The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 04, 1926, Page 2, Image 2

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ing Beciczc:i
BeroreWacfced '.Mouse.
0ut MMsEimaMs,
Clear? Cut Boxing Features
Matcm Punishing Blows,
. - - . ;raii 10 uit speed
PhiU Bayes ootboxed .and oat
punched Dannie : Edwards in I It
hard &nglt- ten round battle at
me armory jast night. An overflow-
1 rowd, netting a ; bit over
t v f Kituvwnni inn lusicil. i n
FanM Jrere Interested-from start,
to fihkh'anf rare a detuwut sup
port ally members on the card
ightlftg; throughout was clean
and devoid of qestlonable action.
A yeedfd .crowd and a record eard
' .The "second most popular scrap
was. toe flrst prelimmary-bet ween
ixren 'Watts and ilerle Bronsoa
Watfa,- Balem boy, has for weeks
Wen. pleading ,for chance io
show pi stnff. II U victory " over
uronson oTUVheatlaBd was earned
In a steady . panelling, no s clinch
houti :Eacfi man went in unafraid
ami- save the crowd everything
iney haa. They deserve a return
place higher np on the card.
In. the. main event both Bayes
ana hi, colored opponent carefully
tested' ach other out during tAc
flrst three rounds. . In the fourth
roand jjayes started to .rally. He
bad cBrroctlr canddwri Si
a" punching, boxer with, no punch.
'H'wi u 4i u own, lie jungea heavy
ieitB and rights, somewhat soften
ed by Danny's protective glove.
uan ducked a, haymaker. Dan
came -back with correctly aimed
straight-arm and; body jabs with
no dangerous results. Edwards
now!, started to cauliflower Phil's
left , ea r . at every chance, f ' - j
Round four; and five revealed
Bayes t starting - to bore in and
only fanny's superior experience
preve$tcd a sudden ending. Phil
hot fd a well guaged right that
rnabl)d him to rneh fidwardu 'to
the - DVirtheast corner. Edwards
learned his lesson and' kept away
bltJl f Phil missed ' two deadly
swings only because Dannie was
r -Mail IOc for copr 'of
ZSZ new Oh Henrvi- rcctp'
book showing SI XT.Y
ZZZncw recipe. Write.
I V America's M
i : " W ChifB. IW. 1
Mim4 $ Mm
J i Mffi forests,
j ' Kit rKl - tc crQjp!' of It$ ioily the goods of
- tincre IS! nothinfr
. f .;;.
in the" wor
tt v.cvtn nation m tne
I -! .iridD;trirj "flcMi
i t: m fr.Ph rr m tnc output -qfats a.
lf .i
i 1 '
iT , . . . . . u ' , , . . '. ' 1 ' '. r-r-
Winner of r Event at Heilig
May Meet Mike Yokel,
f NowiTitle Holdk,
The 'winner of; the- karasirk-
David wrestling match at the Ilci
lir theater next Thursday - nighrt
-1U,be qualified to : have a go at
tle present - bolder if the iight-
heavjwelght. champion, Mike -Yo
kel, who only a . few ; wjeeks ago
took (the championship from Kara
sick;. -A number of : orders for
blocks of seats have been received
fromj Portland,- -Eugene. Albany
and ether cities, by Manager Holt.
A group of 30 Silverton tana, have
nade a reservation.
Bi the revition of.thej
fish, code
in the state of Washjgton tlie
legislature has taken thef steelhead
out bf the food fish' cias and put
14 where it has always belonged
in tle game-fish class. -I- - . . .
Aionday 9R Aggies triok to the
field JTor football practice for the
i;3Z team.
Fflsche, Giants' : heafry hittin
spcona sacKrert says "he does not
nave any - desire ; to subceed . M
Graw as mnar rf tha Mow vv
qiianjU. Ue,says;he much prefers
qaannmg tae second base fortifi
catldns to .''any place 1 can't get
.intol the came.' I am wliitncr'tn
ne a player till I am thfough," "he
aysi , . v : i , - :
odiing desperately., . Edwards
ot In a lead to Phil's fce, showy
but not effective. 'J " . 3 "."
j Inl the sixth a nasty fight, with
shfort left jab unbalanced Ed
ars and .hurled him against the
opes. In the seventh . Edwards
ore I In a left and arntiso! rirht
nd left punches frpm .Bayes., Ed-
ars protected Jiimself : well and
wdK the. round viw .hU final des
perate effort to - best llio Snlem
Id the eight hand ninth' rounds
Edwards failed to land Kodv hi nun
knd i Dares revealed the .results of
hi h-ecent intensive training-. He
but (oxed. the veteran at everystep
fendjshot In body blows K Edward-
ayfd himself by trying to keen t
jftleajr, taking ?greaj '(lea! 4f pun-
jclcHrly the;wtnner from thesbell.
He reached Dannie" chin with a
ight that - would t have KllVd t
less seasoned fighter, j Dan .went
against the ropes and Hayes-. closed
the : eessien 'with i another right.
lrwlng weak . final ireiturn blows
f roin Ed ward s. ? -H . :
Before ti?scmi-8nftL"ifc trowd
uaq a ; enanee to see
feaiherwcigJj t 'r ch amp
Ansej Bell.
on ; - of" the
colored import, world
! Bell meets
Chick .UeTJntanif act Portland j on.
February 23. - After, ithe
announced that Bayes would i
rnmnai-ihU .a.; iNt4 - - 1 -
world in 1
ncct them a
Uransaction of
r"''''-f i. '.
.d;9Sr-' and '
activity uj; thiyast? K factories: 7 Fifty rni times '
United! States lead . flailw vti W-
Teller -Ocj-Critra1'. Udrt rial Cerrica 4k J
i J'- . f L . . ' ' ''..V'
High School Squad to Face
... Strpng Indidn Agcrega
tlon IrV Salem Gym
jSaleim high fchool will meet the
five ffom : the. Chemawa Indian
xchool) this evening at 7 :0 o'clock
promptly.; The game is to be
played on the floor of the Salem
high fchool gymnasium. ; ?
f Thih is slated to bo Salem's
toughest game of the -season out
side of the slate tournament. The
Indians are said to have even a
stronger team than they had" last
year, when they beat Salem high
by orie point, throwing two bas
kets in the last minute of play in
order j to do so.
During the pat three, years Sa
lem high has won once from the
Indians and the rnulans have Won
twice.; Each of the three games
was won by only one point.
Bu this year Salm has one ad
vantage,; the game la to be. played
on tl4 home floor. ,j The games for
thej Ut three years wete played
at l Ciemawa. Although. Coach
Huntington is hafiljy expecting to
win the game, he ays he believes
Salens 'h chances will be good if
the boys are on. : : ' '
TMs' Is the worst 'in and but
teamj I ever had," .declared Coach
Huntjngtoh. "If they are on. they
havej unlimited possibilities; but
if thy are off, they are mediocre.
Tne game, without a doubt, will
be the best that has been seen on
the home floor this year."
The boys wre given a light
workout yesterday afternoon. No
heaver work was done, however, for
fear the boys would go stale before
the game. Salem la quite desir
ous pt beating the Indians.
JUlneup for tbe game will be
Siegmund and Duffy at forwards;
J. Draper at center, and R. Dra-
ger ind Olinger at guards.
nieetj Dangerous Taylor at Bend
February 10.
V1 the semi-final last night Ted
?t 1 Proved that he ran meet a
gooq man when at 116 pounds
no ; met the superior I weight of
Danhy Alberta, Portland . flaih,
andi held 'him to a draw'- !
3 PORTIjAXD buds wrv
PORTLAND,; Ore., Feb, 3. (By
Assoi'iated Press.) Portland de
feat fd Vancouver in an overtime
hockey game here tonight by a
score of 4 to 3.
: I
SfCWAHD, Alaska. Feb! 2. De-
preHsed over ill health. Capt. W.
lcDonnell, 75, pioneer Alas
kan! and one time commander of
famous clipper ship Glory of
oeas. a aeaa, a suicide.
jr i
r" A"
UlL - r i , 4 t
re used for the
the nation's busi-
Cheney School Five . Jake
First Game From Chem
awa, Score
33 to 21
.T)ie Chemawa Indian school lost
its first basketball game of the
season last night when the Cheney
Normal school of Spokane- scored
a-decisive triumph! to the tunc of
23 to 21. ; The game was played
on the Chemawa floor. j,
- The Indian - boys! were outclass
ed jby, their more experienced and
larger, opponents ! although they
held out strongly until the final
cuarter when the Ayasbington lads
opened, up with full force. The
score was tied at the'half, 1C-16.
and at the. threefquarter mark,
19-19. After keeping up a brave,
undaunted fight until the-final
quarter, the Chemawa team was
crushed in the lapt few minutes,
the northerners piling tip most of
their pointers in this frame,- It
was Chemawa's 13th game.
. .Thursday evening the Indian
school will meet Salem High on
the local high school floor.
PORTLAND, Or Feb., 3. (By
Associated Press. )J Billy' Meeske,
light heavyweight jwrestllng cham
pion of Australia took two but; of,
three falls from Mike Yokel ' ' of
Salt iAke City hre tonight.
Meeske won the 'first- faff In
21 minutes and 2Q seconds with a
Japanese arm lock and the third
fall in three minutes with a head
lock after a mixujp near the ropes
in which Yokel stunned himself
by landing on his head on the bare
boards of the .stage. If he second
fall went to Yokel who put the
Australian down
16, minutes fire
airplane spin, j
for the cpunt in
seconds with an
: . , ... . . , . : .
U able EL A.
I -
0 till. I. m
'4 C!
Big Fellows Who Have Been
Drawing Crowds in Port
, Jand to Meet Here
. Lightweight wrestling breaks
into the "Salem sport ring tonight
when, the much heralded 'Head
lock" artist, Al Karasick takes on
Charley Davis at the Heilig.
" '.During the past weeks, Kara
sick has had his share of well de
served limelight,1 'winning many
auporters who have traveled to
Portland ; to see him work. For
merly light heavyweight champion
the big Russian lost to Mike Yo
kel,' and the theory runs that r by
defeating 'Davis n the ring to
night he will have the right to
meet Yokel again.
'Both Davis and Karasick are ex
perts In the finest arts 'of wrest
ling and are determined to put on
a, fast match, with no charity of
fered to either, .: ,
, ': Advance sale! of tickets has in
dicated distinct interest on the
part of local fans in these big boys
whose meeting would warrant a
capacity; house in Portland or any
other city where the game is well
followed. j
It, is understood that both men
had, been told that they njust
weigh 173 pounds on the night
of meeting, or the match will not
be 'recognized. Karasick, having
won ; and lost the . championship
within the year, 'must eliminate
championship- contendants before
meeting the crafty Yokel again.
A determined fight, it is under
stood. may .be expected this eve
ning. , Medford Local capital will develop-
scenic and resort facilities at
Odell Lake.
ALBERT never owned a tccth
it never had teeth!
And never will. The Prince Albert proof
cs$ cut out bite and parch right at
the becinninir. : And, voup toriert saw
f D z -hank
you!" every time you load ud
that-old jimmy-pipe with cool, comfort-
' . .
.Watca the pun break through the
st51lcecIouds the minute you get going
' with goiI old VsAl Coot and sweet and
."P'.ft.'i true-blue smoke zooms;
' UP, dielstem and throws pipe-grouches
tor a Idss. .youUiililaj
his nrstfweek's pay. Never any tobacco halr.In,r fnr , 1
?ino other j tobacco
H&avies, pn WeitigMqf Tonight
Daily Practice Will Continue
TnroughoutSpring, New
Plays Booked
Eugene. FebX-r-(Special) Fifty-
two gridiron, aspirants, including
11 of last season's lettermen. an
swered' Coach McEwan's first call
for spring practice j on Hay ward
field. "The workouts will continue
daily. ! ' t- :
The ex-Vest Point football men
tor lost no time in getting the men
started on real football. Ten min
utes after they had i gathered on
the field; one squad; was selected
and running signals which will be
used next year: ' j '
The plays, as outlined by Cap
tain McEwan, are deceptive and
give promise of strength and the
line play is much . different than
tised last fall, in that it is more
versatile. Trie coach is still, with
out assistants. '.
Lettermen who 'were on hand
were:;' Captain' Al Sinclair, Lynn
Jones, Otto Vitus," Beryl Hodgens,
Bert Kerns, Larrin 'Reynolds. Carl
Johnson.' George liimnaugh. Clar
ence Carter. Victor Wetzel and
Homer Dixon. Ira Woodie Roland
Wilson and Neil Eddy, of the 1925
freshmen squad, showed up well
as quarter-backs.
NEW YORK. Feb. 3 (AP)
Roger Bresnahan, catcher of the
New York Giants from 1902 to
1908 and Christy f Matthewson's
battery niate, today was appoint
ed acoach of the Giants, Manager
John J. McGraw announced. He
left New York in 108 to manage
the St. Louis Cardinals.
that ranff the bell
Men who gave up trying to smoke a
pipe have tried again with Prince Albert
. . . and stuck! Because Pi A. has what
smokers want deep-down satisfaction
and no i 'egrets Genuine pipepleasure
d nblmistake t You'll say so. ,
I i Prince Albert packs more smiles to
die cubic inch than you ever thought
t possible with tfwy tobacco. It paints the
dull, drab world a bright, cheerful red.'
Feace in,, every puff. Get yours today
at the nearest P. A.
is like
Salem, Eugene and Corval
lis to Jake Part in Match
in Eugene
The tri-city shoot between
Rod and Gun clubs of Salem,'
gene and Corvallis has been post
poned until next Sunday. At that
time all three teams 'will be pitted
against each other at Eugene. Two
Sundays after that the teams will
meet at ' Corvallis, and the ; final,
shoot will be held . in Salem,
March 7. '
At ' the meeting of" the Salem
Rod and Gunclub Tuesday night
election of officers was held, j Dr.
Prime was reelected president and
Carl -Bahlburg treasurer. Other
officers are B. E. McKay, secre
tary; Walter Low, Sara Hughes
and Richard Hazeltlne, directors.
The president and treasurer! are
also members of the board of di
rectors. ', , -
Members of the Salem Anglers
club were present, and the consol
idation of the, two clubs was ef
fected, after the by-laws of the
Rod and Gun club had been read.
and" the anglers had accented
them. ; ?
Sam Hughes t was appointed
chairman of the anglers commit
tee. An effort will be made to
get some consideration from the
liatchery at f Stout creek. 4 Dr.
Prime is of the opinion that about
5,000,000 young "trout a year
could be turned into the various
streams in this vicinity from! the
hatchery. ' " I
What with the taking in of the
members of the Salem Angler'
like that hrfnm
sunshine shnn.
Oregon Virginia Valli. Eugene'
O'Brien; ; Mary Alden in "Siege,"
by Samuel Hopkins Adams. ' , -
; lleilijc Wrestling 'Al Karasick
i i
vs.'Chariie uavies. .
; Bligli Jack. Hoxle in "BustiiJ
Throushj" and a Charlie ChfeplinT
comedy.! . . :. "-: ;,
club, the Rod and Gun clubnow
has a irierabership of J 150 , mem
bers and niore. At the meeting it
was decided to hold regular meet
ings in the auditorium of the Sa
lem chamber of commerce the
first and third Tuesday evehings
of each month. I ;f
Pflrrich litninr Hinh
s Defeats Scio.19 to 2 '
r ! v - . - L - i i
Parrlsh-Junior high school de
feated .the Scio basketball team '
here last night by & score l 19
to 2. v ihe game was playd on " V
the Parrish floor. Long Kshota
featured the game. Keppinger of
Parrish' was high point riiant with
9. points. .: ! ' ' f r ' " -
TheiParrishf five will melt thdjt.v
Perrydaie aggregation in that" '
town oh Friday evening and plays ' '.
Woodbuth here on Wednesday. V .
-r j-'-v-
MvTtle- Point Bank and ivu .
ings : deposits : Increased Ijirgel . .
during 1925. Itfi I. .V;
" " ' ' 1 i '' "" ii' .' . "I .
Old Timel;FiddIs,
(I Contest j
v Friday Eve. 8 O'Cloek
Auspices Salem! Lion's -Club.
Benefit; Charity Fund. $50
in Cash Prizes, Many Merchan
dise Prizes. j v I
Big Program and Old f Time
Dancing. Everyone come and
bring a friend, i '
P.A. tt Jd mrrtn in tidy red
tm. pomnd and hMf-pmnd tin fanm. p0mn4 tryumhsimts mumHort -itk
$pomie-moittntr top: And
miwmyt with rry Hi mf bite mnd pnrth
rtnmfd ky IkTlaw Albert metis.
1 1