The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 03, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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    i THn, Qi:EGOrT STATESlIAIT,: SAL:i. .Or.TZGON- r
4 '
- "i
4 i
1 1
i - -'l i -
. r n
OREGON: jUin westj and rains
an,d; snows ' east- ' portion ; fresh
southeasterly winds, gales along
the coast. . ,-J,. :, ' j
Max.r56; ttol,53e;j rlrer 5.7
falling-; rainfail.dl ; - atmosphere
part cloudy; v wind, south.
3Iotion. DaCys -Se't-i-"
Friday and Saturdayj, February
5 and' 6; haVe been sit aside as
motion days for cases scheduled
to come up in Circuit Judge Percy
It. Kelly's department kt the next
term of court. 1 Department 2 will
open on Fesruary 8. f
Elk Dining Room-
Special Sunday . dliner from,
12:00 to 8:0(M-76c. 4 J24tf
Sails for Pwnsfns ' '
: Word has " been receired I n Sa
lem from Herbert Barlow son of
r and Mrs. F. M. Gregory, sayi
ing that he left; San Didgo on Feb
ruary 1 Qptja, S, -SjNw Mexico
for Panama, Mv Interesting detail
in connection with MrL Barlow's
transfer is that be will now get
all his jnail by-way of New .York
City. . :
Dance Saturday-
: At Clemens
' pavilion
f 5
Issue Two Ucenses
The county clerk's olffice issued
two marriage jlicensesj yesterday.
They were, applied fojr by Laur
ence . P. i Sullivan, display man,
461 North High. street, (and Minnie
Millner, Salem, roue 3, and
George I. Grellnar,' manufacturer,
Portland, and Christine Grellner,
Los Angeles. ' '
Pomeroy & (Ceene
Jewelers and Optometrists
t V " " i a Balem, Oregtm ?
Eastman Brothers
Fumaccs 5.
' " ' . 't ' i '
Salca Office 169jS. lllsli-
; ''i- j ; 2
- - Of flee HourU: ' : "
IS M..TO I P5. M.-
Underwood Typelyriter Co;
. Direct Factory Drmncn
019 Coast Street Pnone S63
' Typewriters Rented, Sold, "
Speelal wntal rateatotndenU
1 1
1 Auctioneers
Pay Cash for Used;Furnitures
STORE ;s7i Jf.lco3rii
riioMJ is
i 1 QurWeatheiAaa 1
t mSmA 'cS
A Rents for Iian t Stoves
For Advertisements of
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
Wednesdays;: Fridays arid Sundays
County Clerk Retnrtis
U. G. Boyer, Marion county
clerk, returned , to j his desk , yes
terday after an absence of several
days during which jime he was In
a hospital recovering from an op
eration for removal lot tonsils.
Furniture TJpholstrj - '
. And repairing, j Glese-Powert
Furniture company.i " iJOtt
Speeder IsFined4
Fred Kn'echt of ; Portland was
fined ilO in the Justice court here
yesterday on a charge of speeding.
Sirs. Rahn Is 111 i ,
The many friends of Mrs.
Arthur J. Rahn will be glad to
know that she is recovering nicely
from the temporary illness which
has confined her to her home for
the past tew days, j
High Class Tracts-.-
10 acres, six miles east, $3500;
10 acres 3 miles east, $6500; 5
acres edge of Salem, south, $6500.
All have excellent land and quite
good bldgs. Becke & Hendricks,
189 N. High street 13ltf
Refrigerating Plani la
: One of the largest refrigerating
plants at Silverton ttnd Jnjbissec
tien of the valley hbs been install
ed by Elmer 'Olsen in the Olsen
Pharmacy on Main and ! Water
streets. The machine, second
largest manufactured, is installed
in the basement of! the pharmacy.
It has an additional compartment
capable of manufacturing : all ice
necessary for the store in addition
10 supplying a cooling sysiem.
i j -
Gets Training Order 4 "
Captain Henry Hutton of Com
pany I, of the Oregon National
Guard,- Silverton, j has received
word that his company will again
entrain for its summer camp at
Camp Jackson in Southern Ore
gon. Captain Hutton will take 75
men with him to damp. .
Good Table Potat
$2.75 per hundred at warehouse
3090 Portland road. Phone 2120.
H. A, Hyde Co. F4
Parole Violators Back ,
Two ; parole violators were re
turned to cells in the1 state prison
here to complete serving sen ten-?
ces Monday night, one oi tnem,
Richard Springer,! has been out
on a conditional pirdon since ',No
vember 19, 1919. He was brought
back from McAlister, Okla., where
he had been arrested ' by C. A.
Hannon, a prison guard. : Spring
er was sent np from Baker county
on -December 10, 1915, to serve a
term of ten. years ; to life for as
sault and robbery; armed: with a
dangerous weapon.,, f rea. Hen
dricks,' arrested in Seattle as a
parole violator, was also returned
Salem Hospital
New Building! located on
Xortb Side "i;"' ;':
For the right kind of materials
rand the -very, best workman
ship call .''-
v - .4
; Powder and Supply Co.r :
175 S. Commercial ITione 72S
LADD& BUSH, Banliers
General Bankins Buslnsea
Office Honrs from
1 '
Monday night. Hendricks was
sent .up from Multnomah county
for forgery. -
Page Elected . . .
Scott . Page was elected vice
president of the &alem Klwanis
club at the club luncheon yester
day noon. Written ballot was
used, for the election,'- tlis oppon
ent was T. M. Hicki w James H.
Nicholson was. at the same time,
elected a member lot the'! club's
board or directors.
Hotel Marlon-
Dollar dinner served 5:15 to 8
every evening. , J2tf
To Hold Song Service
Prof. Fred G. Fisher, who con
ducted revival" services here for
five weeks last fall, returned to
Salem yesterday for a short visit.
Thursday evening he will conduct
a song service at the First Baptist
church. From Salem he will gd
to McMinnville where he will hold
a revival.
Rev. Cannell to Speak
Rev. F. L. Cannell, pastor of
West Salem's community
church, will sneak at the Salva
tion Army hall -on State street next
Saturday night. His children will
assist "hint in Vocal selections, with
music accompaniment by Mr. Can
nell - himself. Rev.v Cannell has
made a splendid record since be-
coming pastor of the West Salem
L . i
Boxing, Armory Arena-
Phil Bayes, Salem, 126 pounds,
vs. Danny Edwards, 124 pounds.
Ten 3-mtnute rounds. Three
snappy preliminaries, 8:30 Wed
nesday, Feb. 3, . f3
Boxing Class Popular
The boxing class . for business
men at tne Salem -yMCA Uas
proved , exceedingly popular all
winter, according to word from
Bob Boardman, physical director.
There are 14 men in the class at
the present -time. .- They work out
each Tuesday , and Thursday.
Car Is Stolei
Portland police, have notified
local police headquarters that a
Chandler touring, Oregon license
No. 52-358, was stolen from' the
metropolis some , time Monday
night. - f
Held for InvestliEath
Harold Love, si vlna his home
address as Omaha, Neb was ar
rested by ' Officers Ed Vards -and
Hickman Mondav ntirht and helH
for investigation. It is 'said ha
could not give a satisfactory reas
on ror wandering about Four
teenth ami Mission streets.
Truck Load Limit Set.
yesterday issued an order cover.
ing the limit on loads which
trucks may carrv over th m.
Kenzie highway, the McKenzie-
Wood Wood
107 D 8treet . : Telephone 2313
-i' Salem's Leading , v
Pays Cash For Furniture
" - Residence and Str -.
: lCIO North Summer ; '
. PHONE 511
"Established Since 1P10"
10 . m.toSp,m.
tiO i i
no 1 1
- -i . . ..---; . w.
This. Is as good by In
.cheap cars as we hare erer
had.' Chevrolet, touring In
fine - condition with good.
' rubber and extras. This is
a! 122 model and a tine
running car. The price is
1150. . . . . . . . -
!v u ifc
Bend highway, and The, Dalles-
California highway. The order
fixed the load limit on these high
ways at - a maximum, including
load and Vehicle, of 16,500 pounds
excpt that for trucks operating
between the Jefferson county line
and the city of Bend on The Dalle
California highway the load limit
is reduced from 22,000 pounds tc
11,000 pounds. The order alsc
specifies the load limit permitted
tor smaller trucks based on tire
widths.. Fwnltare TJpioltery
And repairing. Giese-Powen
Furniture company; s20tl
Birth Is Reported
Birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Earnest Evans was report
ed to the office of the city health
officer yesterdy a.. The boy, born
January 30, has been named Her
man Urbance, according to the re
Asks Boot lee Insurance Facts
L. W. Miller of Augusta, Ga.,
has written Will Moore, Oregon's
insurance commissioner, for de
tails regarding an insurance pol
icy; providing protection for boot
Ieggers. Miller's inquiry was
prompted by a recent press dis
patch relative to the reeeiptiby
Moore of information dealing with
the existence of such an insurance
ifcomoanv- In southern - California.
Moore, however, denies that-there
is any such company operating in
Oregon and declares that he hat
no information as to the details of
i the plan under which the Califor
nia company is operating. .
New and Used Furniture
Auction Wed. nite 7 p. m., at
F. N. Woodry's store,. Iff? 0:N!
Summer street. . See ad for .par
ticulars in today's paper. Phone
Mil. ' tS
Divorce Is Obtained ,
i Mary A. Bollier was granted a
divorce from John E. . Boiler in
the circuit court here yesteraay.
Cruel and inhuman treatment was
alleged. They were marridd in
Multnomah county in December
1921. The decree was signed by
I Arbor Day Books Sent---
J. A. Churchill stars superin-
tendent of public instruction, ic
his week distributing to schools
throughout tne state tne manual
to be used in observance of Arbor
day ths year. Schools in counties
west of the Cascade mountains ob
serve Arbor day ' on FebrU&ry 1 2
and in counties east of; the Cas
i cades on April 9
Alt schools are
required to observe the day with
appropriate -programs including
the planting of trees and ,a, studj
of the planting, protection and
preservation of trees and shrubs.
' " ' 77 ... . . J
Acheson Bound Over ' " ' -
j Wayne Acheson, charged with
larceny not in a dwelling, filed an
undertaking of appeal in the jus-
Soft Corns
- - .
Money Back Says All Druggi if
jMoonc's Emerald Oil Doesn't
i . Do Away With All Soreness
and Pain in 24 Hours.- '
i Get a bottle of Moone's Emerald
OH with the understanding that
If jit does not put an end to all the
pain and soreness and do - away
with the corn itself your money
will be promptly returned ii" t
Never "mind the cause, how long
you've had it or how many otlrer
preparations you have tried. This
powerf ul penetrating oil Is the one
preparation that will make your
painful aching feet so healthy and
free from corn and bunion troubles
that you'll be able to go anywhere
and do anything in absolute feet
So marvelousry powerful is
Moone's Emerald Oil that thous
ands have found it gives woiider
ful .results In the treatment of
dangerous swollen or varicose
veins. druggists -are selling
lots of it.- Adv. :
Phone 727:
I- aw aaavbVl tfluB . t
The Battery Jfan
i tr wm rifM v tor n c
; With On4 : 8rTic
531 Court St,
phono? iea
v'i - V
Treated by Osteopathy and the
latest ' Electrical Therapy "In 1
eluding Dr. Abram's Electronic
System. ' "fvi
t -No charge fur consaltation
Physician and JSurgeo,X-
S0 U. 8. Bank Building
. ' Salem, Oregon
tlce court Tuesday and was bound"
over to the grand Jury by Brazier
C.: Small,"-Justice of the peace.
Acheson : was arrested - when he
was' said to hare . been breaking
nto a local garage. ' : '
Orertok Piles Appeal
Lois Ail Orsrtofiv found guilty
in the justice ourt herej Oil a
charge of possession of liquor, and
sentenced to six months in the
county Jail, and assessed a tine of
1300, yesterday filed his notice of
appeal to the circuit courts The
appeal bond of S1000 was not
filed and Orerton is .now in the
county Jail. . te was arrested a
short time ago with Lawrence W.
Montgomery.' "Montgomery was
shot in the- leg during the -raid
and has not yet been arraigned.
Couplc Is Remarried
George I. Grellner, a manufac
turer, 1217 East Taylor, street.
Portland, and Christine Grellner,
Los Angeles, were remarried by
Brazier C. Small, justice of the
peace, here yesterday. , :jrl
Modern Homes Terms-
Three north, one east, one south
$200 to $500 down, balance like
rent,-$3200 on up. Three vacant
right now. Becke & Hendricks,
189 N. High street. k J31tf
Ostrandcr Anpolntetl
Edward Ostrander, member of
the public service commission, was
yesterday notified of his appoint
ment as a member of the commit
tee on car service and demurrage
with the National Association of
Railway and Utility commission
Rate Cut Authorised
The public service commission
Tuesday authorized the Mount
Hood Loop Railway company to
reduce its rates on crude oil
hauled from Hood River to Park
dale from 21. cents to 14 cents per
100 pounds, ' The reduction,1 it is
said, will teean a saving of approx
imately $55 her tank to the state
highway department, which will
use great quantities of this oil on
'.he Mount Hood loop next sum
mer.'' .. ,
4-ZM. -- I
Building Permit Is Iseiued
G. M. Douglas took out a per
mlt from the office of the city re
border' yesterday to construct i
one-story, dwelling to be located
at 39. Richmond street. It is es
timated that the dwelling will
spst $3840.
Stop Sfreet Knforrement Begins
- Enforcement of the through
street ordinance will begin today.
when cars failing to stop before
sntering one of the main
thoroughfares will be hailed by
officers. The warning posts are
five-feet) high, yellow with black
stripes," and carry a large stop
signs . -Cars must come to a full
ThaOood Music
At Mellow Moon tonight.
Classes-Are Triuieil
Classes for the spring semester
tart in full swing at the Salem
high school this morning. Yes
terdiyParrish unior high school
started full classes, and Mondav
-he other schools all started their
classes. Willamette .unirersity
axaminatfohs for the first semes-
f er afe in progress, and the spring
semester at the university-will be
started Monday.
Room Ii Constructed
The Fred M. Powell Automobile
Company of this city is having
constructed a display room for
used cars. The room is 40 by 40
feet. .Used cars are 'to be dis
played in the new; room, on the
north end of the plant, and the
Packard cars will be displayed n
the south end.
Has Wrist Set . i
Mrs. Elizabeth Wcllman of
Scotts Mills was at Silverton Mon
day to - have her wrist set. ? Mrs
Wellman fell and broke her right
wrist in exactly the same place as
'he had broken it 'shortly: before
Christmas. The wrist was scarce
ly healed when the' new break oc
curred. Mrs. - Wellman has also
bad her left wrist; broken some
years ago.
Grabenhorsf Speaks-- -'
, George Grabenhorst, president
of the Salem chamber of com-
meree, spoke last night at the
Aurora community! club meeting.
The topic for the. evening's discus
sion was filberts. Community
meetings will be held Friday eve
ning at Liberty and at Hayes-
vine. , . ; ' r
Danco Tonight ?
At the . Mellow Moon hall. '
Portable i toneC
'.-No protests have yet been voiced
against tho closing of the Wash
In gtotu,por table. - for tho spring
semester, according to word, re
eeived f rohiv City : School ; Superln
tendcntv Gc.orgo. Hug. : Parents
rcro: evidently satisfied to have
he portable closed and their eMlr1
rcu sent to other-schoola-'Jt; la
POvaiUlQ tbe Washinriou scuoc
milt be used in the future to house
av grammar school, although no
acXLaitcplans-are yet made,
' " -: -r-. hi :i
IU3"Farnell of Eugene was
guest at the Kiwanls dub lunch
eon yesterday noon.- Over 20
years ago he was a resident of Sa
lem. lie declared the town -"has
grown a little" since he was here,
W. A. Cummlngs of Roseburg was
also, a guest at . the luncheon. He
was fformerly f a resident of v thi
city, and declares he has returned
to take up Salem once more; ua' ui
home, eityi ; " :-. - - i .
eriflttth Speaks : I "i
Dr. U , F. Griffith, assistant
superintendent of tho Oregon state
hospital, ? addresoexl ther Ktwanls
club ""yesterday. ; Ho f told j about
various forms of r insanity. , He
stated thatrh-.'fro; insanity; is
becomlnl . -rif
as lunacy has
now Is .psychosis. , The commar-si
est form of insanity, he said.; is
manic depressive type.' : This type
always recovers, 'but - alwaya re
lapses,, so . that .the - Institution is
charged with ' such ' patients - for
their lifetime; syphilis Is a cause
for quite a1 percentage of psycho
sis, he stated.
Governor's Son Here
Governor "Walter M. Pierce in
troduced as his guest at the Kl
wanis club luncheon yesterday his
son, Lloyd. His son manages the
Pierce ranches in Union county.
Klwanlans Kntertained
Salem Kiwanians were enter-
tained with juvenile singing and
reading at their luncheon yester-
In this city FeBmary 2. Rose
Thomaii ' acre 54 year. r unerai
announcements will be ma4e later
by the Rigdon & Son mortuasy.
fAV the? residence.--ff 08 North
tHeh street. February 2. Gladys
35 re Swalley. aged years. She
was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George W. Smalley; and sister of
Emvrl. Arlene. Russel, oeorge.
and Douglas, all of Salem. Private
funeral services. Interment wea
nesday morning, February 3.
Rigdon & Son in charge.
Ariel A. Ackerman, on Tuesday,
Feb. 2, at the home of his par
ents, 1204 South Liberty street,
at the age of 27 years. He is sur
vived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. M. Ackerman. one son, Edward
Muriel of Cul de Sac. Idaho, two
brothers. Delbert C. and Louis E.,
both of Salem. The remains are
in care of the Terwilllger funeral
home and funeral services will be
Held from the Leslie Methodist
church on Thursday at 10 a. m.
Rev. William Deyoe will officiate.
Interment in , City View cemetery.
, Rhoten
, John Henry. Rhoten died at 345
Division street, Tuesday, Febru
ary 2 at the age of 74 years. He
is survived by his widow, Rllla
Rhoten, two sons, E. A. Rhoten
of Salem and J. Earl Rhoten of
Eugene; two daughters. Tuella
Hann, Marion, Iowa, and Effie M.
Barber of Marion, Oregon. Funer
al, services will be held from the
Webb funeral parlors on Thurs
day, February 4, at 2 o'clock. In
terment will be at Marion, Oregon
In California, Monday, Feb., ,1,
James Banker, age 76. Survived
by his widow, Mrs. A. C. Banker.
a daughter, Mrs. Lena Hart, ana
a son, Bert, both of Salem; Mrs.
W. A. Bullock of Denver, -Mrs,
Carrie Ives of Hllhead, S. D-rThe
body will be shipped to the Webb
funeral parlors here. Announce
ment of funeral will be made by
the Webb funeral parlors.
Rugnll Krom, Monday, Feb. 1,
at North Commercial street, at
the age of 48 years. She is sur
vived by her husband, B. R. Krom.
one son, Ervin V. Krom of Salem,
and three brothers, Ole, Tosten
and Andrew Hattvedt of Minne
sota. Funeral announcement will
be made later by the Webb fune
ral parlors.
We meet at one gate.
When all's over. The ways they
are many and wide.
And seldom are two ways the
same. Side, by side
May we stand at the same little
door when all's done!
The ways they are many, the
end it is one.
Owen Meredith.
W. T.. Rigdon & Son
Volume I
y. '
; .... " r ... - - -,--.r ":
. t . - - ; j 5 "
In one of. its "Talks on Thrift" the .American Bankers association makes iome interesting sug
gestions of ways in which a family may conserve-Its Income, as follows: As a general rule you
can get better prices by Buying for cash i because "youi are not paying for the bad debts Of those
who buy on credit and fall to pay theirs bills.- U nrestricted credit always leads to' extravagance,
A credit account is not to bV encouraged in any family where any member is unable to-. resJst the
temptation to buy anything that captures, his Jan cy. ? . i, . - 5 : . - i - -!
Look at these cash prices then pay Cash and put the difference In the Bank V ,
4 lbs;. ,.a ; V OCr
New crop &0
1L1X)N -SiuSrc.i
. 27c
very best. Full pis., OUC
- -M'hy Tpay 35 to 45c? -
- "- -w- -
choice. rFercolaters, CQ
double boiler, etc. 51 C
" Why pay" more? T 1
wtUNKs - : -
3 lbs. split prunes for
All Right, Go Ahead and Make
Me IBgh!
Here's one from the Aums
vllle Star: -
- Mrs, Cobb: "Where djd you,
do most of 'your, skating- when1
yon learned? "
. Mrs. Webb: "Mrs. Cobb, I
think you're just horrid'".
Teacher: "LUUo ''boy; it
Phone 1-2-6-3
day inoojfcikWillard Hideouts ren
dered two vocal solos, ana wiraue
Rideout,read Thanatopsis.r, Tbeir
endeavor was tmet withLenthusl
asm.. . . l
-' . - "- mmmm j j -f. .
Expert Demonstrating "
7N. L. Swift, expert of j the Premier-Duplex
factory, reached. Sa
lem Saturday and will spend some
time here'; in the service of ; the
Giese-Powers Furniture" company,
demonstrating arid displaying the
vacuum "Cleaner" handled i by -that
firm. - ' ' "
-5 S
Piano School to Open Ij ;
The Waterman piano j school Is
to' reopen In Salem on jFebmary
8, In rooms above the. ! Ilauser
Bros, store on. State street. - The
Waterman school has been in ex
istenoe lor, a number of years,
At Kafoury-a
Phoenix Silk and Tool Hose
Veryv, -
Full fashioned silk and wool Hose,
sports patterns. Marked at the lowest
mark of the; year- to clear'.them out; .'
Salem S
466 State St.
New and Used Furniture
; - ' - i i ' - ' ; -
- 1610 N. Summer Street tc
Tlie furniture and furnishings of the homes et Th. S. Tliomas,
J. J, Barry, J. W. Armstrong. nd tlie.TfeU furnfabed home
ot3Ir. Barber, also odds and ends fromolher Jiomes and
lot or new goods, i' My spadotis store li; fnll of good things
for your selection if you want fnrnUurelrugs, ranges., beis
springs xr mattresses, home canned fruit, heaters, dressCYt,
overstuffed rockers in velour or leallw, kkeben wtbinet,
oak dining tables and chairs, pictures, ilectric floor liuoj
with silk shade, carpenter topis, or any thing ele. Ju it
come and tnspoct and see for yourself. I can t begin lo
itemise everything, bo If you are In need of anything. Jua
drive out Summer street Wednesday night, 7 p. -. and
without h doubt you wUl find just what you arc looking
for. It's always .warm and coty at Woodry'a
'l;; - - Public Notice -
This business is owned and controlled by Salem's Oldest
Auctioneer who has satisfied thousands of customers for
the past 10 years. I am In no way connected in business
with any Woodry or any store except ther one on North
Summer Street. l . . - .
Salem's Leading Auctioneer '
Itesidcncc and store 1610 North Summer- St Corner Norway
"Cash raid for Used Furiaiture'
lrlrate Sales Dally.
- . j. r ...... mr .1. - .. 1 .
Salem, Oregon, February 2, 1926
taU. cans , . & - .-, , E
TJur price ', ?7 ; . 'J" A C
You"'1 don't have to buy a
dOzehr'cana to- get the?" price
i'ANCAKK FLOUlt St;r-ry'sJlot-CakeAlbcrs
etc No. 9 sack' f C
hlgut grade V- Hard-, l! Wheat
Flour-; f
Icna.onr price n i S
1 1 a j - - "
'niakes me sick at heart to sec
you smoking:" .' ; 1; v -
Boy: "Well, Missis, it seems
. to catch me more in tho stum
r mick ! -. ! i" ' : " i '. " -
Mr. Newly iWed: Have you
read that article on how to tell
a bad egg, George?" - '
Husband : No, I : haven't,
dear, (but my advico would be..
start on' MonUay.
Dridge to be Ready
It Is expected that the. new
wooden bridge over Mill creek on
North ,Qhurcli will be opened n-xt
week, accord in?? to word from
Street. Corn if issloner Walter S.
Low. , Construction - will amount
to about ?12(f. It is said."
Car Report e Stolen '
J, ABurnfc, 23 OS Trade street,
has reported Jto the police that hia
Chevrolet toU ring car wa stolen
between 7 ami 9 o'clock last night
while It was parked on High street
between State and Court.- It bore
Oregon -;license plates -.3
E'Buy a Want Ad It Pays Bir
ore f . Portland Sik Shop
I - rVvninrislliir: I " " '
Ilwiie. 511
Number 5
tn r-
laTRe, per sack
niSHES A' nice
32-piwi set, for.
6 Patterns to Choose From
Full ptjund packaco
kan Urd .
-Del ,HMon tc, .Ala s-
. . i
cans -. .-:. .v-f-.-v-. . . i k
Vhy l ay Mom?
'If you ilavft'-shythfai 'f . v
ant to tell a bad eggwLy 1 .
it gently. "
. . i .
" You can send the t'. w "i a t
Damons' with full cor.f; ' r.c
that - they'll be fcrvt .
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