The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 16, 1926, Page 1, Image 1

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1 1
11 i
Gambling; Houses and Red
Light Dens
Are Padlock
ed by Police Order
' ..-:.-'b. I '
Death of Fetwt Family BrtoB
" Universal Cleanup; $even i ; . 1
:-: Defendants Blayl? Face'
Firing Squad .
TIJUANA, Mexico; Feb. 1 5.
(By Associated;' Press. j Before
the days of a Ijuana rf ce track
-and American prohibition Tijuana
was a sleepy little Mexican Til
lage. Today it seemed j to , have
completed the cycle of gambling
resort, drinkingjj place ";far- thirsty
Americans, and alleged vjoe center
a$d was again' a drowslhg settle
: xnent- l '". ':
Publicity following tlie tragic
suicide of the f our members of
. the Peteet family, the resulting
cleanup orders Of Governor Rodi
ques of Lower California and the
visual Monday lack of racing, have,
wrought the change ta .thejtorder.
! town. . v -
In an almost ! bucolic , settling
! Mexican authorities - speeded- the
! work of the courts on pending
; murder accusations which may re
sult upon convictions iln seven
men, facing j a firing squad. Pad
locks were placed on , the doors
of numerous saloons, officials
said, as a result of the cleanup
orders of Fovetfnor Rodlques.
Developmental :intti4v prosecu
tion of the seven men. accused of
, responsibility lxji connetlofc. with
5 the attacks upon Auidrey," and
Clyde Peteet and the! resulting
suicide from shme-of the, Peteet
family, were the ordering of ex
: aminations - of toe bodies, of the
1 two girls by : Mexican iphyBiclans
i and the calling? in: off American
doctors to corroborate j testimony
of Zenaldo Llanos, former' chief
of police of Tijuana denying the
attack charges against him. Judge
Urlas of the Mexican federal court
v Is ePeted to decde i tomorrow;
5fo'iher evidence against the sev--ttff
men warrant trial ojn the mur
der and , attack! charges.
" T In the cleanup Campaign" of the
border town wbmea-entertainers
have deserted the barsj and cafes
Under the govef nor's orders. Sev
eral outlying saloons' pf Tijuana
were closed, authorities declared,
and 'the last of i those outside the
nv saloon limits are tx be closed
before tomorrow night Failure of
other saloons t post tne requirea
$ 1 C ,0 0 0 bonds , jwill result In . fur
ther closures. f T
A thin stream of tourists wan
dered along the malnj streets of
subdued Tijuana, staring at the
Idle gaming tables or the foreign
' club and peering euriotjsly into the
l almost deserted bars 1 ana caies
The doors of gilded San Francisco
bar were closed with the exception
i of one or two entrances during the
althbuKb tkey, opened
for business later Jn tjhe evenlngj
while the; longest bar in tne wona
provided little Work fori Its staff of;
bartenders, v: I ' . ' i ii- :' I
Ivouis Amaddr, proprietor of the
Oakland bar. Who is ; accused oi
attacking Clyde Peteet, ended a
threatened 1 hunger strike. It was
hA first time 1 in font days that
'- he had eaten food.' Besides iAma-j
dor, Refugio Alvares I ana Tani
cisco ' Navarro.r bartenders, Balva4
. dor Esplnosa, taxlcabdrtver and
in ' York Sine. Chinese hotel
owner, are accused of attacking
Clyde Peteet. tJanas and Francis.
- co Gonxales, taxi drtver, are aef
cused with; attacaing Auarejr
- peteet. All aref accused of responj
; .ihimv In connectloxL with the;
deaths of the I Peteet ifamlly.
An estimatid 200 women en
terUlners, known as "percentage
i ,-ia dnft tof the fact that they
receive a percentage oti the drinks
Tijuana. v.- . (. .": - I
TransconUnental .: Journey De
,. pepds On Expense
j x ' .'ni:t":" " ! . :;-. ;-
Pate of the Salem; Oregon
Salem, Mass., transcontinental
debate trip,. In which a Massa
chusetts ' team would meet -a
a Salem team here on the game;
evening that ft em ;tean
would be facing a, team In f tbe
eastern state, lies tot the ability
of the high Bcnoo wB
their friends to raise the $1500
lZ.mA tn finance the journey.
i with the! winnlag of the
i-i,Yar debate. a reported,
contender. -A teontract tq
'"V itit in debate provided the
.?! mnnov i COUld . ; be
raised, was signed some tlm
ago. Newspai)er8 and magatlnea
of the east and northwest have
devoted considerable space tO
k. n,nnnd , meeting and. It
Is urged much valuable public
ity would result from the de-,
bate.-: -nt.i, -:; '-". I - m
Upon V the. i developments of
the next tew idays depends the
possibility of ! financing the ex
penses of .local men. j i
$2,700 Is Needed: In Drive
for Y1W.C.A. Budget
Committee Unanimous in Opinion That $7,000 Must Be. Rais
ed to Continue OrganizationV Axtiviuesj i-irst
Week Drive Totals $4,300 H I ;
The camrjaitrri to raise $7000 for the 1926 budget of the
Yt W. C. A. entered its isecond week yesterday, when the cam
paign committee held a; special meeting to check up on results
of the first days! activities.
' Reports presented showed
f'only $4300 V. wiiieh leaves
quota." The women, of tne committee ana tne. canvassers
tara unanimous in their oDinion that the whole sum must be
raised if it is humanly possible,"
if r.
New Entrants Forge , to, iToni
With Splendid Opport unity
to Boo
Mrs. "Le-o Gronkej No.4 1.
Mrs. Frances Kleen, No. 2.
Mrs. Winnie Braden, Jfo. 3.
Leader In I Whole Contest- Miss
lxota ai. uraniner
By Anto: Contest -Editor..
Nnminations are i still f open In
the Morning Statesman's automo
bile and Prize Votinjg contest, and
no doubt, a number of names wm
be sent In within the next day
or -so It is advisable, though, toj
get started as soon as possible and ;
all persons contemplating enter- j
ing their names should! send in
their nomination blanks 'at- once, j
You have never had an oppor
tunity presented to you as big
and as easy to secure as you have
in this general voting contest.
f We'll warrant, that ypu never
before had a chance: to secure a
uxurlous motor car, without the
expenditure of one! cent! on your
part. But ! that is Just wnat we
have offered you in jtnis campaign.
And your opportunity to win
a car is still here. All that isne-
cessary is, tnat you.tas;e auTan
tage of It I now.' if ! J
Go after one of these; cars ana
go after it strong, nake p your
mind that you are (going to win,
and stop for1 nothing. 'r
This campaign lsl an. opportun
ity for workers, it Mi an opportun
ity to ret wihtin a very few weeks
something that nssi ally can only
be 'obtained by months, of patient
toil. Have your found it altogether
easy to save over 21115.00 for
some luxury that you have
wished?" i " I' !'".-'
The nersons who make the best
use of their time j between now
and the end of the campaign (just
a few short weeks )f; are v the ones
who will) rejoice on April 10th.
Do you realise that It us but a
short time away? (Can't you see
that there is no time tor nesita
tlon or ; delay. Thej person who
hasn't a car this season must
jump right into the campaign to
day and hustle with thejbrightest
and best candidates!. ' j ' '
The candidates In the States
man's big Automopiie campaign
as well as some of those who have
nor entered or who! are already in
(Con tinned oft
George Schroeder, 18j was sen
tenced to serve ten years In the
state penitentiary when he entered
a plea of guilty in the circuit court
yesterday to a charge or- assault
and robbery while armed witn a
dangerous weapon., Schroeder
was ( one of the four youths In
volved In the Sccjtts Mills bank
holdup on . December 24 " .
In entering his plea lot guilty.
Schroeder threw j himself on the
mercy of the court. In view of
the defendant's extreme youth,
Circuit Judge Percy R. Kelly gave
him the minimum permitted by
law. " The sentence provided by
statute Is from , ten, years to life
imprisonment. 1 s j ; v
Three other men were com
mltted to the . state prison yester
day ?" on forgery charges. C.i F.
Swope and Harold L. Walsh were
given sentences of not ,to exceed
ten years, without limitation of
time, l Walter Fleming was sen
tenced to a term not to exceed two
years In the prision, without 11m
itation of time. "! . -
- H- t-f-30O
Paul Wallace prizes were award
ed to winners of j the Latin con
test last night in the high school
auditorium, before an audience of
880 people. ? Parrish Junior, high
srhool - received jj j first; prizo, a
statue ' of - Hebe MeKlnley j un ior
high school and Salem high school
were . awarded second I and third
places, respectively, prizes being
pictures of Rome. They were
presented by v Miss Li" V. Hale,
head of the high school Latin de
partment. '' :-: ij I .' . 1 "-. ; : . - '
Features of . the program were
a song, Gaudeanus Igltur. ln Lat
in; . by Mrs. 4 Carnen . Gennison's
class, .a Roman banquet by L. A.
Woodworth, a piano selection by
Martin Anderson and an address
by Prof. W. E. Kirk of Willamette
i ."
the total amount collected was
about $270ft for this week's
for the work of the Y.W.C.A.
in saiem cannot, ue guccesiuu
carried on with a small amount
for 1926. ' ! -
Therefore a group of workers
will go out Wednesday to finish
work on the list of prospective
givers, and to see persons who
were overlooked during the first
The Y. W. C. A. Is the outstand
ing organisation devoted to con
structive service, to women and
girls of surrounding territoryi
Following is the list of women
who devoted,, a major i portion of
their time last week in raising the
funds; . :
Mrs. William Kirk, Mrs. Alice
II. Dodd, Mrs. Lyra Miles Dunn.
Mrs. B." B. Flstier, Mrs. Eric But
ler, Mrs. J Ray Pemberton, Mfs
W. I. Staley, Mrs. Fred Butter.
Mrs. P. E. Graber, Mrs. Majon
Bishop, Mrs. J. Albert, Mrs. L. II.
McMahon, Mrs. Shoemake, Mrs. E.
E. Elliott. Mrs. F. A. Elliott, Mrs.
Foley. Mrs. Lloyd Farmer, Mrs.
U. G. Shipley, Miss Mary Findley.
Mrs.: Frank Erickson, Mrs. Fern
Wills Dougherty, Mrs. Hoffnell,
Mrs. Horace Williston. Mrs. Fred
Steusloff, Mrs. Gus Ilirkson, Mrs.
P. D. Quisenberry, Mrs. w. H.
Steusloff, Mrs. W. E.j Anderson,
Miss Pauline Gabriel. Mrs. Geo.
Hug, Mrs. Oscar Price, Miss Mabel
Savage. Mrs. John -McNary, Mrs.
Albert Vick., Mrs, Rex. Sandford,
Mrs. Walker Cozier, Mrs. Strick
land, Mrs. Frank Zlnn, Mrs. Cur
tis Cross, Mrs. Frank Spears, Mrs.
John Roberts. Mrs. Charles Lisle,
Mrs. Harriet Durkheimer, Mrs. E.
E. Barnes; Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Shade,
Mrs. ; Prince Byrd. Mrs. W. H.
Crowther, Mrs. Max O. Buren,
Mrs. Alice McKelvie, Miss Llna
Heist, Mrs. E. E. Ling, Mrs. J. C.
Currie,4Mlss Clementine Charles,
Miss Amy Fiedler, Miss Lena
Spaulding, Mrs. T. S.i McKensie.
Leroy. Slmeral, member of the
city council,- had a narow escape
from serious personal! injury last
night when his Overland sedan
was involved In a collision near
Amity. 1
Mr. Simeral's car was struck by
an approaching machine and was
badly damaged. The councilman
experienced no personal injuries
asde from the shock.
SEATTLE, Feb. 15. (AP.)-
Governor- Roland H. Hartley,
Lieutenant Governor W. Lon
Johnson and Edgar B. Piper, Port
land editor,' were the principal
speakers at the Lincoln Day ban
quet of the Young; Men's Repub
lican club here tonight.
V - - - - ' .1 ; j ' .
' . " f -i . . ;-''v . "slVcV
' ' ' ' ' AKva.vv V "
'f Wf fllf ((ft t ffff if f fl f f f ia- w vOTff 1 i
Captain and Crew of Presi
dent Roosevelt' Given
31 Ovation in New York
Roar of 21 Guns From Governor's
j j Island Welcomes - neroes;
, nigh Officials Present
15. (By As
sociated Press.) The nation,
through New York, today flung
wide Its arms ana iook to its heart
Captain George Fried of . the liner
President Roosevelt. It also re
ceived as heroes his. crew, who
transcended sea traditions in res
cuing 25 seamen from the sinking'
British freighter Antinoe in mid
ocean on January 27.
iThe Roosevelt steamed slowly
up from quarantine with two
empty bunks those of the two
men who lost their lives in the
llrst rescue attempt.
Hooting whistles, bright bunt
ing; roaring cannon and the spok
en words of high officials these
were the outward manifestations
of honor. Silent handclasps,
brimming eyes and wistful, under
standing looks these were the
tributes from seamen to seamen
which brought a lump to Captian
Fried's throat and set his crew to
stirring nervously in the limelight
of acclaim.
First to go over the side from
Llbe tug Macon, which more the
offiiial party to meet the Roose
velt at quarantine was Mrs. Fried.
Hat in hand, flushed and embar
rassed. Captain Fried stood at the
head of the gangway and took his
wife in his arms. A dozen roses
which she wore were . crushed in
the embrace, and a host of cam
eramen shouted in glee as pictures
were snapped.
While Captain Fried and Chief
Officer Robert B. Miller received
an official welcome from Grover
Whalen representing Mayor Walk
er,! Admiral Charles P. Plunkett,
representing the navy, and Gen
et al Charles P; Summerall, repre
senting the army," the Roosevelt
prepared to get under way. Flank
ed to right and left by the Macon
and the navy tug Iuka both bright
with bunting and tuneful with
bands, and with a- navy cutter
leading, the procession started up
the harbor. Everything that float
ed from wasp like speed boat to
palatial liner greeted the Roose
velt en route. A 21-gun salute,
greatest honor the nation accords
boomed from Governor's Island.
The din was Increased by aircraft,
hlch thundered overhead, skim
ming the topmasts of the rescue
f-hip. The fireboat John Purroy
Mitchet, throwing graceful plumes
of water' from every nozzle, joined
the review, which swept majesti
cally up toward Hoboken on the
Jersey shore.
On tlxe hurricane deck of the
Roosevelt, 15 bewildered seamen
(Continued on pZ 2)
Stockholders Authorize Ore
rjon Pulp Expansion if
Deemed Necessary
No j Immediate Refinancing Fore
seen by Directors and Officers,
! Following Vote Taken
' Yesterday
Stockholders of the Oregon Pulp
& Paper company. In a meeting
late yesterday, authorized the
board of directors to issue $400,
000 in additional common stock,
and In floating $1,000,000 bonds,
if needed to finance material in
crease in the size of; the plant.
While authorized in increasing
stock and bonds, no immediate
action is foreseen by directors,
who as yet, find plans too indefin
ite to determine accurately what
funds may be required.. All offi
cers and directors were reelected,
an exception being the naming of
L. L. Leadbetter in place of Walt
er L. Spaulding. F. G. Andreae
was named secretary.
Stockholders in meeting, yester
day expressed confidence r in the
action of directors at a previous
meeting when the only new devel
opment lay in authorizing a con
tract to construct a new fnilding,
to Cuyler Van Patten, w o, with
his late father, has bejn connected!-with
the mill's construction
from the start.
As previously announced In
this paper, the new addition will
be! approximately 137x220 feet,
and will house a new machine for
the making of fine paper. Con
struction will begin In, the spring
and, it is understood, the new
plant will probably be in operation
before next winter. The front
portion of the addition will be
twp stories in heighth,- the sec
ond story housing the company's
offices and vaults. The portion
in which the machines will be
housed will have a large basement
EAGLE PASS, Texas, Feb. 15.
(By Associated Press.) Accept
ing the ultimatum of the Mexican
government, which gave them 24
hours to leave the country the
Rev. J. L. Phillips, president of
people's institute of Piedras Ne-
gras across the Rio Grande and
seven teachers of the college
crossed into this city today.
The school was established in
1912 and has been supported by
the Methodist Episcopal church
The action of the government
follows others which have been
against Catholic priests but it's
believed to be the first ousting of
' More than two hundred - stu
dents were left without tutelage
when the teachers departed.
Stop Street Profits HurK:
Extra Trafficmeri Ordered
Fines to Date Total $390. While
u: btnneent Enforcement Plea Rrins
j Protest at
Those who are unaccustomed, unintentionally or other
wise, to the new, city ordinance requiring drivers, to; stop , be
fore entering through streets are due for a reckoning as a
result of action taken last night by the city council permit
ting Police! Chief Minto to hire two extra traffic officers for
a period of two weeks to help enforce the through street
ordinance.: V-l;. J
Alderman Johnson introduced a resolution that the chief
be granted the privilege of hiring the men for the specified
uiuo muereuiiun a Toiiey oi ques
tions -were raised by various al
Mayor Giesy explained that the
intent in hiring the men is to pro
tect traffic on the through streets
rather than to catch violators, al
though that is to be done, too. At
the present time, according to the
Mayor, so many drivers enter
through streets without stopping
that those driving along the
through streets, expecting no sud
den rush of cars, might be taken
unawares, and accidents might be
raused. r 1
Alderman W. W, Rosebraugh
raised the objection that the reso
lution to hire the men was prema
ture, on the grounds that the peo
ple are not yet accustomed to the
new ordinance, and should be
given at least two weeks more
chance before . extra men are ad
ded. He declared those from out
of town who are not familiar with
the law should not be arrested.
To this Chief Minto replied that
it Is not the policy to fine those
who are from out of town and who
have not known that the law is in
' Alderman Rosebraugh voiced
the only dissenting vote to the
resolution granting -permission to
hire the extra men.
While the subject was up and
the matter warm, not to say hot.
Alderman Dancy suggested that
the posts In some places are not
obvious and that something
should be done to remedy the sit
uation. Alderman E. B. Graben
horst vouched for the suggestion.
Ferry street approaches were
found to be heaviest offenders.
Street Commissioner W.' S. Low
explained that the signs on that
intersection of Ferry and Com
mercial are to be placedrtwo feet
higher so that -they can be Been
When cars are parked near them.
As for te little yellow anl
black posts and discs thoso first
harbingers of spring and of the
new stop street ordinance they
have been paid for; amply paid
During the less than two Weeks
since the ordinance has been en-
(Continue oa pf 4.)
Salem Auxiliary of Capital Post
No. 9, American Legion had an
interesting session at McCornack
hall last night. Work planned for
the furtherance of the hospital
fund was outlined and several
new membership applications
were received.
On February 25 a silver tea for
the benefit of the hospital fund
will be served at the N. C. Ka
foury residence at 750 N. Summer
street, Mrs. John Rottlej and Mrs.
Kafoury acting as hostesses. On
February 22 an invitation, dance
will be given at Hazel Green by
Capital Post, all funds from the
dance being devoted to the Auxil
iary's general fund. , '
March 1 will be hospital service
day at, the home of Mrs. John
Rottle, 760 South. Commercial
street where Auxiliary members
wU centef their attention upon
the production of supplies for
Hospital No. 77, Portland. Ini
tiation of ; a large ; class of - new
members is : planned for March 8
when the unit expects to make its
biggest stride toward its goal of
200 members for 1926. I
; : .f ,-... -j. b k.-M):
A sample of shark, from Mexi
can south seas and .the. fish story
cf all fish" stories i by Past - Com
mander Clifford Brown were the
train offerings at last night's ses
sion, of Capital -Post No,' 9, Ameri
can Legion. . j 'i ' '
The Legion; past commander
told of his recent sil .weeks', cruise
n Gulf of. California waters, keep
ing the members ?well interested
with tales : Of seven itohr f ish,' h un
dred ton whales ;and ; galloping
sharks, The sample 'ot,; shark
fcpoke for Itself although" Well em
balmed in strong preservative. , ;
. The Legion's membership drive
was reported as having passed the
January i goal with enough J mem
bers in prospect to bring the vari
ous trophies to rest at Salem.,. Ex
service men Joining the; Legion
now can aid In breaking all rec
ords for Capital post, officials as
SEATTLE, Feb. 16.- AP.)
Final; arguments in the court
martial here of Lieutenant Com
mander William P. WIshaar will
be made tomorrow. Roth sides
,rest"dlate , today after; Wishaar
bad takes ice stand in nu own
Cost of Posts, and Sins Was
Council ' '
C. C. Ferguson of, Newberg; De
mands Payment of ; Reward;
OffewHl Herel
Two threats to sueJ the! city
were voiced or Intimated at the
meeting of the ; city council last
night. John F. Logan,' attorney
for the stage operators of j .Ore
gon, intimated that it the city of
Salem does not reduce the license
on stages, he will take the matter
to the courts. P. F. Layman, at
torney for'C. C. Ferguson of rNew
Derg tnreatenea outrignt to , sue
if the city does not pay , a reward
of 500 he claims the city
Ferguson. !
. That courts : without exception
throughout Oregon have held that
any fee over $10 per annum per
stage charged by a municipality
is more tnan a regulatory fee, and
hence, cannot be charged; was
the claim made to the council by
He pointed , out that the,' state
law specifically; provides that a
municipality cannot tax stages
for revenue, but only for regula
tory purposes.
Portland, Astoria, . St. Helens,
and other towns . were trying to
charge from $20 to $60 per stage.
nut tneee courts without except
tion held such sums exhorbltant.
and now these cities are charging;
no fee.
If Salem must charge a fee, Mr.
Logan suggested $5, but added
that it might be necessary to. try
the matter out In court Unless
the .$20 fee now n existence, is
not done away with, and the sum
made. $10, a. year or less, j
Layman asserted in a commun
icatlon to the council that i his
client, Ferguson, had - given I the
information that hadT led to the
arrest and conviction of one Slope,
school teacher and moral pervert;
Kowitx, as city attorney, had
rendered to the council, the opin
ion- that the city has no right to
pay the rewards it had. formerly
offered because the violation was
of a state law, and because of the
state law Slope was convicted.
Layman holds that there is an
ordinance against f such' offense,
specifically, that of attacking j a
young Salem girl, and1 that the
city is reliable for the reward it
offered. If the city does not take
the right action, declares Layman,
suit will be started at once. The
communication, was referred to
City Attorney! Fred Williams.
: r ' - if " it
. Plans to have a full time; doctor
to look after the health Work ) of
Salem, of Marion county and of
the school system of this city were
sent another step ahead last night
when the city , council voted to, de
clare the office of city health of
ficer vacant, and to put the $1150
of the health fund Into the salary
of - the full time - doctor, Vernon
Douglas., . . . , ..;::' j, j-'
Mayor Giesy was Instructed
appoint a. committee of lone
meet with a joint committee
city, county and school representa
tives.. :;'r ;- j '--. "-)-.
' As soon as the county adheres
to the plan. Dr. Douglas will com
nrence his duties: Dr; Walter
I-r own, director of the child health
df monstration of Marlon 'county.
is employed as full time doctor at
$1 a. year by each of ' the three
bodies interested.' Dr. Douglas is
under his supervision. .
. Ittwas intimated yesterday ttat
Juace Charles Thomas of Jackson
county may be called to Salem
to bear the liquor case coming up
in the circuit court here against
Lester Dixon, John Andrews and
Henry Johnson, j charged with
manufacture of liqnor. in connec
tion with. the seizure of the .Mount
Angel still last- April. - j; -i . :
; -The three men were previously
tried on the some count but the
jury could not agree on as. verdict.
The case was to have come up In
juage Keiiyes cepariiuent!.but a
motion 'of prejudice - was filed
against him. Judge L. H, McMa-
han declined to hear the case, he
cessitating the bringing in of an
outside jurist. Judge Thomas is
saldto bear the reputation of be
ing oae of -the most severe men
on th bench in sentencing liquor
City Council Orders Pur-
chase Be Made Immediate-
ly,. Funds Located
Mayor Calls Special . Meet ing Fire
' Blinutes After Adjournment
When Motions Adopted
'List! Night .
" Oratory and Jintrlcate manipu
lation of Roberts' Rules of Order
were present at the meeting of
the city council last night when
the matter ofj purchasing the Tom
Kay site tof xlt,y park was
brought before the body once
niore. Result was that the coun
cil, moved to bujy the park Imme
diately. But before the ultimate
was reached action Was furious if
not very fast ,
, Three ordinances .were intro
duced, all, belonging to, the same
Kroup. The first, authorizing thn
city recorder and treasurer to- set
aside $10,000 from the sewer fund
to, the sewer reserve fund, was
tarried, without opposition, Tho
$10,000. according to the ordi
nance, would, be set aside at in
terest, with the object in view of
building a newtrunk sewer in the
city in the nae future. .
But . when jthe second ordinance
came up, the pne providing that
$6,000 of the $10,000 be lent by
the sewer reserve fund to the park
nnd playground fund. Alderman
W. H. Dancy aw a colored gen
tleman In the cbal pile. He voted
against suspension of the rules,
so that the ordinance could not
come up for jits third reading. ( In
order to hotdfthe third reading
and vote the same meeting as the
first and. second reading it Is
necessary t , suspend the rules.
Furthermore; 'fote for suspensior
must bo unanimous.
That , ordipace was laid: awa-.
t9mporurily,!and Dancy. won round
one.. When the third ordinance
came up, providing that the $6000
to be acquired by. the park fund
be Used for Lthe -purchase or tL
Kay park site,; Dancy again voted
no against suspension.
But Alderman Hal , Patton, in
tent on having the matter settled
before midnight, circulated a pe
tition through the council, secur
ing the signatures of eight mem
bers of. the! 4uncil, asking tha
mayor. to call a special meeting to
vote on thes matters five minutes
after adjournment.
Meeting Sw as called after ad
journment, j arid both ordinance
were" passed, and that matter wa3
settled.. f i
- Salem is 1 to) have the park
raid to be tjie past property in the
city - available j for such purposes.
Stevens apd -Koon were formally
accepted by the council as the en
gineers to jcohduct- the appraisal .
of the Salem Water & Power com -pany.'
The fcity recorder and
n-ayor verf authorized to enter
Into a con tf act with the firm for
that purpose. I Unexpected or po
sition met thej "hiring of the firm.
Alderman $2. fS. Purvine, anions
others, declaring himself as.unal
ttrabry opposed to . the plan of
spending, rioney to appraido thn
water planf. :
' Recommendations of. the city
planning ahdsoning commission
to grant the petitions to build of
H. C. Kennedy, John - Williams.
Bprne j Young. . and., Forrest
Mack were ladpted by the council.
jA. D. Lfonfc . woro
awarded , tjie contract to fun.' !
t(J0 feet of hoso to the sewer de
partment. !
A petition was read seeking
that; the oId Apperson' M. IZ.
chnrch bq tprn down, on Us
grounds that jt is a nuisance. Tiio
matter was Referred to the city
engineer.., ft--;.-
Salem Navigation company
asked permission to extend tiir
deck and Warehouse 50 feet. Pe
v i- - i '-
: a , (CohUnfeed en pmgm 2)
t BERLIN, Feb. 15.-(Dy As
sociated j iyess.) Grover C.
Bergdollj under arrest on the
charge of impairing the moral
Of a minor, faces the poesibilHy
of deportation, foreign ofHt a
officials syndicated today If the
government decides ha is "a
objectionable alien."
The federal authorities. Lot -ever,
are not likely to t.' . i
hand until "the Tasien aut! ; -ties,
-.who Lave 'Lr.J.'.n's
In charge, conclude the'r ecci .
Investigation an.d tU'a a c :
vinctlon4 The - coverr ;
would not care wtsrs I : -'went,
b4t v cull tiva l'. c
corted 'ly a , tiilitarx :
whichevfr frontier Lac. .
. The . rataister cf J : . s
Karlsruhe has clxzz:
the lid cf f-crr-r, crJ. :: : :
Jailers ...!. i'.:.'.. - ...
say nothir. Vet evn i
tlves, wi :j ctt -t-t tta
are allowel to t It ta ;
oner. ,v
I - ' ' . 1
- i
.. ' - ,. r. - '. , . ;t . .; . ) .-