tiid Gascon statesman,: sali::.:, onrcoN TUESDAY MORNING; FEBRUARY 2. 1C23 V Ik I 1 1 IA f if! i f 1 1.Ioney' to Loch Oa BmI Estate, i y- ; . r. k. fori (Oe Land A Buk Bank) ADVERTISING : V - HONEST ADVERTISING The fh mast be kept free from anything o( a questionable assure. tluriprtNt tat Una will sot be tolerated. Infor mation ahowing aay questionable in-' taut oa the part of - the advertiser hould be re-ported to thu : aewu Tnr or the Kalem A Clnh.- 1- Automobiles v SALEM AUTO .WRECKING CO. ;. Wheels. Tire.' Rim. Fender, - . . Half Triee and Less i Parte far all ears, cash for eld ears- 402 S. Cfearrh Phon SISfl . - 1 .. IS3T Aato Top SEE US FOR TCP Vrt P1IVT TORK itHM'1" Aav Top aad Faint; Shew L P. Con-rae.-cial. i fceiet Help Wanted Male l 1 ACTIVE MAN WITH CAR WANTED Af ; personal factory representative tn h - lem. Wa.atfer ta thribt to d wniaal r opportiuiitr ! to mak - bil aou.uJ.a enaerieBre or eapilaV rl Hua . JSynaraNr 31otttra,. Ca iBattlf -free. Mlrhi-a. i - 'llfif . Help AVntcl FemJc 13 TWO OIKL8 FOR PART TlitE. - . r o"Btick ' Cat."--! - CAl i!3f2t VIRli . Use. WAXTEX 250, SOUTH WANTED -STENOGRAPHER.! HIOI achool 4radaata- preferred,-, applyt sta in qaalilicatioas, ,'aalarr. ale. I r127 SUtaunam Kales mn CROCXD FLOOR, REAU ESTATE Oh I ca seen an experienced aaleaotaa-f onca. Mara bo yen tbaa we caa band) l on naat bare a ear ;and Miliar t parienea in torn Una. iCaU 16 Sob 3 Liberty. ' t ltj2 . MTanted Employment $9 GENTLEMAN bookkeeper. DESIRES I POSITION TOR GARDEN PLOWING. BASEM -air fine ana team work. 1'noua AVANTED -TEAM TORJC M.BKL5. . i uaata &r Ka.- OA. . ,,. i" .. ill NO.ijTlNTINQlj. 19 fV WANTED PAJNTINO.iiTlNTlNQtj.PA t per nan r1"- Kapart .! aerrie gaaraa tkd. Phona 1491-W. i JfIV ! -' 1 1 WOOL GOLF HOSE 4 CHILDREN'S : . Bport hoe, knit to erdar, Haad knit, ttar. - Phona 177-J la30tf SEWING WANTED AT i940 K - FROXT AS EN TiVX ISfiSaldi t WANTED BY BOOKKEEPERS PERX i. 'f annt Conner tion withil reliabla 1 firm. f rl i Higher Arroantancy studeat. - Exper V',. ' innd. (iirt (all inrtviihH 1 f ital i letter, v write to Harry Mtsea, laytn. 1 IVtfi For Kent )&1 ? PRINTED CARDS. 81ZB 14" BT7fc" worainr -'tot Kartt, prtca I u ean t( aaA. Etatesmaa Baaiaaaa Of(i, o rronad floor. j, . i r rroR bent moderx office rooms, ,"Z- rronnd floor. Fina location, irnaap rect. Home Realty Co 16 8. Hieb. For Rent -A par Uuents S3 ' f rt' RN I S II ED APARTMEXT, FIUEPI-ACE -r-farnare. - 411 K. hammer.. Cnfur- nihed bouae, fl5. Pfaana 630.' f 2:Jf 4 MODERN HOT WATER -HEATED ' 5 room flat -witb firplacev aleeping orck and garage. Phona 1377-JJ 1444 v Center St.. " 23(3 COMFORTABLE THREE' ROOM ApART aneilt furainlied, not motiern. (iood U cation.. Reaaonable. : oO; 8. Charch. S3f2 rRrNTED 'ci RD8. SIZE" 1 4" B Y 1 1 H wordlog, "Knomi to Ront," prWa 10 , casta aaeb. . Buteanas Baaiaaaa plVif, rajid floor. ...;:"( For Itenw -Kooxna r i25 , TWO ROOMS AND K ITCH EX ETTB i 4:o.OU. (lottiiL 553! Marion. I 2514 i -1 : l; I "iirws mn nrsT over on store Haaser ; Braa;- r.? r ssiie fTWO Ri I -022.50. DROOM F ROOMS ;S1) iKITCHKNETTE. FOR RENT FOR GENTLEMAN, tn modern bone. Cloaa ia. - iRefer aacea. e Addreaa liomej care gtatfaian. FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN. 6trie41y modern bomo-i Prrra tat. bath. " Fear block from CaplUL 1465 Cba nakcta. Pkoaa' 184s. gSjgtf TWO 8TCDENTS- MAY j - HAY E BOO it i Jrith alceping porch pflTilegea, n mod ern home, ia ronrenieWt kwationt Ad 4rea, A. eara Statesman. 25t2tt , - ROOM FOR RENT IN MODERN HOME broo VUoki fraa ttata baaa AH coaveaicaeaa. Gantleaaaa preferred. Plana a give refareaaaa aad addraaa A. B- -CTr a tmn. U . J 8Sj2Atf ' FOR BENT ROOJf i"t3TTABLB FOR f atadanta, aritk lourfporch privilege, j Xvcry thing aaadarm. Raferaaea era ra j airad. : Andrea room, eare Stateantam. For Bent noose- - !27; i 4 ITOOM HfSE, INQUIRE 1540 j8tata. . i tT '. I ' 1-1-7, ' : aw rivtBTii.tj . tvn UNFURNISHED A I I... ill.- ' ' - . ioe. i" BraraVt,an4 hnaoo. IU9 H. af IJAI lI XrR RKXT 4 JIODERX.: nOMES. 30 4a .'0. Vacant. Uecke Hndricka, 19 X. High treat i4 r v f J31 5-ROOM nOCSS. .fiai' iPEB. MONTH jphona 2044-W. - ' yT - gtdiatf HOUSE OF 5 ROOMS aND BAXlt. 819 fe. lain, liu.vu per I awmm. i J3Tl da time. Harry rearta. ' da ) - 1 . - For RenPrmM " '?9 ' VVl HAVE HEVERAL IRRIGArED FARMS 9 - Zr rant. F. E. Thoataaon, : T;rner. Ora, PMwe WI. ! I'-- J jyam 4 Wonted to Herat 31. ' -: ' - . " JJ - wS.VTLD SIX-ROOM! FURNISHED ; Moaaa for rent., J. ?. i Barrott. Tehrriaal raw 6W.T .- Vf 31" . Wanted Jliscellaneoaf -33 WANTED GOOD WOKK TEAM CI EA F 2-F. L.,WooU. 341 State tt f o&f WANTED UEt SAFE Piano hyni. . ! , f 85f2 FURXITUfcE. ' PACKING FOR 'SHIP; aaeuta. Owfcl'Sr t nitur 0. . - - h --"-: r i I" " '.'.- - fc-vtI ore, toofis, fornharr. tiff at Ved fcovd Drpt., oppoaUej art o" M " J 1 WOODUY THE AUCTIOSEER SJUTS - a aad fnraitnra i eaah. . Phono 51 1. skll us vocr usedi ruBxrrcRE- Ml. i. Mill imiu...iv. Zr-tf rtnt.. i:naUa court ;ho. aJro-.n Vr ' 1 i. lMEl) . -r ' , n Iu fion I . Li P1HVATB 1 MONET FOB luaaa. We fcaaa! aeaaral. atliea- rA paou. utwiiu a ,v" . . ' . lnc 205 Oregon. Bldf.j "tt" sroKANC, Feb. lLee Ward , 14, of Meyer Falls. Wash., ia ruain beneficiary of an f state :ed at" 85,000 left by Jacob n Meyers,. his uncle, who l 37 10O CEDAR POSTS. PHOXEj 945 J. - '':'," ,! ' . --j i in.' LAWN FERTILIZER. FBOXE T21. .-- LOGANBERRY. WIRE AND TIPS. ALSO 6 acrea four mile from town. W. M Bledgett, Route . Box 124.) 8713' FOR BALK OLD NEWSPAPERS, TEN cents bundle. Circulation department Oregon Statesman. , r 37tf 3-ROOM HOUSE CLOSE IJC- 91800 $250.00 down; rest lika rent, 925 per month, r.sjee Witty, ; 11 18 Oak. Phone RECEIPT BOOKS SIZE S" BY- 50 receipt (arnt ht book. 13 ranU per book two for 23 cents, t Statesman Office, 215 --South Commercial St., Sa lem. ? , ..-i:.r j . 37f25tf ALFALFA. GRAIN, ? HAY. .TIMOTHY, vats, sariey ana want, guaranteed quality,, prompt shipment. Prieea. upon application. Richard- Xyaaa-n., - Walla v ana. asningtea. r- . .,..- sit'i TIMBERED TRACTS FROM 10 ACRES up. (or sale. Will pay half eaah for cutting, remainder to apply . on i price of land. Will purrbaae your wood. Plan of payment eaay. why tit idle look tag tor a job, John 11. Scott. : 37j31 GOOD 2600-LB. FARM TEAM FOR SALE for 150. Wareaa from $1 A to $40. ITiriuo, t'n tn n- !i tn . Discs, harrows, and spring footb. good vo per ion. aa xa. i&cots, ov TRESPASS NOTICES. SIZE 4z9 IXS., ..printed ow1 good 10-oaaea raavsii, boar. Ing the words, "Notice I Hereby Given That Trespassing in Strictly Forbidden n These Premises L'ader Praalty of I Proaeeation.' Price- 15 each or 2 for . 23e. . (Statesman Pub. -"Co., Safem, For Sale UYestocJt 80 FRED W. LANGE VETERINARIAN - Offlc 420 8. sNwkmaraiaL Pkoaa 1194 Re. Phona 166ft. . i 80B23 Wood For Sale 43 WOOD" FOR SAJ.K FROM 5.60 PER cora ana np. 1-hone 2&4 or 62 J. 4318 LIMITED t AMOUNT OF DRY SLAB , wood. f3.50 per load. Traey Fuel :t Yard.: 1099 D St. ;':. j t dSjlOtf CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD; SAWING. AW old Boards.. Fisher Brea. Phono .1819. ; .. . . . 43jl3tt 1-FOOT OR KEN SLAB. 93 90 FEB C0RX tn-ln. dry mill, $4.50 pet load, dry fir , aad oak.. Phono 142. j " 43n5t , COMPLETE FUEL SERF1CM . ' ' TELEPHONE 1855; ' . HTLLMAN FUEL OOMPANY - m j. u- k .- j,. 49naitf 18-INCH SLAWetOD'PER LOAD. 82.75, 15-inch : Sad fir per load, i 94.00; 18 inch old fir. per load. 94.59. Prompt delivery. Tat 2SIJ. Traey ;Fmel Yard. 1097 D 8 treat, u , , 43a92U COAL ALL THE BETTER KINDS HILLMAN FUEL CO. PHONE 1855 '. ' ; " J : 43a219 GOOD COAL DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES. HILLMN FUEL. 0 0. TELEPHONE 1859. i 4JJ29K SALEM FUEL A ' TRANSFER, 752 Trade B treat. Wood, .Coai. Bridnata, Tranafer and Maving. Phone 629. ' . . --. - - y 43a20tf BEST GRADE OF WOOD- -V ' - 4 ftnnd 18 inch." i , : , , Dry an ill wood. I Green mill wood. ' i-"' Dry second growth flr Dry 4-ft. ash, and oak.' . . FRED E. WELLS ' ' Prompt delivery had reaaonabl price. 280 South- Cbarcb. phane 1542. 43fl8tf BRIQUETS THAT LEAVE NO ASHES. . HILLMAN FUEL CO. i : J1- - j 43a21tf wood sawing, prompt and - ' Carefully, hillman 'el 00. - 5 . i ' - . .. .. d3n.2lt WOOD. DRY. SAWED ANY LENGTH, r HILLMAN FUEL CO. PHONE 1855 - . i ' j.- . 43n21tf 18-IXCH OLo I IK SECOND GROVTH oak and. ask.,: Phona 72F2. V. -D. May field, i 43il8tf -i Poultry and EgZ ' INCUBATOR' FOR fALK--100 EG CA t paeiry.' 1 , Good .. eonditioo.: ' Knce-ie T. PrescotV , 541, Mill; street. . Phone 1937-J. 45f4 HOT: WATER INCUBATOR FOR -SALE. 540 egg siao, has never been nsed. Well - worth the price asked for - cash, or anight consider four months old pallets - delivered, later . in the aeesaa , in ear change. - W, H. Henderson, 215 Sonth Commercial 8V ; : . - 45j27tf Poultry -Journal rfcrBargaiii Poultrywen Reod fire tw cant post age, stsmpi for, special tare 'month trial of tee brightest and best poaltry - innmal - in - America. Send it ' to , friend. 1 " j i- Northwet poultry. Journal I Salem, Oregon. 4528 : lUaeenaneonc 51 FURNITURE ; UPIIOLSTFJUXG AND .repairing. Gieae-Powersi - Famitore ; 'Store.' v. , - ---e . j. .SlaSOtt H. !B.ffEAGBOVB FURXACE AND . sheet nettf shop moved sto J1 Milt 4 -4 , - Ijost and Found S3 LOST CREKN-'G07.D MONOGRAM wviat j watch, with ; bracelet, . Reward. rersonal" 05 JOLLY YOU NO .WIDOW F 'X K. E A P pcaraac b. good - education, node. rendents. , Keal botnemaker and cook, las tseans. Gentleman of goad bsbita and reference plsate write, t No ebiee tioa- t small town or t-onntry life, r Write Box 883, care SUtrman. 5512 I HI2Z TREATMENT ' - ' 1 FOR APPENDICITIS ' "It-ta-Wonderfol.H Freei information i Address His Co- Portland. Oregon. . -j 65al0-1925 MINUTE MQyiES 1A'SS';0F, ; AhhSKPiv . ft i -, - , . .. , ... .. .. i , , i "THE. ATTACK - - - I- tt. e- . AS'-rna tGAlM TO-. MEET Phyllis H3 IS AT- . Tacv:e cy TALC For Bale 67 MONEY TO LOAX ON CITY HOMES. H, "I" explain our HOME MORTGAGE : k"a.i sian. .. c-c iotarest. no eon. : mission. - Cha. Hudkins. Room 6 ever . atuier a Store, . I'aene 98, - -57jJ7U Wanted Ixiana 69 WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAX . 'a rood real estate secarity.' .-- ,. ' W. IL OR ABEXIkOKST CO. : 275 State Street. . . r; . ; 59o31tf WANTED PRIVATE IJOAXS. ALL . sues, have. several applicants waiting for city-property and farm lands. - See . . White. Home Realty Co., 169 8.. High. " v .. . . - - - 59113 Bsutneas Opportunities Ol APARTMEXT HOUSE CORXER WIT H : large residence suitsble 6 apts 870VO. Close to University snd Slate Houae. Easily financed. Back A Hendricks, , -ld X. High suet. ; , i . li31(f BUSINESS. PROPERTIES RIGHT SOW we have some exceptional bargains in f Salem Business property. Several will - net 0 an certain - leases. - Becke cs ' Hendnchs, int N. High Mtreet. CljSltt Itcul Kstate 63 Own :Your liome GOOD BUYS IN FLAX FARMS 24 acres- 50.00 0 acre ,1..-86,500.00 803 acres .............,...,.,.., 918,000.00 . Easy terms. Excellent soil.: A. C. BOHRXSTEDT-: - ' Realtor and Loans. 'J 147 No. Com' St, - Salem, Ore. -. ; . ; 63j31tf FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY t. 40-arre en pa ted road, electric pow er tin and telephone line, has 19 acre logan. 2 acraa walnut. 1 acre fam ily orchard, balance open land; . ' . Very good 7 -room plaatered bouse. Sleeping porch, gas lights, well water at door. Fair barn and outbuildings. One of Salam' best close ia bay. ; Priced right,-- . : - ' --t '. ' 15-acres ' about .- .9 .- Biles out ' 9a good road, . partly paved, small building, some fruit and berries, running water, pasture and . timber, v elose to school, last the place , for , chickens. Price ' S2OO0.OO with term, f 1 " 21 were old building, good fruit and berries, good water. graveKroad, partly paved, close' to school. -'Pome pastor and timber. ' No reasonable off. re fused. - -We specialize in farm and Serve yon rirht.?. ,, T VICTOR SCHNEIDER. Realtor. Loan aad Insursaca.' : Phone 677. 147 Xo. Commercial BU. Salem. Ore. 3il7tf GOOD-BUYS IX HOUSES 5- room plastered -house, $1250. . -- 6- room plastered. Aaw hoase. 92200. - 4 -room sested boose and garage., ' ' ' . 2 lots, 9140O. v . - - -- 4-roonv strictly nvoiiern new, bungalow. Oarage, close in. 93250. - - - - For all the s here-, small payment down, balance like rent. ' ' T . BALEM REALTY COi 462 Stste, -.r !;- - :s':r.Krf: . 3t4 FOR i atLE 16-ACRE TRACT. GOOD soil, little timber, creek and spring; good house aad barn. - family .orchard, -seven miles out on reck rosd. - Garner must sell and will consider any reason able -offer and will take-house in Sa lem. F. L. Wood, . 241 State St. 63ft FOR EXCHANGE 111 Small raneh in Iowa, unencumbered, for property in nr near -futons. s . KRUEGER, , Realtor, ! " 147 X. Commercial. ; v Phon 217. - - , 93j20tf - NOTICE -THESE J , CAN YOU BEAT THEM t -JO rooms strictly . first class business location, will double in value ia less than two years. 97M50, terms. " -: -. 7 rooms strictly modern, bungalow,- ga race, lot 70x149, would cost 86OO0 to luild now., far tiniek. salo 41ewO-t rash balance like rent at 6.- - -, rooms, modern, large lot, fruit, shade, shrubbery, would cost . 970U0 to build - new. alvo garage, coop, chicken parks, -barn, must be sold. 94000, - 9200 cash, balance 830 and -interest monthly. . JBOCOLOF8KY. 841 State. I . - :.- 63j28tf SEW HOMES AT. YOUR. OWN -; TERMS, --Several new bungalow, an Tory easy .terms, several apartment hoasea ea .easy terms. Small tract for city prop erty. Large . graiq and : dairy farst -clear for; ineotnw -property; . or smaller 'reach. Private - money . te loan on real estate. If you want. to buy, sell ior - exchange, ' see - Barter, - 200 ' Gray Bldg. , . 3j24tf SOUTH - DAKOTA- LAND. FOR SALE cheap, or will trade -for Orefoa prop erty . -'- : ..-- w.-v 6 sA city equity for aeraag. ' f , ' . , 91,000 to losa. I ROBIX8ON, Oregon Building. - -: 1 - . , 63j9tf 5500 BUYS 5-ROOM HOME. ON CREEK, treea, cbemeketa nt. .. , i '!,i-. 9300 buys 4 rooms, ! furnace, "fruit, psrtly frnihedr easy tvnav.1, -94550 buy new. well built, 4 "rooms, aad nook, bsrdwnod floors,' modern. in every way and prieed riht. - - : . 84750 bays 5 roomt and nook, ' East Halt-in. old' English style. ' 95250 tbays 6 rooms, modern - in every way, well -located.;' V "r i J 96500 .buys 6-rooms andfatlie Faf- mount Hill, corner tot , and priced to sell. ' . " !;- - - 6000 buys new home, Engliah, m Oaks, furnace, fireplace, garage, a home to be proud of. WIXN1F. PKTTYj-OlIN.Iieairor. V' 218 Oregon B Mg. . ' . "3J 8 1 tf K K K K K IK. .K K K K K K K K K K irroi SAtCJi-' K New -rom . baaaalwwy . .nearly . K K i completed, witl. -reakfa.t . aootui K K cement basemrnf,! fireplace', fur K K naee, - corner lot. paved street. . K K Price 9350O.OO, 8K cash, bat- , K K ' anee 935 per month. ; K K -KRUEGER, Reattor. ; K K . 147 X. Com'l, i : ' K K - ;. Phone 217 K K " ;- M K K K.K K K K K K K K K K K K K If K . , I i ,. , ' , ..... . 1 1. .i i-, nr '" LOOK - . 13 acres of fine land only S miles out, -. ha 3 -acres, of, timber; -a. bargain : for 92500. Terms. ; k , . ?. ' ' ' :J 2'w acres with new .house, close in, price 92500. ' Will trade for email place oa coast., v ..i 5-roorn bouse and range X. on" paved street. Price 980OO. Will . trade for small track 2 Mr acres ;' 6-room house, hire and - gsrsffe, fruit. - Close in a. Snap, for $31 OO. . Xice lot, trade, for sieall house.- - ' - - . THOMASON. 33 IK State Street. ----' -.--, lf .- 63$9tf ' . 1 " '.' . ' 'lltney to to&n EEeVVlNTWE "TwS KSA3KUiTDlIWlTrAT FiRMLVBOUNJO V faro iVDJSTfeU3 fCF. PATrri CTrie ' rArnE-UP ANt PEfsUAfcES HIM ' TO HELP MEF FNp - v--- J5f" fc-'.V- !v '1 (SET y-: roi rv DV CHANCE PHV1.L1 :Atit her. DAt AKE ' ,UnTA!ESSE5 - TOTM- 1' CJTAU; -'ATTACH X'- :y?- Real llstate MR. BUYER RIGHT- XOW 18 YOUR - opportunity. . After long loll and be - fore the selling season opens. We have buys at 9500 to 8a00 lesa in small ' modern home. Iiatcediate possesiou on many. Here's example plain 5 rooms with double construction gsraga. laundryj plaatered, bath, hot wster. etc. on large lot with- cement walks, drive . and paving PAID.. On -Par if ia highway close in and vacant, 8 3 !". V tV BECKE HENDRICKS - s ' 199 X. High Street. - 6Sj31t TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTi'T T I . ! ' . T T 6-room modern home, with garage. T Pavesnaat paid, 93150. v Will ae- - T ept vacant lot as first- payment, i T TERMINAL REALTORS. . 'f ' : - i - B.ti2"tf. T ITPl'TfT IT TTTTT TPFT IT T TTT TTTTT T FIXE GARDEX TRACT IX SOUTH' SA .. lein, 5J full besring Bart let t pear trees on psrtj of tract, some fine King ap- riie and blackberries. Xic high build W site. : running spring, i sewerage, nights, eity water, could be -divided into '12 tots. 40x120 feet. On macadam St Price 91400.- Same terms. Fine far garden, i fruit, chickens. W. C. Coi ner. owner. Btatesman office. Or will .: aell . home place, six rooms.'-, barav ,a rsffe, poultry house- and ix big 1 lots for 83800. 849 Rural Avenue. 63f2tf ii ' BXAP SNAP . SNAP Close ia.'- ,very attractive apartment . house, corner 100x15V feet, with large residence suitable for 9 apartments, or flats. Close to post office, state house. University,! bulacR -district, absentee . owner. aa-rs aelL Price 96000. Easilv financed. Immediate - possession. O what will this be worth when Salem'a - population '4s 950,000 f Nuf Sed. . See CIIILD8 BECHTEL Realtor; 540 State Street. . 63f2tl ' !r. '-I O WE HAVE . . ' , One of tjhe cutest, moat attractive brand - nsw'boftgakrww, 5 rooms, strictly mod .fn,.up to the minnte, all . the bqilt-ins. Basement, : furnace, stationary - wash .trays. -Paving'-paid. Priced for quick deal, only f.'lrtjO, . befct of terms, Jut . the kind -newly -weds would -delight in possessing. ''-'- - . i, - ! -: - It if a howe " ? See CHILDS BECHTEL " ' Realtors, 540 Stat Street . . 03t2tf ' HojtneealtTiTradeis Xo. 775 (For Exchange 210O-aere tok ranch northeast of Prineville, Oregon; ll-joomi house arranged' tor two fata f Hies; fenced and- crossed . fenced; . water rights to 200-acre ditch, Spring , and creek in every- pasture, all- farm : implements, all tools, 80 bead of cattle, bunch of hoga.12 horses, -price 945.000. ' enuity 931,000. - Want smaller farm. - V ha( kave. you got f , . lar. . f . Xo. 454 -For d Sale 5-room bouse , on North f 23rd : modern, paved street. Price oaly 92500. Equity 1200. part rash,, terms. -. -': - -. . ; : , - , , . , No. 732 i-Por Sale 7-room bouse. locat ed at 556 Union.-.- Modern on first and ' second floor, fine condition, income 945.00 per ..month, property is clear of incumbrance, wortu aajau, ' tale-It at 9320O. .9 too down,- rest 830.00 month. Thi is close In. . Xe. 721-i-For .Sale Broom bouse "with acre ground,'? well ' located. - prie Make offer, a, little cask' Ul 912 2oa do. Ret easy, For Salr4-acre unimproved, ia city limit will -make--finatrawberry'-laMt,-4ye fine, i Price oaly $145. Will consider small VMy property. What have youf For.- Raljj j - - 6V "acre tin itnj.ro ved on pared Iroad located at cross' rosd dotted with lj3i! tall oak trees, beautiful sight. Price only 82950. part, cash and -terms. For ' Salei 4-room . bouae, , . saw. ' garage, acjre laid on State street., worth ' $3000, take it at f 2450.- Soma cash aad lertns. ... tJ, . i. , For Sal4-5.room aaw house, 'just, com pleted, jail modern with fireplace, else ; Kastman furnace. A dandy ulaee. Price V 931502 ;9450'.dowa. .Best like rant. . For SaleU-5 cre.Mnall' house, also orch ard, near pared highway;, blaek noil: . worth; $2000, take it-at $1630; 9350 ... down.! -.. .:: .-.'. ' '.;. No. 732 For Sale 2 apt, residence clear, close in, paved atrents. income $45.00 month. If you want layestmeot -; pick this up at 9450 dawn. theuvlt ffp -i pay. itself - out. - - : t. For . Sale-r'-New. -Bungalow-,-' garage,-'newly, "j. painted, fine lot. 4uHxl80 on r Mark- : St Xo. 3180. drive- out -andJilouk'it t over. iPy some cash' aad. mev4 tn Xo. 738--For . SaIe-?-5room hi6c, ' 138 Capitol St. Well arranged rooms, new ly, decorated. ' t For Sale oreom house; 2 173 '"State St., big lot 54x231, bag - ineom 922.50 Price only 93450. Buy Ibis for invest- For;.8aHH 6-roenr modern -bungalow. -2043 North-Capitol.- acre lewd. Extra lot - 140re-t frorktage. worth .$4500.. t a k it at a50;-pay aeme rash and mov4 in. . This ia a double constructed wl built bouae. nwly -painted. p " Home Realty Co. 1 169 8. High.. TeL i7l8. 93j54 3 ACRES SET TO r KTR.tABERRIE8 cbeiries and gooseberrie. 8-room boast ' - basement, close to highway, near Sa lem. 94500.00. - 5 acres attractively locited near high- way-la cherries and 5-room bungalow, modern in every detail. 95800.00. - -21 iwrres most all set to fruit. 96oOO.OO. 5 acTs aaimpreved, 93500.00 on high way." HI ';' .--, .... X ; , ' j V - 15' here be every modern ,' improv , . meat Hand modern home on highway, - 8i5.o0o.oo.- - . . ' : - - 7-room hous. all oak floors, large at tractive grounds, $9500.- Beauli'fui comer, borne most beautiful : Ir- furnished - and Ustely - arranged, 91TJD00. - - - " j, , 2 'Urge lets oh creek and 6ro8a nd hoaaeD 910.500. - . ., . Jf Creek! lot. $750. East front lot, $1260. East front lot. 9 800. f 'GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE, 493 i. Cottage. 83j31tf CHEAP!: lArTS GETTING BETTER fast. ! $100 each, oa up. $10 down, 95 montsV Becke A Ilendricka, - 189 X. . HJSlrfl Street . ; - C3j31tf FAIRAIOUXT ' HI LI, 4.0TS SOMF beauties for $105O on up. Paving , ttoadod. Trees and View. Becke Hendricks. 189 N. High Street, 6331tf OWNER A X0XE KESIDEXT , 1 rooms, modem, ' garace. coops, barn. .. beanar fruit, lot 100x300. origina' coat 9OOQ. for quick sale $8750, $1250 i cash.il balance to be assumed. This -.. property- will, make you - 91000 b; - touching it up and resell esme. ' , - , SOCOLOFSKY, 811 Stster"' ; ' V; ; - .,- - ? - : ;-99?29tf FOR SALE 100-ACRE FARM BOTTOM land, e sandy loam soil. 80 acres clear-, ---some timber, family orchard, fair build . tags. ; close to Iowa on market road. 912.000, tske part. city property, bel ' anno long time loan J'i. . New nvod - ern bun its low, . aak floors a bargain : at 92650.. ---- - "' i. ' , ' J. U WOOD. 34 1 State St. - .ii -I -v. ,r , SSjStnf f BECAUSE VtXI LOST. VOUfS MCM0y. fanky' mxed up ihixs. HOLIOr - VO. n Mir-ii oh. NCE ( pr .is. -i ! OOFl FF2IEND, ... . a. it I .. . 1 T Pvur5 Ki - ryi 1 1 -.- -1 ,-"k r,a" "a. ATTtv. L1CPdS! I 63 . -T FOR SALE OR TRADE : S-room- house, tun- basement, -modern - good barn... on earner, 1 block to esr ', Una at. a sacrifice price. , Let as show . ; you. v- . - 320-cre wheat farm hi Waaeo conn- - t-,. Oregon, to -trade for stack ranch ia The Va 1 ley ; j what ha ve you I - i - lewa-Wiseonsiu and Dakota farma to trade --for Willamette- Valley : property. Come ia. sad grva me listings. . H'j acre. A-Xo. 1 prune orchard, "fall bearing; good 4-roeat house, good barn, chicken heurte., M mile to school, ' right ia edge, of a small tewn on K. ft. 1 acre timber. ' Price 940WO, Terma, ' "Fine lot eaCbemeketa St.- N. front 79x150 feet. Paved alley, excellent buy at f2O0.90. Terms -.4 -A will write' year insurance In gvd " old line companies and give ample time - te pay-- Make . loans ou city or farm property. Coma and see what 1 can do. A good many good trade-'' G. WV LAFLAR, 410 Ore. Bldg. -'--v -':,, -"- -: 83j3t TRADES LARGE LOUSE AND 3 LOTS . worth 9200, to t.ade for land i 5-room , bouse worth $20OO to trade, for car; : 9 ISOO house ,1a good town, for equity In Salem- home; ' 10 improved scras . close ' worth 950O0 for Salem -home; ' ' splendid S-room . modern house worth ;-' 95000 'for acre had. small- bouse with ' eity ' water 'large rooming bouse close - and worth. 96500 for small residences ; residence And store worth 97000 and T - will .take small farm' close? nice little . business - in Salem .worth ' 9-500 - fot small tract close; 7-room house worth 93000 for small tract unimproved east or north; . large house for rooming and . boarding close for sals en y terma or would lease to responsible party. : McGlIX?HRI8T PENNIXO'l'ON 209 U. S. Bank Bldg; . Phone 140. ( - . :-.-; 3j29tf - .- . rV: - i : ' - FOR SALE . ' . Xew 5-room bungalow. and garage. basement, furnace, east front, ror- ner lot, otter block to ear line. Price - 94200. Good 8 -room house-with fur- nace; near .University- and State . House, oa- litis St. Price 855UU. : Dnplex bous. twelve rooms, elose in, two- farnaces, jwo bath. Price ' '99500. Term. . -f-fi.- '-.-- KRUEGER. Realtor. ; ' - ' 147 N; Commercial. . Phone 217. . ..- ' .. --v,.---, - 63i29tf a a a a a e a a m eaeeeeoaeaee. -1 XEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. FINE Lo cation, 93500. easy terma. " ! , 12 -acre heme, close in, - bldgs4 . fruin water, snap. 9$0OO,'eay term. 8- ivom Duplex house, Portland, nice 'lo cation. 85WO for Salem. .. 10 acre adjoining Salem, good bldgs, sacrifice 85000. take residence. ' aO-acre Howell prairie farm on 'pave ment, 9160 per acre. Terms. 9- room bouse, 2 targe lots, 94000, want smaller home. - " - See PERRTXE A MARSTERS. 212' Com. Club Bldg. 63j29tf .Real Estate Trades 63 A $3000 EQUITY IN A 80OO RESI dence in Portland -to trade far some thing in or near Salem. . John fl. Scott, 303 Ore. Bldg. ' 65j31 : RGAI ESTATK Furnvs 67 5 ACRES. UXIMPROVED RIGHT ALONG main highway, 93,500. - 15 acres along main - highway, beautiful ly improved 915,000. acres near, man- highway, beautiful modern 'bungalow. 95800, . . ... 7 acres mucbly improved, along highway 913,500. " , - '5 j y . : ' I.aree farm on highway', 120 aci es, 9350 per acre. . .-, . . GERTRUDE 3. M PAGE 493 iC Cottage. - :ti..t. i . 67j27tf READ olR EXCHANOE LIST , 1 We have 160 acres in Minnesota. io aere -iui South Dakota. 100 Kath-Dakkte, a -number of farms tn Canada to trado for Ori-aron farms. -flat VJf'feW eod houses rn Salem for farms-. ' Come in-and' get acquainted. SALEM REALTY CO., 462 State. -'. . -. 6712 KKKKKKKK K K K K K K K K K K e ': r ':. '.' 1 -. . K K , , BARGAIN" 1 I .... K K 25-acre rnnch, best of soil, 3 K K j- miles,, eaatofk' leusw vPriceK ht '"5500.fe0. ahrterms'W ba!- K K "-auee.-- - - - . .... -.JC K - - ' KRUGF.Rr Realtor, - as 'Ksa.w v.4.47 .irjCom'L , - - K tC 1" ; - Phone "17 . , . .. - K aft'lfaf ihrSc" K K If g K -KK K FORCED SALE : ' This 183-aere place was sold st i.heriff 'a sate.-'-t nlets redeemed with in a .few weeks, owner will lose all. Xew is" your chance to buy for one half value. About 940OO.00 cash re euired,' balance terms.' See John W. Orr, with Home Realty -Co. 169 South HigbiBtreeVA Salem, Ore. i 67J30 -As-.:' FOR RENT OR SALE --I-'beve land near- Salem suitable for bf rries. 'corn, t tomatoes or any field or-garden cror 1 also have horses, i-Bpletfients, buildings. '.-.-I wunt tp get in touch with someone that can maJie money for -both of us. Either lease or aelL " Owner, E, A. RHOTEN . , - i v '. 1593 South. High St. , Pkoae A4-S. , -,-,x .. - '--j . Mi- Renl Ufe-ubttrlan 69 WILL. EXCHANGE MY 5-ACRE. WELL Improved suburban home, .. 6-room house, barn, also chicken house. Small orchard, all kinds of berries, close to Salem. Black soil, price ( only 93750 clear. Waat 4 or 5-room home In Say lem. Write Box 3338, care Statesman -':....'., f: - .- 69f5 , Wanted Real Estate 71 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPT PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PP FP PF . THE ' GREAT. MARKET , PP .PLACE WHERE EXCHANGES PP : . ARK -MADE . PF" l ----- .-f- e-. .- - --.-.. Si' o PP, Our luting" of Socs exchange PP :. (the larreat - listing en the PP . Pactfie Coast) make it .po' PP Bible for us te match your prop-PPty- exactly. r ,W have lust FF'Si-.the' property .you went at lust PP-i-the rigb price. THEY WILL PP : TRADE FOR YOUR PROP PP ERTY. If you would like to PP exchange - your property .rTO PP v DAY, nut In TODAY. See, PP.. PARKER "FOR PROPERTY PP 16 South Liberty. - PP :r . Office -Open Evenlnja. ;- . Pr PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP fPP PP PP . PP PP PP PP PP PP - . -i Teleohona 2242 " - PP PF Tldtltf PP P,PPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP -''it V-s ; ie FUWOVJS at 'TUP KANSAS KUSr THREAT;. To -STOP Tf-IE.. -WEOOING-, -CALLS OH SOME OF DANCE WALL GANG-V- TVAIAMO,. Tr4fi" &C? S " POL'CE. . ' Rush To .tSRier,cAL,H "s MELPV'fJ ' XL Aatomobnea Tfanted .77 Eiker Auto Co, Wa pay' cash for Ford. - 7712tt ' Vacd Cara for Sale 79 SLIGHTLY USED CHEVROLET ROAD ster. 925ft cash. Phoae-2409-R. - 79f BRISCOE TOURING CAR GOOD COX lition. cheap... 1243 Shipping. 70f6 . Packard We have a Series 126 Pack ard Touring ear, has been - used very little, we do not hesitate in saying that this -' , is the biggest value in the city for the price we ask.' -Von will have to aee thia . car and drive it te appre ciate the real value, at Our price 8595.00 v Fred M. Powell "MotorCars 350 Xo. Hick St. Phone 2126. 79f'J FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN 19J5 model ; Chevrolet' Touring" Car. ia first class condition, has bumpers front . and rear, used leaa than aeven months, mileage less than nine thou sand. - $200.00 cash will handle, bal ence in easy 'monthly payments. Write Box 191 Care Stateamaa. 79113 -EIKER'S USED CARS 192 Toorihg . . .$283.0d , 1924 Coupe I '..' , $go-. .Ford Sedan .8245 Our usual gnarautee behintall ears. EIKER AUTO CO. Liberty Street at Ferry, phone 121. : '.. . , - vfT9dt7tf Packard Single Six touring Including inclosed top at - a - bargain.- Run lea than 10. 0OO miles. , New balloon tires and many extras.- Les -than a year old. An ppportunity Make yoilr .own offer on a tirh rade Pierce Arrow sedan. All good tires, shocks, good '-paint --and : ia -A-t sre chanicai condition. X reasonable of fer turned down Trade accepted. . VALLEY M0T0J CO. 1995 Evening 875-R.' 79j31 LOCOMOBILE -MARMON -"CLEVELAND MAC DONALD AUTO CO.' ' HAVE " REAL USED CAR VALUES . - f ' ;.- - - . '. .-... Price from 975.00 to $2800.00. Lincoln 5pass. Sedan. Rtudebaker Big Six 7 -pass. Sedsn. Cadillsc 7-pass Sedan. Mai-mon T-pass. Sedan. Stanley Steamer 5 pas Touring. - .' Ford Courie. 1924. Maxwell Touring. 1922. Chevrolet Touring, 19-J3. HnpmnliH- Touring. 1921. Franklin Touring. 1921. IUe Touring. Studrbaker Special Tourinff.- -Haynes Touring. Used Cars do not stay in ear place Vang as our Cars are priced , right and terms arranged to suit buyer. We welcome jour inspection. " . y-1 . -. .Jjsm ...v tv :..'.;":.-....- MAC DONALD AUTO CO. Cottage and Ferry Sis. Phone 409. v LOCOMOBILEi-MARMOX"CLEVELAXD 79j27tf FordSx With Known. ir-s j. The complete record of performance and condition on every used . car in our stock is always available. Yen don't, need to guess st anything about these : fine used Fords. 1925 Coupe just barely broken ia ..$495 1924 Coup, looks like new 885 124 Touring, see this 265 1923 Touring, lots of extras .......... 235 1914 1 8tsr Sport, driven only, 10.0OO. miles ... 435 192 License Furnished With -Every Car. Celtrsc Tractor in good shape ...... f 175 Valley Motor Co. Salem. Oregon. 79f2tf IF IXtERESTED IN A GOOD US'e,D - ear, tee Biddy Bishop, at the Packard Store. Fred M. Powell f ' Motor, Carjs l :; -v 50 N. Hick St tf Good Used Cara iEi: rroffl , .'ii ALI MAKJ'fca :." 1 . - 7;ian TWO NON-STARTER TOURING FORDS with license. 945 and 955. Toe muck service ia these caru-td wreck.- Both la good muning condition.! - EIKFR AUTO CO. Phone 121 , 99j3ltf nUDSOX ESSEX AND CADILLAC Good dependable used ears.- We have a. few af those good used ears left, at a very low price. We list a few for your apprevart - ' "' - ' 24 Oldsmor.il '4 pas. Coupe ..-$650.00 24 Xhevrolet Coupe . 450.00 21 Dixie Coupe 825.00 -22 Ford Coufie ... 200.00 DodKe Tourinr-A-1 w., 475.00 24 Oardner? Touring "... 750.00 21 Hudson. Speedsuer 575.O0 21 Velie Touring 250.00 Chevrolet Tourings -80.00 to 4o..00 Ford .......i...... -..925.00 to 275.00 . Cadillac -sw- Hudson Essex V ' F. W: PETTYJOHN CO. , . 885 Commercial St.. . Salem. Ore. ' ' " O 79j29tf Astoria Sanborn-CuttlnT Co. ... -.... .. canned 40,000 cases products "dur ing 1925. i - " - v -tua Viri? Tvi&LF-CftOSSEb FOR OLD rACkN HWsJi'-S GIRL. PiEAT. THE WD UP AM .Keep HIM DAMCE 'HALL. UNtIL MrtCrC CERSMONy a . , fJYy Ji; A , - iVY4' !'t ' UBB - . I GlaGcifried Bu3iiiec3,pi5ectc : Of Reliable Business and rrofesalonal Flrm Arraried lit Z 'V T Alphabetical Order AMBULANCE GOLDEN AMBULANCE PHONES 809 .nd h3-R. 1 -st ar nirhfaejrvlce. fI4tf sBga- ii aacs m . . . ' AUCTIOXXERS K. X. WOODRY Saiem' Leading Expert Livestock.; Fur niture aad Real Estate -Auctioneer and Appraiser.-- '.'-'- f .,- ' 'i- ' J "' . Re, and Store. 161 0 N. Summer Street. . Phone 511 For Sale Date j - Established Since 1910. i I ,o6tf . U. F. WOODRY SON i -' - , Expert IJvestock. Futuiture, Real Es tate, and Merchandise Auctioneer. .18 years' experience: I Satisfaction Onar snteed. Office 271 IN. Com'l Tel. 75. Re 998 8. CoMinercial. TeL 1843-W ror sale dates i - ' ! ACOOTJITTAKT G. ED. ROSS. ACOOU'XTAXT ! AND And , itor. 331S SUte. Phoae 2098 Ri - '. i- - a 1 7- 26 BATTERY' AND" ELECTRICIANS R, D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES. starter tsl genera tor worK 1,1.1 aoutn . .'Commercials .',.'.2; 'V' : .:.' ? BICYCLES AHX1( REP AIRING LLOTD E. RASDErf-COLUMBIA BI--ycle and renelring. 83f Court. - brakb Wangs '-- j- ' MIKE PANEK 273 SOUTH COMMER eial 8t. Phone, .102. .'. ' Jt .rCHZKSSXS REMEDY - U L. DICK L. M, nUM Chinese Medicine C- ompany- Helpany known, diseaae. 42 State. Otf CHIROPRACTOR DR.O. L. SCOTT, PSC. CHIROPRACTOR . 256 X.'Higk. Pbone 829-B or 41-r H. B. SCOFIELD, PAI.MER CH1ROPRAC . tor. 328 Ore iron B'dg. Phone 2194. motf DRESSMAKING MRS. C. E. MILLER,! HEMSTITCHING. ' - s tare pin;, buttons. Room 10, eter Mil-, ler's Store. Phone 1 117. 1 - ' ELECTRICIANS ELECTRIC FIXTCRES AND SUPPLY Co., Phone 1934. Vt'Z . Mnerty. f - FLFXNEB, ELECTRIC CO. ' HOUSE wiriag by hour or icontract. Estimates furnished. Phone 90 171 Oonrt St. FARM PAPER vmr .want TO iOET fTHE : BE8T farm paper, send 15c , to the PaciftcJ -HemMtead, Salem, "Jregow, for a tnree ' months' Uial subscription. f Mention .; tl.d.',.-iWi-'r. -"t.- '- i POUXTRVMEN SEND EIGHT ;TWO- cent stamps for special three months' trial for the best and oldest Journsl In the west. The articles and advertise .atents are of specisl t interest to the poultry breeders of 1 the Xorthwest Northwest Poultry. Journsl, 211 Coru - merrtal street. Salem. Oregon. ' ' ; rtNAKClAL FOR SALE FIRST ND SF.COXD'Mert- go get, Trust Deed. Cnnrae(.n housea VVU1 net 6 te 30f. BECKE HENDRICKS- -, . ,..! - HeiUg-Bldg 189 X. High St,' : . . ' '.;r I : f .. j - Jl-tf FARM , LOA $ PLENTY OF MONEY TO lean was godd frm Security. ( ' "CITY LOANS W are iosalag Pru dential Insurance Company . money on city residence and. business property, t 5 'c.. .plus a commission. Hawkia ; tc Roberts, In, 205' Oregon Building. . r '-I I - - d-14tf II ' ' I 1 " II I ' I. FLORISTS FERNS. CHOICE ROSES, GLADIOLUS, perennial, shrubs, I weeping-birch, iris, etc- Bennett. Nursery ;Co. Fairground Road Teh 1280. . -.. , 15, '26 CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS, -funeral wreaths, decorations. C. F, t Breithaupt, floriatJ 123 N. Liberty Phone 3eO. I i INSURANCE Insure Yoar borne or' ear now Phone 1 11 BECKE A HENDRICKS Tfeilir Bldg 189 N. High St. Jt tf LAUNDRIES t-' 3 A l.EM LAUNDRY COMPANY 263 S. IJIiSh street Phone 25, oldest, larg est and best. Established 1889,- '; TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUX , dr'- I'bone 171. l?5tt B Street, JI7tf CAPITAL CITY Ltl'NORT Phono 1B5. Service with . a smile. Quality work. .... 1264 Hroadwar. t ! " llttf LADIES'- TAILORING D. i H.' - Mosher TAILOR FOR MEN and women. 474 Court St y MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capitol City Bedding Co., 1190 North Capitol. Called for and. delivered. AH work guaranteed. Phone 19. fl9tf MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUUH REMEDY Phone 51T-W MUSIC STORES GEO. , C. WILL PIANOS, PHONO- graphs, sewing majehines, slioet tnuslc and piano studies. - Hepairingi phono- . : -W : . j, r igrap-Mi ana wvw.ua; uuhvuiuw, wwt. street,, ouiem. . v..-.- .-.-.-'- - .- L TRADE YOUR OLD PIAKO FOR A XEW r , . ,i t a.:- - victor or (trfliiw it k . ti, ptui niture Co.. Mnsle Iept. THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, SALEM i Agency The Aee. .I'feK 939. , -:' . . .;...:,-.-- ' THE OREGON STATESMAN, 50 CENT8 per month delivered' to your home early each morning. Tflj. 23 or 583. By Ed Wheelan ME 'CAUSE WE S PALLCH whni. ouzo tw AWAy rrtJrvi ic irtc T fans. ' Fcr-AL- i'. - liTbB WlLgfASCfi i ye-i I fJ-J 1rA 5 for QnlcKlteiernt-? jrmtSEST STOCK FRUIT. . NUT AND n SHADE TRIES Pes rev Bros, 178 . Commercial PHY3ICIAXS AXD gURUECKS - nvnwov ii tvrnRS. M. 1. rhysic'taa and Surgeon. DUessesef women, oosteincs, i 'i"''. , , -l. U. S. nana nio- mhi. v1-1;,. " nhene n3: resilience ici. .m..i" . PACKING AlfP SHIPPING ' FOR EXPERT FUKXITUHB PCKiN and shipping, esll Stiff rurnitufo Store. - Pton ' ii 1 1 1 i'i r " FAFEBHAJgorXO AND FAIaTTIXO PHONE GLEXX , ADAMS - FOR IiUU . decorsting. pper kauglng. tintinf,. t !-. FIANO TTXNXRS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Pisno . I H-H1-. Mn.te f fwner. iwmvr. ... m . ..... - PRINTING FOR .STATIONERY. CARDS, PAMI'i lets. programs, book of sny kind 4.1 printing.- Call f th Statesman Print ing iiensrunsni,; in Tel. 583. - . " - S. Commercial. FLUM2INO PLUMBING AND GEXERAI. REPAIR work.- Graber firtt. 104 S. Lib-rty. PIlAM. 5S0 f l'f PJLDI0 SPWTDORF RtntO. SALES AS-1 v , .. SERVICE Xo better radio k mad at any price t s QUALITY CARS' High nd( STrsdei . On.VvV.I!tadl6l;ad For Everypnrjo- Every . Pursg, Standard E Jet, of Radio Tube HALIK A r.OTP ET.CTliIC BHOP,, 337 Court St. Phone 4A REAL' ESTATB IF YOU HAVE - PROPERTY TO S K.I.L - or if you sre looking for d bouje, farm or business property, see us. .." BECKE A HENDRICKS ' 189 N. High 8t4 Heilig Bldg. J8t REAL ESTATE HARRIS OFFERS TWO-THIRDS ACRE on Pacific Hlrhwsf . Just sooth ol city limits; lx2ut feet; 5-room- new I cottuge; automat' electric pressure water ;- bath, toilet.. garage, woodshed young fruit an x- " nuts; $4000, eBay terms .or will change for. homo closer In GOOD 5-ROOM COTTAGE and 2 es.t - front lota, each 30135 at D and 2Vd; cement basement; paved street; hie and well drained j fine value at $40' ; eaiiy teraist owner ; will trade for Buy thing he caa us.-' FINK -CORNER " T.5!123 at I,tnb-rMi and Capitol eesn I'arrish High school; row of omBmeut! trees; choice, roomv. . : beautiful; unexorlled- location; - t.um.J, i 5 1 TWO-THIRDS eomu-Ution te say license, broker making aale. HARRIS, Masonic "Bldg., Tsl. 799, 1942.' SCAVENGERS CITY GARBAGE CO.. REMOVES A I.I . kind trash and gsrbsge by the jil or moo I h, reasonable rates. Offr fhoae - 35, 137 S. Cominereiaf,' . Re , hone 2290. : J j- FOR GOOD SCAVENGER SERVICE Cat 167, Salem Scavenger, Cummins ml Trotter. "n , SECOND BAUD GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH lag and shoes. Best prices paid. Cap ital Exchange. . $42 North Commercial Phone 188-W. TRANSFER AKD HAtTLIXG TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kinds, 1 Phone 1?F8. WE MOVE, 8TOR AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods. . Ouf specialty ia piano aad furniture jniviag, We also make coun try trips. Wa bndl the best coal sn1 wood. Call en Us for prices. V give good measure, gnod uuality snd g'o4 service, Larmer Transfer Co. Phone v-t CAPITAL CITY TRAN8FER CO. - 22 . State St. Phone 938. Distributing, for ' warding and kterag our tpeciaity. t.d our rates. WATER SALEM WATER, LKSlIT POWER l . Offioa 304 South Commercial St. T. 1 .'per. cent discount on domestic f ' rate paid ia advance. Xo dednctini ' for absekiee or Bay cause unles m'iii'is'! L i 'if rai. - ' J : S . TRAVEL --' Safely, Swiftly, and Comfortably Tia buses of the Parker fclsjs Lin... Stages leave for - . Bilverton 7 a. m., 11 . h., S p, n. . - Mt. Angel It tk as., 5 p. m. --- Dallas 7 a in., 9 a. m 11:25 a. to, 2:10 p. m., 5:1 p. m. ' Falls- City 7 I. m 2:10 p. tn., . 5:15 p. m. - Independence a. ' m , 9 a. - 11:1. a. m, :0 p. m., 5:15 a. m. -Sunday only 8:20 p. m. ' Monmouth 7 a. mn 11:15 a. m 8:10 p. 5:1.1t p. m. Sunday onty, 7:10 p. m.. 8:30 p. m. McMinnville 8:30 a. m-, 2:10 p. .. :' 5:15 p. m. , Hewtterg 8 :so a. m., 3:10 p. 0 : 1 3 p. ra . v Tillamook 6:3 a. m.. 2:10 p. Call 222 or CtHj for inforn.stioa. 1 sajjcxi.iiaiT:: la-s-e-u fu a 1 . j No. 1, wheat, whit. ..... No. 1. red, sacked ..... White oat a . .... Gray oats Barley , .,, , Bsrley i 1. . l.li . . .4 . .1 J . .4 I . . pork, njTT0jr a::o rrrr Top hog -i... Sow Dressed hogs 0! rop steers...: t'owi . .. , 2.0c Bulls . . ';, Fprisg lambs unier v6 Va Heavier 4. , Dressed VsjI ....... .. -'' ",. "-' ' 'FOVLTKY T.lslt hens . lfavy bens . , , ld moster - ,,,, . Broiler .i..... .17 EGGS, EUTTI3, A:.D iisttrfst . .fr-t-wrt bnti.-f F'an.l.rd f":s i. Med mm . . I v.i ik. wt. : WILLS TIM, :t". f'ANNT, Vi It I. n Ar toi x :;tc" f - r 1 . : ' f -