The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 07, 1926, Page 11, Image 11

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i vxiiru) r . t . nKkt;si uja ittzj m - -'
1 I .
r' r--" : - . r..-. .-V-. ?- -i-t" -v':; SUNDAT MORNING, MARCH 7!1926 " 3.
era tins ways la -which the women
-51 of Salen'can prove- worthy of this
new ounwn: Particular attention
was calWd to Jury duly, speeifU
law i enforcement, 'naturalization
restrictions, national hospitality,
legislation, and the abolition of
mX.. r-'i'- 'V , - i ''
In speaking of Jury duty, Mr.
Watkins blames the deterioration
of the courts to the fact that the
apabl cItizens u shirking
tJVduly In this respect. Specific
law enforcement 4 la an obligation
which goes hand in hand with
legislation. Naturalization restric
tions are In full control of those
who. ligislate and in their hands
rest, j all, powers - that can be desired-
In the opinion of Mr, Wat
kins, pur duty not only to see that
emigrants axe fit to become citi
zens, $ut to see that they do. As
sume this obligation and privilege,
which, again in Mr, Watkins
words, "is the greatest boon that
can be laid on the shoulders! of
any man." He suggested that each.
women consider her country! as
her household; that, she exercise
the same care in .choosing new cit
izens as she- would in choosing
her ' guests. "If women legislate
for the..aboiltion-6f war, and suc
ceed. "Mr. Watkins pointed out,
"Eighty per cent, ot . our taxes
could be turned, toward the better
things; and it jvehaj a country
wearing , a nunUe; peace we
would not be airili o bring ur
babies betSrose we would
the be, satetOngpu&2- kfni 1
V know Jhey. would itjbeni In
body, . ihind; aad . souiiv r H-
stressbn.ith:t.liuBorianee.I -I
single moral codeOne for the
girls--and the same one for the
boys." To bring this about la a
power that lies also in the palm
of as woman's hand. 'If yon women
would lay down for us men the
same sort of a code that we. have
laid down for you. It wouldn't be
long before you had lis following
it. We ask women to toe the
mark refuse to go but with
a osiracree inera u tney
3Vf; are unworthy pf jour respect
. Ym.. i. . . .
j uuu t you women ao ine
same with us men?"
0 in the same frank, emphatic man
ner, in which he opened it and was
greeted with liberal applause of
a very attractive audience. A brief
open forum discussion 'followed.
At the conclusion of the tneeV
Ing, on Friday fifteen new mem
bers joined the 'organization, as
follows: Mrs. John JH. McNary,
Mrs. W.'E. Crews. Mrs. H. J.
Bean.Mrs. C. C.
Clarke, Mrs.
Louis Lachmund, Mrs. George
Dorcas, Mrs. J. J. LJghtner, Mrs.
Joseph Baumgartner, Mrs. Hal D.
Patton, Miss Marian WymanjMiss
Katherine Williams, Mlas TJiJgia.
Jorjj , on, Mfg. Claud W. Jdrgea
seiff drs. t Staejr and) Mr).
A.'N. Moores. : ' - '' '
Covers at the league. luncheon
were placed for: Mrs. Charles
Canrer, Jr., Miss Genevieve Parke,
Mrs. Rex Sanford, Mrs. W. JE.
Burns, Mrs. James' Humphreys,
Mrs. Walter; L. Spauldtng. Mrs.
E. E. Fisher, Mrs.' J. E. Brophy,
Mrs. J. Waller, Mrs. J. wl Harbi-
Pn, Mrs. O. P. Franklin, Mrs.
A VfT A. '"A. Michel, Mrs Joseph Baum
l "sJ T wartner. ' Mrs. C. A. Downs. Mrs.
f pfJohn McNary, Mrs. H. H. Belt,
ri V Mrs. RusseCatlinf; Unt sFrank
1 1 spears, Mrs Af;. 'Ci -Gross. Miss
juanan wyman. Mrs. cS--Haniir-
ton. Mrs. E.TJ Ford, 'MfsThonias
B. Kay, Mrs Seymour ; Jones Mrs: '
us oiusa,-..irB.-r reuricjt iam
port. Mrs. W."E. Crews,' Mrs. N. C
Kafoury, MrXThktigV Mrs
J. vJ. Lightner, Airs. Hal Patton,
Mrs. A. N. .Moores, -MrsEugene
Eckerlin, Mrs. H. B. Thielsen,
Mrs. Lenta Westacott, Mrs W. R.
Allen, Mrs. Cecil Hawley, i Mrs
C. E., Roblih. Mrs, Norman Ken
dall Tully, Mrs. J. M. Clifford,
Mrs. William Fordyce Fargo.' Mrs.
T. C. Smith. Jr., Mrs. F. VL-Elliott,
Ms. George Dorcas, Mrs" Louis
Lflchmund, Mrs. George W Hug,
Mrs. Wlllam McGilchrlst,: Jr.,' Mrs.
F.4B. Southwicki Mrs. C. P. Blah
opj'Mrs. Ray Hartman, Mrs. Harry
J. "Widmer, Mrs. J. Shelley Saur-
roan, Mrs. "B. F. Swope,: Mrs. O. C.
Oglesby. Mrs. Carl Amsberry, Mrs.
C.-M. Ogelsby, Mrs. WC I. Staley,
Mrs.' Chester C ClaTke, Mrs. John
A. Carson. Mrs. Claude W. Jorgen-
I I sen. Mrs. O. C. Locke, Mrs. II. J.
I I Bean, Mrs. J M Derers, Mrs. Win
If Lms. Mrs: Earl y tBarham
VlT, Mrs. Ellen Kelley, Mrs. S. H- Car-
fVl lisle. Miss Thelma ' Johnson.! Miss
' ( "oKatherine wmiams; Mrs: William
i . .'M . .11.
ij., Kvans ana kiss ameiis r eary
WFMS to Meet air -j ,
Kimball Chapel
Mrs, C P. Gabrlelsoai was hos
tess at "an informal ; luncheon on
Saturday at the Hotel Marion com
Dlimentlnz Robert Bishop,' who ;is
leaTing soon with his father on fa
six weeks' business and pleasure
trip td California' and Mexico.
: Covers at the lsneheono.were
nlMd for Robert BIshOpr Donald
Deekebach. ? Deryl i Myers,v Carl
Gabrielson and the hostess, Mrs.
C. D. Gabrielson. r
Ii . ' r i
tn'Medford t fL
MrV'And Mrs: C. E. Eckerlln and
Iitpe fdaughter, Nancy Jean jr'mo-
tooea to Meaipro-iaw -wets, w'5."'
..H nt .An.'atn 9nr t ol rtaVS. f
Mrs. I Kimball Entertains:;
Daffodils and Tlolets were the
decorations when Mrs. S. p. Kim
ball entertained on Monday after
noon for the pleasure of members
of f the Round-Up ciuh "and Mrs,
WI I. Staley, Mrs. F. J. Bowersax,
Mrs. vWilllanr SteusleCT, and- Mrs.
M. Cusick. as special guests.
ft TtnvrnT won the
arternooas high score at cards, t
In the group, were. Mrs. Staley,
Mrs. ' Bowersox, j Mrs. f ' SteuslofT,
Mrs. Cusickti;Mrs.J. T.,' Whlttig,
Mrs" Rl'-E. Downing, Mrs, Ed Hart
ley, Mrs. John Scott, Mrs. E. Cooke
Patton, Mrs. C'K. Spaulding. Mrs.
C. H. Robertson, Mrs. Lenta West
acott. Mrs. T. B. Kay, Mrs. W. G.
Allen, Mrs. John L. Rand, and the
hostess, Mrs. Kimball.
American' Legion Auxiliary
Initiation of new members will
be held at the meeting of the Am
erican. .Legion auxiliary on Mon
day evening at 8 o'clook in ; Mc
Comack halL , All members are
urged to be in -attendance, t An
nouncement, has also been made
of the district, conference .which
will be held in New berg' on Tues
day, March' 9, -beginning at 10:30
o'clock. -Plans lor a number from
Salem to attend will be made on
Monday evening. i.:
St. Paul's Junior Guild
Mrs. Homer Smith, 675 fjorth
Summer street, will entertain for
members of the Junior Guild of
St. Paul's Episcopal Vlittrch, on
Tuesday afternoon at 2: 30 o'clock.
Guests at E: E. -Bragg Home
Mrs. B. J.' McClellan and little
son of Bend; Or., are visiting at
the home of Mrs. McClellan's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. . E, , Bragg.
They plan to spend a week in Sa-
lem. wnen Airs. Aiccieiian re
turns she will be accompanied by
her little daughter who has ben
visiting her?fsiice 'January. :
iauetis Fromy -A iqr-?
Southerri'O regon
. . r-w , i , . . . . . .
Airs. iv Aiisr ua Ismail
daughter, Jacqueline, -of1 Klamath
Falls arrived on Friday afternoon
or a visit in Salem with Mr. Al-
ter's parents.
Dr. and Mrs. Smith
Entertain iMerry-Go-Round
Club .;'
Mrs. Rollih K.' Page and Will
Thielsen won the prizes of the
evening when Dr. and Mrs. J. N.
smiin entertainea memoerB oz tne
Merry-Go-Round club, and -their
guests, at an enjoyable eyening of
five hundred on Tuesday
Invited guests for the evening
included: Dr. and Mrs. F. E.
Smith of Portland, --Dr. and Mrs.
R. E. Lee Steiner, Dr.-and Mrs.
L. D. Idelman, Djv ami Mrs. Roy
Byrd, Mr. and Mrs. ' Warren F,
Powers and Mrs. Edward Gray
Two Prominent Matrons , !
Compliment Miss Rpdgers
Numerous are tpe atractive ar-
fairs "of- which Miss Margaret Rod-
gers is the inspiration, Salem's
most prominent women being. the
hostesses, the galaxy of brilliant
affairs, having started late last
A distinctive bridge tea on
Tuesday and an equally charming
fTaiicheon" sflff bridal nower- on
Friday, tpgetterf with Mrs., Paul
Wallace's 1? o'clock .luncheon on
Wednesday occupied Miss Rodgers
during" the wek. Just past.
Mrs. William Boot was the host
ess at the. brijnt Tuesday affair
which was Kela " "at" the Asahel
Bush home on South Commercial
stret. Plum blosbms, Japanese
quince, freesias, daffodils, and
spring beauties were of surprising
beauty in the rooms. At the tea
table, ornamented with mauve
candles in silver holders, Mrs.
George.. IV" Rodgers and SJrs. Ada
Strong presided at., the- urns; tAs-
slstfng' Mrs. Boot, were Mrs. .Thiel
sen, Mrs; Linn and-, Mrs. Roberts.
Mrs.lriairJ;: Fry, Jr., t anf Mrs.
T. A. Livesley won, the .Tirs.t.and
second 'prizes during the after
noon. r.- .:
. I - i nese niaaen- were: uniss xaar-
v - X'
l(Ai - $ r :-A--''' ; : "- ;,i ; , , , v.. .t . a t-af- 4 1 "-- - - - I yt,,,.!.,,--;--- ! I -
fx ; - 3-";.;: : - . , . 1 ' , -.-S
' '' --"-. -V ; a, vrfC':! -:'V -iVe feel cnf ident . that 5 i "
"'($ I . ' sir- ? - ; history as Salem's leading ''a
H . ..." ' 'A.-S-1 rS . - , 14 silk fabric even t for we've' ' .
fjjj& : 1 -' C 1 . y , , , 'Js' -arranged to inake value and -v.' L
VOT 1 ' - Jl OX v ' i desirabiUty the keynoter; I
jWr ' I vO X "jfi "t' Wve placed a great qnan? ' k iX
rS T cO-VV i 5: - tity of these silks in our fKf
VV2 I O -4 ) ) wf windows for your critical . ,
1 S ' " ' M'SUSSAI t' inspectioni-Look at them. : . A
Zmm y ! flf'f closely. Onewill find them :; , .
HK " Af J I V avertisedi in their; fayorie'U.x f
fShi0n ' -,n ' t
I gate(. Rodgers,- Mrs George Rod
gers, f-,Mrs. Henry , Meyers, Mrs;
Joseph Baumgartner. Mrs. Ada
Strong, Mrs. John J. Roberts,; Mrst
T.' A. Livesley, MrstrDanJ. Fry,
Jr.,. Mrs. E. A O'Neill. Mrs. James
Linn, Mrs.. Fritz Slade, Mrs. Fred
Thielsen, Mrs. J. Saurman, Mrs.
Clifford Brown, Mrs. William H.
Burghardt, Jr., Mrs. J. H. Carson,
Mrs .Allen -Carson, Mrs. W. E.
(Cob tinned on pas ) '
1 1 -
gift ' $V9
I, - :. -j
' 1 v r. -
! rs yc imt
" 'wmr .- ..' """
? Buildr upj. your strength:
" hastens con valescense af
l 1 ter .feveriTa.Jn wasting
i : diseases. Il?P' .those, who
T : want -"pepV I Sy .. ( T
I i .A pleasantly flavored elix-
: Ir which has stood the test
1 5 An ideal food tonic. fr f
Perry Drus Store
1 gyew8
145 South Commercial Street
Plain and Printed
-'!' ;. - . f -- '- ' . .k".... ..... " - :' '. - ! A
' Chalk tints Maize, or
- chid, pink, shell, peach,
.; bois" de tose,' nfle, opal,
coral, yeDowrtan and white,
.Bright shades red, jade,
. rust, blue, green, and of
course the popular blacks.
Flat crepe, radium, ben
galine, printed crepe, sport '
weaves,4 Russia n; crepe,
changeable taffeta, Isatins,
crepe de chine, canton crepe
Kr 0 a d c I'o th'chrmeuse,;
III striped satins and ? other
A big manufacturer's sale' of Silks in New York City gave us. the advantage
of obtaining these; at this low price. - - It was indeed a triumph in silk buying, and
to realize on thisbuy to its fullest extent, -we, in turn, offer you exactly the same
proposition. - -.-.Thus; the savings we effect through our buying organization m the
: East vye pass on to y6u. - - - Come to our store, you 11 hot, be. disappointed. Shop
v " our windows. Then let u know which pattern or patterns you want early Monday.
Salem's Leading Department Store i , -r; ---- . -
a'?-,r 3j. -'I It'.:.',!-..' ,J '
-k e . ' M ...... . - . - I
-:- -.-i-T Vx
-- - . - . , ,r ' ?
: -i- - v
' ; -'ri J? "' " At- "CO S 's'1- .
: -i-S-i . ' i l fi'iK
. i i ' -": -. j 1 : u-
t -. '---X-v .. : : 1! -.:-:' t "'"