The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 25, 1926, Page 7, Image 7

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Phone 18f
Gardne r-RoscJVc tiding
One of the most Vttractive wed
dings of "the month wa( solemn
ized at 5 o'clock Ttfednsday af
ternoon at the home tt th1 bride's
parent when$!ihs Cor.a jGardnr.
the eldest daughter ; of Mr. .and
Myj A.; Gardner, became, the
hrldi of Mr. Fred L,. Hose of Hood
River. K Only relatives' and a few
cl friend witnessed the cere
mony which was , performed ; by
lief. Gilbert Wreun of the Jason
Le4 church, the1 Impressive ring
service ( being used. j. . -
The Wide wore a becoming en
semble t of beige . Canton crepe.
Her lovely arm -bouquet-was-of
bride's roses arid freeslas. The
couple was 'unattended,1 Daffo
dils gave an attractive floral note
about the rooin.y Following the
ceremony Miss Jewell . Gardner,- a
sister of the bride, eangj "All: for
You." 4 Miss Alene Ritchie accom
panied J at the pluno. An Jinformal
reception tfoHowed ? thej ceremony.
If r.- Rosoafj i populak Sa4eni
girl, has been employed 14 a prom
inent way "In the Cosmopolitan
st or e,whIle"Mr; Rose. Is -a promi
nent lumberman, of the upper
Hood River. Tle Is the son dt Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. Rose of 687 North
waiter; irx!f;ki).iF'HM
left for po In t3"prti.imiied lately
after the ceremony. : They will be
at home . In i Hood - River - after
Match- 1. : It",' .
Favorable Press Continents '
Greet Anticipated ' !- v K t
Costume Play, ? V . i.'
A large ; patronage' .c t .- drama
lovers are awaiting with keen In
terest the appearance in Salem of
the Moront Olsen Players In their
third play oC the seasons "Friend
Hannah,; an "historical romance
which - will feature 'many ..- lovely
co3tumes.t Fr tend Hannah, per
haps the best of PaulKestor's dis
tinctive " state ; offerings.
given in Salem, on next
evening, March 2, at i the Hellig
theater. ' :' rr -fm ;-r-s;
The Salt' Lake Tribune com-
L . ' . - m - mm m
ments on tne piay as iouowa: a
profound drama played with much
nicety r rich withal In com
edy, romance and humanness. ' It
is the story of George lit. of Eng
land and his uncrowned queen of
fifty years,' 'Hannah 'Lightf oot. -;
The Ogden Standard-r Examiner
has this say: 'TW story - of
Hannah i Iightftot,;Ltthe -: pretty
Quaker girl, who became the bride
of a handsome youag gentleman,
only to learn 'later that -she; was
married to : King George; Ill- of
England, was -enacted with skill
and artistry, by'the iloroni Olsen
Player, a .the OrpheuMf theater
bSE ; Wg&i audience!, - ,
Here were the players again In
a costume "play i and here . again
they scored heavily. Just as they
did , in ; f Taming of j ihe Shrew,"
The members of the company wear
powdered y wigs; silk ' and .ruffles
with every bit as much "at home
ness . as they do modern dress;
Indeed, they seem to catch a to
m antic emanation' from' romantic
costumes and give aperformance
hat' is convincing and 'enjoyable.
In 'Friend Hannah, Dorothy
Aaams as . iianuau. auu jio
will be
-G.nia nnrpo J tiPTform the
stellar roles with Mr. Olsen con
tentine himself vwitlM a fine-- Inv
personation' of Hannah's uncle-' and
Janet I TaanrU annealing .'as the
companion of Friend Hannah
;Mlss t Anamsff -was a excellently
cast and waatglven full opportun
Ity to )" demonstrate ! her charming
personality : and genuine ability
Foulger'a. fine sense of ; values
was never in better evidence than
in th 'A several 1 fine . , scenes 'in
which be and ,Misa Adams were
the central figures.;
Gordon Kelson was called upon
to play two roles,? ach 'distinct,
and if one did, fiot f have a' pro
gram 1 would be difficult to re
cognise that the faithful Isaac Ax-
ford, linen draper was th pom
pous and dignified Lord Butte of
the third act. r rW':-' -''
Other oarts handled with care
and 'attention were, those of the
Duke of TorkV represented , by Jo
seph H. wuilams t the Huke , of
Chandoa-by Gene Green well," and
Augusta, . Dy-v fcinef. -.r
Yomarco Club 1 '; 1
The f members or xne x omarcu
club will be guests on , Friday
auernoon 01 airs. j. . .
WV X A. Jt
winder Bireu ;
Visit in- Portland
Mrs. George Hug "and son, Rob
ert soent the t week-end in fort
land as the . house guests of the
Misses May and Anne : Shogren.
On : Katnrdav morning they were
in s flttondancA at the children's
symphony orchestra concert at the
Portland, auditorium. . , - . '
nnj9t9 in. McMinnville
ATr. tid Mrs. Monroe Gilbert
' . ' t4. tT w krt em.
L vpm . ruests over ,- a-out,-
r$ birthday holiday of Mr.
David ' Eason. of McL:
home of Miss GleWs parentsi Mr.
and Mrs. CrF. Giese, following the
dinner, i 1 .Daffodils were i .lovely
about the rooms. , i
In the group wera MUs Rosalie
Jones! 'Miits Pearl Kapphahn, Miss
Helen Darby; Miss , LUlo )ovd-'
Ing. Mips 'Nibs SrhoomaLer, iMlss
Klolse Vhite, Miss Wllniat Clips.
Miss :JoRepliiiie Jasko?kf, Gordon!
.Bennett, Raymond Buaick,, Rich
ard Campbell,- Charlae (Sjear.
Creighfonj Jonesv Csrl Nosk, Ilar
old Olinger. Charles Coffeyi Tom
Duffy and the hostess, - Miss (i ieso.
Guests in Portland : A
Prof, and Mrs. Horace Willis-
.tpn'and'lIinoTson.! 'junior, ;were
week-nd.gue&ts In Portland Visit
ing at the home of Mrs. Willis
ton's parents. Mr. and 'Mrs. J. K) On' Saturday evening
Profestjr and .Mrs.? Williston at
tended tbA Washington a birthday
Progrpju. a tAReed, college. They
returned, to Salem oa Sunday.
; 0n S Tuesday - evening Professor
and; Mrs. WIltiStonr entertained as
their guest at dinner Dr.. W. G.
Eliot, Jr., of the First TJnUarlan
church -of Portland: .;. u
Lasts night i the. Wlllistons 'en
tertained as thplr guest Prof4 Law
rence Pratt, .head' of the English
department 'at - Pacific university.
Professor! Pratt met with the Wil
lamette writers and read from his
in fere's ting" volume of poetry which
is being accepted byj the Univers
ity of ! Washington -in. lieu J of -si
master's degree thesis. : v-
" -wif v - M --f t:
Ladies of the Maccabees f'
t The Ladies 'of the Maccabees
will give a card party and pie sup-
per at 8 ! o'clock - this evening lA
McCornack hall,, oyer, Miller's
Btore. 2 Maccabees and friends - of
the Maccabees are invited to at
tend, f " " ' -!
Chapter G of PEO ' -jL .
; Mrs. D. 3U Beechler will enter
tain the members' of Chapter1 0 of
the PEO- Sisterhood, at n import
ant meeting- at; 2 :30 o'clock: this
afternoon at" her . home : on i Court
street, i Important buaines will
be brought up at this time. J
Jason Lee General Aid)
'(The general aid society of the
Jason. Lee .Methodist church will
sponsor : a cooked food sale on
Saturday at ' the' Southern pacific
ticket office at; 184 Liberty
street, ' v v t :.&ii j--;
Rummage Sale at Chuteh '";.:t
l: f Ladles of t the First j Presby ter
lan church.; will- continue: ; their
rummage sale 'all day, today which
opened yesterday , In the church
parlora.i.s. The proceeds will go to
the new church fund; . -, ' - i
Washington's Birthday ? -
Banquet 1 f i "
About 8 0 people were f present
at the banquet given; by the W. F.
M.' S. f or their husbands on Mon-
y night at the : church J After
prayer by, Rev. C. L. Dack; of Mc
Minnrille and anc address! of wel
come by. the ; president, Mrs. W.
P. .Miller, ' the following program
was, given: : Vocal solo, Mrs. A;
Skewis; : "The Family of I the W,
F. M. S. Mrs. Thomas Acheson;
Vocal solo, Miss Neva Coolfy; out
lino of the work and organization
of the W. F. M. S.; Mrs; M. - B.
Parouhaglan; trio,. Bernlce and
Henrietta" Blakesle violins,: and
Wlilametta Blakesle piano.
At the cIobq the.tollowln men
became honorary members: A. J.
Tick. A.. L. Dark, v Rev." Thomas
Acheson, C. A. . ' Giese. ? W. W.
Blakesle, Will Knapp, William A.
Bond.! Fred T. Barker, Ji W. De
Lap, A. M. Clough. X. E. Dalke,
Mm B. Carpenter.-W; W. Chadwtck:
3. W. Drake and Cloyce Drake for
Kink's Heralds.- . t-
; mo
Birthday Dinner at Spa
Aks Mariorle Giese was hostess
ft Monday evening at ' an exceed
rr 1 attractive . tLX&lt - ween sue
intertainei a grbup of 18 friends
i in celebration -Of her; 16th birtn
day." ' The' birthday dinner- was
j served in the nosa room of The
' fiWa xriihM a. nhiiaCure electric
fountain- la a bed of e;rlag tflow
or. 'rpnferin? the talis. An-eve
Ding of Canciaj' fillvvvel ct'tlia
Seventeenth Wedding-
Anniversary Celebrated :
With uotise-Warniing J T
t At. the beautiful; new home of
Mr, and Mrs. Harvey E. Evans pf
Frultland , a . surprise party . was
held . by , over 100 . friends ..." and
neighbors in . honor., of the :17th
wedding "anniversary of fMr. .and
Mrs.i Evans. . The affair was also
in the nature of a- house warming.
Throughout the evening f old-fash
ioned games were played . and en
joyed;- iT the older folk and the;
young. - " Music ' was"' rendered by
Joy 'Turner Moses "at the' piano,
Joan Evans, violin, "ahd A. H.
Bressler,r piano. -j." -
i "Mr. and Mrs. Evans were re
married by Rev. J.'L. Burns and
Rev. G-' R- Stover, the- form of
jumping the broomstick 117' times
was : used. . Lbhengren s wedding
march was played iby? Joy Turner
Moses, and by Joan Evans, 12-year
old daughter of Mr. and; Mrs.' Har
vey Evans. A hurlesflue service
was repeated. " and : hearty con
gratulations . given . by all. . , ' ' :
Mrs. Evans, Salem girl, -was
Miss Willow. Push,, daughter of
'Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Pugh "of
Clear Lake. Mr Evans is a local
well driller of Salem) Coining heje
from Misonri nearly 20 years ago.
A! large! number of -beautif ul;' gifts
were received by- the bride and
groom,; and a ' delicious luncheon
was ' served i by ' ' sel t-appoin ted
hosts. Each guest put their names
In ; booklet , form ' and are as I ol
lows: : ' . ': ' 'fr : i ":- v j v, i ,v"
; ; Donald Hammock. ' Salem: R.
S. Van Pelt, r. Salem; A. Victor
Brace; 'Portland; Fred Hammocki
Salem: G. A. , Larson, -r Macleay;
Wrav Evans Mill City; S. S. Rug-
kles. : Gervalai' ' Donald Moore,
Clear Lake; W. Hinlon, Fruit
laaJi llrs. J. IIRItcLle, Salem;
- J
: Dr. a'ames JWhitcom b- Brougher,
who has 'fi ken th field , on behalf
o. ctne United Program, of North
ern Daptists," has a hatibnar repu
tation as a preacher, lecturer and
bnmoriii! (lie suceeedel the late
Robert 'J-.-. Burdette as stor of
the Temple. Baptist church In "Los
Angeles'; a large downtown audi
torium like "that of a theater. So
vast ire the - crowds f which t Dr.
Drougher's magnetism 'draws there
on Sunday nights thaK it i: Is ! ne
cessary to have a policehian sta
tion outside before -' the services
begins. He Is considered one lot
the most eloquent men In the min
istry of any : denomination, - and
has probably! addressed as , many
Rotary and Jtivanis'clnh meetings
and other gatherings of business
men" as any preacher. In America.
worn November to April, be will
travel from one end of t Northern
Baptist territory to the other, tell
ing Baptists Jn 1 every locality of
thewholojwork; of tlie: denomina4
temtlt Baptist Church, Las Angela
lion . anu enusimg tneir coopora-r
tlon. , , . m, i..'. ,1 """
( ;Th members of Temple" church
agred to - release-their pastor Tor
this' special servko becanpit .of ' thof
magnitude, of. the "program;; under
taken -by Northern , Baptists this
Voar. The task that - has 'been set
lfJ the, placing ,jori , morpse.c.n'P
oasis or. ine ,, missionary work car;
ried onJ k'thef various ; Northern
Baptist organisations!;?' They ' de
pend for their support on funds
which the . Board of Missionary
Cooperation collects land ; distrib
utes as the a pen ts of ten thousand
'churches Thq denomiaatJon ':'p'i
jEomewhat loosely fedefatejl onev
for the individual churches, retain
hl of the traditional Baptist Ind'ew
pendencer and the ' problem - has
,been, to make their voluntary co
operation systematic and effective
enoiigh to sustain a vast and rap
idly growing ; missionary ..enter
prise. Last year such' a crisis de
veloped that historic ' and . cher
ished missions were i- placed In
Jeopardy and it was determined to
carry the necessity and" advantages
of, cooperation home 'to the mem
bership by means of 7a ' !wiJer '
scale Of effort than, ever before
:'i lt is; for this purpose that Dr.
Brougher was Jnduced to take the
field.1 His. tour is but' one -phase of
a program carefully planned to
Place before every Northern, Bap-
tint a personal presentation ot the
entire, work of the denomination.;
The. Jorttern convention; has' for
its, president Edward H. Rhoades.'
Jr.; a- lawyer, of Toledo, Ohio, and
the third "layman In .secoessioh to
hold the office, his ' Immediate
predecessor . having been Carl: E
Mljliken,;; formej . governor, of
Maine. The laymen have for some
years been taking an increasingly
active part in the denomination's
affairs ahd'upon their'enlistment
for still greater activity Jn" church:
work much jemphasis Is placed by
tp.e force engaged- In , the present;
undertaking. ' ; .' ; . . ' ' , j
Another phase, of the. united
program' for this year is , the na-i
tton-wlde campaign of evangelism
being conducted 'Under the aus
pices of the cooperative committee
of, evangelism. Dr. H; F. SUliwell
Of ; Cleveland, Ohio. : is, directing
the .movement which 14 now! well
tinder Vway, . ;;J ; i
Mrs. Sam r Brace, Portland ; Mrs.
Anna Girod, Frultland; Mfsv Chas.
W. Pugh, Clear Lake; Mrs. Blanch
E. Jones. Gervais; S.. Paul Jones,
Gervaia ; Annita j Jones, I Gervais ;
Evans Jones,; Gervais i - Mrs. A. P.
Woodi Gervais ; ; Charles W. Pugh.
Clear Lake; A. H. Bressler. Frult
land; A. P. Wood, Gervais; Don
Evans; 111 ' City 8.-Pam Jones,
Gervaiaz A,iL.: Schuls, Bethel: P.
R, Coulsen, Frultland i ,acfcXJoul-
Ben, Jruuiana; Merle i Johnston,
Auburn; Mildred Forgard, Fruit-
land; Ruth; Ritchie, Salem; Mr 8.
Gladys Ruggles,, Gervais : Mrs.
Ella Hammock, Clear Lake; Mrs.
Marguerite Hammock, Salem; Mrs.
Eda Hammock.' Clear Lake; G.j R
Stover. Salem; Mrs. .Nina Bressler,
Fr ultland ; M elvln ! Breseler Fr ult;
land; , ' Lucy , Brown,- Frultland;
Mrs-, Myrtle Harmony Frultland;
Mrs. Myrtle! Riley, Frultland; Mel
vin Riley, Frultland ; Mfs.' R.
Van . Pelt, Salem ; Mrs. Jenple M.
Collard, Gervais ;; J Richard Vah
Pelt," Salem; Mrsi 1 Burns,1 Clear
Lake; 1 Mrs.;? John Etter,; Salem;
Mrs. i Alex Harold, ' ; Clear Lake ;
Kenneth Runner, Frultland; Ines
Runner Frultland Dwlght Run
ner. Frultland; Mrs. Cena, Run
ner Frultland;' John- Eete'r, Sa
lemi? Marguertte W6od,GervaIsj
Frances Brown; Frultland; Esther
Girod, Froitland; Alice Moore,
Corvallis; Leon Girod, Frultland;
Fred Fagg. . Frultland; : , Helen
Schuls, Bethel; Doris Wood,-Gervais;
Mrs. A. m. Scbulz, Bethel;
Lloyd '.Girod, r Frultland j Frank
Girod, Frultland ; 1 Hale -T.-r Cad.
Frultland; .Guy. Fagg,:. Frultland,
Lucille r Evans and Mrs. William
Evans, Mill City; Russell Rentier.
Fruilland; Ralph Con)sen, Fruit
land, Harold Bressler. Frultland;
L; e. Brown, FruiU and; .Glenn A.
Etter, Salem ; Mrs. .George . Lar
son, Macleay ; Joy Turner Moses,
Salem ; . William E. Moses, Salem;
Lloyd E. Harold, fTurnerr iMn.
M' - ' -.- " : - -
Mary BuUer. Frultland; Mrs. Min
nie Fagg, Frultland; Orsa: Fagg,
Frultland; Mrs; Fred Gerfe Fruit
land; Mrs. F. iiammock. Sr., Clear
Lake; Miss Mary Hammock. Clear
Laker J. f w; Hammock.: Clear
Lake;, J. L. Burns, Clear Lake;
Fred Gerlg. Frultland;! Thelnfa
Gerig, Frultland; Gladys Gerig,
Frultland; Albert Harmon Fruit
land; George Riley, FruItlandiJV
.1?4 Collard, -' Clear -v? Lake ; D. R.
Hammock. Clear Lake; Alex par
old. Clear Lake ; Mrs. A. E. Evans,
Mill City; Joan Evans.. Frultland.
and thet host and hostess, Mr. and
Mrs.' Harvey E. Evans. ( ; : "
American Legion
Auxiliary Silver Tea ;
j. Mrs. N. C. Kafoury. and Mrs.
John J. Rottle will entertain joint
ly this afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Kafoury 759 North Summer
street,! at an attractive 'stiver tea
sponsored by the American legion
auxiliary in the - interest of Ore
gon's only district hospital for war
veterans- ,. - .!..
7 A series of. Interesting musical
numbers will 'add to the pleasure
of. the afternoon,-. t '
l Presiding a( tne .tea table dur
ing the afternoon ' will be Mrs.
Mark Skiff, Mrs. C P. Bishop; Mrs.
Alice II. Dodd and Mrs. Russell
Cat! in.
Mrs: Seymour Jones
Is Guest in Portland . ' ;
( Multnomah; chapter. Daughters
of the American Revolution. will
celebrate Us 34th. anniversary, on
the afternoon1., of,' Washington
birthday, at the University, club.
A short business . session ..will be
called at 2 o'clock by tbe.regent."
Mrsl " Octave J."' Coffin, followed
with a reception to the new mem
bers of the chapter and a .Social
hour, during which refreshments
will be served; ' There will be 'a,
birthday cake bearing 30 candles.
? uJttn wr w ik ttii 8: up an nirjm & ax m. iff up. bkiu! an v rlB.inriiCMjiii'Hiii!u)OTii m.u wmwwnuix iSiHi-vraii
a - s
, Y -TKe First of a Series of
S$turda$ Dinner
: and. Supper Dances
. - 'VilI Be Given By . ( ;
-Tlismiel:' Marion
Dinner Served 5:45 P m- to 8 p.' m. r -'
Dancing- 7 p. to. to 9 "p: m. ; 4 t
- ?1.50 Plae. .
f; fSurpcrDariin?9:C0toll:30p. m;
. V- , Special A'la Carte eriii ' u -'
7c Cover Charge 1 ,
wblch will be cut by Mrs, J. B.
Montgomery, the founder, of, the
chapter, Mrs; IV E;- Smith has
charge of the decorations, while
Mrs. P. I. Gollehur is chairman
of the tea hour. The officers and
board of directors of Multnomah
chapter will be '.hostesses,' as J&1
I6ws: Jja.Xctaye J. Geff inMrsi
F. E. Smith, Mrs. G. Walker Jr.;
Mrs. Herbert O.Hickox, Miss MaryJ
Armisteaa, Mrs. j Thoybunt Ross,
Mrs. Julia B. Comstock, Mrs,
Theodore J. Gelsler, Mre; Luther
Crowe, . officers; Committee chair
men, Mrs. "Clyde E.' Lewis, .Mrs
John Y. Richardson, . Mrs...' Peter
Marsden, Mrs. Cyrus Woodworth
Mrs. Harry Northup'Mrs. Lever
ett T, Newton,, Mrs., Frank L Gol
lehur. and; Miss Ethel May Handy,
'Among the prominent, guests of
the occasion wilt be 'the state re
gent D.i Al; R.;: Mrs. "Seymour
Jones of - Salem. .. Many ' of ; the
member j and, guests wiuv appear
in colonial or other old-time cos
tumes. - ''; x ,; ; ! ;'. -'
Classical Club Meets ''' ".
The February theeting of the
illamette Classical club was held
in the FMlodosian hall on Satur
day evening, ' Feb.v 20;V Charades
depicting - well known incidents of
the classic myths were presented.
Malcolm ' Medler : , delighted the
I COCXAX. oat.ttthjat; t
K Today r
Silver tea. ; . American Legion
Auxiliary, for benefit of district
hospital. ; - Mrs. bl C. Kafoury,
and Mrs John Rottle. 750 N.
Summer; street, hostesses, 2:30
5 o'clock, ;-'" ' -
Rummage sale. ' First 6 Presby
terian church. . Church parlors.
Chapter G of .the PEO Sister
hood. ' Mrs. D. X. Beechler bos
tess.. 2; 30. o'clock." .
Ladles of the Maccabees, card
parjy anil pie, supper, $ o'clock,
McCornack hall.
. m Friday , "
District meeting of . Evangelical
missionary society.- First Evan
gelical church. '10-4 o'clock.' I
" Yomarco club. Mrs.!- D. H.
Mosher, 354' N. Winter street.
-1 , . Saturday '
Legislative v program.. Salem
woman's ciud. i uiud nouse. z:sw
o'clock.. , (
Salvage shop Salem Woman's
clnb. 10-5 o'clock.
' Order of " Rainbow "for Girl.
Masonic Temple.. 7; 34) o'clock..
Ov A. C. Ortbestra In concert at
the Ileillgytheater - j " .
audience with a piano Solo, "Ga
votte," by Glucki Miss Rosa'RIc
co read an interesting paper.
L"What s Augustus :;Dld for His
Country." - . ,":';
After a short business meeting
the club members enjoyed several
interesting and instructive games
under the direction of Miss Beu-
lah Launer.i Refreshments . were
Uerved and'the meeting adjourned
Orchestra, Program for
Concert on Saturday -Evening
The! following program of ex
tremely? interesting numbers ha3
been announced for Saturday eve
ning when; the OAC orchestra, of
which Mareuerite MacManus is
the director, will appear In Salem
at the Heilig theater;
"Jnniter Symphony" J ....Mozart
(First'" movement only) ';
; . AJlegro vivace'
Walts song from "Romeo and
Juliet" Gounod
"Song of rndia" Rlmsky-
Pizsicafo olka Delibes
Andante Cantabile-.Tschaikovsky
, (For string orchestra)
Mock ; Morris. ...i . Grainger
Suite Arleclesne . :.. BUet
-V, Prelude Menuetto,
:1 'Adagtetto, Ie Carillon.. V
Walts 'The Skater8"Waldtenfel
'- Jeanette Boyer Xanten, soprano,
will be the soloist of the evening.
; , ; '' - -.
Cooked-Food Sale V j?
, Ladles othe Central Congre
gational church will com a cooicea
food sale at Epley's store on Sat
srday,; Feb 27. , ,
Missionary Meeting ai r
Evangelical Church,
; A district meeting of the Wo
man's : Missionary society of the
Evangelical church will be held
at the First' Evangelical church on
Friday from 10 o'clock in the
morning till i 4 .o'clock. In the af
ternoon. 1 ' !.
German Artists Protest "
Severe Art Censorshjp
BERLiN.-4-A: protest movement
has beenjpauguarated by German
artists against the severity of the
censorship " which, ,'art ; Is . sub
jected in Germany, . ' ,
. The. freedom pf art, they con
ten4 is ijf sriously Jeopardized
when things, have ; come. to. such
a pass that .anytbirig; feseinbling a
reypiqtionarlda n painting,
sculpture J literature" or. the drama
Is . legally ' prosecuted under, the
headjn, fiff !;bigK treason' or -In-eitln
to cas9 hf tred" on tho cqn-
S 1 if
51' :.r-
x5 -
In Kafoury ?s
Down Stairs S?:ore
. Big Value In .
Dress Ginghams s
id;Suitings ' J
tffatfwiH encourage home sew- '
ing. Take our-word for it,' as . . v
a reliable, . progressive institu-
tioa, that these are. Values real- ' . i
' ly worth while; ','. ' -
36 Inch Suitings! S9c-yard f
'- Suitable for "girls' school dresses; pretty Rayon twill
checks, ..French .finish stripe flannels; wool .mixe4
j ..; plaids and , granite cloth. ;, They re very ; specially
' 32 Inch. Fancy Dress Ginghams, 10c yard ;
, - At this price they will all be'solcLout in a hurrywe v ciean up a cerxainioT; oi tnese gooa quality
V einghams. r 'In the assortraent are stripes, checks, . -plaids
and, jacquard desiirps.,i , . '. ? J. r ,
C yCl wr -ti. - -r v; '
" ' , - " , f - - , -r - X t '
. .It 4 " - - t
Salem Store . , - Periled SI!!; Shcp
4C3StaleCt, ,SS3 ilJrr '
Dorothy Adams who will take the part of Hannah5 Light
fpot and Byron. Fculger, who; will play Irt Jbe.role of Prince of
Wales at the IXulig theatre on ftlarch 2 when Fricad Han
nah", a costume play, will be presented for the pleasure of r l
Salem people, who take pride in seeing the best the stase V:.
to oner. t . - t .
tpntion that the 'safety of.tlie Re
public is at stake. -
Cases are mentioned In whicp
not only the offending art producrt
v as confiscated butthc author or
inpersonator even ; sentenced, to
i nprisonment. ! . ( '
The list, of prominent artists
appended ! to - this appeal .includes
rjr Ludwlg Jfiilda,; Dr. Max Os
blurn, George Bernhard, Professor
njl.'Bonn, Professor Einstein, Pro?
feasor Max Liebermarin. president
cjf the Reicbstag,f Paul, Loebe,
lielnrich and Thomas Mann; form
cjr cabinet minister Gustav Rad
bruch, Ernst Toller and editor in
dhief. of tbe Tageblatt. Theodore
woiff.-;.-. ';
University, Owns ' Library
: of Emperor Maxmilian
- BERKELEY.! CaWTbe library
4f, the University of - California
contains 5000 volumes, once the
property .of Einporer Maximilian,
4rchduke, of Anstrla,' who ruled
in Mexico CIty.from 1846 to 1867.
j Students are permitted to take
these 'rare books out of the 'build
ing, and. the general public has
the privilege of reading them on
the campus. ' t m
I After. Maximilian's death, the
library reached, the hands of Don
Jose , Maria Andrade, a 1 famous
collector, :tl - -U -v; "-;'
In an auction in Liepzig,' Ger
many. In 1 86d", Hubert llowe Ban
croft," the i- historian, purchased
them and in 1901 the entire Ban-
Croft library came , into the poa
Session of the university. -
More Turkish Women Enter
flanks of Moslem Industry
was not , one Turkish woman
mong 'the Industrial workers of
this city four years ago but now
I--: ' I' ' i" ' '. . f ' -
there are: more than 20,000. A
Turkish ' tobacco '! concern, the
Douhan Society, inaugurated
women - Into (industry, when It
opened a factory in 1921 with an
employment of 850 Turkish girls.
Turkish women, have proved eo
adept at the sorting and grading
of tobacco leaves that now this so
ciety employs 6,000 women. Other
companies .have .sprung up .and
Increased female employment.
Comfort and
ers has been
health of the. work
Insured - ' ;
V Newporb Fish being shipped
in carload lots to San Francisco.
and Old Fashioned Dancing
, . lie Sura to Come
T mrtTI ithM .
2 hours, - because It . is t': rr -:
dies. Yet its medication is so r
tie; that it cannot Irritata thm t
derest skin." .If you wast a c
' -". V. UAVAAWfcA- I - . i
lam (50c) at your dnzzz'-
To ftstaln Ysur Youthful Cv;
-We mtnuntnd the ds2!y wis c?
( My ;
Which eontalns Itfi J P&!aE
for Economical Transportation
UlfllKWIMniiK !! .
; .
7- . :
- ...
At new lowpricea t!is Irr-rcvcJ
" every- model elves you
smoother, tnzlzr, mere lies- ,
Ible perforniicsYt Liczy s: . 1 '
, new "comfort in r -re ret ill
ent spins new I tzuiy of
coiora, ia Duco CzlJu Ar. I in
.. additIoa'" there r re Katrr',5
features ; esscatM to.dctorir-j ,
satitfactim eccj z t modern'
' three-ipecd tratisnission,
, rpeedoiacttr, 'Al :rzl: 2 lul:r--tionand
tl all clc .i rzl
richer bodies end L -.l rctitl: .
Ash fcr a
Vernonstraticm I
Never' before d!d i;::ir. 1
- buy ocre r tz .1 tn: r !
T the Improved CLzr;:z
; prove it. ''.
Nevton 'GIisvi'cI 3
Opposite City Hall, Teleplicr. ? 1 1