The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 28, 1926, Page 8, Image 8

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    ;Tiin onnnoN RTATr:;.rA!;i SAT., or::con
Attorneys Claim Trucks! on
- Private v Contract Also
'' 'Damage Highways". ! .
Trucks operating under private
contract with no fixed terminals
cause the same degree of dam
age to the highways as do tracks
Operating under the classification
fif common carriers, and" should be
compelled to; pay their lost jpro
portion of money required for! the
maintenance ; of the traffic f ar-.
tertes, According to a", brief filed
in the state supreme court yester
day by the public serriee commis
ioh, , j;.:;
- The brief was prepared by W.
P Ellis, attorney for the public
sertice commission in the jsait
brought by the, -Purple Garage
company and other, truck opera
tor : to restrain, the commission
rom enforcing the state automo
thre transportation act against
Jthese carriers. ;; The proceeding:
was brought primarily on the
ground or claim that the plain
tiffs are not operating as common
carriers but solely under private
contract, and that the transporta
tion act Is therefore not applic
able to their operations. ; - j
. The suit was filed in the Marion!
county c!rcuitAcb art. where Judge!
L. H. McMshan gave a decree iad-j
Verse to the public service comihis-
fcton. .Appeal of the ease then was1
taken to the state supreme court
rMembers of the public service;
Tcommisafon said that; an adverse
"PhmipsMilkof Magnesia"
I . Better' than Soda J
Hereafter, instead of soda take
a little -Phillips Milk of Magne-j
ara" in water aay tim for ladl-,
: gestion or sour, acid, gassy! stom-i
ach, and relief will come insiant-i
For fifty years genuine PhUiips
ilk tof Magnesia, has been pre-i
scribed by physicians because it1
pveroomes r three times . as much1
acid in iim stomach as a skrur-l
ated. solution of bicarbonate of;
soaa, leaving tne sto.macn sweet;
and free from all gases. It jneu-j
trallsea acid fermentations la the!
bowels and; gently, urges the idur-j
Ing waste fronK the system with-i
out pnrging. , Besides, it is more
pleasant to take than aoda. ) !n-j
slst upon -Phillips." Twenty-five;
I -
4 'V-
i ; : - i'U .
f -. -n . ' ,'-
hJii . j f ,
,- v. -., - j cMi
ijm-V . i- - ' v -
f K '-V - i 1
Eighf Gfoups of Polk County
Gather for Full Program
on Saturday ;
- Buster Keaton in tue roe of a tenderfoot in "Go West." is now
being shown at the Heilig theater. Jt will be on the screen today
and Saturday andSun'day. Friday tie stage. will be held by five
acts of (Associated vaudeville. i
decision in the Butt would result in
the loss of many thousands of
dollars from the state, and retard
materially , the maintenance and
construction of j. improved high
wijs in the state of Oregon.
' rorxD ort oN streets
.Dogs of Salem had better hide
their tails . when they romp the
citjy's streets' on their nightly or
daily tours.; Police of Salem have
exjplicit instructions to take into
custody all dogs found running
lobse on the streets. "
(Some " time ago, according " o
Mayor J. B. G iesy, there were so
many dogs on Salem streets' that
hardly a day passed but what
some dog as run. over. The laws
to keep the dogs off the streets was
enforced rigidly, and the condition
was much improved.
I But lately. Mayor G iesy states,
the doss have been violating their
rights and, are beginning , to take
a jmile when they are entitled only
tQ the square 'feet in the back
I Owners of dogs are also warned
to; keep their dogs tied up. If a
dig is found running wild and his
owner can be found, it is declared
af the local police headquarters
the owner will be arrested and
dalt with as the urgency of the
situation requires.
Parties Interested Are to
Have a Meetind; on Tues
day Afternoon Next.
'Parties interested in the suit
byl The Phet company to collect
damages for non-delivery of logan
berries in 1918, 1919 and 1920
are requested to meet at' the
chambers of the Salem - Chamber
of) Commerce Tuesday, 'Febl 1',. at
z p clock p. m. Committee. -;
The above notice diss been hand
edj to TJbe statesman, with a re-
qu-est fbr its publication.
fThis ancient Phez suit concerns
abbut 80 logahlierry growers who
refused to deliver their berries, on
their contracts In the years above
jThe matter has been dragging
through the courts all this time.
What is to be the next move will
likely be disclosed at the meeting
that is now called, or soon there-
Portland Steamer "Roman
Star will take 140.000 boxes
Northwestern fruit to Great-Brit
iah- ;h
C. p. D. and
Phone Orders
Given Prompt
r. .. Attention
Marjrarine, Wilso or
Nutola. Buy the
Bestl .
3 lb4. ..U-
.. . )
Peanut Butter f rbm
fresh rbasted pea
nuts Qr
2 lbs Jy y
Maid in Idaho Corn!
very good quality--
Special, Of"
2 cans &DC
mJl j : will
Here in our Grocery Department JnWR X Fivnrs
be found specials that iare 14 02. OA
undriced. THe savings are for Jars' special
every jthoughtftil and thrifty per- r
son cannbt afford to pass up; Price x , .A -
' ' j I .. fir. 1 Crystal White Soap
. reuucaons tnai are so umeiy inai 12 Aft
U nal Bars : : tOC
uates, just unpack-j n' " n". :
-" a k h b- m m m r .m m m m m mmm m m m . mam -mM m m m
2 lbs. .... IV C I It '-I - ' -b:rXl.iMr
Sinclair's Milk, 3
stfmll caris : LJL ' 1 lib.
I j Call 1333 For Deli very Service V
i i
cans '27e r 6 ' r f, Ground Chocolate
Tin J
0 t
Dutch Cleaxw ?
ser, 4 cans ..jf 3 C
tlr Soap Tdth each
package of , White
Wondjer foam Qtf
v Our price. . .. 00 C
Red Mexican
lieans, 4 lbs. wuti-iH. i
Half Ground Salt,
special 50 Cw
sack .... .... flO C
... , f , ' . .-. n,
Campbeirs Pork &
Bean$, f jo
5 ! cans t . "OC
Flour, is also ad
vancing. Buy your
wants now; "Crown
Hour; ,49. CO
'lbv sack..V"yO
Del Monte -Hard
Wiieat,' (JlOA
.49 lb sack JUlJ
- if
Pink'Bayo OC
Beans 3 lbs sCOC
i; i t " -
,,'!'. I ' N ; .. r-
Seedless Raisins" in
Bulk, Ofc.
4 lbs. 00C
i "
Syrups, Cnrnsbrf
Rambler, Golden,
5 lb oh-
! I Royal 'Club 1 -H
L6. tirLiJ:. .53ck
Peab'efry. Coffee
Per lb. i.;.Ai..39c
3 lb. bag;. ........$1.15
can ......
Crimson Rambler, 5
lb can Crys- fj--
tal white
Rbyal- Baking Pow-
12 oz. can v.
ShrirripTnone' better'
Laccniered , Oft .
tins,- 2 cans y
C. & IL Cane Sugar
lbs... ...98c
Matches, carton of
6' boxes, . , - OO 1
Special OC
Best Blue Rose. Rice
?bL ;:Ll43c.
Wesson Oil AfkL
Quarts .1-. . ntlC
A meeting of outstanding in
terest and eathusiaam Vas held
at Brush College on Saturday.
January 23,( byl the Polk County
Pomnoa( Grange, which includes
the eight granges of 1 the county.
Brush College, Monmouth, McCoy.
Oak Grove. Buena Vista, Saver,
Buell and Rickreall, a large rep
resentation being in attendance.
A record; breaking number par
ticipated in the business meeting
of the morning and thje Jarge ban
quet room was filled . to capacity
at the noon hour. , The quality,
quantity and style of serving be
ing above criticism.
The open meeting Of the after
noon was crowded full of worth
while things and was presided
over by Mrs. Arthur W. Bartlett,
Polk county Pomona lecturer, who
presented Mrs. " Scott,' soprano.
who opened the program. Miss
Scott, violinist, and Mrs. McCain
pianist, accompanied. Mrs. Scott
responded ' t6 an encore. Master
Billy Utley, accompanied by Mrs.
TJtley sang "The Old: Flag Never
Touched the Ground", ; declining
to reappear. . .
Mrs. . Winnie Bond, state '.lec
turer, was present to address the
audience upon the proposed
grange debate upon the question:
Resolved, -that the grange disap
proves of Federal activity toward
the development of V reclamation
projects until 'J marketing 4 condi
tions assuring producers adequate
enumeration for commodities al
ready produced is , assured, in
structing members upon rules reg
ulating such debate in subordin
ate granges, districts and state
contest. Mrs. Bond also spoke on
the aims of our order. - f
State master, George Palmifier,
was present, giving a fine address.
Paul Sp'illman, the new agri
cultural agent for Polk county
was introduced, and won Instant
favor by his modest, unassuming
personality and easy manner.' 'v
A lecturer's conference was
held prior to the open -meeting at
which . time valuable suggestions
for the advancement of interest in
the lecture hour of the subordinate
granges was worked out in detail.
An arrangement Was made for a
joint meeting with the Marion
County Pomona, the first of a ser
ies' of 'such meetings gradually
designated to include those"' of
other counties. ' A ' ;
The; Marlon-Polk meeting ; will
be held in Monmouth in February.
. The outstanding feature of the
open meeting was the debate upon
the question: "Resolved, that the
county a nit system , for the man
agement' of our public school lis
desirable," M essrs.' El 1 ial, Ewing
and Miss Emmons debated upon
the affirmative, Messrs, Peterson,
McBee and Ploo, speaking f of the
negative. ' w ...t
""Those acting aa - Judges were
Messrs. Edgar, Laughbery and
4The decision of the Judges
showed one for the affirmative
and two for the negative, a de
cision not unanimously concurreed
in by the audience. 'Apparently
the ' enthusiasm for each speaker
was about fifty-fifty,
BOIfLDER, Colo,:, Jan. 27.
By Associated Press. )-r-Miss Jane
Walton, widely known throughout
the state as an advocate of every
woman doing her own housekeep
ing,' today broke several bones in
her right hand while kneading
dough. The fetrain proved t
great for. the bones in her hand.
physicians said.
Senator Stanfietd' Suggests
Oregonian for Vice Pres
idency in 1928 .
TtfAetrTVp.Tnv Jan. 27-r Ac-J
cording to an announcement made
yesterday by Senator Robert N.
Stanfteld of Oregon, there : la:
concerted movement, on foot In
senatorial circles m Washington
for the purpose of Including the
tinmA nf Senator Charles Mc
Nary, also of Oregon, as a Repub-i
lican candidate for rice presiueui.
in 1928. : C . -.. . - -
His name was brought to the at
tention .of prominent members.of
the . upper ' hOiise, by Senator
Stanfield after there had; been
much comment concerning; the
boom for Nicholas v Longworth,
present speaker -of. the , house of
representatives, . for presidential
honors. . ; , .'- :--'.'i-5' - -:-
' Senator" i McNary entered the.
aenat in 1917 and has ;seryed
since that time, being reelected
for'another Blx year. term. J
last general election In November
19 24. -He is a member of : a large
number of committees wtich are
beneficial to . Oregon's Interests;
chief among them Is his folding
of the chairmanship of th Irriga
tion and reclamation committee,
which is an powenui in tee wesr.r
- Senator ; McNary was brn and
raised "In" Salem, Oregon. " .
Senator Stanfield, in making
his ' formal ; announcement,' said,
MFor some time rumors have per
sistently, circulated Jn "Washington,
to the efefct that a quiet move
ment was on foot for the purpose
of nominating Speaker Nicholas
Longworth of the house.lf or the
presidency in 1928. r
.. "I have been intimately associ
ated with my colleague; Senator
McNary, for many years aid have
seen much of his ability. 1 there
fore feet constrained to now sub
mit his name to a grourf. of .re
publican, leaders as a possible
candidate tor the vice president.
; "Mariy prominent menib?rs of
congress, among them befiig Sen;
ators Watson. . Gooding,! Sh,or
ridge ana a numoer oi otners. as
well as the large number $f mcin,
bers of the lower house, have e:
pressed their approval incern
lng Senator McNary's imnlins
candidacy, and I trust it fwnl lo
received with equal favor r'tirr.ur.L
out the country." - f
Furniture ' f 'LCs Furniture! I I
Company yjj J j' j ' ' T" r f jA mpJ ' 1
" '' i-.TS.v...1,vf :t.r .l,l.,. ,., mi,. i t,..., i ,.,, . "'"ij - - J
OUR ODDS aid BiMK '-
Lome ana iaKe pare m ims last uiree aay money saving eveni. i ou can save money oy ouying your rurmturo
now, for we are selling out Odds and Ends regardlesss of cost to make room for new goods. Don't put it off-?
But come today you will never regret it j . ' ,
A jjroup, of beautiful Axminster
Rugs. A j large assortment to
choose from. Regularly sold at $60
w..!n.8!!! 47.50
High grade Axminster Rugs in size
8.3x10.6. -Shown vin a big assort
ment of new, desirable patterns,
beautiful CA
colors . ........... ......L.. v3 i .OU
Beautiful Axminster Rugs in size
9x12 feet only. Also an assortment
of Velvets. Both lines are famous
for their splendid COO CA
wear' v0OU
Special lot of Naina qualify; finest
inlaid Linoleum,-in title and small
figured effects. Shown ;n the new
est colors. Regular ?1.75 d-j OC
value; per square yard....j)l uD
Pabcolin,- per yard 69c
All Heaters in-., stock go in this
clearance, of Odds and Ends at a
25 Per Cent Discount
42-piec'e' American Ware Sets sell
regularly at $12.95.' ; - tf7 QC
To close out ...i:.;.... VO
42-piece American Ware Set, sells
regularly at $9.95 : Cfi QC
aose out atl.: L ..$tJVO
We have just made ah exceptional purchase of a limited
number of Davenports , and Chairs which enables us" to
offer our customers all over Mohair Davenport and Chair
with reversible cushions r , 4 r 14
I y
One Mohair
Davenp6rt ....
Baker Cut
Jacqiiard 4
Velour .. ........v.
Denim Covered : r w
davenport . .
We also have a number of overstuffed Chairs and Rock
ers that are on sale at 20 to 40 per cent off regular price.
Italian Walunt - ' CfH Oft
Dining Suite ::.r.; tPit.lilf
. Former Price $160.66'--
"; -: - ---i ' ?v- . V -
Eight handsome i matched pieces:
45x60, 6 foot extension table, buf-
fet, server,1 five side chairs and an
arm chair witKiupholstered seats.
Mahogany Queen j t CtlTC A
Anne -Dining Suite 2) tC i .Dll
Former Price : $175166'
iece suite , of " graceful
' proportions: 48-inch ; extension
table, buffet, seirver, f ive, -side
chairs andean arm chair with up-
noxsierea seats.
Walnut Italian
Dining Suite
Former Price $139.50' '
' '. ' ' . ' :.
Eight handsbmely matched two
tone pieces of most pleasing de
sign: 6-foo$ extension taBlebuf fet,
server, five side chairsimd an arm
chair with : uphjolsered. seats,: n ;
Extra Special
. A Wonderful Value in an Ivory
ITnamel Bed Room- Suite
This is a dainty four-piece ' suite
f most pleasing in appearance i t
consists of , bed, vanity, chifferette'
and bench. .Offered this "week at
this low . Arn nf
V.llV w
- Member
Use Our
. -.i . -..I
V It . ; Half CiwW
ILQROCERY, : 1 ga"ccs t: !
Blue . -Ribbo
Truth in ..
49 lb. 1 tOC
sack. 0UO