i A i j , i - " I ' . , i Urn..) ,-"!. I 4 t i j ;c; rT--H 0 "TTi i i iTITO 'OREG)N .ATIANf""SALESlr OREGON t '."-' 1 f-. : i. , 5 ' . . ' ' V.'. ' CTTTBSDAY MORNING FEBRUARYS.-1926 Malem 1 Society r . - -.a? v Bj .A CtItE3 BTJJfCXl!; Ffeoa lot s Ash Wednesday Services ; "Thte Ash Wednesday services at St. Paul's Episcopal church will be held -at: T: S- ani 0:30 o'clock in the morning and Sat 7:30 o'clock In.,- the, erenlns. I Today, Shrore Tuesday, there will be al social in the Parish house. The children are,,., invited:!: to) .! come Alt - four o'clock lit the 'atternoon and the oldejpneiUt5 ;30 r o'clocik and seTen., Pancakes aad waffles will be- served. - ; Vi" '- 'i " HicKey-Gitstaveso'n . ; Nttptials .. , Reverend Charles E. Ward was the .officiating' "Clergy man tat. the ceremony which 1 United 14 'mar riage" Mrs. Lucille Hickey of Puyaftup; "Washington and Mr. O. E. Gustarcaon of Tacoma, at 5:15 o'clock-Saturday afternoon iat the First Congregational church par sonage. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ai Guef froy were the only witnesses. . Mr.ustvk.B'antt iiiefcOuef froys 'are 'friends of loiig standing. Mr. G ustaresotr " was" connected with: the Imperial: Furniture com pany -where Worth's stor now Day ings the cnd i6 dp the right tfinig &'-ou ; caand .'.a: told ; within' 24 hours if you wilt.r Not only; that -ydttjeajr ?pmfthe tn!rels, cbeclc-all the discomfort; eliminate the poisons, tone the entire system, t 1 ' That way is ? with HILLfS-he only way. It 1 is so . efficient that roUItb'ns chave come ; to employ it. It is so supreme : that we paid $1JDOO,000 for it. ! T Don't trust to lesser methods. Do the. best you can. Take HILL, tab lets take them now. Every hour of delay means delayed result. At your catgf store. lUSItVLK Prkstte PG&m OUIKIIIE Get RedBos oa& ltraJt I stands fifteen' years aeo. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Gustaraon will make their borne In Tacoma where Mr. Gus tareson Is In' the furniture busi ness. : .; i . i'.'-'-, f V I i Gregorys in California i T ! : Mr. and" Mrs. P.' M. Gregory are enjoying a several weeks', motor trip into California. . -n' n- Miss Kiicneri Ertieftams With Valentine PfLrty 1 Miss Ruth 1 Kitchen rwar hostess on last- Friday evening at a de lightful Valentine party, kith five hundred the diversion, and Valen tine . novelties ' attractive ; in "t the Tooms. Anna St. Clair and James St. Clair won the high scores of ihe evening,! while consolation prizes went to Anna Mclntyrejand Virgil Starr. I A delicious supper iwas served during the evening, A lovely, centerpiece of red carna tions, pussy willows, and fern was used on the table where Valentine jfavors marked covers for: v f I f- Misses A.nnabeI St: Clair, Al berta St.'Cla!v Margaret St, Clali. Anna Mclntyre, Lena Spalding, jjessie ' Starr, i and Ruth ; Kitchen, nd Messrs. Cecil Gardner, James pt. Clair, Ivan Meeks; .Virgil Stair. tobert Kitchen, . Mr. and MpS. itchen, and Lome Kitchen. tast Card ' Party in" Series ! V The last card party in the series being sponsored hy St; Vincent's cfiurch will take place this even ing in the-Parish house, with Mrs, Thompson - the committee ' n charge. This will : close the o cial activities of the church since the Lenten season opens tomdr- Woman's Club Observes 4 Oregon Dayy i ! i I An attractive "Oregon DaV" pifogram, featuring Oregon music, pictures, and literature, was given at; the Woman's club house on Sat urday f afternoon by ; the Salem Woman's club following the regu lar bi-monthly business meeting. i At the business meeting Mrs. A. Ml' Chapman reported authorita tively on the 'better film interest in; Salem; Mrs. Ronald Glover gave -a comprehensive and well tabulated report of the home sur vey which took place In Salem last Sunday; while three prominent members of the' press committee, ,1 t Mrs. W. C Dibble. Mrs. Rj J, Hendricks, and Mrs. W. D. Clarke reported " in the - interest of the Fedefatidn News. Mrs. Chester C Clark -made announcement of the film, As No - Man Hath Loved," which will be shown .at the Helllg theatre on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of this week for the benefit ? of Chemeketa chapter, Daughters of the American Revo lution. ; - -, -.4 -- , ; -;. j i " The program of the afternoon opened with the club song with Miss Evangeline Hall at the piano. 1 ? SOCIAL XiAXJS.fi D AXt f ' . ' - m Today 1 1 .y OAC club benefit dance. Crys tal Gardens. ' ! , ; ": Needlecraft club. Mrs.: E. E. Oil Ham, 776 S. Twelf A street. If Writers' section of Salem Arts' League. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Paulus. hosts. '-j-J Shrove Tuesday. St. Paul's Episcopal church. 4 o'clock and 5:30 and 7 o'clock. ; . Last card party in series, i St. Vincent's church parish hall. Sons of Veterans Auxiliary; Mrs. Baker, 517 N." Front street, hos tess. ! : ' - " ; - f , .1 1 Etotka club. Mrs. E. E. Fisher, 515 Market street. 2:30 o'clock. , ' ; ! ' Wednesday j ; . Ash; Wednesday' services. St. Paul'al chiirdh. 7:30 and 830 a. m.;and 7:30 p. m. : . j Barbara Frietchie Sewing club. Mrs. Brewer, hostess. Pot-luck dinner at noon. . f - Business . and. Professional Women's cfub. Chamber of Com merce: rooms. Social meeting.'; ETekiReady-BIrthday club. Mrs. Florence Shipp, 1162 North Fifth street,' hostess. , :. f3- ' '-Thnrsday I , '1 V,'. '-- l ,':': Willamette University Faculty Womenvs ' iclubl.' " f Lau'sanno Hall. Miss Richards; 'Miss De Nise, and Miss' Gabriel, hostesses, Inter denominationat Missionary meeting. First Presbyterian church. All day. i Washington's birthday dinner. Scandinavian church. 5 to 8 o'clock;. ' , I j : ' Saturday - - i - t - American Association of uni versity Women. Elks' dining room. ', President Dobbs of Paci fle University, speaker. W. R. C. McCornack Hall. Pa triotic ; program. 3 o'clock. Of especial Interest was the song, ;.:, - I ,,.-.'. 4 s r ( ' 1 T ,,. lARVIX. SHEPARD -One of the leading candidates In The Oregon: Statesman's' con test. Mr. Shepard Is an amhltiots young man of good ability who is using his spare moments 1n securing subscriptions To win an automobile. Tie; wants his friends to - know that he 13 in the race and solicits their eo-opera?tlon. which were written by Rev..W. C. Kantner and the music by Clif ford Kantner, in celebration of the thirtieth anniversary of the ad mission of Oregon to the Union. The song was sung by Mrs. Merle Rosecrans and Mrs. Gayle, Rob erts Flndley. Miss Grace Eliza beth. Smith, as the leader of the Writers sections of the Salem Arts' League, presented a number of Oregon poems typifying Oregon literature. ,. v . , ' Mrs. W. E. Kirk and Robert C. Paulus contributed ; the- Oregon travelogue consisting ..of forty eight interesting scenic slides loaned by the University : of Ore gon.' In addition some'. of Mr. Paulus' own examples -of color photography were shown to an ap preciative addlence. t, i .;. ... Two solo numbers,'1 ' "Spring Sons" and "Bird Song" were de lightfully sung by Mrs. Gayle Roberts Findjey, with Miss Dorothy, Pearce at the piano. Mrs. J. A. Churchill was . in charge of an exceedingly interest ing exhibit of Oregon books, while Oregon pictures were arranged for the afternoon by Miss ; Kathryn Gunnell and Robert C. Paulus. Etotka Club to Meet. t The members of . the Etotka club will meet at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon at the homo of Mrs. for the regular meeting. After the transaction of the club busi ness the ladles wm enjoy visit. to the Miles linen mill. - j GuesPFrom' Los Angeles Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Brant are entertaining as their house guest from Los Angeles . Mrs. Brant'S sister; Mrs. aV Roberts, who made the ftrip north by motor. Over the week-end Mrs.1 Roberts, - Mrs: Brant and Miss- Dorothy Brant motored to Seattle. On Thursday Mrs. Roberts will; return to her home in Los Angeles and will be glad to make arrangements for a motor companion for the trip back to California. : . :;: Junior. Music Club Meets ! i ' :- The Junior ' Music . club : of which Miss Lena Dotson is the adviser met for 4 delightful cos ttime and valentine party on Sat urday evening at tn home 01 Mabel Harrison.? Games and val Anttne contests were enloVed by the group, with the valentine motif used in I decorating tne rooms. A valentine box was snerial feature. A lovely center piece of spring flowers centered the attractively appointed table. Delicious little heart-shaped cakes ornamented with small candy hearts were served. Mrs. Baker assisted Mrs. Harrison in the serv ing. Those in the group were: Olive ShurU, Ruby Orey, Vivian Marrs. Henrietta Hutcheon, Helen Ralnh. Pauline Orey, Jane Kuhnke, Miss Mabel Dotson, and the hostess, Mabel Harrison Mrs. Rand Is Honored Mrs. John L. Rand, who with Jndre Rand of the-tate Supreme court was in- Eugene for a brief stay last weke from Salem, was the ' honor- guest i for one or the week's-notable affairs given yes terday by Mrs. Lawrence x. Har lis who entertained at her home with a nnage wbcuwu , -, group of twelve guests. Those Invited to meet m. Rand were Mrs. F. L. Armltage, Mrs. E. R- Bryson, Mrs. CA. Burden.. Mr. W. W. Calkins. Mrs. C.TK.- DeNeffe, Mrs. M. C. Harris, Mm. PauU R. Keltr.; Mjs. J. J. Lange, Mrs.-F. X. Schaefers, Mrs. George B. Schaefers. Miss Ger- . -wr- iT,. Mm T WllSOn. The table was attractively set with a centerpiece of pink carnations. Eugene Guard. . Sewing Club Postpones Meeting - V":,-,".1 f.f-;; y The meeting of the; Koyai Neighbors Sewing , club, planned as an all dayaf f air of tomorrow, has' been postpones on wwuui of Illness in the family of the hostess; Mrs. Ed Keene. : , Washington s. Day Dinner The Ladies' Aid. society or the Scandinavian church at 15th and Mill streets will: hold a Washing ton's' Birthday dinner on Friday evening at the church from 5 to S o'clock. " ' A. A. U. W. on Saturday The American Association of University Women will meet for the regular February meeting on nexf Saturday, February 20, for a luncheon meeting in the Elks' dining room. President Dobbs of Pacific University will be the speaker of the afternoon. All those Intending to be pres ent for the luncheon are asked to make reservations with Miss Leila Johnson, the secretary. .: O. A. Ci Dance at' ; Crystal Gardens -' , Elaborate planw have been com pleted forthe ?OY A: C benefit dance this evening at; the Crystal Gardens. Proceeds received win go Into the scholarship fund main tained by. the Salem O. A. C. club. The following are acting as pa trons and ' patronesses for the af fair:. 'Vv---'V v; " . Governor Walter M. Pierce, President, And Mrs. W. J. Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. SamKozer, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Kay, Prof, and Mrs E. B. Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. George Hug, Mr.-and Mrs. J. C. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. C. X. Spaulding, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Steusloff, Mr and Mrs. F. W. ' Durbin, Mr. and Mrs. Mark McCalftsfer. M"r. and Mrs. - V. G." Deckebach, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cupper, Colonel and Mrs. Carl Ahrams, Mr. and Mrs Rhea Luper ' and Mr. and , Mrs Sam, Brown. "."t4: Miss Vivian Masters, club presi ft :- FOR K A-4 J NOMINATION COUPON ! GOOD FOR 50,000 VOTES Only One Counted to an Entrant This nomination Ballot is good for 50,000 votes for the person whose name Is written thereon. Name ... Town Nominated by . . ...... R. F. D State. The person nominating th winner of the $1115.00 Dodge Sedan will be glvrn f25.DO. Send tn your' name or the name of a friend today. dent, appointed Miss Sylvia Woods cnarge of the committees. ietuMcAllister ! I . Vf 'merest in this vicinity wis marriage of Miss Ruth A- i or Iioseburg to MrJ L Deter McAllister, at the' home of McAllister's parents. Mr.: and C. B. McAllister of Shaw. The ceremony was performed c-n o-vuraay m the presence of orJr the Immediate friends. Rev. it Stover officiated. . . ; The bride wore a lovely gownlof cream Keorjrette over pink? Batin. Her shower bouquet was of sweet peas. Kern earjy 8pring tlowfrs and fir lwuKhs decorated the Sv ing room where the Impressive (Continsed on pace Voting B allot r This ballot is good for 100 votes for the candidate in The Oregon Statesman Subscription Campaign, whose name is written on it. Do not fold. Trim. -. . . -. i -- : - i , 'i ' I Name l- . Address ; ..i VOID AFTER MARCH 27th, 1926 Anyone Can Vote For Friends m. ... jrr Becke & Hendriclcs Ihsorance of All Kinds. TeL 161 HelHg: Theater Lobby, ISO North High . "r;'8- , Adr. members of the press committee, "Peerless Oregon," the words off B.E. Fisher, 515 Market street, I . , , 1 yjyAv f fcwv 1 - ' ' r : : i - 11 - ! 1 ' : ; ': : V ... : ' : . ! 1- '- i ' V r ! 1 : i - 1------ r-yy . 1 N'V v- y v y r y Y It r4 y y f t t- X I z T z X I 4 Z t - 4 ' - 41 QmrQQFltQEilt 1 r 7 CzL . i . ! 7 7 rA lj r - 4 i -"a. I For each and eyery $15.00 worth of Subscriptions secured before 9 p. mSatu .- i - - .1 his is special. $100.00 Diamond given candi date who turiis in most money pn subscriptions ,ammvmmimm I' 1 : i . ' GRAND PRIZE : : " j DoDBBBRDTHeRS i, . L I; " Jr7i f-XW -AVIK- ItXt f , ' X i:. I - - - ' ' - r - - , - i .- ;-. " -i i - -.- -. -- 4swsr . ... , .:: ..: . - - L-.-i -' --.. ' :: .... - : ' " - t AN ELEGANT Standard Type B Sedan $1115.00 : Artillery WheelsBalloon Tires 30x5.77 Extra Rim and Tire Carrier 1 j , Purchased ' from Bonestoele Motor Company, 474' South Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon feprdyed;Ghevro Touring Car Purchased from and on exhibition at Newton Chevrolet Co., North High and Chemeketa Streets, Salem, Oregon J i Regular vptesgien in addition to this extra ballot. This special offer gives every candidate an excellent opportunity to lay up a big reserve for the winning of the more; ..valuable prizes. , It is to each candidate's advantage to turn in every, possible subscrip- upn auring mis special vote period. ; : . ' ; : i ; , There is no limit to- thenumber of extra votes th t a candidate may secure before the close of the larcrest offer Saturday night, February 27. This vote offer will .mean' probably the whole contest to you. Now this extra vote offer will be given for each and every fifteen dollars worth of subscriptions secured. The regular votes as per tvote schedule- are also given. It will not be an impossible feat for Statesman boosters 10 amass nunareas or tnousanas ot votes by the close or this splendid club loifer period, if they get busy and settle down! to' the business of subscription-getting in real earnest. - . . 6 " .- t TMIRIi ..! . . .' ... , - , , t '. ... - . " PRIZE :New Improved Ford ' Touring Car v ; ? $499.65 li . ... ' ' . .r. V 1 Equipped- with 'starterj four, doorj balloon tircs,retc. Th'c bst word " in the Ford Tourinsr Car. 1 , i , Largest Vote Offer Wliole Gontesf :.--., -,.. . ... . . - ..- r - ' - -. . -y ' V." , . ' i ' - Closes r ' Fefei'Bai-y - 27 J i m - Haag Electric . . Washer Value $1470 s. " Purchased front und oa display at . OHT.r :L :Suff Furniture Go. " "JConrt Street,, Salem, Oregon X 4 4- Y X 4 V in M '-I i M: V X V i 4 2 i 4 y V V Y Y Y Y 4 O X 4 Y 4 ' X 43 " Y 4T Y 4 . Y Y Y Y ! Y Y -Y Y Y Yr y; 4 Y 4 4 4P A- - 4 4 a. 4 A 4 X 4 - -4 r . ; Y Y Y 4 i Jk j A A A .A J A A ' A ' A. A 4 4ft A A. A A- ' A. rfh IT -IMF n- "-r H 4 ny "yt 'mf , v w v v v H if V V "vV 'v V Vj VV'i v' "v V ,,1 j.