IgIL -THE' OREGON STATES2IAN.' SALHM, OREGON P ' ' ".t. SUriDA MOltNiNG,1 MARCH -7, 1926 "I ! f - v.' I i ,! (r !i , f 3? -' it 1 i. ? : . t i 1 ! i 1 - " - ' M ' ' " MCJMSMmESm.-M- I ,MMmiL.II I -M I II I HI ..II, III -I . ': I J ' ' n ' 'Li ,i i i 'm i , H 1 ', '. ." , , " S;8 f . It "H te i Ait f SPAUi- TeIepKone830 fffllMf RIL r .'r ' . ' !- Pnftirin of . J RuilHinr Now vTaby for Furnishing, , C Worlc Progressing ; Pinal coat of stucco has been applied to ' the front outside wall ot the new Y M. C. Ai building on r Court street between Cottage and I Churclj streets. The window casings have been painted, and, the scaffolding has been 'completely temord. - - ' - ' '. : -1 ; Except for the work of apply Ingthe smooth stucco to the four foot, border around the base of the buildidg and the placing of the fire. escapes; the -en tire work on the .outside . of ; the building has been dne. . : r ' Al though It f was hoped the 1 building would,' be p near the first of this month it is now al- -most cerUIn that the "building . wm 2 not be .ready for oectfpancy before f?tb first of April; . TW rpy j and second " floors - have been ser aped, and Are now ready for thrf Installatibn of -furnishings and 'furniture. I All the woodwork on the Jrirst floor except the finish fl op liar a bn completed. The finltbflooriag will be sUrted this ;-weeicii -4; i i ' i JPbrms haviag been removed from Pthe' concrete walls and bottom-' of, the swimming tank, the tfl -wdrls. it is thought, will be - starter.thte-'week. J i r.icFARLAFJDTELLS HOW ;;r; T0 be am, athlete Ctod from ps 1.) ! blLi Another jump front start f eet alternatelr as- big h as possl ing position to a; squats feet! be tween hands, .nd . back;, again. ' '.Number s builds up trunk mm dea also, v It'consistsi simply of raising the legs straight with toes pointed,' from the floor to a ver tical 'position,. then lowering, them - slowly, to the floor, again. Tiye . times 1st first Is enough, but later .yon should do it'2Q times Yon can make It harder by putting your " hands back of , your neck, j Ail of these are general, and should be continued all through the conditioning work, even. after specialised ' exercises r have f been . tmmenced." , Yon wiir know of other Useful exercises of the same nature, or learn of them from : gyra. t' Instructors. - and, athletes. ' Watch :fort soxqe -of "them. Develop an Arm Swins -Leirn the, arm swing .that (ev ery" good -sprinter ', must 'know. Arra-ivisjuseami lot, of course, la-giriag a fellow that last, ounce I ro,-tvo- Plan NO. 535 w IHllG L001 ll0" ZO'S ULH ttOOL mi : ' Plans and Specifications Furnished DING LOGGING CO. of speed and strength, and can't he given too much thought. Take the exercise with your shoulders dropped low, and your ''arms Bwung as though on pins driven through at the shoulders. ' He member to keen your elbows at right angle, and to keep your tody relaxed. Gradually increase the speed until you're swinging as fast as yon can. s. These exercises are good for all hurdlers and runners. Charlie Paddock, the sprinter who has so many records to his credit, made "inverted runnlftg" popular and it quickens leg action and loosens up Joints generally. r Jigging, rope skipping-, and high kicking are good exercises for sprinters. Short-distance 'men should remember that all of their work should be done high up on the toes. , . p. Distance men will want to pay more attention to body-building txercises abdomen- and trunk muscle developers -than . sprint ers; they'll want to do a lot of fast hiking, and a little non-competitive cross- -country running, too particularly in he fall. I drn't think a-fallow less than 16 ought to try to run a race of more : w Contractors ancl private builders alike caft obtain the best mater ials, best service, and best "prices at our yards. . , in stock at' -' , . f LET US GABRIEL PAINT SHOP AND STORE : 175 South Commercial . Telephone 72S . . , Five well arranged rooms of ample size afford plenty ot spate for the average family In this attractive dwelling. Abundant light and ventila tion lis afforded by the windows on the first floor and the two rooms on the second floor, which can be finished if neces sary, have ample window space. '"The chimney, recessed front entrance and brick trimmed terrace lend charm and distinc tion to the facade. The living and dining room, each of good proportions, are well arranged, with reference to the balance of the house. The, kitchen and dining nook , are i well arranged and there is plenty of cabinet space and built in equipment. The hall way offers access to all rooms and to the stairway to the sec pnd floor. ' by Salem, Oregon than 220 yards; sprint work like this for young runners is the best kind of training for distance work !"ater. i Weight Men Should Box --"-.-Weight "men need different spe cial exercises. Shot putters and javelin throwers should box a good deal to develop foot ' work and to build strengths-end shot men will find a lot of the drive they'll need In their arms will come from bag punching. Twist- Ik and gripping devices are ex cellent for developing the strong gfiup required; clenching the 1't.nds 20 or 30 times tightly is good for this too. Weight men get fun and strength out of try ing to twist a broom stick out of the hand of an "opponent" using hands and wrists only. I want to caution Javelin throw ers against early work, even taore than other men. They are the last onf to begin out door work; and should g--. ery slowly. They should never try to throw in cold weather. t s Jumpers do everything that zv inters do as preparatory work, ?Ith emphts(s on rope work, Jig ging and quickening exercises. High lumpers in particular should S I w a 'i All standard : materials lumber;, cement, sand, plaster, wallboard, paint and varnish are carried all times' r- ; HELP YOU WITH TOUR PLANS it, t POWDER fil SUPPLY CO. ELSE PLASTER WORK PROGRESSES Two Weeks Should See Completion, of Intricate Decorative Work Plaster work on the EJainore theater, under . construction on High street, between State and Perry streets for George Guthrie, owner of (be Oregon theatre,, will be entirely done in two weeks. Intricate plastering work, both of the auditorium walls and of the front part of the theatre is re quiring much time. The front is about done, and the auditoriums south and , east walls are com pleted. Work of molding . the arches over the auditorium has been com pleted. And the organ chamber is nearly enclosed. Iron railing has been placed on the north stairway that leads to the balconies. The railings will all be placed, it is thought, by the end of this week. All the doors to the rear of the theatre have been installed. The outside paint work has been com pleted, i Most of the tin sheeting has been placed on the large marquise that extends across the entire front of the theatre. . guard against early overwork and against exercises which' merely: strengthen, without helping leg spring. High kicking is very good ; deep knee bending 'exer cises, and others of this type, are n't of much use to ady track ath lete. A pole yaulter needs just about everything physique-of a weight man, spring of a jumper, speed of a sprinter and a special coordina tion and timing. He can use ev ery exercise I've mentioned; he. should supplement them with hand balancing, chinning and a lot of work on a rope -a"; polo vaulter can go through every nec essary motion while he's hanging on n rope. , There's one thing tbat .1 tell my fellows to keep in mind dur ing this month of preliminary training as well as during the month of outdoor work that fol lows, and I'd like to tell' it to ev ery traek man in the country. It's simply this: "Ddn't overstrain. Remember that you're aiming to build, up not prodigious, strength, but facile speed. And Always keep n mild that it's a lot easier (an'i a lot more harmful) to overdo than to under-work." SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON (Continued from pat 1.) in service, worship and praise. Everyone who enjoys the benefits of civil government is obliged to pay the taxes which are necessary for the support of that govern ment, and everyone who receives God's favor-is placed in like ob ligation unto Him. II. The Great Commandment in the Iaw 34-40. 1. The First Commandment 34-38. "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul and with all thy mind." This means that supreme and un divided love to God Is the first and great commandment. Man's supreme obligation is to God. It is wrong to evaluate man's char acter on the basis of his morality as expressed In his relation to his fellowman. Real righteousness'! doing the right thing with God. The greater immorality of which a man can be guilty is his failure to respond to the demands of God. The one who does not supremely - -iff"' iSMMeir it ' ":..; ! i - r LUMBER YARD j North Capitol and Union Telephone 2248 .,.f fj mi MARQUISE III PUCE Wooden Frame Is Finished on High and Ferry Street Building i Wooden frame of the marquise around the building on the north west corner of High 'and Ferry streets has been completed. The marquise extends around the en tire building the second floor of which is occupied by the Salem hotel. Iron chains are used to hold the marquise, in place. , These have all been placed. The tin work will be started this. week. About two more weeks will he re quired before the marquise is fin ished. and with undivided affection love God is the greatest sinner. 2. The Second Commandment 39-40. The second commandment is like unto the first in that it cen ters in love. It is not said that it was equal unto the first; that would not be true. A man may love himself, but not supremely. One's love for his neighbor may be either too much or too little. The measure set is love for itself. We should love God better than ourselves. He is worthy of all our, affeoons, and demands all. Love is not mere emotion, but a su preme desire for the welfare of another and a willingness to do everything possible to secure that end. The command to love our neighbor is involved in the com mand to love God. To pretend to love God is folly if we do not love our neighbor. To attempt to es tablish a brotherhood among men without the recognition of the fatherhood of God is of God by faith In Jesus Christ. It is true that in the sense of being God's creatures, all men are God's children, but in the New Test ment sense, men are only God's children as they are in Christ. The only way to bring in the bro therhood of man is to preach Je sus Christ to the race and secure acceptance of Him. We thus be come brothers in the real sense of the term, when we have God as our Father. AH obligations rest ing upon man is embraced in these two commandments. Those who conform their lives to them are God's children and are the very best cititens: PRINGLE SNAPPY NEWS (Continued from page 1.) tive by Esther Scott and Edith Muno. Mrs. E. G. Clark, Gladys Scott and Grace Pearsall acted as judges und Mr. Miller as chair- HDLO 1 ' of liVW S . BECKE & HENDRICKS r Xnsarasct of All Kinds. TL 161. HeUlc Theatre Lobby, ' ; 189 N. Hlh. Mi tsrz Cool in Summer Warm in Winter! Not only that, but. your house is positively protected , against fire when roofed - with ' ' ' 1 . . -... .- v t Johns-Manville . Asbestos t Shingles " , . v ' - i Time.proof, too,, as well as water-proof. They look like slate " cost but little more than best wood shingles, and last as long as the house but Beyer need paint- ing or any other attention, , Let os tell you more abcut them. Johns-Manville Asbestos Shin rles are examined, approved and labeled by the Underwriters' Laboratories, under the direction ' of the- National Board of Fire Underwriters. Given Class A rat ing whea hud American method. Oregon Gravel Company Hood at Front Street " Salem , OLD SU HOTEL H fill Wrecking Rapidly Done To Make Way For the . Bligh Theater Plant The old Salem hotel, which stood for the better than half a century near the southeast corner of High and State streets, is now but a matter of history. Work of tearing it down was completed Friday. On" the first of last week all merchants in, the stores along State street from High to the alley vacated. So quick has been the work' of raising that the last bit of tearing down has been done. The i Union Oil service station is the Only structure still standing in the; quarter block. Tbis will remain until all the debris is re moved J from the quarter block. It is expected, that the debris will be- removed completely by the end of the week. Then the con struction of the $250,000 theatre, store and office building for Frank Bligh will begin in earnest. man of the debate. The judges cast three votes in favor of the negative. Nevertheless, both sides of the question were very ably de fended - ! R. J. Miller, our principal, at tended; a local teachers' institute at Silverton last Saturday. Gladys Sealey visited with RHth Wright Sunday afternoon. Miss Grace Pearsall spent Tues day afternoon with Mrs. W. J. Wright. The Pringle Sunday school pu pils and teacher. Miss Helen Cam mack, enjoyed a little party at the school house, Monday evening. The evening was spent in playing games, after which light refresh ments : were served. R. J. Miller and Dr. G. A. Stern berg of Salem autoed to Portland Sunday afternoon whllelhere they took in a movie at the Imperial, showing "Behind the Front.? Mr, and Mrs. Harr have recently bought a player piano. Albert Evans is suffering from a stroke of paralysis since last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Stewart called afthe Albert Evans home, Wednesday evening. : HE HAD TO LEAVE; POET'S RHYMES GREW (Continoed from page 1.) inspired his poems for children. As a child his mother answered interestedly .his interrogations as to what the leaves say when they whisper; why the moon is low and the stars are high. This poet of nature was reared - nWl L lw I jit Stucco, Your Frame House 's And See Upkeep Fall Herewith The Sunday Statesman Begins a Series of Spring ; Pe-modeling, Suggestions, Intended to" Aid the Homeowner in (Article .'No. 1 In a series of Spring remodeling j suggestions. ) ; Spring Is' the usual season for re-painting; But the- need to -repaint the whole house every .two or three years is a large Item In the maintenance cost and author ities agree that the -average ex penses of upkeep equal the total cost ot the house" in ; forty years. So economy is one of the main motives in the practice of ''over coating' an old "frame house with stucco. If the structure is in good condition, this can be done Inex pensively. All.that is'peeded ls to see that the siding is nailed down tight, then nail on a reinforcing fabric, and finally apply the three coats of - stucco.- The first t two parts of the job can be done by the householder himself,'; reducing the labor-cost to one single item, the plasterer's bill. , " ' :.' . Next to econmoy, the greatest advantage, of, the t overcoating , is that it greatly enhances the value of the home; by raising it from the class of an old frame house to in a community "up with the, lark and down with the rheumatism" but never beyond reach of the lark's song. He had as rich a boyhood as Abraham Lincoln, liv ing in the American woods where be suffered no blight of prosper ity. ( ' Nature nourished his poetic im pulse. Nature planted in his heart the germs of j "The Brook Song," a lilting melody that rivals the music of the stream that in spired it: "Till the gurgle and refrain Of its music in his brain j Wrought a happiness as keen as pain." j W-A-NT-E-D Private Money on First Mortgage BULGIN & BUILDERS' BROKERS' LOANS 275 State Street . - j ; t. . " United States National Bank Bldg. "I Catft Eveii IFeel - Tl t wm- r 1 o-rv A " r li- Jt. lit 5"?, f i nish7aper, paint, tint or calcimine, with outrrinke, crack or f blister "Schumacher provides wterion economlcaI' Permanent wafis for interior ;or See Our Special Priced Lumber j No Compebtion in EitJier Price or Quali LUMBER (COMPANY ;.ywnff in liuuning Material"-' "'- ' W9 South UH street T7' Solving Problems that of a new stucco building, "e stueo also reduces the f ire-hafcard makes " the ' home more weather proof by Beallng up all. cracks, and affords . a high degree of heat insulatlon. l V - Nor doW it' require - any sacri- i flee of beauty Tbere now .are on thejmaket several types of stucco Int0 'the Jnlsh fcoats of which mineral colors are : ground at the factjory. This f fords a range of color - ample ,to s meet anyone's v taste; And -the.nse of 'a prepared colored' material elimtnate3 the A chaibCes of impermanent and non-.ttT uniform coloring such as Is likely to jresult trbm ; home-mixed ma terials. : '' . '.. j ' '; ; ! Only one precaution need be ob served, aside from the selection of the . proper ' stucco- in overcoating an old frame house. That Is. the right reinforcing must be chosen. Permanent satisfaction will be given by a strong steels fabric which Is crimped so as to be self furring. This eliminates the need of special lath or backing for the StUCCO. . !r .. '"' A mother's love In a cabin, the "reverential shade . on her t aco when listening to distant thunder, andi her smile of gratitude when she heard the patter , of rain ' on roof, inspired the lines: "And. there was the: cabin wln u: dpw- - - 1 )" " " '- j' Tinkle, and drip and drip! ' The rain above, and a mother's .. love,' ;; - J ' - . I And God's companionship." (Copyright, 1925, by Mary Greer Conklin, (Syndicate) Great Britain rights reserved, j Repr duct ion forbfdden.) " ' - ' BULGIN ' Certafhly hoiu For here's a wall board that can be sealed at the joints so I " perfectly, so easily as to sc'i ve a smoth, even, un - lwken surface. ; f&M&01 SchumacJier T:,r;-- Plaster - VVII Board v:;i-r:. ," This wall board requires no unsightly battens to hide uglyt gaping joints. iYou get all the effect of a solid, one-piece WalL ' - V: 1 rH" in fifm t ' i -1 x nunc oio .