The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 21, 1926, Page 11, Image 11

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    - y 11' ' ...
Chore sad, Caaateketa Sta. Bay. H.
D. Chamber, i rector. Holy Eacsarist at
- Y:tO l. w is x th " eJspt. Morolnff
praysr M U It a. s. Krsaiag
prayer withjssdrtss st 7:30 p. m. feer
moa -topic, 'Th Third CommansBMiit.''
Ve4 etolr. karek scaoel' 9:t a. m.
uperinirndat. . ta rhetor, Yosnr po
Wh koaas. spatial Loatea servics on
KMacsaay arsaia; at 7:30 p. m. ia taa
fj!tU. " ' aoasoa
.: . sarviea, saoald b wall
lte4d4 ij well , aa il other serviqea,
: sotjth saxem r&iEtfss
Cera? CoimwIl r a Wsshlarto
fits. Cart JV Miller, pastor. 1664 8. lib
erty, paona 13-It. tf-rviee, IV a. la
T:30 p. aa. Swaoa Upie. i'Walkiar ia
th Li-Cf U a.; w "Jaaae'. ni-ii-mre,"
7:30 p. in. Sunday aehool, to a.
a, upritadeat, B. J. ft Patota.
Yobbk PMpUa Bieatiact 8:30 p. .
ThaTsdsy prayer awtiar. 7:80 , a. A
tharea witk a friendly walesas. ' .
t- . ...
pxrst wttawnmy chukch ;
Oa Church arraet batwssa Chemajreta
and Centsr atrseU. ,Norma Ksadsll Tul-
achaol. Mr. li. I. "BarratV Sopt. 10:45 a. I
ji wy(. .9v-B in ouaiT :
V monunc woranip. Bermoa. Tba
; aieaiiavioTi-isieRie," (Huite o.
1) Ba-
rawski; "-ynerc a Natara-Daaaa.
f "yaitk," I
: aaTiaet tatar- I
iate paetai oa.jI0 p. a Yaaac
peoples" aocieti ea. . T:80 p.
7:80 a. nu, arening
warahip. araaoa. "With aad Like
ChaW' hr pr. Tolli'. Aatitam. "Come
pnto Jia, " Cowea. Qrrm nambera:
"Kreaeoac" Johnatoa; VTha fivaa,"
Saea Saena, and "ReeesslonaJ," Brewer.
Misa Boaa at the arjaja. The , Sunday
aehool orchestra aad : a . roue tm W
cbomt ehofy arill aaaist with tha hyatas. I
Coraer 1.5th aad Uitt SU. Patrik Dak
lea, paator,' 8095 Trade Bt., phone 87T-J.
ervicea: eweaiaa, it a. a SacUaa.
T:S -fc c?ool,4?:25 " -
Mvxtcaa auppar wB be aerrad. At 7:80
p. at. apeaehea abont Mexico and a abort
play. 'Tb goal of tha TaUar." will ba
presented hy tha Epworth Learaa. Pray
er meetinr Tharaday 7:30 p. m. Toa
are ii cereuatly ianted to ur aerrieea. J
Corner Center aad Liberty Sta. Charles ,
E. Ward, paator, 440 Center St., phone'
5B1-B. Serricea. 11 a. m., 7:30 p. m.
Senaea Ao pica: "What to Beliaro About
Man,',' H a. jn, -"Arrahaaa- Lincoln." :
7 :30 p. m. At. the morning worship Mrs.
Rnbertton wUP alag aa a aolo. "Behold,
What Manner of Lora." . Tha quartet
V 7 f ' , , t - I , "" 1
MeCailister. Thnrsday, f : p. m "The I
Starr of oar BiWa." wiH interest you. I
w. sv pv cigu, HytniHSVaai, autre
AU admirers of Lincoln, will want to aee J
can "a life. ; All children must ba accom
panied by their pareata t thia aerTice,
-Haavaay erening. : ,
! I - - . - , , ..
Corner Liberty aad Marion Sta.. Ern
est Hosea ahaoka, pastor, 549 N. Li bar- j
t-a li m trM. f innl..- ipk. Tw I
at lain n
ti-ine of the Holy Spirit,? by Dr. Tally. I aball repair the waste citie. the Uola
AnthriD, 'SaTlMir, When Night IavolTea I auiay g-eneratiens.' Isaiah 1:4.
taa Skiea,V Bhellejr. ? Orefaa nambera: J-Satf frea. tfo oaUaetiaa k i
n:. ibu. ii: w. u.lTiti you to "cheer; up
U u HeaTAJboat Jaana't 5:SO m. 1
Morning Aatham, "Loya Not the Warid," I
u..w.. r..... i . to i n t 1
Dowa ia Peace." from "Triumph of Da-
vid.". Bnek. Ban by Mrs. ; raaat H.
Shanks. ' Vlalia aoJa, 'Angela Ever
Bright." t Xrom -Theodora, " t Handel.
Helea Selig-O'WeilL r Evening a great
musical prelude aerrbea at 7:80. Anthem,
"God ao Laved tha Warid." Stainer.
Ouartet. Solo. i"Roek of Area." Johnson.
anng by Mrs. J. M.' Ringo. Violin solo,
"Priaa Soac' from "The Maietar Sing
ers." Back. Helen Selig-O'NeUl. Prayer
meetinr atrnc - Tauraday ' aveaiag at
' rwt V Center and High 8ts, pastor
ttcWl JuppHed. Vlviaa G. Whisler, as" paator, 507 : Canter St., phone
2041-W. Seryicaa. iluji.Jiu, 7 -.30, p. m.
Musie under the direction of Miss Whis
ler. - The' choir arill sinr an anthem at
the morning hour.' Sunday ' school, 9:46,
superintendent. Dr. M. V. Epiey. loung
Dooalea' meetrnra, d:30. Senior and In
termediate societies of Endeavor. At the
- moraihi
of tha 1
wjjl deliver the message. He will speak
ia aa interest -of. tm Near East Reliaf.
At 'tha eyenlaa hour the Pioaoer Boya
eborsa ad Kagaaa wiH present tha esjtire
nrorrmm. Tha choroa ia directed by W.
X. Walter iomerly T aeeraUry of Ba
lem. . They will give a Sacred concert.
Yoa- wiU araat ta 1m preaeat far J
. splendid treat, '
. Tabernacle 5 Perry St. Pastors, H.
at' ilunll. aad ! Mrs. .CaawelLt 173 S.
'Cottage St., phone 1434-J. Sunday aehool
convene! at p. m., jar. JKaiaoa eups.
Classes snitea iots an I
J nreachinc servics subject, "Litis Chil-
Amm Ermine- evanrellstie servics 7:30.
Monday Washington's birthday. There
iL k a - tmu tMsoolea' rally held in
tha tabernacle. There will ba -visiting
friends aad ; pastors trass Albany, Cr-
vallis, BeUfouaUia, jurownsviue, . taiai,
Silrertoaw The afternoon aerviee, 2, 8.
. SpecisI mnste frova the visiting aeiegatea. i
: jBVj Fausetts will ba ths speaker oi tneiM gnnday n smsl at 8 aad 0:30
f taruooa. Evesna g aeryics. oa pro-1.'
: grsm, rjRsr. Kslley of Dallae wUl give tha 1
r. v.ciiev jdi iiuh J
saain message o( taa evening. auiu'
. ntt will take nart ia the servics.
'in: .ra invited to tha services ia the
ukMiiul. SvanrelistrBetta ia-e:
ad ta coadsct the seryic Friday eveaiag.
- m.T. OOSfBX. siTSSIOsT .
237 State St,' lUJph OX Banork, pas
' on i Miaaion 8L. ohona 1439'W. As
sistant pastor. JXsrryV-;rri. 8,Tr:
aad 7:30 p. ra. Saaday school. 2:30 p.
n. Young peoples' - meetiBK.. Friday night
t 18.0. EyanrrHstie meetings or ibl
study every night at. . 7 :30 exeept Mon-
day. Cema and aaarih First jCeutury
: gospel as 1 recorded ia tha. Acts of the
1 x tM..- "Tka jLordSTirkisK wita them,'
;oAming JtUr Hri??-11" IolJ?;Jand esnttnOA for HM dsya when tt will
iing." Mark 16. Wait.tke goaper is I eomt to .eloae oa the Vigil or Haly
B4aeked "with -the Holy t. Ghost sent I Thursday- -Wedaeaday. Friday aad Sat-
aewav from heaven" Ha asakee ALL'tba
Bibla harmonua aa .every, aaojocfc w
; and tea. ; . ' ! :.;
mr, paster, 684 K. Winter, phona 80-M.
f aaryi M p. m.; fco. ton-
leal Stepa is ; the Christian's Expert-
: .. i i . "Uiamion Study." 7 p.
13th and Center -cits. A. w. nu-
' m. Ssndsy school, 10 s. l. auperintend -
; esV 11. 1L GrslUp; Young peoples'
. isgs at 7 O-esoca- saa
Mission study, "Aeroes . tha Border,
' wilt be taken up. Cottage Pyer
. at O. 6. 8c harass's home, 1265 Marion
St, Wedaesdsy, T:30, The naming serv
- Kiss are in English.
Corner Cottage and Chemeketa Bts,
I Rev Martin Fereahetian, -minister. Church
iThOol t 10 a. ra.. graded instrucWoa.
7 TOxUAi McKT. npt- Devotional aery,
i ices at 11 a. m. Subject of th sermon,
IT." .fi -Lj l. Aarieaa CoaStitu-
! hiTwsrmmt wHl be preached
slm. nraahinrton'a birthday in
i W,.V "7"r...7i7i th. dominant
WU. " . .- . ,.-J .1.- IA.
irs of this country and why! Are we inla A Wheelwright.: Sunday aehool 9:45.
" ill:-- 1 . al ias fBadamaatal I BanartataadeBt. 1L P.. Shanks. Youns
nrinciles afur nations) lils Mrs. M;
..- w a n.ii at tha arsan.
. U Of thS eanrea, Wlti jaw w
aura. ' . -'r . ... Z
m T Kmeraoa room at 8 a'elock Monday
r.l.ynV.T"ecernin; .rest
-.- n m ommiaens irreaoy
-j cnarssw
w iiu A vyT. TT Tt-
raraer lTtad Nebrasks Ar P. 45.
affman! pastor, -1743 Kebn-ka Ave.
Hoffman, ; pastoi
Services, ll a.
j aftimojn,' prayer meetiag
ay. .laarauay , T - v
v'V'f R "7" VchooL 19 -. superin- -rrCspitol. an MriB Bts. M.
tUdant: W VKrMgbToung pea- psstor.,988 Mrisi L. ahona
X's.seUufi. jLmoY, Interaiaie. Sea. Services. GarmaB, H . m.
-Lao lcUeaAid society Wedneadsy school 10 - be, ssperinteadsnt.
- . i ia a i.nnsiiBB vw"cl"t l
snd Bible sta-1 Krus. -.. . ' -- .
1 r.r 5th aadG4ns Sts, Ssbbsth pastor, J815 . Ckarcn, pnoaa
JiU9M VUI UTt Ua puIiJ youitalw weeWy yrsytT
mini Will W aaawereiL t:3A 'v " (Vi
aad axioa- votur friends- 1 c ?
Ooraer .Liberty t aad Oupmeketa Sta.
Sunday aiarniiif service 11 o'clock. Saw
day syeniag- at . Subject ( lesson ssr
oa, "Mind." Saaday i aehool aoaaion
eoBTcao at :30 and 11 a. m. Wedaeaday
voaiac teatimaaial moeUnf at 9 a'elock.
Readinc room 80S Maaonia TempU,. open
Tory day axevpt Saadaya 'aad hoUdaya
from 11 to SdO p. m., aver? aYoaiar ax
eapt Wedaeaday aad Sunday from 7:80
to 8; Sanday aUaraooa from 8 to 5.
- k. AsaociAnojr
ateet erery Sunday ia' 'Derby bids
Court and iti eu., (or Bibla atady.
Hoara 1Q to 13 a. and S to d p. m.
Funeral aerrieea eoadocted free of charre
ia fialeia aad Tieiaity i by laeal Bibla
claaa. fkoaat1450-W, All Intereated i
Bibla atady, cordially iaTited. Sunday,
Feb. 11, t 8 p. m there wiU W a frea
pnblio lectort ia Derby MdaW 7 Chaa.
C. Beat, fnbject. "Palealine lor tha Jaw.
Why I" etor nr Tery eyea wa aaa fat
Blment al propheciet theaaanda 1 yaara
old. They hare been promised that taey
vv nv wvh
hall build the aid waataa, they aaall
Dot-tnu BP ue Xenaer
Cormar Liberty aad Canter Hta O. C.
f olmc. vaster. 435 Center Bt. shone
fOPlSercaa? 11 aj m, t:0 p. av Ser-
moa topica: "Israel aad i taa Charca,"
11 a. "Search, tha Bertptures," ' " 7 :SO
p. m. Miss Naomie Phelps will sing- aad
special by the choir, Sunday aehool.
9:45 a. aa., superintendent, L. 1 Thorn-
aoa. xouna- peoplea' tneetinxs at S:S0 a.
Topic: "Neglected Areas ia the Conn-
try." Text: lea. 85:1-8. Loader, kUaa
Bart ha hfagnxesa. Mtaraed miaaienary
iraat ; China. Week-day . aerrlces, Tbura-
day ereainr. leader. Q. K. Oloyer. Tha
Ladies' af thia ekarch proyida tha aooa
13 a clock meal for the ministara and
their wives Moaday tbe 2 2d. A special
Paker la expect4 oa Uw aaforaanseat.
Corner 19th and Mar ioa 8ta C.
Hopkins, pastor,-190 Marion, assistant
paator. Mrs. Hopktaa. Merrtros 11
li a.
7:30 p. at. Hermen topics, "Batr on
the Rock.' 11 a. nu. "Tha 8traiOKiate."
7 :30 P. ra. Soeeial music and ainrlnc at
both seryicea oa Sunday. Sunday aehool,
9r45 a. , saperiatenilent. Prank Tit
willer. Senior Young Peoplea-' meeting; at
6:3tf p. ra. Topic. "Oitisea of Zion."
Leader. Frank Titwiller. Jaaios Christian
Eadearor, o:4S p. n. Wedaeaday evening
at 7:80, prayer and praise aerrice, Taa
pastor will preach-sanday morn Lag. Mrs
Hopkins will preaeb ia tha erening. Coma
mm. mjo ww, ort
Tha First Hpiritnaiist chorea of Salrm
will hold services this Pnnday arening
February 2L- mi' their : ball. Fraeraal
building at 7:30 o'clock. Key. Theresa
Stiltwell will be the speaker and - pma
aago bearer. Tha public .ia cordially i
yited to thia aeryica.- i .. f , .
241. State St. "B cheerful. Giro thia
lonesome world a smile, we atay at long-
et but a little wbila." Wo cordially ia
where the welcome' ia warm and the
anr'"P aiacere, Sunday at H
and 7:30 d. m.. cubliC meatian.
meauaga. The
day evening aubject. CHiaarfulest Snaday
school in town meeia at 2 -.80. "Bl
maintain lead over "Reds" in lively
contest now la Its fourth week. All young
people are invited to the " Legion " 'meet,
at 6:80, led by young people. Waek
alght public meeting oa Tuesday, Thurs
day and Saturday, at 8 o'clock.
Sooth 19th and Parry,,- H. G, Stayer.
paator,: 245 8. 19th St.! Phasa 1924-J.
Be rv ices 11 i. m 7:30 n.- m. - 8enaon
topic:' '"'George Washington," a. .m..
The Measure f a caruuaa," p. m.
Ia the morning service a group of girl
will contribute a vasieal number, Don
ald Barnard will recall interesting avents
ia the- Life n. Washington. Sunday
aehool 10 a. . m. superintendent, 0. C.
Harria. Youag People' a maetinga: Sen
ior and Junior O. E. at 8:45 v. m. In
tha evening service the: chorus choir will
sing My Master ( jrrawa, u. ten
Share. Week -day tery ices: Thursday
. ; ttiramr el . wismp aaa- ssaruei
streets. Mortimer C. CJsrke, paator, 1228
N. Winter, phona S8&4-W. 'Sarrieea 11
a, m 7:30 p. m. Bermon topica, "Though
Ha Wera Dead." a. m "The Power of
a Good Life," p. m. Class meeting of tha
oM Methodist type at 13:16. Mis. Clara
Goolev. leader. Sunday school. 9:45. an-
pariatenaeat. Dr. Prank S. Schuts. Voang
People' aeatings: .8:80 preceded by a
half -aa Wr of itrara. Tanic 'tm
Holy SoirltHis WprkJ" Mrs. Victor
Cootey: leader. Weak-day aervises: , CoV
taca nmw nse tins' eacn wmsmoit bis-
ihft )mnk f. t wm 'f!&Mkliui
Jackson, 1488 . Winter street. Church
rarer meetinr seen Thursday at f ;30
paster preaches at nota service on
AU are invites to taeaa rv-
ices, aad
you will, enjoy the splendid
iritual atmoaphers of .: this ehure on
mm vTVffm.ns wsttt. r A wnran
, t, Tbos. V. Keenan. pastor. Massea
V. Keenan, pastor.
-1 ttaring the Lenten season de-
ToiloM wfll ba V
eld, evey Sunday, Wed
iy. On 8uaday the de-
nesday and Friday. ;
I yotions will-bo t 8 o'clock ia tha aft-
ernooa and an Wedheaday aad Friday at
7:80 o'clock iS? the evening. Week day
mass is. celebrated at 8 o'clock. Begin
sring Monday morning, Feb. 22nd, and
coatiouing for nine days, a pubUs aoveaa
ia Honor ex st. uaereee tne Lattia now
of Jesus will as held. Devotions to tte
Littls Flower WiU bs in the moraine aad
th svsniag. Ptayars speeisl ta rth
Uttla PJower win recited every atera-
in- nrinr tha aoveaa immediately after
Mass and i ths evening there will
ba the Boaary, prayera and Benediction of
tka jtou Blessed seraasaat, . Tha third
novena to be held- in her honor in this
.e.h' m kui. r Hui
1 Brday are-Ember daya and therefore days
fast and ahsuaence.
Corner Chemeketa aad Cottage - 8ts.
1 Bu p
I nu CI
1 1..
Rev, J. S. Buck, pastor, 731 Chemeketa
phono 8V Services :00 and 10:09
i. Bermon tenia, aeieetea. a suu a.
Children's mass. Academy" -ebeir. sing
tag. 10:00tr; m. reralar choir. - Cats
1 ehiiim en Saturday afternoon at :
1 Acadsmy. Weak-dsy serrieet: Ms
s :oo ta
Mass at
6:00 a.' sn. Lenten devotion an Wedaes
dsy and Friday at 7:80 p. m. Saturday
ma as ia Academy at l siu av. an. feyory
fne oordiaUy welcome." ,
Corner of Chureh and But fits.
0. Tsylor. paator. 126 S. Chnreh - 8t.,
pbone 974.. Misa Mary, E. rinaley, airee
tor of religions education. aMie 126 8.
Chnreh St., pbona 872. i Seraicea 11 .'.
?;0 p. nu- Junior church Jt - nu-8ef
mon topics: 'VXhrea Things iraramount,
sermon by Dr. 3X K. Leech, a. an.: "Half
Hsartedusss vs. - w noia-narteaness. ' p
Junior chare h. Pastor Dr. Taylor-will
speak eoaceratng "'tas vanattaa
9:15 a. nv Wesley elate meeting, leader,
People's meetings First Chapterleader,
- , r- - , -
ter, - Kenneth Johnston; , Third
I Chanter, aunerin tea dent. ' Miss . Hats)
, . , .' - s wi . i' m n.
I altlBUHl ana jaiaw Bam junm. .-
day services : Tuesday 7 :3Q p. as. ia tha
ehurek parlors ne nigu aenooi moasniv
nartv. directed by their superintendent
Mrs. Or T. Melktyre.!; Wcdasdsy. 2 vSO
in aha eAurch variors. General aid. horn
tesses th West Central Circle. Mid-week
j devoti! aerviea'TJinrsdjr at 1 :S0-r-ed
hy the. paator, i a , J
Fred C.
I i ' rqnitca cr OOTJ
1846 K. Church St. J. J. Gillespie,
1815 li. Cknren. ' paona ie-m
; isryics WtoaeKUj
evening 7:30. Sunday school teachers
maatiag Fridar eveaiag, 7:3-at Mrs.
inaHLiini ratsinM i J, ,
llishlaad and Church . Sta. Edrar P.
Sims, pastor, 2445 Mapto Ava. Sarrless
l a. m 7-aOsv. m. . Saecial bmuib aad
singing. Sunday school 10 a. m suoer-
iateadeat, Walter Staatoa. Teuag Peo
ple's meatisga: C E- He By of Salsm
Quarterly meeting of Friends 3:0 p. a.
aunaay. wsec-aay serytces: uaia rro
phecy Monday 7:3 sv m. -Mid-week
prayer, meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m.
'- i; EVASGELXCAL ' "" I-- . .
17th sal Chemeketa Streets. r P. W.
Launer, pastor, ' 268 S. ' ITth, phone
iws-n. tvervicea a m-, p.
bormoa topics, "upposing uoa,
Hoy. Moriey will areaoh at tha aveaiae
aervieaa. .Sunday school 10 a. saptr
iateadent, O. B, . Straus baugh; Young
People 'a meetinga; at 8:10. Fred Blake
will ba leader sad Margaret -. Crewi will
lead the Intermediate. - Week-day services,
Thorsdsy eveaiagv Mrs, F. W. Launer,
cats loader. !?- t , i,, :V:i
' ' 1 1 :-'. J
843 H Court St. ' C 8. Jahnsoa. paa
tor. 1935 Maple Av, phons 1917-W.
8rritfs ' 8 aad 7 :8o v. m. Sundas
school a p. m superintendent, g, Berkey.
Week-day aerviee. Tuesday. Thnrsday and
Saturday evsuings.
Corner North Winter . aad Jefferson
Sta., Ttismae Ac see a. pastor, UMO Hood
8t phone 2 106-J. Gilbert Wrena, assis
tant paator. 1444 Perry, phone 8837.
Services 11 a. XBw ff :30 u. am. Junior
church 11 a. m. Sermon topica: fHfw
Far SbaU I U W tU Od " I J m.:
'What's, ths Matter With Modern Re
ligion!" p. m, ; Bay. Wrena invites
young people tat Junior- service down
stairs at ll a. m. Special musts by r.hoir
both morning aad evening. Sunday
school 9 :4 a. m, superintendent, Harry
Carpenter. , Young . People's meetings :
Ths three shaptera of tha Epworth
League will meet us separate rooms "or
devotional aerrieea. Meetings are full
f interest. , Others welcome. Week-day
services: Mi4 week devotional service for
Jnniqr and- Senior anarch es. Thursday
:l$ p. m. xou are nseded, and you
111 - enjoy ' the feltbwsbJa of this boar.
Pollowina a! devotional services cmaseS
ia shares history, teacher training, mis
sions, and fooy fold life for boys. The
pubue 'wut a cordially welcomed as an
the services of this church. You are in
vited fa ' bring ' your friends with ' yen.
12th snd Missioa Sta. A. . Header-
son, pastor. UM Mission Bt., phona
903-W. .Servtces: 11 a. m..' T:w p. nv.
Sunday school. 10 a. ., superintendent,
E. G. Poling. Poang People's meeting,
U. B. C. E. 6:30. fOwea Buckbee. pres
ident. Tople "Lives " Transformed by
Christ." J. H.' Merrymsa, leader. Week
day aerviee s Old-Tym prayer meting
esch Wednesdsy evening at 7:30. ; Mrs.
Kliea Hiday, class lead ay.
Court aad S. 17th, Sta. . 4fc L. Patnam.
Jaator. 1106 Leslie .St, paona 1435-J.
unior pastor. Mrs. A. L Putnam. Serv
ices 11 s, an- 9:30 p. m. Jsaior service
It a. as. sarsaas) topics : J. at. ttaasaker,
director of Near : East ilelief will speak,
Sermoa-by tiastari . m. Mrs. Moses or
chestra will furnish ma sac far Mibla
school. Sunday school ,9:45 s. m.. super
Intendsnt. E. W. Osolay. Yoona People's
meetings: Vaunateera wiH visit shut-ins
la afternoon. Christian Endesvor 6i30
m. Four societies meet at soma time.
The Junior O. E. will render a pan tor
mime Juat before the evening sermon.
Weed day services: Ladies- Aid society
assets Thursday, sfternon. . Church night
program Thursday 7-9 P. m. Volunteer
meeting 7-8; Bible study aad stereopti
esn pietares of Holy Land -9. A hearty
welcome ia extended to any one not hav
ing a cnuren aose ana a airanger in tne
city: "The Charsh With a Family
Spirit i ready to greet yoa.
0ostins4 im pft 2) ;
Terry and Marie Tempest bare all
---.- -- T..'
taken uue roles in tneae.
"Friend Ifannah" i& considered
by many eminent -critics as being
the crsam of Keter8 vorkr the
sort of play you cannot afford to
miss. . From j reports : the tickets
are selling fa$t and it is adjlsable
to reserre seats novc-fOr March
2nd at the Heilig.
Mrs. WgikCce Returns
Mrs. Paul B. Wallace : returned
to- Wallace Orchards on Thursday
after a-two weeks Tisit in Seattle
and Tacoma. tin Seattle Mrs.;Wal
Jace was entertained as the house
guest of Miss Edna X. sterling.
Merry-Go-Round Club Meets
At WiUiamlBrown Home
Mr. and Mrs. -Wm. Brown , en
tertained last Tuesday ereninr for
the cleasure of the members of
the Merry-Go-Round club, ji The
rooms where five hundred was In
play were attractive with, jonquils
and narcissi. Mrs. Thomas B
Kay and. R. B. Fleming won the
high scores of the eyenlng.
At the next - meeting of :. the
club r. and Mrs. J. N. Smith wiH
Guests at the William Brown
home Included: Mr. and ' Mrs
John McNary, Mr. and Mrs. W. C
Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Frank w.
Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Flem
ing, Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Robertson,
Mr. and Mrs. ;TJ. G. Shipley, t Mr.
and Mrs. R. B. Boise, Mr. and
Mrs A. N. Moores, Dr. and Mrs. J
N. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Kay,
Mrs. Frank Enedeeer , and j the
hosts Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown
Entre Nous I Club -
The Entre Nous club house was
the scene of ai most delightful af
fair v Wednesday evening - when
Mrs. Ralph Howard, anif Mrs, Her
bert. Hale entertained the -club
members and their friends jtt a
Talentlne party. Pendants t yal-
entine 1 hearts were' taateruuy r-
raged about the -room and shaaef
floor lamps added to the fralen
tine effect. A valentine bex af
forded -one of the : diVerslons " of
the eyenlng. ' Seven tables of Ave
hundred were 4layed, Mr. land
Mrs. John Brewer winning high
score. , consolation going to iVictor
Swartz and Mrs.' John' Jelderkr al
ter which the hostesses served
delicious luncheon. - Dancing oc
cupied the remainder of the .eve
ning. - - j , " ! .
Guests of the club were Mr. jtnd
Mrs. O. L. Dencer,. Mr, and; Mra.
Albert Ramseyer, Mr. and Irs(l
Charles Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Frans
Joseph. Mr. and Mrs.' L. A. Tnnv
bieson, Mr. and Mrs. John B rower
UiU Oil . SBU MIS, ! UU11 4C1UC1S.
..llf. V -1 1.liL -
Banauet at Jason Lee 'Wu
Women of the Foreign Mission
ary ; society of the - Jason JLee
church will give a banquet Monday
evening at :30 o'clock at the
church for: the nleasure of their
Uncoln-ZIcKinlev PTA ' '
The Wocoln-rjclfinley raront-
Te&c&er association will meet on
Tuesday evening,. February 21, at
SO o'clock ab . the- r M.cKlnJe7
school. . Miss Anne Simpson of
the Marion poiinty Health ' Dm-
onstratiou wiH speak on "Rest and
Recreation for ' Children .v-ji '
Adults. ; Fred - J. Tooe, - editor'
of The Statesman, and candidate:
for i superintendent of public is-
structioa. wilL address the meet
ing.' The evening will be in the
nature of a membership rally.
with important business to come
berore the association.
Northwest Poetry Society
The February meeting of the
Northwest Poetry society-' will be
held, on Saturday evening, 5 Feb
ruary 37, at the home oi airs.
Alice Welster at 75 StanXqn
street, Portland. . The program
will be given by members of the
board. Election of' officers for
the new year will take place at
this meeting. . .
Midwinter Minnesota
Meeting on March 5
Former residents of Minnesota
will be interested in plans which
are being made for the annual
midwinter meeting which
held this year on Friday, March
in the parlors of the First
Methodist church. Dr. Norman
Kendall Tully, pastor of the First
Presbyterian church, will be ttye
speaker of the evening,; The pro
gram committee includes Mr.
Killiam, chairman; Mrs. P. A.
Cupper, Mrs. C. W. Logan, Mrs.
Ward Ellis and Mr. Glajsyer.
I. Li. MeAdams is president of
the Minnesota organisation; F. Lj.
Wood, vice president, and Mrs.
W. J. Lin foot secretary.
Reed College Women
Are Guests , ..
Miss Frances M. Richards pre
sided at a delightful dinner en
Thursday noon at Lausanne Hall
honoring the 20 guests froth Reed
college who formed a. delegation
to attend the debate between Reed
and Willamette.
Guests at Robertson Home
Dr. and Mrs. Charles IL Rob
ertson are entertaining as- their
house, guests over the week-end
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Robert
son of Portland. .Mrs. Robertson
(Mildred Apperson) and - her
mother, Mrs. E. C. Apperson of
McMinnville, have just returned
from a three weeks motor trip
into California, visiting both In
Oakland and in San Francisco.
They were accompanied home by
Mrs. Apperson's mother, whose
home is in Oakland, who will be
a house guest in McMinnville for
some time.
Miss Livesley Is Home
Miss Dorothy Livesley is enter
taining as her 1 house-guest at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs
T. A. Livesley, Miss Helen Adels-
berger, of Marshfield. "a school
friend from St. Helen's hall. Miss
Livesley and her friend are spend
Ing the week-end In Salem.
Mrs. Newmyer Is Hostess
At Bridge Tea
Mrs. Phil Newmyer was a de
lightful hostess of last Thursday
afternoon when she entertained
for - a group of friends at bridge
and tea, eight tables of the 'jcard
diversion being in play. Mrs! B.
M. Page won the high honor of
the "afternoon, while the secondi
prize went to Mrs. C. E. Bates
The. rooms "were beautifully deco
rated with baskets of daffodils. .
Guests of Mrs. Newmyer includ
ed: Mrs. Thomas B. Kay, Mrs,
Charles H. Robertson,' Mrs. C. E.
Bates, Mrs. Roy Mills, Mrs. Max
Page, Mrs. Frank Myers, Mrs.
Paul Johnson, Mrs. Walter X
Spauldlng; Mrs. Lester Barr, Mrs.
John L. Rand. Mrs. William Ba
sick. Mrs.. Henry Compton, Mrs.
Prince . Byrd, Mrs. Rex Sanford,
Mrs. George R. Vehra, Mrs. Elmer
Hulden,' Mrs. .Grover. C. Bellinger,
. . . , - 4 r-
J 0:00A.M. Sundciychool
1 1 :00 A. M. MWhat to Believe About Man '
7:30 P. M. Abraham Lincoln's Life in.
: Violin soI'Prtze'
Singers, Wagner .j ; 1
Vocal solo "Rock of Ages, Johnson V-
. "" V- - - ' r'-lRS. J. M. RINGO ' '
AnUiem 4God S o Loy ed the t -World,
Stainer -'' - KF t j:-
Blornins Sermon: "The Law and His Grace" -PV&bs
Sitac: rWhy Blen Love to Jlear Alat Jesus"
Ths Church Thzi WctezZ2 Strarr?
Mrs. Bliss1 Darby. Mrs". John
Evans,, . Mrs.' Carl B- Webb, Mrs.
J. E." Law.. Mrs. F. H. Thompson,
Mrs Lewis Griffith. Mrs. T II.'
Galloway.' Mrs. P.' A.' Eiker, -Mrs.
Frank Brown Mrs.1 Elmer Hnld-
eh. Mrs. William McGUchrist. Jr..
Mrs. Herbert Stiff. 4 Mrs.' Bower-
8o, Mrs; Wilson Darby, Mrs. Le-
land - Geer? and. Mrs. ; Elmo S.
White, and Mrs. Win!. Everett An
derson, " - .. ' " :
Eastern Stcr Social
Afternoon -
v Th 'feodnl. aftrrtofiTji club of the
Eastern Star will meet for an af
ternoon ?of rar;l members only
parti etpatlns at 2 o'clock
Tuesday. Mrs. L. W. Gleason Is
the cfeaiinvtTt far : the afternoon.
Her assistant llrde? Nell
White, Alice FrizxoU. Clara Pat
terson, Grare Gillon, Grace
Thompson. Rose Linfoot, Clara
SteusloftV Ethiel Welch, and Lena
Cherringtoa,- . - , ; ,
Mrs. Catlin Home
From Tacoma .
Mrs. Russell Catlin has return
ed to her home after having spent
ten days in Tacoma as the guest of
friends. ' '
Woman's Study -Classes
to Meet
The Woman's club classes in
Oregon history, current events,
ana literature win meet on Mon
day afternoon, beginning at 2
o'clock at the club house, as usual.
Mrs. Von Esehen Has
Article Accepted
Mrs. 'Florian Von Esc hen, a
graduate of Willamette university
with the' class of " 24, and an in
structor in the history department
of the Salem high school, has re
ceived the- news that ait article
which she wrote as part of her
class work in Dr. George H. Al-
den's department, has been accept
ed for publication in "Social Sci
ence," a' national sociological or
gan. "Mrs. Von Eschen received
the news In a letter from the pres
ident of the Pi Gamma Mu, na
tional 'honorary sociological fra
ternity,' Of which she is a mem
ber, who-as 'editor of "Social Sci
ence," requested to use t in his
Attractive Luncheon
At Hotel
Members of the Round-Up club
and a group of six special guests
were delightfully entertained last
Monday when Mrs. Thomas B. Kay
was hostess at an attractive 1
o'clock luncheon at the Marion
hotel, followed by an afternoon
of cards at the Kay home
Special guests in the group were
Mrs. Frank SnedecoT. Mrs. Wil
liam Brown, . Mrs. U. G. Shipley,
Mrs. R. P' Boise," Mrs. ' A. N.
Smith linaMrs:!!! ""Meyers.
' ' On the luncheon - table at the
hotep a lovely old-fashioned nose
gay of jonquils; f reezias, primroses
and anemones centered the table
where a color scheme of yellow
predominated. Yellow candles
glowed in silver holders, while
place cards and favors were In the
same tints
1-jCt ths Kay home where bridge
If . r?WT": - - t'-' ' - - -
was ia pity, Japanese quince was
used (n " the rooms. Mrs. R. - P.
Botw 'aronv the prise of the after-
hoonifjrrthe group were Mrs-
JTranK j5Adecor, Mrs. William
Brwa"Mr8. R. P. Boise, Mrs. A.
N. Smith. Mrs. Milton Meyers,
Mrs.-. TJ. G. Shipley, Mrs. Prlace
Byrd, Mrs. J. T. Whittig, Mrs. R.
E. Downing. Mrs. Ed Hartley, Mrs
E. Cooke Patton. Mrs. C. H. Rob
ertson, Mrs. C. K. Spauldlng, Mrs
John Rand, Mrs. Will Allen and
the hostess, Mrs. Kay,
Faculty Women's Club
Twenty members of the Wil
lamtsTTnlyerslty Faculty Wo
men's club were delightfully en
tertained on Thursday afternoon
at' Lausanne Hall when Miss Fran
Congregational Church
Center and Liberty
Moving FpSres;.
aw im-vv- -----fa, " i
Fittijm church
Liberty and Marion St.
7:30 P. M,
'Sbng;v from Maisj;
A" MERICAS retail store service
methods- have evidently been
attracting-favorable notice abroad.
nasmuch as France has asked to
have an expert in this branch of
Industry help to - set up a ' perma
nent school of training. .. ., v
Miss Isabel Craig Bacon a grad
uate of the Prince School of Edu
cation for Store Service In Boston,
is soon to-sail for France at the
ces M. Richards, Miss Pauline
Gabriel and Miss Edith De Nlse
nrarta Vi norriAno Wia- ft ash aai
was spent With conversation an!
needlework. , Baskets of daffodils
were lovely about the rooms.
At the next meeting of the club
on March 3 Mrs. W, E. Kirk will
be the hostess,: assisted by Mrs.
E. C. Richards.
Mr. and Mrs;. Busk
Leave forJiochester ;
Mr. and Mrs. Asahel Bush hare
gone to Rochester, Minn.,, for an
appointment, for. Mrs. Bush, with,
the famous Mayo specialists.' They
left early last week.
Tea at Central .
The parlors of Central Congre
gational" church will be the scene
of a delightful tea on Tuesday,
February ' 23. The hostesses of
the "afternoon will be Mrs. W. P.
HallMrs. E. O. Clark, Mrs. J. G.
Merchea, Mrs. W. H. Strut and
Mrs. Frank E. Brown.
Miss Lord to Reach
Salem Jidy First
Salem friends of Miss Elizabeth
Lord who, in a. two-year trip, is
circling the world, will b6 Inter
ested to know that she has left
Manila and is now beginning the
last- lap of her journey which will
take her through the Suez Canal,
to f Egypt where she will spend
some time, to Europe where she
will tour, and finally to the Amer
ican continent, and thence again
to the Pacific coast, her home, ar
riving in Salem about the first of
July. -
During the past year Miss Lord
has been -at Sebu on an island
south pf . Manila with her-brother,
Montague Lord, who controls ex
tensive sugar plantations in the
Philippines. !
Silver Tea and
Washinaton Proaram
A wasnington program ana sil
ver tea sponsored by the Sons of
Union Veterans' auxiliary and by
the Sons of Union ' Veterans will
be on Tuesday, February 23, at
the armory. The public Is cor
dially invited.
I' iii ,asa casa , . jasasssaaasaMBaaaqaseDas ataaas t ir i n 1 n- i . , , i
'. 1 . , , i . -; . . I
' '..'' -- ' ,: " ,i i, ::. .'. 1 ." ' ,''.: .: . . . 1
i- ii i iai. ii i rii ai Va1- sb t mm ass ss - w. i r
.8 V J. fTte.-s .- ' , 11 . !
I njU-iJi. ti.JJsJLL.sjs iss sx ii ;-. - .
' . J . . ' " " - mu a W -
Invitation of the- Paris Chamber
of commerce to set up this school,
which is to be modeled after the
prince school. ' - " "
For 100 years Misa 'Bacon's
family has carried on a retail
store in Ohio, Miss Bacon herself
helped in the : store ' because she
liked the asociation with people.
She had musical talent and when
In college made a special study o
music. ' . After graduation - from
uDenin college ana having se
cured singing engagements, hered-
cllnation , was too strong
for her, -and she threw them over
to enter the marking room of a
large Cleveland department store.
The ancient sport of falconry is
becoming more and more popular
overseas. In . Prance a" woman ta
one of the leaders of the- revival of
the sport. ' She is Mma. Dranem,
the first woman- to' breed and
train falcons for hunting.! She
took up the work, two years ago
and now .conducts a prosperous
falcon farm near Lyon, i - j
Hazel- Hannah Hltt, DeKalb,
Mo., owns a quilt which has been
EygJ$s$ Economy, wli:Aiisolp
THOUSANDS wear oar glasses Itoday becarssj"
they givsj the utmost in service and are
icaL We have a reputation -for low prices.' II.?
thoroughness with which your ey 'are exarair.eJ
here by. specialists is your positive guarntci cT
satlsfaction.v---i - -m . --hr-:- "-" h "
Pomqu Keene
Jewelers and OptometrWs-lejti, Orecn
I The joy of selecting the spring wardrobe is
doubled after viewing .these gay new coats,
i Simplicity prevails but what smart simplicity
achieved through
and enhanced by excellent material and work
xnanship. -I . i .
- Coats of velour In
- invisible plaids in subdued tones all beautifully
trimmed, and showing that superior aire of work
manship. . . ; ' '
$X6 to $3475
Twills and with silk embroidery In abund
ance. ' Colors are azure blue, brown, nary and tia
new wood colon.
in her family for 210 years, 1: v
brought Jo; the Unite i ut-r ? ;
1715. Six members of tiie fa: :1
named Hannah haTe ow ned "tL ,: i
quilt, including the present Ilai I
Hannah. J - - -
Mrs, Mary L. Todd, T3 years cli
Is the ,"bal)y of the Naomi d- ?
of the Central -Avenue "etlir::. t
church in Kansas City, Ksn..Ti;'3
class,. of. Sunday-school "k:i.z" Is
composed ,cf rasmters r-vi-rarr3
between tie sgea cf 1Z i,3 SO
years." It was prgani.3 17. years
ago by Nicholas H. Li , a re
tired -minister, aad l'i vi'ow,
tH.'-ts :the) oldest -'livir-r rir.ber.
Twenty-seven belocj: tiu'- their
combined :ages raka a t rl of
1992 years. - ;
According to the l-rr ! ; 'en
tina, three-quarters c! n. fife's
earnings can be tafcea zi.y her
husband's debts. t
I Queen Boadicea, who lired in
Britain about. the middle of the
first century, is said to havl been.
the first
prominent percxiia
In Lawfiord an. English vUlasa
of about $00 Inhabitants, iromen,
fill the position iOf tax coltector,
church clejrk, postmistress a.i 3 let
ter, carrier!
the amazins" clever lines
the high colors for spring asd
to 334.75
I :