THE OREGON STATESMAN SALEM. OREGON THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 23, 1925 f fa' f i i V CAPTCAL TYPOGRAPHICAL TJNION KSO 310 FrMiUt. U. F. Evan: sec ret are. V IL- D. Pilkeaton. Meets second, Satar- .pentersv unio jto. loes at eats t nnrs. - evening. Arthur Tuck- r, president; Wm. Petti! secretary. Sailed mechanics furnished.: Phone 1T9. BALE If , UNION LABEL LEAGUE Meeta at Labor Ball ea call of, pnat dent. P.- W. Sears, secretary, boa 443. Salens, Or. . 7 1 I Lodge Rooter L FRATERNAL ORDEB OP EAGLES. met very Wednesday. Fraternity Hall, (S. M. Willctt. Sec y. Tel. 68a-fc. j i KNIGHTS OP, PYTHIAS MEETS AT - fraternal .11 all every Tuesday eveniag. Visitors, invited. Fred Denhnm, C. C.; .' tValter tnoa. Kof R. 8. - r Published evory aaora ing ( exeep ion. day Salem, the capital of Oregon i Local Rates For Classified Advertising Daily ar Sunday 2 aeata par wordt 5 eaata par ford; Ou time Three time Six times B crata par wart 1 daily cad 8un. SO eents per Word time rate, advertisement . moat ran is ' eonsecolive issues. . j i K Ad. take far lea tbaai SS eaata. Ada. run 8uaday ONLY eka4 at! one-tune rata. ; I . i - Advertisements f except Paraonale aad Situatieaa Wanted) wBl; be taken ver the telephone If the advertiser la: a aobawiber to pkeae. a : ; ; j . j Tea Statesman will receive ad at- tisemeats at aay time of the day night. Te iuon proper nlaesiiieeH ana. akonJd bo is beiuo 1 p. wu TELXI HONK S3 OK SS ! Money to Loan Oa Baal Eatat ! - T. K. rOBO ! (Ore Ladd Bosk Bank) 5 ADVERTISING i HONEST ADVERTISING fbete ol naia aaaat be kept irae from anything of a qaeationabla aatai. Miarapreaea. tatioaa will net bo tolerated. Iiafor matioa show lag amy neationablej in teat - oa - the .part of the advertiser anoald be rtorted to this news paper or the Salem Ad ClaH. ) AatomobUe 1 8ALKM AUTO WRECKING CO, : Wbeeia.' Ttres. Rime. Fenders Half Price aa Ieat f ; rarta tar all care.- caaa for 403 S. Chmreb Pboae old cars, p 2150 t.ati Anto Tops' SEE VS TOR TO P AND PAINT 'WlORa:, O. J. Bill Ano Top aad Paint I8he :nt M. tjonnefciai. Saltf Ilelp Wanted Male jll WANTED THE e RIGHT MAN FOR local poaition-aa saleamaa, Box 132 i Statesman., '. ' . JtlJSQ Help Wanted 'Female jl 31 Lady agent 'at isao cottage. : Cal), betwrea a. m. and-4 pi m- 13J29- wanted stenographer. High ; school (radaate preferred. ' apply tat ing qnabf leationR, salary, etc. Box 127 SUtesmaa. . - 13W THOROUGHLY RELIABLE i WOMAN for house work by small family adultt oataide city. Good heme, h Gird ful , particaiars care Statosman, Box 131. 4 ' - T . ii3J2 Wanted Employment .9 BorSEWOBK FOB ADULTS. DAYTIM8. MATERNITY CASES BY FRACTJCAt nurse. - Phona 2i9W. i . v lJ? STENOGRAPHEB. 8 YEARS' EXPER- ience. High school and - bttsinesi col lege mdnata. 00x492 7 care tt- man. t - -;" - r i lj30 FOR GARDEN . PLOWING, BASEMENT digxin" and team work. Pboae f72F2. WANTED PAINTING, TINTTNGj PA . perhaaziax. j Export serrieo ritnw taed. Phono A481-W. i- IjMj WOOL. 430LF HOSE - CHILDREN'S sport beae, knit 'to order. Hand knit Ung, Phoae 778-J.. , j 10a30tf SEWING WANTED AT. 10 !.' FRONT 8t. - i . - . - I W1 For Beat Xlt RENT- S-ROOM 158 tN. CAPL tot newly decorated, good locality only . a.U.OU per-montn. v j- ' . HOME REALTY- CO. ' 1C 8. High. ; . i 21j3J PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14"j BY wording- Fer Bantj" price 10 coats eaciw Statesman Basinoaa I Office, on ground floor. ;1 FOR RENT MODERN OFFI0E ROOMS. graund floor. Fine location, jcheap i renu Home Realty 3; 16 8. SHigh. -. i. sii-'otf ... iii i 1 t r For lnt -Apaitments 23 i . MODKBN HOT WATER HEATEI ; room flat , with - ftrettlacei sleeping por-b and garage. " Pono ,13r77-J.i 144t Center St. 23(3 CRNlSHED. FIRST 'FLOOR. 292 N. Summer. - . v -1 - !- - I - r SSjaO WELL .FURNISHED THREE-ROOH apartment, also garage, etoe in. ' COMMISSION IS DEFIED BKR LEXDACII ; "N OT.. TO MKEt McTIGUE BKFOIXK 11 a- : r" j I NKW YORK. Jan.' 2 7. I-(BY Aaf soda ted ; Press, ) --PiH iBercleni bach.: light bearywelghtj bttxfnE champion, today Informed, jJes McMahon. matchmaker t Madi m -feittare . Garden jthat he jwil not fight the former title hoderj. Mike McTIgue,bef ore June 1 1; an4 that previous to , that. he wilt &P pear elsewhere than In Jjew Vork state. : ' 1 ' ' !" Berleubacb s announceinenf fol lows h decision by the ew yori stale a'lhlelic coram Isskmj that the champion must accept j the Mcj iTfu challenso before J meeting; sjjtrty other boxer In th site. A 4 im?VhSSt " ABANDONED VICTORIA. B.:C.,: JaH 27-t A dispatch from Ottawa tentghtaald the government had abandoned & prop6sal to contert Canadian sor- ernmcl merchant marine coast . foe""Tessel4 -Into oil TureYS"r For Sale Apartment .. 23 TWO ROOMS AND KITCHENETTE, water. iicht and heat furnished. 2T Sft -Two rooms and kitchenette t 23y Close " in. : ., oa Jianea.' - .- ,i? 23j30 PRINTED CARDS, SIZE la" BY TM. . - ward inc. "Booma ta Beat," price 10 cenu aaaa. i SUUuaaa Baalaaaa OUita, 2-ROOM APARTMENT. REASONABLE SS4 S. Cottage. 1516-M. , a3j2$ For Ilenv Rooms 1 ' 23j HEATED ; 8LEEPING ROOMS, , 2328. ; ,, PHONE -i 23j30 CLOSE IN HEATED ROOM. GOOD BED . rooa beara. a week. 423 t CUurcn. - i K 25J80 NICE BOOM CLOSE IN. PHONE 585-W ROOMS FOB RENT' OVER OUB STORE tiaaser Bros, Sfle FURN18HED ROOM FOB GENTLEMAN. ' Strietiv modarn km Pril hath -r . , Four block a from Capital. 1183 Cha- meketa. Phone 1894-J. : . 23j8tf ROOM FOR; RENT IN MODERN HOME three blocks front atate aeata. Ail eoavaBiaaeaa. Oeatlemaa .araf erred Pleaie fia refereaaaa aad addreaa A. B care SUteamaft. ; 25i2tf rOB BENT -r- ROOM CITABLE FOR stadeata, wttk aleepiar poreb prtrilegea. XTerythiBK modem. Refareaeea are ra airai. Addreta room, ear Stateeman. fj2MF For RAnt--Oooae 27 MODERN BUNGALOW WITH 2 BED roams, fireplace and furnace. Garage. Kitchen range and linoleant for sale to if desired. ReMnaible Beoole on It. a5-per month. Phone ,1'348-J. .fbr Dlrtropnt Q -i- rURNISHED AND - UNFURNISHED hoascs. Brown and Johnson, 109 8. 'Cbm'L, i .. - ;;27Htf ft-BOOM HOUSE. Phoae 2044-W. 91ft PER MONTH -, 87dl8tl HOUSE. OF 5 ROOMS AND BATH. 310 8. 18th. $20.00 per month. Phoae 1371 day time. Harry Pearson. 1 ! r - - ' 27il2tf For Rent -Farm 29 I HAVE SEVERAL IRRIGATED FABMS for Tone . r. K. - Taoaaaaoa. Taraer. Ore.. Phottw HX. SOaltf . AVanted -Miscellaneous 85. WANTED MAPLE, - ASH, OAK .AD Alder lacs, delivered Salem or stntno- age. -See Barrett, Terminal. Hotel, Sa- ; tern. ... - Soy4S FURNITURE PACKING FOB SHIP atsata. Giata-Powar Fnrnitnra Co. i . . - . 5t0tt HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR U8EI atoToa, tool, fnraitara. Stiff's Use Goods Dept. opposite coort aoaso. S5m2tf WOODSY THE AUCT10a2ER BUTf ted furniture for easa. Phoae 5 It. . SSait SELL US YOUR USED FCRNITURE -. H. L. Stiff Furaitaro Co. Used Goods Dept.., opposite court houae. 85m22tf WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOB . farm Joans. ' Wa have eereral applica tions oa hand. Hawkins A Roberta Ine. 205 Orerna Bide 5dt4tf For Sale arl 10O CEDAR POSTS. 1'HONE 543-J.- . . . - 37f3! LAWN FERTILIZER. PHONE 721. j PRACTICALLY - NEW. . 0200 MAREM baphone. 875. Bargain. Phono 1074. 310 N. Charoh. . 37J30 DICTAPHONE, COMPLETE, MOTOR driven, receiver,' transmittar, ssring machine and records. , Phone 369. - . - ' 37j3) WHITE SEED OATS FOR SALE - A? lesa than market priee. Box ,443, Sa lem. .. . 37j20 APPLES 7j PER BOX. Warebonae. 1 i FARMERS , 37J3I RECEIPT BOOKS SIZE 8" BY 50 receipt forma ir book. IS cents pet book or wo tor 25 cento. StatoamaA offieo, 215 BoqU ConuaarcUI St, 8af lem. - .. ,,;' . STft&tf TRESPA8S NOTICES. 8IZE 14x0 IN Si. rintd on good 10-oone raavaas, bear! ng the words, "Notice Is Hereby Given r That TreepeeetBf ia -Striet'y Forbidden Oa- These Premises Under Paaalty'of Prosecution." Ptvco 15c each or for-25c. SUtesmaa. Pub. Co, Sslem; Oregon. 87atf If V ft T V A CP1IV 111V "TtXlrtTIIV! 1 A .... i . . j m ....... i ...... . . . . . j jr Oats... Barley and. wheat, guarantee qualify, proxap sDipmcRi. rricn upon aDpHcatinn.. Richard Nyman, alia Walla. Wash. . 37j2 FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. TEH cents a handle. Circulation department Jrn Sateirraaa , , ,,m : For Sale Urenoclc 89 I FRED W. LANGE. VETERINARIAN -4 Office 420 8. OoameroiaL Phoae 1198 - Ra. Phone !. - - S9m33d Wood For Sale 43 LIMITED AMOUNT OF DRY SLAB wood, 83.50 per load.. Tracy Fuel ' Yard. 1067 D St. ' 43jl0tf CITY AND COUNTBV WOOD SAWINGi Also old boards. Fisher Uros. Phone 1819. ; : 43jl3tf 4-FOOT GREEN SLAB, f 3 90 FEB COR1 ld-in. dry mill. 84.50 per load, dry fir aad oak.' Phone 142. 43n5tf COMPLETE FUEL, SERVICB . TELEPHONE 185 !. HTUiMAN FUEL JO MP ANY ! . . - - 48n21tf 16-INCn BLABoYOOD PER LOAD. 5.7i lS-iacb 2nd fir per load. 84.00; 1 inch old fir per load. 84.54. Prompt delivery. TeC.2318. Tracy Fuel Yard 1087 D Street. - 43a32U COAL ALL THE BETTER KINDS HILLMAN FUEL CO. PHONE 1855 V ' . . 43a21 GOOD COAL-DRY WOOD -PROMPT DELIVERIES. H1LLMN FUEL CO. j TELEPHONE 1855. , . 48J29H LtLEM FUEL TRANSFER. '752 Trade 8troet. Wood.. Coat. Briquets. Traaslar aad Movtnc. I'aono f. 43nt0tf MINUTE MOVIES -H r S OF ALASKA REAbNd-"-TWAT v . TV4ERr IS AJO TiME TO BE LO?T " FARO ANN " DECIDES TO TAVE- T1M ; ,,; UUKT CA)T AND EN VIAKE Mi Pi GET THS ' MARR1 AQB 43 FOR WOOD SAWING OR DRY WOOD Phono 142 j 43J30 BEST GRADE OF WOOD ' - " " -d ft, aad l iacn. , - - ; Dry mill wood. , , k : i i , Green mill wood. H Dry second growth fir. J Dry 4-ft. aah, and oajk., , ' ' FRED E. WELLS r : -Prompt delivery and reasenab! prices, 280 South Chnreh. Phono 1542.; 43tl8tf BRIQUETS THAT LEAVE NO A8HES. UILLM.1N FUEL CO. - . - i 43n21tf WOOD SAWING. PROMPT AND CABEFlfLLY. HILLMAN FUEL CO. "- - '--.. ,L- 43a21tf WOOD. DRY, SAWED ANY LENGTH. HILLMAN. FUEL CQ. PHONE 1835 . ,. 43n21tf 1-INCH OLD FIB SECOND GROWTH yak and ash. rhone'72F2. U. D. Msy field. i-- - - 4riaf Poultry and Kggs 45 BABY CHICKS NOW READY. OUit 'chirks live to make your I'ving. Flak's' Petland. 273 State.- . i ; ; 45J30 BABY CHICKS, ?OR SALE NEXT Tuesday. Heavies and Leghorns, Salem Cbickeries, 268 N. Cottage. Phone 400. ' . '- -V -;! : Ki45i2 HOT WATER INCUBATOR FOR SALE. ; 540-egg .sire, hsa nevar been wsed Well worth the price asked for; eash; or might consider four months old jbulleU delivered later in - the season in " ex change. W. H. Henderson, 215 Sooth Commercial 8t.. -; . 4.5j'i7tf Poultry Journal .' Bargain Poultry men Seetd five two cent nost- age stamps for special - three . months trial of tae brightest" aad beat poultry journal ia America. Send it to a friend. Northwest Poultry. .. Journal .. . Salem, Oregon. 45J23 Xnrsery Stock 49 SEVERAL HUNDRED ORNAMENTAL sarubn and roses.' a - bargain for land' sea pa gardener, florist, or nurseryman. call at vita state. 49j8' MIsceUannoar HI FURNITURE repairing. ; ' Store. UPHOLSTERING AMD Giaco-Ppvers FarnJtart ' ' fils30tl B. B. SEAGBOVE FURNACE -. ANJ shea metal ahop moved te 081 Mil a- u KlaMd Lost and Found 53 LOST WEIGHT TAN BRIEF CASE OS aigbway between Portland and Salem. Contains salesman a papers etc., belong he to the Du Pont. Return to JV, McClure either 496 E. 18 N,r PortUnd or 5C9 Miaaiou St, San Francisco. Re ward. , 53j28 Personal 65 LADY OF SIXTY WOULD LIKJ2 TO meet a gentleman of that a re ' or older as housekeeper or matrimony In view. jiaaress AiDany. ura-, o.i. jj30 HtZZ TREATMENT FOR APPENDICITIS i I "It-Is-Wonderfal." Free intormatiai Address Hixa Co, Portland. Oregon , 85a1-IftR Money to Loan 57 MONEY TO LOAN- -5 H . F. L. WOOD. S41 state. S7021M MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY HOMKS. Iet me explain our HOME MORTGAGE LOAN plan. r,-,i interest, no com mission. Chat. Hod kins, Roonx 6 over Miller's Store. Phone 90. 57ji7tf Wanted Loan 69 WANTED rrvATrroT'Tl LOAN n rwra reoi nnit avemniy. 4 W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 75 Atate Street. 81M Business Opportunities 61, IF AN INCOME OF SO TO glSO.PER month from our investment of f 130O.0O requiring only a few hours work each day interests you, 'investigate. - Box 4952, care Statesman. 61329 Real Estate 63 - Own Your Home NOTICE THESE - CAN YOU BEAT THEM f 10 rooms strictly first clans .butiaea location, will double ia value in ; less thsn tiro" years, 97850, terms." - 7 rooms strictly modern bungalow.- ga rage, lot 70x149, would eoat 80OO to build now, for quirk sale 94900, 8500 cssh balance like rent at 6',i.- ' - 7 rooms; modern, large lot. fruit, shade, shrubbery, would eoat . 97000 to build now, slso garage, roops, chicken- psrks, barn, must be sold. 84000. 93O0 cash, balance 880 and interest monthly. , SOCOLOPSKY, 341 State.. - , 63j28tf FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 40-aerea on paved road, electric pow er line aad telephone Hue, hsa 10 acres logaas, 3 acre walnuts. 1 aero fam ily orchard, balance open land.. Very good. 7 -room plastered bouse, sleeping porch, 'gas lights, well water at door. Fair, bam aad outbuildings. One of Salem's best close la buys. .Price right. - ' . ' 15-aerea about. miles eat On rood road, partly pared, small buildiags. some fruit and berries, running water, pasture aad timber, . close to school, jast the placa for ehiekeaa. ' Price 82000.00 with terms." ! 21 acres old buildings, . rood fruit and berries, good water, gravel road, partly paved, close to school. Some paature and timber. No reasonable offer re fused. "We specialise in farma and aerve you rtrht." " VICTOR SCHNEIDER; Realtor. ! Loans and Insurance. - Phono 977,' 147 No.' Commercial SC. Salem,: Orei - 8jl7tf 1-1'i I T 11 T f TTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTl T T X'. . T T 6-reom modern home, with girage. ,j T Pavement paid.. 8310.- - ac- , 'r cept vacant lot a fir payment, T TERMINAL REALTORS. oaj-'Btr. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT, 'FARO FANNVlSv VM NOT Wood (or Sale FURIOUS ATTVit' f VDU. KID. -STICK Af?OUNDTlLL I kAN SAS KID I GET TOSSED Ari I IU. GO OVE F2 TO IMVElGLt JHC : bLD MINER. into; -A MARRlAGB :Nrw1TH HEPt ; l VbuB POPAN I HAVE A tlU vjAGE rATiNT - SEE VCAJ LATER i: rOLK'S'.v. hn n- . t pnwaw r S fa- Vid B. - ' .. I I 63 - HOME BEALTY SPECIALS No.i 73"J For.' 8aje 2 apW resitleace clear, close in, i paved atreeta. income. V 845.00 month.: If you want iaveatment ' . pick thia up at 8450 - down . then let ' rent pay itself out. i J -I'A. : y . For Sale New Bangatow, garage,"newly painted, fine lot. 4xlo0 on Market ht No. ,2180, drive out and look it : over. Pay aome cash and move in, No. 738 Fo Kale 5-room boose, 1588 Capitol St. Well arranged rooms; new ly decorated. j ---- 4. - For Sale 8-room 'bouse. 2173 State St, big lot. 54x231, has income 22.50. Price ealy 82459. Buy thia for inveat- - meat. Some .eafch, rest terms or move in. - i j .- ,: ? For Sale 5-room Modern bungalow. 2943 North Capitol. acre" land. Extra tot. 140 feet frontage, worth giiOO. take it at 33950; pay iae,eaa aad nove in. ThU is a double constructed well built house, newly painted. ' HOME REALTY CO. I' - i ,. 109 H. High. Tet. 171. 63J29 HEBE IT 18t COZ- HOME. 7 PLAS teret rooms, basement, bath, fireplace, six big lots, barn, garage, 1 poultry bouse, large trait and nut trees, grape arbor, garden, near junior high and also grammar school, 4 . blocks from street car, nice View, 83800, terms, 849 Rural Avenue, or see W. C. Con- '. nr. Statesman Office. . A3dl2tf T W o store "rooma and four-room liv ing apartment, new building at f 550O or will trade for acreage. II E re is a chsnce to own . your own home, 12 acres. 5-room good bouse oa paved road. 5 mile from Salem, at 4(WO or will exchange for ' hoase in Salem. B E member, a good aix-reoaa house oa 6outb Liberty St,-corner lot, paved street and paid, at $3150-, 9500 down, balance $30 per month is better than rent . . " ' I K now yod con Id do welt in a 16 room hotel, .all furnished at $3000. .Very . easy payments ei will ' trade for acreage or small bouse. What have you f F A mi are coming into their own. A good' 15-acro. tract, 4-room ? Mastered . bungalow, 10 acres a berrnes and fruit: 3 miles from Salem at $6500, $1000 down, balance to salt or will trade for apartmeat house. To T oil I yon just how to owe yonr own homo or to trade for some hing yon want wa must have a chance to talk it over with yon. SALEM offers you good opportunities. A new i 4-room bungalow st $2400: I $300 down; tialanct like rent. 1 ULRICH A ROBERTS 122 Xo. Com'!, i Phono 1334. 3j23tl TRADES WE HAVE A 5-ROOM HOUSE worth $2250 and cloae ia to trade for a small tract of land with 3 or 4-room house; house and 5 Iota worth $4200 to trade for a ! small farm of equal value; 6-room bouse and 3 lota to trade for small house? O-roora hoime in good small . town clear, and worth $1000 as first payment on house in Salem: 50 rood Silvertoa highway, Howell Prairie : acres improved and . worth $200 per acre and ha will take a home in Salem; 5-room plastered house worth $2000 sna he wants car; 10 bare clear acres in th fruit belt worth $1500 and be wants a city lot or you can put in a car aa first payment. ; Large house close and lett able for boarding house for rest also 7 -room hn. for rent. McGILCHRlST PENNINGTON 209 U. 8. Bank liter. Phone 140 63j2U THE CONTINENTAL LIFE MONTHLY DISAPPEARING MORTGAGE. Tbo Continental : Life will loan yoO money on monthly installment plan on eay payments which will include in tereit and principal and life insursnce In case-df deathi your loan is paid in full. The burden to your family of a mortgaged home disappears. Foreclosure is forstalled by feresiebA The Continental Plan is the attractive. logical, economical plan. Investigate before you finance. Room 4, 117 .V Comatercial. , Phono 577. 63i'8 NEW HOMES AT YOUR OWN TERMS. ; rSVeral aew bungaVowai . on , very, eaay : ftornia, as mat aparxmeot oouaci on aay terma. Small traeta for city prop' erty. Large grain and dairy fans clear for ' income ! property, or- smaller ranch.' Private ! money to loan on real estate- If you want to buy, -sell or exchange, .see-.Barber, 200 Gray Bldg. : C3J21U LOOK LOOK LOOK? If your property, is for ssle or trade, list now at before February 10th, in or der to get it In the now list of the multiple listing bureau., 15.000- sent out last year, with good result a.-. $118, 425 worth of property aold. - List with Childs A Uechtel, 540- State St., for quick resuhs. .. i ... 3j31tf 5-ROOM PLASTERED JI0USE ON fiaved street has. bsth, toilet, elertne ights. Garage and wood shed. $2250; $500 down. ' Two lots and 6-toom bouse in South Salem; bsth. toilet,", electric lights, ground 100x150 feet esst front, 12 blocks from Stste: and Commercial St., $320O, can bo bought u terms. SEE J: A. MILLS, . . 331, 8Ute Bt. &3j29 . TOR SALE Ndw . 4-room bouse "with basement, furnace, built-ins, breakfast "nook. Lo cated on N. Commercial.- Price $3aOO. New 4-room bouae in N. E. Salem, modem, small down payment and bal ance Just like rent. , Priee $2875. i . 7 room ' house,; new, strictly modern with baarment, - fianplsre. furnace, ga rage, paved street. Priee- $6750. - New 4-room house, lighta,-bath, base ment, onlr $300 cash, rood terms. -"Triee $2500,00. SEE US FOR LOTS 1 1 itf any part of the city, of almost any size or price 1 Krueger, Realtor, 147 N. Com'!, Tbene 317 . 63J22 SOUTH DAKOTA : IJ1ND FOR SALE aheap, or will trada for,- Oregon prop erty ' A city equity for: acreage. fl.OOO to kaa- i ' -i ROBINSON. Oregon Baildins. ' .-j- v . ! .' ' '---Ua3j8tf 6 ROOMS OS 13TH NEAR COURT. east front, attractive home with 3 ga rages for i $30O0. 4 . room enclosed aleeping perch ga rage. beau Ufa I trees, furnace. $3000. 5 rooms- aad floored attic oak floors In every room, recessed bath, fine view, corner lot; $650. , 5 rooms and attic. Oaks Addition.' new aad strictly, modern English home, 10 rooms, : stucco home, new and 'very beautiful, 'corner lot with oak' trees, $17,000. . ; .-. i WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor f v t 216 Oregon Bldg. J " . I , ,! ....n : C3j22tf AMV CMANCES WITH GEE. ;I HEaRT- .BR0KEH a 1Mb 'Heal Estate 64 f A REAL OPPORTUNITY . , Large Garage. and filling Station tally t equipped with usachinery for all kinds :ef work.. Large gaa pump, on main ,bighwayf In good small town. Building , and Jot goes, also residence and t lots, A giveaway at $4,000, some terms SALEM REALTY, CO, 482 State. . . . - . . t -, s . . 3j29 OWNER A NONE RESIDENT 7 rooms, modern,-garage, coops, barn, bearing fruit, lot 100x200, original cost $000, for quick sale $3750, 812 JO cash, balance to - be. absented. This property- will mako . yon $1000 b; touching it up aad resell same. j SOCOLOFSKY, 341 State. " i 63j28tf LOOK 12 acre close in, 3 of timber, balance cnttirated, best of soil, a snap for $2300. Terms. 24 acres close la ral buy for $2200. 5 acres with 3 room houie close in $2500. 5 seres with 6 room house, Jara and gaMjre, most all in fruit, $200. We have a fine tract of timber urar Salem paved road offered, at a bargain, fHO.on per sere. THOMASON. 331Vi SUte Street. 03J2CI1 INVESTIGATE THESE Two Pertland homes for KaJem homes Have 3 clienta w lio want to exchange gooi resiuences tor suburban. Close in well improved farm with stock lonix. teeo, taxe residence for part. Dandy Roaeburg home for Salem prop' erty or acreage. Good furnished hotel for farm. ' 2 bungalow snaps, easy terms. If you want to buy. sell or trada. See PEKRINK MAR6TEU8 212 Com. Club Bldg. 63j2ltf FOR 8.U.E Garage house, city wster snd lixhts. comor lot $500, easy terras. Dodge esr rjjo or trade for , lot. Hop car hke new. $500 or trade for Ford. . Choice close in corner lot, $1100. Large lot BJVtxiOo close in. aHMW. F. L. WOOD 341 State St. . 65j36tt BEST BUYS In Real Homes $8000 Beautiful Court St. corner. Mod em 8 rooms. $7300 Stste street snap modern 7 rooms, large lot. (xhiu &rnrtiy modern, new 5-room bun ca low. s beautr. $4750 Brand new latent style strictly modern 6-room bungalow, worth more money. $3700 Good 6-room house, 18th St. near Court St. xceal bur. $3 GOO Kewly remodeled hooae, 7 rooms. an tao bailt-lnsl garaze. -M ' 17tb St. . $2500 Not a new beusa, - but a real good bouse, 8 rooms, well bnilt. fine location, owner moved on fsrm. Give immediate posses sion, $500 cash will handle deal. $1400 Col j 4-room bungalow. $200 'cash; balance like rent. $1000 Bungalow 4 rooms, electric lights, sewer connection 2 lot. $100 cash, $15 month. Why pay rent. If it's s home, city or country See CH.ILD8 BECHTEL. Realtors, 540 Stat Street. 63j27tf Real Estate Trades G3 TO EXCHANGE MY WILLAMETTE valley stock ranch for' orchard or Sa lem property, care Statesman. box 2590. 65J28 REAL. KSTATE Farms 67 s acres Unimproved right along. . main Highway, S3,0O. 15 acres along main high say, beautiful' f ly improved $15,000. - j aeren near mam highway, -' modern bungalow, $5o00. beautiful 7 acres muchly improved, along highway Large farm on highway, 120 acies, $250 per acre. GERTRUDE 3. M. PAGE - 42 X. Out t age. . 07j27tf GROW FLAX AND MAKE MONEY 1 have farms in the best flax district Iavestigate theee: 305 acres, a snap at $18,000; 60 acres well improved wnn water rignt -omy so suu. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor, Loans and insurance 147 N. Com'!. St. Saluua. Ore. 67jl7tf 80ME WORKING MAN TWO LOTS "$450 Any reasonable terma to re f sponsible psrty. Suitable home' with g-ardea and chickens. - Beeke A Hen-,dricks,-189 N. High Street. 07d2filf J FOR RENT, OR SALE ' V I bsvo land . near Salem suitable for berries, corn, tomatoes or any field or garden crop. I also have horses, ' 1 implements, buildings ' . , . . I want to get in touch with someone f: that -can -make money for -both of Vs. : Either tease or sell. - Owner. E. A. RHOTEN , - 1595 South High St. , 1 Phone 1748 R. . r 67j33tf Wanted Real Estate 71 . ! rvrrppppppppppppppppppppppppF PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPFPPPPPP pp pp FP CALL PARKER PP PP PP PV AND START PACKING PP PP . . PP PP Maximum setting service. PP PP POSITIVE RESULTS. Your PP PF property taspecteo. .photo- rv PP grapaed and SOLD in record PP PP time. No sale no charge. See PP PP PARKER FOR PROPERTY PP PP 166 South Liberty. PP PP Office Open Evenings. PP PP Teiep-tono 8242 PP PP " Tldtltf PP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPFPPPPTP PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPFPPPPPP PPPPPPPFPPPPPPPPPPPPPPFPPPPPP PPPPPPPFPPPPFPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PP PP PP THE OREAT MARKET PP PLACE WHERE EXCUAN0ES PP , ; ABE MADE . PP VP PP PP PP PP PP : " ' PP Our listing of 8000. oxeha ages PP t (the largest listing en the PP - Paif1e -Coast) makee it pos- PF - aible for us te match ynur prop- . otT exactly We have iuat PP want at ist PP THEY WILL .. PP FP the pronortx you "PP the risht price. PPvTRAIE FOR YOUR PROP- PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP - ERTY. If you would like to PP . exchange yonr property . TO- FP". DAY. 'coate ia TODAY. See PP. PARKER FOR PROPERTY PP 166 South IjbertT. FP'ly - Office Open Evenings.. rP - i Teleaifcoae 8243 PP Tldtltf PP pppppppppppppppppppppppppprpp I FEEL SOfmy ' AW . FOR VAtS WJGMTeK. j (STUFF PAsJMty-e HONcST X A. - A r-t $ $ y ? in i Beat Estate T ryr: 77 I. -Ti iters I IU ntrt, 7yp,M" ft A V I AW, DONT CRt Ml SS , " KNOW. HOMl VOU.FEEL -LISTEN, MAVPjC . 1 CATS ' tj.TA7 Fh. a jLasm t 't fCST ' ' nCLr -tlv ytit if ' Aatomobflea f anted ' IT - Eiker Auto Co.. We pay cash for Forda. ' 77ml2tf . Used Car for Sale 79 IF INTERESTED IN A GOOD US4.D car, see Biddy Bishop, at the Packard ; Store. - Fred M. Powell Motor Cars 350 N. High' St r K .Cood Used Csrs to Pick From 'Je . AM. MIITO 79jl3tt EIKER'S USED CARS 1924 Touring . .$2S5.00 1924 Coupe .; . ., .., ,. $aQfi Ford Sedan $245 Our utual gnaranW behind all cars. EIKER AUTO CO. Liberty Street at Ferry. Phone 121. 1 i 79dl7t Packard Single Six tonring ini-tuding iccloaed top st s bargaia. Run let than 1.OOU mile.. New balloon tires and many extras. Long than a year old. An Opportunity Make your own nffer on a hieh grade rieree Arrow sedan. All good tire, ahoeks. good .paint and in A-l ire chanical condition.! No reasonalile of fer turned dowu. "fniet accepted. VALLEY MOTOR CO. 1993 Evenings 875-R. 7j3l LOCOMOBILEMARitON "CLEVELAND " . MAC DONALD AUTO CO. - - HAVE REAL USED a CAR VALUES Prices from $75.00 to $2800.00. Lincoln opsss. Sedan. Studebaker .Big Six 7-pass. Sedan. Cadillac 7-passxSrdan. - Mai-mon 7 -pass. Sedan. Stanley Steamer 5-pasa Tearing. Ford Coupe. 1924. MaxwU Touring. 1922. Chevrolet Touring, 192.1. Hupmohile .Touring. 1921. Franklin Touring. 1921. Iod-re Tourinsr. Studebaker Special Touring. li.tyne Touring. -Used Cars do not stay in our place long as our cars are priced right and terma arranged to suit buyer.-' We welcome your inspection. MAC DONALD AUTO CO. Cottage and Ferry Hts. Phone 409. iLOCOMOB I LK- -MAR MON - ! l.E V K LAND 79j27tf TWO NON-STARTER TOURING FORDS with' license.- $45 and $55. Too much service ia these earn to wreek. Both: in good running condition. E1KUK AUTO CO. Phone 121 . 79j31tf f Back of the Name Plate on the ., Radiator The VeUey Motor Co. stands squarely behind every one of the five used i'orda onw on our aalei floor.. You can buy one, which ever you select, with confi dence. 1923 Roadster, new semi-balloons, new paint $235 1924 Coupe with high back, so good you can hardly believe it ran be sold so reasonable $385 1932 t toned Touring entirely reeondi .....$175 40 cars to pick from including Stars, Buicks. and a Studebaker Special. See Our Guaranteed Car. VALLEY MOTOR CO. Salem, Ores. 79j26tf Special Clean Up Sale On Good Used Cars Two Fords at $25.00 snd $3o.OO. . Three 1st: model Fords at $95 to $235. Chevrolet $50 to $250. Ihjtie Coupe priced to sell. - Velie Touring new psint and in good condition. 23 Dodxe touring Pne shape (bargain.) 24 Gardner Sport Touring. 24 4-passenger C Ids 6 Coupe ready to -go. ' - t Some excellent biys in ' other makes Of cars, at correspondingly low prices. .'CADILLAC HUDSON ESSEX " F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. - 365 North Conu.ereial Street. Thone 1200. 70j16tf WOMAN HURT IN BATTLE BY.STAXDFJI IXJCRKD IX RUN- . KIXO REVOLVER DUE1. PORTLAND, Ore. Jan. 27. (By Associated Press.) A run ning pistol duel In which a wom an, 'an Innocent bystander, was wounded In the leg occurred on an East Portland street early to night when George Kranis owner of a restaurant, gave chase to the robber, who had Just held him up and taken $25 from his till. The wounded - woman was' Bessie Drummond. "The "robber whom Kranis chased, escaped. Five shots were exchanged by, the two men. - ., CAN 1WE MlS HUsT. - tU GI1ME IS "THE LAD LAUCrH FATHER. "IS TO MARR I-'' VaHlLET" oox on me snonxj- COVERED mush : HA NOW I. BUSyi! ty.PLORE OLD.HUAJT . MIDDEN Classified Business Direfciory Of Reliable Business and Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference AMBUIANCE GOLDEN AMBULANCE PHONES 609 and 883-R. Day or night service. f!4tf AUCTIONEERS . . F. N.'WOOORY ' Salem' Leading Eximrt Livestock, Fur niture and Real Estate Auctioneer aad Appraiser. .' Rea. and Store, 1610 N. Summer Street, ! Phone 511 For SaU Data I Established Since 1916. U '! H. F. WOODRY SON X Expert Uveitock. Kutniture, Real Es tste. and Merchandise Auctioneers, la years' experience. Hatisfaction Guar-; anteed. Office 271 N. Conn' I, Tel. 75. Res. ! 996 S. Commercial,Tel. 1843-W for sale dates. J " ' n ' : ACCOUNT ANT j! O. ED.! ROSS, ACCOUNTANT AND Aud itor. 331 i State. Phone 209 8-R. - ' - - ' - - , a,T-'26 BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS R. D, BARTON EX IDE BATTERIES, starter and generator work 171 South Comatercial. - ' .; rtiene 198 COURT ST. JOE WILLIAMS BICYCLES AND BEP AIRING . LLOYD E. RAMSDEN COLUMBIA BI fyeles and . repairing. 337 Court. BEAKS BELINTNO : -' ! MIKE PAN EK 275 SOUTH COMMER cial St. Phone 102. jtf CHINESE KEMXDY L. L. DICK U M. HUM Chinese Medieino Company ' Help any known disesse. 420-426 Stata. CHIBOPBACTOB DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSC. CHIROPRACTOR 256 N. High. Pboae 828-R or 87. II. B. SCOFIfcLD. PALMER CHIKOPRAG tor. 328 Oregon Bldg. Phone 2104. m5tf DEESSMAKING MBS. C E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING, stamping, buttons. .Room 10, over Mil ler'a Store. Phono-117.- - ' ELECTRICIANS ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co.. Phone 1934, 222 N. Liberty. FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE . wiring by hour or contract. Estimates farnifthed. Phone-980 171 Court St. FASK PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BraT farm paper send 15c to the Pacific. HomeAtead, Salem, Oregon, for t three mostba' trial subscription. Mention this ad. POULTRY.MEX SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamp for special three months' trial for the best and oldest Journal in the west. The articles aad advertise meets are of special interest to the poultry breeders of the Northwext Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com mercial street, Salem. Oregon. FINANCIAL FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gages, Trust Deeds. Contracts on bouses Will net 6ri to 30. BECKE 4: HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg., 19 N. High St. jl-tf FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY TO loan on good farm security. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pro- deutial Inaurance Company money en city residences aad bueiness- property, at 5H, plua a commisition. Ilawkiaa a Roberts, Inc., 205. Oregon Building. . - d-14tf FLORISTS c Wiiiara y FERNS. CHOICE ROSES. GL-IDIOLUS, perennials, shrubs, - weeping-birchy iris, etc. Bennett Nursery Co. Fairground Road. Tel. 1280. sl5, "46 CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS, funeral wreaths, decorations. C. F. Breithaupt, florist, 128 N. Liberty Phone 380. INSPBANCZ - .. Insure.. Your home or car now . . Phone 161 BT.CKE HENDRICKS Heilic Bldg..-189 N. High St. jt-tf LAUNDRIES ' He SALEM, UUN'DRT COMPANY 36 St High ' street. I'hone 25. oMert,- larg est and. best. EHablished 1849. TRY THE HOME WET WA8H LAUN dry. Phone 171. 1356 B Street., jl7tf CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Phone 163. Service swith a amile. Quality work. t2K4 Broadway. ? - i!4tf LADIES' TAILORING D. H. Mosher TAILOR FOR MEN .and women. 474 Court St. . MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capitol City Bedding Co, 1100 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. All ' work maranteed. Phone 19. flOtf MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH BEMEDY Phone 51 7-W. MUSIC STOBXS ' GEO. C. WILL" PIANOS, PIIOXO rrtphs, sewing machines, sheet, music aad piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and-sewing machines. 432 State . street, Salem.. TRADE YOUR OIJ1 PIANO FOR A NEW tictor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff nr nitnre G., Mnsie Dept. - ' NEWSPAPERS - THE PORTLAND TW.EORAM, SALEM Agency, The Ace.; Tel. 939. THE OREGON 8TATESMAN. 50 CENTS ' per month delivered to your heme early , . each- morniag. Tel.. 23 or ,583. ,. . By Ed Wheelan TrllS HELLO VCURr . rsjssbici CJOIAJ' GO GET, txyoTFCRGET TO EE -OH"-HAND MONDAY -feu vevFt. HUESEBT STOCK FRUIT. NCT AND SHADE TKEES-r- Pearcy Bros.. 178 8. Commercial. 1 PHYSICIANS AND SXTBUEOKS - ; GEORGE R. VEIIUS, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Diseases ef women, obstetrics, surgery. 411-412 -i V. 8. Bank Bldg., Salein. Office tele ; phone 6 5; residenco telephone 775. , PACKING AND SHIPPING VQlt EXPERT FURNITURE PACK1SO land shipping, call Stiff 'a Furniture Store. Phone 941. i j PAPERHANOINQ AND PAINTINO PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE. : decorating, paper banging, tiating. etc. '!- Reliable workman. " ; PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano -tuner. Leave ordlerni WiBs Msiiic Ston. ..j .-.'-L 1 'PBDJfTIHtf ' -. FOB . STATIONERY, CARDS. PAMPH' letv programs, hooka or any kind ot printing. Call at the Statesman Print ing Department, 215 M. Commercial. Tel. S;. - . p PLTyMSUro PLUMBING AND GENERAL BEPAIR work. Grsber Bros., 141 Liberty St. 1 Phone 550. ' - " H, ' fl9tf , - j. -i , BADio r . ' - -I splitdorf Radio. Sales and. ' ' f - . SERVICES No better radio made at any price QUALITY CARS High and Trade Radiolc, "For Every Purpose Every Parse Alt Standard Bises ot Radio Toboa IIIALIfC tOFV ELECTRJ0 SHOP i 337 Court St. Phone 488 ' -; .:- REAL ZSTATB - i IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO SELL or if you are looking for? a homo, farm ; or' business property, sa ns. BECKE HENDRICKS 189 N. High St.. Heili? Bldg. . J8tf REAL ESTATE' ' ' HARRIS OFFERS NEW, - MODERN, 5 room i. big attic, ri i ceptjonsl construction and finish: built, jby owner for his own us: 1230 E. Slw ' near Capitol; ' populhr Farrih school j section; f5250; terms, i ' 960 PARRISH street; exceptional loc ; lion: new. modern. 5 large rooms, bes' construction; beautiful a surroundings ; 15760; terms. . . : LOTS l and 2. Block 6. Englewood, corn ' or D and 16th, each 68x87; price 85 and 9700. Fine location in growin " section. North front out paved strovt . Terms. . ,. ...... , J - : ! .' TWO-THIKPS . commlssioO 7 to arv lie enscd broker making safe. . HABXIS. Masonic Bldg4 TeL 795, 1S.12J ' - - f i- SCAVENGEES. CITY1 GARBAGE Cf, REMOVES ALI , kisds trash and garbage . by the iol ' or month, reasonable Jrates. Offict hon 35. .157 .. 8. Commercial, 'hone 220O. -. FOR GOOD SCAVENGER SERVICE CaW 167, Salem Scavenger, Cummins an I Trotter. -:.- 1: . B3tf ( ' ' "SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED . EVERYTHING IN CLOTH 1 ing and shoes. Best priees paid. Cap ital Exctismte. 342 North Commercial 1 Phone 1368-W i . STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING ' ' STOVES REBUILT AND? REPAIRED 40 years' experience Depot National, fence, sise 26 t-58 in high. Paints., ; o:Ia and varniwhes. etc loganberry and bop hooks. Salea Fence and Stove Works. "9 50- Court street. Ph onw - 124. TRANSFER AND HAULING TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kinds. Phone 19F3. i WE MOVE, STORE-AND SHIP HOU8B ' hold goods. Our specialty ia piano and furniture moving.- Wo also make coun try trips. Wo handle the beat ceal and . wood. Coll on oa for price. We give good meusnre, rood quality and goof -service. Lsrmar Trsp4fr Co. Phono 931 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 221 State St. Phone 933. Distributing, for-' warding and storage our specialty. Go ' onr rates. - - ; ' . ' - v . WATEX 'i- st SALEM WATER, LIGHT ft POWER Wl . : Office 804 South Commareial St. Te(( i per " cent discount on s domestic fl4 ratea paid in advance. ? No deducttot " Jfor abaekica or any cauxe unlesa watei, .v..-.. : ; TRAVEL f- . Safely, 8wittly and Comfort in buaes of the Parker Stage Lines. Stages leave-for : v Kilverton 7 a. m., 11 ai m.. 5 p. m. " : Mt. Angel 11 a. m., 5 p. m. ' Dallas 7 a m., 9 a. m, 11:25 a. m, , 2:10 p. m, 6:15 p. m. Falls City 7 a. m., f:10 p. -i 5:15 p. m. 1 . " Independence 7 a. mx 9 s. in,"' 11:15 a. m., 8:10 p. mi 5:15 a. m. Sunday only 8:30 p. m.S; ' 5fonmouth 7 a. f:15 a. m., " 3:10 p. 5:15 p. m. Sunday only, . , 7:to p.. n.. 8:30 p. m. . rSUMinnville 8:30 a- m4 2;10 p. m, , a":15 p. m. . Newberg 8:30 a. 2:10 p. m., : : . t5:15 p. m. s Tillamook 8 :30 a. in ? 2.: 10 p. m.81 Call 223 or 696 for information. - ' - d?fl j GAXEM T.TJiJiIIET3 f 9 . a - . .U.' GRAIN ' o. 1, wheat, white ... No. 1." red, sarked' ... White oat .. . Gray oata BaHey . . Meriey PORK, MUTTON AND BEET " Top. , it. . sows ....;...:..- jHe-t1- ,lresed bogs x... .17 . Top steers - . .06 W. "7 Cows 5 2. 00 -i Itwlls : . ..i... 3 V4 fT 4 8nrin lambs andar 80 lbs . I :i .m Ifeavi 9010 , Dressed vesl ' POULTRY -Light hens , J. . ,I7.'H lleary hens . . .'ii Old roosters 6 (a a Broiler a .23 EGGS. BUTTER AND EUTTEETAT ButtHrfst .44 Crnimr hnttar ,4 Stsndard ec .....l.-.... ... ........ - 27 Medium ega . . Milk. -vt. i S 44 .Spokane, Portland & Scattla Railroad will spend s $1,000, Of J for 1928, improvements. The Dalles J. r, Helnri completes plana for :'.vi::IIl to c 150,000 feot day. ; 9 1 . t... 1.43 .U .42 r' ; t