TIID ,OREGONaSTATESUAN;i SALEti OltEGON SUNDAY fORNIrVG." JANUARY 24; r 1925 I. ( 9 slamsl New, ; Snappy, Sensible just: the . Thing, for Spring Wear Real Bargains- In Suits : " ' i ?17.50 to 34.50 . - t II (CITI NEWSi IN BRIEF 1 1 1 '" 1 11 1 1 " 1 " 1 1 1 - -' - : OurWeatherMnJ T. TT m Vf7 51 rosetUed- ' !.': j Cloudjr and . unsettled with oc casional rains , In' the Vest' and local snows or rains In he east; no - marked' changes In jtempera tare; moderate south winds. Sat urday Max. S3; "blta. 45; BiTer 4.2 rising; Rainfall .09 Atmos phere cloudy rewind .South. Wrth Is Reported , i . Birth of a daughter to! Mr and Mrs. RJ--W Remington bt 20 0 Chemekata - street w-ai "reported to tbe office of the; city! health ! offi cer yesterday. The grl. was born January 23, has Joan JLenore. I been named Dr. Marshall, OsteopathicU Physician and Surgeoa. ; J24 r A: .1 T i .il mi ! - Ifaesase Will StregtheiiiYoii--t Ireat, hnlflHS ywPTiei Bfnf proTe circulation aid - digestion, gire you an appetlte4-and is the one safe and surest cure, fori con stipation. ; Phone. 221 4l g. H. Logan, 249-253 S. Cottage S4 "124 Accessory Is Stole T. M Barr, Jr., has j reported ttf local police that the motometer was stolen from his carl whtje it was parked at Winter1 and Chme keta streets Friday evening. fs s , v - r j- i !- New Spring Arflmts ' v " Of Spring Gowns and sCoais at the French Shop. Mi!Bqffe Mor rison, 115 N. High- . 324 Nick Fetch, route 1, and Nprma Mary Best, route 2,1 took oiut. a marriage license In the, cqnnty xlerk's office yesterday and iwere later married by Brazier C. Small, Justice, of the peace. I? i-i - Pomeroy '& jKeene Jewelers and Optometrists Salem. Oregon ! .. Eastman Brothers Furnaces I I Saltan Office 169 S.jnijh Offlw noufa:' j j. FACTORY. SDLVERTO, ORB. Underwood Typewriter. Po. Direct Factory Branch 019 Court Street ;none fc3 Typowritcrs Rented. jSold, Special rental rates to .tndent II F.' WOODRY &ISQN i . - : . mm m i - and Overcoats G. W. Johnson f& .. . 469 STATE , Thompson Is Released- t j. : i;-AV; -;H; Thompson, of Seattle, who was arrested' Priday night at the SL P. depot by officer Edwards, and held for lnrestlgation, ! was released yesterday morning after the investigation - had failed to fasten suspicions on him. Card Prizes 1 Mrs. Trorer, TroTers Studio. ' , i -J24 1024 Chevrolet Tourings i unusually good appearance. Newton Chevrolet Co. ; ' , J24 Fined for Parking M. Selic of this city was Ifined $1 , by Judge Poulsen yesterday for parking overtime. Of Kf atnirnt of Ore. Fire Relief Association on page two. ? J2 4 j I 3kf ade in Kaltn f We make, and handle our own harness. Suit ; ' cases - and !hand bags. Nothing takes the place of leather.: F. E. Shafer, 170 S. Commercial. ! J24 Carejcoverejd u-f a i Officer Edwards I recovered a iTJTt!rtou&g cm: JfrHajK ev ening on Court street near Capi tol. -Thenar, it M aaid, be: to the M. Seller company of Pert land. ;' ' T" J.tv r"V- Radio Trade for Phoaogrsplv Radio Headquarters, 175 S. High street.. -i-ri J24 New Spring Arrivals Of Spring Gowns and Coats at he French Shop. M. Buffe .Mor rison, 115 N. High..; I1J24 Bike Stolen i Clinton Lovell, 643 North Rhurch j street, has repoftexi. to local police that his black framed bicycle was stolen from his -home some time Saturday. Terminal Special- Merchants Lunch, 40c. J24 Jut Received 1923 Ford Roadster disc . wheels and lots of extras. - Cannot be told from new; zs license.. Used Car Vx block Cor ner, 24 ft State St.' west of -Ladd se Bush. J24 1921 Dedge Touring . A snap. Newton Chevrolet Co J24 DISEASES Treated by Osteopathy and ihe latest : Electrical. Therapy in cluding Dr. Abram's Electronic System. .j 1 No charge for consnltation - DR. B. H. WHITJE , - Physician and Surgeon j t BOS U. S. Bank uuuaing . j - Salem Oregon .- . p: . L PAINTING -KALSOMINING PAPER HANGING For the right kind of materials and- the very best workman ship call us. , ; iGabriel O PnWder- and Sanolv Co. ."' 173 S. Commercial Phone t72S LADD & BUSH, Banliers - .: ' Established 1868 - ; .General Banldns Buslnscs i Office Hours from 10 a. m, to 8 p. m. ) I ' dl. I - . . . f s U Cb. tW-Ki Arrested on Speed CharRe John MT Meyers; 4935 North Capitol street, was arrested last night "by officer j Edwards on a charge of speeding. He was cited to appear Monday morning, Jan nary 25. - , i; ;'uJ: , Lost j ' A motometer. ; Finder W. LAflar, 2022J.; j , call G. 423tf. State House on School People- Here's new modern 4 rooms and nook with everything.! Furnace, fireplace, hardwoed, paving, -walks etc. Walking distance state house tnd. schools. , Beet this now 14050 total. Terms.! Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High St. J24 Fnniltnre Upholstery And repairing. Giese-Powera Furniture company. i i20tf Arrested on Speed Charge F. H. Holm of Oak : Grove was arrested last night by jof ficer Ed wards and charged with exceeding the speed limit. He was cited to appear Monday afternoon. Fined for PosHesHion . 1 H.- E. Brown, who was arrested Friday night on a. charge f reck less drlTiog and" possession of in toI ca t las vi orjr affined 3100 xor possession oy juage fouiseu Saturday. Rowan resides at. 430 North Liberty street, Theodore Eld. who was with Rowan, was also" arrested and ' charged with possession. lie was released Sat urday, however. ) ; I Baby Chirks Now Ready Our chicks live to make your living. Flake's Petland, 273 State. ;; !'''!" ' J26 ForJtcnt- . - i -.1 - U Moderp ,8 room houst,; living rooms, 2 fireplaces, laundry room. breakfast nook,,, lots ; of boilt-ins. large garage. Just vacated. Rent 140. House can be seen Sunday. 1505 N. Capitol. Phone 1766-W. Elk Dining Room V . special Sunday dinner from 12:00 to 8:00 75c. J24tf FRUITLAND NURSERY Office iri New Salem rioUl Bnfldini 169 South High ' . i- Street. - . Salesyard in rear of office Phone 1718 S ' - - -. , Resi4ence Phone! lilE2i.( Wood Wood TRACY'S FUEL YARD : 187 D Street Telephone 2313 F. N - WOODRY Salem Leading . .... .AUCTIONEER' ' Tays Cash ,For Furnltare. ' Residence and Store ' ' 1610 North Hammer ' ' phone sii ?$ Established Since 1910" I felt !n ii -" r ji- i !' 1 - We:! hare dandy Orerland touring with 19 2S I license; . good rubber and in fine con dition. This is more than worth; the moneyYJI you're looking for a good car at a cheap price - look j this one QTer. I The price Is 100v : :vtce HO Hi) h K if- Court Members IMu J.: T. j Hunt,' Marion county judge, and J.. E. Smith and J. II. Porterjj county commissioners., re turned to Salem Saturday after noon ' after attending the conven tion oil county courts in Portland. O. D. Bower, sheriff, returned yes terday from the sheriff's conven tion in Portland. ?v i Dr. Tilte, Osteopathy Electronic Diagnosis and treat ment, r -r J24 It Is .lfowl Ttme--- , " '. to buyj new harness and repair the old " for spring work. . . Nothing takes the place of leather. " F. E. Shafer, 170 S. Commercial. i j2 4 Ford Coupe, Late Model ; . Like new, many extras. Newton Chevrolet Co. v . j24 Someone With 8,00 f Here's business bldg. thit you can net 12 per cent on, with cer tain increase in value. Becke & Hendricks; 189 N. HighSU ! J24 A' Snes Result of Wreck A court action growing out of an automobile accident on the Turner road a short time ago, was opened yesterday in the, ;- circuit court by-Thomas Little stains E A. Culver. 1 Culver was' said to have, been driving a car belonging, to- S. H. Lovelace of - Estacada Little declares that the defendant crashed into him while driving on the left side of the road. He aBks $325 for damage to his car anoMor the loss of its use. " Phonograph Taken in Trade for radio, portable preferred. Ra; dlo Headquarters. J24 Pick This Up 30x150 With paving paid. 3 12 CO. Close in on Capitol street. Becke & Hendricks. 189 N. High street. J24 Dr. Dolph L. Craig has Opened A dental office,: 211 U. S. Bank Bldg. 20 j 3 of leather lorfs iNothlng takes the place of leather. ' F. E. Shaf er, 170 S. Commercial; .. J24 i Suit Im Dismissed The ' action of Sam and Theo dore Lorenzen of the Central Gar age, against Louis H. Fischer and F. W. Pettyjohn, was dismissed in Circuit Judge L. 11. McMahan's department i yesterday. The case was settled out of court. V Terminal Special Merchants Lunch. 40c. ; ! ' 4 ,1 , I Purses, bill; folds. Leather sap plies. Nothing takes the place !o, leather. Pi E. Shafer, - 170TS Commercial. J2 Basket Classes . Basket v making classes start Jan. 27. Enroll now. lem JWickerj Furniture Co., State. Phone 2230. ,. wtl Sa- 2218 J24 Employment Report Filed Through tbe employment burean conducted by the Salem ,'TMCA 3 men and five women were given employment during the past week according to report submitted . by Sims Phillips, head of the bureau There were 118 men . to seek em ployment. For this number 42 lobs were called in and: 4 z men were referred. 7During ;the week 28 women sought employment , t t ? a rtr a t SANDWICHSHOP lOO South Liberty Street ' v WATCH FOR OPENING Salem Hospital' New:. Building located ,on 1 EtlST CENTER STREET 1 ' North Side - i - , - i T JOE WILLIAMS - . i The' Battery Man " , ' . ! t . i , Vh Oar Service Car . H Chtf Xmt Short Calls. , ' WTUUARD S3! Court SU Phone 198 STEAMSHIP TRAVEL ; ANYWHERE L San Francisco to N. Y. ".First Class. Minimum, 230. - Let us arrange an Itinerary for your European Trip. Same Service in Salem that you got In N.' Y.. at ' same ' Cost. " ' " : 1 : Balcm Travel Agency !CD.KujreI ! , SIO Ore. liidg. ' through the office.. 'Six jobs were called in and six women were re ferred, irv-ffi. ;:-?Ji'H:: h Hotel' If rio .f . ' Dollar dinner, serred 6:4S to 8 eterj eTenlns;. 1 . , i 12tf n the IlJUfmcBt ' i at 252 South Liberty the mechan ics, of the Peterson Auto I Repair Shop do guaranteed work at re duced prices. . - t . J21 B. & B. Optical Co- 3 7 0 State. Phone 3 2 S. J2 Compacts By Foirett- j The newest and best in corsetry for all types of figures. Specialty Shop, 453 Court. in Buildinic Still Good ' Building, is still being carried on at a good rate, according to the number of permits issued from the office of the city recorder dur ing the past week. Nine permits were insued during the week, all for the construction of homes. Amount represented by the per mits is 324,000. At this rate,' with one more full week .before the end of the month, Salem will easily start out tbe year with over: 3100,- 000 "in homes for the first month. On the Highway 15 acres, all in fruit, with mod ern home and outbuilding. $15,. 000. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage. . ; ; : , ;-' J24 Motlters' Bible Ooiss Meets- Mrs. Frank Lenon was hostess Friday afternoon for member! of the Mothers' . Bible . class t the First Methodist church at her home, 1925 State street. Relief on Way ' The Relief, river steamer which sank-some time ago at Salem, was on its way to Portland' yesterday afternoon, being towed -by the Northwestern, river steamer ; own ed and operated by the Salem Nav igation company. Furniture Vpholsiery And repairing. Gieie-Powers Furniture company. s20tf lined for Possession - R. A. Meyer of Portland, upon pleading guilty, to a charge of possession of intoxicating lluor, was fined 3)00 by Judge Poulsen. Herman F. Zimmerman, who was arrested at the .same time and charged with speeding, possession. and driving an auto while under the influence of intoxicating liquor has been released upon posting 3500 baiL Date for bis trial lias net yet been set. y Experienced Waitress Wanted at-ths-Gray-Bells. 124 rTBonsa's Famous , Marches on; player-roll. sheet music and Victor , record at Mopres. Music House.- J34 Theater Man Vliilta Arthur Hile, formerly manager of the Oregon,. Grand nd;Liberty theaters here, ia now in Salem on a short business trip. Mr. ;Hile is now in the theater business In Portland and Seattle. Radio Headquarters, Phone 1 983 Zenith. Fads, Mognavpx, . and used sets. Good radio poles, i 175 South Hlgh. v ' l. "J2f Mr. Fetlers v 1 , pf thte New . Salem restaurant announces a real ia nome-cooaea chicken dinner with all the trim mings. Better drop In today with the rest of the folks. The charge is only 75 cents. ' 1 J24 Makes 3 Prof U r The Summer Lake Telephone company which; operates In Lake county made a profit of 35 during the year 1925, according to a re port filed with the public service commission yesterday.' The oper atlnp : revenues of the company were $110 while the operating ex- fpenses were $105. - Sonsas Famonst 1 ' 1 1 Marches on i player rdll, sheet music. and Victor Record at Moore's .Music House. J24 Smith Leaves for South Homer Smith, prominent . loca Insurance ; manf la leaving this morning for; San Francisco where he .s- nlannina to attend a nation wide meeting of insurance men Radio- roles of Superior Quality Cood ' used - sets. Phono 1935 Sirs, Sejmour Jones Honored Mis Anne Lang of The" Dalles and' Mrs. Seymour. Jones of Salem ycstorday"wer appointed by Got ernorTlece,o.feprescnt.the state qLi Oregon, a. th.eWomins oafd vt the ficaaui Centennial at Pail adelphia. .' Both' Miss Lang :and Mrs. -Jones areiptonifuent In: the Daughters, Of the American Reto- lution in uregon; ( Just Received ' VAV 1923 Ford Coupe, lots of. ex tras. A real bargains 2 8 license $ 2 1 5.00. " "t'scd , Car ' Corner.1 '2 1 State St.'. M block 'west of i Ladd Busht - 334 Perry A. Foster Iles - Perry A. Foster one of Salem's most prominent.' school teachers rort TwrortMATio ' " died early Saturday "niprijfg M- local hospital. He wasipauuai MclCtbJeyJ training- inspector at an lor high school. , He . had been sick for nearly a month and a few days ago doctors uttered the opin ion, that he .would never recover. He is survived byhls, widow, five children, his two1 parents, three stera and three brothers. Names et his children are Donald. Vir ginia, Martha, Mary. Elizabeth and Anne Kellogg.-- Funeral will be held Monday at t p. m. ; Special Attention;-. Given to fittings. - Howard Cor- Ket Shop, . 153 S.' High. Phone 113. , 124 Seek Improvements ' Two petitions have been receiv ed by City Recorder Poulsen, both, for improvements. One petition asks tor the improvement of Elec tric avenue from .Cottage to Sum mer streets, and the second , asks for the construction of a sewer Ion Maple avenue ' from Academy to South streets. Baby Chicks For sale next Tuesday. Heavies and Leghorns. ( Salem chlckeries. 268 N. Cottage. Phone 400. J 2 5 Contagious Disease Retard! Contagious - disease In Salem Is retarding, according to summary of the cases reported to the office of tbe city, health officer during the past week. There were but five cases reported altogether; one each of diphtheria, smallpox and measles, and two of chicken- pox. : Beautiful Bungalow " i In the country and five acres $5800. A delightful spot to live In. Gertrude J. M. Page. J24 OBITUARY Wolf In this city, January 23, Mrs. E. Wolf of 1887 North Front rreet. Announcement later from the RIgdon mortuary. Foster At a local hospital, January 23. Perry A. Foster, age 40, years. ,He is survived by his widow, Gene vieve, and by five children, Don ald. Virginia, Martha F, Mary Elizabeth and Anne Kellog, all of Salem, by his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Foster of Joseph. Oregon, and by three brothers and three sisters. Fun eral services will he held from the Webb funeral parlors on Monday at 2 p. mv4 Ret. J, W. Deyoe .will officiate;, interment in the City View cemetery. .' Feverns" At 'a local hospital, Saturday, January-23,; Happy Feverns. age 65 yearn. 'Funeral announce ments will be made later by the Webb, funeral parlors. AWAY -I cannot say, and will not say That he is dead. He is just away! . With a cheery smile, and a wate of the hand He has wandered -into an un- . known land,; And left Ms dreaming how very : fair ' - . It'-eeda must be. since he '?f'"'T lingers there.' James fWhlteomb Riley XVrT. Hidoii & Son SEE (MULTIFOCAL) "SEE-STEP" Multifocal (Bifocals) are just what ; their name implies bifocals that do not interfere with tyour v walking going lip and down stairs sweeping ironing dishwashing, etc. i ' ;. -dlZZlZZi . "SEE-STEP" Multifocals are designed for the average bifocal wearer the housewife arid the man on the street.. You will, if one of these, secure a fuller and more satisfac tory service from a "SEE-STEP" correction. People of bifocaLage (forty years and older) wholhave never been satisfied with the service of ordinary bifocals, or who have not been able to wear them, have found?com plete comfort in "SEE-STEPS." : f . Golf players pronounce them ideal, for business or play, - perfect sight for ; driving from tee-fairway--hazard or rough a r boonc - for golf players who ' have ' to jwcar bifocals. " " ' , " " ' ; . "SEE-STEPS" are bifocals that do away with watching - your step when going up or down stairs, stepping up and down on the streets rin fact, any place where blurred - vision at your feet would bother you. Littlers Visit Mr. and MrsJ J .B- LlUler of San Francisco am spending a few days in saiem, wnere iney urea ntxtil recently. Their son, Robert Littler, Is well known in Salem. having made a name for himself In debating at galem high school and latef at Willamette univers ity. Tbo couple are planning to return to San -.Francisco In the near future . .:; 1 t T Five Roonr Hon Plate glass windows, basement, furnace, ' fireplace . paved street; $4000. Gertrude J, M. Page. ' J24 Request From . Africa- Editor of the Northwest pou try Journal has received a letter from For a Years of experience have proved to us that winter paint Jobs wear far better than spring and summer jobs. The winter ;rain and our BAKALL PAINT RELIANCE AUTO PAINTING CO. 219 State Street re Pain? Puts the TeetK - to Sleep and. THERE IS NO HURT A You IMPERIAL DENTISTS 280 Washington St4 Between 4th andl 5th 2nd Floor Macleay Bldg., 4th and Washington Phone Brdwy 18C5 s PORTLAND, OIU'.GON STEP - BIFOCAI 30I-2-3-4. . GBEOON SLDO SALEM. OREGON Dick Stephens, poultry farmer f t Sixcoye Gold Coast. XVvt X Afri a. asking to bo naiaied ep -l.il respondent for tlte magazine. s is a regular subscriber,, and i or -pec ted to coctribjite for a fuuu Issue. " v: I SOFT COAL N" D1TI.M ; SEATTLE, Ja 23.- The pro longed anthracite coal strike lut i increased the denfand for s"f ; by 35,000,000 tdns. Walter dr nnm, president of tho Taci.'ic Coast Coal company, declared hre today.. This incrMed demand h:is made It possible for his rntnpany's Burnett; mine to remain iwn for at least another year. imtal ot closing inimedlaljHy as had Ira feared, he said. J Re - paint wind will not injure Baked Finish I NOW Salem, Oregon i Sufferin Do You Fear The pentist? Read This Message, of Comfort No matter Imjw delicate the dental work required, we ran do it for yu, WITHOUT PA IX because; we know we arc not hurting you. We can do better wrk you feci lunch better too because there is no straining, no ner vous tension,! where Twi light Sleep is nsed. "THERE IS NO HURT"while work is being done,- Sbecause your teeth sleep. The patient Is wide awake and f uUy con scious of all that is being done, but youii "teeth sleep. PAINLESS DENTAL WORK GUARANTEED Extractions, Gold 'Inlays, Porcelain Crowns. -: All den tal work done ty experienced and gentle operators - In Portland's Best and Most Sanitary Dental Offices. You ahouldi conie here If yon wish to ariod the usual pain while having your tcclh fixed. i I OUR PRICES VERY REASONABLE EXAMINATION FREE OHEGOli :v ELECTRIC SU htrih Commerce ,i ' Office rhcr.8 75 SJ -