t V 4 I . ... KOTICE OP GtTAKDIAN'S 'SALIS OP REAL PROPCUTX ...... ' ! j Notice la hereby glren that un der and by Tlrtoe 'ot in order of sale heretofore aulyj made and en tered of record in the County Court of the State off Oregon In the County of Marion, in the mat ter of the guardianship of Martha A. Peterson, an Incompetent per son, said order having j been! made on the 4th day of January,? 1920. I will as ruardlan of the person and. statf of said iiarha A- Pet. erWn sell C at a PrtVatej sale., r for cash In iand on day of sale, all of the right, title and interest of the said Martha AL "; Peterson- in and to the following described premises, or any portion thereof : Beginning -- at J a! point, 1.43 chains West of the Northwest cor ner of Towner Savage's Donation Land Claim ; ; thenc .West j 5. 6 2 chains; thence North 37.72 fhains to the North , line - of the ; Adam Stevens ,,B;.' I. C. ; ttence West 10,88 chains to th East line of the Q- & a Railroad! nht ofj way thence Souta 11" Sh West lalong the line of the O. & C-'"Jjt. R.lS.25 chains to the Northwest corner of that certain tract of land deeded by John Peterson 'and wife to Henry Johnson by dee4 Recorded June 18, 1895, In! Volunv 60, Page 510 Deed Records fori Mar ion County, Oregon;! thesse South 72' 30' E. ,7.27 chalnaj to the N. E. corner of said tract of, land; thence S. IV 3 0' W along tjxe m line of said - tract j of f land i anjl along the BAlln of that jother tract of. land conveyed by f John Peterson and wife to Henry John son by deed Recorded I March 15 1 8 90 ia'VoL 4 1 Page if 7 1 f of ; the Deed Records for Marion County, Oregon, 8 chains ;to the South east xorner of the last mentioned 72 30' E. tract of land; thence S.1 7. 4 .chains to an angle; famine W, line of John Peterson Ja!n&;? thence S. 14.78. chains to the County. Road ; hence S. . 5-5 ; 4 5 E. j along said County Road to theenter of the State Highway ; ifbence N 34 15' E. 6.32 chains to! the (place of beginning. ' Save and Except from the foregoing j described premises such portions (thereof as Is described in the Deed, recorded as follows: f VoL 4 1 Pagej. 471; Vol. 6 0 Page 510; Voi. 4 7 j Page 139; Vol. 46 Page j 1 9 8 ; Vol. 9 2 Page 573; in Deed Records for Marion County. Oregon -All the foregoing describedj premises be ing In the Adam StevexU D.j L. C. No. 63 in T. 7 S. Ranges 2 and 3 West of ,the W. M. In Marlon County, Oregon. ' j . j'. t That said sale shall be' made at the office of Ronald jC GlOver, attorney at law, j 203 Oregon BuHding. Salem, Oregon,, on and after Monday, February 15, 1926, -jjhd sealed bids will bo received ti jp undersigned : for said real property -at the aWve -mentioned office np to 10 o'clock of said day. Dated at Salem,' Oregon, : this 15th day of January, 192 8i PRANKE. QARLAND, j Guardian of the person and es tate of Martha A. i Peterson, an incompetent person.! j f : J-16-i3-30 f-6-13 NOTICE OP HEilRINO ON FIN AX ACCOUNT i t "No.'273"- In the County Court of the Stats of Oregon for Marion county, In the matter of the Estate j of W, S. McKimmey. Deceased, j , - Notice Is hereby jglva that the undersigned Administrator bf the estate of W. S: MKImme De ceased, has filed its Final Account and reports In the iCoanty ! Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County, and that Tuesday the 2nd day of March, 1926, at tht hour , of 10:00 o'clock a. in, &t said day af thet County aort room jln the CountylCSlurt" Jllousieit 'Shp. City of Salem in said! ' county and state has been appointed "is. the time! and place for bearing any ohlcJtf obi to, aald Final Account and Jreport? and liV -fnal pettle- h menif of said estate!"?. ienn oi hiu eaiaie.: - i ., !- Thio data of the first bnbllcation of thla notice is the i 30th 4ay of January. 19 28,; an4the laat the 27th day of February, 1926 Ladd & Bush Trust Company, Administrator of lthi Estate .of W. S. McKimmey, DecSasedf. Page, 'Page; Ray j L. iSmith, Salem. Oregon,' Attorneys for es tate. ' ' J-30-Fj-6-13;-20-27 NOTICE- OP FIN All! 8ETTLE- ; . .--MENU " ! Notice Is hereby jgiren that the ndenlzned . 'has, filed in the County Court of the State Oregon tnr the . Countr ef i Mirioni their duly Terlfled final account las eaf ecutors of the estate of izabetn Ann rtAlknan deceased, and that aid Court has fixed Monday, the IStk-dayof -March,. ip2, it the .nfr t ten o'clock A.I M. Of Said day. arf-ths time. M theJCoun, tr firtiirt TtOOm in, me vvuu wnA fnvfialAni. In Marion VVUlb SV wy , (. m County, Oregon, .as the place for neanng mki t--- - -. nobiectlons thereto; j. ' t " Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 11th day of February, 1928. . FRANCES EDNA IIOLLENBERG, ..n.Tnrnt.nn" ! J, t- nf thai estate of T3Mi,.Kh Ann Belknap, deecased. 1 Ronald C. OloTer, Attorney lor ranf nra RftlATTl. Ore JCOUU", I' . Feb.-lS-20-27-M-6-13. f. A Nebraska woman- opened i ran nf mis which slie had can ned thlrty-eishr Tears ago, and found ttjiei in good ellils, con-i- TTTT" T',lfT Union Roofer 'fft Pilkwtos. llMti sccoad Sata m j, S :00 p. m.. CARPENTERS' ..; CNIOl JJO. f 1QSS . VtMi Than. Tainf. Arthur Tek 2!.,.'!,,dBti Wm- Pttit, cratsr7. Bltmd meehtnlei tarnUhcd. P&ont 17V. 8ALK1C : UK ION L1BEU L.EAODK Mm t Labor Hall u wU ( praai rRATERWAt ORDER OF EAGLES, mt every Wcdnesder. Fraternity i JUalL & KNIGHTS Or PYTHIAS MEETS AT Fraieraat llaU eery Tuaaday i crealnc. WaHer Uenoa. K. of R. S. t t ti Pabllaliad arary Berate g (azeept H oay) at Saiaa. Ua aapiul t Qracoa. y"s r Local Rates ' 1 For Classified Advertising Dally a taaday. S aaata par wvr4 Oae time rhrea time Six tioiea . a ceaia par wd S aaata par word I ae aaily caa Saa, SO caata par word la ardar to aara taa aiora taaa ana Hm rata, adrertiaaaant Burnt m ta MumUn laanaa. . j . . Ko Ad. takaa far 1t a ti aaata. Ada. raa Saaday ONLY Wad t oaa-uma rata. . :i. Adrartiaemaata (azeapt Pammala axd Bitoatioaa Waatad) vfll a taken rrar the telephone if tha adrertiaer U a sabaeriBar to phoaa. - ,i Taa BtateaBMa ' will raeahra I adi tSeemeata at amy tiate af the day ar ai(ht. To lasare proper alaaunea ttaaa ada. saoald ba la bafo-a f a. aa. i TXLEIHOXX S OR S9S ' Money to JLoan i 1 ; ; ' Oa Baal EitaU I T. K. FORD l . (Ovay Ladd Buaa Baakl " AOTERTI6INO " 1 " HOST EST ADVERTTSINO Theaa aol aata aaaat be kept free from anythinf of a qneetioaable aatara. at iarepreeea tatiaaa will not be tolerated. Iafor Biatloa thowinf aay qneitionabla la- toot a the part of the adrertiaer aboald ba - reported to this jaewe ptr or the 6alew Ad Clab. ! ' An to Tope SEE US rOB TOP AND PAINT WORK. O. d. BUI Ante Tap and FalSt Bha ST 8. ComraeirUl. i SalStf ' Help Wanted J FemaJo is: MANUFACTURER DESIRES UDT ! TO introduce it gooda. M eaitraaaiBC. Poaitioa paya aboat $18 v per week. Prefer lady who belong! churchy or hib organisation. Write Salea Man ager, 505 Sloan Bldg.. Clereland, Ohio. Wanted Employment 19 TOCSO WOMAN DESIRES WORK ;BT - the hour. . Call 2270 ti. Church. rOR GARDEN PLOWING. BASEMENT digginx ana team wore jrnoae t . - - - ISmldtl WANTED PAINTINO. TINTING. JA peraaartne. cxpen aerriea i goiarB tiwd. Fhona 141-W. I lf1 For Rent 21 SHEEP PASTURE FOR REST, 43F31 PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14 BY TH". wording 'Tor mat," price lu enta each. Stateamaa Bualaeaa Offieo,i oa groaad floor.' ;. . f GARAGE FOR REST-APP1.Y AFTER 5:80 p. m. or, nnUyl morning. lxu State Street. I Ztfld FOR RENT MODERN OFFICE BOOMS. groaad floor, jnaa location, eoeap renL Horn Realty Oo 169 S- High. - ' , I 81j2tf t For Rent Apartment 83 ' 3 ROOMS. KITCHENETTE AND OA- rag. 122.50. Uloee in, add JrlI4 FURNISHED APARTMENTS IB AND S10 a aaonta. Appiy -j. vtin 8U . i FOR RENTITTE ROOMS. MODERN. Bath, toilet, eietrie " iii ana w phone" tree. 'SIS a month, if takea aooa. O. W. Laf Jar, 410 Oregon BWg. , l t . j 2Sf7t 1 PRINTED CARDS. SIZE ltm Vf tm. wording, "JCoome to tteai.-- pnee w aoata eaea. Stacaaaaaa Baaiaaap Of f lee r wit fnrm " ! For Renv Rooms 23 ROOMS FOR RENT OVER OOH STORE ilaoaer- JBroa,... ,: : i . TWO STUDENTS MATi HAVE ROOM wits aleepmg pore a pnTuagea.) era borne, ia eoareaient location, i Ad dress A. D.. aare Stateaaaaa. I . 0f2tf ROOM FOR RENT FOR GENTLEMAN, in modern home. Close ia. j Refer aneea. Addraaa Bone; ear Stateamaa. 25f2tf FURNISHED ROOM FOR'OENTliEMAN. Strictly BBoaern oome. Jrr' -. Fonr bloeka from Capital. ' 1465 Che BeketaT Phone" 18S4-J. - - 5jtttf UARQER THAN . APARTMENT 5-ROOM 111 rinun, nam Adults. Close to aairersitr. atata house and bnaiaea. Vacant. $30. So 88V4 Ferry St. Becke Hendrickn, 119 N. Hih Rtrt. - - 25f7 For Rent IIaea I .27 4-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. INQUIRE at 1295 N. Libecty - j 87f3tf MINUTE MOVIES; vAy tOvfiM SOUTH H CPlSCOB TUP " AT PALM -AMI EvELyAl SWEET; -the WArt Of A jvlOLTI-MlLUCWAlRC. U)HO IS DOING A LITOJSFALL-.I iNCr'CVM HER. OUJM ACCOUMT j , .ii w V.--" i "jWtP-I52AWa. ! - . i . , Lodge Roster, t .- - - ---: :an,-sale:i.:o?j:gon For Rent Houses 27 FOR RENT 5-ROOM HOUSE. 1588 N. Capitol. Take it at' 120. Hone Ral - ty Co 169 S. High.- 27fl7 TO RENT-SOMB COUPLE WtTTinnr ear. Trim three-room with vm-rthin N. ?' $30. ' Book A HeadriHts. 188 N. High stroet. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED noaaea. Xirowa and Johnson, 109 & 27J1TU a. FOR RENT 4 MODERN HOMES, 30 o 50. Vacant. Becke A Hendricks. ,189 N. High street. . S7j31tf 5 ROOM HOUSE. ; Phone 2044-W. 18 FES MONTH. 2Jdl8tt FOR RENT LAROB HOME. T ROOMS, . furnaces and fireplace. 945. vacant Beeka A , Hendricks, 189 N. High atreet. 7f7 For Kent Farm SO f HATS 1EVERAI, IRRIOArED FARMS for rent. P. R. Tboaaaaaa. . Turner, Wanted Mlscellaneons 33 FURNITURE PACKINO FOR- 8HIP moau. Oiaaa Power Furniture Co. - !i . s: - ' r . S5t2Rf WOODRY THE AUCTIONEER- BUYS , aaed furniture for-eash. Phone 511. . . . S5atf WANTED PRIVATE MONET . FOR i farm loan a. We bare several appliea - tiras oa hand, Hawkiaa' A ' Roberta Inc.. 205 Oreron Bid-. 85dl4tf For Sale 8T 140 AND 180 CAPACITY INCUBATORS. , Phone 798-W, . . 87113 4-ROOM HOUSE IN NORTH 155p. terms. 1225 N. 19th. SALEM. 87fl3 burbank; A' hundred. POTATOES, i Phone 81fl3. 1 92.50 PER i 87fl4 BALED CLOVER, OATS AND VETCH. 89F5. . . 87fl3 FEDERATION SPRING WHEAT "FROM keary yield. Write M. B. Findley, Rente 2, Riekreall. 37119" rOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, TEN aoata a buadle. Circulation, department t Oregon Statesman. . - , 87tf RECEIPT . BOOKS SIZE 8- BY 8H", -; fiO receipt forms in book, 15 cents per book or two for 25 eenta Statesman ' office, 215 South Commeralsl '.8tM Sa lem. j 37f25tf TRESPASS, NOTICES. SIZE 14x9 IN8.. 'printed em food lO-ounce craTass, bear ing the' words, "Notice Ia Hereby Given That Trespsssing ia Strictly Forbidden On Thaao Premises Under Penalty of : ProaeeatioB." Price 15e each or 2 : for 25c. Stateamaa Pttb. : Co., Salem, Oregon. 87att For Sale Livestock 89 FRESH COW FOR SALE. C RAMSEYER Jefferson, Route 1. 89fl4 14 HEAD ; PUREBRED H0L8TEINS, 8 to 8 yra keary producers. Ed Suth erland. Canby. ; 89tl4 FRED W. LANGE. VETERINARIAN Office 420 8. Comatereial. Phone 1198 R Phnne 188a. i Mm21 Wood For Sale 43 City and country wood sawing. .4 Also old boards. Fisher Bros. Phoae .1819. fM-.., r':- 43jl3tf 4-FOOT GREEN SLAB, f 8 90 PER CORX Id-la. dry mill. S4.SO par load, dry fir aad oak, Phoaa 142. -t : 43a6tf COMPLETE FUEU SERVICS ' TELEPHONE 1855 HXLLMAN FUlt COMPANY - ,-",-, 48a91tf 18 INCH SLA&.F30D PER LOAD, 82.75, . 18-iaeh 2nd fir per load, 14.00: 18 iaeb aid fir par load. 84.50. Prompt deliTery. TeC 2818. Tracy Fael Yard. 107 D Street. 43a22U COAL ALL THE BETTER KINDS gIH.MAr-FOEIr fJQi PHONE 1858 . . 48a21H , GOOD COAL DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES. ' HILLMN FUEL 0 0. TELEPHONE 185S. 48JJ9S IALEM FUEI TRANSFER, 751 Trade ' Street. Wood, CoaL BHqueta. Transfer aad . Maying. Phoaa 629. 43a20tf BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 ft. aad 18 (neb, Dry mil! wood. " ' Oreea mill wood. Dry aeeend growth fir. . i ,. .. 'j.., . Dry 4-ft. an. and oak. ; 'f FRED E. WELLS Prompt delivery and reasonable prices. 280 Sonth Church. Phone 1542. 43fl8tf BRIQUETS THAT LEAVE NO A8HES. HILLMAN FUXIi CO. -r 43n21tf WOOD SAWINO, PROMPT AND CAREFULLY. HILLMAN FUEL CO. . , . , 43n21tf WOOD, DRY. SAWED .ANY LENGTH. HI Li. MAN FUEL CO. PHONE 1855 , 48n21tf Id-INCH OLii rltt SECOND GROWTH ak aad ash. Phone 72F2. H. D. May--field. - 48f1Rtf Poultry and FOR SALE 5 GUINEA FOWLS."PHONE .65F15. .45114 HOLLYWOOD CHICKS FROM PURE ,- bred, high, producing, two year old - White Leghorn hens. Writ for data - and price. ; E. J. Ayers, Sta , Bx 122. -1 Phone 100F8. ' . 45f 14 Miacellavaeoaa 51 FURNITURE repairing, Btore. UPIIOLSTEEINO AND Gieaa-Powara Furniture - 51s20tf FOR SALE fWHJTE LEGHORN BABT chicks (i 815.00 per C, .delirered. Phone 577 or 45f2. , . 5lfl2tf H. B. SEAGROVE - FURNACE AND sheet metal shop moved to 681 Mill St. 1 SieHtf Lost and Found 03 LOST TELLOW MALE PERSIAN CAT. , FUkeS Petland. Tel. 658. -58f7tf Personal C5 HIZZ TREATMENT . . FOR APPENDICITIS It-Is-Wonderful." Free isf tioa f 5iaii25 Ano NovrA r;' VJEEU-tATER. -IVe FASHlOrSABLE ANlEXCLUSiVe-;- SPENDrXJRS. vjotelaat ; Palm-ami" BE A CM VMM .-nl Is. HOLE Honey to Loan j 67 MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY-HOMES, . Let i explain our HOME MORTGAGE LOAN plan. la teres t. no com mission, Chaa. Hudkina. Room over Milter' a Store Phono 98. 57j27tf Real Estate ! S3 Own Your iiome i 9 ROOM SALEM HOME CJ7T FROM - 84500 to 83750 to move "NOW. On paving and ear, large corner lot. Becke naeks, t Hi. iitga street, oat? FOR SALE BY OWNER Corner lot with six-room, house. North Capitol. 82450. 2200 down. Pnone 10CQ-W. 83(16' PACIFIC HIGHWAY STORE CORNER With fine modern S-roem residence This is moat ' logical gaa latatioa and store corner we know located at Che mawa, 4-cornera. Will sell any rea sonable deal or accept Salem home aa , part; Price 96950. Becke A Hendricks, 189 N. High street. . . r 6317 - v SOLD SOLD SOLD? Selling service without equal. Our aystem never fails. Scientific setting, com bined with oar enormous clientage of buyers, mesne RESULTS for lOU. Call 1 PARKER aad start packing. OPEN EVENINGS. I , , i. PARKER REALTY CO.. 160. S. Liberty Street, (iron a d Floor, i Telephone 2242 1 7 : 3f5tf OREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST We hare over 8000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, every price, every , location, We can - match your exchange EXACTLY. If you would: like to trade your property TODAY, come in TODAY. 1 See PARKER FOR PROPERTY 168 6. Liberty Street. Ground Floor, i i Telephone 2242. i J - I r. turn A CLOSE IN BUILDING IX)T IN Sonth Salem, east front and on a cor ner, .paved street and sidewalk, excel lent : surrounding homes. A five-room boose plastered, bath, -toilet, electric lights, been built about two years; wonderful bargain at 92250, 9350; down, monthly paymeata on bal ' a nee. A small house of 4 rooms, city water and electric lights. A amall price Of f850, 950 down and 210 per month. Sea J. A. MILLS, 831 Vi State St. .-si t 63fl6 FOR SALE 9 ROOM HOME, WELL located oa Fairmount Hill. East front, lot 50x150. 'Price 85500. . W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 184 :8. Liberty street. 63fI3 KKpKKKKKKKKKKKKKXIUCKO K S FOR SALE ' K K Duplex House, close in, 12 K K rooms, 2 baths, 2 furnaces, K K 88500.00 price. Terms. . K K ;i KRUEGER, 147 N. Oom'l. K - -fi ' 63114 K OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO T MIS8 LOOKING AT THE - i FOLLOWING: 8 -room modern, 9750, flOO cash, bal- . anei 915 monthly. 4 rooms, bath, fine basement very well constructed, lot 76x105, fruit, fine lo cation. South Salem, $31(50, if 900 cash, balance 925 and int. monthly, 4 rooms, nook, basement, furnaca, oak floor, fire place, built In kitchen, double construction throughout, 93650, easy!) terms. . - 10 rooms modern, garage, Tory close Id on North Liberty, 97850, terms. 0-roara new strictly modern bunga low, good location on pavement, 96O0O. 21-acre modera fruit ranch, electric light, 2 milea from Salem, oa pave ment, the best of. land and location, must; be seen to be appreciated, will ac cept some trade, f 14,500, terms. . 80 acres, 77 cleared, 17 acres tree fruit,1 7 acres strawberries, family orch ard, good modera improvements, elec tric ti lights, oa pavement,1 close- to achool, the best wf soil, 8 miles north, -aU oteck aad equipment goeay f 27,500; tarma. I " i :.SOCOLOFSKY, 341 State. ' -I i 63fl0tf 82800 HOME . For 82200 Terms, i Located on a fine corner lot. best wing district of South Salem, has 5 rge; rooms, bath,, electric lights, base ment.' fttatraaary wash trays, garage, lawaiiand shrubbery; for a real cottage bargain, see this one. i CHILD8 A BECHTEL Realtors, 540 State Street. . 63fl2tf 15 ACRES AND BUILDINGS ON MAIN highway. 96850.00. Modera bungalow and long stretch of land along highway. 918,000. S acres, 5-room house, basement, 84500. Attractive home on creek. . One of the most modera hornet in the - city n tha Oaks. ., Lota of Trades. ! X GERTRUDE J. M. "PAGE, ' 492 N. Cottage St. i 63fl3tf FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 40-aeres an paved road, electrie pow er line and telephone line, has 18 acres logaita, 9 acres walnuts. 1 acre fam ily orchard, balance open land. "Very good 7 -room plastered house, sleeping porch,-gas lighta. well water at door. Fair barn aad outbuildings. One of Salem's best close ia bays. Pieed . right. .; ' i . , 15-aerea aboat 8 milea oat oa good road,; partly, pared, small i buildings, some ; fruit aad berries, running water, iastare aad , timber, close to achool, ust the place for chickeaa. Priee 2000.00 with terma. J " 21 acres old buildings, good fruit aad berries, good Water, gravel road, partly "paved, elose to school. Some pasture . and limber. No reasonable offer re futed. "We specialist ia farms and aerre yon Tight.".-" t .:-. VICTOR: SCHNEIDER. Realtor. ' Loae and Insurance. Phono 677. 147 No. Commercial SU. Salem, Ore. I i esiirtf NEW HOUSE 4 ROOMS, SLEEPING porch, hardwood floors, in Cor vail is, , for 930OO to trade oa home la Salem np to 950O0. . 8-room . strictly modern ' home, Oaks , . Addition, nook, garage, hothouse, $4450. 4 room a and nook, new and ' all mod era. features, east, $4550. ; ----- - - Attractive 5 rooms and attic on Fair mount HilL reeeased bath and shower, . 96500. . - 918,000 to lead oa good first mortgages. .- 80-acre farm, aew house, all in cultiva- tion. near achool, paya good returns on Investment, 87000, will take some city ". property part payment. ' .WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor. 216 Orrcnn Bldg. 6oil3tf Eleven per cent of all the frnlt and vegetables sold In New York City is Tetailed f rom push carts. , 1IL lO- ' ' : f?rW 'jL-.W y J VES. UNTIL MORROW. MJSS Mi- . J " 1 r r : f 1 C3 COMFORTABLE HOME $2650 Terms. Oa paving with plaster, bath, hot water, garage. Near rear and! schools . ' 655' N.. 1 6th. : - 3f4tf $4750 BEST BUY SEEN 5 1 ROOMS , and attic with stairs, furnace, fireplace, hardwood; very built-in, oemant . base ment, garage, - Doubt construction throughout, on trim east front lot with paring and cement walks. Close school and ear. Terms' Becke ft Hendricks, 188 High, street. 6317 MUST SELL BY MARCH FIRSTSIX room house well constructed, large lot paved street, fruit, garden, double ga rage, snap, price, liberal terms; must be seen to be appreciated. Owner 1150 North Fifteenth. . 63114 BEST FOR ' $2500-5 ROOMS! WITH , 3 more unfinished. V Cement basement, ' plaster, bath, bet water, garage. Oa : corner lot with view and trees. Sea at 805 Cross street. Some terms if de sired. Becke A Hendricks, 189 N. High street. . , 63f7 OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKO K. . K K FOR SALE t K K.3 good lost s on Haael Avenue, K K Price 91050. 9150 cash, bal. K K anre 8 years. Abstract with K K every lot.'-- K' K KRUEGER, 147 N. Oom'l. i K h. 6Sfl4 K OKK KJtKK KK KK KKKXKKKK KKKO ' FOR S 4.LE e " Two desirable lota ia Kingwoed Park, Weft Salem. Inquire Bone Steele Motor Agency. - . y 3fl6 TO EXCHANGR FOR CITY PROPERTY, On of the best suburban modern . homes just out aide the city limits on paved highway, 10 acres, lots of fruit and all you want for an attractive home. Other acreage and tracts for city property. WHl take good auto mobile on a good homo tract. ; It you wish to" buy, sell, or exchange. See Barber. 200 Gray Bldg. 63fl2tf rTTTiiyrriT'in,in,T'i',rTTri'i'i,,rri'i'rr T T A WONDERFUL INVESTMENT Close in apartment house, paying 16 net on aeiling priee. Rea sonable payment, cash aad mtg. back for bal. TERMINAL REALTORS, Salem. T T T T T T eauatt iTirrrvrrriTrrr rri-ii'i-i 'PpiTriT LOTS LOTS , LOTS Some of the best in the city for 'the money. Drive out to 15th and D Sta.. look them over for your self, only 5 I mi reit vnsoia. special tow price lor a few days; terms to suit purchaser. For sale by Child s ft Bechtel, 540 State street. 63fl2tf 95330 REAL HOME 95250 ' If yon sre looking for a real home that you will be proud to possets aad where you will be contented, knowing at the aame : time that yon bava the greatest value, dollar tor dollar,: invest ed that ia possible you will 1 be in terested in considering a wonderful six-room bungalow, strictly modern; well located, not far out; a real buy; some terma. , I If t's a real home, t? See CHILDS ft BECHTEL, Realtors, 640 State Street. 68f 12tf FOR SALE 5-ROOM ' FURNISHED home, modern in every way, except ga rage. Price $5500. Any reasonable terms. i W. II. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 8. Liberty. i 63fH LOOK WHAT WE HAVE THIS WEEK . 5-acre tract, improved, near Salem, , worth $ 3,000; 5 -room house in Salem worth $2500, both clear, will exchange for SO or 40 acres' about aame -value. 8-room bouse worth $5,000 ' to ex change for land tame -value. Iet ua hear; from you. ' SALEM REALTY CO, 462 State. List with us. 63f lltf FINE GARDEN TRACT IN SOUTH 8A lem, 50 full bearing Bartlett pear trees on part of tract, noma fine King ap- f)ea and blackberries. Nice high build ag aite, running spring, sewerage, ' lights, city water,' could b divided into 13 lota, 40x120 feet. Oa macadam St Prlea $1400. Some terms. Fine for ' ugardea, . fruit, chickeaa. W.- O. Con ner, owner, ststesmsn oince. ur win rall home alaeo. six rooms, barn, ga rage, poultry bouse and six big. lots J for B3so(a oiif Mural Avenue, ejtztt ) i- '. 'i i- .... TRADES K, ': '56 Improved clear flax acres; worth $5000 for Salaa residence and will pay cash difference. ' 10 acres well improved in the edge of Salem worth $5000 for residence. 5 good clear improved acres ia the : edge bf Salem worth $4000 for resi dence. - ' If - :4 : - 8 well improved view acres with fruit and worth $6300 for good homo. " 8 seres north on the highway im proved and worth $4500 for residence. . 6 acres north on the highway and ' email improvements worth S450Q for residence. . . - .- . . - I ' 50 acres near Independence, all till able for unimproved acreage i worth 15000. 21 unimproved acres near Indepen dence worth $3000 for home. i- - lO improved acrea worth $3500 for business in Salem. . J - MeGIfcCHRlST ft PENNINGTON 209 U. g. Bank Bldg. Phono 140. 63(lltf FOR SALE OR TRADE GOOD BU8T ' ness property in Salem, income $70 per month. Will take good paper,: or bouses. Good five-room bungalow, two lots, , corner, both street, paved, bear ing fruit treea and English walnuts and berries. This is a real home and good . location for store or gas station.! Own - er going away and must sell. ! Price $3650. New four-room bungalow ($2 650. and many other good buys. F. L . Wood, 841 State St. 63flOtf EXCELLENT BUYS ft EXCHANGES ." 8-room borne pared St sraga, lights, water, $2000, $200 down. I . ! " 2 ft -acre home, close in. 5-roora bun galow, bam, garage, fruit. $2200, taka :, vacant Vats and old house. r '. 8-room Apt. close in for acreage., 5-room bungalow, S.Salem snap ; , $2600 take small acreage. - ' " Nice 7-room furnished - bunrslow. ' fine lot, garage, fruit, aearifice, $3500. easv terma. j "" Filling station, oils and supplies, 'good lease, snsp, $550. ' - - . -.Sea our list af exchanges.: : ' 'j . . PERRINE ft MARSTERS ' j ' 212 Com. Club Bldg. t BSfiOtf ELEVEN ACRES, - ALL TILLABLE, lays well to a good road, near an ae t.tive town on the-Pacific-highway and t msin lino 8, P. R. ' ft.; Schools, fruit cannery and other business and i ao 'cial -organisations. Especially ' adapted -t, to poultry, strawberries, etc j . Some v apple trees,' ao buildings. , Price $100 ' per acre. Small down payment, terms I on balance or. ao payment down if J buyer will lmpasve. Wilt rtade for Salem pronerty. E. A. Rhoten, : owner, t 1595 S. High St, Salem... Oregon, j . -x . 67flltf xOLF THATNSrn: rr. - VAERE KC? CHIEP, Real Estate .VZ ALL "TO THE. AGREE WTW. AND Hlff ?AN3 " MEN MEET AT A C0TTAC5 E HE ANDTTK2. CCWifeSS SATURDAY MORNING, Real Estate C3 SOME BOND BtlTFH WITH tlOflflfl ... Here's business corner will return J net oa certain lease and stadity increase in value. Another ia a brick bldg. right la path pt progress that will Bet on bonded leases. Cheao Lots- High aad dry. SEE THEM NOW. 900 - v np. iu aown, tnen a mosttt. jteeke m noncs. IBM is. Higfc street. 6Xf 7 Real Estate Trades 65 FOR VALLEY PROPERTY. U. SECTION . Alberta. Canada. Free of eaeumbraaeea renceo. so acre broken. 15 cleared 12 acres hay aloagh. 45 acres ooea pasture. Ideal dairy country, ample water, unlimited range. 2 miles tows ana churches, 1 ft school. Kelly, Real Instate- Suburban 69 SPECIAL 1 acre with 5 R. house ehie house bsrn garage electrie lighta only mile from car lino a good bay for $3000. Win trade for 6 K. house nice lot: trade on small house 6 lota with barn trade for house nice grocery store with living rooms clone in bargain for $140O. 2. me lota with fruit $500..-for both tbee are a -snap THOMASON. 331 K State Street. ' ' ' f 69fl3tf Wanted Real Batata 71 WANT THE BEST CLOSE IN 9 ACRES with buildings that my client can buy for $2500.00. Submit , offers by letter or in person aturaay morning. ' . A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor. Loans, Insurance. 147 No. Com l St.. Salem. Ore. j 71flltf Tracks and Tractors 75 GOOD BUYS ON USED CLETRAC TRACTORS ' RECONDITIONED 1 ALSO ! USED PLOWS FOR SAM: -, . , A. C. Haag & Co. 170 E. 7th St. Portland. Ore. 444 Ferry St. Salem, Ore. . i 75fl8 ' Automobiles Wanted ! T7 CASH PAIT Anto Co. FOR FORDS EIKER 77ml2tf Used Cars for Sale 79 $1000 YOU CAN SAVE ON THIS 7 passenger Packard Touring car. Four wheel brakes, r used " only ' one year, See this at Valley Motor Co.' phone 1995. I : 79119 Cleveland Marmoii " Locomobile WEEK-END SPECIALS See our stock of good used ears Priced right Come and look at these: Lincoln 5-pass.' Sedan. Studebaker T-pass Sedan. Jewett 8 port Touring, late model. Franklin Touring. Maxwell-Touring. Ford Coupe, late model. , Chevrolet Touring. Hnpmobil Touring. Prices from $75.00 to $2800.00. Easy Terms Mcdonald auto co. Cottage and Ferry Sta. Phone 409. . 79fl2tf 1924 MAXWELL COUPE, FIRST CLASS shape, 1026 license, complete equip ment, will sacrifice. " Call 2119-W, after 6 v. m. U 79114 FORD TOURING ' Late model, on man top, I slanting windshield, aew rubber, : aew motor with 1928 license, $100. TRUMM MOTOR CAR CO. 347 N. Com'l. 79flltf THE SAFEST WAY TO BUY S A USED FORD There is one way that - yon can in variably get satisfactory performance in a used car buy it of somebody who is more interested in seeing yon satis fied 'than , in aeiling car. Hera are some good Fords that will be popular with: th"tr aew owners: . - i 1920 Tour., extra well preserved -$185 1920 Coupe, extras, good rubber ..$175 1 92 1 Roadster , J..$125 1924. "louring, overhauled, repaiat- - ed, $100 worth 'of new rub- - ber- , $240 1924 Roadster like new J $275 1924 Coupes With- high backs .. $385 Buy before', spring rash takes these bargains. VALLEY MOTOR CO.,! Salem, Oreg. i . 79fl0tf HUDSON ESSEX CADILLAC.. Used car baying is easy when yon get ears at our prices, unequalled in Salem. Make , your selection from these '- ": "V TOURINGS Hudson 5-pass. Speedster. Baiek 5-pass. Ijexington 5-pass sport. Velio 5-pass. Fords and Cbevroleta. COUPES Olds 4-nass; 24 Chevrolet; 21 Ford. ROADSTERS : - -25 Olds Sport Rosdster, like aew. . 24 Ford. Several real buys ia cheaper priced can., CssV- Terms Trades.'1 Cadillac Hudson Essex ' F. W. PETTYJOHN MOTOR CO. 865 N. Commercial St. - Salem,.Ora. , 79f7tf FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN . 1925 model Chevrolet Touring Car, . ia ' first elass condition, has hampers front and' rtar, used lesa than seven , montha, mileage lesa thaa aiao thou sand. : $200.00 cash will handle, bal ance, in easy monthly payments. Write Box 191 Care Statesman. - " 79f 13 EIKER'S GUARANTEED USED CARS 10K4 Toariag $285.00 1934 Coupe ., 9395 . Fprd Sedan $245 Oar asusl guarantee behind all ears. EIKER AUTO CO. . - Liberty Street at Ferry. Phono 121. . - ., . T9dl7tf IF INTERESTED IN A GOOD USKD ear, seo Biddy Bishop, at the Packard Store. Fred M.. Powell f Motor Cars . -.4 850 N. High. St.- -1 JB Good Uaed Cart to Pick from ALL MAKES ; ; -.' ..-..- -: i 1 T9ji8tf r v - r PROFESSIONAL, UHO IS FALLIKCr IN LOVE ONE Or HIS FAIR fWLS '"' W St DICK PARE i- 3 ARE.' ALLnDOU.EO kip VOL) OUR PLAN sw- I ., ..-N FEBRUARY 13, 1023 Classified Business Directory f ' ' !---. r - " . ' I ' ' V : - . Of Reliable BoslBesa and Professional Firmi ArranjjHl In ! Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference AMBULANCE GOLDEN AMBULANCE PHONES W00 and S83-R. Day or night sea-vice, flstf AUCTIONEERS j r; n. woodry Salem's Leading Expert Livestock, Fur nitar and Real Estate Auctioneer and Appraiaer. " N Res. aad Store, 1610 N. Summer Street. Phone 511 For Sale Data Establiahed Since 1916. 6tf H. F. WOODRY ft BON Expert Livestock, . Furniture. Real Ea ' tate. and Merchandise Auctioneers. I 18 years' experience. Satisfaction flusr anteed. Office 271 N. tff'l. Tel. 75. Res. 898 S. Commercial. Tel. 1843-W for sale date. ACCOUNTANT G. ED. ROSS, ACCOUNTANT AND Aud itor, 831 8Uta. Phone 2098 R. -. ',(..;-, , - : a 798 BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS , R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES, starter andagenerator" work; 171 South 'Commercial. Phone 198 COURT ST. JOE WILLIAMS ii m . )i'r"i"i-i,ii""Bi BICYCLES AND j REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAM BDEN COLUMBIA ,BI evclee and repairing. 887 Conrt. BRAKE RXLTSTNO MIKE PANEK 275 SOUTH COMMER cial St. Phone 102. - JStf CHINESE REMEDY , L. L. DICK L. M. HUM Chinese Medicin Company ' Helo sit known disaaae. 420-426 Stat. - " " - : - S0tf CHXROPRACTpR DR. O. L. SCOTT, P8C; CHIROPRACTOR Z50 I, nign. rnone axo-n or oi. H. B. BCOFIELD. PALMER CHIROPRAO- tor, 828 Oregon Bldg. Phone 2194. m5tf DRESSMAXTJra MRS. C E. MILLER, HEM8TITCHINO, stamping, buttons. . Room 10, ever Mil ler' a Store. Phone' 117. ELECTRICIANS ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co.. Phone 1934, 222 N. Liberty. PLBENER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE . wiring by hour or contract. Estimates furnished. , Phone 980171 Court fit. FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE" BEST farm paper send 15c to the, Pacific Homestead. Salem. Oregon, for a three months' trial l subscription. ; Mention this ad. - -, ' I . ",,:; :i POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three months' trial for the bast and oldeat Journal ia tha west. The articles and advertise ments are of special interest to the poultry breeders of the Northwest Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com mercial street, Salem. Oregon. FINANCIAL FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gages, Trust Deeds. Contracts oa bouses Will net 6 to 80. I ; BECKE ft HENDRICKS 1 Heilig Bldg., 189 N, High St. ARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONET TO loan on good farm security. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pru dential Insurance Company money on city residences and bnsinesa property, at 514, plus a commission. Hawkins ft Roberts, Inc., 205 Oregon Building. d-14tf FLORISTS FERNS, CHOICE ROSES, GLADIOLUS, - perennials, shrubs, weeping-birch, iris, etc. Bennett Nursery Co. Fairground Road. Tel. 1280. sl5, '28 CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS, funeral wreaths, decorations. C. F. Breithaapt, - florist, 128 N. Liberty Phone 380. INSURANCE Insure Your homo or ear now Phone 161 BECKE A HENDRICKS TTeitlr Bldg.. 189 N. High St. Jtf LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY It 8. High street. Phone 25, oldest, larg est and best Established 1889. TRY - THE HOME WET WASH LA UN dry. Phone 171, 1350 B Street, jjiii CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Phone 165. Service with a smile, yuality worit. 2U Brosdwsv. J14tf LADZESy TAILORING D. H. Mosher TAILOR FOR MEN snii women. 474 Court St. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capitol City Bedding Co., 1190 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. All ' work guaranteed. Phone 19. f!9tf MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM , COUGH REMEDY Pone 517-W, MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL ! PIANOS. PHONO- grsphs, sewing machines. -shoot music and piano studies. . Repairing phono graph and aewing machines, 482 Sttt . street. Salem. NEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, SALEM Agency The Ace. Tel. SS9. THE OREGON STATESMAN. 50 CENTS per month delivered to your aome early each morning. TU 23 or -583. By Ed Wheelan I'LL TELL. . DOMT EPISODE O -10 cwaiafa3 j) XXTESSBT ST0CS FRUIT, NUT AND SHAilS TREES Pearry ros.. I t it B.i Cora rerc i 1 PACKINO ANslsmpptNa FOR EXPERT FDRXfTCRE PACKINO . and shipping, fsll 8tiff's r'urnltwr ' Store. Phone 941. I PAPERHANQiyo AND PAINTINO ' PHONE GLENN A DAM 8 FtlR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc. Reliable worsnrn-n. 5 PIANO TONERS EDWARD WELP 4EXPER1 KNCED Piano toner. Leave ordjrs Will's Music Stnr. PRpTTZNO FOR STATIONER-y, CARDS, PAMPII-, lets, programs, liooVp or any kind of firiatlag. . Call at thi StaUsanau Print, ng Departmnt,i 31 8. Oommerelal. R8fl. rLtrtntsa PLCMBINO AND: GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Bros 4 154 8. Librty. Phone 8 SO. 5 f ltf RADIO SPLITDORP RADIO.' SALES AND SERVICE No bettor radio made at any prlc MPS tjuALrrr scars High and Trade Radiolas For "Every Pnrpose-j-Every Parse I i Alt SUndard Site . f Radio Tabes HALT A EOPPJ ELPCTRIC SHOP 887 Ooort St. 1'hon 4R8 REAL I ESf ATS IP YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO gFXLj ' or If yo ara looking; for a homo, taru or business property;; see na. BECKE HENDRICKS . ; 1 " 189 N. High Hejlig Bldg. j8tt REAL INSTATE BEAT THE REST GAME Do yon want to beftt the rent garnet I will set yod np; in a nice, new house, including ot, with hot and cold water and bath- home yon can par for without a serious strsin and where yon caa Jive i happily for ens , year or twenty. . , .,t,ti Tou may pay ? at )-ent rates or as much faster as you wish. If buyer dies' at fany time before completing payment his wife or de pendents will receive clesr title st onco end all money pjjud i win b, ;' funded, 1 . ...i .t.A ".oon you; sre .able to get some thing better, you cancel) cr turn tbt home In for aa muehg or more than it coat thaa not being ut anything for rent.. j ... .. HARRIS, Masonic lldg; fL 798, 19. fi3 BCAv-NORS CITY GARBAGE CO. OPF1CE PHOJJf . 85, 167 8. Commercial. Res. Phai 2290...-. rf. r ,; ( . ,. . . FOR GOOD 8CAVENGER SERVICE Cs 'T. Saleva Scavenger, Cummins ar SECOND HANDf GOODS. WANTED EVERYTHING, IN CLOTil "; sad shoea. Beat price jpsid. Cam ital Lachange -, 84 North Commarcia", TRANSrER AND HAVLXNa , ' 1 TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALI kinds. Phone- I9F8. ,? , . ., ' WE MOVE. STORE; AND SHI H0U8 goooa. unr specialty is, niano aui farnttur moving, i W also make coun. try trips.-. Wo haadlo the r.est coal and wooa. can oa aa: for prit-et. We giv good measure, gtiod quality and service. Larmer Traasfer Co. Phono CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. SSi Stat St. Phon 6a. jti.tHbuting. 1i "''uf srarag our apMiaity. tJ mir ntes. ' . t . , SALEM WATER, LlOHT ft POWER CO ; Of fie '804. Sooth iComarcisi 8t. Tt per cent discount oa - dosses ti f rf rates paid ia advances ' No deduction . for obsetoeo or any easts an lets wsti is shut off yoar psmises. . . . 1 . - TRAVElj Safely. SwiftlyJ and Comfortably, la buses of the Prkef Stage Umi, Stages leave for jf Silvertoa 7 a. ml Ufa. m., S p. a Ms Angel 11 a. $ p. m. , 1:10 p. a,i:15 , ay , - Falla City f v. ,.T m,f 2 :10 pj m.. past, i ,?, , f,.' ; Indepeadsate f a. sa . 9 a.- -11:15 0. m.. a-io p. m, 5:15 a. . Sunday only 8:80 p. . Monmoath T a. ll'll o- m., .10 p. an, alls p. mi Sunday only, T:0 p. m., 8:30 p. tn, J MeMlnavUlo-riSQ a. ., g-lO p. ajj o:o p. m. 1 - Newberg 8:80 a. aii 9:19 p. aJ 5:15 p. as.,- . . . Tillamook 8 :80 ' as m.i 9-19 tk. J Call 833 or 898 for InlormitioaT i Villain Finds no Sympathy; I From Arabian r.:avis Frn: 1 j , , TLEMCEN, 'Algeria. The eL tires of Tlemcen ar great raovt fans, but they toake ach a coiae that the orchettra end tha ulilo audience hare to Bit apstalta. As few ofk trie Arabs co.a read., the title of the filia l when f.cih l on the screen Is rfece'.yei fa sUeace . out as soon ast6Q ratlcicture it shown there is a Atsll. All the' Arabs In the audlsmce talk at onr and 'keep up 'contlnooui co: ment of what, they bee. The antlta of Eurcneans la t! 5 comic fllnia with a hilarlc j success j'unheartV cl wfc"re. I s the tragic films, the TlUaia Ij r -iled with loud t-nprecat!rr. r when at the nd Virtue U t- . rewarded, ' yella of Cell-jht t the appreciation (f the Ar: ence. . : Tnon:Li: auiiau Henry's father, c fan stock grower, took; cover loads of hogs, rct:! farm, to Chlcagy, v; 1. 1 Mi! them to a .gre.it " firm. While la ft.: father recelv-j V-.e f . . ter from hii littl 1 "De-ar r;;r t: I . ! Armour kill t! - s, I : f ILj Macfc tall t.r, h v? 1 a L.- r Ecd V.. : hf .".3 1 , i 3 Cl"St C? II M.a ill ' Hon. - i I u 1 --