The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 02, 1926, Page 2, Image 2

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Headiiriers to Welch' in at 2
Q!Clock;Tomorrow, Phil
: - - irv Portland .
Salem, fight tana will hare
opportunity to see Danny Edwards
" swings the leather gloves tonight
at the Armory. The little negro
lighter" arrives4 in Salem this
'morning and has assured ; Match
maker riant that he ; will go
through ; a light' workout at 8
o'clock' , ,.-, ; v 11
V The Vorkout will be free to the
public and will be held : in the
. naln anltariura.. The ring , will
bo built up a day ahead of time
bo that the boys can have a pre
view of Edward within the ropes,
j Phil Bayes, . Salem feather
weight who meets : Edwards here
; tomorrow- night. Is finishing his
training, at Portland, not return
ing to his home town until t4-
morrow. ' ' j
' The plucky little Salem fighter
has made his announced weight.
Sad Ridley, sparring partner of
Bayes. has been unable to take
the edpe, off the Salem youngster
'although Ridley himself has just
. completed, training for his boat to
night at:. Portland .. wUh Chuck
Ilellmari. contender for Phil Ros
enberg's laurels. '. " I
Tomorrow afternoon at 2
o'clock, all interested .-boxing fans
may-see Edwards-and Bayes weigh
In at;th Armory. "Both men hate
. contracted - to be- on the, scales at
. thathonr, and have posted their
money to that effect. After cott
plyiag with the contract the main
eventers. will not be required to
check their Weights ringside.
;. Edwards, known from coast to
. coast ts Bayes first real' oppon
ent although the Salem boy has
put away the toughest runner-ups.
AT older and more experienced
fighter, Edwards has- met Villa.
Katfonalista. Midget Smith. Doc
Snell, Vic Foley .and Tomiole
,: ...i-,: j -' - .
vTortland Telephone service
ler has increased 30-fold in! 25
years. Telephone service for all
Oregon increased' 2250 per cent.
will break up your
cold in 24 hours ot
money refunded -jj
The , Yellow YYont-PIinoA 197
1SS Xorth Conuuerrlal Street
- - 4 mi
Thc Penslar Store i
-V .' . . - ' . - - s .r-1
A Good Insurance'
They Won't Skid
; -
C gn2'j7 ferric r
Joe Roche, holder of the Pacific
coast! middleweight championship,
proved that he is not ducking any-
bjbdyfin his class by taking on and
dispersing of Leo Lioroskl. He is
as anxious to meet Creb or Shade
as they seera to be to have a go at
the championship crown. :
W-iTUam - T Tiltlon. i tli tnnnfM
champion, is not ho good, as an
act or, say the reviewers who are
prone to cast their violets enclosed
ih a lead pipe.' TJlden opened on
liroaway with bis name in clev
tHc lights, but is not doing so well
yflth indoor sports. One New ;York
cf-ltic' allowed that he was prettf,
awful," another "that he left the
stage approximately love-nf teen."
ajnotljer, thai William had "kept
blis amateur status." ' lr-l
Prjdmotcr Dodelle has, -informed
41 Kjarasick the Russian lion.' and
(lyclAne Davis' that" they -must
njakl 175 pounds on the 'af tern eon
oif tlielr nfatch at theTUeiligt hea
ter best Thursday night or there
Will be no match. - Davis is a dan
gbrojus contender for the. light
hleavjyweight championship, and
Karsick, having won and lost the
championship within a season, is
entitled to a return, t engagement
with the crafty Mike Yokel. Do
delle wants the record of the win
der, who will in all probability
iheei "Yokel to be clean.
I Tie- joint rules , committee of
the fii a j or and minor leagues has
inadfc the sacrifice rule effective on
all rty balls, where the runner ad
vances to any base. Heretofore
1 eicr i flee fly has been allowed
pnlyj when a runner, scored froui
third base after the catch, i
ke Cassidy, boss of every
thing at the Miami race meet,
broadcasting: "More than 1200
horses are boused in the barns
herf. We expect to double the
$300,000 profit of last season."
j "Vyalter Trumbull, the New York
porting expert, favors profession
al football under ; certain condi
tions. He says:; ;Professional
ootball gathers its strength from
he' mines, farms, mills and sand
lots;. : College stars play a minor
part in its recruiting system."
I i -r-
LIST Sliil
Ken Brown's Troupe to Play
; f First Local bame at
Willamette Tonight
iven Crown's, Salem trqupe of
alt star hoopsters will play their
first local -game at the ; Willam
ette gymnasium tonight when they
' meet the fast Silverton quintet.
iSilverton has a good lineup and
are fresh from victories at Dallas
and Independence.!
! jPlayers to be drawn by. the All-
Stjars for tbe game tonight are:
Petterson. &iII,"Gerard and Ross.
gaards; Bob Ash by. Grant Fallon,
Fluzzy Carson and Hansen, and
Fjrank Brown, forwards: Bill Cos-
Mr. center.
.There are five college men on
the Salem team"; three having
played on the OAC team in past
yfcare and two men having starred
wtith the Oregon tossers.
4 ; ,
No matter what you have tried.
yon will be surprised at the
QUICK action of simple buck
thorn bark, glycerine, etc, as
rtiixed in Adlerika. This removes
OAS in ten minutes and brings
out old waste matter yoa never
thought was in your system.
Adlerika - is wonderful for consti
pation and stomach trouble. Don't
waste time with j pills or tablets
bat let Adlerika give your bowels
4 REAL, cleansing today: J. C.
Ferry, drngist, 115 S. Commercial
street. Adv. ,.;.,
HUDSON-. . . i . i ESSEX
An Invitation ;
i , - ,;-
To AD Cadillac,, Hudson
and Essex Owners
to come in and let's get
acquainted, and or yod
to look '. over ; our , estabr
lishment, , the home , of
your automobile. A n d
any time that we can be.
of service to you (we are
at f your command). - r .
CADILLAC . ' . ,
, F. W. Pettyjohn
s Company ( ;
.... ' .
-, 805 N. Coranierrlal Bt. '
PUOXE 1200 ' .
.-I As a prvfltW, malt and
if ' lahlt night nd fnTr,ir
Out 'Tonight ; In 'Armory
Old Rivals to Meet This Eve-
niHff for Second Clash .
of the Season
iem high school tossers still
contented over their latest victory
6er jtbe OAC rooks. ; travel ! to
Woodburn today for a return game
with Jtosscrs of that city. f
'"P Throughout the season the lo
cal tf ant has been practicing on
formation plays and close shots,
critic expressing the opinion that
sure and effective . machine has
been jbuilt up. ;
t Salem met Woodburn here a
short time afro', winning by a good
margin. - Both teams have been
hipM?d Into better shape by re-
practice and a eloe, fast
is expected this evening.
Candidate Recalls Days of
Youth Spent in Salem,
Speaks of Growth
That the United States govem-
mentj should not lend money to
business enterprises and take the
risks of failure, was the declara
tion nade by Frederick Steiwer,
candidate for nomination for
United States .senator from Ore
gon, in his address before the Sa
lem habx of commerce yester
day. MrJ. Steiwer declared he does
not believe in platforms. He said
that jevery one knows the issues
that,! are vital, and any one can
take stands on them. He declared
that isbues are ephemeral, any
way,! dying in a short time. . 4Ie
cited, the world court as a case.
Two' weeks ago the world court
was ;a vital issue in the senate.
Now virtually settled, it is no
longer an issue.
Mf. Steiwer recalled In the early
part of his speech his boyhood
days; spent In and around Salem.
lie fnoticed that the town has
changed much since those days.
He also reviewed briefly the his
tory! of the pioneers who made It
possible for Oregon to become a
state of tbe Union.
CoutiuunJ from paga 1,)
matter of allowing tbe commission
?S.0OU yearly until a complete
zoning of the city is made, be
placed on the ballot in the May
Petition of CP. Bishop cloth
ing; store to suspend a woolen
banner across- tbe street advertis
ing; their sale was voted down by
the council. It was maintained
that if Bishop were allowed to pat
up a banner, the council could not
Justly refuse similar petitions
from other concerns. The coun
cil 'recently-took a stand against
allowing the placing of banners
across the. streets, -a v
" A dispute arose over the mat
ter! of readvertlslng bids for a
trubk to be purchased for - the
street department. The bids were
opened sometime back, read In
council, and recorded. A couple
of jdays later the street commit
tee received requests from others
who wanted to bids. ; But it was
held that the first bids had be
come common property and that
it Would not be ethical to allow
others to bid after chances had
been offered to read the first bids.
The report to reject the bids
untU more were In was voted
Presenting ;
' - - - j-. - -
- 16 PEOPLE 16
Two Shows
Each Evening .
Popular Prices
down, and the matter was referred
again to the street committee. .
.' Action on the Yaw Park petition
to have, street cars put back In
place of the buses was deferred
until fcthe next meeting of the
ieoancQ as one of the: members
of , tbe ways and means committee
to whom the petition was referred
was absent from the city.
Evidence lot a tendency on : the
part of the . council to. icheck the
iucreasA of card rooms! to Salem
was revealed last night when, the
petition of J. E. Roberson of 341
North Commercial street to start
a card rpom along with bis res
taurant was turned down unani
mously. J . ;
I i Petitions werjjj ' granted for
street lights' at the intersection; of
Thompson Avenue and D street
and at the intersection of 18th
street, and Nebraska avenue.
Farmer and Stewart were grant
led permission to erect an electric
pign in front of their place or
business. j
j There were only two (companies
bidding on the bond Issue of some
$32,000. No local companies bid.
It being understood that they have
all the local bonds Itbey can
handle for the time being. Hut
irum. Nelson and company of
iPnrtland were the successful bid
ders, offering a premium of $5.3?
ti each $100. j
j .Eureka Fire Hose company was
awarded the contract to supply the
bose ordered by the fire depart
ment. Bids on other material
wanted were referred to the com
mittee on fire and water.
A committee of Aldermen L. J.
Simeral. Hal Patton nd B. Is.
Her rick were appointed by the
mayor to confer, with the city
planning commission, j The first
conference is to be held in the
council chamber next Monday
Following paving petitions were
referred to the street committee:
;Electric avenue from Cottage to
Summer. Columbia avenue from
Front to Commercial, Front from
Columbia to the north citv limits.
Academy from Laurel avenue to
Myrtle avenue, Columbia from
Laurel avenue to Myrtle avenif,
Tamarack from Laurel avenue to
Myrtle avenue, and Highland ave
nue from Fifth to Broadway. Two
sewer petitions were referred to
the sewer committee. !
Petition of the YMCA to erect
an electric sign in front of their
new building was referred to tbe
light committee.
First evidence, of the work be
gun by. the new city attorney, Fred
Williams, was revealed when an
ordinance prohibiting the keeping
of Junk in open spaeslor in build
ings not entirely enclosed, and
makng violations of the . prohibi
tion nuisances was ,sent through
its first and second reading. Tbe
matter is to com before tho coun
cil at the next meeting for accept
ance or refusal. j
Some discussion was manifested
when Alderman Patton disclosed
that certain individuals connected
with the city, including the chair
man of the street committee and
the city health ; officer, had run
up bills for gasoline for which
therels no authority to pay. The
bills were allowed by the coun
cil. but- notice was given that no
bills not authorized will be paid
hereafter. Alderman Patton sug
gested that the lty install its own
gas tank. ; The "whole matter was
referred to the committee on ways
and means and the commtUee on
current expense jto work out a" way
of checking. j
Clackamas county has had 57
new settlers with $375,000 capital
within 18 months. j
My tW tm tmllmn Ur
Hty," nys M. C D .
ISI WUfU .. 01
Cfty. Cal. "Tli nnhi.
htttw rvlfmtf aattratv."
u4 Cknt CWt. Try it!
BALSAM EA for Chronic Coughs
Monday Feb ft
.e Comtek rtcsucR
? El
yts oeat isai a pens TTiaay
Ijxll Orders RcVeived Now
.--r - - mew a
TSlx-. j ei
Council Sets Aside .$3,500
in Checking Assets of
- Salem Plant ,
Whether or. not, Salem is to own
her own water system was a mat
ter that elicited much discussion
for and .against last night at the
meeting of the city council. Tbe
sum of f 6,10 4.80, which had been
borrowed from the street fund
from the general fund was voted
to be replaced in the general fund.
Immediately, the special water
committee introduced a resolution
that $3500 be set aside from this
fund as the amount to cover the
expenses of an engineer to make
an inventory of the Salem Water,
Light & Power company's plant.
Alderman Dancy, backed! by sev
eral of the councilmen, tok the
stand that S3 500 is entirely too
much money to spend on an in
ventory, the need of which is at
best, ' questionable. It was held
that the water company has books
giving an accurate appraisal of
the company, and that the under
writers have checks to guide the
city in making an inventory.
Alderman Galloway declared
cost of an engineer for the amount
of work he could do could not
possibly cost more than from $50 0
to 51,000. It was held that the
committee would not necessarily
have to spend the entire amount,
but only that portion needed.
To thin Alderman Dancy re
sponded that in all the years he
has been on the council, he has
not seen a sum appropriated but
what every last c ent of it was
used. The council, with seven
votes against five, voted to give
the committee the S3, 500 to spend
for the survey.
As striking proof that spring
is approaching with rapidity. Al
derman L. J. Simeral moved that
the band committee lie instructed
to enter into a contract with the
bandmaster. Oscar Steelhammer,
to supply the music for the sum
mer band concerts.
Ordinance having to do with the
allowing of gasoline buggies was
indefinitely postponed.
The amendment to the electric
ordinance, creating a city electric
inspector and regulating the kind
wf gobds handled by dealers, was
sent through its first, and second
readings,- and will be brought up
for final action at the next meeting
of the council.
Romance spins Sl I 5k '2 "' ' Ik 4 I
the wheel of Lv J
c h a n c e in the fyr$ffi?kK F
game of lle and vvlllllff if
love picks t h e f l
winning numRers. , bJ
mi M . m
picturizatioH of H 'P .
his famous stage , f
' 'THE f
1 l'opular PeJcosy f ' ; : t
. , . "Adults 3c-liliillreii lOc r
" '- .'-.-. , - '
' , "Salem's Finest Entertainment' . t
- - . . , . ... ,
y Wrestling Thursday Feb. Al Karaslck and '
. Charley Davics. Best two fails out of three :
V ' " ' .'';. ' ,. ., 1 ., - " . - - -- : -i - ---
Al Franks in "The French
man Will Be Offered at
the Bligh Tonight ;
The Oliver Players are offering
another hilarious farce comedy at
the Bligh tonight, entitled "Ikey.
The Frenchman," with Al Franks
as Ikey ably supported by a com
pany of very .clever people? Ikey
Leschlnsky, representing himself
as a Frenchman, attempts to turn
his home into a hotel, forcing his
wife and daughter much against
their wishes to live in the garret
of their home.
A real Freshman applies for ac
commodations at Ikey's supposed
French hotel and Ikey's attempts
to use the French language to
eether with the many appearances
of his wife and daughter, create
one ridiculous situation after an
other. The, new trio on the show
are making a hit all along the
line and the show Is up to the
standard of plays offered by this
company during its long engage
ment over this route.
CALGARY,? Alta.. Feb, 1.---The
Calgary Tigerst tonight trounced
the Saskatoon Crescent, leaders
of the Western Hockey league, 4
to 2. here
"Pape's . Cold Compound
Breaks a Cold Right Up
Take two, tab
lets every three
hours until three
doses are taken.
The first dose al
ways gives relief.
The second and
third doses com
pletely break up
the eold. Pleas
ant and safe to
take. Contains
n o jainte o r
opiates. Millions
use "Pape's Cold Compound.
i Price, thirty-five cents. Druggist
guarantee it. Adv.
fef IP
A t the Theatres Today
Orcson Richard Dix and. Esther
Ralston in "Womannanmeu vy
Arthur Stringer. . ' -t ' '
llligh Al Franks Musical Comedy
Company and JacK oxie in
"Uustin Through."
IleiliR Harrison Ford , in "The
Silverton Legion Five
Defeats Albany Squad
Silverton American Legion team
won from the Albany legion five
last night 32 to 17. in a fast game.
ayed Id Silverton r
The game was Declared to be
one "of the best in Silverton this
year. - ; --
Imd. rfiot Geld-
By toOTf rrc w
This is the best why knoidi
we paid $1,000,000 for it.
You can end that colJ. by to
morrow if . you will. , You can do
trdre. ' You can open the bowels,
eliminate the . poison?, tone the
entire system. You will probably
feel better than when the cold
began. -I ... ; -'
,Jl. way; is Je Sure It's
ilit.L,. It IS SO
cfiTcient tliat . mil
lions have 'come to
eirmloy it. It is
?o s-nrcmc that Get Red Eosj?omSS wUh P" At your drug store.
mm SO
i 1,
W. IL SPECK," Distributor Salem, Oregon
.. .v-5: :: ?::;:: . . .: . ... : : ...
::. ;v, e i
' , , Saturday Evening Post
s. , Story By
Iatinee a.c-33e-
AP)t O'kell Farrelllot
Feb. 1.
go won j' the national Ic5b skating
championship in the two day
meet .held at Bndicott y captur
ing botjt the three milJ and half
mile rajces and placlnff third in
t he A 4 6-yard - dash. TTe vie
VANjCOUVKIt. B. C.,Ffcb. 1.--VancouVer
and Portland played to
a 1-1 tie In a western 1 hockey
league game here tonight.
3 '
we paid ?1.000,000 for?it. i
l Don't trust a cofds to any
jninor method. -; ' Use the best
m-n .know. And that' today is
hill's. . T; - & -
Use . it promptly. The sooner
von start the Quicker the cold will
Pike 30e . T.l
uinc JILL'S
and learn what
t!wy dd for "a cold.
la goes Para4rd-ravLt
comes Chatter. Car
runs s-m-o-o-fc-h. pow
er and pickup longer
si A Si
tories gave bim , seventy! poinr" 1 J
( las Tljunberg or Flnbitid, Olym- Vf y
pie champion, failed t4 place In 1 I p i
the .finals in any event J I . '
-mm :
;. r-- :,
Sweet Daddy
Dlx! Hdw he
hands out I tbe
t golden laugh
ter in this
great comedy!.
1 .
Evening 33csWc
. it A . f - x r l
4 t ..
mm ,P L '