to n i (I r 1 I A Faor 181 Daughters cf tile Kile to bponsor Attractive. , Benefit Affair j ' ui 5 partirniar : interest f anions the affairs of , th pre-Valentlria season will be the bridge- t whieli the Salem Daughter? of the" Nile club will epOnsor e"tt Mon day arteicctoa at the liome lorjtfrs. Hal P. Fattoa, SS3 Court street. ; Mr. George Crater is Injehar'-e of the reservation j of $ables.f . Asichalrmam'-od the committee in charge of the! affal Mr. Cra ter will be assisted-by Mri. G. I Newton, Mrs. William McGHchrist, jr.. Mrs. fjnanes trait ana Aire Hal D. Patton. - Guest From Portland .' Mrs. -Edwin L. Jlaker. Is enter taining as; her house; guest this week Miss Nean West of Portland. Card Party Series j The second affair ; in the. series 4of card laurtleai; being ispbnBored by1 the ; Woman" Benefit kssocia- Maccabees, will be held thfc after- JAttfttZiari' to Meet soon-in the Fraternal temple. Mrst. M.'C. Mdyer; Mrs.' A. 'Cad well, Mrs. E. ET. Oilliam. Mrs. P. G. Stearns " and ' the hoMtess, Mrs. George Martin; - : A - , - IFomnn's Alliance; 1 ' i. ' The "Woman's Alliance t of the UaiUrian ehureh wlllieeat 2.30 o'clock Friday afternoon; in tu-i Emerson room6f the phurcb. Mrs. Liazie Smith- and Mm D. II. Little field .will be the esse. , i . . Leave for Canaddj ; . i Hit, and Mrs. James FDougias left on Monday for5 their! former home ;in Alberta,; Canada where they will again take 'up their resi dence Mr. and AIrs Douglas ave been sojourning in Salenv for- the past year. ; ! .'..: j. Storjj TeUmgSecttfP , The; story telling section of the Salejn Arts .league Will meet af 7:30 o'clock Friday" evening- nt the apartment bC Mra. Ivan Betl'n- ger ,at,the Court. . Guest Front Springfield :- " Mrs. JT. R- Pollock 'entertained as her house guest .during the early part of the w'eek, Mrs. O.'W. Hobson of Springfield j Ori r ' t -Missionary Society to Meet , The Wojna-n'a .Miastonary- aoci-. ety of Ahe , First ;iCoB(gregational churclL;Will meet kt ?:3jo'elock 1 It i Jay j aftefnooa' it ;the home.: of ' Mrs.-'. Je-ha J. Roberts; 76S: Btate retreefc.r Ataistant bb3tes3e$ tor the -fcfternofffl will be Mrs: Ti A.- Lives Jcy, Mrst tdoyd Fariaer, Mrg.4'Earl -laaisen Mr a. A A. Gaeff roy an lira, s Edgar. Pierce 3f AuimsTille; Mrs. Frank Neer will be l4'eaar&e -of the: re8e.oo while the devotional P leader Will be Mra. II. cj Ftr - ; .Attend Portland 2Uetuig . i . Mrs. H Kennedy, Mrs. . Geo. Crater and Mrs. George 'ttJ Duns-1 Jord; were ia af tendance i' yester day fni Portland' at .the business meeting. of Kydia temple. ters of the Nile ( Mrand Mrs. Robert Kxnney of 'Astoria," who are ' always Ipoptilar house guests ' in Salem, hare rur- turned as - f ar as, Portland, ; 'Mf . , and Mrs. Kinney were house gtrets i; at the tome of Mrs. Kinney's par ents,' Mr. and Mrs. A-.N. Moores. Needlecraft Club-Meets " , Members of the Needlecraft club ' were- delightfully' '.entertained Kon - Tuesday afternoon at the home ' .' of-Mrs. George 'lartlo. at 31190 E. 1 "Feurteenth street, At 4:30: o'clock ' tha Lui.;css fi-ervtd a d-liclous " .luncheoa, "following ' the sewing ' and social time, t -' ' " L The nex hostess - will t e Mrs. J. W. La Bare, who will estertam at her home, 1S3S D street on ' " February 1. " ' - ' -'" Guests-at 'the Mart la hbma in eluded Mrs. J.-1-Baaey, -fflirs.- 1 C. Brotherfon, Mrs; 1- Bechtal. The auxiliary of United' Snanieh War Veterans :WlH,irfeet at 3:30- o'clock Friday afternoon; la' the Armofy. " All; members are urged to attend. ; . , . i .' .", ' ' Engagement Announced The engagement of Miss- Eva Roberts to Mr. -"Walter Ei'Taylor of Portland was- announced i ia a uaiaue iSanner" on Tuesday .eve ning at the home-of Mrs. (Ed- barr age when ra- groap- ; of , iatimate frienda. were- bidden under the ruse that they were- honoring Mrs Savage. The happy Bew-sHwaa re vealed bytmeaasoi. j.aevei- plae eardarwhichi marked dinner covers for Miss Eva -Roberts ilra. Ed SavagerMIs Myrtle Beecroft, Mr Arthur E-Oldenburgi Mrs.! Charles Chase, rMrs.f Otis Ackermin; Mrs. Arnold Ackermaii, "Miss "Etliel Bol- Uer, . Miss fColdft Wheeled Mrs. Saul Jane, Mfss Nina Marshall. Mia Wiaifred Gamble;: Miss Kreta Janz, Miss Geratdine- Collins and MIss Alpba Ilolcombl ft-Wi?': Mias Roberts Is , an. employe of the -! Cudahy - Packing v ctompany whne - Mr". Taylor is a Portland druggist" '-,-'" r- f.'-.- Whil the" ' exact date; of the Wedding has "not been set, tne marriage will occur'- iome tfm during the" approaching spring. ' ilf tc Teachers 'Entertained Thf home' of Mrs-.'? Heary-, lee Was the scene on Tuesday ievenlng coders cjz Today !: rrjs apt: will brealiup yptr cold in 2.4 hriuro or money ref lindpd of an intrfstina: riootins of "tho S.ilem Music Teachers association. Mi Mar?,..rfct Fisher j,ave a most' ins . resting tre-.ttment of the les son study, the topic of the evening o lag "Piano- and ; the - Smaller Forms." Miss ,Elma Weller fol lowed ..with, niustrativa selections on the' piano sne executed In a flr-4rtitifl ma&Mr. Miaa 5Weller alBO, gave an enjoy able Interpretation of ' Ifandel's '.'Largo." ; At the close of th& eve ning the, hoitewt serredl refreah ment. j In the group on Tuesday eve ning V ef e Bertha f Jung Darby; Mrs. Walter A Denton, MlSs Elma WelleK Miss Margaret .Fisher', Miss Beatrice' Shelf'oa. MiasiEiiz. beth Levy, Miss Lena WatersMisa France Virglnlel f Meltea; .Mias Allle Chandler MU Lena Belle Tartar.. Mrs. Harry- M, Stylsa" and Mis. Henry Lee, the hostess .1 ? ' At the next meeting" of the sluj Miss Melton will . entertain. - Prayer League i The r W o'm a n's Evangelistic Prayer League will "meet 'at 2:30 o'clock this afternon at the Old Peoples home. ; Mrs. Jd.!3. Oakes will be the leader,9 Especial at tention is called to-the change in the hour -at: 3:30 o'clock In the afternoon instead of - at 9 in the morning. . ' . t it. . - I b ... TTm BTntTT! t -. Th Tellow Front Phnoe 19T lCKorti Coicrr.:rclalEret ... " ... ,, .' : , .. . i- j -1 The VczzLx Ctcre . BridKe'.lea.,. ua'Uo'r sposoT-ship of St.' Paul's Junior Guild. Mrs. J Rhea Luperv 185 . Sotttb Ff teenih street, noBtcs&, ; j ' ' Card Party. Wonmn'si Benefit associatian-J ; Fraternal Temple ' Rapheterfaxn club. . Mrs H, .V. Compton, 1010 N. Summer street; hostess. "' - " s ' ' Chapter G of the, PEQ Sister hood; 1 o'clock luncheon. f Mrs. O E. Price.44 N.Cottagw street. Choir party. ' St Paurs Ef isco-' nal church. . ' : i r Woman's i Evangellstics Prayer League. Old People's home. 3:0" oclock.', " "' .- t Friday- J 'i :' First CongregatCSaal !? church Missionary society. Mrs John J. f Roberta, 76Y'"StateK street, S:30 o'clock.'' y'"; '- -- i ' First Christian ; ehurch Wom an's Missionary society. ?r Church parlors. Business meeting at ; o'clock, v Program at 1:30.: - I - Reception-, v honoring, p Hattia kitehell.' First . ChriHtian church; West Side' circle of the Jason Lee Aid society. Y Mrs: Nellie Knot 1541 N. Front street r. i s i. Woman's alliance, Unitarian church.. f Emersoa ? rood, 2:31 o'clock. ! ! - - f Story telling section blithe Sa lem- Arts' league. -Chart? aparti menta. 7:34 'O'clock.. Mt Iran Bellinger, leader. '- - Jl Auxiliary, of 1 United ! Spanish War ' Teterans. Armory, 2:30 o'clock." 1 :,: .5 ' Saturday ' 1 - ' ' - Chemeketa . ' chapter i of the Daaghters- of the Americaia Revo ; Sunday t ' ' ; ? Young People's program cota- memoratincr Lincoln St,-- Paul's Episcopal church, 7:30 o?clock. f ' ' ' Monday, i'- f Daughters of the Nile bridge tea. ' IXrs. Hal D.! Patton, 8S Court ? street. ! Cards; 2 j o'clock; tea at'4. ' - - - i --a-y f i ' rT2rfrlTr ; ' ' ?"'' ' . ! . 7n addition to u fins assortment of varietiea suita.bla : for this :-ti::i we -have a 'limited -number of i& ; jd 34 foot . j .' V 'j; . An crc!." -I I n thcse scedlir.3 will be:l Ijr.jlivcdiar.d- successful . . : i rc::i,V'ith Us at Ones , . . 0Booir stATrssuor Airro coktcst Hit of CaaaldAtM 10 A. M.-Wadaetdiv, t . iewumry sra. , T Koto A eandldatn la Termttld to soil not mar than 10,009 Vubscriptioa Tote ia any onu dn? until furtliar notieo but war pUwh a many 100 coupons a tbey CITT or BACZli. Arpko. . .,j. Barnard. louald " .-.... . Brfrf e. Saw . ' Cntnulen, Ma arjri Compton. isru ire rt tin jj r Campbell, Kennt T Crai. Pearl ........j,... Crrw;hr. Krv B. 8. J: Stodret Jlattis ..... Inuham. . Clark ' .-I . ... Knirdakl, Otto W ' J;,. , dwards.. NorTa.l . , . J'antrich. ' Marie East, Winitt Grrtt, -. Robert r Garrett. IlarTnon Ciibertb, Jrfildrod Ortrnke, Hr La Godacr. 1 Doria- Ball. Mi E. O. i..., ... IInaly Jlra E . . . KRdmM. Fa ye ! Hirwy, ,Mr$ 1 X . Holcowb, W B .....i.'-. 1 Hrrneek. Rth- Hirkmaa, .Clara . ... Hoddletiloa,. Mr Lee r" trwrav Hn JUy -.l ..,.., . ' Kmajiar Jlra . Arnea ......x Lea yell, Mrr. Geo. Laaner, Mia BUh Loeao, Nina Jiumra. Mr O ......J-.. , Mdd, lira C . j Mathewa, Cloydiit . iiinnoH, Percy . ; : Hay, Vf Itnar .. .-, . . . ... Monti, J J"- ..-- Miller. Litha Martin Mra. I Van .'. - ' McVey, Mra E B IftAdama. Mt 1 Nuihana. Mr. T E Kaah. Mnr1 Mildred j.mU.i Oglby.. Hw Orvilto Pcmberton, -'. Laura pponirten. II r J & Fitt, Capt Allen Poulin. ' Mrs I - Kontb. Mr 11 C Rice. Fraocea RotW Carletoit ,.,-., ' . RetimbaL E . J PJtchie-. Jmhie Rir,. Xlararrt ,.r, fiobertK; io ward ....... . . KamiMOft. Tho . ... 8hepard. Marvin .w- Hi i ..... ....T. Skopii. Mr. Ralph Bnyder,-VjOIM. Swops, Mm O A Kteiwer, IlaMoll -, Rharo. Mra E A .-, ... Bondqniat, Mra B E r, Thorapaon. E A Thimpnon, E. Parry wullaaia. nmw ,.. Water,. Mm l'tf Jr l-. Weidpkehr. fabel 50,000 100,400 50,200 70,200 ; 60,00 118.400 62,200 ' 5O,0 50,OO ' 80,400 ?,100 54,100 S8.400 119,400 50,200 . so.ooe AO.OOO 5Q.0OO ' AO. 100' , S4.100 - .V,000 6o,ooe 5s.ioa 114.400 89,900 50.900 10H.400 - 50,000 119,300 50,000 . 84.2O0 50,000 60,000. -5a,joo 59,000 50.100 "50,000 50,300 "89.100 62iC0O ' 81. lOO 50,600 v 60,000 50,000' 60,100 5O,00i - "so.ooa soorf ' SO.OOOr " 90.40O 75,400) 64.20a 50,000 50,400 60.00A 70,100 so.ooq 1 00.200 . 50.60Q ,60.t0 60.100 -63.oa - M),eed " 62,100 60,300 78,440 75.40d 50,000 52.200 ; 60.200 50,004 r 50,2 00 115.400 50,400 58.400 108,400 75,600 108.900 11O.9O0 r 784100 5O.00O 60.1-60 50.200 50.500 f. 50.000 . 59,100 67.900 112,300 . 50.000 58.200 Wttori, Ifoward , Wbeeler. Mrs HssUm ....v... : Woolfery. ee!l ........i; Welrh, Elizabeth " ......, . Wolfe, Lois 7 Wotf,. Lola- i-i-f.. Yea tec,, tirsco ....-......-i Ifrj-V;" COtJKTBT' , -AHtrkras,.' Jraaie Aber, Knwens .' 'J,'...: ' Aaber, -Ht r AvpinwaLLr Mra Man ,.' Brantner, Z.eota M- ....... ........ . BuelL, Mr Kandslt ,. Hoelc,. Mrs G it ' l'.radm, MM Wlnnls Balderree, Mrm B. ti I5-l, I.ily, j........ .... . LiurcU. lanie , b . - To.-. j itr Leit ' Cortioane, . Marie ...... Coyne.1 Mra Herd ...i...jui Clark, Mrs, K .... .- Clark, Mr P -...i-i.fc-M Ciiandler, Mra .Guy .J...: j Coa 'ArKyt- i.h....,..-. (look, Lseilo ......,-. ; Cochrsn, ilra 1'rank v-.. Bn,i Mande .m -.. fbbe Mra M erle i'ontafne. J O :. .... Goodj Mrs AdS - firren, Ethel . , Gilliam. - Mian ...v Hick. 31 r V R . ; Hopkins, Marirurih- , Harper, Edwiu , Henrikaen. Iler Gao . Hoperv Helen . Hatrb Francia ,!rnMi, Hiniil Knanf.. M li Kaiser, Jo'pl" Kellorjr. Mra Vers Kennedy, Mra nuel .'... ; Lais, 1 Mm . Lrmon, Catherine . Ljhhy, fr- Ciarenrs . i. Lytlj Elfi - s - Marroa, Helen -w. 1 Mi lies, Mra- Hyd E . Mi lea, .Rev 11 II ........... M paiter, l?ona- Jamm,i ifr Cliritins ' u..w. Morris AlrtAVm . Ndham, laisy .. . "rhant; litiw ; Owin.- taVern PoltH, E J1 k....i....4.........s. ' rsrihb. W E . .agscble, Ti'a, Uorothy ... . ngmn, Kp I'ona, Rnth! t-ieiion, ' fcimon : J-anth, Lnciie ..., ...... t-rott, Gladya h i f ihatnmr, John t hU(, D : "J ooley, H Vrie, 1 aymond ..... . TVolfr, Mrs - 't-r Vsh,. Mrs Ar-u-iiL.tJ - Vtieil,.Kei...r l - 50,20 6t,200 85,904 30.100 60,800 58,200 '-5).7p0 S,10 60,000 ' 80,20 97,90" 55,HM . 69.200 65,500 50,000 6M.900 i 90,400 00.400 " 84.20W SO.OOt) i 75,400 ,50.200 68.200 51,200 - 60,000 '. 50,200 . 84,200 70,200 : 65,100 : li8,2o US.200 50,000 - 70,100 90,400 50,000 ' 60,200 51,000 50.10O , 60;00 50,000 52.20) lt,9i0 '60,400 64, H5 ' 84.200 6.S.100 "60.100 . ett.lOO ' 53.000 100.400 5(5,200 51,200 50,100 , 80,100 80.4OO 54.500 4,9d0 .51,100 60,000 54,100 50.01 M 75,500 5 ,0O 75,2H . 5d,0iO 69,900 100.4 U 7.", 00 . 5H.2 IO 70.1HO 70.100 71.2 10 '2.13 e: j-.. zl'SJ tlx. :ne Garden -Wlutt t Home Wit!. out C;ns1cn? Tlnw ly Matter and JlluHtrntions FuitjIhImmI by tLf Xatlouat CJaiflcn i;artu,..J;It North "ll . Kt rret, 'Chlcasf IlKprcially - fop- the Amate-nr Gamlnrr of the ' Salem District.' ' . - , ' -J . - - ' . . . 'i Thiii 'U the" period .of - the ; year whr.-n a certain form' of ltelrt. liter ature has a vast appeal" to thotr- sandVof tXttttt.Z Tf : "arks:;tbe' & waken in k o t- t ho ! year and th promise 'of Hhines to come. ; it H A Garden Editorial Iog"ui-n1i , Encyclopedia in itself, Ko -a-onder itn understanding devo tees mslr for the mail to seize iip 6lt T1f& hewlssueift, ft t -t tr real liarbinser of spring for tbtra." a 4 U briagB v!sion.W garffena et the. annual arrival of the seed cat rjoy colors rajrrauceV. of luscious aiogue.. ; Jo tQose yno do not kndw the joV of gardenincvthe in--tease- perins over of 4hee aaga4 zines seemn to be an inexplicable manias tiyhese 'ighoramnsesajre inittelnsr: isomethinff.'; ;"v v " ;Sfv. The modern seed catalorue I . tforipendlum ; ef ithef actentifle re search ' in: slants of -centuries. It aniiounces the products of the by- hridist whose -wizardry In creating new; plants is one of the modern woadersj It tells how- to' grotv everything, the soil it needs., th amount or sunshine and moisture ft needs, all the minutiae. A great work is I the . modern seed c-ala- and tasteful vegetables, of health and. strength. . Give "credit, where a-edit fo.-dtte -to .the .'sKteraen. Xhey.have made our gardens what Uiey areteday: i Theirs is Jan-enormous aad - complica ted . task, the constant testing of seeds, improving-of strains, study of new plants, sleaning seeds of weeds, orginlia-' tiens-for'the wide diaibution of his Output. ; . '. t He gives his - catalogue - away with Uarast Btores of e,altitral in ft rmatlon. Write for it and study rt." - Y5tt rtll rncrea.rr yotrr Trtonsa of inforraattorr even if it falls to tempt you to hujlng. i v v j Rotate Vegetable Plantings Mtiurv JLu ALU-StA5CJ4 - r. ' SU$$ CHAH.D . ill i a i , ',-,-.', I.TTltrC - , fQlirXVtft'. : MAMS - tant;Hr. - - - ' - ydUnq r, ' it; rtis''--' . s trtMATrr . ' - ' , Vf ; ' '-' !;), '--. .,t f S--"' ''s-f - l;-'-i r 'e. KOHl a A.M - ' .' -,.- - , r--w, ---- ii rfAlP.Aw)f .. ...,.. 1 i . . ." - - ' r-. i i i ii T i ii ' - -,i - .Cv " ' J PLANTING WKKS. UHI'-1 -. ..---. " ' 's - :- -- - .T--. , . , ; 'v I a I - - " -',;V;'' ' " '.'r' - fy UM K5IL sJSTATtOH- PLAMT1NQ FOIL SMALL linaa His I laassssaaa m mi T" The':tmoet,'sucee8sful.; vegetable growing demands that the cirops be. rotated m u chaa' field crop ar rotated i The farm -crop, rotation after' many ; years - of experiment decrees that'the 8ameScroi should not be put"hack:.for foarjseasdea to'jaecii'ris 'the -highest 'production endlj ideal - soil : commhmsf r Vegei.: table gardenswhere there a space available; 'ehould ; be mov" ,f rGm time to-time Tor best reaalisV hui this ia impiar.cicable in' the mai garden -htch' most citiicaa hav avaliablewao the -best ae can d In planning his planting lit ta.mak it a point ta see'' that the sami crops do-not occupy the aantepace in.' jthe' .jgaxdea in succeeding ' sea. -Xt may be ut down' aa ar .settled fact that practicanyiaH vgei bales dislike being - cultivated ' ori 4 he ara&; ground v for .two- success Lye years. ' : While - they , will flourish to a" certain extent the 'deterioration wiljl show if they afe growu season after season. i?Repetft ; garden experts toll .us,' should, not-he oft GARJDtM. I! soil to liberate planffood isfurn ished in decaying vegetable "mat ter. , " .-. 3 , ( , .j : Soil is what we make it. If it Is lifl;ht, sandy ' soil, we - make. , it heavier -by spading in manure or turning under green ; crops, to de cay. . If it is heavy we make it lighter- by incorporating sand, or rrrratred limestone and draining it. If tt la heavy clay we breakclt up witfi humus, decaying vegetable matter, limestone and sand. Chem ical element hrcktngwe -' f ur4 nish in commercial f ertiliierj We are reaching soil optrol" ; t -editorials; of the people ,AU eorre spon denes for til depart-' sieut matt bs signed by tUs writsr, -isnst be wrttten on ons side" of the .paper only, sod aboold not bs laassr tbsa 150 wotda. -. : ' . To the fedltor: 1 . - ! ; ? ; ;Vt.' - "And there a pear ed a. great wonder , in Heaven." Will you please - allow - me I space s m your valuable paper for a few lines on a-common practical of forty yeara ago? rForty years ago the farmer that-paid $100.00 tax? es was , considered a rich farmer, and indeed r he was rich; he had plenty and .to spare. Forty years ago our teachers, were paid . ac cording to the , certificate they heldiVA Ifo. 3 receivedj $16.00 per month, No. 2 received $ 2 0.00 per month and No. 1. received $25.00 per month.' And.they.only taught three and four nxontha In the year. No wonder VthV Jariner ! that paid f 106.0 'tajea had plenty , and to Bpare ; i.,rj;' ' lfi, ? .Tpday )l aoW a f arnier ; ; who Jives ; 4n4Mar lon'fccwjhty. Oregon, and-whovhas a:-deed'.for;40,hcres of; land and pays .'" 6ver' $300.00 taxes altidi her iayrf he doesn't know eaer tnu e-rery. two years. -- 4. ?ai .Where s you planted; yoi r corn last year, -try beans thht year.' Do not, plant cabbages and turnips in the same place you- grew them last year' and ". expect the best resulU. Cabbages' develop diseases when planted in . the same placee In suc cessive seasons such a club root. Onions are a good crop,' t alter nate' with early cabbages.'. . . These: facta' should- be- kept In mihd -when maklag the plarx for the vegetable garder this i yeari tAst" year's plan con sulted" an if erersed so f ar as pos- sible" Jxi smair gardens, u Bmail that Jt Is ' not practlcaole -j tp :o much of -anything , In 4the -way4 of crop" rotation .extra; deep 'digging will be helpful bringing, up some of the subsoil and Jiming -t aloijg with the- fertilizer. , 1 -' j w. If .yon . didn't keep , a. plan " of your garden last year, make one this spring and lay 4t away Tor reference ac yoi can. vary the la cation -of the- yegetahlea another - year. v i i ' ? -' ixalit Vegetables Home Product ; Vegetables arenever of. so. high ahtt fine-.a- ualiti aa yrhen fresh picfted. :aaalUy ipafinot be bought because 'the marketing "hialiea . it imposiible' t stock ! lTeh -picked vege tablevon ,-Porder.K -. They - are bound 'to have., been out of, the garden ''. for. sxmeH hours, at best when; they are soid to cuatomera. It is likely that, earn pitted fn dollars! an dt- cnta-,;-dn .a wcrkiag lime basis,! the amateur gardener might find, that Be- saved nt paoni ey ;on. growing his.' vegetable ' at home.': I lo wever ,. garden 1 ng" shou 11 regartled 'as arecreatlon.and as uch ft cat! hot be properly est r matecf otf a - working tlma basis. It la easier to' hire cheap labor. But he gels Quality for" hi. table which he can't buy.- " ' .--. t - -' t Two .garden- crops ; are onpnr cnasahler in first. las top-no ;-3j quality sweet corn ; aad greeo peasi - - Theso- have to be- ea ten their best.-' Chemistry " prevents thej best intentioaed green grocer from -sellhig .sweet corn that' is reajly sweet, and green peas that arej as sugary as. they reallyought to he. .ft la now a matter of com mon., knowledge that a chemical change;- begins . as soon as these popular vegetables are picked that changes tb sugar to starch wbleh IstllhejjeasoiSi tar ; Jfreen bulletsT 'or i Mfield' corn, -.charges often made agafnat tne grocer who is in no, war to nla'me. . YoA have got fo i gfovr them yourself to have them or else get them fresh picked from . somebody! else. . , . .:-.- jfi Strlnir , hean are muca higher In quality-when fresh picked -thai after they have had a chance to wilt In the? market. Jloot vegt tab lea are the only- ones (fiat can ee 'bought practically as good :ta they, can-be grown at home.. . Ri baby carrots; and baby, beets iire home ' garden ' products not ' often td he f had- in the market of first class quality. i - ' 1 ' .r Qnallty vegetables can he grown 1' the home garden," ' They can't be-' bought,' and thi' factor ' alone makes it welt wortlt whiUs. .o plant a garden no- matter how wall the plot avalablev . It will. pay. for. 16 selt fat qaality produce. , A square f dot will give you , a tomato vine that' wil furnish; many a salad. No place i toe .small far a gar den. .'-., . v , . Old Time Fiddlers' , f Contest -j- I S A Li E KM O R Y Friday Eve. 8 KTOock Xd8pice9 Salem Lion's Club, BenefJy'Cnity Paad. $50 in ' In Cash PTlzes ASJJty Merchan dise Prizes; -v:. ' ,. Big 'Program and" s Old klinf. Dancing Everyone ; come and i bring; arfriend. . - : ?. r,. i 'GENERATE ADMISSION 50c that he is worth one dollar, t To day we fay our teachers $f ".tro and up; 1 don't. know how j high whether they J.ave a certificate or not; for 1 bare known t cithers to teach on a permit . and I they draw ! pay from nie to eleven months in the year and tLc)' g-t more for teaching pne 'month, than they got forty years ago for. teach ing tbe. whole terhi. JN'o wonder that the- farmer in Marion county that lias the deed for 240 acres of land arid pays over $300.00 taxes doesn'tiknoW; that he, is woirth a single dollar.; -fz :: Lf -r, ; 1 ? i High i taxes and high education. I have heard, (hose highly educat ed educators say - time after time that, our boys and girls know more at the age of. fourteen years than they; knew' forty, yeara ago; alt the ageof 'twenty years and I must agree wfth them.on part of it for t'l do believe they co,:know nord about , things that they -should not know af the age of fourteen .years Ciitors. ty (l. i I un. tal -s to I V ?S ) t! cc puI.or r-,-.s met . -i i - The teacher pulstory rod ivhon it . i.. . .- tet-u oV frfective t:. pulsory 1aw of ' Ores'" :i I child re ri -today,:.- '0r n Law 1323, chapter 12.4 3r.. II ' (Cunt n i. 4 en rage 1".) than thercjdl forty .years;ago .atJ03. the rp1 the age, of twenty years. - Bot so faraS practical .education I cfn cerad,thej must. show me!; But why not? ;Tbe average fourteen 'year old boy and :girl have been in school more than' tly would have been forty years ' ago had they gone-to school until r they ; were twenty, five years' old. ' ' y-. : 1 ".-.I didn't have j' the , opportunity for an eSucation that; our iboys and girls have today. . i I was abont seven or eight years ; old .when ; I started to school and 1 1 never got more than four 'months. In a term and Ivnever went a full term.- I quit going to school Iwhen Ijwas fifteen years old, probably that is the1 reason that I was and. a nr a little Ignorant. i -Forty years ago we had j two compulsory School, laws; today we MORE ATTRACTIVE 1 THAM FINE PiCTUIES-b A Feci OUR-' Bathroom PIXTOJ5ES - - . -a. - aw- m -a BATHROOM tv,) t!.;- - ii i t: I Cnvci 1 ! Of 1 IV ef . - .. . : than our compulsory J.iw ri t i. . ... - 4 f' ; .. Forty v y r5 a;ro I f-i! mother sai l to liittta yc. r John and Mary, "Go to sc! I day., and - they went to t I. And they B&id, "Mary, stay Ik today- and telp mother v. -oi k the house ciid plant fcarilen, J help father jplow and vrc, plant corn," and they t-ta i ' And that t the first rr ;.; . ' law. The second was 1- r thisr when John and ? ry school theyj Eav in Jai, i I written on ihi t'P cf t' : board like , tLese. "Id ri Study and learn theyjl-- ; ' today"; anil .just a5rv Of nii! v : i : t 1 1 i: i n r ' L ft Wlk... . m . . . a ci tr; on ailrn ent i is 1 " . ' .1-: most scia...-. : a t.. .ivc day. Among tie thousanii t. amany p:'.tz icat ts z.z S y c : clans, n here r.o to no-confiment, ; no ret r f. My treatment is safe, r . J, soo cure rapid. Ar- t I re --e s i ( U,.V -si tuic any tu. 0 s r una t-.a i poattAa c. ' -,-f Or Dean Bu -T f i t ,.,:r of .1 Gardeners MIie .Their' Soil J , ' -- : Gardening by prescription is the up-to-date1-; method. We? riow know that the soil is made up of chemical .elements. All we need to-do is send' a sample to -the slate experiment station or to a chemist and,' we j Will i get. back a t report showing i lust what j la . In It' and just: what; Is 'needed to make .'it right to grow crors, either of flow ers, vt ;.iblc- or frr.i crcr1?. The I I.itror, :i cLtuiial treatu..t of tl.c- ii t'-c". one 't t3 rn v- !-r? cfiarl l.orti. .1. .rc. , - , Uit:. . .rj T: .rs c:3 ten ch:r:::: It' ' :rt3 1 1 to ri necessary t oplant growth and not a spear of. grass could be grown If any one ..of ; them were com pletely absent. ' ; The late Dr. CyrJI G HopkIni of the University of Illinois,' a famous-soil expert, had a little memory trick by which to remember ' .these , necessary '- ele ments . Ha said : .' "Remember C. Hopkins' Cafe.' , If you repeat C. ITaplUns' cafe,' you have the chemical symbols.' for the essential soil elements for, plants. They are C, ; carbon: H. hydrogen ; , O, oxy gen ; P,"phosphoru9; K, potash; t, iodine ; Nr . nitrogen: S "sulphur Ca, calcium, the chief element of lime,' and -Pe,-Iron., '. - iC Hopkins" Cafe" feeds- the plants the nutrimeift they need to flourislwand we place fertilizers In the soil according ttf'the deficien cies of any one of these groups Oxygen, i hydrogen. Arotc and - sul-' 1 1. a r are always- present in sjffi cieat quantities so that tLe gard ener stu-jing .his fertllher prob I :a needn't worry abcut tLvtn. ;.:d cakiDr.-,, are fcrtllltcrs- viihi i ,'. , or- . cIo-"1 up ia-1 . i9t. ' 1 11 3 :IL C : C T f'l Ii 1-3 i.J - . ..." t4. ? r 1 - 1 ' I 31 ?" - 4 -A '..- .- . "c n r i i .... I ' p Mire Si i v i i i r i-- . . i i rael-stop fa ll ; s i j '( Hi ; I Extrct Lcnllv Over llio Ilr.r. I-cc": - The special features of .theses make Yn era crdra vc! ; ! has the ravel-stop-between silk" and JIsI'2 tcp.. Er:!i x . , " heel, foot and toe -see them in our, corner v.indc ?. I . from which to choose: Blonde, Piping ILock, CaLra, Eu. , French Nude Black. All sizes SYi to 10's. i 1 -