The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 02, 1926, Page 10, Image 10

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Tuesday jioii:,T:;a rnnnuAnv 2, 10
Tim onnnoN statesman, SAL:::.f, or.rcon
-;rl-:. II you want popularity
a 1 -;tI3 actress, - I . i
1. Let your hair grow Ion si
r.i if rossible curly, like Mary!
'--av-- - . . : r,
2. Develop your sweet dispo-i
like like Loi3'v."il:;--i. , !
.1. Learn to cry gracefully like:
cisi. ' ; . j
4. Use , your eyes; le 'ari.-to-irltic
like Norma Shearer. j. . '-4 j
Interviews with thirty-fire sir la
. rou?U;tbe qualities listed "above;
; j II...1 in a motion 'xieture act
res.?. - - r-A ' '' : J-;i
Ilary Pickford still bolds first
rlice ia. popularity, to 'judge by:
t!:a tea ifo.tes-.ii Jxsciavor.r.
curl3, to , judge hyr their honor
ilia rr it! onZ retain' that, place Tor: i, she has the ability to
look I ittlful in advertisements:
lor be iu iy cream. --f- J
Fire jdrls enthusjas ticaEty:
csree! t'.-.t Lc:3 jvefily
j the ar. :sl of Hollywood, llarjorie
greet,'' J ' ' ',
To cry gracefully and irot have'
your xi .1, nose shown- on " tb.
tcreea, fo-.r more fans -decided is
zaost e ssential. : They; find, Lillian
C:.h ia ideal In this. feat. JIer
tears are too lovely rt6 be true,'!;
sighed" Alice Taylor as she en-i
cleavoroj to cut a rebellious piece"
cf steak at; the dinner' table.1
"Oh," my; goodness, answered
Carolyn Parkerwhen'askedi what
norie actress 'thrilled Jier Cmost,
Well, I li ce Norma Shearer. She's
fo art; tie and she surelycan nsej" ji '.? 4" Ij
- ' Ye C Norma Shearer-is my fa-ij
vorite," . Dee Gates . added her
Judge ent.-'4Sajr;' Ru tb , - wasn't ; It;
becau 3 or; her; long hair that she
was so rood In 'that last show?" : j
"See VajA answeredIJee's!
faithfv.l shadow,; "ftwas"hef uhcut;
locks i:. t mad her put the part
.overeo v,-( II." ; . "I';
, ."Alto," added CDee, "she will
cot g t married, toef would- rathe?;
lire fv r a t. : Jiost actresses try;
-suerlte Clark "is Just too;
f the class of '2B-; Other
s . e ulcers were noma
Thc-jsh "thes-v qualities already:
listed the most essential, therer
are ot s highly ueeiiable. Gloria;
Ewans i' according to Shirley
Trtite r3 she brushed those curls
around ' her f lager, : is great in
drams is actinqj. -Shirley .room
mate, Lendre UcKInnis raurmur
ed, "Tl. 'my opinion, too." j
Colleen Moore's distinct person-
-.1,. . -w JL r...-ln
Fairbanli's, heart. It is difficult
to decide whether it ts-this.'per
sonaliiy" or :Colleen'3A' dimples
which mlly hold Georgia, but the
first E,zzl3 weIL'5;.! K?;;;:-';!::.;:;
VirrirJV C rites and Margaret
'Joi.-r have . the same opiaioq
that : -
sweet,"! " ' "fi ' '-
. I Classes Elect
-In' "ordtr to steer-.-.the '"various
organizations through the work
cf the tiecond semester the four!
classe of' Wilamette University!
held r lular election for that pur-i
posa c urlxig the past week.
' Ho: M McG!nni3, senior schoM
ar ia (' er3i3try was elected pres-j
ident c
senior ..-
Vick, vl:e. president; AHce Falk,'
secret :ry. and Herwin'Stoltzheise
treaa". rrr, ; i;: '.-' ',: v ; ;": ':' - v;;
To st ird the Junior class . Joel
Ecrre n, varsity debater,v Vaa
electe 1 , i reside at, M a r g a t e t
Ilaug! t vas 'elected rice presl-j
dent; Clara Geddes treasurers
I .1 better,'; : secretary "and
I ilas, l sergeant-at-armsi
I anagers Elizabeth
: direct the girls and Ar4
I tree, the boys. . i-.
horn: re class chose Ken-f
:fiei:, member; of. the
- : :kett all squad and for-
; treas arer, to act as pres-
l villa Hicks was elected
lent; Loui? Nnn, sec-
; Lr.wrerce Litler, treaa-i
i ' Meredith .TToodw&rthj
t-an s.
Fl her. officiates as
- hair :an r r i athletic
i id Ilary Uartin holds
- effica for the glrl3. t
: . c sir: an " executive th 9
! '23 elected as president,
a, f rmer manager of
i high school annual, The
-. Other V of ffcefs .elected;
C c orgia. ; Fairbanks' - vice
t ; . Clara Hereher. secre
tary, l:3ves Hatts treasurer, and
Char! Kaufman ' ''- er?eant-at-i
ras. Virtor Ilhodes was el. a
athlet'c i ina?r. v., ; - ;
The Willamette University Fac-
ult Women's club met Thursday
after5fo3tir.-lannary,; - 2;nt..tha
home 0f Mrs. George H. Alden. 60
N. Church street The house was
attractively !derorated, withpussy
illo-is. . Hostesses with Mrs. ..AN
den were: Mrs. Charles Lu Sher
man, Mrs. Alice 11. Dodd and Mrs:
LTxankUJ. iFrankUaJ . -
ran !
As .at
thtrr I
. ?
reth :
.. vars: :
ner c
i:. :r.t.
- vli a i
retarr ;
nrer ;
- , C "
the s
Oratorical. Test
,'--,The (Interstate Oratorical Con
test sponsored by the Pacific For
ensic Xeague will be held Febru
ary 2 7 t Willamette., The schools
which compose ; this league, are
University of. Southern California
Stanford, University of Oregon,
Oregon, Agricultural poll e,g e
Whitman, V.'a?ungton State Col
lege, and Willamette. ;.
Professor Rahskopf said, "The
event lis-of double ' interest,; first,
because Wilamette lis to be the
host ti the six other schools,: and
second, because last - year Lee
Chapin won first honors as, our
represintatire at Oregon Agricul
tural College!" i -
" Lilian Ivair oury Talks
"Experience is hishjjr necessary
in the business world but progres
sive ' business .men are .realising
that a -college 'training is also an
asset.", said Mr. Allen Kafotiry. a
Salem busixiiess man, when, he ad-Friday;-'
v yl;t"y pMv'
: Mr. Kafonry has been connected
with the Kafoury Brothers store
for ten years and Jt.fs. framae
tual business experience that!j he
could tell of the value of an ed
ucation In businessi He mention
ed tbei fact that he" had had Wil
lamette students In his employ and
had found -them '.willing to learn
and te. take orders, front those
more experienced in business.- . '
!:!- Ji- r'. '. ,y c
were CI; 'ys
-Dinner guests -atHhe Delta Phi
sorority. Sunday were Misses Ruth
Ross, and Helen Sande, and v the
Messrs W'arrfen.Day, Clarence Ol
iver,' jlugh McGilfra, Meredith.
Woodworthj; Kenneth Wiley. Her
bert Deal, and John Russell, '
of Portland. The t other guests
present werei Miss Edith. Den;
ise the.- Misses" Ann Silver,, Mary
Martlar Shirley - White,'; Ila Com-
Ktock and Georgia Fairbanks. The
usual dinner was served. Miss
G-arrison is a teacher " in v the
Franklin high school,
Saturday, January. 23, Miss
Ruth tMcKain of Cordova, Alaska,
became the bride of Mr, Laurence
E. Fuqua of Portland. Only im
mediate friends witnessed ' the
ceremony.; Miss McKain was en
rolled" as a - freshman in: Willam
ette University where she has a
wide circle of, friends, j. The wed
ding Came as a complete surprise
I i f - , t
Dinner guests at Kappa Gamma
Fl-hT, Margaret' Mades," Mari;a
re Lewis, Floreijte Spencer, Gen
evieve Junk, Sadie Jo Reed, and
PrbfJ and fMrs. Horace C. "Willis
tat, r, i y: y:: :-
jThe January meeting of the
Classical club was held at the
Woodworth-:iioTaa -on Saturday
evening. About twenty-fivevwere
present. Pa pefs .were read ; by
Beulah Launer, Margaret Leaven
worth, and LHetta Leighton. The
following officers were elected for
next semesterr President, Claud
In4 Geo th; vice president, Beulah
Launer; recordins secretary, JIa
zej Mc Morris; corresponding 'sec
retary, Wendell Keck; . treasurer,
Ddn Grant;. chairman of program
committee, Liletta Leighton.
7hlle , ballots .were being counted
the members solved Latin and
Greek crossword puzzles.;. Brick
ices cream ana waiers were Berve.u.
The Fortnightly.elub. , the per
soUnel of which includes a "group
of Willamette University faculty
members who ; meet on alternate
Tuesdays for dinner" and "a- social
evening,", was entertained Tuesday
evening, January by Professor
and Mrs.. Robert Moulton Catke
at. ! their - home ."Kwailkhor on
280 Richmond St. , The. house was
decorated- in a particularly ef
fective manner with pussy-willows
knk Tiver rushes. The dinner was
followed by an evening of instruct
ive; ?conversation. s Those present
we're: Professor and Mrs. Horace"
W01iston, Professor, and. Mrs. E.
T. iB.rown, . Dean; Frances M.RJcE?
ards, Miss Winifred McGIll. . Miss
Lois Latimer, Miss Paulinei Gabriel,'-Professor
Horace O. ; Rahs
kopf, Professor ; LerOy .Detling,
Professor R Darwin vBurrpugns
and Mr. ad Mrs, TL M.-Gatke. -.
londay "evening, January 19,
Oregon Alpha ;- chapter,. .of. Theta
Alpha Phi, national dramajtic fra
ternity, held a . dignified formal
Inflation in the Phil halls . for
Loiiise -JKaMmantriielenr; Sell
O'Neil, Genevieve Thompson, Earl
Douglas,, Walter Welbon, and Al-
vBpnd. . After the impressive
ceremOn y ,a business meeting was
hed during, which plans were -discussed:
for producing; ; a : Shake
spearian play In the : spring. If
the plans materialize the date of
prductio will be- epmetime dur
ing" the j last " week ; In May. ' , . Fol
lowed a social hour during vwhich
refreshments - were served..!;-
". -. Theta Alpha Phi , had . a Bhort
business .meeting - Monday noon
aniJ elected the following officers,;
president,'!-Sadie Jo Readf vice
president, Genevieve Thompson ;
secretary treasarer Susie Church.
HofisF SteliingrPassinff
:- But-AssopitiQrT'IOusy
' --. ;.' , - "
horse stealing has shown a-steady
decrease passing: xJtjrears,
the Anti-Horse Thief Association
still ..flourishes.'. f . j 4 I b p
:vr fraternal, protective ; and de
tective organization, composed of
men handed together fpr,r the, mxt
tual protection of their property.
it-hasnraorer than' S 0J0 0 0 members
in jeight middlewestern states
'i Just; when the first lodge bear
ing the name was organized is not
certain, .'but the ; first' of which
there is any record was- organized
, A navel feature of the Adelante
program Friday afternoon was a
style sh ow, - Mild red : Gilbert gave
a delightful piano solo,, and Gen
evieve? Thompson read a very in
structiveand carefully written, pa
per on styles, after: which; styles
of lSZilsas and 192$ were clev
ejly portrsyed. . ": . ; -;- ; f ; ,' 'f
At . business ! meeting after
the program, . the following of fl
eers, Were clecteij. for next semes
ter: iPresident. Mildred Tucker;
vice president. Ruth:.'. Hewitt; '. re
cording secretary, Geneyieve
Junknr;correspondlng secretary,
Irene Briethaupt; treasurer, Evan
gellnelHelneck; first nd second
directoref ses, Genevieve Thomp
son andLouise Kaufman;; first
and second critics, Hollis VIekJ and
Sadie ; Jo, Read; first , and second
ushers, Doris Condit and Remoh
Tryeri .first and ' second kitchen
custodians, Grace White and El
ma White. - - 4 r; s ?
.;, i ' ' . '
Frjday evening, 1 January. 22,
Miss Elizabeth Hyde entertained
honori of Miss Margaret Garrisbnitt rkontrrTTOori,n!n
1854.4 A C. Reid, who resides
near.. here, lias been president of
the organization 32 years
I , The association does. Jiot-.limlt
itsi activities to capturing horse
thieves. i-I)urin? - - thelast year,
some of the 500 members of the
Jacksonville subrdej had ipro
perty,'' including chickens and
jioks..: stolen .to the., value ..... of
si.30 0. . Approximately ..... $ 7.0 u
worth of this was recovered.
' By DR. Ni K. TULLY
First Presbyterian Curch
"Give to him that as!tetn of
thee, andl from ...him i that would
borrow of thee turn not thou
away, :.Jiatt.
There must ; be something,
wrong, f a man should do this.
he would berbankrupt m a weeK.
Perhaps .Matthew; d:3 not report
It corectly. , 'Let tis sea Luke. He
says, : "Give to every . man tnai
aaketh of thee; j And I of; him that
taketh away thy goeds : ask .them
not again." There i no relief in
Luke. Perhaps the revisers: can
help ust No; they i render : the
sentence: exactly the .-same way.
neither does, the contest throw- anx
light on it. It will do, either, to
call,- it, figurative. 4 This sentencg
can be .understood! only when we
remember jJesus' method of pub
lic speaking n,;;- j" ' "
.First, he always spoke so as to
get attention, y To do; this he used,,
the literanry devices; of pictures,
paradoxes, and hyperbiles. Next,
he .presented only , ode truth at a
tirne -and treated'it: fis if: It- were
the only , truth in the universe at
that time. Third, he trusted his
hearers.1- and dropped! aUthe,, rub
bisb; out, of his sentences, in this
verse he fs declaring that giving
is a law of life. Llfellivessby giv-
ing. From the amoeba to man, the
essence of life is to give" and the
heart of death. is to -get. ' ; Jesus
was speaking to a tight-fisted gen
eration that had to be stung to
thought, ' and have Its ears" boxed
in,tp attention. So. he. poured. his
wprds , sizzling,, hot. Into the, cold
hearts of men. They winced and
groaned, muttered and., rebelled.
bat remembered what' he said.
We know that thf a greater
law than giving; ' it is the law of
love;. the sun of the solar system
ot r an .; tne Christian virtues, of
which giving is a planet. But we
d5 npl n?e,d,any qualifications thts we need to give in or
der that we may' live.! : A man who
dfes not give is dead ;- only- a man
who . gives tastes; of eternal ilife!
Giving" is not a means of raising
money but the Divine method ' . of
growing men. ,God,.glye us men,
i? our prayer. God can answer
th&t prayer only to a race of 'givr
in men, f ' - .
' "Living. The Victory '"Life" was
the sutje-ct of the sermon -by Rev.
F. C, Taylor In the First Methodist;
church on Sunday morning.'
I The text used was "Blessed is
the man that endureth temptation
for when he, is tried he shall ;re-.
ceive the crown of life.' ; .' '
Tentation is the common' lot
and -universal , experience of the
human race; From the; beginning
of time when Adam - was tempted"
in the Garden . of Eden,:? down
through the" centuries when.. Abra
ham was tempted ' in Beersheba,
Joseph in Egypt, Lot in Sodom,
J ob in the , Land of Us, Moses In
Midian, DanieL. in t Babylon and
J ohn In prison, to the present day,
the' enemy of man's soul has. been
seeking tov deceive ,tho very elect,
gain an entrance to the citadel of
man's heart and enslave him ' in
the ways p sin. - Cited like Salem,
may not have the brazen and open
dens of; iniquity- and gilded palaces
of sin that ; i are 4 found : In larger
cities, ; yet tthere i are pitfalls and
snares set for unwary feet every
where and4 behind the bright lights
of the White "Way are ; the
of darkness to! engulf " the victims
who yield -to the siren music- of
death. 'These haunts of , sin must
be shunned and the Christian who
would i live4 pure,; must s.guard his
steps .lest Jie enter into temptation.
Temptation In; itself ia not a sin!
It may be a great . trial 'of... the
faith, "and . may ; cause one much"
pain and sorrow apd may- mean
a great; struggle" td oteromit
but- it only b,econe a sin when it
is yielded to. t- Samson could have
gonedown toTImrith onbusiness,
.and, passerby 'a thousand .Delijahs
without fall in g.i. Itj wasvwhen vhe,
went Into her house and,consorted
with her and ji ! .'.! to her sub
tie ; wys that mson a sinned.
Temptation can be resisted, and
overcome axki even rejoiced in as
a means of testinj; our strefhgth.
Self 'mastery is - one, ol the' firsi
means of overcoming temptation,
If thrt inner heart Responds' to an
otrt"!rar'd" enticement' to sin, there
ia ' a d'ouble battle to be fought.
Shun tlie -very appearance of evil,
may teach that we are to keep
away f mm the place of tempta
tion. If , we would live the victory
Ufe'i . t :
: Prayer Is one of the best means
of victory over temptation. Some
people may be tempted to "doubt,
to engage in questionable things;
to be-slf i3h, or revengeful or com
promise with evil. But no matter
how pecnliar the temptation may,
God. is faithful to give a peculiar
grace for that hour of testing.
Men may: not be tempted to follow
Judas Iscariot and - barter Jesus
for thirty pieces of silver, but
they "are dally " tempted 'to , barter
principle for . profit in the; marts
of 'the worjd. Men may not be
tempted tQ follow Simon Peter;
and "deny their? Lord with oaths!
and, curses, but are tempted to be
disloyal, to truth and : the church;
the Bible, tboj Holy -. Sabbath"
and the- things Christ stood for.
The . secret place of prayer can be
made 4he power-house of the soul
In every temptation, - -;' -
' The use, of the Bible as the
sword of the Spirit is another
meahs of Tletoryover,te.mptatlon.
Jesusmet jthe arch-enemy in., the
desert alone and resisted and over
came; him by the power of. the
Word. The 7 ordinances 'of.. the
church.Vsuch as worship, praise,
Christian' fellowfhip and? associa
tion can 7 give ;Etrengta; for the
temptations ' of life.' Service '-. to
others. has- been an overcoming
power in manyl lives. "Well did
Paul exhort, "Be not overcome of
evil but overcome evil with good."
'AT high: 'afi4b.idjatlsft
and thinking of things which are
beautiful and strong and pure will
keep one in the time of empta
iron. To the one who endures and
overcomes, 4God has promised the
crown of victory, - t 1
i f" m. ' . j
Driving Vhilo intex'pted
'and Dope Case Lead Hlice
f ' "Blotter items";
j -1 i ;. ; . .; tjoun.l fcr I
where' they . will, attf i t..
mobile show being-he LI th
,. LaGrande r.iws m-IIL'
ber , Co.,': makes nt-.v wa-j-with
40c an hour mialmum.
' Lord Bacchus ran .ramrant in
Sclera Qver'the-'wetk, cr. I if 'the
police biotter can ba take-a as any
sort ot an indication. As a result
one man' is facing a charge of
drivinsf while under- the Influence
of intoxicating1 liquor,' another is
facing a charge possessing opium
and the accompanying outfit, and
two! men have been fined, -one for
intoxication and. pppserslon, .and
the other, for intoxication and disorderly-conduct.
- 'Walter Lr McDougal is the one
facing the charge of driving; while
intoxicated. Officers Edwards and
Wright- mrrested hinrlor having
no tail slight, it Theni when : they
investigated,, they found. It Is al
leged, that he was under the Influ
ence -of liquor.-. I: - '
With : him; it Is said, was One
Edward Loui Gim, gentleman of
the land, of ConIucious.' It' is al
leged that opium, a pipe, and com
plete outfit were found on him.
- -Deportation is threatened ' the
Chinamen, -. . . . ;
: lVan"S"chulleyjiand August I Wolf,
both of Silverton," were arested to
gether by officers Smart,; Olson,
Davis . -and. . James. The former
was charged with 'possession and
Intoxication, ahd the latter" with
intoxication'; and disorderly ebh
dnct. . - : . -'-' :., ' -u'.
Schulley was fined $60 byjJudge
Poulsen'for "his of fense, and Wif
was asked to contribute $20 to
ward the general fund. , i , ;
on ailments i5rccc. ' Ir;'
most scieniiflc 1 1 - -
d;y ."" " ti; lc. t ' i ; e
many pautRtssci; ir ...c . - 1
cians. There is 1,0 Lo7-.i n;
no conflment; no retent.on fro xork.
My treatprst is safe, mild, sooth the
c;.; s ripii An i I remove a'i f T a
. i lTTLTi C L
to c. any ca-1- .
rt-.niM. thpiU''- ' x '-
f.K, Ir wny t r,
'tD f
PlUmeing- if
L'- '
John Gratke, automobile editor
of The Oregonlan, and;F6Yest Pet
erson who, has a, corresponding
desk, with the .Portland Journal
S53 Chemcketi " - TLonei 10O"
. ... . s ' I ..1:;..-
i ' . . . ..i .t- ... " ..-,
. . . s
i i
3. -.4 :
r W
v, .1
-. 1
' '
- -
1115.00 Dodge ScHan
r iS147.00,Haag Electric Washing; Machine
' 1 .14.Cash Jriies ; . ' , V;-
XenlPerJCent to Non-Winners
- r
1 -
. 1
1 4
y fc -f J I
"sPortland Portland - Electric
Power 'Col and Northwestern- Elec-!
trie - Co) buy Stone ; & v Webster
holdings In Vancouver, , Rainier,
Kalamar and Woodland, for $1,
700,000. also buyV Puget
Sound- Light' & Power, Co. service,
Tualatin Valley. -
" '
VV (TT1 l''
VI:I!2 vc arcs citing a Iarrjc c' t cf
C2vcral crr3 cf ccal, wo cucct ihptycu
Cclis sra ruTantaba'aa la in ycur
i 1 . - vi. .! a
c iz frc-h and,;
3 4 ' 1
FirstYou enter the comrjetition by sending in nomin- - ; ' . Don't f orsret that the chilrtrpn
-1 ation blank properly filled iri. The nomination l?lank is gopd - :, collectinsr daily newspaper coupons; as well- as secure" '
- fori 50,000-votes -'an4 not over-:one'ndmiilon-;conrxniwin;:i.fmanK prepaid subsdriptions. ' I ' accepted for. any one candidate,. , ' " ci.' 1 ' , . - '' I,
.'"-''",.,:--,- '.- . .Should your father, brothermother, sister, or fricrt .
ii Next, enlist the aid of vour friends and' neicrhborsi i Use ; , oelonff-ta any organization, get them to secure the votes af
::yoirrtelephohe.- Let everyone know that you a're a'candi- . assistance:brtheTnemT)ers for you. - , . ' - ,J
dat4 'before thev! nromise--theiR aid to a inoro" enterprising.. - V ( nl. 1' "j'yi-Tryr" .. . . r - f
.candidate. ; . t -v; ;C -fr. .
, ,'Be ambitious and "determined to win from
you have friends 6u cahnoli see, at "once," write them,
- You can get votes and subscriptions anywhere from the
".other districts &9 well "as your own.- ' - . , - :;
- : T ' 5 n?1 let day without securing some subscript
. ' ' -' . xot3: - The steady, persistent work wfll make yen i
the 1 start; ' If - ?lnn5ra l a. valuabl? prize; Keeping" everlastir.-ly zi it
b viAn' -- ' - ? bound to bring success." " - .. . . . t
'nh?l'YOte'or any candidate. CAN'
DATES MAY SECURE votes and subscript!.-:. c::yv.:.
- i Votes will be given on new and old subscriptions, also, -,-on
payment of arrerages. - , -
. 1ft ' - "
' Call or. send to the Oregon Statesman office for a receipt,
.book. . The Contest Manager will be glad to have you call so
she. can explain anything you'domot understand. Telephone
or, write to her if you cannqt call, and a representative will
give i you full details. Phone 106 and ask for Contest
Secure every daiIyVotecoupon,'possible.'''vi"''L..'',; -
' il .' - V
i ' Ask Your Friends to Help j You '.
. If you belong to a church,! society, or organization,-let s
your fellow members, know that you expect' their help:." It
will be freely given if you only, ask1 before it is given to some .
other candidate. ' " .- , c , ' v
' i'T . You Can Easily Win a Prize
Do not be - 'Onrr. n
You.'c?nmin. These valuable prizes wilTb'v.x V f " ;
one.-, Why not you? . . ' . ;-
1 - ' - ' .
Hundreds of people, will have no personal fri-n in
competition. You can secure' their -frrd '
-: r scriptions if you only ask them! i They will a! j e c-r-' v'
-for you from their friends; vy-.,4 . . ' " "
A-little organization among your friends fc -;
work in your interest will go a lon vray to'-:nTr"-r :
; the rinner of one of the grand priz-3 1 "
' ; ; . ; - : : - ' ,
Increase Your: Vote r-Vv r? ; v--i -
For further infcrmatioriV-'write cr r -f
Manager, who will be glad to'cr.nw c:;;b--106
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"1 " .''Cr?;'
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: ii, This ballot 12 good for 100 -otc3 for the candidate in j ,
1 The Oregon Statesman Subscription Campaign, whc. e name
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I This Nomination Ballot is good for S0,Cv j
whose name is written thereon. i
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f Nominated by ... ;.. ,
. . . .n. r. d. . . . . . . . . .