I; Ma TOE-OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM: OREGON "V:.' SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 28, 1926 ft 1 Yood for Sale. 43 16 NCH SLAh.XD FEB 1X3 AD. 93.75, c-hwk 1.4 ftrMt load, 94.00 1 19 w alt i ir m lead. $4.50. l Prompt : "I"Y. ' TeOUevTTtney .fann Yarn. 43a33tf CtUI, ALL TUB BETTER KINDS HTMaMaB FUEL CO PHONE Its ft .- . . v . --.-j : , r 4Sa31W BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 It. aad i tack. Pry mill wood. . t ! treea mill weed, i t Pry soooad growtk ft. I j 7 ,-. ... I FRED E. WELLS " Prompt delivery tad reeeeaahle prices, ;a Sonth Chare. Pkeae 1541. 43fl8ti r ;T AND COUNTRY WOOD "RAWING. .VUS- Ola bearda. risk Bra. Phone isrr. 3i '. r ' 48J13tf , -sood coal-dry "wood ; prompt deliveries. .jillm rcEu oo. TELEPHONE 1658, i i 43139 AALBM FUEL; A TRANSFER, 783 Trade Street. x.o Coal, Brlqeeta, Trwle uf Moving. Pheaa ftsi. - , -i I'. ' I 48a30tf WOOD SAWING. FROUFT AND : CA&irCXLY. H1LLMAN FUEL. CO. " - -. . yi s3a31tf WOOD, PRT 81 WED AMY LENGTH. HILLMAM FUEL OO. PHONE 1845 . - - --- - 43a31tf 14-IKCH OLD Fits SECOND GROWTH eak end baa, Paaae TSFx. X. D. May ff 14. ' - ' . - 48H8tf Poultry and Eggs 45 FOR SALE W UflHOEX HESS, 1 rooster. R. C..Dey, Kt. 4. Pheae 65-E1S. : - 45a FA VEROLLE EGGS, tl.50 PER 15. Eugeae T. Preeeett. Sslem, Oregon. - : i ' ' J ' if- 45meh8 BAST CHICKS FROM SUPERIOR strain. Hatches aft each Hk. Sa oar ehleke. at Flake's Petlend. 373 State;, i .. 5f26tf BABY CHICKS L THAT LIVE MANY varieties.--. Our cuatoca hatohing will plena ra.j'Fhoaa. S2E11. . Ikm't Hatekary. - , 45M0tf rOR SALE WHITE LEGHORN BABT feick &' I1S.00 aar C 4liTrd PhT)0 f? Of 45F. . 45fl2tf VNurtery Stock 49 WANTED At .ONCE 600.000-OEKTJIIfE Mankall trawbrrr plaata. from wt1 t raa patekea A4Ua auaatity aad priee. Bot 4813.- Stateraao. - 49at4 MlsceDaneons 51 FUBS1TTJX1' rjFnOLSTERIMO AKD : Mpairiaf. , Oiaaa-Fowara. Faraitara 61aSiHf FOB SALE FINE .WOODWORKIJfQ plaat ; aad 5-kataa pawa? Btor, alraott Cattt -and terata. ait en t conaiaer aoad wnall ear. O. J. Hall, za - 8. Slf2 Cam'J St aaa barlay aad wkaat. ' roaraat4 aaality prompt KlpiacBt. Fricaa.apioa applwatioa. Richard Nymaa. Walla Walla. Waaklartaa. , . . 51f28 H. .B. SEA6ROYE FURNACE ' AfD kaai Ul akaa ra4 t 81. Villi i . Lost and Found 53 LOST BROWN BOSTON BULL PUP Mala. . Aatwara ta naraa of Bis Bay Reward. Phono 2153. 5 3m 3 I.nRT LADIES SOLD WRIST WATCH witk t ieatkar -atrap bracelet. Fiador plaaaa totara ta StataaaMa. Baward. . ' ' Personal 55 m RMING YOUNG" LADY -WORTH .000. will nvarrr. Wrtta va.- B- Wkbita, , kansss.. , skv r t iTtRY IF LONELY-IOIN THB SCO-vessfal- Correspondence ' Club." ReU-v-V hU lcriotiona free. Bos 556. Oak- i' f ' California. V. " 5528 iJixCRXftQE 'LETTERS." 'MAXE NEW f f rlmda Privata iatradaetioas. Satis- f action .ruaraateed. jrarttcaiars iree club, Readiag, Good Fellowship Feana ' ' ' ! " - mtZ TREATMENT - FOR APPENDICITIS It-I.WaadeTfaJ., Free informatloa " . Address Bist Cs, Pertlaad, Oreroa. : ' - 55afa-1923 sBBjmBmjssBsaBanBBB I' ll: ' Money to Loan 57 i ' ' ' irnBrw- to LOAN ON CTTT HOMES. , Let me explaia our HOME MORTGAGE 1 -LOAM, pUk. aj tntareat. ae eom- aiissioB. - Chaa. Hudkixa.; Roans ve Miller' a Store. Phone 94. 5TJ37U . , BRADLEY THE LOAN MAN i ANNOL'SCES SALEJi POLICY - We srp-epeaing aa office la Salem for the reason test we - - i- .; Hrj.IEVX IN 8ALEM XTm KeMeva the enleadid tribatarr re- ureed.. the industries ander way, aad the progressive itiseaskip of Salem s ensBbinatioa that raaraateee a rapid,' aabstaatial aad permaaeat srwwtk Mil nun m ;. .',... 'A 'SAFE PLACE TO tOAN (MONEY . t VI HiVE PLENTY OP MONET lass, aa rood asodera city property, either resideeee ar, baaiaeea, and "our leans ace repayable la aaaysaoatbiy a atallments. We make building loans, Mmiaaf them from alana aad speci fications aad make advaaces during the p regress af tha baildiar ta carry, eoa atruetlea east. Wa make prompt i com mittal and advance the money without aaaecsssery oeiay. T . StriwVr- FOR PARM LOANS Vtea. inssjtes-sr twenty rears. 5H : with 1 'commission. Service as rea- tAsWle & meant aa eaa be secured; from i lifeviksarpaca companies. Wa a-ill be J lad"TU represent clients in tha loaning of prlvsle -gad. end , if aay who de ' .in- Aar . aervieee . will notify .ae we anil ..it them from time te time s 16s ns ci - i . - . . . . - tr kosae t wr attention ai taa im "7 ,1 desire. We ' secure eor eammiasioBs V from 'the borrawe. We do a real J. uit aMsinaaa ana jmes insure oca sm f th burden at ear effort is ta provide V fiaanca lor buUding and deveVopaieat ; ?ourocErr. better service. B88 Stete Street.. . ... ! 57(28 1 WANTED TO BORROW- 20O.00 -ON -ood ; person! security.. Call at 316 gdaeenie Tempi. ... 59m 2 ' Btisiness .poirtanities 61 , ' " ... tna r aiai.w.j-mrsnERTr Brrocac.t FIX- tares-in rood ' locaUoa . in Salea. good. ressoa for mtlH Boaoiofskr, ei SJUtav' " :'-"- r - i rtllis " .'! aOOD -BUSINESS FOR TicADB Large store baildiar aad nice, clew 2Z.I .rwuta. ! aaaall towa well U - rated only asare ia towa.- lHng eta tkireaaaacUoa. .SS.OOO w?Uk ' small fsras'oa goon rvao, a Will not assume. m ; - i nil as sr.il ,TT fTO 483 State St. m?"-r. : Sl(28tf Real instate 63 4.t a-..,. ;.... v ,f V.l Tli' sVaaeVaal'- mm iU::sM'H .-v. M -WJ i i'h.r, - 'a . - Strwaww rarnlsheeV 8 roaai flat, heated I i v 4 o. raoat. kwuaa. . ;9;roos kooae l . ' 7 ' GERTRUDES. M. PAGE, - - U83 N. Oottega St. 93f31tf I KEW 8-ROOM- HOUSE, i Modrm la every way. t ' UnmiMl. eoutructor COMPLETED. I Terms. H. O. aad baiHer, I Real Estate, : 63 ' TWO LOTS S450.JI TERMS. EXCEL-1 lent far dan, aaar can acaaala aad paa hi. jaeaa m neoancca, in . Higa atroot,.. V- ' - COME ' ' " Aay tbaa, day ar avoaiac aad tall aa .waat yaa bao ta aall ar trad a. Wo I ara tooaing for a big year. Bea White, I Horn Realty. Co 169 BaaU High. Phono 1718. v ; 3at7 NEW MODERN FOURSOOM HOUSE AT I 1390 Madiaoa., 92700. - 690. caro Statoaataa. . . . t 3m7 . A.LQE.IX BAROAUt A 7 -room aoaaa. aiodara eoaoalneo ' baaamoat aad famaco, ftroptaea, ga ' rago. . Largo- lot, paved (treat ' ihi kloka to State aad Commorcial Sta. 4000: aiooe dowa. A strictly aodera home eloao In, on paved street aad pared alley, eat Ifont : Tkia plaea' hat 6 ' rootna, ueaatiful i drapenea, window shadea aad - vary I atca faraitara. ir yea are interested in a nice homo clone to the Capitol and to baaiaeaa, look this op ia the : office al J. A. Mill. 381 H State St. KKKKKKlCatKKKKXKKlCXKKKK K FOR SALE LOTS . - J K, K Lot in Bickataad Addition, ea- X K merit walk, east front, price K K 00. - ' - K K Lot oa Market 8t aear 14th. K K St. Paved street, cement' walks X X Price ineladina paring paid K X S800. i , . K X " Let aa Maple Ave. East freat X K Price 435,. aad asaaate par- X X lag . , X X KRUEGER, 147 N. Coai'l St. X X 3f27tf X OEJCKXKKKKKKKKXKKK3CXKXKO GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST We kava aver 8000 vrepertiea liated for exchange. Every kaad at property, every price, every location. We can match your- exchange EXACTLY. It yea would .like to tradeyour property TUUai, come la tvuax. Baa -GAS KILL EARLE. Realtors. Saeceaaor to Parker Realty Co. ISC 8. LlbeHy. Phone 3341. LARGE FAMILY HOME 43750. THE . best buy ia its kind ia -Salem. Paved : corner etc. Becks a Hendricks, 189 N. High Street. B3(88tf FINE. 10 ACRE SUBURBAN PROPERTY aa paved road witk fruit,, berries, -mad-era home, rood out-balldinrs. ' Excel lent soil. Close ia. .Will accept small house ia Salem ia part payment up to f9.aou.uu. rrtee f a.sou.wi. - A. C. BOHRXSTEDT. Realtor' Loans " lasuraaee' 147 No. Com'l 8t Salem. Oreroa. 63f2Btf CALL AT OUR OFFICE FOR BAR- " GAINS IN FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY. 1 60 acre farm well improved, good buildings, 3 silos, a good dairy rsrra at 6joo. easy terms. - - Goverameat land baak tracts of lead at 8100 per acre, very good lead, easy terms, let- as tell yea about it. 5 Room new fully modern bunra - low on D Street at 83600.00 : . 8300 down, balance motfthly paymeat. - - . 4 Room aew bungalow at 32600 ; S330 does, bataace . like rent. AT . 850 yea cea buy a garage bouse a north Chorea - ok. easy paymeats. 1 Of the beat buys ia the city: 6 raom modem home ready, aew. very-' rood location, east front. at S37QO. easy payments. 3 Room furnished apartment for I rent at 815.00 .per month,, 3 Haadred-arre farm, rood grain r clover land.. 180 acres un der ealtivatio- - Boildiara running water, timber for own use. 8100 per-acre, easy -terms. COM'L Street kerne, r rooms, alastered. I east (rent, a real bargain at I 93500. famished. 9500 dowa. balance to suit. ' '" SALEM Store ia a good , loeatiaa. 'Sell fixtures snd; invoice . stock. TJLRICH ft ROBERTS. Realtors. Pkoaa 1354. .-,.'-.-.---l . , 63m3 830OO, NEW -HOME IN CORVALLI8, 1 aear Campus. - ' ' 93500 home well located In Silverton, 94000 home best section Eurene. These people- waat to exchange their hemea (or Balem nones. 918.000 to lend on good security. Feed mill i a rood town oa Highway, eq nipped with machinery. .6-room- plant 1 tered keaee, . hes been tskea ever-on mortgage aad will , sell entire plant ad house for B5aOO. Cenfeetioaery store paying fine divi dends, (or short time, will sell lor 93750 cash, - WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor. 21 Oreroa Bldg. 83f28tf BUILD IN NICE DISTRICT IN Laurel Park every house ia aad will be MODERN. Prices .have not chanred aad there ara two large double lots left at 8525. Some terms if desired. Becke A Hendricks. 189 N. Hirh street. . " 03f28tf HERE WE ARE! A aew reel estate company just or- ranised that will do buaiaess strictly Golden Rule besis. Come in aad let as prove our claim. LOOK AT THESE 1 9-room bouse, corner lot. paved street. water. lights, garage.. - 91800 ; 9100 down, rest tike real - 51 V4 -aero farm, eloee . to ' towa. plenty water, 4-foom bouse, smsll farm .close to school. Terms. f200 cask, balancs t suit purchaser. , ... Briar ae your-wsnts snd listings! WILLAMETTE VALLEY . REAL .S8TATE AND BROKERAGE ! COMPANY. ;. -Conducted by F. R.-Roystoa and S. F. Southards: 1207 N. Com'l. Room 99. 3f28 HOME REALTY SPECIALS Ka. 710 For Rala-k-5-room Saw cottase. 23p Cherry St (ally medera, fireplace she faraece. Garare. Only 83150. Just pay 9350- dowa aad move tn. Foe Rata 5-room -ottace. 1588 N. Canitol worth 935O0, take It at 93130, pay little cash aad wvova ta. Xa. 702 For, eele-T-8 -roam new cottage partly moo era, v acre, grouBu, me tell oak akade trees, beautiful piaee. Price only 4-av0, pay 9339 dowa aad move" ia. For Sale 5-room konse, remodeled, new garage. V acre gorund, 2173 Btste Bt. Bnsp tor eomeoeey, price -esju, pay little, cash aad move. la. For Sale Banralew xarare. aew ldr., big let ouv Msrket street, only 985U.0U, psy uttie cata. aaa move ia. Per Sale Vacant lot on -Market St., 50x 160, fine leeatiea, only 9450.00. Get ur' bit list af suburban .hemes, small aad large . tracts, alt, pnesa, ataa . ex changes. ' See White,' , HOME REALTY CO. 16 8. Higk. .. . i '63m3 MINUTE MOVIES PtH'F, .e' Jkt.V! DI.ACK 'nccz. VH I VW'ATTtVMrTthO ESCAPE ,fcWT I HAVE, is Wcw ! 'to;.,; Real Estate r .63 150d DOWN. raESJ LIKE BENT. MOD- era 4-oom with faraace, fireplace. Oa trim , lot, pared ate. . Close schools, north. Price 84200. complete. Vacant. Becke A Hendricks,. 189 N. High St. - i . ? 63f28tt IT 18 RISKY-; NOT. TO LOOK WITH ra AND USELESS TO LOOK FURTH ER. 4 .-. y-l ..' 8 rooms, water, light, sewer, garage, 9850, terms. 4 roam bun rs low. modern, garage, oa pavement. $2600. 8&00 r-aah. 4 i rooms, modern, good construction, fine basement, .lot 76x105, for quick sale 93150. terms. " 6-room strictly taodera aew bangs low, hardwood floors, north Salem. 84, 250 if Bold at ease, terma. . - 7 room strictly medera. large tot. ga rage, oa creek, pavement, avast be so id, 96850, 1-8 cask. . - 6-ronm SBodera beegalow, gsrsge 95500,' waat ta apply oa income ia Salem.- 8 2 6-room apartmeet, will accept good room residence ia Salem and carry back for balance. 913. 00O, income 9180 par anoath. 4-rooai aew bungalow, nook, fire place, gsrage. Berth 8ummer, $3750, terma. 30 aerea well improved. Hayeaville district, fiae for aubdivlamn, will ac cept iaeonie not aver 9000 end carry back, price 913.000. 6000 acres cut and burnt over and seeded, BOO of good saw Umber. 1 mile from rail Toad lavs, 8500 acres tillable when cleared. 98 pef acre, will aeeept 910,000 in exchange, 910.S0O ia cash -aad terma to suit aa kelaaee at 6. 818 acres well improved dairy ranch la Li n n county, waat ranch not over 915,000 end earrt back at 5. ; SOCOLOFSXY. 341 Stata. 63f28tf FOR SALE CLOSE IN PROPERTY. IN- eome 9150 per month. 911,000. Five-room house witk beaemeat, two lots, corner, both streets paved, bear ing fruit trees, garage aad hea house, 93650. . Six-room bouse, 'corner lot 18 blocks North, 91800. . Four-roam house close to highway ad fairgrounds, 91000. Strictly modern 1 new five-room bun galow, paved street. 9390O. Bnngalow, five large rooms aad attic, 93500. - Rektanrsnt; good business, 91300. Secoad head store. 93000. Blacksmith aad machine shop. 92500. Trade Five-acre prune orchard for house. - f Small house Boa th Salem for larger house. , 16 acres North of town for City property. Five-room house Portland for Salem BOOie to. 83000. : 95SOO mortgage 7 4 per cent and cash for farm bp ta 915.0OO. ; 160 acres timber fir cedar aad alder near 8itertoa for farm or acreage. Will assume. i F. L. WOOD, . 341 State St. 63f28tf VOOK . THEN READ THIS 18 YOUR CHANCE TO BUY A HOME 9800 Bays a coxy ' little 8-room borne, city water' end light, east front. 3 blocks from esr line lot 30x100, nesr school, 9500 dowa and balance like rent. 81900 .'-. Bays a 4-room plastered notne, witn bath - and toilet, light and wster, pav ing and cement Walks, garage, alley, 9300 down, balance 920 month. 11950 Bays a a room piasterea nome on a. Summer St.. near school and ear line, fireplace, good terma. call 615 and let us shew you this one. 92350 T 5-room home, witn lights, city water aad bath, oa 8. Cottage St. 92630 Buys a good 5-room plastered nome, gsrage, close ia on N. ZOth St., 9500 dowa to hsndle, balance like rent., 82000 uood a-room nome. lights aad water. cement walks. - paved street, close to school aad car line, pay down 9aO, and move in, pay the balance like rent. 93500 ' . t Beys a o-room nome ciose tn on n. Liberty Bt.; with basemeat and furnace, plastered, cement walks, paved street, east front, THIS 18 A REAL BUY Abu WILL J AY YOU TO INVESTIGATE. 93300 T-rootn nome Witn" eement basemeat plastered, paved street, close to school aad wear line, LET US SHOW YOU THP-ONE. Only 91000 down tt kaadla: '" " 93SOO Bay a rood 5-room home with base ment, furnace, plastered, cement walks paved street, east freat, garage, oa 8. High St.. lot 50x143. . 93800 - ; ' Here ia a deltgnttul . little nome or o roooti, . witk bssenfea' furnace, fire place, double garage, located et 1725 N. Capitol. St.- Be sure aad ses this one. 9500 dowa, balance terms. 94300 , 7 poo ma, piasterea, psvea street ana walks,-. eeat front, lots of fruit snd berrien, garden spot and chicken psrk, fine large Jot 75x162 located - on 8. liberty-St. This is so ideal home far day one with small children, lots of room to play. 91500 down, balance 930 month. 94500 Buys a good 5-room borne located aa N. Cottage St., basement, plastered, ce ment walks snd paved street. 3 ra nges. 91000 down and the balance like rent. 950OO rise large lot 138X125 with one 5 room house and one 8-room bouse, aad ground eaongh fer 3 more bungalows located on the corner of Market and N. Fifth St. HERE IS TOUR CHANCE TO MAKE A GOOD INVESTMENT. 85500 Fine large home with 9 rooms, located on Pairmount Hill, lot 50x150, east (rant, garage, call us aad we will gladly shew, yea this home, you will be de lighted with the view. I feaw Bays a 7-reom modern home, basemeat. . (uraaee, fireplace, an batlt-ln coaven . ieaeee, ; best of eoaatroction and work manship in this house, garage. Here ia your chance to get a first class new home at tha right price.: 96500 Buys a good 7-room borne with base ment, - faraaee, - fireplace, gsrsge, eua porch, payed street, Oaly 91000 dowa and' balance terms. 92650 ; 4 ; . , Just being completed, neat, well locat ed, bungalow, combination living aad dining room,, bed room. VaUt in kitchen, bailt in Murphy bed. plastered, alt mod ern plumbing, hard-wood floors, fire place, eement porch ia front, cement walks . and paved street. 9350 dowa te headJe. 935 per month, close to school. CALL 515-AND LET US SHOW YOU THIS. x '.. i - ' i -v .. W. H. GBARENHORST CO- '' Realtars. 134 8. Liberty St. - Phone' 515. 63f39tf 5pUMONi" DvMCd . Tblre. EKt XD &at LCAEMAiCS- GOOD MZ Real Estate 63 - SPECIAL. ' ' 7-room ' koase. aiea lot, tnap lot 1500. with 9300 dowa. , 4-raom. large lot 91000. 4-room garage. 3 lota, 91400. - B room good bay, 92500. 4-room garage, acre. 92500. 3Vs acres with 6-room house, garage, barn, aease fruit, a aaap for 93100. 4 acre With ' aew' house and ga rage, aloatrie lights, eloee ia, 32250. We have several homes ia Belem to ex change for acreage. ' Restaurant to trade for small place oa highway. . THOMASON, 831 H Bute St. 1 63f25tf LOOK THIS CP If yea. are locking for a real home, that ia priced right, best location in the city. Only 2 Vs blocks of post office: 1V4 blocks state house; a beau tiful home; a splendid Investment. Price 97500. Strictly modern. Paved street and alley, for a reel bay see it. Bee Childs A BechUL 540 State Street. 4 , 63f27tf FOR RENT LIST CUT OUT. 1 r-I.arge house 940, 1650 S. High. 2 Three large flats 930 to 840, 664 Ferry St., 766 Marion St. 3 New email home. 930. 2278 N. Win ter. 4 5 rooms, 927.50 at 660 Electric Avenue. 5 Garage booses in 1600 block Tew street. Just south of Cross, 912. 6 5 rooms. 925. 655 N. 16th. 7 353 Ieslie, 8 rooms, 932.50. BECKE A HENDRICKS, 189 N. High. Phone 161. cRStf 7 ROOM HOUSE, OARAGE, GOOD GRAV- el 8t. All good shape; to see this is to buy it Csll early. 1 Lots in South 8alem Lots in North Salem, almost st your own price. Good terms. From 9350 ap. Vs here lays fine, covered with cher ries sad 1 ran berries, plenty of room fer two bouses, each will have plenty of frait Small paymeat down, good terms on balance. A fine 9 acrea orchard in the town of Shaw, good bldrs., and one of the best little orchards in the coantry. Come ia and let me show you. If you need a loaa I can serve you. I can write your inaurance just as good as -any one; will appreciate to be fav ored with some at anytime. G. W. LAFLAR, 410 Oregon Bldg. 63f28 A NEARLY NEW 6-ROOM HOU8E, MOD ern. Paved street. A woodhouse and garage. One-half block from car line. J. H. MeDanald, 1850 Vs N. Winter. 63f28 16-ACRE8 NEAR SALEM. GOOD BUN galow and other bldga. 5 acres prunes and strawberries. - snap 95500, easy terms, take residence , te 93000. 50 aete farm aear 'Salem, nice farm land, bldfft ., fruit, 'C acres strawberries, Stock, tools, 98000, take residence. - 4-room eottage N. Salem, large lot. garage, 91550, 9250 dowa. Large lot, 7-room house, garage East Salem. 91600. 9300 down. Three suburban homes for Sslem residence property. See onr list before investing. PERRINE A MAR8TERS 212 Com. Club Bldg. 63f25tf FOR SALE Large corner Jot in Richmond Addition on paved street. At Mill and 33 streets. H. E. Tunks, Brandon,' lewa. 68(2-8 KKKKKKKXKKKKKKKKXKKXKO X FOR SALE HOUSES K K New house and garage oh Cspitol K X St. Price 94500., Terms. K K 4-room house Iocs ted at 535 S. K X 16th. St. Price 91400, 9200 K K cash. K K 3-room bouse on N. 19th. St. X K near Enflewood School. Price K X 9850. Terms. K X KRUEGER. ,147 N. Com'l 8t. K X 63f27tf K OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO INCOME PROPERTY CLOSE IN. 815.P00 Business block snd Apt. hofmrrTose in bringing rood dividends, 915,000. Lot fer business building. 98O00. Large business corner, $20,000. Attractive home. Urge lot. 91O.000. Large stucco home. 912,000. Large tot; 6 room house. N. Summer St., 9ew. 7.-room alt one floor house, corner lot. 84000,. 9850 down. Business ' corner sad old house 95000, 930O down. , Attractive corner on -5th 8t 92100. 930i down. . Trade . garage, blacksmith shop, serv ice station, lota of . work, for Salem residence as part paymeat. Trade 8 seres 5-room house for resi dence -ia-Salem. Oa sain highway, 15 acres witk build ings, 99850. On higbwsy 15 seres with new modern bull lings everything in A-Number One condition, 8 15.0O0. & acres and modern house, trade for Salem property. Lots 9450 and up. We write Fire end Auto Insursnce. . GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE, 492 N. Cottage Street. 63(2?tf BUSINESS PROPERTIES RIGHT NOW. We have several priced below the mar ket by owners WISHING to selL Becke Hendricks, 189 N. High street. 63f28tf BEST BUT8 IN HOMES LOTS AND ACREAGE 97700 New strictly modern English '' stucco, 6 rooms. Nook, hsrd wood floors, furnsee. Fireplace, garage, corner lot, grand view. A real home. 93600 Modern 5-room bungalow. Two lota located on a fine corner, both atreeta paved. Fruit and nut trace. Owner leaving. 92100 Modern 5-room. Payment down. balance 920 month. HOMES THAT ARE NOT MODERN But liveable. Smsll payment down. balance like rent. 9700 9800 $950 91400. Why pey rent? SOME CHOICE LOTS 9350 and up. new listings. FARMS See onr wonderful buy close to city nesr garden reed. 10 acres for 93200. Also several fine farms on . Howell Prairie, 9125 to 9200 per Sere, best farms in the vslley. If its a home. See CHILDS A BECHTEL Realtors, 840 State 8treet. 63(25 tf FOR SALE OR TRADE For city property apartment house, paya rent 9125 monthly. BARGAIN Faar-roem house, paved street, garage, sleeping porch. Act quickly. WANTED LISTING S. BULGIN A-, BULG IN 275 State Street.- - 63(20tf LI8T YOUR HOMES, FARMS. LOTS, basinees opportunities, income property, , exchanges sod rentals with ns for re l suits. ; We are preps red te give quick service -and personal attention to all listings. -Oome ia and ret acquainted, i i TRIANGLE REALTY CO. Cor. ' Court aad Liberty Sts. Entrance 318 No. Liberty. Phone 651.' - k 68(28tf cone (0M.30C, "tPERE'S THB. wO. UGV4T Real Estate. 63 PAIRMOUarr HILL LOT8 9300 ON UP. All sises-aad fronts. -Becke Hea- ' dricks. 189 N. High street. . 6328tf 3 rooms, besemeat, large corner lot, kitekea well bailt ia. 93500, will take) light car as part payment. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 216 Oregon Bide. : , - 63t28 SOME ONE Wmi 927.500 HERE'S property that will net yon 8 and steely increase ia value. See ihie OLD I LISTING. Becke A Hendricks, 189 N.I High Street'. 63f28tf FOR BEST BAJ9GAIX8 IN SALEM CITY HOMES. VACANT LOTS. CHOICE SUBURBAN ACREAGE HOMES OR GOOD DAIRY AND GRAIN FARMS at fair prices' and rood terms, see us. We have an extensive list of over 200 city aad (arm properties for sale and exchange. Please surbmit ybur in) qnlries snd offerings to as as we can likely match your wants satisfsctorilv. We ara adding more properties to our for sale and exchange lint every day. See WGIjI.8 HOIS. 216 Masonic Temple. Phone 618. We write Insurance. 63f2S 3 ACRE CLOSE TO CAR LINE. BEACTI- fol view. View. A splendid building site. Only 31.200.00. 5 seres close in on Jefferson way. Small house. View property. A good buy at 95.O00.0O. A. C. oOHRNSTEDT. 147 No. Com'l St.. Salem. Oreron. 63f28tf Real Estate Trades 65 MINNESOTA 14 ACRES LAKE 8HOER improved farm. 5-room house, barn and outbuildings, exehsnge for house or smsll fsrm in Oreron or wsshtng- Gust Nygren, Fraxee, Mian. 6of28 MINNESOTA 14 ACRES LAKE SHEAR improved farm, 5 room house, barn and outbuildings. Exchange for house or small farm in Oregon or Washinrton. On st Nvcren. Prsser. Minn. 65F2R' Real Estate Farms 67 WANTED TO HEAR . FROM OWNER of fsrm for sale tor sprinr delivery. O. K, Hawley. Baldwin, Wis. . 67f28 FOR SALE OR TRADE 160 ACRES OF Alberta Innd for Newport houses or any property tn the Willamette valley. Box 514 care Statesman. 67f25tf Acres Fully equipped and paying dsiry fsrm. close to school. 12 miles of Salem aa good county rosd. phone and milk route, tit consider city or small acreage as part pay. Crops with place if sold1 soon. Box W, csre Statesman. 67m2 ELEVEN ACRE8. ALL TILLABLE. lays well to a rood road, aear aa ac tive towa on the Pacific highway and main line 8. P. R. R. Schools, fruit cannery and other business and so cial organisations.- Especially adapted to , poultry, atrawberriea, etc Some apple trees, no buildings. Price 9180 per ncre. Smsll down payment, terma on balance or no payment down if buyer will improve. Will rtade for Salem property. E. A. Rhoten, owner. 1593 8. Uirh St Balem. Oreron. 67flltf FARMS AT YOUR OWN PRICE AND terms, I hsve two good dsiry rsnches unoccupied, 80 acres, and 45 acrea. Im proved, we want buyers with little money or property, easy terms on bal ance, if you win tske a Isrm see us quick. Smsll rtacts near city for city property. we have some attrac tive propositions. BARBER. 20O Gray Bldr. 67f28tf Attention of Par m ' Owners WISHING TO SELL We are going, te publish for general distribution, a list of Oregon farma and acreage for sale. If interested, you .may write to call on or VI cto r Sch n e i d e r. Realtor 147 No. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon. 67f21tf LOOK 40 acres, 10 miles out on psved road. 5 or 6 acres cultivated. - Some timber. A bargain for 850 per acre. Will trade for house in town. THOMASON. 331 Vi State St. 67M8 REAL FARM 110 ACRES One of the best dairy farma or general farming, in the valley, oa pared high way; adjoins a good live town, near high school. Cheese factory, creamery. best of soil, all cultivated land. Good buildiara. tarze dairy barn. Fine home. Electric lights, silo, garage, poultry house. Mr. Farm. Bayer, dou t buy until you have aeen thia one. Price was 95,000. Now 918.000. Best of terms. See Childs A Been tel. 540 State Street. 67f37t( If yon have 925 and a working disposi tion we csn "sell you a 25 acre ' farm with a cow and a horse end some chickens and . all rrady to go and yon can pay for it out of the crop. A splendid 5 acre tract out north nenr the hirnwsy witn a modern o room borne and worth 98800 and the owner waats a home in Salem, 6 very fine highway acrea with smsll improvements and worth 94500 aad the owner wants a home in Sslem. S room house and 3 good' lots and the owner wanta a smsll noose worts 92500. ' McGILCHRIST A PENNINGTON 209 U. S. Bsnk Bldg., Phone 140 67f2fltf FARMS THAT WILL PAY THEIR WAY. SO-acres about 12 miles out, just V .mile of psvement. All in cultivstion. about half ia fine bottom land. Fine iew buildings. Will tske soma city trade in part. Price 9000.00. 200-aere dairy farm near Albany. Mod ern bouee and good out buildings. Will take trade ae part. Price 925,000.00. 92 acres, good "land, about 5 miles from ' Salem. No buildings at oaly 9 90.00 per acre. i VictbVSchneidefpf Realtor 147 No. Com'l 8t. . Phone' 577. "We preach farms aad practice it." 67f21tf VHxwxrs HIS' j . a. s ' a . e-i i .i ry et vxrMMt. ALL rcrrii'.- TWU" -.77- lV- Mr V V . 1 '- - J wW Itiq m IB aW fT VJ. I M fl ir irk'aiikfl? Ay at T W sfss IV r I I 1 II '-4k V ' J it II " lift . Motorcycles & Bicycles 73: ; FOR SALE ONE MOTORCYCLE AND aide ear. Cheap for cask. . Fair cendi JionOld model. ; 73f28 Wanted Real Estate 71 ' LOOK We have a buyer for a farm of 40 to 60 acres, ltnet be oa good -road. THOMASON. 331 State St. i -.- . ; Tir28 HAVE CLIENT WHO WILL PAY CASH (or good paying apartment lease, in cluding furniture. Submit offerings Tuesday, , A. C. BOHRN 8TEDT. 147 No. Com'l. St... Salem. Ore. J 71f21tf Automobiles Wanted 77 CASH PAIP FOR 8 EtKER Auto Co. 77ml2tf Used Cars for Sale 79 MUST SELL NEW IMPROVED TYPE Ford touring. Never been licensed Balloon tires snd ether extras. You save 9100. Phone 1731. 79m3 Someone Will iasp these up. 2 late model Biiicks; run just like new. Otto J. Wilson, 388 N. Commercial. : 79m3 BIKER'S GUARANTEED USED CARS 1924 Touring 9285.00 1924 Coupe ,. , ,, 9 Ford Sedan 9245 our asaai guarantee behind ail ears. . BIKER AUTO CO. Liberty Street at Ferry. Paean 121. 79dl7tf YOU CAN BUY A Uf.ED CAR WITH confidence when its bscked by our or gsnisstion because we are in business to star. We have too much at stake to misrepresent a rsr to you or exsg gerate its vslue. Stop ia st our sales room. -: See the numerous cars that have been put into attractive ahape in side nad out and whose prwe tags are equally attractive. We are now of fering the soundest used esr bargsins in town. And in sddition we will give you a beautiful 42-piece dinner set. with each and every used rsr purchased. P. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 365 N. Commercial 8t. Phone 1260. ; 79f25tt No Less A Car Than When New The used Fords we are now offering at unheard of prices, are not' inferior to new ones in the essentisls of per formance. They have been carefully inspected and fully reconditioned. They win deliver a fun measure of automo tive transportation. 1923 TouHng, refiniiaed, upholstery and top-like new 817o 1924 model touring, speedometer, spot light, new-, psint 3275 1923 Roadster, new paint, lots of ex tra a, delivery box 9235 1923 Coupe, shock absorbers, beautiful ly repainted ....9283 1921 -touting t..i 9150 1931", -Dedre Touring.' fine rondi tion .... 9275 Valley Motor Co. Salem, 'Ore. 79f27tf New Low Price Sale of Used Cars We have gone over our uaed cars and have cat prices on every used esr in stock. NEW PRICE SALE OF USED CARS Wa are crowded for room due to leasing- part of our building to the Capitol' Motors. There is only, one thing for. us to do and Hhat is aell some of onr used cars. We have put prices, on them to sell quick, snd we csn sey right hare they are PRICED RIGHT. Some of these we will raaraated sad others we cannot, be low, ara a fear reedy, to go. 2 Lata model . Essex Coaches, one has keen driven about 4000 and the other 7300 miles, either one is a good investment. 1 Essex -."4", Ceborlet a dandy buy. 1 Lata model Hudson Coach, fully . equipped- and in very good mechani cal condition, a snap. . 1 Superior Model Chevrolet Coupe.' New paint and: a let of extras, me chanically good. Lste model Ford Rosdster, new psint. nothing" like it on the coast. We will sell this (or less than the cost of the extras: on it. Wo a Lao have aeveral good buya in Ford, CCu pes, and tourings, Buieks, : Dodges," Esses, and Hudsons if you are thinking of buying a good used car, be Sure and look these ever, for we can .aava you money. If you. cannot come in. a pbone calt will bring any one of these to your 'door. Biddy Bishop or Al Roossesu. Fred Mv Powell Motor Cars 350 North High St. Phone 2126. 79tn3 i Now For That Car : YOU HAVE WAITED ALL WINTER , FOB, Hupmebi'te 1923 ...96."0 llunmobila 1920 -. 350 ' Dodre touring 1921 250. Dodge tonr. 1983 433 Dodge tour. 1923 350 Dodge tour. 1923 875 Chandler Sport 1923 875 Overland 'tour. 1920 - 100 Buick Six roadster i922 , 125 Chevrolet tour. 1919 73 Chevrolet roadster 1918 . 5u Ford touring 1918 - .. 50 Bonesteele Motor Co. 'Under the big tent," Dependsblt N Uaed : Care. . Center and Commercial Streets. : 79f2S Two ''Westerns' which will be released soon are ''Dude .Ranch with Art Acord, UntYersal. and Tom Mix In "Hard Boiled." a Fox picture, tn the latter Helene Chad wlek t)a9 the feminine lead. ' CAxJTiOwSLy j ..nAau THE ;CUiwCJl JO'- ' OUTrHT ' AN' "TAKE Trtt Kit Classified Business Directory Of Reliable Buslnem and Profesaloal Firms 4transd la Alphabetical Order for Quick Referencej , . ; AMBTJXAMCX GOLDEN AMBULANCE PHONES 909 aad 883-R. Day ot-wight ees-vtce. f 14tf AUCTIONEERS F. N. WOODRY Salem's Leading Expert Livestock. Fur niture aad Real Estate Auctioneer aad Appraiser. - Res. aad 6tere. 1610 N. Summer Street. Phone 511 For Sale Date Established Since 11. ( ACCOUNTANT G. ED. ROSS, ACCOUNTANT AND And- ! iter, 8314b State. Phone 2098 R. I a 7- 2a BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN S R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES, stsrter and generator work; 171 South Commercial. WiiiM Phone 198 COURT ST. JOE WILLIAMS BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN COLUMBIA BI- evelee snd repeirinr. 887 ronrt. BRAKE RELININO Vltlfr. PA NEK 275 SOUTH COMMER- cial St. Pbne 102. 8tf CHINESE REMEDY L. L. DICK L. V. HUM Chinese Medicine Company Heln anv known disease. 420-426 Stata. CHIROPRACTOR DR. O. L. SCOTT, P8C. CHIROPRACTOR 258 N. High. Phone 82B-R or 87. H. TA. SCOFIELD. PALMES CHIROPRAC- tor, 32S Oregon tfiag. i-none i. mon DRESSMAKING MRS. C. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING, stamping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil ler's Store. Phone 117. ELECTRICIANS ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co.. Phone 1934, 222 N. Liberty. FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring by hour or contrset. Estimates furnished. mono a ni iwn . FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper send 15c to the Pacific Homestead. Salem, Oregon, for n three months' ' trial subscription. Mention this ad. rOULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO eent stampa for special three months' trial for the best and oldest Journal in tha west. The articles and advertise ments are of special intercut to the poultry breeders of the Northwest Northwest Penltry Joumsl, 311 Com mercial street. Sslem. Oreron. FINANCIAL POR SALE FIRST AND 8ECOND Mort gages. Trust Deeds. Contracts an bouses Will net 6 ta 80. BECKS A HENDRICKS Haili Bide.. 189 N. Hirh St. " . jl-tf f - - "ARM LOAN 8 PLENTY OF MONEY TO loan oa good farm security. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pru dential Insurance Company money en city residences and business property, at 5V4. plus a commission. Hswkias ' A Roberts, Inc, 205 Oregoa Building. -v - -' d-1 4tf rLORISTk Ferns, choice roses, gladiolus. perennials, shrubs, weeping-birch, iris, etc. Bennett Nursery .Co. Fairground Rosd. TeL 13S0. al5. '36 CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS, fnnarml wreaths' decorations. C. F. Breithaupt, florist, 123 N. liberty Phone 380. XN8URANCB Insure Your homo or esr bow Phone 161 r BECKE A HENDtflCKS Heilir Bldr.. 18 N. Hirh t. Jt-tf XJLTJNDRTES 8ALEM LAUNDRY COMPANT 263 8. High street. Phone 25, oldest, larg est and best. Established 1880. TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUN- dry. Pbone 171. 1356 B Street. Jim CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Phone 165. Service with a amile. Quality work. 1284 Broadwav. J14ff LADIES' TAILORING D. H. Mosher TAILOR FOR MEN and women. 474 Court St. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BT THE Cspitol City Bedding Co.. 1190 North pnitl Called (or and delivered. All work wnsrsnteed. Phone 19. fl9tf MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone B17-W. ' MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL -PIANOS. PHONO- graphs, aewing machines, sheet masie 1 and piano studios. Repairing phono graphs and sewing maehinee. 483 Stata street.- 6s lent; - - - - ' NEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, SALEM Agency Tke Ace. TeL 939. THE OREGON STATESMAN. 50 CENTS per month delivered to your heme earij each morning. Tel. 33 or 583. NURSERY STOCK FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearcy Bros., 178 B. Commercial. Buy a Want Ad It Pays Big By Ed Wheelan Ah re tVis MICH' ! .kVCbi.SPE. ' NC5LU T&tU FACXXjro A3TD SB3FPIMO FOR EXPERT FURNTURB FACXWO , aad. skippiDg, cell 8 tiff's Faraitara Store. Phone 941 - FAFBXHAJronrO AND FAINTTNO PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper kinging, tinting, et Reliable workman. menasBBMaHBsni PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano tuner. Leave orders Will's Mnste Store. .- FlUNTTNO - '; - '' . '-- FOR STATIONERY, CARDS. FAMPB lets, programs, books or. any kind e( printing. Call at the Statesman Printing- Department, .315 8. Oemmereial. Tel. a88. ... FLTJMBPfa - V PLUMBTN0 AND GENERAL' REPAIR work. Graber Bros.. 154 8. Liberty- Phone 550. - -: f ltf RADIO SPLIT DORP RADIO, 8ALE8 . AND - ' SERVICE -No better radio made at ay price QUALITY CARS High and Trade Radiolas" v- Fer.-Every Farpoaa Krary Parse All .. Standard Nisee . af Ratio TubeeV' HALIK EOF? ELECTRIC SHOP - 837 Court St Phone M RXAX ESTATE IF YOU HA VH PROPERTY TO bTSLL) or If yoa are looklnf for 4 heme, faraw or business property, see nr. BECKS A HENDRICKS' 189 N. High St.. HeDig Bldg. ' j8tf REAL ESTATE HARRIS OFFERS WORTH DOUBLE THE PRICE 4 te 5., acres ' near north city ' limita on best -macadam road aad - Oregon - Electric. 91400, easy terms, or less for cash. NEW, MODERN. 5 roams, big attic, ex ceptional construction and (mien; omit . by owner for his owa-use: 1330'F- St.. nesr Capitol ; . popular Parrish . school section; ,95250;. terms. - , X 'J' 960 PARRtSR street i exceptional loea-' tion ; new, modern, 5 large rooms, best -" construction ;. beautiful - sarrreandiags ; 95730: terms. ' ' " "- ' " LOTS 1 and j. Block 6," Engleweod; cer-5 ner D snd" 16th, each 68x87; price 9950 aad- 700.' Fine location ia growing section. North, front on paved., street. Terms. .. t . . I TWO-THIRDS commission te.any licensed - broker making-sale. ; - - HARRIS, Maaonio Bidr',- TaL 795, .19B2. 'SCAVENGERS - i - - . CITY .GARBAGE CO. OFTICE PH0N 85, 157 B. Comntaretal, Rat. rao . 2190. . ' ' ' ' , FOR GOOD SCAVENGER PRVICK Oa E Oaf . a arJ " 147, SaleVa Scavenger CiUnlnj Trotter. . - - SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING- IN CLOTT inr and shoes. : Beet prices paid. Ca. ital Exchange. 843 North Caasmerctaa Phone -1368-W. - -,- . TRANSFER AND gATJXCTa sr -i TRANSFER AND H AULfNG OF AI4 kinds. Phono 19F3. .- .. . y,, WB MOVE, STORE AND SHIF HOUSS w noia gooas. - var specisity is piano ant faraitara moving. We also make eoaa? try tripe. -Wa haadla the beet coal ant, v wood. Call oa aa for prices. We aria, rood meesare, rood quality aad gooi service. LarmeY Transfer Co. Phone 9 31 I, - - - CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER 'CO. 2 's State St. Phone 983. Distributing. (ee warding- and stornge our specialty. Gd " oar rates. ' HssMMaMsssiMaMaiiBssaiBasssssKiBBBBsf . '- WATER ';- - SALEM WATER. LIGHT POWER CO Otuce 104 south Oemmereial Bt -Tea per eeat discount ea detaeatie ()' rates paid in advance. No dedaetiee for abseaiee or aay canSe unless water ia that off year pramisea. f . TRAVEL --.'. . ,- - ' -v . Comfortably I in buses of the. Parker Stage Liana. etagea wave tar 8Uvartoa 7 a. m 11 a. m 8 p. am. Mt. Aagel 11 i. a, S p. as. Dallas 7 a m., 9 a. aa., 11:25 a. a. t 3:10 p. ss, 5:15 p. aa. FalU City 7 a. as, 3:19 p. m, 8:1$ p. aa.j . Iadepeadeaea 7 .av , at . 9 a. 11:15 a. m4 8:10 p. aa, 8:15 a. aa. Snadsy oaly 8:30 p. m, , ' Moamoath 7 a. as, 11:15 a. an, , . 9:10 p. aw 8:15 p. as. Sunday enly. -; 7:10 p. m 9:80 p. aa.- MeMtaaviUa 8:80 a. aa, 3:10 p. ai,. 6 : 15 p. m. i ': -j - . Newberg 9 :30 a. m, 3:lt p. at, 5tl5 p. at, , - Tillamook 9 :30 a. aa, 3:10 a. am.; CaU J22 or 686 for information. - H 1 v LI ST El. 1 U :00-10:0( KGW (491), 6-T, . hoara of "Familiar Melodies"; 7 :3Q,: evening services from the East Side Baptist, church. Dr. W. R. Hlnsont minister; 9:-10. concert,, Bymphony ' orchestra; .' weather reports, and forecasts. .QoWi 15KFWV ( 2ii) , Dinner ' concert and Announcements. " 7:50-10:00 -KQP (3l), 7:50-8, 1 First Church of Christ, Scien . tis,t; 9-10, rojrtittC " " : 00-10 :00-KPO . "(428), S a n Francisco. : 6-:S0,'-, Waldemar Llnd ahd. orchestra; : 30-8 : 3 B, .concert orchestra, Cyrus Trcb be, .director; ! 8:35-10, Rudy 1 Seiger's orchestra. ; ; - . 7:0-10;00KHJ, (405-2). Los , Angeles; 7-T:80,First Methodist . Episcopal church. Arthur Elake- ly, - ,ort;anist;; 1-10, - program. John Martin,; pianist; RntU PltUi eoprsno.' , 7:OQ:11:00 KFI . (407); Los An'grelea.' 7-7:30 program, string . ensemble; 7120-8, Xouise Kl ' .-striae trio!; f.gis,: Dan L. ?!c- '.Farland'.,otanl5t,'.; S-10. Tla- ' belle. HelnVt .BlaelEIrd band; "10-11,'dance orcbctra. - - 7il5-10:iO-Kjn; (334.4), Cctt UWsih, 7118-7:3 3, crfia r? eital. Mr9. tlontrmerr l,zi".. . 7:30.9. First HettDll.t 1, pal church; 9-10: SO, crcLs.; - c f i