The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 02, 1926, Page 7, Image 7

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Sc. -IzrsJu'p Loan Fur'X- ,
J:z L.'afe b edcrci'ii
j. Cciala of the pcholarship loan
f f ur, I of the .Oregon Fc-1 erotica of
."ccien8 clubs r?rort . tLat the
past week Las t'a ere of great
activity .In -behalf of thi fund
axncn;.thfr U Crated , clul?, a3
V,"c n::2zy t.9 red
' .I'.iLr day.: Ma2y ' organisations
, throughout tha state .'held their
yearly erect at that tliae it rae
their contri'.v-tien fcr the IjsJ.-
.of this women's activity, tl a fr 1-
, y erti on officials feel, for, yo :r:5a3
. the Etate Is in years aa,i t: ill. in
popuf-tioa compared s with, 'the
elder eastern states, ithiai' fund
rar. ';s ntaong the ivery j highest of
.113 kla, and is. dotes a. work that
triads to the "woman ;of Oregon
national recognition both for : its
gr rous size" end for the" rle3c!!3
r,;::aer b'hlch .it 13 cr; -pir-.d
illace th fund vc-as started 544
Oregon girl3 Lave been: assisted to
obtain a higher education.'' One
hur. .Irei and five girls iwere. help-
' ei zzt yar, .. and : ia'thd c!ht
ir. -tha cf' this current y?ar 81
, S'-r'- j fcye already received; loana,
and many applications Jn' the
nards- of J,Irs.-V,,'alter, Hembree,
ctirnan, are Tinder investigation,
1 tto beard bsi;?v-:3, ttt
tl.:.i 7:ax,"Wili exceed in volume the
work of past rears, 1 .
TL? girls who are beneficiaries
attf r Oregon- Icstitutlcns of
lr":rr.:pg unless sonie unusaal clr-
'c" trjif-e prevents,! and this sea-
b::;'j bn.e'ciares are distributed
- a follows: Oregon ncrfnalchool,
40 i Oregon Agricaltural college,
10; .University ct Oregon,) 9; Pa
ciSe university, S; LinfieldoUesel
7; 'Willamette university 1 2, and
the remainder in business colleges.
art, cocrses, hospital training, etc.
&i these girls become iearners
they repay their loans,! usually by
monthly installments, from tneir
salaries, and not -only! meet' their.
ohlfeatfcas Ina businesslike taan-
ner, so'that tbe""pet'ceiit of loss is
negligible, but express much grat
itude for what the fund has done
forlfcm; oftea ecu ha izisg. their
appreciation by the gift of a few
'doMttra as a "free- will offering to
the' fund."
! Vhile the contributions from
the clubs are, just , bcinalrig to
core in, many ' Portlands," clabs
have pledged their, am ounts and
some of .the outside clubs are giv
ing affairs to - raise- their dona-
ticrr. The Dallas Roman's club
wa? one of the first to -rtspond.
It mr Mat ill S7S.
11 ' . Critributions Ebould be'fentJta
, t,v;?,ira. "John Van Sante, S5S North
Thirtv-first street, Portland, who
f f Will give receipts for thini. Ore-
I tyJL crM P. W to ZJccW r '
v .N'-l The' dinner meeting; rfthe Sa-
r - Aem- lUisinesa. a?,.d iweasionai
; Women's club for ebiiary ; will
takerlace at t30 o'cicik tomor
row eVcningia the climber of
commerce "rooms. 1St4 .Blanche
IsherwoooT is in charge Jthepro
gram. . Missv Merle TSilck will
tell of her experiences i iawau.
- Vruest at ClturehiU- j Qmej
Miss Marie Ctturchi: of Port
land was a guest over he week
nf her Barents, lid and Mrs,
- J. 'A, Churcniu.
. McCanmons Art Ghts
Mr. and. Mrs. Ilsh Gammon
', riirene. who fytr;rly made
ther home in SalemV" spend a
month's yacation at tl borne of
Mr ; McCaramon's msSer, , Mrs.
- . -.- a. f'arson. Mr and MrC
Mcammon are acco:Snied by
th- r Ijttle sonBiine gammon.
rJ'irm for San FrcZseo
T?r. li K. Gasman tJ her son
TOl"1 ? Gasman, le:. itsrday
"", for San Francisco whe $.hey will
jnaae.xneiriiMw t-
- ; - and her son have made
in" Salem for the past
- v.-t Friday evening V.
ir home
o years,
nd Jdrs.
George-E. Dorcas ertUsed at
a dolllbtful,. 12-coTerjnner ia
1 tc'T tenor iisias itMaleatlne
TVrr ?.Tothers to lit
Members of. the.Ba
f . Anericaa VWar - M
rs will
hold aa important duf
ins at 2:30 o'clock' thi
3 "meet-
ins at
tern oon
ia the
tor cf F amerce
Susie i UchacUi!
rho'witli Susie MirhjAmeri-H,-!t.
will TI i-Joint
f.V itr, I--. l.r-:a3ciatei
lv or iaew-i
. cinra COti I Ldibe
! ftat637r.Cf:.-.:;3tour
j a harden,
. . it" .1 oth-
T,a AeaCTl' -3 tours
era, t- . tot
with Caruso as mctJ3. ior
The tcloved tenora harr
jy ; ' " '
"Nott: I
3 rauca . t -:.:iow-ai-or
i as
, uo de
Vparty,rs '
scribes Carus-3 tf
rt y
- cert
rrr - - r-
. , m. I .
9 m ", T" ' ' '
i .
arranged-, for.,cello crdr!ano, by
Beethoven. It is .a d i; :htfuuy
tuneful number filled with ulf the
delicacy ' and charm ot an old-
wcrld miniature. " '
The Michael-Gegna concert la
second of the series offered by the
Civic Music club. The other at
tractions will be Carol RoLiaaon,
plar-ist (March 29) and Lawrence
Strauss, tenor (April 19).!
j. . - t - -
Spends Weelc-End at Heme
"iss Clara Heater,' who ii? a res
ident at the city clty TTVrCA, spent
the week-end as the guest' of her
parents at Union' Hill, near Silver
Creek. Falls. - , 4 j i , .
Happy Dozen Club Meets '
- The Happy-Dozen 500 club spent
a delightful evening Saturday with
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bryant. The
groupt Included. Mr.- and Mrs. - Art
Art Johnson, Mr.. and Mrs. Harry
vI-h, nr. and l.lrs. Ed .Kitchen,
r. ar.d -llrs. Eageae Sifttz," Mr.
aad'Mrs. Harry .Young, and the
hosts. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant.
High score. were, won by Mrs.
Diets and Harry Young, while the
ow scores went to Mrs. Ed Kitch
en and Art Johnson." "The, club
will meet February 1? at the home
of Mr. and Mrs." Engene Diets on
North . Sixteenth street. - j .... . ;
Buffet Supper at Lang, Home
Mrs. Jessie M. Lang entertained
with a three-course buffet supper
oa Friday evening for a group'of
young ",taea who are residents in
Ltr home. -1 Music over the radio
was enjoyi'dMollowing the 'supper,
ivirs. iang was assistea in tne
setviasLby Mrs. Bell CrowJ-hex '
Those in the group for the oc
casion weTe -Miss - Edith Pindley.
M-Us -Pauluae FJUidJeiMlsKJibulse.
Nunn, MLis Kathryn Elgin, Miss
Hope Crowther, Miss Ortha Bev-
ias.-Miss Thelma Edwards, Miss
Dorothy Barber, Ralph Khowles,
Everett Faber, Marion Lamb Mer
rill Hart,", WiUlam' Smullin, Ken
neth Litchfield,' Alex 'Alien and
Theodore Lang. - - f f ; " ?
Missionary Meeting , v
une', woman s Aiissionary soci
ety:' of, the Frst.. Congregational
church" will meet at 1 2 f30 i o'clock
Friday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. John J. Tloberts, ' 7 6 $ State
street. ,. ";.'
....:. . .. ";. " r .. .'" i r T
Miss Chaffer Is Guest
miss Eiusan. u. gnaser oi juver-
ett, Waslu, Is the house guest this
week 'of Mrs. P. W. Brows at ber
home. 29 S North Cottage street.
Miss Chaffer left Salem a year ago
last, June. "J At. the conclusion -of
her. visit here Miss 'Chaffer 'will
gtr- ;tvTwfcr Taits,-T3at o. "wheTre
she will remain .till, early, furamer,
going ' then to the ' college from
which ' she: graduated for a class
reunipn," and, thence", tp, her old"
home. ' ? ; " . ;' : ." :
WRCtaMeet T.S
The next regular meeting of the
Woman's Relief 'corps will pe held
at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon in
McCornack halt ' H
Book and Thimble Club
The home ot Mrs. Ed Sommers
on t Kingwood Heights was the
scene of a delightful meet Eg cf
the Book and Thimble club on
Thursday of .last week, .with' the
following members present: Mrs.
Trot, Mrs. Elmer Cook, Mrs. Van
Santen, Mrs." Ray Santen, Mrs
Mrs. Ray Ferguson, Mrs. Pattiaon,
and the; hostess, Mrs. . Sommers
Special guests 'were Mrs. Simpkins
and Mrs.' Cohen and- two ; daugh
ters, Irene and Alice;, !r, i.
At the.' next meeting (of the
club, annual dues will "be payable.
Roll , call responses at thjls.-time
will be in the form of household
helps or recipes. - " -": . -
At the meeting last Thursday
a very Interesting article Ion soil
formation was " read, -after . which
conversation 'and fancy work were
the diversions, " The hostess served
a delicious- luncheon,- assisted- by
her niece. Miss Irene Cohen. The
next meeting of the club i will be
held at the home of Mrs.- Van San
ten, with Mr3. Ferguson ia charge
of the program.', . .'''
Guests in Eugene ' .
Mrs. Frank Snedecor.and Mrs
Rudolf - Prael spent the week-end
in Eugene as the house' guest of
Mrs. Charles A. Gray and of Mrs.
Josephine 'Stewart . j ,
Fourth in Vard Series
The fourth in the series of card
parties sponsored by members of
the St. Vincent da Paul Altar so
ciety will be held Wednesday eve
ning in the parish hall, with Mrs.
M. Snap and Mrs. Leo Dofrfier In
charge. At the last party prizes
wtro won by Irs.- J.-Meyers end
Paul Ready.
Kappa," Alpha Theta,
Ail Kappa Alpha Theta alumnae
are. Invited to be -guests at 2:30
o'clock this afternoon ot Mrs
GeorgeW. -Hug, who will enter
tain at her home, 1243 South Corn
raercial Etreet.- - " J
WRC and GAR .1 . !
i::rt: da -.jP. rVr j
:: lbv "s t t..e,GARand of
t!. 5 ,"IIC :aet ca Eatur lay a he-tar-day
at tlie ' aruory; fr the f.rst
Joint birthday dinner of the new
yr-r, - Mere thin 80 w-re ia at
t;t. -vc-3 fct th3 Czi r 1 t: ?
rrc:j.ia of gardes ad t?CccL..i
wh: h followed. A'r cf te
Salem Music, Teachers', associ
ation meets at home of Mrs. Henry
Lee, 735" Stewart street, Tuesday,
Feb. 2 1 ;
, WC. T.;U.5HalL 2:30o'clock.
Delta Alpha class of First
Methodist church. Miss Elsie
Lippoldi" hostess. f"
'.Kappa Alpha . Theta meeting.
Mrs. George Hiis, hostess. 2:30
o'clock. ' . ,
War . Mothers : - Chamber . of
Commerce rooms. 2.30 o'clock.
Writers club. 1 Mrs. F. S. P,aiv
ton. . .. - .
. Wednesdny - ' ,
. Veterans . , of Foreign Wars
Auxiliary, Mrs. Kirby S. . Ross,
2020 S. High street, hostess.
Central circle of the 'Jason Lee
church. 'All-day meeting. Busi
ness men's luncheon, 12-1 o'clock.
Royal Neighbors Sewing club.
Mrs.' A. Macklin, 720 S. 22nd st;
; Business - and '.Professional Wo
men's club. : Chamber - of. Cpm
iaerce;:rooras, ;30 o'clock.-. v. r
St, Vincent du Paul Altar, soci
ety card party. Parish hall. . "
- Willing,-Workers class - of.,the
First Christian church: Mrs. Will
May,' 445 S. Capitol street. ' ;
.; ''. 1 - ' t .TJiurfrday- ? ' ' '
i Bridge, tea,, under sponsorship
of St. Paul's Junior Guild. Mrs.
J. Rhea Luper,-lS3 ' South -Ff-teenth
street, : hostess.
Card Party. Woman's Benefit
association. ' Fraternal Temple,
I , "t-Vlday ... . .;
First Congregational church
Missionary nociety. Mrs. John J,
Roberts, .708 State street, 2:30
o'clock.- ' ' r -
Chemeketa" chapter of the
Daughters of the' American; Revo-
utlon. Miss Frances M. . Rich
ards, Lausanne Hall.-hostess.
" Woman's Relief corps. McCor
nack hall, rt '"'! '' ' " : v
Crowshaw and Comrade' Harris
tpokT parC ioT the'.coninents. '.'and
reminiscences offered. ; Comrade
Harris part was in the form of a
song, "Who'll Tell the Story When
the Boys in Blue ; Are Gone?'"
Comrade- .Saunders !gave the
Dutch War. Song." : ;
Mrs.' Clara Adams, president of
the Woman's Relief Corps, ' made
remarks in behalf of the organiza
tion. Jennie F. B. Jones, past
president, and Lizzie W. 1 Smith,
past" department" president; also
spoke. -r
J." A.: Remington was present.
representjng the Sons of Veterans;
Hattie Cameron ; represented , the
Sons . of Veterans'- auxiliary, and
Mabel Lockwood the Daughters of
Veterans. Both ladies - are - past
presidents of their organizations.
Mrs. King recited an! adaptation
, - 9 ' .. . it - ......
of the 23rd Psalm. Helen South-
.-- -.- ..J.-- !- . -.. .
wick, who was probably the only
charter member or the local Wo
man's Relief .corps present In the
entire group, gave an especially
interesting account of the first na
tional-convention which she at
tended in San Francisco. Dele
gates present formed a parade line
nine miles 'long and four abreast.
The program -closed with the
pledge to the flag and the singing
of the Star Spangled Banner.,
Witling Workers' Class
The Willing; Workers' class of
the First Christian chnrch will
meet, on Wednesday I afternoon at
the home "of their, teacher, 'Mrs.
Will May, at 445 S. Capitdl street.
Hereafter the class will meet- reg
ularly bn the first Wednesday of
ft 'VJOEID'.TO T!3El"JSElSS5.rfG!EI,:
- i - js ' . '- - - - - :. j - L . - - i ' ,--(.. '. . s . : .- - r ! .
-Accordingly Talie ttds ; Ottle Tip and: j; ,
v": b.n-'-inrTou'Il Never ForsiYelYourcelf
r'lll" YouHapetftdJlibdWOut1
u sx'Sr Q r l nererore f-J.,-
" ? . - tl. 1 -t - j'r - -m 1 .
. . i
AV (
J I 3
f i
) i '
y V
- !
m i
f very month instead the sec,
ornl FriJay. . '
Luncheon Guests in Eugene ;
. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.Parks,
Mr.,, and, Mrs. Paul "Wal lace and
Miss Margaret Cosper. were lunch
eon guest$ of Mrs. CharlesA. Grax
and Mrs. Josephine Stewart at Eu
gene' on Saturday.
Writers' dub ' " ' ' "
The writers section of ' the Sa-
lem Arts league -will meet this
evening at the home of" Mr. and
Mrs.lF. S." Barton at. their home
on North Capitol street. '' ' -
Seicina Club to Meet -
ine-Koyai, xseigrinors sewing
club will meet at the home of Mrs.'
A.' Macklin. 720 S. Twenty-second
street, Wednesday'' for - an . after
noon meeting. .', a s . ' ,
j 1 " 1
Members- of, Chamber ,pf
,; Commerce to Attend Varr;
, ipus Meetings ' ...
'George Grabenhorst,. president
of the Salem chamber of comerce
will journey to . Aurora this even
ing to speak, . at the - community
club meeting in that city, , He will
be accompanied by , several ' ineni
bers of the local chamber. !
1. Members' of : the local chamber
ot commerce will also attend other
community club meetings .. this
week. Friday night soine members
fil go to.Liberty for'the commu
nity club meeting, while the same
evening other : members of .'the
chamber will , journey . .tb'lia'yes
tillejto attend the, 'community
Skilled TradeTAd vanned
tb.lnsure Home Happiness
t '.-1 v jU - - . i
KANSAS CIT. Torking. on
the theory that when a discourag
ed man returns home after a day's
employment. - for which he is not
fitted his' depression' engulfs the
household, Kansas ICty schools
are j popularizing , the skilled
trades. ' j - - " :
--"We are instilling in the minds
of; the" children a proper appreci
ation and! emulation of skilled
workmanship''said Superinten
dent; I. I.. Cammack. "We-, are
showing the pupils the desirability
of" engaging in the trades and, at
the same' time, giving them an op
portap-ity in -vocational classes to
discover the trades for which they
are best equipped.'- .
Small Community Is seat
of Largest Alfalfa market
' COZAD, Neb. Thls community
of 2,000 persons in central Nebras
ka la. among the largest alfalfa
markets in the United States.
Records of carload shipments
of alfalfa from Cozad for the last
seven years show that from 1,1 QQ
to ilSOO cars a year are dispatch
ed. J In addition, the ; stations of
Darr and WiRow Island, near here
each 8hlp from 300 to 500 cars a
Dawson county, of .which Cpzad
is the capital leads Nebraska-In
hay production, while '1925' crop
figures show that the Cornhusker
State leads Che nation In acreage'
Tl 1 n Arid See What is Going
! .1 KM C.l 4r " Happen Thurcaay;
--jsik o Morning, 10,om.ciiarD
I, n IThe Full Parjc Advertisement
V; ; In the Paner
uo ruiars. uisn...;
, Prepared
P f . (Dr.Tain v
AV" o' Tfm-i.-nct " Rcidv for It
r3 . caini- to brca!: vith a n"hty roar-- I
different Tcm any Ciin heretofore, at-:
tl:e rr.irenntile cnnali of the Gtata :t - 'I
i ;
m , tkmmm
t- i V ' - ''-
' : -. ' . , ' ' " ...
V-'S's" ; "Shu
?-; ''ire--.- ! :
.."!'."&.... .............
The Oregon 'theatre, will offer today; and .tomorrow the latest Paramount release; "-Woman-handled."
-V Richard Dix,Esther Ralston and JIargaret Morris are here shown in scene
from the picture.-' - ' . '"."..'; .. ": -' , " " .
.cose here soo;i
"My China Doll," byXharles
Getorge, Will Be Shown
at Heilig Theatre "-.
. Picking, a name for a musical
comedy is almost as strenuous as
selecting one f 6r a , first baby,' ac
cording to" America's " youngest
playwright, Charles George, who
is responsible for "My China Doll"
that is coming to the Heilig. Thea
tre soon. ' t
:: Mr.George"is only twenty, but
he. h&3 three musical comedies to
his credit, all.or whicn have. uvea
and made, money, so he perhaps is
qualified to speak At any rate he
says the name has attractive,
mean something and. draw at the
box office, all of which "My China
Doll" has done, for two seasons;
much to the Joy of Mr. George and
his bank account. '' ' r ,"-',''
Seats will be on sale at the Hei
lig box office next Friday morning
at ten o'clock. Mail orders are
accepted now.
Movie Note
May McAvoy, hte "the leading
feminine role oposite Ren Lyorfn
.Theavage-.r -r v
r . v , 111 ' ' ' ?"t-
Aileen Lopez, a Spanish beauty,
Is the newest member of the
Christie studios', beauty 'squad. 'to
appear in pictures for Educational.
Colleen Moore doesn't, be-lieve
in taking .extensive vacations be
tween pictures: After .completing
'We Moderns" a few months ago,
she' 'immediately started. work, on
"Irene."- .Now that . the , film Verf
sion ,. of - the popular musical
comedy by that name; hai been
completed' Miss J Moore has been
plunged, into the .production of a
Tiffany Wells story, Shebb;
"which" has -been Tetitled "Miss No-
body. Golleen -will 'havethe role
for Full Partic-
; - i-- - . . .
for ; tlie Greatest
rcac: . ;oiv avore
-:-v --..y.vf.v,. .
: ...... ,.
of a girl with the wanderlust who
becomes'a companion of hoboes
unsuspected of her sexC Her dis
guise isj finally .pierced in la dra
matic ' moment, by the man she
loves ' Ji '' ;
, If D.-WGrif fith hadn't seen the
winsome . Colleen and east her. in
the leading role of , a" .VBobby?
Haron picture, nh might have be
come a talented musician since af
ter her graduation from a Tampa,
Florida convent, she attended the
Detroit, Conservatory ot Music
Joe LeFors, whose exploits as a
United,- States "deputy, marshal
fV.k .rti V
v,;i.v:,.-aiOiLOaC. v
1 . . .... . - ... . s -f
Auspices Salem Lions Club BcniHt
liird -
.t ' .r-. ''- Also Several 'Special Prize
I - Judcins B;t Public
served as the model for the prin
cipal character in Frank" Spear
man's story," "Whispering Smith,"
will aid in the technical direction
of the piece which is being filmed
by 'Metropolitan Pictures. ; H.!! B.
Warner will play the leading role.
. Friends of Mme. Curie i! of
France, co-discoverer, with her late
husband or radfumT are" campaign
ing to have her elected to member
ship in the French Academy; of
Science j No woman has ever been
a member of the ' academy and
anti-feminists ' object to breaking
the tradition.
V"" t " ' "
'I 4 ,:
Avoid lb w; grade, leaveiierc
Dont txdee chakices For ' cure
and satisfactory
pales ana Tinno'Tuoss of
. ' ' , '" f I ,
- J . -1
- f.i I 1 V
n t . s Jij -
..... v : s i
i !
Powerful Rc!e Taken in fT!
I. '
Ui fi:
d' '
a t-. '
r- !,
I "; '.
a j'
fui t". :
the PlcfOUlt! . 1 lla Ii ,
"The Whf ." It at?; ' i
the John C"' ' - 1
the siiae nai.t-.- u.u i i '
plays acquired recently I
iam Fox ia a'Oal aV(.!.l
mlliron. do!'a' in tash ri f
consld rati .
Claire Atl...rn j.lay.--
Fprd, and otL r.s in a f-u
are Margaret I L.ivinKi'ton,
Hamilton, PaVl, Tr c'(
Horton and C .r vii rr.'.i."
The story has all t!.!
lhet sportlnir' nrl I. frr' i t
track to tiie mMljg i I.
k rich in color and drama,
directed -, by .Victor. . 5; c.
and was adar-J.t tl:n ?
Edfrld Blnghain. Mont? r
wrote the titU-..-
, Halide JZdub lliw.oun id i '
of education it the Tur";'.
net. She rec ntly visited I.'
iand delivered a lecture on "Z
ish Women of j Tod ay." -
results u
Any Ci i;