The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 04, 1926, Page 3, Image 3

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    .-riiursDAY uqih;ii:g mcnuATiY4, iccg
ill " " " ""' - II II... . ' I I -I I- 1 I. J I fl II I II II III I m.l. I I I . MIIIWIMUmillJI II. Ill IL - I. -4 .IJillin . I It f lulu i.i . 1 ' "" IMMMH
sir i-clo!8 Jong, i npon,;w.Vi Win
be prlat,ed a red cherfy'wijb the
wfjfds l'Salem, ; dfegonr "" tthe
C. Srf Cit'v Th as the trul aS-j
vci(i!0 th4 ioi'-cltito other,
state delegations ' atte&dins Uie
cbcsTCBs and "Vo, Portland in gen-!
"Salem's ' Finest Entertainment
. - -. i - it
We hive a Hue pfd iou.r-;
ing with' new : paint, acd .
a car.which has run lutH
i very littieThi8".looksv
and runs like a new, job :fi
If you have neVer tried Hotel Dcnspn Coffee it will awaken you to '
;i- (if.;
ana wun ine ivo nctase,
thiacarwilLseUfor fSSU
- . m -7j ape ice angerous,
xpvw r"!5 nsglectedj
Raking Winds and Rain-
ine iruui qooui cortee vuuuyri7WDs cup. wiu ensg i ne emus or
-storms Exr)ected to Con- J
. 4 u--r-
-,. i -' ' 1 . ' , . . .. 1 ... ii 5 I
- 1 - -Wi
v -f
L 1
gOTATOESUf: TTiursJday, ant
- - Friday ;., i- j .
Oregon Netted Jems
per 3LOO.pound3L
rvxe Red Cheek Pipp&s
z box
Medium Large Rome Beauty; ('l OQ
Apples per box..JJ.L.i. I OU
1 Largie size Rome peauty
Apples pec box--L.L-r-
'! Yery.Choke.Wine Sap Apbles & 1A
. Der box 1 L 1
7fc Fishers Blemi Hardwheat
Santos Coffee I
3 pounds
I f
Raia, wittL snow ia mountains;!
l. i w . - r 1 l - i -
' ' 1 ' ) '' ' 1 1 '' 1 , ,
. .-..i lnonthn-lr vlnds: ealea on coasti
v A'Tylnjuio ye8terdaJv 5 3 ; .nrtttlaiu
T? f; ralnfalU 6: (read at 10 p. i
Vjipesday ) ; ; rirer .5,1 atmos-
JUaa C3t Kntera . t
Tho ilTerton Gun cln ijonei
lofi 23 gnn dabs to enter in the
annnal. Precox staja telecranhersj f
traa shootine : contest ,: conducted
j I by the Oregoniaa. Tb contast W-j
I tins on this cominsr Snndar. I
Hotel &IarIoa--r
. Dollajr dinner,
eyery erening. ,
serred 5:45.
to S
The, gUjerton fire departnlfen
&q pit' A.fV-fi'ft.friBI
.f was caused by a., short - eircui
"caused by the storm. V'l;
Fnrrdture rploltery-'is
'' ACl repairlxrs. i Glse-Pawr$
Car Is BecoTered 1 . it.; r-f
The Cherrolet touring reported;
stolen by J. A. Burns ot this! clt
rday afternoon in roit county,
s"ordlg"to word receiTexI aajtj th
ca1 police station. Tho' owner
f the car has been notified.
Cne License Issued
I Only one marriage license
Issued yesterday in the, county
jerk's office. This was Ukea.out
1y J Chester Kurti. bockke.epen
Monmouth, and Florence,, Growerf
Torth Nineteenth street. j w
'W- inwimrn jmd OntomcsUrlsta
.K I - -Balemi Orecbil " .'I - '
:U V,., 1 j .. -i u i
15 M. TQ -P.
3-actobx; siLTOjTQN. cr.:
,w...r. ti. f. .
Undsrwcod Typewriter Co.
; Direct Factory ncai' '
mt. r- CfMt Phone iZZZ
Typewritere Rented, ' Sold,
' '- 'itepairea... - ,
Jalu rental rates to student
v ' ,-
' a j. ! i . ; i
9 Pound size, - Vk , nr
Criscp : : 5 Jl V a
Heina Catsup per Z . f)p
bottle 4-? 4$OC
2 for --r :i;.5c
Heinz Qiii Sauce per nn .
bottle -i.-;...;::...; ....,.: 4JC
2 for Li.56c 1
x - T i -mm- i . . .. . - r!! ;
3 -
xieinz xreparea xausxara on
Heinz Kea.ttajangy -tfgaijg.
' 1 doz,. oahs
Local Men Attcn4 Banquet1' 1
v Two local inenj Robert crand
George Paulns, attended the ban-i
quet In Portland
presterday glren.
aboard the S. S
Anne' Johnson
Swedish steamer
plying between;
the northwest and Sweden. ' The: was glyeii in honor ot the
shippers of this district. '
Good Table Potatoes J
12.75 per hundred at warehouse
3090 Portland road. Phone 2120J
H. A. Hyde Co. P4
Students to Hold.
Students at Willamette uniTers'4
ity wUl hold ' a -, post-eiaminatlon
Jubilee at the Dreamland skating
rink, tomorrow night, : The "rihk
has-been rented, and during the
erening wUl ; be' ?pen exclusiTebj
to WUlamette students. Skallngl
will be in order tor 'the 'rening,
Examinations , wil be over tomotf
row afternoon, and classes for ' the;
second semester iwili be started
Monday. ' 7 'i f - ' - -; x J
Hear Our FjoreinjRecords -
H. I Stiff Furniture Co.
Salratlon, ilrThy; pirt j?-?-
"That little redi henJ
kbout her?. Boya and girls mai
find jou" by i hearing Rev 'Hi I
Shanks, the childfajTlfHinorratl
afternoon, 4 .otlok. . A joJJy, good
time, plus a special' treat, for red-
bloode ypnngsters. and. 1 " ;. ail
free!, says Captain Pitt.
Tor Sale.TTheat-4
51.50 per bushel.
Phone evenr
ings, 14P3. J
lilmber To. Speaki
Ben J. Klmber,
Marion -county- TMCA,' will te the
principal speaxer. oi t xub atner
and Son bang.ueV to be hed in-
eznected - that a' , bis turnobt will
be on hand for te baaqflef.
Jost Received
A lot of newr patterns; at Mrs.
Miller's, over Miller's store. , f5
Birth 'Is Reported .
Birth of a son Lto Mr. nd Mrf.
John T. Weese of fialem" -as re
ported to the Office of- the.eity
health officer yesterday'." The boy.
who was born January 31. has re
ceived .the name ' ot yniard; Verf
20-Tear Farm Ijoairs .
No 'coramissionr charge. Becke
&. Hendricks, 183 N. Street.
BoHdinsr Permits! Are Issued
Three building permit were Is
sued from the office of the city
Recorder- yesterday. Ralph A.
Opposite the grounds of the
Oregon Stato-llospltal n ,
For the right kind cf xns.!erial3
and the very ;best.wcrkman4
ship caU na.
: 'Gabrioi'';'-''!
Powder and Surely Co. I
'175 8. Cnejnerclal 'i'bne:723.
iui inniniiiniKinwinr iri-1r--w "irrj'i" '
LilDD.&BT;SHrPan:ierq ; -
General Ear.Tang Buinses
1 1 Office Coort from 10 . ia. to S p m. '
Shantz re;eiTed a. permit to, con
struct a one story dwenin at
1475 North lUh street at a cost
qt 30 00. , H. tinkler waf
given- a' permit to repair the two
story dwelling, at'- 210 Mission
street. Repairs w'ill cost"500.
Frank Mayers ' tookJVut a perniij
to? remodel the two story jbricfc
buUdingat ' 141 South 1 JL4erty
street. The remodeling wUl cpet
1500. . -
po lf ot Buy -
'A ' Tacuum cleaner '.until' you
hare- seen ' the ; latest Vacuetjte.
Hajlk and Eoff, 337 Court
directors To Meet .
There 'will be a ineeting of the
board of directors of ? the '" Salem
TMCA. according to word from C
A. Kells,. general secretary of the
local association, ' The meeting
wijl be held this noon in the rooms
Of tne TMCA, Lnncheou f will be
srtedi " . ' - - - rr ' "
By the use of medicine Br.
Stone removed a' eaneer from the
corner of the eye of if. N. Gilliam,'
independence. , . ,. f4
Blnv15en Released r !
Bin Sen, arrested here recently
on. a narcotic charge, has been re
leased to" the United "States mar-
Bhal f rom Portland.
Sfodern Homes TTermsp
...Three north; one east, one south
5200 to? $5 00 down, . balance like
rent, 5320ft oft up. Three vacant
right- now. Becke "A! Hendricks.
189 N. Hign street. e jsitl
Hl-Y Meets ;-' . '' j
iSalem; Hi-T club meet this ere-
ning i in . the J rooms of the local
X31CA. " A Supper wUT be served
after v-hich bible 'study "will "be
held, - instruction: to" be. feiyen by
Prpf.; Roy Harding-of "Willamette
University. ' ,
i !
Dance Saturday ','
.fAt ' Clemen x: pavilion, J Haxet
vreen, ia
1 j - - i - f. I
ytter Right Case Oyer j
j Rhea Luper, state engineer, yes;
Kroay .announced the. completion
of i the adiuducatlon - of water
rights pn Burnt Tljv&r, knd Its trib
utaHes in Balef coUhtyIaTOtfing
f 45 jc'ater tfsers audcoveriog an
area of 2,7,4 2& acre's ef land. Much
o'the cpatrovirsyever.the water
rights" on. i this stream " centered
about : the rlgLls - claimed by the
owners of the. famous4 Eldofado
Mining "ditch constructed ln1867
to jcarry"" water across the divide
into the Malhpar river basin. ' As
finally adjudicated the rights of
Wood Wood
jii-YARDL.-; "
167 D Street Telephone 2313
; galemV Teadlng - , j;
1, avctiqneer; t;
Pays .Cash) for Fnmitare
k- Itefence mnd Store
1C10. North gsrmmci;
: f rilONE 511 t?
"Ctablihed JSlnce lOlO'
1 fV
lie Ife U
the present owners of this ditch to
the use of water from Burnt River
were recognised! to a limited- ex
tent. -'..: ' if -
Purniture t Upholstery
And rspairing. GieM-Powers
Furniture company. ; :;"BSotf.
Pioneers Meet-
Members ot the Daniel Boone
Pioneer' club of ; the First Metho
dist church of this lty held their
meeting tost night in the basement
of tbe church- j Dr. George r E,
leiris, prominent local dentist
spoke to the boys on the care of
their, teeth,1 The Sbeltqn, pioneers
of the First Christian, church qi
SaJeia also; met last night. '
i- ';'.!; coids , .'.'..'
Serious diseases may,, develop
from neglected coughs and colds
and make jLhem dangerous. There
is no better remedy: for, quick re
lief from coughs' and ' colds than
Foley's Honey" & ,Tar Compound,'
"My grandchild could, get no re
lief whatever from a very, bad
croupy ",cough, until . I gave him
Foley's Honey . and Tar, " WTites
Peter Landis, Meyerdale, Pa. Get
a botue front your aruggist ana
have it ready for any emergency.'
Contains no opiates. Sajtisfaction
guaranteed. Adv.
Arrested fqr Speeding
: Ray Locquet i of Oregon City,
was arrested ' yesterday on . the
north. Pacific : Highway, charged
with speeding at the rate of', 50
miles an hour. i. He was cited to
appear in the justice court here
next ; Tuesday., O. O. Nichols,
state traffic
, officer, made the
Poultry Keepers
Special sale of baby chicks next
Monday afternoon. Salem Chick-
eries, 264 N Cottage. Phone 400,
r ' : -:; q - . 1 17
Will Kirk Visits
T. Kirk,, former member
of the stale industrial, accident
commission, now ocated in Port
land, was at business visitor in Sa-
leni yesterday, j v
k- i r- i: -
Bv 4s B. Optical Co. '
, .- 3 70 State, h Phone 328.
Returning Pjrom Bledf ord s
Rhea Luper, state engineer, re-'
tarned yesterday from ; Medford
where he, nad gone to confer wif.h
a. group ot farmers relative tp
plans for the irrigation of a. tract
ot land in that section 1 ot the
Clubs meta Today
i Tb Piety Hilt club . will meet
this afternoon at 7 o'ciock at tne
home of Mrs'C H. Spauldlng. v
. The ! Salem "Professional :i and
B u sin ess , Women's . club met last
nisht at the Chamber v of Com
merce rooms. An interesting dls
cusslon of club affairs was had.
Hear Our Foretga Records'
U X.. Stiff Co. i
Spectacles ' Are J tojund
C. A.;Epley found a. c"e con
taining -a, pair of spectacles, and
turned them ' brer to." the ' local
were found on Chemeketa.
lHgli; Class Tracts- :
-10' acres, six miles east. 53500;
10 acres ' 3 miles east, "5500; 5
acres.edge of J3aJem.oui,h,; SS5Q0
All have excellent land and quite
good bldgs. Becke & Hendricks,
185;, Ni. High street . , , J31f
Will Attend CnXcrencer- ;
.A -delegation; otpicpxlmately
thirty youhg people;', reprVsentlng
thellocak SaftatloOL; .- Army 2 icbrps.
win attend the Army's annual
young peqple'a; congress, tor tb?
Oregon division; to r pe neru,vn
Portland Februray 20,' 21, accbrd
ins to present plans.. Tbrjjngbtthe
courtesy, of the lpc jt Chamjier of
Commerce, -' these - delegates wH
each.wear a, brQad.hlte'Hbbitt,
Tie Best ta arfc
' ; ' v . salt Accessories
, - ' whjuard
631' Court -St. ' rbona-tSl
Offfce:lnTNew;SaIsni Hotel
1)" vs (fTiTcs rv nature r.
1 ' 1 dr?nfctlt fi;j,I-i;fciiAi'or.J
nave. x m3Z Vit iiJ5 rtW?.
teed. ,a4. : " . ' ; ;
BJayesvL J
a me,e
j -of e Vorkers con-
ference. ojE the HaysyiJle-, Sunday
scueoi a is u-let ceuncu of religious 1
educaLion'wiU be held at the Mid-1
die "Grove hurch 'nt' 1 1 ' Vclnrlr
Sunday: r lA.Il Interested "he
wrk' are Invited " d att .
't 1 , '
NeTouj; pa Cbaaged?--
urease Spot.' ' 3 -
TrbeWta,-- ;
1 A tojjfe PQTtabJebarlecuvma
chfue h,an, Just.beei insUUedat
title's cash stpre ok thft Pacific
Highway about four-miles north
ot Saem.. AJ1 mqdern. equipment
for. barbecue sandwiches' Is now
14 use; The Lytle store- yaa fpr
merly, operated' bx Poey, and is
situated it what is; known as Fo
ley's cOrnersl ; The-store, has been
greatly improved and remodeled
and; a large glass porch, build in
thtftroatij t
I Ritl for Bonds .
KA issue , of state
bonus bonds offered by the World
War Veterans State Aid commis
sion yesterday was ' bid in by
Ferris & Company, of . Portland at
a . figure to yield ,4.223 net. One-
fourth. of th issue was bid in atj
lour per cent anp. three-fourths at
4-r3r4 per 'cent. '''3Js;teen firms en
tered bids' feitthe Issue, thearg
est number of b'idderrs ever com
peting for an issue ot ttate bonds.
. : ' ' ;
Money to' Xoan- i
: Ot Salem hoiesl i iiOj years to
psyl" No ' commfsSion, charge.
Becke &! Hendricks. 183 N. High
Mar Build Ferry
The Marion county; iourt went
to Independence yesterday to meet
with ; the Polk "cdunty? court and
discuss the question bt construct
ing or repairing ihd electric ferry
at ?. Independence, i No '-.definite
action was taken it the meeting
although plans 'were ordered
drawn' for" a' f erry similar, to the
one' now, in Use. . It ia' understood,
however, 'that the' plans are mere
ly for the 'purpose of comparison.
no move having yet been made for
the purchase' of a new boat.
BereWWrC Meeting
The Berean Vw. k W. G. of the
1 First Baptist church held a special
lijftiatlon, meeting in honor of the
True' Blues. nThe other guests of
honor were: Mrs. S. H. Gile, Mrs.
Lotis and Mrs. Neptune. During
the pot-luck supper which was had
at 6:30, the girls sang clever lit
tle songs. The Initiation services
took, pla immediately after the
Supper. Iiss IjLiSVlnia Buirgy
with, th. assi&fanee ..of several
other' girls rendered a clever atunt
entitled, "Apple Sauce". The re-,
mainder of the evening was spent
Playing games.
01d Time Fiddlers'
Friday Eve. 8 O'clock
Auspices Sajenr. Llojss Club,
Bencftt, 'Charity Fund. 550
in Clash PriteSLMany Merchan-
I Big, Program, . and Old Time
nancing. riyeryone come ana
brintf a friend.
I t?5:.y:nAjy J4iissiox soc
JntroiductcTU 'Wtffe
. ..
4vv'f .- -4 . i
fast apew of the MarAyItemjitQ PtfeFrom
"inversal Vercolatcr
Unjlversal sltJrn
universal Jpaster
rnnvulVff1 Trnn , !
Majestic Waffle Iron ......
iTnioal fiel TTrnJ Creamer.)
ndcTray; U J ....... .;
simplex -t.iociric irons . . . .
sf iapl&xEr&tric : Irons !iv i
n nel Washington. Said, to
Bet luZ. Statonaryj;fCnteyt ' i r
i of Storni; - Disabled.
4SbJps in Tdw
4By" Associated" Press.) The
storm that lias held the Pacific
In its grip forthe past two days
18 8tiu rid!?t '9 bod, OTer. a
yastj stretch, of the; mainland and
an equlaly. at t. area of, the ocean
tonight and I threatening to nn
leash more raking. a;ales before it
b. broken up.
A survey of: the. shipping, the
storm area, however reyeals no
.easels- n. distress, and - discloses
that all efforts to succor, stricktu
(iraft, hare been successful. , ..r
.The sfornk is "stagnant'' off the
Pacific ; northwest, , jte United
States .weather- bureau said, me.a
ipg thatf its- head - is . stationary,
while it is continuing to send out
blustering-' . . gales .' and , ,'. driving
drenching Vrains on ejre.ry , flaik,
parXbf.. the disturbance is extend
I$g ' soutbard ' again - and bJgh
winds and 'heavy r,ains are to re
sume in, 'this" region, perhaps as"
far south as Point Tteyes..
v- .Prostrate telegraph wires 'des
laj'ed' any ' wind velocity report
from Point, Reyes today., although,
it. was. known, to ' be 1 much calmed
there than yesterday." '. J . " y j
The Standard Oil tanker, CaptJ
A: F. Lucas, with , the ' battened
schooner Ecola in tow, is bearlug
toward San Francisco from of?
Point Bragg, 130 miles toward the
north-where the Ecola, crippled
and derelict, with a crew of ,12
and the skipper's wife . aboard,
fought a gallant battle of two days
with, smashing, tearing, wind and
wave. .' The Lucas put. a line
aboard at 8:15 a. in. toda, after
standing , by .the stricken, Ecola
throughout the night. ' i
' Old-time mariners. - said it was
the heaviest blow In 25 years on
taeV Pacific.
North- Bend citizens raising 57,-
0OX, for gymnasium and auditor-
U ' 7 Btaley " "
, In this city;. Wednesday, Febru-I
ary 3, Jason utaiejr, age 7 n years,
is survived by hhv wife Sarah!
E.;Staley. Announcement of . the
funeral, will be made later by the!
Rig'don A Son mortuary. ; I
' PUneraF services for the 'late
Ragnil Kron will be held from the
Webb funeral Chapel on Friday at
2 O'clock. Interment will do In the
Lee Mission cemetery. Rer R.'Ii!
Putnam will officiate.
'. Funeral services for James
Banker will be held Saturday 'at
2 p. m. from the Webb. Chapel.
Interment will - be in the Citw
View cemetery.
Funeral services, tor the late
James, Henry Rhoten.will be held
today, Thursday, from, the Webb
f uneral parlors at 2 o'clock. Inr
ter'ment "will be. in Marion. Ore-gqn.-'
. , . . , J
STRICKEN iye sorrow words; the grief
s tnat aoes net sneaa ..
iVbispers the oer-f raught heart
: i -x and bids it break. , i "
s ' '(",.
I -Shakes$eacej
ltt "'... ' . 'I- i-
W. T. Risdon & Son S
MS f s -
' ' ' S-t '
- :
... . 9.0fr i -f "
.'13.50 . '10.10
i. j 8.00 6.00 ;
' - . 1 ' . . . - 1B.0O
A , S'.uO 'iSfSO
Snear': 'i'H V.I .-'t'.'v'. ,. '-vf
45.75 aio . :
Ui-'ttlrf t t i
best, two ft
)(s out. ot
end of two hoofs,
15' minute' exhibition by two,
ooy na a girt, y . - -yi
- ' i pnTrva , . j.1
Ringside (inc.. iiax). tf 1.6
General Admission : . .f 1.10
PamUy- circle .i. V-50
A "
. if
' New Shipment
tpgl?h ;nnt
. r
-4 - f.r-?t''.-
All of tKei favored colors antTpattcrns ? v
are! shown, there s a plentifulvvaViei r.
V pTiey rel30 irtchJvide:an
j or women's -'arid cHilclrivs dreEses P
' - . . r .:.:':'..:- .-4" -.f. r ' - ' f---'
---".r" " i' , ;':-" -.':-' r i ' ,- j-: . ,
' - - i - - : :." -r - -7 : .. j--. - ;
aoo tate Street
' -
1 . "
' : --. s '
v. rrrri
-V TFamqua; Noy? Perfectly- ricturlzc -
j,.A question and cmvcr
, for;eery mrl who is or,
. i, A - fcppe?: tft: be
- fiA
- ... i
ree or a decision ater the
otFarmer Burns'-pupil
f -t
'-' HP '
v .-I---- j y -
- -!i"
. ' j '
. . .
PORTLAi Ikl ,r ; f----, v kv-
f . 383 Alder -treti;
'4 V
. v- '
7? - '
married. , ...
: " ft.
X-,.' ,.- ' .. ,W -. ".-'
I i
'1.7 1
vr.q ...
't i.
' 4
! ' .
! lit
v SaJesyatdj in. tear pf otfJca;
f vft v:;phony;i718.; '- ;
Residence PlJcns 111F2I i
'ay Cash for Used Furniture j
- ErGr.stn 'qoJrii; ";
.Arents for lns Etoreli
- ri