The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 04, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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,t tti.Al(i .
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j .aclai
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! i
, f ' Iiwed Daily
SIS Booth Conautclal St, Siln,' Orecea
R.J Hendricks - "I1 IHaaafer
FredJ. Toot - - Ifaaar1n-r.dit
Lee M. Mar '.mm,': Vi Cit Ed iter
t IeeUe J. VaJta. - Telempb Editor
1 Aadted Beach ,. - -,-- iMMr Editor
vjr-. -ae associated frees u exlaeieiy
.4uwM arodttad to It or net otherwise
It r mi
; . , I .. aew pabllsaed haraia. j ; , V i .
""fT -i - 4 vj ' JUSTNESS
tftlat-V VT f IAS
4i 1M, Payna. fikaraa Bt4f4 P tVanriaco. CaKC; Hicra BUf. Laa AasaUa. Calif.
,j Crealattoa 0'fla..5
fAat Contest E4itor10S
2 M Sit
. , ior
SacKty 4 iter
;1iaru.PE5B'BAWlNO---"Let mf
-f i. him aerrant, snd I will lead;
I- r !- - r.
II on the! w;
T . Cf Salem is well on thei way
rtrenter of the. Urjited States--
,1.1 Because we avejth.sqjjl and natural conditions for prcj
: ducing; the highest iqudlity and the largest tonnage to the
- , Ad-we hav "the onion J
have-mader and will make a
.growing and storing Itheir .product; making constant exper;
j iments; findintr
Out ihe
pest control ; the
ai.J j the soil conditions -that will guarantee high quality and large
...I prodactlon: :miiSSi
These things are; now: well
1 In the annual Slogan numbers of The Statesman of
iniimlei Vfjpast year4t$e;;tth;Was stated that this was a
able to'yajriontls the Jeading; onion ?ounty of Oregoi.
Salem is already' an onion center but should be a
-a-greationion; cente;
f This, thing-has" come, to
sent to market more fhari half
oir uregon ui iyj ana sneOTiy
cars of onions and 2,000,000
side markets
i And in 1924 the Salem district sent to market n
of the whole 606 cars: of onions
.., a uver zuu cars nr onion
district alone to Chicago that year, helping .to; coijfirni the
liking1 for the Oregon onion that cityVJ'l V -.L
! The 19 c5p, wastidMutJ
ments and "the IlabUhjdis riet ; is now well on the way tjo
000 cars 'anBUy. , ' TS;?4?tIIWy irrowmg into the greatest
J Qions-itidn)ttne '.tJnited fetates," says the "Come to Ore-
j V Vxron"-$Metf - the ; &ln7dhamberr
j ! ;il'Andttasirn4ba4u ' . .
j ; -The Salemwtrict fMniishes about S5 pel cent of all the
. 1 6rdon aeta for. thiii -Whidle !ecat, n& ,ai& I$r,.6ts,t4ie .Eas.
Again, why is this a geat onion district, . and .growing
1 1 t into the.greatest onion sectionof.the United States ? j ;
, ' " " Because we grow the best onion ; the onion that has the
: 1; tbest flayor and shape an4 will keep the longest. And we have
:-r-si real pnioh cult ; inen who know how to grow the best onions,
l j and to. do it at a profit. . And to keep on improving their
' quality arid making morecertain their markets t-1 j
; Spthat our; Labish! onjon sells at 75 cents a 'hundKld
'"X-i 'pounds above th price ojf the onions of our; chief jcompetitors,
2 in'the big. Eastern markets
That surely ; settles it.
4. There is money in oniony
prices pverta ! long; periods This Jis a stable crop herer and
7 -.more certain jpreff its jwiljt be obtained by, Improved methods ;
' by better fcoritrbi of pesis ; py.i erilizaionf the best methos
9t whichwill be found ;thrugh experimentation; by better
-irseed 'selection; by .better rajethods of cultivation ; . by better
4 merchandising methods In marketing,1 and by better handling
f and storage practices. !Ari4 another thing that is of prime
-f impcfrtan'ce---i-i : r&h
v"e have the onion men;;
r painstaking and jhar trkilr
, t Ushers of the San Jose, Cali
t, newspapers pi lis cxassiin au
eers of the onion and oniorikset industries herev They haye
developed a large tract of ijie central Labish section invest
ing large sums in clearing he land,: erecting buildings, etc
and establishing there ai veritable vegetable city. ; " '"- '
r-These j people! axie Constantly experimenting. sThey a!re
developing .a white, onion -jvith the , same keeping; quahties
; Ln3 other points br high esicellence as the: yellow onion they
! grow. - They are experimenting with' asparagus, with prom
t ises of great success, and with other vegetables, r I ' .-.
" ' . , A Very important matier has so f ar, been, overlooked
the establishing of a brand by name, and .more- strict grad-
" ins; but these th,mfe wiU hrery riatura
. lugn quality ot our produce
(Ceattoaea rreia. aase . , ; " I f
' - - i r" U-1 J.-'v' fr
oa special duty In the! northwest,
I r-was a witness called by the gbv
' enraen1L-' He declared! thkt thjere
rt -was; ill-feeling between! the thtee
; defendants. and some inembersi of
: th local prohibition fprce, under
".- the old administratIoa.f t
. Jtoy Moore, who admited .tjiaf
Old Txnic Fiddlers
--r- Contest lv - T
-S AX E n A RMORY1 '
Friday Eve. 8 Oaock
Auspices Salem Lion's t Club,
Lenefit" Charity Fund.1 ISO
in Cash Prizes, irany; Mexchaa-'
dlse Prizes. .- - -,
Z'.g Program and Old i Tims
Dan c eg. ' Everyone con: a and
c::m;:v.L! AEnssioNr- bo.
fcxeept Uonday ty
W. II. Header U Clrealallos Vtuftr
Ralph H. Kttzlr -I AdTti Maaager
Kraek Jkotfv iee Dept.
E. A. Khotea 4 . . - LitmUk-c Fditer
W. C. Ceaaer U I'm! try Editor
aatitled te the as Tor pa blir alios ar all aWs
credited ia-tnie! aeaer aad elae ta local
IDA VU . a a ft . At t u r .41. tllJi. .
KSrt DprtmentSS or 1
Job DpartaiaBk.uSSI
Poatl Of He a la Satan; OreBt a aaaoad-olaaa natter,
4, 1920
Lord., I pray the, aw 6rw before
on-softly.? Gen.. SJ:I4.t-It ' f
to becoming the greatest onioh
' - -
men r the onion cult-r-men who
study of the best methods of
varieties, f the best ' methods of
Iproper lertilizers to build up and conserve
pass. The Labish district alone
the car'lot shipments of onions
au HneQnion. sets rsem ia
pounds of onion sets to the out-
1 4
shipped io outside tnarkets.
were smrmen irom' ine jauisn
here, taking average yieldsr and
growers who are intelligent and .
Mercury,; one of the outstanding
nonericaB are among ina ywu-
justifies tnem.:'-:vi:j,:7
he ;, had been ! engaged,' In -j the
"liquor business" and that he was
a big operator, told of meeting
Chrlstensen during the latter par
of May, and after a series of on
f erences going with him ; to a sits
in Clackamas county which they
believed ideal'for the location of
a still. .r. : iA i r. :i
An agreement -,was 'reached he
said, .whereby Chris tensen was to
provide; protection loore alleged
that Cbristensen said he' was in
touch with various' ,Bherifr of
fices and the t state prohibition
force and could take cars of them
as well as the Smith boys. Moore
declared he paid Christensen f 2 SO
and was to pay-him, 325 0 ctorp
af the end of ninety dayS forlslx
months' protection: J ! fii j
') Later he testified Christensen
got into: trouble as, a result of tate
ing protection money and cams to
hlnv for '75rapre.n Ha then jbe
gan InvestUaltiag iand f!iu"n4 that
Christensen hadi the reputatioii of
Moore told of moTlns his, plant
to. an Island near St. Paul, where
It twaa "knock orer,"J as ; lie
phrased : It,' and of goInV to the
prohibition office with .Informa
tionf . : TlTe plant4 had - Tun 'some
time, and he knew there was more
Hqnor there than had been turned
in. 1i--?,.v' ';..
"We went to Judge Catena of
fice Moore aaid, "and Prank
Mitchell, late legal, ad risor for the
local prohibition off ice, state pro
hibition; lament Carter 'and I ar
ranged the details.- I' was to take
Christenaen to the "scene In accord
with the suKgestion ? and get the
liquor which sad been cached. As
a result X was not to be arrested."
, The obtafnlngvof the three kegs
of moonshine from the Kerr farm
and - the subsequent arrest ; of
Cbristensen were described.- - '
, r Moore- was- still' on the stand
when court adjourned for the day.
V- t Coatinl from pace 1.)
' - 1 . i ' - . -t , -
Road from Highland avenue to
the west i line of ) Capitol ; street.
If extended: Capitol street from
Fairgrounds Itoad to1 the south
line of Court street; Court street
from -the east line of Capitol
street to the west line of Church
street; State street, from "the west
line of, Church -street, if extended,
and Commercial street from th
south line of jState strset to the
south city. Umtti: i4 " 'f
- 'Under 'the- bew ; ordinance no
vehicle 'ts allowed to, turn ; In the
middle of the block Cars ' must
go to the fntersecton before turn
ing around? 'This applies to etery
street within the city limits. Cars,
may, however, turn! to .go up an
alley or- to enier a drive way.T " . ,
u' r -' - . (Ooauaaod tram paca.l.) t
'!-"'. i i . " "
send or bring It to the election
headquarters at once. " f
Tour friends will save all their
coupons; for you that appear in
The Morning Statesman every: day
and they will also be glad to pay
Up their subscription or subscribe
for iyoiiVyotea pile up- mighty
fast r when-'- you' once let ' Tour
friends know " that" you , have; be
come a candidate In the gift elec
tion. ; You'll get them everywhere
by Just using a few moments of
our spare time. ' ' ! '
j 'Thijee beautiful cars, washing
machine; and cash prizes is rrcr
tainly substantial pay for odd mo
ments of your spare time in gath
ering votes, and if you do not win
one of the big prises there is a
10. per cent" commission.
PENDLETON, ; Ore Feb. 3
(By j Associated Press. )-r-The
bodies of three men were reported
today to be lying in the snow cov
ered ruins of .a burned barn on
the Fred Knolton place in a! wild
and- Inaccessible part of the Blue
mountains five miles -west:, of
Emigrant Springs and about -25
miles west of here. ; ;
The ' discovery - was made by
George " Stewart, a negro, who
went to the "Knolton 'place today
on a business matter, a The door
to the cabin was open, ' he said
and tbe snow which has been' fall
ing; the last few days showed no
tracks. 1 Stewart then discovered
that the barn had been burned
and investigation of the ruins dis
closed the gruesome findi. Distant
neighbors said that they saw a fire
In; the .direction of. the I Knolton
placeFriday. n.igljtrso.thatit .Is
presumed that the barn burned at
that time. " - "V-,'
. . According to meager reports re.
eeived here lone of , the bodies has
beet) identified as "Shorty" Sand-
ers- by iiis wife, an. Indian ' worn
ah.; It was believed that another
body was that of - Fred Knolton,
and no conjecture was made as to
the Identity of the thlrti.
NEW YORK, Feb. 3. Negoti
ations were approaching comple
tion tonight for the acquisition of
theCalifornia Packing I company
by I the Postum Cereal : company
which will result in a combination
of food companies ;with total as
sets vf more than 250,000,000.
A Instead of sofla hereafter take
a little -Phillips Milk. of-Magne
slaf in water afly tima lor, Udir
gestion or sour acd, gassy stom
aeh, and relief wUl come instantly.
1 For fifty years " genuine " hili
lips IUk of Magnesia' , h'ak' been
prescribed ,;byt' physicians because
it overcomes three times as much
acid in b stomach s as fc-saturated
solution' ef bicarbonate--of oda
leaving the- stomach sweet and
free front all gases. Jlt neutraltzeS
acid fermentations in the bowels
and gently urges the souring waste
from the system without, purging,
Besides. It is more pleasant to
take than sc! Insist unon
fPhUlIps. Twtaty-flve cent bot
tles, any drugstore. Adv.! !f T '
Y Pliibps Milk ciiia
i T Better than Soda-''" i
YMC' Volley-Bjir-Toi'imey
Is Po.noned Until - v
5 1 'March 6:
; f?alem Midgets, capfafnd v
eotty.Marrvwer" unsncceaful lu
the eonfest nf RTverton Mondsv
nirht. : fTM RilvWn second team J
debated them -16-14.
The ram was fast most of the
me.;ind tHe score was close tn
the end of the earn.? Bit the Sf-
Hob men badl wucb the best 'of
it in reach weight and aee.- r-.- S
The ynlly hall tonrnament.'ttl
which ail Y. M.j C. Aj's in Oregon
e invited to enter, has been post
poned' front- the latter, part - of
''ebfTiary to Marh g. The Salro
T. M. C; A. is-planning to send a
team ta Portland -for the tourna
ment, and the' men are practfein
now with ithe object in view' of
bringing! back, ti Stlem the yofley
ball chaimpionsh;.ipof-Prego.,'
Salem! will mot'-" jbe entered n
tbe hand ball tournament as (our
walls will be played-and Saleraybc
cause of present crowded equip
ment, is forced to play only two
walls. ! 'When the new building vis
ready I for occupation., the' hew
courts will allow the playing; of
four;waU hand ball.'' "
' H'ii -
' "-j"5 i - i
NEW YO RKFeb. i. ( By As
sociated 1 Press,) Messages j of
greeting from President Coolidge,
Premier! MacKenzie King of. Can
ada and Chauncey . Depew were
read tonight at the ; National. '
l 1
;--The i
' -T-
, r ' stilts,
--'-V -.i I. ""- -;,frS '-. -
! r i Associated Gasoline, through its dis- 1 f - t WV
v , r - : tincuve range of boihng points, gives - v '
nV-'.vv5'""- ''55 Associated Gasoline; is always: j vi'"'"-
; " :.'-.,l-vs"' V. associated with more-iniles-tb-the- -' : v - i
- '4 ; ,' ,t .
...;.;.L.,.v... gauon ,-- - - - t ,
.'.:, '-'"..-.. r 1 - .-
. -It - . ,-E Ju .-:. . i
v si'
t-jren .
Uigue Golderf; Jubilee dinner' by
John A.: Heydler,. president of the
senior baseball circuit. ; Ssi tii:
, "Tour league Is one of the lead
ing 'exponents of - our national
game," said President -Coolidge's
message, "Anything which, tends
to interest the youth of the coun
try in participation I n"a whole
some athletic sport is . to be-encouraged.
Please extend to those
present my greetings and best
wishes. "' : , " -
WALLA WALLA, Wash., Feb.
3, The ! second annual horticul
tural school to be held in this dis
trict opens tomorrow in the cham
berpot commerce here under the
auspices of the district horticultur
ist, the ": eounty agent : of Walla
Walla and.: Umatilla counties.
Many things of interest to orchard
ists and vegetable growers, are
discussed. . '
' Bits For Breakfast I
; . -
f Salem should be proud !
S . "a - .
i Proud of. being the onion cap
ital .1 ' I ' "S ' . ,
And, growing the best v onions
and the most of them, a brand for
Salem onions ought to be adopted;
i a a a . s
Ta a . a - - j
) That will advertise Salem and it
will advertise the onions we send
to market, and, being properly
branded and graded. It will make
for "better prices and jx more cer-
taip demand ' for the Increased
tonnage we will grow. -
ii1- - V- ; "a
!' We will soon be sending 1000
cars a yearf to the markets, and
before long! this will be Surely
known as the greatest onion' cen
ter of the United States. ,
l;, V 'a' ;;. 1
Growing the greatest . tonnage
in al l
tirec manifests of service in
olme are: flj satistactonly quick start- - ;
. ingJ according to seasonal demands,
21 full stride of power,' f3l mileao-e.
fir !- - . - -
you wish; put tiiem in any order you . .; T -';
' wantl To secure what 999 out of 100O - I .
motorists really want ic Wasoline
yoti must gctaU tl& in perfect v: j
toj fheacreas1 .weikrasihe Ibest
onions, we can compete with- all
comers, even Jir low priced years,
and gthere wll be years 'when our
onions; will v be" a bonanza crop.
Every" few. years,; fortunes are- go
ing to be inade by our onion grow
era. - They , will deserve all they
get.' foV their Industry. and'InteUI
gence -and, persistence. - They are
really "'sitting on the world," and
they have attained ithat placs ; by
their 'own !" efforts, plua the ideal
conditions of Isunshine and show
ers and soil. ., I K
i.ij...s '----' -
i' There Is a! new 'word 'In the
Slogan article
of C."V. Ashbaugh.
' Get it? -You may
It Is halitosis'
not find It In
your dictionary, r It
is the onion breath. ' : - !
.7 ;
By the way , the Slogan man Is
indebted to Mr. Ashbaugh for the
fine photos for the pictures of
onion : growing, in the Slogan
pages. , He, Is Indeed Brook's' best
7 : 1 5-8 ' iKPWV (212? Portland.
V Cooking' hour and : music. !.
6-7 KGW (491U5) Portland.
6-7 KFWV (212) . Portland.
lO-ll KFWV .(212) -Portland.
9.0:0 . KFJR (203) Portland.
Songs, and Melodies of Yester
day, r -
..NEWS .
7:30-7:45 KG W (491 JJ) Portland.
, Weather, police, livestock, mar
kets'. ""!''' '
T IK ' 1
7:4.V8 KGWj (491 JJ) Portland?
Religious, r
8:15-8:30 KFJIt (203) Portlands
Investment' talks. -, - . t' .
. . STORY r
7:30-8:15, KFJR (263) Portland.
gas- ';
.T i
re 1 ; !
.. ' w onlym one quality -in fradfs
-v .M-r." to ht your ciotor teeu v-"-';
- , 1 - '
- - f " . - . 1 S "
only in
1 e - -
-.f t
l irxv Scnnt Kt orV. --"if
0:00-10:00 KHJ (4055) lxa An
geles. 6t;30, orchestra; fi:30-7
v;.Jrfstorr-- story; ? ;4 5, ?,tala i on
health; 8-1 0, program, i ; ;
0:00.11:00 KFI (468S) Los An-
-; gelesr:,- nightly doings; t : 1 5.
KFI'a-Seetng California; :30k
program; : 4 5. Radlotorlal per
i iod; r '-s.programi i students,
University, of -Southern Califor
."nia; .8-9.- prjgram;: 9-10, .pro
gram; . 10-11,. band. music.
0:00-12:00 KJR (384) Seattle. 6
6 ; 3 0, weather; ! T-8 : 3 0, courtesy
program ; 8 : 3 0-1 orchestra;
18:3 0-12.' "Keep Joy Radiating
' ' Order of Bats." -1 . , '"H .
S: 15-11 tOO KNX (336.0)? Holly
wood 6 : 1 5, travel talk, W. F.
Alder; : 30-7 concert orches
- tra: ; 7-8. program; 8-9. pro
gram 9-10, program, dance or-
: chesrtaf 10-11, dance orchestra.
6:30-8:00 KHJ" (405JJnLos An
geles. 6:ao, children's, hour;
7;45, j'Carot tto. Body?t 8,
'progTaiiiVAr'1--.f:Ii ij"'-' 1 '.T'''
6:30-0:00. KLX (508) Oakland.
6:30. -orchestra; ,l7v news; . 8,
educational' program;-: 9,; pro--!
gramvt ;cj " V t -! . H v---
6:40-11:00 Ki'p (428)' San Fran
cisco. 6 : 4 0-7 1 orchestra ; 7-7: 3 0 ,
' orchestrai 8-9, program, JDo
Molay glee club t 9-1 0 program.
-v Avon string quintet;. 10-11. or
chestra. .. " i . . . --"
"Apply over throat and cheat
cover with hot flannel cloth.
Qwr IT Million Jan UJ Ymrnrt
- - - "BIDS WANTED " . ' ;'-
' on 200. to. 30. cords old fir or
heavy . second growth, to. be de
livered to the .Salem ' Hospital on
East! Center Street during f June
or July.! Address Executive Com
mittee, Salem ilospUal.VVT
rr ---4-T-"
. - r ! I
h ;., f'?i
... a, .. e .
v - f -w
- y
H tnoroaga lubrication af low . -'
cose It cushions the movujg "T"
carts of vour motor. Cmbm,v,
one quality in rrs Jr.
. ... .-M tip. ,! t
Capital TiPOGRAPincxi u:ncr NO
it. D. Mlkeawa. MaeWaeeoad fcr-
S :oo p. a. - $ -- ' '
CARPENTERS , IjJIIUt f w. v f n
t 'laeeta I nun. t,'i-
-BMaideatt Vim. Petl.t... aaeratarr.
Rkillia aeebaaia furatah!. FUone H
a.,su niA 1.1HFL '.LEiOUE
ont;- .rvvrn vrrru . -Dri
if.i-' j
- ida. Y. W. .- Seara, aaeretary, f
1443. RaU-a, Ore. . - - f - ! '
Lodge RCdvc
i every Weaaeaaay.- Kratarnity Kail, t
", r M. WiUelt, Sea" yf Tel. S39-R. v (
,:Frateraal Hall erery ToawUyi, aiatl
tViaitera 4ite4. Fred Pea bam, C C:
iWalta laott. St. ef f. S. t
aw V1- '
PaoTJakei avary saaraiaf frreept Maa.
dayf a Salem. 4Aa eapti cf Orajea.
" -por Classified
XaQy ar Saaday
S aeata aer wer4
S eeata per ward
Oaatbaa , . .
six nmea r-- t
1 amo4 daily cad Sua. SO eenia jkt ward
-"la a rear ta aara taa aaera taaa ae
time rate, -advartiaeaaat aaaat raa la
aeaaecative iaaaea. - t .
K Ad. Ukaa for kit t5 easti.
- v Ait. rua Sssday OiiLT ckaraA st
:Saa.iiaM ,' " -' '-.'.
AdTertUemeata (exeapt Peraaaata
aad SiWaUeaa Wasted) will aa take a
ver tka telapheae it taa Sdvartlaea la
a anbaeriber ta paaae. . j
L -Taa 'Stataaamaa will -raealva ade
,tiaeaieata at aay tuae e( Ua day ar
-alfht. Ta iatara proper elaitiiUa
Uaas adt. ikaaU ba la f 7 s.
j TEUE1E0XX 3 03 5SS . - .
eania per worn
Money to tloan
..'i Oa Baat EtUtS -
. T. K. roai:
, C0rerldd baaav Baak)
advertising . . .v ;
! ibi araat be kept Iree treat anytkiag'
Let a qaeatiaaabie aatora, MUreprasea-
tationa -will net be tolerated, lafor
j -atatiea aowia aay aaestioaabka ia-
tnt -ea tha part et the adTertiaer
f tboald be rtKed to this
paper or the- Salem Ad Club.
, Wkael. Tirea. ttima.; readers ;
t - ' . - Half Price aad teas
. Parts far all ears, caaa lor aid ears.
: 40S S -Cbarea Phoee . 2139
V - r - . - - ts3rl
- S
Anto Tops :
O. JV BiU Aum Top aad Falat 6aee r
ST 8j CemmeTriat. ' i - SalStf
Help Wanted--Male 11
t yeara of ae or orr ta deliver mom mi c
"i root la North Salem nar Ootnroerc
Apply - Ciculatien Jlaiazar, Ureor
General XXxrlx,et3 1
f: r -A' Dairy ExcnaSge . L ' ' j
; PORTLAND, Feb.! 3 .-Butter. I
extras, ' 4 Sf ; T standards, 4 4 c ; )
prime firsts, 43c; firsts, 4 2A4c; ' '
f Eggs, - extras, - 30e; firstsY8c;
puiiets, zic; current receipts, ic;
a a . . a . l a a . a . .
rent receipts, -24c; j
- I. ' . - , j
i-:-:' ' V .-f
lay . . .l c.
undersized, 23c.
PORTLAND, Fei 3. BuyiJ
prices : Valley, timothy, 320; o""
eastern - Oregon, S22f$0; nlfalfj
119.50 0320; clover,. nomiB; y.
pat hay, 320; joat anj yetch,"-32i; '
straw. 99 perton... Selling prices, ! i
32 a ton more.-
i -- Grain Marjicts -' A
1 1 PORTLAND reb.3V- Wheat,
BBB, hard white'. Baart, soft whita
and iwestem" white February and
M arch, 3 L 3 ; haTd winter, . nor
thern spring, February and March,
31.53; western red, February and
March, 31.57. .: - :-.
Oata No. -2,V3 $pound -white
and No. v2C36-poun$ gray feed, i
February, March, 3$jt).
Barley-XO. 2, 4l-pound, Feb
ruary and Marcn, 330.50; No.' 2,
44-pounilFebruary March, ISO.
"Cora -No. 3 etrly shipment,
February, March, 33 1.
- Millmn, standard,.. February,
$26 March. 27.. t
Livestoc k ' "
PORTLAND. Or.J Feb. 3.- Cat
tle ' steady; T receipts 30; calves
Bone; steers, good r$ 8.00 33.50;
medium 37. 25J5. 00; common,
3.50 37.25; canners and cutter
steers $ 5 . 5 0 $ e. 5 0 ; heifers, ged
$ 6.23 97.25; common . and med
ia nC 1 4 ,7 8 6.2 5 cows, goo d. A
$5.50 03.EO; common and m?-
mm t.wuw5.oa canners an
cutters $2.50 03lOO: .me
37.50 Q 14.50 45 3 5.00; common to
medium, canners vand . boloe-nas
53.75 34.50; calves, mediurj to
choice.-(milk feds excluded) 97.50
O39.00 culls and commons 34.50 ;
Ce37.50r V vealers.f! medium , 'to '
choice 310.0031Xv75; culls and t
commons 35.50Q 9 $0.00.
.Hogs,-steady; v receipts 1190; '
heavyweights (2 501, to. 250 lbs. -medium,
good aad? choice 31S.0 '
O ?13.75; medium ; weight. (20 ;
to-2 50-pounds) medium good an,
choice, 313.50 (f? $14.1; list ' j
weight ,(160 to 200pounds) com
mon medium , gooj -'and choice; '
$13.750314.25; Il-ht lights (12o
to.180, pounds) common, mnm.l,
good and choice,
jfj.L-ins cos? trcsfi ana e
i.f . .
S10$12;, slaughter ( '
130) . mediura, F?r' end C
313.5O0314.SO fc,.cr LZ
er pigs (70; to 130 pounds) r
mm, good and cht!c0 313
JK.oo.Yv. ; .. :- f , -v
(Sof.t or clly her ,c r
p'ss excluded -laVtovo ;
tlocs.) ,.; .... . Y y
r .--
4 -