The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 07, 1926, Page 8, Image 8

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    SUNDAY fOTlNINfi, FEBnUAPyY 7, lp2Gi
- - - --
For the Bee Kepers, for jhe
. ' CtieffJ Growers, and-fof
- Un4 'Settlement;; i
' ' - , " - ,.. , ,. ; f - ,- r- j I : .
; ,The D&11&. Chancer ,)fi Pom-
merce,, wisnlp prde&! crHrf
has arrange? tor three important
meeting for Polk otfnty-Jb the
bee keeper the cherry growers
and those Interested in land settle-'
went... r. i -s . . j ,
honejr luncheon" and ; an in
terestinr program wHl. be given
- in the Method Ut ehurth. pTlaa,
next Fridajrv. EeB.lii" TrhViro-
grin Mil attrt atll5f. j
l The- land settletnnt, meeting
will be held -: Thursday,! etenlng
Feb. .11 la the palla Cumber
of Conare.rom"where Arthur
Foster, aaanager. ef the land iset
tlemenf department of .the Pert
land Chamber ot Commerce, "Whit
ney L.Boise and Col. F. Faville
'will cmtln hw t Folk . county
people -can cooperate wjth the-land
settlement department in .securing
. their share of the .hundreds j of
' home seeker who are. coming to
Oregon daring the spring and aim
mer-a a reattlt of the extensive
advertising- campaign conducted by
the railroads nd the chambers of
commerce4: f 3f 1 ''-
The meeting of cherry growers
J will be. held at the DalteaXham
i hereof Commerce room Feb., 26,
at 2;30 & m., where Charles Park;
president of the state - hortic Cul
tural - board; and . representative
of the Oregon Agricultural oollegw
will be present to diaenfis plans for
the control of the cherry 'maggot.
! It la propoaed t to 'form lan for
ganixatlott of the cherry growers
. of the county Vho wHl successfully
v combat the vkJ'Jr&St jf'f'.f
-if FJea Keeper Program I
11:2 0wH6oe? as'a Food, anj .Il
lustrated lecture by Lucy A. Ciae,
nutrition . specialist, Oregon Agri
cultural college. : .1 ' f '
1 12il 8-rIIoney: Luacheori, Bj I.
Ferguson; steward:: Mrs, M;
Mead assistant; Mrs; ; onle &c
Carter, chef.' The luncheon mef u r
- naked Apple Pie- with Honey.
Baked Ham wiflf Candled Sweet
Potatoes: ? Plt -'
Baked : Beans " wlot Pork and
- .Honey. '. ''!'
. Honey Loaf - Bread--made j by
' Dallas Bakery.' ; 4 I ?; - :'
Cabbage Cold. Slaw with. Hnbey.
PruneieUtm'e with Shipped
Cream n4 HoneyrCof f p; v i '
' The following pitoas were
made thC the lunhf on , infghtf fee!
served without cl'rpe j loffee by
deaiet- through c&irie&y ipf'Ct.L,"
Cf ider; prunes bjr ,? C .Tracy;
: applet by R. W. Hpggj, & Softs;
cabbage by David .Bowroan j beans
by Tom Bowman ; honey by the
Polk County Bee Keeper aisod
atlon , and cash donations, by the
1allas. Chamber of Commerce and
! " IndiTlduals--v.-::;i.i- iA -sj
1 i ' Afternooai Program i
i;30'The Yellow Faced Bee,!
Governor "falter Pirce- ' 1 f -(
2--."Our Boya'iand Girls' Bee
Clnb .Work," H. C Seymour,-state
boys' and girls' club leader,, Ore-
gon Agricultural colleger -i jVi
. 2:30-"Hoy Marketing," Ken
neth Miller, assistant market ;dl
rector. Portland Chamber of Coni
merce. ' ' x,;:-'.r-";1: r
73 "Bee Diseases and !" Their
Control." ; Prof- Scullenj Oregon
Agricultural college, i i
' (It. the weather permits a. dem?
bnstration will be conducted at a
nearby apiary.
Fre-Walking Ceremony Js :j
V Mystery to : AH Observers
PAPEETE, Tahiti pespitolin
vestfgations qf.' competent obaerv
era, the famous flre-waiking cere
i men jr still ' rentalns .' a aecret of a '
small company", of natives in' the
island of aiateai:?x-I;..ff;iit. j
:: i The TCremony.'wa.-:igiven"'jOn
this island recently' for then first
time in many years- a'nd outsiders
were not excluded from " witness
ing ny stage of the preparation
of the .fire pit.' : . ' - i
JVhea th proper j-time comes
" and the celebrants ' pass through
the fire, any bystnader asking per
mission may go through beBide
them without disenmf ott. ' f
- - - , - , -j ., . ' ;r. , .
yho Is - Your; . Skinny
Friend, Ethel?' ri
" - .- -r-
Tell lximto take Cod Liver Oil
for a couple of months and get
enough good healthy flesh on ftis
bones to look like-s real man. ,
Tell him. , it's the only way! to
take those grave-like' hollows from
' his checks and neck -" i CC jA
Tell him he won't have to swal
low the nasty oil with the nause
ating fishy taste because theM-
Coy Lhboratoriel of New, York jar
no w putting - up : Cod Liver . Oil 14
sugar coated tablet fofm. . 1 I ;
Ask ifor McCoy's Cod Liver pU
Compound Tablets J. C. Perry.
Central Pharmacy D. J. Fry and
every druggist sella themSQ tb-.
-lets -SO cents. Any man or wom
an can put on . five , ' pounds! of
healthy .flesh In 30 days or your
druggist is' authorized to refund
lh& purchase price. ' - i
One woman put on 15 pounds In
six-weeks.-. Children groW-robust
and tron? feetle old people feel
yoanger; ia a'fsw weeks, f - I'L
Ee sure and get McCoy's, the
cr'.tiaal and genuine "and avoid
'. tation.3. Adr. , : ' - i i :
Outsiders who a paused thr
the Kflre. say. they felt no senHatlon
of" heat exeppt' on the face,, al
Ihoaglu wheq 'standing outglde,'
the 1 radiation- made th pit Uiffr-
cult to" approach. - 1
i Those trying to solve the mys
tory hare pulk-d out a.larjse stone
from the pit while the eereiuony
jr8ai in prom:- ami thrown It ial?
pail of, watery The water would
go up in steaia. - Some also have
tried crawling ta the edge of the
pit and touching one of the vrhite
Stones with the finger They vere
rewarded with ugly bum. .
Scientists who h4o
fire-walking have . propounded a liyearwas S3 4 2.30 with $9,524,71
n&mber of theories. Vnt practictl jjla 192 tw The number oj fires was
terts always failed to establUIii reduced from 28 in 1924 to 9 in
surh explanations. . , . j;1926. . i ; -
rThe ceremony, harking, back to s f Thia'u'the gist of a report re
healhen times and the worship of ently male to tne city COUBCji by
the old. gods. ;; is frowned on byii-cnnijgjj Since w.
the missionaries and the Chris- e u Cunningham's- election te the
tlans among, the natives ;. Hence offiCjB of tiTB chiftt four years ago
Itr is, seldom - beTformed, even ,ln Jhe ha taken hLl Job .eriouslr. and
iatca. the place of Its origin, fuiadueto his untiring efforts to-
Ancient Adobe House Back
. Into Falvor in Ciifornia
! LOS ANGELES Tho ' homfele.
Bun-dried brick ' is coming' back
Into' popular favor . in southern
California as a material for the
buildings -of ranch honses, small
homes and even pretentious dwell-
IngS. ' ! : i-vJi...J ;
1 : '""Adobe" was used by Francis
lean fathers - in the building of
their misisonsj and later many
homes and commercial structures
were erected-with these ijrudely
tuade bricks. ; -;; . '
! .; As the years wore 6n, however,
adobe became primarily the stuff
jot which ruins were likely to be
imade. . The' sight-seeing, tourist
learned to look for the; adobe mis
siohraad the adabe bouse a rel
ic of a romantic past, a He scarce
ly expected to see modern ; homes
built ot that material. - -j'l
-"Mission' style" homes, church
es and business blocks long hay-i
been popular in southern Califor
nia; but ordinarily these have
been built of brick or frame with
a coating of stucco. -j J " - -
Modern, Robber Faces Quick
Arrest; Times Have Changed
I. : 1'?";:aNGELES Mounted,
sombrero-clad robbers of the ear-:
ly days, who attacked stage; coach
es as they rumbled t over t rough
trails, had a slight advantage over
the present-day bandit in so far
as escape was concerned, but once
caught, justice descended more
swiftly.:; i ".. f ;'::-rf ,v'f"?
, Ir making a comparison of the
strokes of justice' leveled at mail
robbers in the frontier jeriod with
those of . today, local ' police and
postal, inspectors. reached jhis de
cision, " The ofBcers had Just cap
tured six members of a gang that
,had executed a ' bold half-million
dollar hold-up ot a mail truck in
October. . r f . ' ...
When captured, the old robber
usually was banged to, the near
est tree while the modern out
law is indicted, ararigned, has
legal counsel 4 for- protection at
trial, and does not fear the gal
lows, - - unless j a ' murder has oeeu
committed In connection with thfi
bold-up . -.j;
Says Tailor Bird Taught
Adam and Eve How to ew
LIVERPOOL Adam and Eve
learned to sew by watching the
tailor bird spin its nest, in the
opinion of Sir John Bland Sutton,
celebrated British surgeon. -
, r Sir John .: explained that sur
geons still were searching for the
perfect . stitching material' for
wpttnds and. asserted that; birds,
plants, 'insects j and animals had
been studied . with the- view ot
finding the. ideal' substance. '
'. 'In India, Brazil and Asia Min
or, the, mandibles of ants , have
been ' used from remote times as
clips for - closing the edges ' of
wounds. ' which are pressed to
gether and, the ant;, applied by
means of forceps,. said Sir John.
"The ant separates its mandibles
for'defense, and as the insect Is
brought to the wound it seizes the
edges and remains ' fixed. The
body of the ant, antiseptic - by vir
tue of the formic acid: normally
present in ants, is divided - with
scissors, leaving-' the - mandibles
grasping the edges of the wound
Indians Use-; Canes Given :
,: ; by; Lincoln as. Symbols
186S President Lincoln gave sil
vet mounted canes to each of thir
teen governors of pueblos among
the Pueblo ' and t Zunl Indians in
New' MexIcot. on- the, occasion, of
their visit to Washington. Today
these canes represent the emblem
-authority in the pueblos- They
have been handed down from govr
srnor to governor. f r
. Lincoln's memory, th rough the
canes, still stands as ; the symbol
jf . authority the recognition, of
the; Great White Father for his
redskin children of New Mexico.-
"Accounts, of -the visit of; the
Pueblo governors to .Washington
Indicate that the president Intend
ed the canes only as a personal
gift. But ; the Indian chieftains
took them as confirmation . ot
their authority; to rulethe pueb
loa . Thus, they 1 became scepters
of power, and now they are known
as ) "ceremonial J canes' ;and are
carried - by the ' governors while
performing lisportaia"'datIe3 of
office. ' ' ' " - '
924 Figure" of $9,524.79
Cut to $ Fire
. Chief Cunningham : .
i. SILVERTON, -Ore. - Feb. ;
seen tbftliSilverton's total fire loss for the
ward fire prevention that Silverten
jj now boasts one of the most -effi-
cieni ana . eiiecuve volunteer ure
departments: on the , Pacific coast.
During the year 372- building
inspections were made and every,
extort nas Deenput rortn to elim
inate ; unnecessary fire ' hazard.
Chief Cunningham' contends 'that
the' prevention of fire is " of; first
importance,- but, at the same time,
he has Insisted on first class fire
fighting equipment and in this he
has received the full cooperation
of the mayor and city-council. '
Latter Day Saints to i
i ; Dedicate Large Tempie
PHOENIX, Ariz.-l The small
town of Mesa, Ariz., will be the
gathering placo -. next . year - for
thousands of worshippers who wilt
dedicate the new temple of the
Latter Dajr Sains. - ' '
Church authorities believe thr.t
fully! 25,000 adherents of the Mor
mon faith Will take part" in tht
ceremonies. J f The struclute. to
cost more than 600,000, vil hi
completed about January 1. v U f
; For ora.e time the outer tem
ple: will be kept open for p ifcJlc
inspection, bnt after- dedication- it
will be closed to air but Mormfens
and even they must be recom
mended by officers of the .hureh
before being permitted to enter. '
The Inner temple wllUbt a
shrine never revealed to tbe'wub-
lie. It-ls known, however, that
some of - the .best artists in the
country have helped in the deco
ration. Large paintings will .de
pict Joseph . Smith- preaching to
the Indians and the scene -at - St.
George. ' Utah, when the entire
Shivwlt tribe was baptized, v.
American Commons Prove
Popular Among Frenchmen
'PARIS France has f gon ; in
for American commons and the
first : will be thrown open here
next spring; lip
M Forestier, on a visit to the
United States, , was - greatly im
pressed with the system of com
X. Schaefer's Herbal
- On Rale
1 7 Only At
The Yellow Front
' Phone 107
II". TL"-W- ca. t'
v -tit uiwuirrL'uu nu ikv
ITie Pens'Iar. Store
. 1 i .'
io your
When vou think about an eve examina-,
ypu think
Or. just expense arid trouble?
We give such good SERy 1GE that you
.will be pleased alter : the ! -cost isv for
gotten. ;; ' , :
Ground Floor r.lsccnic Temple Bldfj;
Oce or Ue entiiusiastic contes
tant entering the. Statesman
Automobile Contest. Capt. Pitt will
cppreclste any; assistance friends
tivay give in helping him to win
a car--1' ! j-; -..- . - '
mons in vogue in some of the
larger cities, especially in Bos
ton. . ; , !
. Returning to France, he enter
ed negotiations with the national
committee ; on sports and as a re
sult Bagatelle, located in the
beautiful Bois-de-Boulogne, and
heretofore devoted to polo, was
selected for development into a
common. , j .
I "RastusL wnat kind of chickens
do you prefer?" i '
-"Co'se they both has mighty
good points, tie white chickens is
easy to locate but hard to hide.
Pe black chickens' is hard to lo
cate but easy to hide."
Customer -"But if you are sell
ing these watches tinder cost price,
where does your profit come in?"
Assistant "We make our profit
out pf repairing theni." London
Opinion. f
1 preak Cold Right Up with
Pape's Cold Compound"
-. i - -... ' .
i Take two tablets
every tnree nours
until three doses
are taken. The first
dose always, gives
reJIef. The second
a lid third doses
completely break
up to cold. Pleas
ant apd safe to
take. Contains no
quinine c r: opiates,
Millions use
"Pape'a Colt! Com
pound." Price,
thirty - five cents.
Druggists guarantee it. Adv,
,. - '. ' -i
or - .
"ical Go;
-At 1 111 ;
;.. .4.,
' l . .. ' ' ! . y-" S .: ... ... . ..
- ' - -. i - . .
Wholesome Athletic Sports
Inspire Enthusiasm,- bay
Oregon Medics ' .
- j Daily exercise is necessary fori
all aroued development of the
body and raind The right kind
of exercise hasf a. tonie effect -oni
the . mind. Good, wholesome
i iasm, and enthusiasm in itself, is
-1 a . benefit to , health, y Systematic
i exercise is essential and benefi
cial. It keeps; a healthy mind in
a' healthy body. : This means t
healthy life. X
Outdoor exercises are prefer
able the year around. There is
no reason for a "shut-in season'
in Oregon. It is easy to acquire
the walking habit in the summer,
but there is nothing more bracf
ing and stimulating than a walk
during the winter months. Walk
ing is an ideal all around exer
else, available to everyone, and
gives one au opportunity to en
joy the wonders of nature in a
way in which they were meant
to be enjoyed.
Walk with body( erect, chest
well expanded and arms swing
ing. A daily three mile jaunt
should be taken by everyonf
whose duties are -indoors. j
Exercise accomplishes the
purpose , only When carried to
But Oue sWore
I J 0
The outstanding event, the mpney saympcasioh tKq oiie
opportunity of the entire year when you can biky
Models for Men and Young Men
Regular 25 to 55
Plus $2
BfevrkAnd Colors
VllRy and
AlILL ir;
Reg, t v sn to 5.00
" i t.
Regular $25
iit - -
Regular $30
Regular $35
Regular $40
Regular $45 J
Regular $50
, -
Woolen r Shirti
, 1 . t . ... ,. J. .. . 4 i:
Biazier or Coat Sty!
plaia colors and PLAIPS
t ' . x .1.4,
Regular $5 to $6.50 i
fels ; Far thi
V ; ' ; ' :
- -r i j .y--V-yj
AND l-'d-.:-:.
; ."i
the point " of - moiern fatigue.!
Daily exercise sharpens the ""nip
pettte, improves d'.sestlou. very j
greatly; pro mo tea the; .aVsIniUatjeti i
at food, and aid. ik- the xre ;
lion of waBtd produetSj J
I f Sedentary habits" anil physical
Inactivity -,:, contribute , j largely to
the - ills 'of. roan. Poor circulation,
as 'evidenced by coll feel and
hands, "is one of the indications
of, sedentary living. The circu
lation of blood is directly influ
enced by the contraction and ex
pansion of the., muscles. Perfeet
circulation, therefore demands
daily exercise of the muscles.'Ex
ercise increases the : force and
frequency of the heart beat.
.Daily exercise a
cold shower ; la a great preven
tive of colds. . Exercise develops
full, deep breathing. Most per
sons leading a sedentary life use
only one-half their capacity for
Stagnation of air doe , to jack
of proper air motion makes them
susceptible to colds and respira
tory diseases. ' Physical exercise
increases the amount of oxygen
taken, into the lungs and the
amount of carbon dioxide and
other waste products given out.
Physical exercise, suitable to age,
skiu and ability, regularly prac
ticed, is an invaluable aid to the
acquisition of a pleasant disposi
tion and the full enjoyment of
life, y f ' .:
Why not treat your body as
you do your business keep it
going and improving the whole
year round regardless of seaso'n
or weather?
T Kr O
I I " I I I I I I I ,.-V 1 I I I I I -
Neckband or With Collars AtUicnecl'
S and O'Coats
4 ......
. $19.95
. J. $31.95
:l ;$3i5.95
. $39.95
Men's Neckwear
I&ig Assortment ?
Regular $1. to $1.50
. . .
XX-- - , ' . . .. ' , . .. '
ifi c b rTP
r " - : ONLY FATAL ' ; r-
t Doctor (to Atchinson- Dinge)
Whatf did your father die of 7"
nfnge "Ah don't know. boss.
but itrwasatnothInf1 serious.
Ayer!s Almttn ac
1 1
While Dr. W " B." Caldwell,- of
Monticello.jlll.. a practicing physi
cian for, 4 years, knew that con
stipation was the curse of a4 danc
ing age. he did not believe that a
'.'purge" or "physic!- every-little
while was; necessary.. J . - .
To" him St seemed cruel that' so
many constipated old people had
to be Kept constanftyi "stirred up"
and half Blcki by talcing cathartic
pills, tablets, j salts, calomel and
nasty oils. ' ' ' - ;
In Drf Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin
he discovered a laxative which
helps to "regulate" thej bowels of
old folks! Dr. Caldwell's Syr np
Pepsin not only causes a gentle.
easy bowel
; . '
movement; but
i ... tTk
, Atif. r if Sir
Six Illore Groati Daycy
4 jj.
Mil ft!1. O R IZCjv,
ar $5,QQ Trousers Now
lilar $8.59g:.::;
Immense Line Men's silk
mied ahd tib-stitched-
.Regular 75c grade
:! .
p n A TED
"How many: pieces
Khat randy dn I get for o cent?'
nrm-er: "Oh, two or tUree.
Danny: "I'll have'thre please.
Cracker Harrel.
''Physics'' B;i '
i I - - .. rft r
for 0M- Pc!!is
dose helps to strengthen jhe bowel
muscles, shortly establishing nat
ural "regularity: ' It never gripr
sickens? or upsets the syltem.; Iio
sides, it is absolutely' Mrtnless atrr
pleasant to take. -T ; j ! ''
V ' if past f ifty,Jbuy a lare"cp-cent
bottle at any store thatjseili medi
cine 'and Just see for yourself.
1 PJ2r
5 ... I ... , , ' i $ .
ar $10 to $20
i Black an4 Coloii
Reg, 5 and SjS
; .... $4100
-- rf, 5 .
. ..i:.$4;4b
; u .531C0
. i : 1 I
- e;.-
4 3 ii:
. i.
j . Aw ioci .'
1 Slightly Defective J
5 ;T