The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 26, 1926, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 :'
. ! :
L' " " - I 5
.Squad Will Travel to Albany
for Game To riisht,, Close .
. - Fight Predicted
? Salem htgh school defeated Ash
laritf high school on the local floor
laafminht 261 8;" The same, slow
from tho outset, was marked wiXk
poor5 paBSlngvbyw;fK4eams. It I
that lasts over a day .is
Cvids can be ended in 24 hours in
the. ktipht way. All the1, result can
be eliminated the fever, the head
achy the poisons. .. . .
Yij'o 'yourself, injustice if yen
dortt.'. ' the best means and
lrM5:lr For a, cold is a serious
rnafier.- ; . .."
Tbert way f HltLV; It is
to that m3Uaw have" come
to etr-lky it. It is to suprtmd that
Get HILL'S at Sewhat
cbdbre-fceme , tomorrow.1 , YcM jrSI
be ju:f4-d and delichted. 1 ;At your
droj --.1
w ' .. CADILLAC -x
An Invitation
VTo All Cadillac Hudson
6 and EssexOwnersr
-o come in and let's get .,
Acquainted, and . for. yod
jo look over our estab
lishment, the home - of
j'our automobile. And
any time that we can be
aof service to you (we are
at your command) J
lit'Dsbx' ' . ESSEX
tF. W. Pettyjohn,
N. Commercial St.
tPHOXE 1260,
Jstni 26-27-289-30;
X . :AU Seats Reserved ,
Admission 50 Cents
,t'; - - ' .. j
' Gate Opens 7:15
Curtain 8:15
; Tickets now on
e at :
f as am vte
vi aw vji r
- and
k "x . n .
While we are getting a ,large shipment of
f several cars of coal, we suggest that you
r ,' talce, the same advantage and lay in your ;
' winter supply while coal As fresh and
L ; 'prices are.right. -v ,
Coal $10
143 South Liberty ; : 'Phcni 020
mi'Off.Migm':Befe(jts Asffland Mghl bif'
was. as some fans expressed -.It,
"Salem's off day," It was also' a
poor passing day for Ashland, ac
cording to D. C. Forsytlje.' princi
pal! of the school. ; f
When the first quarter, ended,
It looked as though Salem was to
hare a' hard tussle. Ashland took
thefquarter 4 to 2., But from the
start Of the . second half." which
wa$ opened with three;swift bas
ket hy Daffy,. the home boys were
uevier again in T danffen ; f
i reither team could find. iU bas
ket! with regularity.' .Salem missed
shot fatter. shot, that Ion other
nights would hare been. -cripples. 1'
.tuf fy kwas the", only member to
s6ole ' with anything .like success,
and he did riot function until the
second, half. "' .
Ashland's" defedt ran be attrib
uted more to her own bunclincr
style of .passing and inability to
connect with the i baskets than to
the! work' of the Salem team.
Time after time referee Pug: Ross
found it necessary to call Ashland
for! running. And when one of
the! Tisitors woujd have a clear
floor and an open shot, he would
mess lit by trying to' - pass it to
some one lsej: f v r
" i 0ne of the bright features of
the! game was the playing of the
Salem jhlgh Bchool band. They
played ( as they have not played
this season. They Joined the stu
dents by playing the school songs.
For the first time this season,
the received repeated' calls from
the audience for "more."
Salem, perhaps, was saving her
energy: for this evening's tilt w4th
AJbany.u The game is to be played
at Albany Although. reports come
in on.dpe haad-saying Albany has
'a- strong team. -reports come la on
the lother hand saying Ashland de
feated her. Albany has always
glvn Salem -a vhard game, how
ever.; f-; ' ..W:r4J,r?;-1" ": ' -
A large ' crowd ? of rooters are
planning to accompany the boys
of he team on their journey" to
Albanjf this evening. The - next,
ganie to be played on the home?
floor will be Saturday evening" at
7:30. with the O AC rooks as op-
nonients. . ; - 4''
Lineup for the SalenvAshland
meet follows: . . :
Salem - Ashland
Nash RF . . 'larske
Duffy . . . . . , .LF.v. v-iit'- Parr
J. Drager -: .C i ; Moore
Ft. )rager . . :RO. .". M . flosnell
Oliriger ...... LG Abbott
Substitutes' Salem; Siegmund
;X)l Ashland; Til ton ,(6).
iltereree: Fug Ross of Salem.
At Missoula: University of Ore-
gofl i3at university of.Mon tana 17,.
At Newberg Iinfleld college.
39; (Pacific college '38. 1 '
At Corvailis OAC- 27 WhiM
mari-2L ' 1 " t
will break up your
bold in 24 hours or
money refunded,
ni&a store r
The iVrllow Frontrhone 107
1&5 North- jCommerclal Srect
The Penslar Store
i !
and up
1. f
t i
.. . . fc-.yi
- ' '"'
v.. .
Pontiac Six, New Product of
General Motors, Now at
Vick, Brothers
:, Pontiac, "the chief of the sixes.
Is:)iere.i The first arrival of this
tew General Motors automobile,
manufactured . and distributed by
he Oakland-Motor Car company
as'a companion to the Oakland six,
lias ieei placed on display by fck"
hrbiherii. local dealers. The' new
car will be shown here this af
ternoon The new Pontiac .six made its
debut at the N'ew York automobile
show where its many distinguish
ed features of engineering design
and body refinement and low price
Lthen announced created a sensa
tion. The -new Pontiac ' is' being
hnade in'twobody types- a five
passenger coach and a two pas
tsengiRr coupe.. A. ' ' .
The ivntiaCi six nppeara des
tined to - take -a pla:e with the
leaders. It fttlly, lives up, to the
advance; notices previously nrintet
about itl It li a car of character
Istic General Motors quality. The
beautiful Fisher built bodies with
rich fittings and the lustrous Duco
linish in two colors belie the fact
that the! Pontiac is one of the low
est priced six-cylinder cars on the
market. '
Mechanically and in structural
design the same attention to qual
ity construction is apparent. The
engine is of the sfx-cyllnder, ' L
head type with a host of advanced
featured which are noteworthy in
a , car of 'such low price. It is a
moderate speed type, best suited
for long life ! and endurance.
The Fisher built bodies are low-
slung arid rpomy with a distinctive
treatment bf : the double body
bead in gi the lower beading curv
ing up to a higher level back of
the doors. TUeradiator is nickel
plated -jrith a unique double me
dallion name-plate in . front and
a 'bronze-faced .Indian head radi
ator cap, suggestive of the name
or tne c
PORTLAND, Or., Jan. 25 (By
Associated Prs.) The 2th an-
I 11
Through -
to Los
th! speedy comfortable journey for win
1 IT- :"' ' ' , W
'Join vocr
i' Ryunjtrip to
- Roan J crip to
Loag limits;
- topoer. ;
'' ' - Any Southera Paciiic agent will gladty-'aii " -
' r ' " rlanoing yotir trip. Communicate with : kv'vJ
'. jf.r :. , . todayf -.iv i - v'.:.'-" j;?. ; . f4 '
1 0. L. Darling, Agent, Salem, or 'A"A4;:.r?r.
Mickel, D. F. & PJ A- 184 Liberty SU ":
' " "." v i , -
r 'n ' 1
j :j
Defeat Portland Western
Union Champ Five; Play .
Silverton Friday
. Taking their tenth straight vic
tory, the Salem Webfooters, local
1 9-year-old champs, took the toll
of the Portland Western Union
five by a score of 23 to 9.
The . Portland team , recently
won the Western Union champion?
ship played in Seattle. The play
ers were larger than the . local
boys, and the game, ran slow un-j
til the closing moments when it
picked up. ) (
The Webfooters will play Sil
verton second team Friday; at Sil
verton. - On Thursday they won
17 to 15 from Mt. AngeLi Line
up in the Western , Union game
follows: I
Webfooters 1 W. U.
Miller F........ A Coulton
Simpson F...u.... II Coulton
De-llarport C.J Cobb
V: Schaeffer G...1 Stewart
Keeney O...; l. Stine
C.; Shaeffer sub.ii., Shubertj
J SILVERTON. Jan. 25. The W.
O. W,-, basketball team of 6rt-
iana iai nigm ueieaifa tne ou
verton Legion five. 31 to 24 In" a
game played at SilVerton. j ;''
i Page of Portland was high point
man with 12 to his; credit awhile
Bentson of Silverton, forward, led
for his team with" eight!. The
team will meet Albany next Mon
day and travel to Turner for a
game a week from Friday
. ! : .. ! 1 ' i
I.I ' : .
nual tournament of tho Tacific
northwest golf association will lx
held thia year on the Spokane
country club toMrno Jure IS to
26, dlrectoM of I the .association
dei-lded at a, u eCjting her, .cKlay
June 18 and' 19 will pe ?evteI
o the orn hampionRbi:t: ','.iri:
will t-e a dav of rest.
ot. Situ ;ny -aue.20, ahd the aj;a
tejir, ncun and clajC; vr as
to summer-land.
Now it's ppt-door time ia Califorol. Warmj ' X
tunny d jusc right for coif, for hike o
bfigbt-hrJ woodland trails, for fishing, for
beach sports. - -L '!t: -f 1 i-" !':?
fricads there thi winter. Relax snj"
rest. Play at your, favorite recreation 6ner r
tlicrc than you have ever known it to be. t .
The trip is easy, surprisingly convenient.
Fast, through service to Los Angeles daily Tia ir
Southern California Express j t si
- A warm, cozy ride, with the convenience ani - 4
comforts of scnctljr iirst-class service. And dclif -ft
ciobs,.tasry ntcals in Southern PacinC dining !
car,.v:y fvi ; - :f ,:
. This;train carries through sleeper to San Fran- "
Cisco. Or go direct aboard the popular SitJ" '.
Or twi, or Sn FrtMcisf Extnst. each makin r -j
at San Francisco with southbound , k
Committee Named to Confer
With Salem Rod and Gun .
Club Members
The Salem Anglers club was of
ficially organized last night. The
meeting was held in the auditor
ium of the local Chamber of Com
merce. Twenty-seven members
were signed up. '
A committee was appointed
from the Salem Rod and (Jon club
vtth consolidation thei object.
I Those on the committee are Wal
ter Low, A. Mozier. and Mr: Sim
mons. The Anglers club. It is un
derstood, are willing to consoli
date with the Rod and Gun club
so that the two might function as
on in such matters as are of mu
tual interest.
PORTLAND, Ore.. Jan. 25.
(AP.) Portland's losing streak
in hockey continued tonight, Vic
toria defeating the Buds 3 to 2.
The game made the fifth straight
Portland lost on its home ice.
y 0 mm
W. R. SPECK, Distributor, Salem, Oregon
. . . ' . - - i I
& ,: j Lr-i-M -' -' J jj jj j -1
i rr nil' ' "' "" TTAw' Jj, .-n ... , mt,,,,,,;,.,-, : a. ,
- TTn Y 1 .passr . : , . . ;.
fM- A
GENERAL MOTORS now presents througrji
its Oakland division the New Pontiac Six ,
the first six-cylmder car it has ever named and
sponsored from the original design
Representing the supreme embodiment of the
corporation's almost limitless resources, this new
Six is destined to compel a complete revision of
existing ideas in motor car value.
The Pontiac Six is not another of the so-called
Mfwolutionarycars.y -'.;' :A
: It is simply and solely a car of high quality
developed to dominate a definite .market . . . and
as such represents an achievement no less signifi
cant, no less unprecedented, no less epochal than
the invention of the first six-cylinder engine, j i?
In the Pontiac Six you are offered anew order
of beauty that grace ofline and balanced pro-;
portion characteristi,only pf Fisher craftsman
ship. ' You are offered precisely the enduring
, body construction that is Alsesd On Cars selling for
"$20O or more, finished in rich Duco colors.
f Yoti are ottered a roadabutty.otextraordinary
sebpe exhilarating power for nllls, refreshing
agility in traffic, a maximum speed you will use
only in emergencies. V . . .-t i. , ,
First Contest to Take ' Place
I at Eugene, Sunday, Next
: at Corvailis V
ArrarfgcTaent hit vw -been made
for th trf-city kootsj'ta e held
between ' Sulem, Eugene ami Cor
vailis, according to word received
from 'the Salem !Ko4! and Gun
club. '
First shoot is to be held at Eu-,
gene next Sunday. Shoots will be
held two weeks apart. The third
shoot is to be staged on the home
grounds of the Salem club. There
will be six shoots in all, two in
each town.
BOSTON. . Jan. 25.. AP.)
Kid Kaplan of Meriden, Conn.,
world's featherweight , champion,
won the " Judges decision from
Billy Murphy of Lowell in a 10
round bout here tonight. Kaplan
Fill your crank case
with Varaird-the
car will be smooth, as
eilk both, for running
and stopping
Score of
weighed 13'
135. ;
pounds and Murphy
WILWAUKEE, Wis.. Jan. 25.
if A P.)' Solly Seeman of New
York out-pointed Jimmy Good
rich of Buffalo, former light-
weiekt chamnion. in a ten-round
bout , here - tonight.
M ore fbr
and. the; best
Chewing Sweet
look for WRIGLEYS PJCHaBdyBrrlt
on your Dealers Counter
, Add to this new order of
, fonmnce of unprecedented brilliance, the equally
important matter of accessory equipment, and '
the preponderance of Pontiac value becomes
literally irresistible . ,
. for the Pontiac Six comes equipped with
full balloon cords, nickeled radiator, Fisher W
windshield, automatic windshield cleaner, in
directly illuminated instrument panel, rear vision
mirror, high-speed window regulators and other
important essentials to pride of ownership.
The Pontiac Six is now on display in our
salesrooms. Demonstrations may be arranged
for. We not Only invite you to see this newest
: creation 4 of Gencral Motors at the earliest
possible momentr-we urge you to come prepared
tor a new and unique experience for here at
last is the Six you have always wanted . .-. V at .
Price m unexpectedly low that only General
Motors could possibly achieve iw
; The Jfontiac Six, companion car to the Oakland
i Irilili and distributed by the '
25 to 18
weighed 133 3-4
Goodrich 136 H-
pounds and
(AP.) Babe Herman, of Califor
nia won on a foul In the seventh
round of a' ten' round - bout with
Bobby. Garcia Of ; Baltimore to-
your money I
Pepp ermint ,!
for any monQrf
beautv and this Der-
- - - , , . " - ... . .r ' ' - .... -