1 f 1 f 1 I aV-4 ra, Help yted FemK 13 . , . Mi VT VTi ' fata ;l$4 604 a. v ' " ' ,Mru 'DES1SE8 LADY TO canvassing, ptr Mk, chare or AL7r. iU goods. K ,r,tr0iU. n. .bout 18 - . vw run v Sales Hm '".,7" . Bld.. CIvlanL Ohio. ttr. w " , L - 13U4 TTv" WOKK HOME.! MAKE $5.00 s hour. - - Hd.id Card Co.. Wells 8U lpt. 6H8, Chicago. 1$(14 f . lUTTDViTinvi r t v w . -hu-ago corporation; with- branch fcJ!ee. -hrWhout ! U. $. aad three fir countries. otUr I P" ItunitT to ton with refinement ? individuality to become eatablahed .-cDial peraianent connection j with ... raniaatioa. Salary toi start 'i bonusc ia.unng $240O to $ 3600 m ... ifHninnrtihiu Amid Rnai. "experience unneceaaary. buk ap S2rBc.7iot. 'reedoin, travel and JTIj educative essential Give fall in Co.tion ! Addraa F. r rompton A Company, 58 E.. Wa.h ;ton St.. Chicago. Illinois. 1(14 Salesmen 15 BASKET SALESMAN EXCLUSIVE territory opea for experienced (sales man of raney OMirn,; By one oi lAmer ira's oldest and largest J distributors and producer. - v nie iauy. unielda idatea, inc., oomoayL a. 15(14 4 INTO BUSINESS j WITHOUT IN- Testing a peany. No rent to pajt. Ke iork to carry. Yet yon make biff r profits than storekeepers. Write for fact at on. , Address (ioodwear Chicago, Inc., Chic ago. - ' - Deptj 269. 844 Adams. 15(14 AseaU Wasted t 17 NEED AN AO EST TO SELL DEAL- rrt, candy, mints, cam. , larte profits, j Expcrteaco aanecesaary. rree Maples. Write tooay. Milton: Gordon, I 4414 Vine St- tnacmaatt. i 17114" Wanted Kmplofxnent ,19 - . 7 j I I I ' I t MAN' WANTS WORK CUTTING WOOD. Phone 225,. 19fl4 YOUNO WOMAN DESIRES! WORK BY the hoar. Call 2279 N. Churchy 19114 FOR GARDEN PLOWING. BASEMENT diinx aad. tean work, raoaa itrt I 10ml4tf i i j WANTED PAINTING, TINTIN, PA j peraaariaf.. jsrpert aerrice gaaraa toed. Pboaa 1491-W. " i!9ftS i For Bent 21 j f six to ten. m m i . . m AMI m 1 1 M wording- "Far Rent," price 10 cent each. Statesmaa Business Ofice, on (roaa4 floor. j j GARAGE - FOR RENT APPLY AFTER 5:30 p. n. or Sunday morning. 1620 Bute Street. '. I f 21fl4 FOR RENT MODERN OFFICE BOOMS, rrouad floor. Flaa lotatioa.) cheap - raai. Home Realty Oo, 169 S. High. - t2iiastf . 1 i -4 FOR RENT 7 -ROOM MODERN pOUSB 2 acres groand, some frait, good place for poultry ranch, S milea frpm city limits oa paved highway. Addes 351 care Stateamaa. j ( 21fl4" OFFICE ROOMS We have two Urge doable office rooms for rent. ft5 each per tmonthj j W. H. GRABENHORST Cp. I 134 8oath Liberty St. i j 21flT For Rent- Apartment 23 i : : ROOMS. KITCHENETTE AND GA rage, $22.50. , Close in, fc55 Markm; ! - ' I 1 " 23114 FOR RENT FIVE ROOMS, MODERN, Bath, toilet, electric light aad tela nhau trM Sis a month, if takes aooa. u. w. lauui v'"'"- 10 Oregea ba- by S.-XNTED CARDS. SIZE M'.BT IV, r wording, "Rooms to Reni, Hee 10 eeata each. Stateamaa Baalaaae Office, 9rmnA f1e ! For Benv Room 5 anrtxra rait REST OVER OUB STORE Hauaer Bros. I t 25(16 ' i - ran BTrrnsrVTS ; If AY IHAVE ROOM with sleeping porch prhrtlegeej la mod era homo, a convenient location. Ad dress A. D, care Btateemsn. 5f2tf ' ROOM FOR RENT FOR GENTLEMAN, in modem - home. Close in. ! Refer- oacea. Address Home, care Statesmaa. i 25(2tf FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN. Strictly modern homo. Private bath. Foar block from CapikaJL 1465 Cho meketa Phoa 1894-J j 9Sjatf For Bent Houaea t 27 4-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. INQUIRE at 1285 N. Liberty. j ( 27tf A PART OR ALL OF AN EIGHT-ROOM, bouse. Furnished or unfnrniaaed. See Mr. LiOlefield, 549 N. Cottage, phone 2367. j ' - j - 27"4 FOR RENT 5-ROOM HOUSED 1588 N CapitoL Take It at $20. Hpma Real ty C, 16 B. High. 27fl7 ... Ti tkm-nm with everything. New. vacant. $30. Becko Haadrieka, 189 N. High street, j i 27f7 FURNISHED ASD a UNFURNISHED houses. Bro and ' Johason, 109! S. Oom'L 1 27jl7tJ FOR RENT 4 MODERN HOMEfik 930 T" . J ! i MlltW 189 M. mca atroea- f l &-ROOM HOUSE. , Phoae 2044-W. PER : MONTH. i 27418U rnR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE. $30.00. T.Mna kaaa ctoee ! in. $35.00. 820.0O. 4-roem hoaae. close iaj -roem booae. io,w 4-room aouae. 10 OO: 3-room furni.hed hoaae $25, 0O. L. WOOD. $41 Statai St. f i 27fl6 r. : For BenU-lfnrins : S 1 HAVE VERAL BjUWHtD FARM. , jTr., Phoae 4XX. ) j altf Wanted- BllaUAn1 85 Waxted-partnerfordape ' Statesman. I - $5fl7 FURNITURE PACKINOFO 8HIP- asaata. I j $520tf wanted PRIVATES MOSET FOR inV" 205 Or- ' - For Bae ; j wtarsoi pnOSE 47F14 rt BaW, WW ""7 t :. 717 BURBANK hundred. POTATOES. Phoae 41(1$: F 3.69 PEB I 87X44 FEDERATION 8?RIW ZfJXg - heavy yield. Writ; U. ,B. Bottta 2, Biekrealt I ltl9 WHITE ROCK 2056-JT. . COOKjERELS, PHONE 87I20- . .. mj vrvRFlPESS. TEN : Mato s bundle. Circnlatio department - ... a4..aMw.as 1 . J - - Vr94VR 4waSwaraaaaenio - , . TRESPASS NOTICES, I SIZE! 14x9 INBj. printed oa good 10-oaac ", Kf tbT woria, "Notie la Hb.GT;B .F : i. ar- Torblddea OmT Ft'" fUaden &r PmaeeutiM." Prtca 15; aack f 2 'tor 25a. SUtaaiaai FBB.fC, Baiem, For ale 87, ! 831. c.rflt.m. Addre,, ALf ALFA. J GRAIN II A V e,.L, ata, Barley. d. Wht i4.T. . J PPcatip.,j Richard liwrT" " ana 37fl KECEIPT BOOKS KE - y .i-' receipt form iB beok. IsVmIi 7f25tf T?,rjE8"W. HEAVY MILKERS: For Sale LJveoc 89 14 HEAD PUREBRED HOLSTEIN8. 3 erUad. Canby. - 139114 rR.W.H.NOJE. VETERIJt AKtAN - MreiL Phase Wood For Sale ( 43 CITY AND COUNTEY WOOD SAWING. " oearas. nutr tiro a.: Phone 1819. 4-FOOT GREEN BLAB. 9S 90 PES CORE . 4rr ilU 4.60 per load, dry r aod oak. Phono 142. ( 43n5tf WOOD BARGAIN IN ORDER TO KEEP y track, ba.y J will take a itew or dera for nice dry aeeond fir wood at 16.50. delivered. Sea ny liberal home d on this pace., John. H. Sctftt. 305 Oregon bldf. 4 i 43fl4 - j COMPLETE FUEL 8CBTICB TELEPHONE 1 ASS KTLLMAN FT7EL OOMPANY 4- 16-INCH SLA a. 0D PEB LOAD, 12.75, 16-iaeh Sad ft per toad, M.O0: 1 Inch old fir per load. $4.50. iPrompl delivery. TeC 1313. Traey Fael Yard 1067 D Street. 43n23tf COAL ALL THE BETTER KINDS HILLMAN fUIL CO. PHONE 1355 48a31 GOOD OOAL-DBT 'WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES, HILLMN FUEL CO, TELEPHONE 1858. i4820 IALEM FUEL TRANSFER, 752 Trade Street. Wood, Coal. Briquets, Traasfer aad Marias. Phoae 529. - 4Sa20tf BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 ft, aad 16 iaeh. ' Dry Dill wood. Preea mill wood. Dry second rrowth fir. Drr 4-ft. ash, aad oak. FRED E. WELLS Proarbt deliver and reasonsble prleea. an a.k -i,.l ku l KA1 43f 1 fit BRIQUETS THAT LEAVE NO ASHES HILLMAX FUEL CO. j 43n21tf WOOD 8AWINO. PROMPT AND CAREFULLY. HILLMAN FUEL CO. i 43n21tf WOOD. DRY. SAWED ANY LENGTH. HILLMAN FUEL CO. PHONE 1855 1 ! 43a21tf oak aad ash. field. Phone 72F2. M. D. May i 48-fltf Poultry and Eggs j 45 65F15. 45114 FOR SALE ONE CHOICE MAMMOTH Bronze Turkey Tom. Mrs.; L. M. Longsdorf, Ho ate 8, Silrertoai Oregon j 45fl4" HOLLYWOOD CHICKS FROM PURE bred, high producing, two year old White Leghorn heas. Write; for date and orice. E. J. Arera. Rte a. Bx m Phone 100F8. 45fl4 Miscellaneous 51 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND repairiag. . Gieae-Pewers - Furniture Store. 51s20tf FOR - BALE WHITE- LEGHORN -BABY chieks: $15.00 per C j delivered. Phoae ,577 or 45 f 2. 51fl2tf II. B. SEAGROVE FURNACE AND sheet natal shop moved to i 681 Hill St. ! Saafitf Lost and Found 53 LOST YELLOW MALE PERSIAN CAT. Flakes Petland. Tel. 656. j 58f7tf Personal 55 GIRLIE. PRETTY, VERY WiEALTtfl bat so loaeeome. League.' Box 89. Ox ford. Fla. i 5514- ; HIZZ TREATMENT ! . FOR APPENDICITIS "It-Is-WonderfBi." - Free Information Addreas Hixa Co.. Portland. Oregea. 55al6-1925 CHARMING YOUNO LADY j WORTH S50.000 will marry. Write Eva. JS-10Z2, Wichita. Kansas. j 55114 CARRY IF LONELY JOIN jTHE SUC- eessfol Correspondence Club. . 1 Raliahla Descriptions free. Box 556. California. t I Oakland 55fl4. Money to Loan 57 THE CONTINENTAL LIFE i MONTHLY DISAPPEARING i MORTGAGE j 1 The Continental Life will, loan you money on monthly inatallmeat plaa oa eaay payments wnien win ineiuae in terest aad Driaeipal aad life) iasnrance. 1 mu of death vaor loan : ia said in , full. ; The burden to your family of , a mortgaged home diaappears i " oroclosnra is ioreataUed by foresight The Continental Plan is tho attractive. logical, - ecoaomiral ' plaa. jlavesttgate before you finance. Koomj. 147 ft Commercial. Phono 577. Schneider A Bell Co. " - ' i 57fl4 MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY HOMES. ; Let me explain ear HOME MORTGAGE LOAN plaa. 0 Interests ae com- miasioa. Chaa. Hudkiaa, Room A aver Miller's Store Phone 96. 57j2Ttf Biulnea Opportunities CI APARTMENT HOUSE SITES WE CAN , show you two at $6000 and $5000 to compare with aay. Becka aj Hendricks, 189 N. High street. i , 61tl4tf ...It FOR SALE ! J Grocery aad confectionery doing a good paying busiaess; fine location; price $3aow. ror gooa nu.meas i See CHILDS BECHTEL 1 540 State St. - ; . ; - 61fl4tf MINUTE MQVIES j ' . V ;3tifiirSt-j ; j'j SOUTH Fu.n ay Ep VJ iEELAH CPiftc3DE 3 t THE PLOT " I Meanwhile eveivn dUjCE I i iHirtrVirw ' Of 3ACK FARAy:; : THE COLF "PRO. f PUTS OUT A W -j FEELER iCricit -JT Bu&imss Opportunities CI an..i?E3TADRAIT rOB SALE ,f, 'A200 or i,h sale. - W. M. (1RI H V V linooxi a. y-v ( rt -. - a, V. noma LltxTty St. . 61M7 Real Estate 63 Own Your iiome FOR BALE BY OWNER j Corner lot with aix rooia hoaseJ North fif?' 2450, $200 down. Paone 1060-W.' 631 ltt Wanted Listings List your property with : us for best , reaalta. .. AH listings given our personal attention. Bujgin Bulgin - 275 State. Telephone' 375. 63fl4tf GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST We have over 8000 propertiea listed for exchange. Every kind of property, every price, every location. We can match your oxehaage EXACTLY, if yon woo Id like to trade your property TODAY, come in TODAY. See "ARfRR FOR PROPERTY 164 S. Liberty Street. Groand Floor. Telephone 2242. 63f5tf NEARLY: NEW SIX-ROOM. 80UTH 8A- iem modera name . on paved street $5,0OO.0O. Another good one. $4,- 500.00.; A. C. BOHRNSTEDT J Realtor, Insurance. Loans 147 Ne. Com' I. St.. Salem. Ore. : 63fl4tf FOR SALE Large 8-room house and extra large cor ner lot on N. Oom'l St. Price $3600. Income $45 per month. W. II. GRABENHORST tt CO. 134 S.; Liberty St. 63fl7 OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKC K K K FOR SALE K K Duplex House, close in. 12 K K rooms, 2 baths, ' 2 farnaces, K K $6500.00 price. Terms. K K KRUEGER, 147 N. Oom'l. K K 63tl4 K OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKJCKO HOME REALTY SPECIALS No. 743- For Sale or ExchangeRooming house 'on Commercial street, ; including 6 garages. House all modern. Price $8000, dear, wilt accept small resi dence as part payment. For Sale 6 room houae at 2173 State St. Remodeled in good condition. New garage hi, acre grouad. Buy thia for investment only $2450, a little cash, rest terms. No. 753 For Sale 1200 block, N. Summer, new 4 rooms, cottage, modern, 2 bed rooms, fireplace, beautiful home. Price $4250. A little cash aad move in. Will consider vacant lot. No. 754 For Sale Apartment boose on Summer St. of 4 apartments fully mod ' era. Well located. Price to quick buy er. $5200, part cash terms. 8ee this today. No. 661 For Sale 5-room bnngalow. modern, with fireplace, welt built, double; constructed house, acre, extra lot 2943 North CapitoL Paved road. Worth $4500 take it at $3550 pail cash, terms; make offer. No. 750 For Sale 4-room apt. with store room in addition en paved atreet, fine location. Price $5500. A little cash and terms. Will eonaider small bouse. 6V4 sere unimproved on Silverton high way. 131 line oak trees, aeautuui building site, worth $3500, take it at $2950. Little cash and terma, IVi miles , from ' city limits. No. 710 For 8le 5-room modera bnngalow. furnace, also fireplace. Just completed. Beautiful little home. Worth $3750. take it at $3150; $350 down.: rest like rent. No. 69 For Sale New bungalow. 5- rooms, modern, wtta rarnaee, on snip- I ninr street. Price only -$S7507 LittreT cash, rest terms. Sea Aubrey White or John Orr. HOME REALTY CO. 169 S. High. 63(16 LARGE HOME CHEAP TERMS 7 rooms with everything. Vacant at 1650 S. High. Becke Hendricks, 189 N. High Street. 63fl4t( NEW HOUSE 4 ROOMS, i SLEEPING porch, hardwood floors, in Corvallis, for $3000 to trade on home in Salem up to $5O00. 3-room strictly modern - home, Oak Addition, nook, garage, hothouse. $4450. 4 rooms and nook, new and all. mod ern features, east, $4550. Attractive 5 rooms and attic on Fair mount Hill, recessed bath and shower, $6500. $1$,000 to lend on good first mortgages. 80-aere farm, new house, all ia cultiva tion, near school, paya good re torn a on investment, $7000, will take some city property part payment. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor. $16 Oregon Bldg. btilStf FOR SALE OR TRADE 320 acres 1 mile front Opal City. 7 miles from Cnlver on California high way, 160 nader cultivation, all feneed. B-room house, good barn, several chick- em bouses, , good school i on adjoining farm, high school at Carver; land gent ly rolling soil deep rich loam, $2000 school maa at 6. Will trade for Sa lem lots. What have you. ; 30 acres east of Salem, good build inr. price $750O, terms.! ; 7 -room house in Independence for isale at a low fit-are. $8000.00. :, Farms with fiae improvements to trade for a good apartment houae ia Salem or Portland. A fine 800-acre North Dak. (arm to trade for something la the valtoy here i A general stock and building trade j for Salem property or i ama 11 ranch ; ! drop in aad sea me. A hotel in northern Nebraska to trade for farm in tba valley; 12 lots goes wtta it. 5-room house ia South Saleia paved i street, fine corner property. $3300. -! 8-room house good : shape paved street close to capital, a fiae location, 1 A5500. terms. ; - 20 acres close to city, large building. i lamily orchard,, excellent soil. $10,000, 1 good terma. Coma ' in and gira me luting on i small tract to deal for California prop t arty. . i i G. W. LAPLAR. 410 Oregoa Bldg. i - i 63(17 BEST LARGE HOME $3750. FIRE j plaee, paving, large corner oa car close schools. See ova Houta tatn atreet. Becke j street. at Hendricks, ,189 S. High 63fl4tf -- HIS DARIN G- PLAH To THE. THWkJS -MjHO HAVE COME SOOTH AT HIS ComHand feUARDlE ! DEAR. T tXHIN K MR FAIR VAy L V IS AvJFULLK snCE, "A- 7 V C3 FOR SALE MAMMOTH BLAOKBERRt plants and strawberry plants, few phil bert trees. F. L. Wood. 341 Bute St. '. . 1 . esfis DON'T MISS LOOKING AT THE i. FOLLOWING: 3 room modern, $750, $100 cash, bal ance $15 monthly. 4 rooms, bath, fine basement, very well constructed jot 76x105, fruit, fine lo cation. South Salem, $3 ISO, $900 cash, balance $25 and int. monthly. 4 rooms, nook, basement, furnace, oak floor, fire place, built ia kitchen, double construction throughout. $3650, easy terms. , .... 10 rooms Modera, garage, very close in oa North Liberty, $7850, terms, a-room new strictly modern bunga low, good location oa pavement, $6000. 21 -acre modern fruit ranch, electric HghtsJ 2 miles from .Salem, en pave ment, the best of land and location, mast be aeen to be appreciated, will ac cept soma trade. $14,500, term.. 80 acres, 77, cleared. 17 acres tree fruit, 7 acres strawberries, family orch ard, good modern improvements, eleo trict i lights, on pavement, close to school, the j best of soil, , A miles north, all stack aad equipment goes, $27,500, termsi i gOCOLOFSKY. 341 State, i 63fl0tf 15 ACRES AND BUILDINGS ON MAIN highway, $C850.00. Modern bungalow and long stretch of land along highway, $18,000. 3 acre. 5 room house, basement, $4500. Attractive boire on creek. One of the most modern homes in the city In the Oaks. Lots of Trades. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE, 492 N. Cottage St. 63fl3tf f 1 ' FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 40-aerea on paved road, elec trie pow er line aad telephone line, has 16 aeree logana. 8 acre walnuts. 1 acre fant ily orchard, balance open land. Very! good 7 -room plastered bona, sleeping porch, gas light, well water at door.; Fair barn and outbuilding. One of Salem' best close in buy. Priced rirhti 15-aere about 6 mile oat oa rood road,; partly paved, (mail buildings, some (ruit , and berries, running water, pasture and timber, clofc to school. Just i the plaee for chicken. Price $2000.00 with terma. 21 seres o'd biWlnra. awd feult and berries, good water, gravel road, partly paved, close to school. Some pasture aad timber. No reasonable offer re fused. "We specialise ia farm aad serve yon right." VICTOR SCHNEIDER. Realtor. Loan and Insurance. Phone 577. 147 No. Commercial St.. Salem, Ore. 63117tf CHEAP LOTS $250. GOOD GROUND, sewer, lights, water etc. Terms. Becke A Hendricks. 189 N. High atreet. 63fl4tf THE BEST j BUYS IN HOMES . Each and every one a bargain. $7500 A' real home, 7 rooms, strictly modern, 3 blocks from post office. $7500 Another one thst is a real home and a real buy. 6 rooms, elec tric range. $6000 Brand new duplex bungalow, 4 rooms each. Home with an income. $6500 See' this wonderful bnngalow, 6 rooms, on 8. High St. $5000 Close in, modern. 6 rooms. $4750 New, 5 rooms. 17th St. $4500 Capitol St. bungalow snap. $3500 Up to date new 4 room bunga low. South Salem. $3500 See this new modern 4 room bangalow in North Salem. $2850 New stucco, 4 room; breakfast nook. A real buy. North Salem. $2500 Brand new coxy 4 room bunga low near State St. Owner leaving, must sell at sacrifice. $2100 The best buy you have aeen. Good and well built bungalow, 5 large rooms, bath, lights, gsrage and a ' fine ; corner lot. Payment down, balance only $20 month including interest. Buy it a. an investment; it' will rent for $25 month. $930 Burs a 2 story house, 5 room. I IF IT'S A HOME ' See CHILDS A BECHTEL 540 State 8t. 63f 14tf LOTS; NORTH IN PROTECTED HOME district, $525 on ap. Close to car aad Store center. Some term. See Road at Capitol over to Highland Ave Lanrel park running from Fairgrounds nne, Some 60x192. Becke-A Hen idriclta, 189 N, High street. , 63(14tf A CLOSE! IN BUILDING LOT IN South Salem, east front and on a cor neri paved street and sidewalk, excel lent surrounding homes. A five-room house plastered, bath, toi let,! electric lights, been bnilt about two years: wonderful bargain at $2250, $350 down, monthly payments on bal ance. A small houn'e of 4 room, city water and electric light. A small price of $850, $50 down aad $10 per moata. Sea J. A. MILLS, 331V State St. I i 63fl I BELIEVE THAT SALEM AND THE , community around it is on the eve of a wonderful development. Real estate business is sure to be good. In order that I might , have more time in my office I will offer for quick sale the following real property. 50 acres five miles out, near paved road, lOn clover, good well and wind mill, barn and woven wire fence. 2 acres timber, remainder slashed and aeeded to grass, for $4OO0 on terms. SO acres fine laad, improved, 26 in clover, 3 miles from Salem near paved road, $8000, terms. 61 acres cover 1 with nice second fir 2 mile from Msrion, 15 miles from Salem, good land, all year creek; daily mail; will give 10 acres of this laad It you will cut 300. cords of wood (rom the timber on all on ssme terms. 50 seres with buildings, 15 milea from Salem, with 1500 corda of tim ber. will cive a deed to all. if nurehas er ; will rut and deliver in Salem 350 cords of oak or 450 cord of aeeond fir wood, will sell a truck for $400 and take wood or hauling for pay. Want wood choppers. ' JOHN H. SCOTT. 305 Oregoa Bldg.. Salem. 63fl4 ' vM ' TRADES 56 improved clear flax acre worth $5000 for Salem residence and will pay cash difference. 10 acre well improved In the edge OF Salem worth gsooo for reaideace. 5 good clear improved acre in the edge of Salem worth $4000 lor rest denee. 3 well improved view acre with frait aad worth $0300 for good home 8 acre north on the highway im proved and worth $4aoo for reaideace. 6 acre north oa the hirhway and mall improvemeata worth $4500 for residence. 50 acre near Independence, all till able for unimproved acreage worth $5000. ' 21 unimproved acres Bear Indepen dence worth $3000 for home. 10 Improved acres worth $3500 for Dnstnesa tn Bslera. ' , McGILCHRIST A PENNINGTON 209 U. 8. Bank Bide Phone 140. ; 63(llt( ! 1 Real Estate Av I ITT! $ WtriMB.DlRlf? DOOCVlClTlOAJ VAeVb4T VOO BOVS TD HAMDLE ? ;:r A OP OLD VAN CASH IS HCRC NMEVE, PLAN N! WHOLE SAMB - LISTEN ,oh VES. HE'S ALL i Dv(?HT TOR VJJHAT ft i. i. o T ? iDOrtC rSiJT HE HAS NO SOCIAL. TAN) D1NJC?, CFCOwR'L 433 r sFOR REAL BARGAINS I ' in paying apartment hoose;,'' i-v4n a a-atory brick block; "'-"' ia warehouao sites; i : - ia. best home aitea - T ' ' See CHI LDS BECHTEL ' ' . 540 Bute St. 3fl4tf PACIFIC HIGHWAY STORE CORNER With fino modern B room raaideaeo, Thia ia moat logical gas statioa aad atore corner wo know located at Che mawa, 4-corners. Will sell any rea sonable deal or accept Salem home aa part. Price $6950. Becka a Hendricks, 189 N. High atreet, 63f7 MUST SELL BY MARCH JTIRST 8IX rooia house well coaatracted, large lot paved street,, fruit, garden, double ga rage, aaap, price, liberal terma; must be aeen to be appreciated. , Owner 1150 North. Fifteenth. 63fl4 NEW HOME j 4 room new atucco borne, well located on N. Summer St. Price 84250. Terms. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 South Liberty St. : 63M7 OKKKKXKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO K - . I K K , FOR SALE I K K S good lots oa Haxel Avenue, K K Price $1050. $150 cash, bal- K K acre 3 years. Abstract with K K every lot. j X K KRUEGER, 147 N. Com'l. K K 63fl4 K OKKKKKKKKKKKKTTKKKKKXKO FOR SALE i Two desirable lota in Kingwood Park. Weft Salem. Inquire Bonesteele Motor Agency. ; 63fl6 TO EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY, One of the beat suburban modera homes just out tide the city limits on paved highway, 10 acres, lots-of fruit and all you want for an attractive home. Other acreage and tracts for city property. Will take good auto mobile on a good home tract. If you wish to buy, r sell or exchange. See Barber, 200 Cray Bldg. 63(12t( TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTT T A WONDERFUL INVESTMENT! T T Close in apartment house, paying! T T lO'i net on selling price. Rea- T T eonable payment, eash and mtg. T T back for bal. : T T TERMINAL REALTORS, Salem. T T esfl-itf T rTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTT LOOK WHAT WE HAVE THIS WEEK 5-acre tract, improved, near Salem, worth $3,000; 5-room houae in Salem worth $2500, both clear, will exchange for 30 or 40 acres about ssme value. 8-room house worth $5,000 j to ex change for land same value. Let us hear from yon. 1 SALEM. REALTY CO.. 462 State. List with us. 63flltf FINE GARDEN TRACT IN SOUTH 8A lem, 50 full bearing Bartlett pear trees on part ox tract, soma line n-mg ap- Filea and blackberries. Nice high build ng site, running spring, sewerage, lights, city water, could be divided into 12 lots, 40x120 feet. On macadam St Price $1400. Some terms. Fine for garden, frait, chickens. W. C. Con ner, owner. Statesman office. Or will sell home place, six rooms, barn,; ga rage, poultry bouse and six big lota for $380O. 849 Rural Avenue. 63f2tf FOR SALE OR TRADE GOOD Busi ness property in Salem, income $70 per month. Will take good paper, or house. Good five-room bungalow, two lots, corner, both streets, paved, bear ing fruit trees and English walauts and berries. This is a real dome and good location for store or gas station. Own er going away and must sell; Price $3650. New four-room bnngalow $2650. and many ether good buy. ; F. L. Wood, 341 State St- 63(10t( EXCELLENT BUYS A EXCHANGES' 6 room home paved St., garage, lights, water, $2000, $200 down. 2 V -acre home, close in, 5-room bun galow, barn, garage, fruit, $2200, take vacant lots and old house. : 8-room Apt. close in for aereaga. 5-room bungalow, 8. Salem aaap. 2600 take small arreare. ' Nice 7 -room furnished bungalow, fine lot, parage, fruit, acarifice, $3500, easy term. i Filling station, oil tnd supplies, good lease, snap. $550. See oar list of exchange. PERRINE A.M4R8TERS 212 Com. Club Bldg. 68fl0tf LOTS AS'D SMALL ACREAGE EASY TERM8 I $500 Two fine lots, one located on psved street, pavement paid. $10 down. $10 per month., $800 Nearly oneha!f acre oh main highway north. $25 down, balance $10 per month. $600 One-half acre well located on N. 2 1st St. near Market. $25 down, balance $10 per month. $600 One block 200x200 feet located south on Hansen Ave. $50 down, balance $10 per month. $1250 Ten acres located south, exrel- lent land (or orchard or berries. . $10 down, balance $10 per mouth. $500 Extra largo lot at city limits, paved road, city water, electric tights. $25 down,, balance $10 per month. We Write Fire Insurance W. H. GRABENHORST CO. ' 134 S. Libertv St. Phone 5151 3fl7 Real Estate Trades 65 SPECIAL i Nice home. Price $4000, Will trade for 5 acres, prefer 8. Salem. THO MASON, 331 ft State Street. 65(14 REAL ESTATE Farms 67 ELEVEN ACRES. ALL TILLABLE, lays well to a good road, near an ac tive town on the Pacific highway and main line S. P. R. R. Schools, fruit cannery and other business! and so cial organisations. Especially adapted to- 'poultry, strawberries, etc. Some apple trees, no buildings. Price $100 per acre. Small down payment, term on balance or no payment ! down if buyer will improve. Wilt rtade (or Salem property. E. A, R-hoten, owner, 1595 8. High St, Salem, Oregon. ' 67(lltf FARM FOR" SALE ; 43 acre farm, well located, 5 mile east on main Silverton road. Half eash, , balance time at 6. Price $8600. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 South Liberty St. 67(17 FARM BARGAINS I Beat 122 acre (arm on Howell Prairie. Price $125 per acre. ..ALSO 100 ACRE FARM with, stock, crop and implement la the famoua Wldo Hill for $140: per acre, 7 1$& ACRE FARM with crop, stock, implements.! $100 per acre, y ' - . FINE 70 ACRE FARM 40 acre ia crop, fair buildings,- aom timber. Price $6500. best of term. IF IT'S A, FARM 540 sutT stT8 "tVttir7fi4tf Real Rstate T. i the ojuihtess" here has ; THE AJRDJ DOWAI GVtL AMD IS.tSOlNC Tb . TKtHEfi fOK. A LITTLE, MJALK Uf THE BEACH r .ar a. -XI S)Z0. VAN CA"5H, MAMV TIMES' A PILLION AIRE , V40 HAS HlCJH SOCIAL ASPIR ATIONS FOR HIS FAIR WARD( Real Kstate -Farms 07 $2 500 BARGAIN 1 5 acre with small bout, best of soil, located 4 , mile sooth. Terma. W.' H. GRABENHORST CO. . 184 Soma Liberty St. 67fl7 Real Estate Suburban 69 ATTRACTIVE SUBURBAN HOME New five room bnngalow with cement basement, paved road. 2V4 acre with 400 foot (rentage oa pavement. Price .(or quick kale $5800 eaeh; owner needs the eash. . Take advantage of this sac rifice sale. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 South Liberty St. 69(17 8PECIAL 1 acre with 5 R. bouse ebie house bara garage electric lights only mile (rom car line m good buy (or $3000. Wu. trade (or 6 R. house nice lot trade on anall houae 6 lota with barn trade for honae nice grocery atore with living rooms close in bargain (or $1400. 2 nice lo'a with (rait $500. for - both these are a anap , THOMASON, 331 State Street: 69ft3tf SPECIAL BARGAINS IX SALEM - SU BURBAN ACREAGE HOMES FOR QUICK SALE 5-acre home, choice location, just out - aide city limits on paved highway, 7 reom plaatered house, with basement. modern except furnace, good condition, wood hoaae. barn, garage, bearing fruit (or family use, all good dark loam .oil land, just the place you want for nice auburban home where you can keep a cow. raise lots of poultry aad ber ries, in fact produce your own living as well as enjoy all the comforts and conveniences of a city life, with a magaificient view of the Cascade moan tains. Prce (or quick (.ale, $4750, one half cash, good terms on balance, with 6 intereat. BEAUTIFUL 5-ACRE HOME BUILO ING SITE ADJOINING THE ABOVf DESCRIBED TRACT, and facing on same paved highway, same -owner, - splendid land, (amity bearing orchard, balance of land in crop, no Build in rs. 'thia choice location (or a auburban home where you can build to pleaae your .elf. ia one of the verv beat bar gains near Salem, at $2500, one half cash, good terms on balance at 6. If either one or both of these choice bargains Interests yon, plea see up at once. vte also nave a number of other very deairable 5. 10 and 20-arre close in acreage homes and some choice dairy and gram farm, near the Willam ette river for aale on good terma. WELLS TALLMAN A SON 216 Masonic Temple. Phoae 618. 69ft 4 Automobiles Wanted 77 CASH PAID Auto Co. FOR FORDS EIKEB 77 ml 2 tf Used Cars for Sale 70 $1000 YOU CAN 8AVE ON THIS 7 passenger Packard Touring ear. Four wheel brakes. Used only one year. See this at Vslley Motor Co. Phone 1995. 79(19 Cleveland Harmon Locomobile WEEK-END SPECIALS See our atock of good uaed cars Priced right Come and look at these: Lincoln 5-paaa. Sedan. Studebaker 7-pasa Sedan. Jewett Sport Touring, late model. Franklin Touring. Maxwell Touring. Ford Coupe, late model. Chevrolet Touring. Huproobile Touring. Prices from $75.00 to $2800.00. Easy Terms MeDONALD AUTO CO. Cottage and Ferry fits. Fhene 409. 79fl2tf 1924 MAXWELL COUPE. FIRST CLASS ' shape, 1926 license, complete equrp- . ment. will sacrifice. Call 2119-W, ' after 6 . m. 79fl4 FORD TOURING Late model, one man top. alsmting windsniem, new runoer, new motor with 1926 license. $200. TRUMM MOTOR CAR CO. 347 N. Com'l. 79fllt( THE SAFEST. .WAY. TO BUY A USED FORD There is one way that' you can in variably get sstisfactory performance in a used. car buy it of somebody who is more interested ia seeing you satia (ied than in selling a ear. - Here are some good Ford that will be popular with thir new owners: 1920 Tour., extra well preserved ..$135 1920 Coupe, extras, rood rubber ..$175 1921 Roadster $125 1923 louring, overhauled, repaint ed. $100 worth of new rub ber - $240 1924 Roadster like new $273 1924 Coupes with high backs $385 ay before spring rush - takes these bargains. VALLEY MOTOR CO., Salem. Oreg. 79fl0tf HUDSON ESSEX CADILLAC. Used car buying is eaay when you get cars at our prices, unequalled in Salem. Make your selection from these TOURINGS Hudson 5-pass. Speedster. Buiek 5-pass. Islington 5-pats sport. Velie, 5-pas. Ford and Chevrolet. COUPES Olds 4-paas; 24 Chevrolet; 21 Ford. ROADSTERS 25 Olds Sport Roadster, like new. 24 Ford. Several real buys ia cheaper priced ears. Cash Terms Trades. Cadillac Huilaon Essex F. W. PETTYJOHN MOTOR CO. 265 N. Commercial St. Salem. Or. 79(7t( BIKER'S GUARANTEED USED CARS 1924 Touring ...$385.00 1924 Coup : $895 Ford Sedan $245 Our usual guarantee behind all ear. EIKER AUTO CO. Liberty Street at Ferry. Phone 121. 79dl7tf IF INTERESTED IN A GOOD USkiD car, see Biddy Bishop, at tba Packard Store. j - Fred M. Powell V Motor Cars 850 N. High fit. I JS Good Used Cars to Pick From Af.T. WAVER 7i18t( Pendleton First National and American National Banks consoli date; 4.250.000 deposits To-MORROV, MIGHTS HILE ON "THE MCONUT BEACH. VtUNG FAIRUAy ppems UP AND DOWN.' TAKING-" OF THE LITTLE RCH SlRL. i LOVES -a- . r k Classified Business Dircc Of Reliable Business and Professional Firm ArT-anged In Alphabetical Order for Quirk Reference AMBULANCE GOLDEN AMBULANCE PHONES -609 and 883-R. Day or night see-vice. f!4tf AUCTIONEERS F. N. WOODRY i Salem'a Leadine Exbert 1 Livestock. Fur niture and Real Eatata Auctioneer and Appraiser. : M Re, aad Store. 1610 N. Bummer- Street. Phone 511 For Sale Data Established 8ince 1916. a6tf H. F. WOODRY A 80N -Expert livestock. Furniture,' Real Esf tate. and Merchandise Anetioaeer. 16 years' experience. Satiafaerioa Guar anteed. Office 271 N. Com'l. Tel. 75. Rea. 996 8. Commercial. TeL 1843-W foe sale dates. ACCOUNTANT G. ED. ROSS, ACCOUNTANT AND And I tor. 331 Vh State. Phone 2098-B. ! a' T-'t BATTERY AND ELECTmiCIANS R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES, starter an-t generator work; 171 South Commercial. Phone 198 i COURT BT.J BICYCLES AMD REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAM8DEN COLUMBIA BI cvele and rvTirln. 887 Court. BRAKE aXXJETKO MIKE PANEK 275 SOUTH COMMER eial St. Phone 102. jf CHINESE REMEST L. L. DICK L. M. HUM Chinese Medicine Compsny i Help any known disease. 420-426 Stata. aSOtf CHIROPRACTOR DR. O. L. SCOTT, P8C. CHIROPRACTOR 256 N. High, Phone 828-R or 87. H. B. SCOFIELD. PALMER CHIROPRAC tor, 328 Oregon Bldg. Phone 2194. m5tf DRESSMAKING MRS. a E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING, stamping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil ler'a Store. Phone 117. - " ' ELECTRICIANS ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND 8UPPLY Co., Phone 1934. 222 N. Liberty. FLEEXER ELECTRIC CO. H0U8E wiring by honr or contract. Estimate fnrninhed. Phone 980 171 Oonrt St. FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BE8T farm paper send 15e to the Pacific HomeAtead, Salem. Oregoa, (or a three months trial subscription. Mention this ad. l i -"- POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO eent stamps (or special three months' trial (or the best and oldest Journal in the west. The article and sdverti.e- . ment are. of special interest to the pen 1 try breeder of the Northwest i Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 Com mercial atreet, Salem. Oregon. - FINANCIAL FOR SALE FIRST AND 8ECOND Mort gages. Trust Deed. Contract on house Will net 6 to 80. : f BECKE A HENDRICKS f TTeilia- Rlda- 189 N. Hia-h fit. . Jltf Farm loans plenty of monet to loan on rood farm security. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pru dential Insurance Company money 1 on citv residences aad business property. at 5tt. pins a commission, nawams A Roberta, lne 205 Oregon Building! " d-14t( FLORIST FERN 8. CHOICE ROSES, GLADIOLUS, perenniala, shrubs, weeping-birch, iris, etc. Bennett Nursery Co. Fairground Bod. TeL 1280. . 15, '26 CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS,! . - , .i rr I lunerai . wreams, aotrormnoT'. v. i r. Breithaupt, florist, 123 N. Liberty Phone 880. " ,. - ' j INSURANCE Insure Your home or car now Phone 161 BECKE A HENDRICKS HeiHr Bldg.. 189 N. Hirh St. it-t LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY. COMPANY 263 8. High street. Phone 25, oldest, larg est and best. Established 1889. : TRY THE HOME WET WASH LA UN- dry. Phone 171. 1356 B Street. J17t( CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Phone 165 Service with a smile. ' Quality work 1264 Broadwav. !4t( LADIES' TAILORING D. H. Mother TAILOR FOR MEN and women. 474 Court St. ... 1 MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capitol City Bedding Co., 1190 worth Capitol. Called (or ind delivered. All work guaranteed. Phone 19. fl9t( MEDICAL ' MOUNTAIN BALM Phone 517-W. COUGH REMEDY t MUSIC STORES nrn r wil l. Bimina 1 PHnvn. graphs, sewing machines, akeet innate and piano atudiea. Repairing phono graphs and ae wing machine, 432 Stat street. Maiem NEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, SALEM : Agency The Ace. Tel. 939. , THE OREGON STATESMAN, 50 CENT8 per month delivered to yoar soma early ' each morning, leu za or ooe. - By Ed Wheelan JOE WILLIAMS a 111 ff' 1 ra'l"'"i 1 ". T -T-""" ----eBMBaBrBaaaM .vtxjRE "Ree LYW5- W sAT v ANC NJHEN t DROP My HAND KErtCMiCP Ei"2j' HER. y ItL. PRETEND TO ESCAPE. , BVT WILL, TELL A STDR THAT VaJJLL- THROUJ THEM Off CIRE TRACK 11. oWiiFcwy-y she vmsAjr, fOLKS, THE. KtEAJT STARTS To- ncrRov) UJEALTHVyo c r - VTTRSESY STOCK FRUIT, NUT AND; SHADE TREES rea re y Bros., 17B-B. Commercial. M I I I II PACKING AND gHXPFIKG FOR EXPERT FUSN'fURE PACKING ana aaipping, caJl still .Furniture Store. Phone 94 U f. PAFERHAMOnirtf AMD PAINTINQ PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HuUMS aecoratiag, paper Ranging, uuliug, etc. PIANO jrUfERS edward welp Experienced Piano inner, ijeave araers will s Mnaie rtore. PRXJTTXaTO FOR STATIONER. CARDS. PAMPH- lets, program, books or any kind of printing. Call atHhej Statesman Print ing Department. It 13 ,8.. Commercial. Tel. - J - I ' - aaHeaaMaaialiiHaaiaaMeaiiiM PLUMBtNO PLUMBING AND iGENERAL BITPAIR work. Graber Kros.j 154 8. Liberty. Phone 550. it flStf RADIO) 8PLITD0RF RADIO SALES AND ! . SERVICE . No better radio made at any price QUALITY ?CARS High and Trade iolas t ose Every Purs r For Every Par AO Standard Siaae jof Radio Tuba HALIK A EOFPj ELECTRIC SHOP 837 Court St. Phone 488 RBAXif ESTATE IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO SELL; or u yon are lot lag for a home, (arm or business property see as. . BECKE AjHEIfDRICKS i - 189 N. High 6t4 Heilig Bldg. jStf REAL ESTATE ! HARRIS OFFERS 1 NEW. MODERN, a rooms, big attic. ceptional constroctioo and finish: ball! by owner (or hisiowa use: 1230 E. Se near Capitol; popular Parrish aebooi ectioa; $5250; Itanb. , i i - i i.- - 960 PARRISH street! exceptions! le , ; new. moaecn. o large rooma. dm eonatraetioa : beautiful aurrouadina-a $5750; terma. j ? LOTS 1 and 2. Block $. Englewood. core er u ana mm. each, 68x87; pric $85i and $700. Fink lac.atinn In ,niiir section. North (rent oa paved street lb (rent 4 commissi 4 TWO-TniRDS commission to arv Ala eased broker miking sale. , . i - 1 HARRIS: Masonic 'Bid.. TeL 795.'lz' . - I "I . SCAVENGERS . j . CITY GARBAGE i CO. OFFICE PHOM 0. vviumqrciftl. AO. 1 fioll . 3290. 1 f i ! 4- FOR GOOD SCAVENGER SERVICE C oaiem scavenger, Cummins n Trotter. 11 .ta 8EOOND HAVD GOODS ) WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ng ana saves, sisest price paid. Call iUl Exchanges $4a Nartk OommrciJ Y31, f0 rrf i 7 TRAVSFER! AMD HAULING , j :r TRANSFER AN HAULING OF A LI ainoa. jruoae tr . WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSB "ur specialty is piano n4 furniture moving. We also make coun try trips. Wa handle the beat coal anf wood. Call aa las tor price. We givtf good mesiure. knot quality and grxf service. Larmer fTransfer Co. Phone 93$ CAPITAL CITY TRAN8FER CO. 82 owe o. r-noneiwa. Ui.tributing, tf warding aad storag our specialty. r,d our rates. i - 1 . - f . wi. WATER SALEM WATER, SLIGHT A POWEI. CO uiiicn sua ooojn uommarcial St' Tet per cent dl.cunt on domestfe flat rates vpaid in fdvanee. No dedo'etiof for absekiea or aayr, cause sales wstet is shut off yeur) premise. i TRAVEL Safely. Swif ti, and Comfce-tably in buaea of thai Parker Stag Lin a. Stages leave (of Silverton 7 a.jmjll a. m 5 p. m. Mt. Angel 11 k. nt ft p. m. P."'"7 A a.j 4. nu 11:2$ , a, 2.10 j. m, 5:15 p. m. Fall City 7 fa. -tav, 310 p. m., 5:15 p. m. , Independence j7 a. m.". 9 a. m. Sunday only 8f30. m. Monmouth 7 ta 11:15 n. nv, 8:10 p. m 5:125 pi m. Sunday only. 7:10 p. m.. $:0 p. at. ' MeMinnville 4:801a. m 2:10 p. ra 5:15 p. aa. j , I Newberg 4:3C s.1 a, :10 p. x 5:15 p. m. I - Tillamook $:30 m. as.. 2:10 p. m. Call 222 or 69$ tot iaformatiaaT Blind Men i&Uondon Feci Loss Because of Few Fjgs . I: . .1 r as guides toi pedestrians' when . . - ueunv iocs seiue oyer London hare been coraplaialnr becans nf lack, of "bu-.iiieRsM drTe to thia winter's weatiierf which has been exceptionallr Clekr and, cold. looDHnai pi peraops frequent ly; become lost ta the fogs, even within avblo:k or so of their homes or ofi&e It is on suck occasions thaf the blind men, who una tneir wey er "feel" and in stinct, take ip I their stands at prominent cornel's and offer their services as guides. j ' It has; beqn estimated that a real fog 'heref entails a loss of ap proximately ? 3610.000 pounds to business in less than 24 hours. Some French? Shop Kccrrc , Still Ratsej the Shutters PARIS Trench shop-keepers still talk of fputting up the shut ters' at cloning Jime, but actually they pull them down. , The quaint, Iraany-panel thc- windows familia'r In the ell illus trations to the "gongs" of Eerat.-:-er and the Crulckshauk and PL: drawings forfDicfkens' wcr! ?, h-svc-. disappeared tr4 make . v f -fereat, solid Ironf' curta!- . are hauled down with a lavr. ' old windows; cSarmi-,x, c ...... bed and gaallt.f remain ia a r out-of-the-way jarti cl I ; Oregea, i 87t