,
: 'sanitary cot,' child's reed push cart, 0x12 lap, !r -rug,
4Vx7V rag rug, 4 burner oil stovo, hi-h cL.,;.
t 80 4 quarts ..-.home " canned .-"fruit; . fruit; jars, croc-!;?,
: flovfer plants, forks, shovels, Tioc, rake, sinsls . trc? T
and other miscellaneous articles. Terms cash.
- NOTICE Parties. having anything to sell can
navu it sum qt, mis
. It
. .
.. - Owner
One Call Docs it
School Nurp
511 children with defective vi
sion, out of about 2500. .As
tounding - when you consider
the" fact, that the Jaw. jctr.y'
requires that cases be re-ported
whose! .vision in one 'eye :a
least is less than one half 4i or -mat.
No tests for eyestrain i were
made as it is not, possible Jo C
this In the school rooms or
clinic rooms without eyetesting
equipment. . j i "
Stop and think one out of five
with! only 50 efficient eyi
or eyes. If the school ;nure
said that your child had defec
tive vision see an optometrist
at once, there is an : immediate
need and every day; is import
ant for tho welfare of jt he chn31
If ", your child complains of
burning' or itching eyelids,
headaches, frowns or squints,
jor falls behind in" his studied
those are eyestrain symptomn.
We are .especially. equippedn5
help those whose vision is be
low, nbrmal -equipped to de
tect with precision instrument
all kinds of eye strain. , 1 t
We will freely advise you what
is' best-to do for your child
with (subnormal vlaion or tho
child with eyestrain caused by
muscular trouble, astig.-iUii ;:n,
F Appointments after rcpul ir,
ho.urs if you wish. Call 239
;for after hour appointinenls.''
301-2-3-4 Oregon; Bui::i:;s
-i t . ' I.
to have your car4
is the Last Week!
eaie t?nn n aion
KoIeni'H IxmmIIus; Aurlloncor
1010 X. Nammrr ht.
AUPhcne 511"
;fcF-J!!T" -fJ
; '. ' ', .-V , , .