1 , SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 23, 102G -5 if; )' .MKQHS; EBLO Bl .vo Stock Cars 66 Through Worst ' Blizzard in Mm ? England's History . cesstul journey from Boston to Os sipee. New Hampshire and return. The fight against the elements was ar deliberately -planned endurance testrcondncted by four fperesenta tire of the Nash-AJax distributor in Boston, their ly Instructions being to prove; -what the ; AJax would do and to "break the cars" if it could be done by hard driving In almost insurmountable condi tions that existed during the bllz tard and immediately afterwards. 'C Snwodrifts'eri countered ' jsi soma points; .were so .high thati after "bucktaj them repeatedlytt was necessary to shovel through; snow covered 1 roads over which no ve hicle ; had ..ventnred were ' broken attllng through the worst blis zarttew England 'has 'experienc ed, .with a single exception. In 27 Tear ' two Kash-builf .A lax .stock cars made a" hard fought but .sue- '-op en 'and 'at the summit of , Smith as they did1 Hill the owner of a farm stated the AJax cars were the "flrst ears he had seen since winter set in. Residents of "Wakefield stated the two cars were the first to" pas through the -town In .' rmore than a m?ntnr i , . h i : 4 ' t jjlnd when they. returned to Boston i the -xmly; xnecnanlcal ad justment required the replacement ota center, bolt that, had .been sheared off a fender pt one of the cars and a report of the represen tatives v summed the : ; endurance qualities of ; the Ajax as follows: MWe all agree that we have never seen a motor car lake the grief and - punishment ? that we vwere forced to give them and stand It -I. 4 Wmmm X f , I ; Sixty miles an hour and more is not uncommon among able mptor , 1 TtTT-ct-my rti1f gndnmre with ofectsmbothnesyssd stradi i, nessif xsre sbrareastobevir dif.. c.:rhlsNmatttiied 'freedom' firom rvibiatioxi- rJidl spew2i-isiade; v ? ppiblebyanewOTentioii,TlieH -. (- -re J' l .'.d. TkTJ wiwtA T- T a nryy-If vnti have not teste fl - 1 . J l ' its amazing effect upon car perfbiniance--drrVetbenOT i: j Six and experience the t new thrill; of an unrarying poothness. ' ' - i u . m - ' , i ' . - i - . '- V V 5 FOf BROTHERS 28d S iutli HlShirfcSt ' 1 W IN JSf IK.G A'ilT5 irf O't '.GOOD I. : TTf C O Mv P A N ltO JN C A R . .T O . T H - P.O N 4T ITA:C ni SI X , 0t ' " "t . - : wboucr oiV cini&aluotou v"?T 1 V 1 f Ml is.: v Repair rJofrs iti'Thirty c: ' This iictHe l-fefcxif ot urf Service Station . arid heretre the'rea'sonsi j r : J -1 I . ..If A An Jionest effort to turn out a good job. 4 ;y - V 9 Al"k?Kfrrr f'rt rnmnlp ativ inVl on i . fcy..i-ww.rr- 'J J T ' . i" - . ' i - " . ' ' - Wr. '! SPiiBlishalsaipaulefltfchargek. . j.f r; . insuring uniform prices, - - -;. I 4 Modern equipment and. large,; '-floor space." " ", - " . The efficiency oh our-person . ; 1 The' value of a jguaf aritee by a - r . reputable and well established i . . concern. These, we believe, have brocirht . : 4 . . the eontinued' patrorse "c 'ocr original customer and catLf action . ) to the new ones whom ( we,,fferve . . ; ; jf PARICSP 0 COMPANY . $Uprior, Ford -Tha cars-left Boston la .- the, teeth ofr a 30-mne gare.; The first part ? of . the - run vend from Boston. toKcLVburTporU Mess.. The snow -was drifted so high la places that it sifted- throagh the radia tor, covering the , Ignition . wiring with a, sheet bt Ico. . The drivers wre advised' at Newbnryport not to try to' mate Portsmouth,' N. II., but they kept on. As no cars had been over this section of the road, It was necessary for the AJax Sixes to bock the drifts all the way? a distance of -0 Tnfles H Front Bos ton to Portsmouth (69 miles) "was made tn 2 'hours and 1 5 minutes running time. - ; ; ' ".T ' On the UoVer road the two AJax ears were compelled to buck drifts half as high as the radiator. The cars were accelerated' as fast as they "would" go in' low speed and driven ''head-on, into : thej drifts; smashing eight. or ten feet each time, before being stopped by a sheer blockaded of snow,- ,, This process with occasional shoveling, was repeated again and again, put log a terrific strain on the cars. ; 5 ..The , snow, . ieyond - Wakefield was ihreo . "feet deep on the' level places and ' 1 was necessary for the drivers to shovel out from un der the Tear fenders and In 'front of the gas tank ito prevent Vhang ing np tho cars on the diJtferen tlal housing: " - '..-" 'On - the ' mountain slopes ; hear Ossipee the drivers ; coupled,; the tWo'Aiax ari togetner in tanaem fashion sr that -more -forced could be secured is -bucking tbo drifts the snow on Smith Hill near Os- UlpeewaadriXted.11 pnjftjalaces from three to. five feet andre- ouired bucking" and shoveling. It was here that- an - Inhabitant claimed these Ajax cars were the first automobiles he had seen since . i On Satrdaf laornlng, the AJai cars; started i back '"t Boston, en countered similar ' condition ' on the return trip because ot a fierce sgale r that drifted the snow': over their tfacks. t Sundaj! afternoon bey arrived )n Boston-, and 2Iou day botb cars were' pt dsck in demonstrating service, aft being washed ana greased, -rana no re pair, work: of any kind; except the f replacing of the center bolt was necessafy on the return.' 'The mo tors ,were untouched during the Joufney'and after it. "f, OPEN MODELS STILLv : GREATLY H DEP1AND (OoatiaaeA. from pf 1.1 states; t-iT-t'i11 ' 1 - fKvea in the ' northern , . states many persons still, express a pre ference for the open car although tberf -can be no doubt that the en closed cars are rapidly displacing Iheopei models.. Lowered prices made possible by larger- produc Uon .nd- the undoubtedly greater all year comfort of the closed car are. responsible for this. - . "Recognizing the - demand that still ;txlsts however, the Peerless Motor Car Corporation has fnclud d -a sport phaeton in the body stytes it -is offering In its popular priced ' Six-80 . model. Advance interest chown indicates that this style will find a ready; market. assembly of ; the ..airplanes, j The roof wilt, be of steel and glass and the - exterior walls of ; buff brick, conforming in general design with the other buildings lir the group at Dearborn.- A . heating plaat will be erected in connection with the building. '.. tJ . '.:Ha The new hanger building,, to be located adjacent to the manufac turing plant 'and on ' which work already is underway, will also be ofbulf brick but of different con struction, m order to accemmooate the housing and easy handling of airplanes., U 'will l.be 123 feet wide.' by 300.4feot'loag. An un usual ' featuro is that each of the r300-foot sfdea will be 'enclosed by steel &nd g1assrdoVrs s of' special construction. "This will ' 'permit the ' entire Opening- of j either or "both sides,1 the- doors sliding back and folding rn to tfee: ends of the building: This -,has ; been vaccom- pllshed by " effecting a Toof con- structlcn ' of ; cantilever : type, ex tending tin 'either side from steel towers built "down the: center of thef building, the root being sap- ported much the same atf the cloth on the steel ways of an unbrella. i "'An" addition' also Is planned for the present 'Airport: hanger which will house a , dynamometer ' room for testing" airplane ' engines as wellvas 'other ' test rooms. With the completion' of the" new -hanger uunamg, tne present nanger, wnn its addition,' will become more of 'a maintenance - and ; repair station for airplanes-', operating V In the Fwd: Air: Transport'-" KVTbe" purchas4 'ol HOd 'acres of lana at Aiaynara, Ina., by the Ford Motoi company- has also been an nounced. 'The property, which Is located on ' the Illinois-Indiana state line, approximately 25 "miles .sWttekst! Chtcagol Will 'be util ized as the Chicago terminal of the; Ford Air Transport Service, Since' the eslabllsliihg' ! ot: the De tTOit-Cnicagtf 'airline on April It', fit 5V Ford "'planes. ;tmret eeit laudftfS at the government field at Staywood, In, Considerable -difficulty 'was "experienced' FoM pilots In teaehing'the landing field due to smoke And fog 'settling ahonl Cnfcago.? This 9 will Tie avoided Ty the new- location which remOvea !th'o iikecessity' of 'travers ing the' metropolitan- district, r ilnf announcing the purchase, the company stated that the 'property will she utilized "only as a landing f leid;.; ry ? j '-. - -"The Ford jlotor.co'mpiny In tends no fv manufacturings activity of any , sort and contemplates building- -Mt-inoTe: thansr. hanger for .the shfltet , and , servicing airplanes',' "the 8atement:sald; f "v The hanger, incorpjorates sev eral, unique, features of construc tion and many of the most modern facilities for . servicing, airplanes; The tulldihg, 'which will be 123 feet -wide and 103 feet lon& will 1 bo constructed asto adapt it- sen : io future expansion in line with future development of the air transport" service. To facilitate tho movement of planes la and out Of the "building, sliding' doors de signed to open the entire length of the hanger will , be Installed. Ijpils feature win be made possible by the use of a' cj.it i: JVt r i roof. Th8' property i.3 1 :t t' i . . . . . s . . from the Chicago aaseral".. of the company at H-mwI ris in excellent condition f. r a' landing field. ' ' f OF:mte mm M0TOR.CAJM3 VES, not only a new Paige, Imt an ,the iridustry five Paii cars can bo bull : .t.i c on. mM-a'nnW nnA wa TrmHt before Pa?I!a A mcomparauty uiurr, buuuici, during Paige. where' only one was built before Paia I ! j , i , has set a Tpco upon tms new car naany Retaining an U fine pertornungjiuaiiues , preceding vi-es. , mar esxaousoea evuer rsts u of I, . - . ! - - . . a . . the hiehway" retaining, too, all the Singularly free from ireaiisa noveiues u roominesa ot tnose lozunuus cmiiw .w r-" bodies of earner days ! . !r xnere f 3. newest Paige yet em- : sin-ie essentia utu- TVfi lUAt U, . an air cieaiier to u i - - (or in America 1 generous Paige this bodies features all its own that distinguish if not only among former Paiges,. but all former cars. It is a motor car built just as' beautiful just as strong just as lasting and just as capable as human skill can build when that skul is directed by resources as vast ai, those of Paige. ' ; . ' ; " And because in the great new , Paige factories acclaimed by tore most engineers finest in ail l or th SlaiUttrd Fiwt PuMat? Was 41670 1-r tht D Lm PaMtnitT Sedam $ 1 995 for Kc V Lmxm Scm Pc ScdM. Price . b. Detroit. T tmtra. iaif.e-liycri mz i " 'Brakes 1 j f. a i- - 'siim'ahd"ec w-t. , - , '- -. ... . .' ; New motor xars come and CO. Bnt only once in a blue mocn comes a car .so solidly built and backed that a skepttcsl public will accept it instantly ' arid without question es :. thing decidedly tie wer and Hncr and worthier in motor car de sign and performance. But iee it at the Motor 'Chows cf t our salesroom soon I . . Triimih Motor at Go. 349 North Commercial ' . Telephone 959 i 444-SOUTH boiur.'.E.iCIAL STREET f JEW PLANE PLANT .-. ' f-' leTnoccDcnttn lti, i -v-.CUaa from pa( l. 4 )- : ceed through the Tarious stages of manufacture, emerging from, the other end completed airplanes. TTntfijthe new structure Is ready tor .occupancy the Stout Division of the ' company; will continue , to be honsed In one of the new build ings In the Dearborn laboratory group where machinery already -has t&eaa Installed and work ot building "all-metal , airplanes i has sUrted, ,' - ". - ' Plans for the new plant call for afJmflding 129 feet wide by 100 feet-Ion and one story in height,, of the fame general construction as all the newer manufacturing and assembly plants; ofthe com- An unusual feature of the build ing will be that It will hare a full 120-foot Bpan from one aide to the other without i lnterrenlng robf supports, giving clear space for i $ goo ' DOWN and $1.50; PER WEEIC Pays For. a Brand New Bicycls ! yt 1 1 Start Now ? So you will have a Bicycle to use this ; v lummer Lloyd E. C37 Cc-rt Street -. .'1 ' i t ' - ' : . . 3f. 4.J- ': '.' .'4 ELY an rjEsai f?sw flssn sf r 111,11 1 fs" l1"' jDHyej the finest six-cylinder car ! ' . 1),' - i : Jtneatmve uus xiupmooueoix. .i,'t-C'-.l'.ijY-c Test itbut fdr-inTOOtliness at 'ariywnere r'lronvllJt 4 tWoOesan tv E5 . J nour 10 sixty5 miles. ; - .. . . l - , ,K w :ii:--rr- ...r.-: ' 'A . : : city trafiic;! i ' f . :;vvr!; -A rv' rxinciuda. ; -:,:;n.iTestitoutf6r teStii - vK;r:f tni of driving and: 1rloUn3t?S ' f-i S etriictibiu : : ; ' "'i. : - vSUi K-- Dallsoh.Tfrcs , ThenJypiiv.;too, : will join the tlipnwha- . v)t i Q: -;'-.;;: X 'eldeniandin -4. 'liT ri;' :-V.--.Vl" i. 4 -r 1 i.r-! 1 ,i I I , 4 1 . ' .1 f I S 'k I 1 1.4 1 t i k 1 I I i i . I I :) ':,) . I . ' ? - ... . I i ' i., Jir Y 11. J r ir jr " t f- . ';'f. V t 1 - 1 ;" -311 'N. CcmiUerdal iirkvc'ai Lie 1" 3 , i w - T3t