TimQWGPHATESlIANfSiLEW, OREGON SUNDAY- MORNING,: MARCH. 7,. 1926 a: May 1 to he SuTpdssdgin:0r28 of Home An English Touch to a Colonial Background MARQUISE WOR K NIL-1 S OB Work to End on Building at State and Commercial Street Corner ,-.-.r: .y'Jll THE MANAW A DESIGN 6B9 ENGLISH in its design to a degree just sufficient to relieve the monotony of an otherwise rather plain type this surprisingly roomy little home is made doubly desirable. Without unduly increasing its cost the archi tect has given it a quiet distinction, that will cause nine out of ten people who see it to favor it with a second in spection. It is sub stantial andi digni fied without being pretentious. Its interior ar rangement leaves little to be desired. The entrance is into a center hall of liberal width, leading through to the rear and off which a stairway leads to the second floor. The living room extends; completely across the end of the house and opens upon a living porch which might easily be converted into a sun room. On the other side of the hall are the dining room and kitchen. On the second floor are three bedrooms and an en closed sleeping porch. The bath is at the end of the upper center hail. Substantially builf of common brick this would be a home of which any one might justly feel proud. It sat isfies in appearance and more than Dleases in arrange ment. All the rooms are well lighted, the bedrooms liberally supplied with closets and none of the conveniences lacking. It is up to date in every particular and an exceptionally complete little home. All the tin work on the mar quise around the bqllding on the northeast corner of State and Commercial Btreeta has been com pleted, the marquise has yet to be painted. It 13 expected the work will be completed by the end of the week. Erection of several marquise in Salem is significant of the modern trend for such structures, which are virtually porches. Pedestrians will have protection from the rain by marquise for the entire block on State from Commercial to Lib erty streets when the present mar quise is finished. was clinched tightly. Gently open ing his 'hand, finger by finger, they found a piece of crumpled paper. On the paper, in a boyish serawl, were penciled these words, "A Scout is Brave." Behind Courage Is Hope. "March comes in like a Hon," we only gave you half of it -'but goes out like a lamb." Following the darkest hour comes the dawn. It is the last ounce of courage, of strength, the hanging on when nothing seems left, that, generally speaking, leads us into the great prizes of life, that builds up our stature, that makes us men. BOYS' LIFE. spentitheime from eleven to two o'clock In Perrine's Woods. - The occasion, marked the close of the merjtand de-merit contest. The time? was pleasantly spent in eat ing a . luncheon served by the losers in the contest, and in play ing games. he is alone with the sheep day after day, thinking of the beauties. He is a real poet. He is skillful dangers, responsibilities all about mm, be becomes a lover of nature The composition On Mr. Frojc What a wonderful bird the frog are!! When he stand he Bit al most. When he hop he fly almost. He ain't got nov sense hardly. He ain't got nd tail hardly either. When he sit, he sit on what he ain't got almost. with hills, God. the lute. He sines of the the stars, his flock, and of He can see the handiwork of God all about him. He realizes how God Is a shepherd, too, keep ing watch over his flock, the souls of men. One of his j sweetest hymns, one which has beeii pres erved for us, is the'me-we some times call. '.'The Shepherd Psalm." It goes like thte: "The Lord is my shepherd. ; I shall not want He makes me to Hedowo, In green ; pastures. He restores r.y sc-jI. He leads rae in the paths of right eousness for Li3 name's sake? Yea, though I walk in the valjLeypf the shadow of death I will fear Aj evil, Ifor Thou 'art with, me." , - A Black Chicken "Who's in there?" called the owner of the chicken house on a dark night. "There ain't nobody heah 'cept us chickens," an un mistakably African voice echoed. AUGHTO (AUTO) LIGHT (Continued from page 1.) and schools. Mildred Nunnemaker. HOUSES BUILT OF PERMANENT MATERIALS COST BUT LITTLE MORE THAN THOSE CONSTRUCTED OF MORE TEMPORARY MATERIALS But the Upkeep Expense of Such Houses Is Small See. us for common brick, face brjckbjuilding tile, partition tile silo tile,' sewer pipe drain tile,- vertrified sewer piper SALEM BRICK & TILE CO. i . , .: telephone: 017 salem, orecon BOY SCOUT WINS PRIZE BY STARTING A BLAZE (Continued from pace 1.) blew a spark into flame In 30 sec onds. Prize Essay Contest. The American School 6t Citizen ship League is offering a prize to the seniors in secondary schools on the subject of "The Organiza tion of the World for the Preven tion of War. ; Three prizes of $75, $50, and $25 will be given for the three best essays. If you are interested you can obtain full par ticulars from the American School Citizenship League, 405 Marlbo rough street, Boston, 17, Mass. The Tenth Scout Law. "A Scout Is Brave." Of the many incidents and stories that have come to us, we always think of this as Illustrating with pecu- V i Qflntettst to vyE cannot drive it home to your notice too " often .that it pays to own your home not only because you save in rentc and Outlays, but because in the course of time, if you have chosen wisely, the increase in value may be considerable. ; . - ::y: -: ! j " - j .' : .; We will guide you in the selection of your site .. and in the kind of home to erect. J I.' 'Dependably Serving the Lumber Consumer" West Sc . " idephone , 576 Yards la West si .bany, Lents, Hubbard, liar poignancy the vital part that scouting plays in the life of the boy. This was told by the former scout executive of Kansas City. He had gone to visit a boy who had Just been through a serious operation. The nurse f beckoned to him. She wanted to tell him how splendidly the boy had be haved in going under the anes thetic. The boy knew the opera tion might i prove fatal, but he faced it with a courage and a calm she had observed in few older peo ple and it had impressed the doc tors as well as the nurses. While he was on the operating table -they noticed that one hand Dash Light Mr. Fox dashed into the school a short time ago. Spot Light The money received from the basket social, which amounted to a little over thirty dollars, has been almost entirely used for playground accessories, including one basketball with baskets, two socker balls, three Indoor balls and six baseballs. One socker ball was given to -the primary and in termediate rooms, and a rope for a swing was purchased for the primary rooms. The boys have organied three basketball teams and play fairly well for beginners. The girls. have one team. The boys are practicing base ball and basketball, but' they are at quite a disadvantage because the diamond is still wet ad muddy. ' Fog Light Teacher: "If I stand on my head the blood rushes to it and makes my face red. Then why is it when I stand on my. feet that the blood doesn't go to my feet and make them red?" Dorothy: "Because your feet aren't empty. A woman got on a street car with six children. She had busied herself looking after them. A courteous old gentleman arose and gave his seat to her. "Are those al your children?" he asked, "Or is it a picnic ?" "They're all .mine." snapped the woman, "and It's NO picnic." Park Lights On Wednesday the boys and girls- of the intermediate room, with their teacher, Mrs. Erskine, The seventh grade have mem orized five poems. The eigth grade have finished their history book for this year and are reviewing for examina tions. The eigth grade boys and girls wrote each other a letter of advice. Will be model boys and girls if we live up to it (?. The eighth grade has also memoried five poems this year. The Middle Grove Sewing club met Thursday afternoon. The sewing club consists of the "A" and "B" classes. They are making a pin cushion and a mat. Miss Kleeman is teaching the class. Molalla $150,000 union high school opened, for 350 pupils in 18 districts. HOW A SHEPHERD BOY PROTECTED HIS SHEEP (Continued from puge 1.) As we watch and listen, the shepherd boy suddenly rises, lays aside his lute and picks up a sling that was lying at his feet. , Taking a stone from his shepherd's bag, he places it in the sling. He gives the sling a rapid swinging motion about his head for a few seconds and then lets the stone fly at a distant object. We look quickly in the direction of the shot, just in time to see a good sized bear turn on his haunches and run back into a dark ravine. It is evi dent he has felt the stinging blow of the shepherd's shot. We notice now the shepherd's sling . It is a small piece of leath er, smaller than the palm of the hand, with two long leather strings fastened to opposite cor ners. One string has a loop in it tor fasten "it around the middle finger "so as to hold it from flying free. The other string is released in making the shot. The shepherd boy has become so skillful in the use of the sling that he. can select an object and hurl a stone as true as a good marksman would shoot with a rifle. ' j The sling is useful, too, in turn ing the sheep if they wander too far. The shepherd will hurl a stone so that it will land just beyond the straying sheep. Ins tantly the sheep will turn around and come back. The shepherd boy selects the smooth round stones that are found and puts, them in his bag for use when needed. A smooth round stone will fly best and true. A lop-sided stone will not fly true. The bear having gone back to nurse his hurt from $he stinging shot, the shepherd boy again takes up his lute and begins to sing. He does not have a music score, for none was written. He composes, makes it up as he goes along. As ' Extracts from letters Voluntarily written to us by satisfied users of EASTMAN SIBLOCO FURNACES I deem it an absoute necessity in a house for health, because of the. circu lation that is always present when an Eastman furnace is- installed " The Eastman furnace is the most economical heater I know of on the market " I fifad that my Eastman furnace takes very little more fuel than an or dinary heating stove " - - Thousands of users of East man Pipe and Pipeless Furn aces all over the Northwest express their satisfaction in cminrnFITPMAPPfi similar terms. EXPERT ADVICE GIVEN WITHOUT OBLIGATION Salem Office and Display Roony; L 4 A69 SOUTH HIGH STREET, SALEMOREGON ' - i. or write . , ' V'. Eastman Brothers, Silvertoni Oregon : , ; 7" ; ; -T. , " - ' r- ; 1 - j'lpy j I x 1 . x x '. l. Better Seecb Higher Production , There is such a thing as being 'penny wise and poufi.i foolish.' Take the case of some farmers who try t save money by buying seed not quite so good as couM be bought. What happens ? Crops are poor ; the farmer conse. out on the red side of the ledger ; and even thjj It cost of production is higher than the returns. ! -r- The United States National is desirous of County farmers buying good seed this year. ; Marion" United States National Bank SalenuOrcgon. i 1 'is A Spaulding handy Kitcteini ' Galbiiniet costs little and soon pays for it self in the saving of .needless" ! X steps, time and - aggravation.' Is snug doors and Jrawerst keep . out dust. X -X X ! : ' ' i " 1 ' - - ' ! ' '" The finely finished high grade fir readily takes stain, paint or enamel in keeping with the other' woodwork. I I Call at our retail store and see this and many other conveniences that niay be easily installed in, old or new homes. 1 QiasKSpauibing Telephone 1830 Douglas Fir Lumber 1ogging(q Telephone 1830 YmCsmSimik lime IN ';' ' ' " : ; .i - - X ' i ' ' ' " Salem Highway TtactB o 4 Five houses now under construction. . Will "be coni- pleted and ready, for occupancy in thirty days. Onersold ' ; yesterday four left. ..A suburban homei rJust outside of j the city limits with all city conveniences and no high taxes. One-Half Acre of Good Ground With Each House .' " SOLD, ON EASY TERMS j . Also 5 room house 1 block from Capital street north Salem, I $2850 Terms , i v," , Four room house, strictly modem, south Salem f $2750 Your Own Terms , " . ; 'Rick .L. 'Reimainiini, Realtor - . " tr- t ' ' .1 " V I - - ' t . v -4 147 N. COMMERCIAL TELEPHONE 217 Yamhll . boro, Eugene 4 t. .:4 s