The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 07, 1926, Page 10, Image 10

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Gertrude Robison Ross.
Mary, about her evening: tasks, looked out
The shaded doorway, heard the happy shout
Of her small son and saw him smile and stop
A peasant moment in His Father's shop
And come on singing. In a mild surprise
Shi lifted long fingers over patient eyes
Against the sunset am be rn ess to see"
A trown
of the wild brambles that adorn
The country waysides, and the prickly thorn.
j I ' .j ;.
Into 'the jhumhle quiet of the place -
The I sweet, angelic beauty of His face
Shone like a splendor; and in sudden bliss
Mary leaned swiftly for His eager kiss
Andi listened, smilingly: " I played
Ever since morning in the olive shade
With James and Matthew and my cousin John,
And they had brought another kindly one
Who taught us songs and games that we knew not '
Judas, the son of the Iscariot.
i 'j . . . '
And they would fight the Romans so he made
Them wooden swords, and led them in the shade
Against! the foe; the while I sat apart
And made a golden music in my heart
For that it is so lovely to draw breath
When one is youngin Spring in Nazareth.
And whdn their war was over they rode home
Gallant jas-any legionaires would come,
And would have shamed me for my cowardice
Except that Judas changed the game to this; "
He'lifted Up the coronet. And still
The room grew; the sun set; a sudden chill
Crept over Mary's heart and made her wince
For words that Simeon had spoke, long since.
And Hej the crown upon his golden head
Spoke in all dignity: "Beloved," He said,
"John I love greatly for his gentleness ;
Matthew and James I never cease to bless ;
But Judas I hold dearer than the three
He named me King, and made this crown for me !"
j Upper left: Robert i Ponie-ITtter (standinc): Florence Elizabeth rmr anrt Trnnoth M.nn Tm.
Xn -and-daughter of Dr. and Mi-s. P. L. Utter. HoWt
lim and Kenneth Mann, five, Uper right: Lena Belle , Tartar, head of the music department of the
Calem fclgh school and ipresident of the Salem Civic Music dub which is sponsoring the appearance in
. ' j i, ,T v.u.fioUi mwier ui ouswiMitflgei aDa ausna uegna in joint piano-cello
wncert. Miss Tartar is a popular contralto sqlotst. She ia, also! a member of Chapter AB of the
i. t. u.. Sisterhoods I-nwer lft nrtmiia i.v r ' wi ! . .
id. wmi. f : . 17 i"" ..-v ..o .luiw.-uuc ui'iiie-niosi popular laieniea memoers oi
h ttlt r1,ofJthe ?alem Arts League, whose voems. a. number of which have been accepted
' "' invti o'iccc ijric ueaiuy. ; iower ngnt: Mrs. Clarence Byrd
Peggy and Billy. Peggy was three; years old last August, while Billy was two in
by national' Dublieationl
ana attractive children,
October. ., r i -, ?;
Mixs Stockton t$ Hostess
. At. u nag e. Luncheon
Oo' Friday? afternoon at heir
Dom .u. North Summer . Ktree(.
Miss Zoe,tocktn wan hostess at
a deJIglKtnl brldgeiuncheoai The
rooms: were like a-wood land! with
many pine- branches r arid bright
. birds. . ; : . . .. j,
The long ' table-; was centered
with a crystal basket of Japanese
daphyne while blue Lira trimmed
randies glowed In crystal sticks.
The place cards were dainty birds
of gorgeous plumage. j
.Mrt. Ray Ilartman woa the! high
ecore of the afternoon.
"Coyers at the luncheon were
placed for; Mrs. Ray Kv. tlart
Jnan, Mrs, lfehry Y. jcomptoni
.Mrs.! William "3: Buafck. Mrs. WillT
U mjMcfJUchrist,. 'Jr.. Mrs. ; Lelanc
S. qeerMre; iq Vehrs. jMrs
VIl)i ;. : ' Darpy,y Mrsr W, L
PhilHps, ijrs. 4; Eari : Bne, J Mrs
ilertill D, Ohling, . Irs. Leo a
rase!. Mr?.; Frank CJer aod
the - hostess. Miss Zoe Stockton. J
; - x "-!-' " !
Woman's Bcn'efWlAssociation
. The' members bit the Hvoitian'!
Benefit Vssocfatldn 'beldf thej see4
end card party In the series being
sponsored on Thursday afterhoonj
The (Tlrst prlxe went to irs. WatH
fon 4nd 4he consolation award tot
Mrs. jjeanle Martin. - -! -i
! In the evening f the .newbers
were pleasantly surprised at their
business 'session by at visit from
their! rBtale' officer. Mrs. V Jnlia
. Ward j , " ; . ; ; u :Js-, j , i ':
Am O'icaxi Legion. Auxiliary- .
4 Tho American Legion "MHorjr
will pif4St at 8 .o'rloclt oni Monday
erejiingvin.tbe McCornicV ball. A
pro?am of sfMial - interest f- has
. ben Arranged for the ercuinfi;
- ' J" :::T t . '.,;. , - -
EalfniirStar.v ; ,!-., j.
Social Afternoon v. :.! :
;TlWeoUl , afternoon 1 club of
Chadwkk 'ehapler'of tho iliastertt
tStar ill meet 'for a -paYticutarly
eajoirtbfe social time on Tuesday
afternoon ft 'the clhb rdo'ins when
the mcmberg wjU partleipte in a
-get-aianainted" party, i Mrs.
John ill. Sites is cha'irruan fot'thei
afternoon, tier assistants: includ
efl: " Mrs. Charles McCarter.' Mrs.
V. If.' Danry, Mrs. Carrie Fowlc,
:irs. G. F. Tound, Mrs. . V W.
Moore. Mrs. Walter Buckner, an4
Mrs. Grace Buselle. J
WHMS tyeet9 i u'. ' !
At Boy er Home , . j
Forty-rive members of th
.Woman's Home Missionary societ
pf the-Flrit Methodist chnrch melt
.on Wednesday afternoon at thp
home of nirs. U. O. Boyer tor th
regular monthly business meeting
and study; Mrs. C. F. Wilran,
president of the Bocioty, presided.
Plans were made for a chnrch
supper for the members and theii
husbands on the evening of the
first Wednesday in March, th
regular meeting ; day of 1 the mish
sionary society . r j
: Sirs, i Carl Gregg Doner had
charge of t he devotions on'W'ed
nesday srhjlle Mrs. M. B. Pafouna
fiian as the lesson leader. -
MnJ2 Grant Day, ptaylng hei
own aerompaniment. sang' a pleas
ing sacred n amber; ."When I Cav
My Heart td Jesus." During" thi
afternoon jMra. . fej i , waf for
kave a talk oa Christian Steward
hip. ;-. r'f.:?;,:v -i iT
Junior Guild Sponsors y
Benefit Bridge T.e& fC
Episcopal Church trponsorf nhi
of the largest benefit affaJW-o:
the seasonj on Thursday a.fternooi
at the honje oC Mra-r J.'Rhea ijiip
er,: when tn tables of cards were
In play, I hostesses, with Mr.;Lnpi
er for the! affair tvere. Mrsl" irl
Patton. Mrs. H. A Cornoyer.4MrKi
George Hurley, Mrs-Homer SmithL
and' Mrs. I A; C. K, Ierry" Th
pri?is of the a(teritndaTweVe vroii
by; Mr IV."1 A. 'Mullen. .'flrsCana
Ms. C. B. JVebW sectind. Amopij
those, in the group for the aftert
noon we re 3 Mrs. AWjC. Marsha l
Mrs. Dillard . Klklns, -Mrs. Gc?rg
White. Mrs. . Vincent , Diax:"Mrsi
Carr Waller, Mrs. W; A, Mullen!
Mrs. McEachren. Mrs. -Walter j
Kirk,- 3Irs. E.' E. Bragg, Mrs.' W. fc
Crews. Mrs. G.VA. Coddings. Mrs;
Otirer' Huston. Mrr. Don Iloberts
Mrs. Charles Strickllni' Mrs. J. Ei
Law. " Mrsj Rusell -CatJIn Mrst
Earl Dane,! Mrs. J. A. Churchill;
Mrs. . 'Wallace Bonesteele. - Mrs
Clifford Farmer,,Mra; H. T." Lore
Mrs. 3one, ! Mrs. ' Earnest Thontj
Mrs. Joscrh Eaninrartncr, TIrss. J,
W. Harbison, Mrs. George R.
Vehrs, Mrs. Frank Miles, Mrs.
Carl Webb, Mrs. P. M. Gregory,
Mrs. Louis Lunslord, Mrs. Charles
Ramp. Mrs. Niles, Mrs. Powell,
Mrs. Frederick Deckebach. Mrs.
Merrill Ohling, Mrs. Darrell Proe
tor, and Mrs. S. P. Kimball.
- The members of the Junior
Guild are making plans for two
other benefit affairs, one of which
will take place at the country
home of Mrs. Louis Lachmund af
ter Lent. The second, a garden
party, will be held some time next
September, at the Homer Smith
! home.
Branch Day of Prayer
Today at Three O'clock
The Woman's Foreign Mission
ary societies of the Salem Metho
dist churches will observe the day
of prayer) for the Columbia River
branch at 2 o'clock tha afternoon
at the First Methodist church. Inter-denominational
day of prayer
win ne observed in Salem on Feb
OAC Orchestra to Appear
At Heilig Theater
Final arrangements " have been
made' for the anticipated appear
ance In Salem of the O. A. C. or
chestra of which Marguerite Me
Mahus is the conductor on Satur
day. February 27, at the Heilig
Theatre. i :
Merry-Go-Round Club f ?
Meets at Fleming Home
, Five-hand red was the diversion
of sthe. evening when the membnrs
of jthe Merry:Go-Round Club and
Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Stalny as Spe
cial guests,' were entertained I on
Tuesday evening at the home of
Mr. and Ms. R. B. Fleming. Mrs.
Max O. Buren and R. P. Boise won
the honors: of the evening. Acacia
and fern decorated the rooms. Mr.
and Mrs. William Brown will be
the next club hosts. Mrs. Flem
ing was assisted! by Mrs. W. I.
Staley and Mrs. Max O. Buren.
Guests at the Fleming home were.
Mr. and Mrs. Saley, Mr. and Mrs.
Max O. Buren. Dr. and Mrs. C. H.
Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. XL G.,
Shipley. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Boise.
Dr. and Mrs. J. N. Smith. Mr. and
Mrs. T. B. Kay. Mr. and Mrs. A. N.
Moores, Mrs. Frank Snedecor. Mr.
and Mrs. Will Thielsen, Mr. and
Mrs. William j Drown and the
hosts, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Fleming.
Attractive Bridge Luncheon
At Home of Mrs. T. C.
Smith, Jr.
Mrs. T.-C. Smith. Jr.. entertain
ed at one of the most attractive
events of the past week when the
prominent Salem matrons who are
members of her j bridge luncheon
club were her guest. Sharing in
the pleasure of the afternoon were
Mrs. John J. Roberts, Mrs. G. W.
De Beck of Vancouver, h. C, Mrs.
Frank Snedecori and Mrs. Clar
ence Keene of Silverton.
Mrs. Smith used lovely decora
tions throughout the rooms. On
the luncheon tbale pink Japonica.
pink carnations, narcissi, and fern
were artistically arranged.
Mrs. John J. Roberts won the
guest prize of the afternoon.
Those playing at the tables in
cluded: Mrs. - Clarence Keene of
Silverton. Mrs. John J. Roberts.
Mrs. G. W. De Beck of Vancouver,
B. Ci. Mrs. Frank Snedecor, Mrs
Dan Fry, Jr., Mrs. J. Shelly Saur-
man, Mrs. George Rodgers, Mrs. O.
C. Locke, Mrs. William Walton.
Mrs. John McNary, Mrs. David W.
Eyre, Mrs.! Henry Meyers and the
hostess, Mrs. Smith.
Miss Phelps Appears
in Recital
Miss Naomi Phelps, assisted by
her mother, Mrs. Guy Fitch Fhelps
and by Carrie M. Chase, was well
received last Friday evening when
she appeared at -the Evangelical
church In Monmouth. A group of
friends motored over from Salem
to be present for the evening. In
the spring Miss Phelps will sing
at the Oregon normal school.
Piety HOI Club at
Spaulding Home
Mrs. C. K. Spaulding and Mrs
J. T. Whittlg were hostesses on
Thursday afternoon at a delight
ful meeting planned for the plea
sure of the members of the Piety
Hill Club, one of the most eon
genial social clubs of the city
(c-i?. i; t
t -
Civic Music Club Cbncert
' -, ' ; MICHAEL, Piano 4JEGNA; Cello 'If
ft Heilig Tues. Fcb.: 9 8:30 iM. .
Season ticket reservations Monday . 1Q a, m. Season -tickets
$3 for Gegna, Robinson, Strauss, x Single ;admis
sions $1J0 - ?1.0C. , Mail orders.
Seven special guests were present,
including- Mrs. Henry J. Bean.
Mrs. H. J. Clements. Mrs. F. A.
ElUot. Mrs. B. C. Miles, Mrs.
Robert Dann, Mrs. Walter L.
Spaulding, and Mrs. Frank Pow
ers. Needlework and conversa
tion were the diversions of the af
ternoon. Refreshments were serv
ed at the tea hour.
The next hostess for the club
will be Mrs. William Brown, who
will entertain March 4.
Order of the Rainboic for
Girls to Organize in Salem
Wide interest is being expressed
in Salem over tho announcement
that a Rainbow Assembly for girls
will soon be organized under the
sponsorship of Chadwlrk Chapter
of the Eastern Star. The formal
ceremonies of initiation will be
held next Saturday evening, Feb
ruary 13th. with a dinner for the
initiation and assisting groups
from both Portland and Newbcrg.
The dinner will be at 5:30 o'clock,
with the ceremonies commencing
at seven.
Girls who have passed tho:r
thirteenth birthdays and are un
der eighteen years of age are eli
gible for membership in the Rain
bow Assembly.
While sponsored under Masonic
auspices, the organization is not
strictly Masonic, since not only e
daughter of a Mason or of an
Kastern star or tne specified age
is eligible, but also any other girl
of proper credentials, whom some
one of Mason affiliations wishe?
to sponsor may join this assembly
for girls which is practically par
alled with the De Molay organiza
tion for boys.
As many as sixty girls from the
Portland Rainbow assembly are
expected down to assist in the or
ganization next Saturday, and as
many as thirty from Newberg. In
vitations have also been extended
to the officers of Eastern Star
chapters In Albany. Silverton, Cor
vallis, Dallas. Independence, and
other points throughout the valley
to attend the assembly on Satur
day evening.'
The organization of the Order
of the Rainbow for Girls in Salem
Is under the direct charge of the
following advisory board, of which
Mrs. pavid Wright .Is chairman,
Mrs.. Wright," Miss-Leila Johnson.
Rev.' H. D. Chambers. Ralph
Thompson, Mrs. Rose . Babcock,
frs. Mabel Minto. Mrs. Jessie Dar
by, and Percy Capper,
j The charter of the Assembly
will close" on Tuesday, February
9. those coming In later forfeiting
the right to become charter mem
bers, since their names will have
to be considered at a later meet
ing. ' .
Writers' dub Honors
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Barton
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Barton who
plan to leave soon for Portland
where they will make their future
home, were the honor guests of
the evening when the members of
the Writers' Sections of the Salem
Arts League met on Tuesday eve
ning for an attractive affair at
their residence on Capital and D
Mrs. F. G. Franklin, as chalr
ma'n of the social arrangements,
was assisted by Mrs. Charles J.
Lisle, Mrs. Robert C. Paulus, Mrs.
C. A. Kells, and Mrs. J. M. Clif
ford. During the evening, Mr. and
Mrs. Barton, the honor guests,
were made the recipients of an
appreciated gift - from the entire
club, a copy of Professor Morton
E. Peck's favored new volume,
"The Book of the Bardons." Miss
Oraoo Elizabeth Smith, the leader
of the section, made the presenta
tion. Mrs. Barton has been one
of the mostj.actlve, a well as most
gifted, members of the writers
group since Its or-nlzatlon six
years, or more, ago.
Contributions of especial inter-
eat made up the program of the
evening. An outstanding contri
bution was Miss Ruth Lawrence's
short story, "Death Reef," which
will appear in the February issue
of the "Outdoor Magazine". Two
delightful poems. "Orange Girl's
Song" and "For Peter Paul", were
read by their author. Gertrude
Robinson Ross. Mrs. F. S. Barton
pleased the group with a group of
lyrics as well as excerpts from
"Shore Ice". Mrs. Edwin Sher
wood read a poem entitled. "My
Driftwood Fire"; Robert Paulus
gare a burlesque on "Susie's
Band", and Perry Reigelma-l gave
a dramatic sketch. "The Turning
Point". An analytic review of
Willa Cather's "The Lost Lady"
was heard during the evening.
The guest group for the affair
Included: Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Bar-
"The Shepherd King.
Consregational church
Columbia 'River Branch day of
prayer. W. F. M. S. of all Salem
Methodist churches. Firt Metho
Ust churches. First Methodist
church 3 .o'clock.
Young f People's program com
memorating Lincoln. St. Paul's
episcopal church. 7.30 o'clock.
. Monday
Daughters f the Nile bridge
'en. Mrs. Hal D. Patton. S8S
Court street. Cards, 2 o'clock:
lea at 4.
Salem Woman's club classes.
Club house. 2 o'clock.
American Legion Auxiliary. Mc
Cornlck Hall. 8 o'clock.'
fSalem Arts league. General
meeting. City library.
Eastern Star social afternoon.
Hall. 2 o'clock.
j Second concert in Civic , Music
club series. Heilig Theatre.
-(Junior Guild. St. Paul's Epis
copal church. Mrs. Louis Lach
mund. 9 25 Court stVeet. hostess.
j"The Home Maker," by Doro
thy. Can Held Fisher. Film at the
Oregon theater under auspices of
' Friday
Woman's Union of the j First
Congregational, church. Business
meeting. Mrs. W. H. Bross, 892
S.i 12th street. .
j ' Saturday
Order of the Rainbow for girls.
Initiation and installation. Ma
sonic Temple.
Salem Woman's club. Club
hque. 2:30 o'clock.
Beautiful Rayon
and Crinkle Crepe
Bed Spreads
Here are a number of pretty Bedspreads that many
a housewife wants.. They add so much to the appear
ance of the bedroom. Wide jstripe patterns.
81x105 Rayonsilk or Crinkle jjJ Qfi
Crepe Bedspreads ati--yv.yO
81x90 Crinkle; Crepe t
Bolster or 81x108 Bed
spreads, i Special iX.Z.j.S?.
81x00 Crinkle Crepe ; Bed-p
spread, heavy gradc.f..
Bedspread with
m . I .'MM -"-1 ..... .-
. 40J SUle Street
"Can and Do"
r WW Alder Street :
ton. Miss RenskaX Swart. Professor:
and Mrs Morton B. Peck, Or. and.
Mrs. F. G. Frankh'n. Mr. and Mrs
Robert C. Paulas, M,r. fM& Mrs.'
Merrill D. Ohling, Mr.and Mrs. C.
J. Lisle, Mrs. Gertrmle Roblnsoa
Ross, Miss Grace Elizabeth Smith.
Mrs. Blanche M. Jones. $Mrs. W. F
Fargo. Mrs. J. M. Clifford. Mrs.:C
A. Kells, Mrs. J. CNeMson.: Mrs
Ora M. Melntyre, fMrte. Edwin
Sherwood, Miss Ruth Lawrence.
Mrs. Byron F. Brunk. Mjiss Marie
Roberts, and Perry Relet Iman, i
First Methodist YHfMS i
The Woman's IIomtfitMIssionafy
society of the First i Methodist
church will be held on Wednesday
afternoon at the home otf Mrs- R,
L. Farmer, 009 Chemekeka street.
Mrs. Richard Barton wifll have
charge of the lesson whlc!i will be
chapter four of the study book.
Mrs. M. C. Halvereen will ifead the
The meeting on Wednesdt Y will
b a teameeting. . Assisting Mrs.
Farmer, the hostess, will; be Mr3l
E. T. Barnes. MrgrA. AjSiewert;
Mrs.-A. B. Hansen, Mrst! Almlra
Hale.. and Mrs. W. 'D. Smith.
: i - ' - I" t
Orville Varty Celebrates
Tenth Birthday
; The home of Mrs. Susan Varty
was. the scene; of , an jenjoyable
birthday party on Saturday eve
ning when her son, Orville, cele
brated his tenth birthday with an
"indoor track meet." A merry
evening was spent by the follow
ing young guests: Fern Chand
ler, SLoisi Burton. Benita, Spencer,
Helen Jeff, Doris Schunke, Geneva
Barnes, Helen Putnam Robert
Smith, Francis Batnes Christo
pher Jensen. Clarence tlcKeniie-,
Edward Potter. Addison Foster.
Edward Schunke. and the honor
guest, Orville Varty.
! 1 A delicious birthday ike, wltb
Cont)aed on pr I-)
- ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' a -
f-i : : : i 1
; . . 'ii I
I 1 , : S
Cjprom Biarritz Fia 'Peggy Paige-
The Basque and the Bolero
The feminine worldlorilks eagerly for Fashion
news from Biarritz, fat at that smartest of all
European watering places, so snugly situated
on the border between France and Spain,,
the Modes for the coming season arc set.
From Biarritz, thenj conies the inspiration
for the demure and youthful Basque, and
the dashinp: Bolero, set off bv a ' vivacious
sash in colors to delight a Spaniard.
- s
Peggy Paige, ever quick to adapt the Ncrvv
for smart young Amefica-offcrs these de
lightful versions of aj
made for happy Youth!
Mode so obviously
! 115 North! Liberty
J f
i)0 it
cf 1
j , rt.i
Bout oni
Roses -I'annies
lollies -, :-.
Flower ,
:One will surely , marvel 1
at the array of beautiful I
imported and domestic
flowers now on display. I
f : Flowers of every col
or and color combina-
tions,' some perfumed.
and hand made of beau- i
Ltiful velvets. silks.
irepctf, leatherettes and
letallic cloths. '
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35c tb $1.75
W- -
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