.WEDNESD A Yi JJOIUnNG.) FTH1TIUATIV 3, d D2f - - " . .; .- ? . ; , : -jiiin dnr qo:?iStAi tan,: salt:.!,-;, cr.: H m if - N". I " ------ . , - - - - -Mrs. iW. htected .Presidet l a-the 5aZro War Mothers MrsMarav S. iSklft wditJected .president- of. the. Salem chupter of . American War Mothers,; succeed TTng "Mrs; -John A. 'Carson whos has ailed the office most crefl Itably for the past, keveit years, at. the; rega- , larA7neetlngof the... OTgaolzatlon '-"yesterday in'jha chamber "of com merce "rooms.." Mrs." Skiff 14 espe "tTclaUy hted for the lie w duties ot beroff Ice. already hating filled the iifflce-.of :t1c executive, and' hav c'jnade contacts with -the" na atonal work -at th-national--on-'?'- ventlon"t-Thichshe was the of 4 '"racial delegate last ummer. j . -. "Other officers were .elected as follows' Vice r president;! t Mr ,., Chauncey Loekwood recording .-- spcretaryfrs.'J.-RjIfnmPhreya; rorrespondiae i secretary, vlrs. .A. - A. Lieef treasureri ir.- J." A.- Ber nardl: parliamentarian. Mm F."A. r Elliott;, imd chaplain. Mrs. G. II. AlJen. -The f oUowIok directors ,were r named : I Mrs. William Mc : Gilchrist.- Sr-Mrs.' ;IU J. Hen- drlcksAnd Mrs. JT. A. Carson. The appointment of ,'the JlowerjCtund . treasurer will lie made at;.later --meeting. ".. " ; i " . 'j In addition to x the election ,of - -officers. tb reports of committees IV took np the ' afternoon, r Twent siz dollars and cents wasl taken Ip . at' t6T5"ast'!eool foo4 sale i EpnspcMrrr kVatifyiBg amjsimV : ' 'VfideT 'a ihoaif able .preiicicnt?- ;i Mrs John: A. Gitzov- the organ i- ' cation r o ,'AmeHcan War Mothers . in Salem -ha 4eenoae of; the most in m - 0P5EI MICH, r' 13, IS, GAS Instant Stomach- Rfilfti ! ; t , iostan-reiief from 4 sourness. -r. . gasesupr acidity .pf fcstot5iath :,rf rem . . . indigestion, flatulence, palpitation, - headache or any stomach distress. t'Papera ' IMapepaln' Utafctets jtqwc fiistcmcli-ieela nae."Coftect. rwr ; digestion Jlorrfcwiceata --aPieas-r;antT, -Harmless! v- Ahy drug atore ..2 Adniit No Unidentified -Strahger; 6iir cutomfers pf etnisca, -vvith idehtificti'pa rd IsirAilaar to t , ; , f t ri XT if, . --. Our employeeajwi (Jack ChcTTingtbn larid'liked meters V year of continuous 1 ' - ' ' InflaentiaL in the community. !A roll ajl;pf approximately -aernty-fire names r.ompoe..the-pexsonnel of , th,e club oTerwhcfl. It lias ;paa Mrs. 'Carson's i distinction to prfrj side for seren consecutlre years, or slnce'the'club was first oran led.'rjV;,fl .-w'it? ili s, -; 4 In appreciation at her. loag term ei faithful serrice Mrs. Carson iwa formally presented ?:itni a heavily ful floor lamp 'and an f imthene hoaqueV bf ; crimson carnailona, whlch'she rjecelTed"In:a gracious manner' -: : ?'' AnitualClioi Party u, j ) The annual? Choir party of St, I Paul's Episcopal church . will te hAd tomorrow night at the parish house. The affair is under, the sponsorship -of the choir mottes, Mt.hU. Km Terwiiiigar :ana "Mf s. William BelI. - z . 'Birthday" Celebrated " ' The birthday of Rer- CCiPol in g. pastor ot the First EvangeJU-; cal church, was celebrated in a.n especially delightfur' manner .at nocn yesterday whea nembers of the;family were'uasts at thPoU lng home.;foT,;a,rj?-)Ter dinner. Out-of-town f guests-or ther'occa sion included pr. "and Mrs. D. Poling and Xgt: WIlQams of Al bany and Rer. and Mrs. Paul' Pol ing of Monmouth. The table was f lovely with carnaJtLons, ; Chinese lilies and maiden-hair fern h I lparms tae aay me nonor guest was made the recipient of- a card shower, from the members of his congregation. : ' -r-i Mrs. Riddle Is Soloist J . j , SnTertonFeb. 2. Compliment ing ' teachers' of the SilvertOn schools. Mrs. M. C. Wood ard'; Miss Catherine Woo4ardand Mrs. B. & LKleinsorge,, were- hostesses tat i a largjB ea Saturday afternoon. Seventy, guests called; during; the tea hoar, many. from out of town. - art'- r . - . . I l . J ff'iRiraivinuc ' ui puis. vuu room where Dr. Estelle. Ford 1Wat- tier of Salem and Mrs. S. K. Oster gafdr presided tth& tea hrns.-, As stBttnjr about the-dining room were Missielen.Tuthill Vpt-Porttand, iiias ixla acx.apd,: Misa , Martha w nutater. , Assisting in Lbe . ly ing ,room Vwere Miss . Clemma Whltcher, Miss ' Ida : Tweton and aJDorptbx Hnbbs, while Eliii- Detn luemsorge and Mabel piger ness were at tie d66r. , For; the Uenjoyment oLthe guests, Mrs.! Dd4- aia Kiaaie or saiem gave a-nam'-6er" of ripcal jfdl.ds- and Elizabeth. fuetnsorge j. entertained with ia grtjup j ot piano selections. kj Dinner at Goulet Home, s3kb9 ounry Jome of Mr. , and Mra.p.9me0 Goulet was the scene last Saturday evening of pne, the most delightful dinner parties Of the winter. Covers were placed for'eight. JPth1c carnations,, pussy in- euverf are an attractive aeeor ative effect. :1 CI."' ' - .'fVi ' I J .Tha followinir rnnatc Mr! . -r ... I ' , - ' ' - i present -Xlh?s2lvesTf6dfnpto -k , .;'..". ' . f " ! ' . YourTProtection v I JnrS 1 iSrtlajad -Xleotria PctrsrvCcspaay t v 4 f and? is entitle A t-pezciif8lon to ' eritcrduir i cuatcscml .1 : A. 1 9. Z 6 3 - Portland ,Elec trio rJPcxcTZCdZ i file ylacl tcTsViow rlkir - i.i-i. iiA ".v? '? i.i'. .fiiJ whose picture is s!i0wn above, of cur Salem organization, la service with us.) t P andlfsV;Tr.tlvesleyVr Mrs,'. John : J;- ;jtobetrts,;Mr rid jifa, b; Pf Schncktnifattd: the hosts,- Mr. and Mrs. Romeo, Goalet, tVHJtfS iaeetjToday,::, -t. rThe Woraaa Ilome Missionary society of the-'First 'Methodist church" wlir meet "at '2:30 o'clock this afternoon at the home of . Mrs. tJt Gt Boyer,- 47.S N.-Winter street-, )jrs,, Carl' Oregy Doney wilt have, charge .of Jl.he ; , devotioBs' fwbJIe MraM D. ; ParounagiaB. will : hye charge.of . the lesson." ' Mrs. drant Day jrill be the soloist, of the af aftenioon.'.'' ' ' ' i :'J.-':'T-A- -J v "Of.' Interest, in Salem - was j the wedding of Miss Evelyn Churchill; daughter of -It. .C-- a.ur chill. Ho Mr. Johs?itey last Saturday pve ning at the First Chrlatlan church. Re'tL'Xppnot Albany wasthe oiSUclaUng clergyman. .,'A' reception followed the ceremony at the heme Of the bride's Jgrandmother,J MrSil H.'MjPerrr with-Mrs, Jc. Pf rry tbe ass4stiK i. hosiess- Tfeft coupl4 werir attended. yby-Mjr.V and; -Mrs John Itlchardson.. sister and broth-er-ln-law 6f :the. groom . ' ; P , Xfter a Fmotor'itrip .north. jMr, and Mrs. -Itfley will, return to. Sa Jem; to make -their -home, - t ,--f At the. ceremony the- bride (was attractively gowned In piale pink. Her -bouquet was of bride's roses andlUIes of the Sralley, , ? Guests at .the .ceremony .were Mr .and .Mrs. Frank ChurcihiU, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. RfleyIr. land Mrs. R.eChufchni.Jl.Mrand Mrs, W. M. SntithRev. and.Mfs. Albert Esaon,. of Albany, Mf. and Mrs.JT, C.Perry.'Mn and. Mrs.' John Rich ardson. Miss Helen" Walcher Miss Alene . RatEety, Misa J Ruby Toung. Miss "Margaret Smith. Jaclr- Kear neyr Charles' Stevenson, ...William B.':. Young; Tepn Perry and; Bean Churchill. ..... :. : - .. ; . .! Ti'.i S(&ry'JTetthiM Section ' r'J'l The etory-tSling section of. the Salem Arts ; league jwill meet at 7:38 oeTofclc'this Vreaing atf the Court apartments as guestC thre leader, Mrs.i Ivan-Bellinger, n iThe class ."meets regularly, .on the first and .third AWednesdays of- each monthi '- - - ' ; , - ' ' '. Alissiokary Society, on Frjday .The woman's Missionary soei-r ety of the First Christian church t will-meet on Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock- in ; the church parlors for. a. business meeting. , At t:30 o'clock, the business session, .will close and special ; guests will be welcomed , to , the program. Miss Hattle Mitchell, who Js lwmej)n furlough from Mondombe, Cooua llthatville,' Songo-Blege, West fAfV ricaj 'will ? be the speaker At the afternoon.! The members of 'the Bungalow; Christian church are in vited to be, guests lor. he, . after-a noon. i,TJae hos.teseee will be Mra. Charles N. Ruggles,, Mis. J. H Crawf ord; Mrsr Ed Townsend.Mrs. lyah Liepley, Mrs. H. AI'Keene and" Mrs. isa rrucK. j , . Chapter G of" PEG those rwho .'will not be able to be in attendance, at: the., attractive 1 o'clock, luncheon which Mrs. D. X..Beechler, Mrs. -O-jB. Price and ;MrB. C.tK. Logan are'; planning , j 4 - 1 prttsifica .on : Ka ' " ti 'i- ' . ft .,,. rar iris tirinn rWittfh'if i : Z-.-' y-rr.J'i " - : i - one; of He best -lenown enterinsf '.upon .hia 20th ! I. i; for1 Ihepleasure of ' the ''members bt Chapter O ofithei PEO Sister ftood ob' Thttrsday;ftr-8ke-l t& notify" jth.ejiosieflsea prey iously ',: in prler thaf plans iriayjke- made ac cordingly . t.li ' . ; - I A Aitavsocterir tn Meet : : Members .01 ih $4. .Vincent .dd Paul ..Altar iociety " .will ; meet 'at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon at the West Side Circle i The, West -Sida c;rcleof , son . Iee -Aid; society ; will , hold a business meeting .at 2; 30 o'clock Friday afternoon at r the 'home iof Mrs. Nellie Knox, a 541 N., Front street.; -bi-' ..---.-- Seivihg Chib', to Meet . I v"? ..juempers ot Bar para trietcaie sewing club fwQl meet this after noon -at- the homfr of- Mrs.' J4 It, Brewer..: 1 0 1 N. Thirteenth street. The membera ars asked to bring thimbles, and. darning, needles, for the ..tying , of, a I comforter will be Reception, fori Miss MUckelt u Plans nre. being made for ai re-- Caption on Friday' night of thls week at the FlrBt Christian church honoring Miss fHattle Mitchell, a returned missionary from Affica whbIitrhere jonl df year's furlough. The 'reception -Will begin "at 7:30 o'clock) Tbe .members of the Bun galow Christian church are Invited to be special guests. Literature Section of , - The regular, meeting of , the litr er'ature . section; . of the. American Association ot, Unversity Women wHl.be h.eldL this., evening at, the home of Er'pf j and Mrs. . EL C. Richards, 96t. Center .street. -The writings i of t Anatole France wiU be studied "at this time.1' Rapheterfan Club.' : . ..Members pf the Raphete'rian lub wM; be ituests'pn Thursday. After noon of MrsiHJ.V. ComDton-1010 N. Summer street. ' t Young P couple's fligh t - ;Tbe .Young . People's Friendly society of 'St, Paul's, jEslsoppal cturch are planning a special ipro gram. ln;. commemoration, or IIn coln.Qr Sundayevening from; 7 to 8,roclock.v ;Mss Helen Kafoufy and Miss Aiieeh - Gllson - are ' in charge of the numbers. All young people-are" Invited 40 attend. b'One Mas RIGHT iicri arioortiy Statesman 000r0bisfeiButfoxi. iGlip out tbatnoiim itreacies5the Contest .Defart- ineriliirnmedla YOU-ARE GOING TO REGRET IT IF XOiJ JDONT. Remember this .staterheht. ixu-j AYJT wnu; 4?fui7 mnnrorr vnTP npPFRtnpTHR! rMTTRFFT-RrTION lis NOW IN FORCE. YOU: MUST ACT NOW IF YOU DESIRE -THE rSENa'IN"JTIJAT -NOMINATION TODAY. L;. Vlat4r.e-Pftlnsr: to. insure ybnrself of one of the really BIG prizes in this distri- . are yotislttinV- j ti&ck 1 and ltoplng :your i Should W tioiosrVhia or her utmost towards : -It your .friends. see jyoii iVare, doing .yOUR up a wiiminj-vote totaly if however they r u;aiiafppre? telfreT nmxpect-f J .in&them todo itall, theyswill throwlfbeir :i Support isewrierel -atup to yoa, candi- M .dates, i JDO VOUR i IRT-your friends will do, theirs. V-; - ' - ' - t' 1 . i JJ3 ballot is 5 good for. 100 votes . for the candidate in CTfie 5, 'Oregon iStatesman Subscription Campaign, whose name , is writ- ten on it. Do not fold. Trim. ' :- , !-... r,.: t., . . .y Noma -i . - . A . fc.. ...... ....... ............. - VOID AfoER Here's your oprtunitytto set into. theTace SQfA and strong Withon'e:- - pstfokfeetfour receive J4Q0GW i itrauyoteH; by sendmg.fpiir.ofthese 'cpjaponsiirCT-lZiJz 7? mHmiOOO&mxtrd Votes irfv"3 Members-Name Address ZXzzzz ;,":! - i- " -'-l4 V . - Tnls Coupon and a of "entitles 4he Tjiember. schedule. i Onlv f oor:jol x . :;. . Today - - vveteranai-iot Foreign u Wars Ausniarry.-. Mrs. Kirby - a. rltossj 2620' High 7street, hostesa; z; , Central circle, oft he; Jason church;: Aihflay imeetnr. Insir ness. men'3. J npcJUeon, o -clpck -i Royal s Nelghborai Sewing .clubi Mrs. A Macklin,- 720- S.JKnd st. Business and Professional Wo Ja-linen's club. f. Chamber of v Com merce rooms 6:au ,0 cioca., 4 ; . s ; .St. tViAcent dn PauT-Altar.. socf ety card party, - Parish hall, t Vi Willing i. Workers class of , the First Christian church. Mrs. Will May, 44 $ . Capitol street. Literature section of . .AATJW. Prof, and, Mrs. E. C. Richards, 966 N, Summer street. -": ? j I Barbara Frletchie- sewing ' socl iyi . ' Mrs. - J.1 ; H. - Brewer, 1 1 i N-Thirteenth- street. - : 5 ' -St.-Vincent- du Paul Altar- society.- 2:3 6-: o'clock.-Parish- hall. story telling, section" of . the-Sa-lem Aris league.' .-Mrs.- Ivan Bellinger,- Court apartnwnts. hostess; WllMS of -"First- Methodist ChurCh. Mrs. XI. lO;;Boyer, '4 7 3 N. Winter- street. hostess, . 2:30 O'clock. .-'-'-- "-'--'- ,f Thursday -1 ; ? - Bridge 'leal" under sponsorship of St. Paul's i Junior Guild Mrs. J. 'Rhea Liiper, 185 ' South Ft teenth street, hostess. , r - Card Party. ."Woman's Benefit association. i Fraternal Temple.' ' x Rapheterian club. "Mrs. H. "VT Compton,1010 N. Summer street; hostess.- " i ' Chapter G of the PEO Sister hood," 1 o'clock luncheon; Mrs. O. E. Price, 444 N Cottage street. Friday First Congregational church Missionary society. Mrs. John J. Roberts, 7 oS. State street, 2:30 o'clock. j .. . . . First Christian - cburch. Woni an's Missionary society. - Church parlors. Business meeting at ft'clpck. Program, at 2 ; 30. . .. . , Reception - honoring -Hattie Mitchell. First Christian church, 7:30 o'clock. ; V " -iWest . Side, eircle of .the 'Jason Lee Aid society. -Mrs. Nellie Knox 1541 N. Front street. i t, , , Saturday ' Chemeketa . chapter of the Daughters of the -American-Revo - Lead to Btiast p swHpmwpTja NOW i rfif iim fri pnrl in vniir name and inake "voun starts You-Tnevier?haa--nor ever-will have OIDATES FOUR tfumm. apad (L .,.,.., ............ ............... ....... - ' r ji .V - -v " ..- '-" . J.X one t) year. subscription oi to - 1 OOOO- extra rote Jn ai Xliese Coupons aUowed.tfuyi --emler. v . - lution. 'Miss vFrancCb; ardfc 'InsanneI : "Woraan-a Relief 'c6fpsC7Iceori BOOK REVIEW 841:30 QPK 1212) Portland. ' DINNER CONCERT 6-7-KGW (4911)" Portland. ' - v. ' : MTJSIO J"-' ' 8-1 1 KGW (491 JS) Portland, con . certs. .' ' . ' . NEWS .. ?;30-7:45 KGW (4915) Portland. Police, stocks, markets. '7 SPECIAL 7:30-8:30 FFJR2tii Portland. i Jim Palmer atd his, pals from 'the Y. M. C. ifl-v - -'v- , ENTERTAINMENT. 0:00-7:00 KGO (381) pakland,. 6, dinner concert; Sr-wrather stocks, markets. 0:00-11:00 TvFI (437) Los An geles. 6-8:45, radio .features; 7, detective stories 8, program; 9. Pasadena club quintet; 10, Betty. ;Ptrick.j,and.w JatrJck Marsh.orfihetra. C ' i. v ? - C:00-12K)(0 AKJli t3?5SeaUle, 6-C-30,rbgrani;. 7'-3Zb, studio program r 8:30-10. studio pro gram; 10-12, orchestra. uiidjv;vu nru -in; ' &aa. rant Cisco. Ha.lo Ttrns init PhrnnlclaJ '6:15, stocks; 6;40, States or , chestra ; 2.i&eiger'8 orchestra r , SsO.programs;. 10. r States oS . chestra. 6:30, children's program;,, 8, . astronomy talk;, 8:30, De Luxe program. 6 1.30712: 00. w KFRC tiios) San Francisco. 6:30, police reports cohciert from "Durray" .Xane, Songs " from Italy, , Favorite Melodies of Hawaii; 8-9, Little Symphony; 8:15, U. of C.: leci ture; 9-10, studio program; 10 12, dance music.- - . ' - . 7;20H8:0OvKOAq (280) Corvallis. .7 : 20, . musical .selections; 7 ; 30, Selection pf Hats.",MissiGladys Peterson, 1 instructor 5 'In .roillin- ery. First Jn .a series on. miUin-i ery; 7;45-S. "Posture and; Re laxatloh." 'Miss Doris M.' Thorn ley. assistant professor of phys ical education for. women. Sec ond of :tieries on jexercises fo health. J. . . ' . : 7:30-0:00 KWSO (3481 Pullman Piano solos. Bernice - f - t& Cand ' HffM 13atrio as T Value : 'i l?. Purchased front and on display at, ' ne - - i $147 Stif f FurniCompHnyi i f r . i j. .. - v i.,.-"; . . - -.... fonrt . Street. Ralom. Orefmn ' j.etart is easy, iatji ybii done yourself the justice of really f ind . ing. out Just what little effort is requited o start jrourcampaigh in a real way? rDo you kftownhatjj6nly four yearly subscriptions would - - entitle- you- toJCO,COOvoies.-bnocluyear ymt receive? ;Yoxi ar only - ' " -forth.. Name . .T. Town f t - -- -Muivalent there- -x to the regular ' Not- -"J "fell ; vocal "Solds.Paul 'rhit f ten; -IBu tto.-I ofat: r Violin iS61or Jerry; Satoia," Pnllmanrc "What " Js ..a Mechanical Engineer?" r. icc.-1, "fSteaia Power," Prof. ; -A.C. -jAbell,; professor of me- -ciianicaiogue-rtng, wsl C .-J&eat .BreediMgl at Waahlngr t-- ton State coHego.'l E. F. Gaines. .- - associate professor farm crops. department of j- agriculture; reading.Lpyti Pptid, Seattle: , book-reviews, Alice Lindsay 'TV Webb. - i General Marke tm .- I Dairy .Exchange : Js PORTLAND,! Feb. j,2.-Butter. extras,,4 5c; standards. 44c; prime firsts; 43c; firsts, '4 2 H c. , t . - Eggs, "extras, 3 to. firsts SOcr pullets, 29c; current receipts, 27c; undersized, 26c. ? . .; Tfay ! -1 - PORTLAND, Febj 2. I Buying prices: Valley, timothy. $20: do eastern - Oregon,- $22.50; alfalfa, S19.50QI20;, clover, nominal; oat JUay.-l2i; pat arid retch, J2J.; straw, f :(per:ton. " Selling 'prices. 52. n. ton more, . Grain Futures ' Wheat. RBBi d-JfvWte. lue;tfem.and Baart, February, ..March xi.63; soft white, February, $1.62 U; March.. $ L.&3 Western. whiieFeb ruary;-JMarch;,$ L6 2;arjd printer, northern spring, February, March, $1.57 ; "western red, February, March-. $i:5 r: t ' pats Jio 2 -wnite- feedlanCNo. 2 ;ray, February gKarchr $30J - frSiary, March,1 $30.50; No. 2, 44- pound,--ebrnair-r-March,--$SO.'-- Corn Ko. i3 early - shipment, February. $34; t March, $84.50. ... Millruh. standard. February, $26.50; March. $27. ! - a'1 '' ' t i. , . -, , :o7 , .; Ll-ifRtocfc , :; PO RTLAN j)A Or.. Feb. 2. Cat- Utle slowi receipts 50;. caives none; steers, good xs.OOtfD $. 50; med ium $f .25f7$8.0O; 'oomnion$6.50 ;$7;2S; manners . -ami cutter Steers T$ 5 . & 9 i $ 6 :5 0 Y .hei (era good $6.25 1? $7T25: r.Ommbn and med ium. $4.75$Ci25r; -C9W, igbodj $5.50$6.1i Op common and med- iium i $4.002l4S.50;, iCannerst jaftd Met'Ev-lttef'??2.5r$4vO0; . median VOTING OF DAILY . . , Withthe ,vote standings 'of the,ynous ! contestants imadejpuhlicjeac.h jdayjnew jn .terest and enthusiasm win be centered on VThe- Statesman's big Gift Distribution. -Contestants will find that; their. .friends .. -:,ywin betakihg a mqre.personal iatarest in ' .itheir mpai'gri, if they see. by-their. vote . T standing ihey are Ijelpirig t he.msevesv and Vare "proving themselves worthy; of i their " uppqrt,'XtEilEBIBER, your, frjends. watch' " vvdur.VstandmgC and; will- jxelp accordingly. , 'rLEl'S GOl illVre his thelreal BAN ' ijTrI'WEEK of,the campaign.--Shot? your , 1 friends, that you are in to. win and thit you ; v itre. doing your part to make your prize the - i -"'- 50 .!-' '.r ... ..... " . -.V-il biggest net in 4 k . -1 3t IToThoe Who Are Considering Ottering X Ik Afew.p?eet'wjM"H And y ou r, time -.will, npt :be,. wasted, Jfprj all acjtivie participants who do not win a prize will be paid lft per cent commission for, the effort put 1 3.1 GOOD FOR 50,000 VOTES -'--Only: OneXouared tolan Entrant ..Tils JCojnlnation CalI61.1s6oA Tor S n.nflft 'jaame is written thereon. - ; i ;. -h .: v-r;, V r. - is a ram nOinuiatine the "irtlinpA n .. " - " . ...v "Huum cilhner -and l.-u i"--"' $3.75c?54.50. aWei ti1Pd m to 0V..milk fAda -SexcUded) j5o$9.0O; cllaJLpd commons 0$7N50; vealws, medium to choice $10.00 Ct $11,751 cull and , conlmons $5.50110.06. V Hogs. steady; receipts -235; Teights- (250 to) ssolbs.) a?i EOod and choice; $13.00 SVsa ' me(liuitt weight. '.(200 to 250 pounds; medium good! and choice. tlS.aoetiaW. J-ii.1,? weight (160 to 200 pc&nd.) com- f'-rl0 goodld choice $1?.75$14.25; light9lght(13C tp480, pounds) commen, ,:n- good and choice $13.otfr--i 75 patklnghogs (rough atnd smp'oth) $10$12; slaughter lg3 00 to 130 pounds) medium, good and choice $13.00 $1430; t feeder' and stocker pigs' (70 to lSOjibs.) medium, good and choice $12.50 $14.00, .v Z .! I- " . (Soft or oily hogs and roast ing pigs .excluded. In above quota- lions. . -.i.sij --.-.. 1. 1 -Sh'een,V steady ; receipV PV 2lO;S (fit, Ad- lambs' rood""and choice ams$12t75 0 $13.60:1 lambsimed--' Iu mto good 5(Tallejr) $12,000 $13.25; heavyweights! (92,lbs up) $10.50 $12;50; air elghts culls and common $10.t0 $12.00; yearling wethers'mediam- to qhoice $9.OO'0$11.5O; 'ewes," common to choice $5.00 0 $8.00; canners and culls ' $2.50 $5.00.- S Lions to i Broadcast I t I s . This evening j-adio: fans whose v radioiJtiayeAacpDeir.eachiR f far as Oakland, will bp entertainea by concert given by the Lions club, of that city. Ben Jones, in ternational. president of the Lions, will speak oyer the air: , ! ; f V"J .. .-, ' . - Travel Talk Today-i Teachers! club is' sponsoflng a lecture by , H. J. Blaesing at 4 o'clock, today at ..the .. high . school auditorium. - He. plans . to center hiaf talkon. visits arpufld'the; Medi terranean, and as far east as Buda- peat. The -public-is Invited. : -"a 1 ' ' " ' " " I. Oregon . fisheries planted 34,- . C4 5 00" C baby .- 'irout r Ja . state stream during-;i? 25 ..-, SUBSCRIPTIONS. I! Ira VI n it the list. 4 vou. I - vnt Vftr thp. nerson whbse ' . j; ; I :"? - . . . 5? .SIHS n SusAn-n v!T1 f. . tuvmv . ' . - 1 . DA lES S rr v if 1 r mi in jonr ime,ori the ft4Hje,oiL IrieutL to uy. Jh ' - a - "U1: jt Im