0 , jl tie s& an;;me: mam -w.j n VI 4. ( 1 1 I mm - ;SEVENTy-FIPTH YEAR SALgM; OREGON; WEDNESDAY MORNINGrFEBRUARY IO, Ji926 iPRICE FIVE CEOT3 A ' ' mmjm. m us&mmw .-- ' . "..- V i $IGI(EIN! r FOR GHITIGISP.1 City Zoning Commission i Would Qeriy Petitions to ErectlBillboards" N 4 BERGER DENIED HEARING Question of Bnlldlns Serrlce StAo tion On Capitol and Xnter ' Streets IatetillHang- That bill boards are to , follow the fate pi extinttidn like the dodo . and the jbaftalo jwa indicated last night when the! lty zoniae com- i mission t moved to reeommend lo the- couacilt that the 'petition - of '.Fotter and Kleiser to efect a sign board at Capitol .street, and the Tile Toad. be not granted. -vein explaining this stand, the t.commtssioa . added in the report :. l9TaQ' the-cottncil'. that the com . -rates Jon. take! stand against the .' rectkn;e;f any fin boards-except -.those carrying advertisements for I f the bnsiness.on, the sarnie property t the sign boards ja.? posted. ,4 ' Another - important' .precedent was Established when the commis Veion went-on record as'' beins op-"posed-.toofferi)jrf adrfce to the v council that the council had not - already solicited. - It kwas held -that c.the .commission had no oc- casflon to .interfere unduly with tthe affairs of th -councillor -.;' ; This ue8tionl arose due to the presence?, o. a Mr. -Berger. whd f wished a bearing? before the eom4 jnission relative to erecting a serr-t vice statfo'aion fthe soutfieast corM Cer of Capitol and Center streetsi . J lis petition was .turned down by) ? he- council f several -mantha ' ago j tThen At-the last meeting, of.' the -council, the petition was brought up-agata. only t be turned down.! t A Jth council, bad moti tt Icially tasked the zoning commission to i give an opinion the commission t refused Berger a hearing.- 4 -i? i? General sentiment ; seemed to t be, however, that the less service -stations erected, :tbe better for the city from the standpoint bf beauty. The commission' ' will recom- td to the council that: the three, ,s..tUns J OF : me erecuu 41ngs brought before tne XZiing last-night he gtanted. r j .Kennedy la seeking to! construct a, -concrete .buildiag at Aca&t-al $20,000 for a dyeing and cleaning establishment. He proposed to have a boiler building in the rear. The commission explained in granting; his petition that the lo cation is In a small business dis trict, -v - ! :-,. L .,. . The Brown and .Young build ing is to be constructed if the council adopts the recOmmenda tiontion of the commission. The building, to be i slocated, on the northwest corner of High1 and Cen ter streets, will be of: concrete, and will cost about J3000. Funding of the commission in this case is significant of the fact that Salem's business district is to push northward. The commission held that without question this lo cation is to be a i-ecognzed busi ness district. ; j L!. On the same grounds the peti tion of Forrest Mick to construct a one story concrete store build iag .on, the northeast porner of High and Center was favored. Vx .Cuyler Van Pattbn; Wt S. Ham illon arid Ge0.k H.Y Gf abenhorst were appointed as ja conimittee to iwv intotha-matter ioft hiring a part time secretary to took after the clerical-deuils of thej commis sion; .. .;- p f' f -V ; FALLS" CITY PAPER SOLD wtt t.r k cxttStjed von (PRESENT BY lrtif?LESS 3fEX r - '-. The Falls City Enterprise was vxifarriiT. aecordisg to an- ounwment mad ' pn,lic ;by George M. Cole, owner ana canon TheenUre plant will be moved to .u.w,tMimg future date Thepaier m1ontirtuerfor. the presenfer it ' is "ftfi the management oi.vB i v,. Thei)aper, under the Miirection r Mf. Cole, wow the support of itv'M husinessi meai . and "n Joyeda good circulation . buUt' in : ItS nine Y7.''- - ' i70;;;I)B.'.HIXB$ DIES i rtTTr?AnO.- Febi ' 9.-(AP.) - l J' ..v.. Ttnftk Hine.l national SimStcl-- ientor taeriasinoke eei method of hiding troops ahd hip move---,TT.a-:the 'world war. is Yri77ZZZZXikjt. his home a suburb., He was' 3 8 fyears- old. .fYb ti WORKMAN IS pROWXED N ABERDEfcK, Wash., , Feb. 9. jf- wir 3J a master me- traction ft ureugius vv strucuon chehalis river here this afternoonj trM he slip- i tii rail - iroixi dock on Which ho wg working. mm rR MEET t SEATTLE, Feb. t .-- AF .- L. ---AitLU from alUover. the sity of Washington for a three day ,'islon of the fourtcenthvnnual ArtificialIax - ! - i y - John Quinland Returns, Reporting French System of Retting and Drying: Can Be Used, f Mown Flax Found Practical' The Oregon penitentiary has of the thing3 John Quinland and the east He came back Tress that has soj far been made at the Oregon prison in the way of establishing the flax- industry thererf fofhinsr ia great or small except iby comparison. 'The; Oregon vprison ; plant shows up well m comparison with plants of ltskmd in Canada and the United States. " H - :WL0- v ' - Mr. Quinland who is superlntehdent of the industries at no IAAI TCD U iDDnVUM nts tnp on January zw. e ar Urf. (ALItn n.jbJtUWM t rived, hornet at f 5 dclocks Monday 'iAMCn UCAr Ttf nfctPCP morning. He lost-Uo time,'' .He ; riAiyitU ntALin.UtrlUtrii was busy every wakUg moment WlX.Ii GIVE SERVICES QN SAl ; ARY OF ft PERYEAR W.-i School Board Ends Protracted " ControversypAssIstant' Is Elecfea -s'-"i'' Dr. Walter ll. Brown, head..of the Marion County (Child Health Demonstration heife; was last night elected to serie as full time county health of flcr at rH salary of SI a year, with his assistant, Vernon Douglaav- who serves' at 140 a month. . y l-: :'' ' Dr.'.D. Jt. Ross, resigned, re ceived high commendation" by motion of the school - board . at its meeting last nighVwhen his serv ices in the past ,f were highly praised. . -- - i'.t.r. Choice of the board In electing Dr. Brown as full time; health: of ficer.- ends the, arotrected -contro versy concerning , the; necessity of the county city and, school board finding ..funds witn uwnicn -ia -nance the? services of:-a- compe tent physician who- could give ade quate ? attention to ithe ' diseases. and in fuller-measure, to - tne health education of theA. school children of the county, r Dr. Brown,-through- his work here in connection with 'the dem onstration,; financed principally by money furnished -by jthe Common wealth fund in the east, is already closely . in touch . wilh; problems and has. behind him4the or&amiza- tion built during the past momns to stimulate adequate health training--' 3-yS''- His assignment to ; Salem, aju keeping .with a.. plan Snow in forcV in three. other -districts:.,! ,the. United States came 'as'.a loint de-maad- by local--organ1r.ationH for the demonstration here; and long years as a health officer have qualified him for the work to be undertaken here. ! WATER ENGINEERS APPLY, 7 FIRMS WOTJUDT APPRAISE WATER PROPERTY Seven engineering firms' were represented, at -the meeting last night .of the citizens' committee and eouncU committee to look over the water question. The meeting was held to deter mine just how an appraisal'ef the Salem Water and Power Company works should be made and to size up the engineers who jare seeking to make the appraisal: j r r-: ; Another meeting of the two committees will be held Thursday evening in the council chamber, and. at this time it is highly prob able the committees wilt select' the firm they recommend ithe council to hire. - '' ! 1 1 - Firms represented' are Baar Cunningham of Portland ;:W...W. Harding, Seattle; W. & Roberts', Tacoma; Mr. Smith, Los Angeles; Stevens & Koons, Portland; F. A. Allen Portland; Standard Ap praising Co.,11 Portland and Cupper, Simpson and Cooper '-of. Salem. -- LEFT BALLOT .DWJNDLES r -. i.. ; French coALrrroTf r major- ITV LOSING CtfTORT - ' f'm PARIS, Feb. 9. (By Associat ed Press.)- The majority tor r5 4 polled by the -coalition of the left la the first i test vote-of the finan cial restoration ; measure yester day .dwindled to 24 today on a government motton to.-auppress the i articles; which the ' chamber had 1 refused : to d is j oin 'from.'-: the general measures previously. This article related to the .nsforma- tion-of -bearer bonds to nomina tive bonds '' - T " 'Tire-' radical socialist r success against - tne government instead of clearing' the atmosphere, in creased the confusion and provok ed the liveliest agitation on 'the floor of the chamber and in the lobbies. i ' Tbe Cartel leaders i continued their tactics of trying to force the eovernment to put itself behind i heir projects and make it a ques- tionifif confidence. ! . r- I - WOMAN SLAYS HUSBAUD FIRSTT I DEGREE MURDER IS CirARGED BOISE WOIAX BOISE,' IdahoFeb. 9i (By As sociated Press.) Mrs. "Ben Rfpln. ca rtTtnaUT blew the head on her 5 S 7 year old husband with a shotgun Sunday night as three children slept nearby,; a -tormal charge of first degree murder gled Dryings j f$ ... .. ..... . Extraction qf Fiber From a real flax milL rThat is one found out in his trip to Canada very - weHssatiSfied with the pro Ithe Oregon penitentiary, left fot tie ar- when he was not traveling The Henry Ford Plant Mr. Quinland visited the Henry Ford Highland Park flax and lin en plant, near -DetrolUvThe Ford plant is turning -inut. a good, deal of linen rJoCt now, .mostly from spinning tow, par V of Itrfroov the flax grown on the Ford farm that was his pareu.Ul hjomer place, but most of it. bought ia-the-opett. mar kets, and coming from other coun tries. The t Ford I peopla are evi dently using Tthei cloth for auto mobile covers.? i Th spinning tow of flax is seUing at. 14 cents -a pound, against about". 2 1 cents, a pouhd 1 for . cotton v fiber. So no doubt the Ford. people1 are making s saving on' linen: cloth over cot ton, and will make further savings when they turn out a larger pro portion of their own tow. Artificial 'Retting Operations Mr. -Quinlahd'sj next stop, was at Stratford Ontario, Canada, to see the artificial retting outfit 4h operation; which was Hhe main ob ject of his - trip.c ,f He ! found the operations,: in' his opinion, an, in disputable success, f The plant was working on practicallr the same kind of straw as we have here in the Saleradistrict, though of a quality: of fiber not as high as ours. The plant: was working Jn a blizzard with sine mercury 10 degrees-'belew. zero. N;So . it can work in all "Conditions of weather. It is not confined to seasonable work: The scutching Is done im mediately after it comes from the dryer. - -There is no delay for , let ting it get "life.? i The artificial; retting and dry ing -is done in al system that was invented in France, but , the pAt- (ConUaacd a page S) . ' SENTENCE Sf APPROVED DEATH PENALTif , FOR SOL DIER KOT? HEVOKED WASHINGTON 4 Feb." 9. (Ry Associated Press.) - : President Coolidge has 'approved the death sentenceMmposed by a court! mar tial in the'PhUippines on Second Lieutenant John B. Thompson for the, murder'of- Audrey .Burleigh, 18-year-old Memphis, Tenn., girl. Official 'announcement of his de-'; clsion probably Jwill be made with in a day or two. ' ; The ofTicer quarreled with the girl with whom he was in love for taking part in an 'amateur theatrical production. He. flred five shots from an army pistol at the girl, then snrrendered to mil itary authorities at Fort. McKIn- ley. f 6 l . TV OHTH ROUGHER Vt f. . -;ev -X -; v Yw. i-JrT; ? r?sr-i .yi..,; L r&S3t , DB.HSEIS ' ELECTED HEAD )'! !.:') yJ t s'S . North -.Carolina:' Man Chosen ..Unmously:as'iUhtveK :i4' sit President? ACCEPTANCE WITHHELD President of Southern University t -to Decide Within Two Weeks Whether He Win '.. 'ccpt;1 Offer 'Aci' I EUGENE, Ore.. Feb. 8. r(By Associated -Press.) Dr. Harry Woodburn Chase, president of the University of-North Carolina, was unanirabusly elected president of the University of Oregon . at a meeting -of the aboard of regents this afternoon. Dr. Chase has not yet! decided whether he will accept then offer or not, but has promised to make his decision '.known. within the! next two weeks. Dr. Chase arrived i in Eugene Monday and .has, been cpnferting with' the -members of the board of regents and with' faculty" mem biers. He.statea that he was' Iav-j orably impressed- witjj the Oregon country and with the University;' i Dr.' Chase. Will remain n; Eu gene "until Friday as the guest of Dniand Mrs. E. S. Conklln.of the psychology; department. . ' He will then visit the medical school in Portland for the second time and wiU, return to North Carolina. Alumni of the UTiversjty, fac ulty -members and ' students who pressed themselves as well pleased iaVe met -Dr. Chase have1 ex with the action of the regents. ' "I am -' tremendously -pleased that the problem has 'been solved to ; Uhe ' satisfaction - of all - con cerned," said J. -A. Churchill, suj perintendent of public instruction and: an ex-of ficiojmjmber of the board of regents in commenting o; nthe choice. -Walter Malcolm, president of the associated ' stu dentsdents of the University, stat ed that the students, were express ing satisfaction with-the action of the board. . , - 'r '- DEEENDANTSiDISMlSED if Involved ixcoxpittAcv CASE FREED ;RxN COUR'i SEATTLE, Feb. 9L-r-( Ey ."Asso ciated Press. H-Following dismis sal f 1? defendants Ina ?500, 000 tliqdor, contpiracy case here today the defense "announced that Iti would . move td.?free the 33 others. tMany7f 'the defendants dis missed, ;'ft' was pointett'but,- were merely buyers of liquor. . 4The court had ruled that buy ing, liquor was not; proof of con- spiracyi'r'; -;f i . . 'None, of those- released were among ': the 'hlghett-upsT: Jn the cae."i . ' '.- . trt . Y-: iThe , defense 'said that -it; would askl dismissal 'of. each "of ithe-' re maiifing.. defeadant , Separately with a motion covering each count or indictment and calling', foi a directed ' verdict of-; acquittal on each , count. - - '' . V. i I n d. II "n ," Ill I " 1,1, WHATS WRdNG.HERE? 4& t - r . ... - ;.-'- - JSO0URMMEUSIED. r, ON CANDIDATES TABLE? MANY TAKIXOUnVAXTAGE OF 1 DIAMOXD RlXG OFFER 7 Great Opportunity to Wis in Spe cial Vote "Offer; Ending ' February 2T ' 4 ' " ' By MrsJ G PHnkie, Auto Contest --...'if M- .."-Editor - , The notice of each and every contestant is called:. to the pub lished list of candidates. If there is anyone - who .haa. entered the race and their name' does -not appear,- please notify the contest edi tor immediately. I am wondering if you are tak ing - advantage of this new offer of a special prize.-- This prize is a diamond ring' valued ! at" 1100, purchased at Burnett Bros., 457 State street. ' This is' an oppor tunity of a lifetime, r You are, at the same time, getting the big special ' vote offer- -which - closes February 27. -This Jvote offer Is the largest vote offer,in"ihe whole contest. It will mean everything to you to get in on it. I -amsure that you will not regret working tor one of the big prizes; -. Nominations are not closed. In fact, today there are more prizes than :there 'are active .candidates. Opportunity without a handicap is here today for new entries" who will "carry, on." .. " , -J This list published today must hot be misunderstood. The names printed are just nominations. The list ' only serves ' to- show 5who is entered. It does hot Indicate the Mve, active candidates. I ' Many who have been nominated have failed, so far, to torn in one single, solitary subscription to The Oregon Statesman.' ' Some have hot even called to get an of ficial receipt book. They are, so far, candidates in name only, noth ing more. , j; Candidates who will not pro duce subscriptions can not hope to win. The more subscriptions you can produce the more votes you earn. The free ; coupons ap pearing in The ' Statesman from day to day are valuable only In the degree you enhance your- vote score by subscriptions. There is absolutely no hope ! in " coupons alone. -' Coupons are printed primarily to stimulate interest. Of course they do have some value, but it is questionable when one considers that one subscription alone offsets a. whole bundle of coupons.'. . .... Simple nomination of a candi date does not mean anything. The nomination, is but the . first step, the starting- point. - Anyone" con tent to rest after nomination can-not'get-rar in this contest. " Active work, honest effort, constant at- ( Continued on pfe 3.) BAIL SET FOR SUSPECTS GILCHRIST PLACES 9306 BOND SHEPHERD JAILED Walter ..Gilchrist, charged with receiving stolen property,! and E. L. Shepherd, charged with burgl ary were arraigned in I justice court?. yesterday, .growing j out of their 'arrest in connection with the burglary of The Man's Shop. Gil christ's, bond of $500 ; was furn ished and Shepherd, unable to provide' bail of. $1,000, is now in the county jail. ": Shepherd I waived preliminary hearing when arraigned.- , -""si? r'S SIGI niE mm ii ii ' 5- Petition to Be Presented fay ipintTaxpe(STc ers CornrnitteeJ S3 ! FAVOR EARLY-DECISION School Board Members Would Place Issue on its Merits Squarely Before Voters '' ' ; for Verdict A special election when voters will ' have the opportunity to authorize or refuse an. increased salary .-schedule for Salem teach ers, was recommended, by individ ual, members of. the school-board Tuesday night; though the body took no formal action, due to cer tain legal technicalities. Probable date for the election was suggested as late in March, with' arguments favoring the earli est practical day in . order that school officials may. know what salaries will' be paid In time to act intelligently when contracts for the year 1926-27 are drawn up.' Teachers are elected in March, and" have until May to sign their contracts. . ; Decision to avoid any appear ance of blocking the movem ;nt on the part of teachers and certain groups of taxpayers to secure the increase was voiced and, it is un derstood, a petition will be pre sented by the joint committee of teachers and taxpayers at the next meeting of the school board, set ting into motion the machinery necessary to call the election. Considerable discussion turned about he point of whether the election would have to be held an nually, or whether the increase could be granted over a period of years. Law declaring that school boards could not increase expen ditures beyond 6 per cent -of the income during the previous school year was- cited, and an opinion will be secured by informed per sons bearing npon this point. .Amounts of the increase, it is understood, will be left primarily to the committee appointed to bring , the -question to the public mind, and the matter can then be-settled directly by the voters, i Whether the single' issue Qf in creased salaries should appear on the ballot,- or whether additional items "such as maintenance" and an appropriation for a new junior high school site was balked, with opinion favoring presentation of the issues to the voters as separate projects, rather than grouping them into one lump sum. Tme devoted by the school board last night came in some measure as a reflection of the taxpayers meeting in the Rich mond school district Monday night when the gathering was held to favor an increase in pay without dissenting voice. Individual members of the school board, and the superinten dent, expressed distinct sympathy with the ambitions of those urg ing the increase, declared them selves certain that the present salaries are low, but remained aware of additional angles of the financing problem. Direct voice of the people, by election, granting or refusing the increase -was held as , the only .adequate answer to the problem. : . .f.. ."'"V-- Washington's birthday . was de clared a 'school holiday by the board members, special exercises only marking the Lincoln anni versary on- Friday. . W "In case it' Is deemed wise to in clnde,'as an issue going4 to 'the public,; voting of money.fqr a jun ior high -school, selection rof the site, and the amount to ; be. paid, wiir;rbe determined prior-' tb the election, that a concrete Issue may be presented. : - s SMALL HEARING DENJED ILXfXOIS f GOVERNOR MUST GI VK ACCOUNT OF FUNDS orniiiuritiLiLi, in., ueo.i. (By Associated Press.)-2The Illi nois supreme court for the -second time, today decided that Governor Len .Small must render an" ac counting "for about $1,000,000 In interest money the , state: claims he ' collected while state ' treasu rer! . il .' , : - v : ;; r "i The , court . today denied a ''re hearing in the suit brought by the state and which had been asked for by the governor. As a result of the action today, someauthori-ties- believed ouster proceedings a possibility tor, the future, althoogh they agreed that they were prema ture now. - " " : . . - HEROES TOpE REWARDED CAPTAIN OF'"STS ROOSEVELT "rs TOUE DECORATED WASHINGTON, Feb. 9. (By Associated Press.) The navy cross will "be pinned- upon the breast of Captain George Fried of the President Roosevelt in Carne gie Hall, New-York City on Feb ruary 20. Secretary VWilbur will personally make the award at a reception ;and concert underj the auspices of the navy and marine memorial; association given for Captain Fried and his crew In tribute for their thrilling rescue pf .the seamen from -the 'British steamer Aatinoe. PM RKCn I UIIULU ask c00lidge.t0 take Hand in coal question write house not expected :;;,' : to" take stand ! ; Eierutive Saya He "Would: Have -: '.M Arted Long Ago If He '; '- Could Assist WASHINGTON. Feb, 9 (Py Associated Press.) . :- I President . j .. . . - i ' - - i Coolidge was, requested: today by the senate to Intercede In the an thracite : controversy .But l there was fib indication -at the White House that he 'would depart from his policy of,non-intervention. On behalf of 5 Mr. Coolidge ? . it was stated that he: did not see that the -senate's -act ion had. changed the situation, but that the request was entitled to and would receive consideration. It was -; added, however, that it was only an ex pression of opinion by the senate not binding upon the president. Also it was stated if thes chief executive had known of any way to end the-anthracite 'suspension, he would have acted long-ago.. He bad come to the conclusion,: how ever, that for the government to intercede in the situations might serve only to aggravate4 - matters. .The Senate resolution offered by Senator Copeland, democrat; .New York, was adopted, 55 toj 2LJ after the senate twice had "refused to consider it. once by a vote jof 48 t. 28, and again by a vote of 43 to 38. , . ... J j-'.:-..: Republican Stalwarts joined with the democrats .and! republi can insurgents in voting for the measure.The two republican sen ators from Pennsylvania,-as-well as several from New England, sup ported the resolution after having twice voted against considering it. Twenty-six republicans, 28 dem ocrats, and the sone .farmer-labor senator, voted in the affirmative and 19 republicans and two dem- ocrats voted against' it. BAPTISTS HIT MODERNISM " .. '- LITERATURE TREX1 IX SAID COXTRARY TO' CHURCH PORTLAND, Or., Feb! ! 3.X( By Associated Press. ) A modernis tic trend in Baptist literature was deplored today , by Baptist minis ters, of Oregon gathered here tor their mid-winter, conference and they .will, devise a protest to -the American Baptist Publications so- fxiety, vit : was .decided. Material contrary to the doctrines of the Baptist church recently- appeared In the Young People and the Lead er, publications, and unless these magazines change their ways! Bap tist churches of - the state would cancel their subscriptions, minis ters stated. " ; i ; ij i;- ' A plea for the use of! Baptist literature was made by Dr. W.r H. Milligan. head of the educational work of the Baptist church for Oregon. J ''Baptist young people in Oregon had just as soon belong to any other denomination as to the Baptist church," he said, i ("That is because they have no Baptist consciousness, and we cannot hope to develop this trait unless we give them Baptist literature. ALBANY CASE DISMISSED SUPREME COURT 'uuuro AL- BANY BRIDGE CONTRO VJRSY t ",: M I u . The supreme court In ah opin ion, written by Justice Brown; and handed down yesterday; has dis missed the suit brought by Wi A. Barrett and J. J. Barrett In :an' ef fore A to lj restrain ;j the Union Bridge' company from - proceeding with thef construction ' of, the i Al bany approach' to the new, bridge across the. Willamette river at : that point! XH'?.--!'-' '. it' 'r :i The opinion -, of the supreme court reverses a decree handed down by Clreuit Judge McMahan granting the injunction, asked for by the'Barrett.'fi'TI'"l-" S'-Wii ' Replying to vthls' complaint. the supreme court 'points out that; if the Barrett's bad - a grievance - it should have been directed against the city, of Albany and Linn coun ty in a suit; to have- been-" started before the- enormous sum- of money, represented, by ; the ,-new bridge was expended. WILLS MUST PLAY i 1 NE W YORK, r Feb. " 9 . Ameri-i can tennis officials' tonight-cabled Miss - Helen Wills, now appearing in a tournament at Cannesj France to continue to.play; after receiving a message ftom,he' asking-her ad vice following. TeportS that ,thare had been widespread gambling and commercialization .in connection with her anticipated meeting" with Mile. Suxannkiffirlpnfu I , -r helpless Ship found, T! i r.v.ir jTt3 1 1 ,v.. 3 ,ii ; - PORTLAND, Feb. 9. A "wire less message ' wis picked up; here tonight by the Federal Telegraph company's -station from '.an i dentined -SesseU which , reported that jthe -'Tnotorshlp; 'ChatUltepeC had been ' found- 4n a" helpless "con dition and that she had been tak en in tow;"""" - . GENERAL IS DEAD WASHINGTON; Feb 9. (AP) -BrigafiTei' General' Edward J. McClernand retired- veteran! of the Indian wars and the-battle of Santiago ? under -- Shaf ter, died at Walter -iReed 'hospital late 'today, after a lingering illness. - lie was 78 years of age. - IBEfiSE SEE GOUFjTYTfiX H -K - Kc; : t " - Gain of $52,261.03 Shown Over Las! ; Year; total : Is $1,896,966-17 VALUATIOil MUCH HIGHER ' A- ' 5. I- ' Increase in Valuation Is Expectel " ' to OiTset G4in in Tax Roll; Will Pa Road , Bond ' Interest r ' '.' ' r -:- '. An Increase! In Marion county taxes of 152,261.03 over last year is shown in tjie'tax assessment roll turned over to;t the sheriff's office yesterday bi Oscar Steel hammer, county jisseor. : The total tax-s for this year aaiouDt to SI.SCP, 966.17. For the year 1321 tL roll amounted to f 1,817. "05.14. -'Although an- inrrraa is shown, county official ex; that this will be offset t a t,rt-t extent fcy the increased 'valuation shown ca the county bpoks for this year. In 1324, for example, the total valu ation of roadj districts in the coun ty was set t $26,219,536. This year the figure is. given as $2C, 408,175. In 1924 the valuation of cities in the county was $17, 931,201. ,Lastyear it was $1S, 799,020. Schools in 1924 were given a valuation of $43,724,715. and last year; Were placed at $44, 781,877. - The', total increase in valuation over 1924 is $2,123,616. i While an japparent increase oi over $52,0001 i noted in compari son with the tkx roll of 1924, it should De remembered, county of ficials explain!, that the interest on, and the paying off of road bonds will take up practically all of thj increase. Last year, it is said over $42,000 was paid out of the general fund1 for these bonds. In view of this, County Judge Hum declared that the individual aa sessments will be only a fraction higher than Oorjlast year. All taxes must be paid by May 5, m nsl n, niw,tv flwDfipi mar J ,o o in paying today. Tax 'statemenu will not be sent out to taxpayer? except on request. Sheriff Bowti said yesterday. --Ha--suggeiteli however, that each- one -write - ia to the department, inquiring as 1u the amount due so that payments may be expedited as much as pos sible and to aVoid a rush when Un taxes fall duet I . The total tax-for the 143 school districts for 11924 amounts to 1373,200.45. I In 1924 it amount- a1 tr ftfi Q 4 fi i 1 . nr an in nrn ii I (CoBtirtUfd on paffe 2)' STOP STREET. FINES SET PROHIBITIOI OF PARKING NEAR SK3XS IS ASKED , An old saying , has It that "he who hesitates is lost." But this maxim is completely out of date. Indeed, - just -the-reverse is now true. He who does not hesitate is lost. ' I I "Because Salem drivers have not yet accustomed themselves to the fact that, the maxim has been re versed, Judge Poulsen yesterday found it necessary to fine four men $5 each! for failing to stop when, the littJeyellow and T)lack posts and sigs'gave ample warn ing. rVV 11. - T'hose j paying the penalty of haste were Fi A. Williams, A.; EL Roberts, C. A.SKells and H. II. Stanton. : Considerbale criticism ha3 arisen concerning the i post and' sign on the northwest: corner of Ferry and Commercial streets. It is' held by several that a truck or large auto mobile is usually parked near the sign, in such k. way that the sign Is not visible to: approaching drivers.- -- - I . -It has been suggested that at the next meeting of the city coun cil the matter might be brought up, and an ordinance Introduced prohibiting the parking of vehicles within a specified distance of the stop signs. - CONTEST HONOR, ROLL Wis ; -X-J, ' HIGHEST DAILY CASH RE---PORT WORK RECOGNIZED i The names af the four con testants turning in the largest amount of subscription money for each day Will appear on. this honor -roll the . following day. The amount of money turned ia will not be announced, but the -records will be open for in spection at the close of the con test. ' ? Mrs. Leo 'Gronke leads the honor roll today, turning in the most money, on subscriptions. 'Mrs. Gronke: has beea Czizz some very fine work. - Miss Vera JCtllogg i3 second. Miss Kellogg1 asks her frier.13 for their support during tha I'j auto campaigni Mrs. Ralph ; Skopll 13 tilrl today. Mrs. Siopil i3 cr 3 vrlo works along I quietly ard j;r slstently. S2ae also wcu! c preclate It highly if her fr: - 3 would come to the front In -behalf. - - i vE. J. Espial : I stc-Ij T JJr.-Jleglmtal las.tesa C some cxcillcr.t r'c il i beongratalit lis as friends for tteir "-"",:' today. siaiea, ewspapcr;4ww. ... .... .. v : , ' . ..'. - ,; ' , I