The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 04, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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f.Tssionary . Convention Be-.-ins
Held at Alliance Tab-f
t - .7"." ! :
II f "1 ; r 'v 'V . ' ' I f
1.1 "" " ' -- f J I
- - -III
u r ? "" - -
: r-'r t r.i
Brilliant Talk Heard by Rep-
- resentativesdt ro Chris
' , " -Iran Ertdeavors i;
" The Missionary- convention be-
: ? 4ield; la" tlUTAlliaiiee Tabr
r.acle,' ferry" street, li being welt
ate n i e&. , Miss "Botham.' pi Africa;
said the Missionary ranst be u
tf '. k to the, people.,, . I
',' The MisslOBary,!s their doctpr,
tl r .lawyer.." trader.". : carpenter, 1
fct-,atres8. dentlst."t " C
3 . Bothem'aaid. she had
p- " 'at least 4 5 0. teeth , "for the i
L -..E3. ; Added 'to these many
ot..f otcupatldns must be handled
tr'tlie' missionary besides being
kurA&ttr::;,: , . ' - 1 1
' Itir JTaeo of Jcmsfllpm. Pales- I
tlne.? spoke of ihe'marrelous em-J
trvementsin , Palestine; " alttce
i:.,lia'd had the protectorate oter
r at country.' V The ier practical
W ; rule's his ' own - land. "Whole
rwns hare sprang tip since "197,
i. en vXord Allenby marcb!ed
f -'leef aUy into Jerusalem. The
tjfti are ef the most modern
t--e( houses principally, of stucco.
, pecte.d .that Palestine; yfljl
t ve nt influx of not Jess, than
4 ,aofr-young: Jews 'in JH96. j Mr,
r "VTiid 'Palestine ia a mi irrel in
t . .JltV Inf adTancement in every
ore is a seene. rrom he wueyii'
t loiter Harrison Ford and Claire . Z vt i i'Cft
ia d-picturiiatloa'-btthftlamous'Wtatipiij-ri M iiolden; It will;
. . . ... -J
Rev, Albert FreemanJ' Noted,
' LJecturefi' to Talk .From.;
"For the sake br th wieii-born
animal,' even if ;there were' no
heaven, no hell, no God no moral
ity, 'no: conscience, I would still
atand ". against therf perils of the
gge,V ; said Dr. Ijra Landrlth of
Chicago, speaking last night at the
First Christian church f in the in
terest, of '.the ! tlnlted Society; of
Christian Endeavor. 1 ' ;
Dr. . tahdritli 'is-: big, big: of
speech big' of idea. : He makes a
towering and impressive figure as
he 'stands at M-e fsWe Ot the Ros
trum speaking In: unique, forcible
idiom' of the resporisiblftttes and
oppoVtunities f f Christian En
deavor as van organization during
tlae present seiieratiod.;- .
x lie recalled ' briefly the growth
rot the' organization which- is this j
:VTDr- 1"L;andr tb, ".laid 'gjjlemphasial.
!..-...i-Jaf' r,i;vt'kln4oiabli sentime'nf as
"?7" ; 3ctoV in ; trailing , the 5 youn
people to think oh ; thej rtgnt side;
of -ever if-iblett, Aa an'"extrava4
gnt" v friend ' of ) Chrtsflan .En
deavor he"-estimated. counting'- 4
four jrear term to jeach individaal,
that leven generations' of citizens
have already partaken of what the
otganization..has to offer. " . !..'
1 iDh iJaridrith liidf hrther emf
phasis still upoii . the importance
of making expression- Beir-expres-
sion;he truer' worker being a par-
ri.M -..--'. j--h u43-t,-ier Halston, la still
showing: to large crpwds at, the Oregon theate.rJThftIm:i one of
Paramount . reieasea.. ; "-xjj.. U':5i-iurA; ::
the 'latest of the current
Se ;whoer:
llev Albert T.: Freeman, A.; Mi
ind bhautauqua lecturer and sink-.
rwill speak at the First Metho
,11st jchurch on next Sunday morn-.
Mr. Freeman Is a, Methodist
nlnisted'from California who has
very effective" 'and captivating'
ayl of relating the story. of. the
red iman as the aboriginal Ameri- He tells from experience Jhe
facts of Indian life and problems,
IrtngB their pagan prayers and
weird songs and prings an appeal,
for heir higher: education and
rogress. His lecture is reported
o bo one of the best expositions
the 'life and -character of the
American Indian that is" given on
the jpubllc-platform. "
ticipant. : WhJle Dr.Landrllh'deT
nies ' that the worid-is' "gbijug b
the ?deyil on ihej iiobeg
refuses ; to r confuse- eoineidenco
with scientific ica,uien'dJeffectr
aridf chooses" to Ju'dge 'the' Amer
ican; college student, hot by Loeb
audi Leopold but' .'by the 800,000
college men who never thought of
such a crimehe does say that this
aje .is as imperilled as - any that
has ever gone before it, and it is
notij too soon, ; to. bxpenid our "best
effort, 'and our- everyj; effort if
need'W, in " developing ..integrity,
character, and moral sense. : How
ever!: as a parallel statement. Dr.
Landrlth Insists 'j no iyouth"; has
been , quite so responsive, and
therefore susceptible, to appeal, as
modern jrouth-v j . . H -'
As --a- believer in the World
Court, Dr." Lapdrith pointed .'out
the 'importance or purifying the
nxoat remote end. s of the eari.1i it
we wouldn't feel so small In it,"
-he jadded'igenlally.rG "f1:? ':;' -U""
Dr. Lahdrith refuses to go in
fori T theolotic 'technicalities,
though he did suggest 4hat beJ
naa jrouna no memier oijnis iara
ily ilree hajQdn'g down 'cocoa
nate," 1 ,
Dr. . Landrith closed with a
virlliet "denouncem4iit of .that form
of ireform -fwnich- ia ' indifference.
"If the fathers in our homes
would-keep out of the. cellar, ex
cept'to. fill the furnace," he sug
gested,, "we might' have a better
chance with our boys.'' " '' ' . ; ;
' '"The three forces :ih which the
salvation of America are bound."
said; the "speaker? '"-fare the school,
thejbome, the'icbureh." with the
burden on the church ever in
creasing, since it must serve
wherever the others fall shorj
' I" -Landrith, was forhfally ' tn
tro.ue4 ;iast7 n!ghfoph.ulC.
BroVnlfciWpeast' secretary.
Iatfous f rontf if teerf eounty
iCliiiian?K14eaTor'''" societies
fwhticJl'racticaHyrilied the church
wef present for the meeting.
Oregon Theatre Opens.
- Prize Ticket Contest
i ' tt i- I l&i ; k. .
In' this issue of The Statesman
the Oregon theater, announces a
"Greater Movie Season,? Club",
campaign' to run until . March 3,
jrhen a Chevrolet 'coach and 4 Ford
ceupe, with two? diamond rings
ad prizes will be. given. . :
These, prizes vgo to persons se
curing: the largest number of
credits, by that time. Ten credits
will be giveii with1 each admission
to the- Oregon theater, and to en
ter th campaign all you have to
do 1 to clip the coupon in the ad
ia thl: issue; of The Statesman;or
com to the theater where a free
we want' to keep; America pur6. , nomtnatipn blank, will be given
bo uciose nasv , iranspoiraiion
brought 'the-orld together-i "God
had, to make the world small so
yo. at costs nothing to compete
for, the 17,000 . prizes1 which .will
be awarded. ' - 1 ; .
nnniinjnii i nnrr
Rev. S. W, Hall to Give Ad
dress on "What Our
- ChildreXRead v -
SILVERTOM, Feb. 3 (Special)
-The'. Silyerton Parent-Teachers
association will hold its regular
monthly meeting for February on
Thursday afternoon at the high
school auditorium. !
The Rev. S. W' Hall will give
the .principal address ot tliOf af
ternoon haying for his subject,
"What our; children read,", pupils
of the North Side school - will as
sist in the program. . " 7.
ance. society of ' the .Epi-opal
church, in announcing the decision i
of his organization: to - work for
modification of the Volstead act.
' f I did Wot telephone! to Dr. Km
pringhatti, h6; saldT-jdid" request
Ixira hyfw'rlttea communication to
withhold the report until .we,couJd.
be heard and-give thfem" reasohij
why the law should not be modified.-
I did not say that -their re?
fort; should" show .tht prohibition
ad failed, because no truthful re
port ,caa ShOW. thi3.". it" " ' "'" r"'
WrttTES FROM. HONOLULU ... : . r- f-;-: ' , " ; -ASKS
As. proof that Kalicm's, fame, ex
tends beyond thee boundaries of
the country, and "across the ocean,
a . letter has been received' at "the
Salem chamber of commerce. from
algentleman ln' Honolulu, who la
planning to visit the "City Beau
tiful.";i Following la. the letter: ' t
Chamber, of Commerce'1-; ,
j i Salem', Oregon . - I --
I want. to YiU your place next
year. Ptease, send - folder and in
formation , about', yopr. beautiful
and, welt: kn o w n ' ci ty , -descr i Mng It
!TXfullyi I'would be veryimnph pleas-'
ed if,yqu .would Bend-ihe a booklet
Of Illustration Thank', you? very
' ' "' ,' . C Signed) Takuo Iwar," '
Manoa School, Honolulu, I, "IL
(Continued, from page I.: "
is over, I am satisfied that" a ref
erendum would show the major
ity of the people ."opposed to any
such drastic prohibition,
The ; work of the temperance
society on" behalf of prohibition
has been carried on since 1915,
Dr. Empririgham aid; In 19 17-,
a' referehdum "of its members
showde a majority favored ' pro
hibition in some form 'or other.
A recent canvass of the member
ship which resulted in the change
of policy showed an "overwhelm
ing preponderence," favored raod-t
location of the Volstead . act.
Associated : Prejss.) -Wayne B.
Wheeler, general counsel of the
Anti-Saloon league, tonight '' de
nied statements, piade, by the Rev.
Dr. 'James, Emprtngham, nitional
secretary of the Curcli , Temper-
D. A Ytmc?. end F, D. .Ti. 1
T Reorganization icommiaa-r
C ' Farmer, chairman; D. Young.
Fred Williams. VV. . 11. t
and o. Fry.7 " .' . " .z ' V j '
'-7i-'- . ' ' '. J
! HOT SPRINGS. Ark.. Feb: 3
(AP)-Their differeiices resulting
from the San "Antonio affair com
posed. Bobby- Cruickshaivk and
William1 Mehlhorn, both of Chica
go, tomorrow will play 18 holes to
decide the - winner; of the south
central open goir eliampionfehip. -
i- : -
Portland Six northwest wood
working establishments mrge in
10,OQO;000 corporation, t great
ly increaie foreigrn exports.! j
' . 'iConfmneA from yfe. J.H'
us, chairman ; P. ; D. Quisenberry.
Mrs. J. H. Farrar and; Russ Bpne
steele. j.' ; v '.' K ' '-..'-r-i ;-r
landscape committee; Chester
Cox, chairman:.' .Homer Smith "and
fZ. V. .Gillingbarr. . -- --- - .-
1 'Ladies:; tournament committee:
Mrs. Cecil .Kay, chairman; ;Jlrs
H. H. Ql inger, Mrs. G. 1 Hixson and
Mrs.. Paul Hendricks. - v-r
Appraisal committee: Cecil Kay
chairman; H. H. Olinger and 0. L.
Fisher. I ,
; Ladies social committee: Mrs.
O.' Fry chairman; .Mrs. P. Hen-;
dricks, Mrs.' E. L.. Baker, Mra. Hi
H Olinger Mrs. O. C. Locker MrsJ
Gillinsbarr, Mrs. D. Yoongf and
Mrs. Cecil Kayl . -I-
Board of directors: ; C. H. -Robertson,
Ui G. Shipley, H. H. Olin
ger, rTf B. Kay, F. . D. Hixson and
George Hug. . :;; : ':;
! Entetaiiiment committee F.
Durbin,-:chalrman; F. ir. Spears,
Old Timei Eidaii'
-r Friday Eve. 8 O'Clock -
Auspices" Salem'? Lion's CJnb,
Benefit Charity Fund. .$50
in Cash' Prizes.-'Many Merchan
dise Prizes.- .i I- .
Big i Program and Old Time
bancipg.. Eyeryone come, , and
bring -a friend..'
r 1 tA.' --r lf -rwtf , I
- '. .
I 4
1 ;
( 1
. i
f. U I lie OpenX Friday 11
A! MAlail and PlWe Orders
2Ji5wAccepted "
rr' -es Inclndins .V. , :r " "f
f . . - -1
- ?er floor 1st 3
xt 1 s roVfTl i.T.ci4:q'
r .st2 rows.; .;....$ JL63
a.Iiony.lstsS:r6ws If l.5
'adily 'circle ; ... ;
: i f "N -: - r T..: - v . v'.'. f f
1 . . . ;;.:"r-' -'fI iS: j-vVr .:-;.: -i..
I - t i t " i i i " i
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f - f
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k7 r11-
.21 -VI i - -.-'::vjMrr--?r Mni' " '
f -V - . . ;
rT-F-kr r -- Tr-r ;wt -.' iv
r vivis lu yrxvt oecona ; rnze
:s 'Thifd Prize - .
! $75.00 RING :
. J. EoMrtKPrize ,
t r ''t'i ' ', - .
lrcliasel"---from ; Hartman
Dros. Jewelry Store. On dis
play;5 ins their windows ' - -
J t Purchased from Newton-Chevrolet Company '
' ' '.Purchased from Vall-Moto C
1 w
; 5th, 6th ; and' 7th: PRIZESt6 MONTH PASSES TO THEATRE 8th 9th and 10th PRIZES 3 MONTHS PASSES TO THEATRE
10 Credits will be issued .with admissions and the, ladder gentleman .securing the largest . ;
number by March 3 win be k warded the ChpvrcIet Coach, the second largest' number will ;
he awarded the Ford Coupe and so on in the order 'named !aboye, lnr" case of a tie a like ; ; : :
. prize will be awarded the tielriisr. contestant. SenJ in yoiif name to the'.Oriegon Theatre, and : ; ;
, you will receive full particulars. Pljbne or call ia pcrkn. l : i ' . - ' r
TJ13 Mriiasemcnt Reserves the to !n;cctVth; Nome of any . '
x - - . . , . r ; . kppi . . - . v . . . .s -
' Name
go 6i jfor i .odacREDif s ;
ssireei ana rio.;.......,
Residence Phcr.e ...
i': Iail to Oregon Theatre Campai.fc V ; i
Baniness Phone.
When -a coldoccHrs, -actj liuiclc..
Do fonr, things "at 'Ohce. 'Stop
cold, check, the ; fever,, oin. "the
bowels, tone the system. IUvU
is the "best way,Jknovvia:t6a Hhat.
It' is so efficient that jtiiiliofis' liaye
coine to rely on 'it ."It stopa a cola
in . day. '"Jn ""the utmostwai' Jt.v.
does , everything reqtHrd. -JSii
Ut end -colds sold for $l.000,(XK) ba-,.
cause pEts.suoerrcfficiency.y Pnt
trust, to far-lesser help. , M 'our
drug -. store. '' -- " : ft """
3 : .a. I v " - - " . -' - . rm .
; I a. r - ' is
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