The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 24, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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- Isase Daily Except (Monday Vr -
' 115 South CannarcUl St, Salem, Oregon
(K. J. Handricka , ' Manager
J. Tei V'i,:- - Maaaginx-Editor
Merriinan city Editor
Ialio J. Smith -4 TelflSraph Kdttor
Audrtd Bunch - . , Society Editor
W. IT. Ha4araon -, C1rnlio Hiurw
Ralph H. Kletziuf . AdTertisiag Manager
Frank Jaakoski . - . Manager Jab Dept.
K. A. Khten i - -, Linatak Editor
; W.. Conner " . - Poultry KUitor
Tka Aaaeciatad Plwaa is axrlwaiTeljf rittitll to tha uaa for putrHcatxm f all
ditpatehaa rdit4 ta it ar sot otharwiM credited in thin papar and aUo tna local
I3 WorreUar Bldj-., Portland. Or. N
rk Ca Vv TrV 1?M-1ft W !B1. Rl. rhirarn. Varnnatfa
Dot A Parse. Sharon Bid, San Praoeiaco, Call!.; Hiiaa Bide Loa AaSelea, Calif.
Atbart Bran
Thova F. .Clark Ca
BnainMa Of fi7i.23 or 51
Society Editor T ,,. tf ,
, Cireulstlon Offien53
Nfw DrpartBent-23 or 1 ofc
Job Dfpartmgnt ,,, ,583
; Eatarad at tha Poat Off ko in SaWnv Oraroa, aa socond-clssa taaHer. .
' H -
f .4
"A yAlTIIPUt, STEWARD ''And tlero wai set 'food before liim
to eat; but be said 1 will not. eat, until I bare told mine errand."
Gen. 24:33 , - j ,..' ,:;-.;.-
. The( convention of district attorneys of Oregon passed a
resolution on Friday calling: for t ie. abolitiorf of the parole
board or restriction of its power. , -'
; The parole board ought not tope abolished-f- .V. '
. But the law under which it operates should be amended.
, - . It should le amended ina waythat it ill scarcely i be
possible at the present time t0 havfe it done. Yet every mod
ern penologist and " criminologist who has made 5 a ; study "'of
i these things with ' an open mind, including practically all the
high class; prison off icials in jthis jod other advanced coun
f triesil agree that it is thejright way 4 ;
' ; - That is, that prison commitments should be indetermin
. att ; absolutely so. v p - ;"(; y j--'- - j
But the most important complement of this system must
be a scientifically operatingi parole jboard, administered under
the rules of common sense and humanity as well of those of !
a1 r ic legal requirements. I In fact, such would i necessarily
be a condition precedent! j ' ' j : '
- It is as much the business oj the state to reform the
v ma n convicted of crime as to confine him for the sake of
. protecting society against his activities
And in fact in Oregon; under jour Constitution, we: have
:t nut the right to adminkte4justicl;retributively f J!
. For the wise founders of our ktate wrote into our fund
amental law these words :'Laws'fo,r the punishment of crime
" shall be founded on the princples,of reformation, and riot of.
v vindictive' iusticeV'ff' '
Oregon is under the inew'dispejnsation. v It Is not "an eye
for an eye and a tooth for jtbothj. staie; "j3 rf ,
'C- , would be a feather in jthe cap, of; Oregon if he should
i be the first state to step bul and go theholevway maice all
, ?;co mitments for felony absoluteljl' indeterminate. . - ; . .
That is the scientific ,'way.'lqfvixaji guilty: of crime can
. be turned from criminal way! merely by administering a long
v I or a short (sentence, like so nany pills iro many drps of
, j medicine-for, some" physical ailmept. V Thi ong term or .the
. short termjls not " the' required thfng Ifoi: what society fneeds
c in handling the convicted man. He can either be made over
i into a self supporting and law abiding citizen or he cannot.
" In most cases, he can; perhaps irt mote than 85 per cent of
all cases- : v. ' - i :j :-- 1 4 -
And if he cannot he should never be "given his frepdom,
' to again! prey uponT societyf and add up court costs and bea
federal nuisance; to the worl4 and imself. :. . ; ; ; H K
Common sense is what we need 'all along- the line ' ; :'
We need it in the makipg ofjthe laws; in the adminis-.
terinr of them; Jn the prison of ficials f rom the bottom up
; -and the top down, h 1 ) v.:;; ' ir';-'i' V-tk': :V
We' need the studybf penolonr"and criminblogy In" our
' universities producing trained officials and creating a public
; sentiment in favor of common sense ' ; - :
Then, before long, everybody vh6 thinks things through
' will airrm witri 11 nf frt alwvp f "?
ENERGY; than is needed merely. ",to live, and thissurplus
power is .what he sells' to make his way in the world. -Acc6rd
ihg to the amount of EXTRA energy he manufactures loes
he prosper and progress:2Slrf X-.' 7 ? i;;i45 : 'f ' .
i Ontheother hanH,ageanichihe decmsIng
generates only enough ; power to .turn" its own .wheels, , and
has none to spare. He has nothing to offer the world but
experience, and that is the commonest . commodity.
Hit For Breakf ait
iReadr Tery soon . - -
-' , v 5
The flax contracts.'' . -
- - v -w ;.
Whatever the final decfslon on
the schedule of prices, there will
a rush far -acreage ;o' those
wishing to'ETffw flax for the state
would do well to hurry .
'lit H qnlto likelr that there will
W." a "considerable " acreage con
tracted for, "by .the linen cofflpan
it. .Ther 8tat 111 "hare seed
puough ' for all - the acreage that
Ltj Jikely to be- plan ted- enough
for about 4 0(H) acres, by. the first
of March. .The recleaning'ls go
inp on at the penitentiary plant
t hour.i a. day, every 'day In - the"
wek.; Ihf seed is being:; both, re-
-leaned aLct. tested for germiu-
aIon. ; ' r ' . ' "
' ;.-
? jThc- Dallas Chamber of Com
rnerce. had, an 'interesting noon
!ntf heon "meeting yesterday 'at thel
Uii'lotel jnjthat ciy Awith, ft
meal and a Quality. of service' that
were ,both fine comparing, J. a vor-f
abjywitb. the bigrerjjcities. If
waa a flax meeting; and Governor
Pierce and Col. W. B. Bartram
were the principal speakers.' After
tb0 luncheon; there was ' a : meet
ing at the court house, where
there was a' general discussion
with the growers of Polk county,
with quite :a number of Marion
county growers i-Jso present.
,.V.-.,V-- -
v The maid matter under discus
sion as the proj.osed schedule M
1 lies to be paid- by the state for
flax. As this schedule wU! likely
bej the one also for the linen com
paaieM. it is a matter of import
anci; important alsu that a basis
should , be ! arrived ft-' for gpvern-
IpjBi'utnre iyears, as to just what
thj-' trades of lenfelh, etc, ought
tnf be. .But the decision must bt
rrfved at quick I. .and the ron-
trh.-ts gotten ready, Icr farmers
wko are to grow- fiaxmus.t know
ti wry-soon. S
. One is newly . i a prised with
the beauties of i ho iPolk coonJtV
orchard - dFtr lets very timer h
ocakea p. Jrive to DaJIae ,oveT tha
ta lilf;hway''That- la-o: jpfi
tjr-rm tnow, piact-i; worin. sno&--'ee-,
-, J 1--';
mun ni or nn x m
u J : u umm
Mrw,iar per jion.' v faeiim-jjrjvuo
2 a ton-more.: ' ;Qiy
'Portland Grain . Futures
- PORTLAND, Jan. 2 .-- Br A
rocfated Press.) -Wheat. "iBBB.
Lard white, bluestem. Uaart. oft
white, January. February flXlfitf;
western white. January $1.59:
February $1.60;' hard ; winter,
northern spring,- January. Febru
ary $1.56; western red . January,
rebruary ,$1.5-5:' A . f r "
rjOftUirNoJ2j white. feed, and No.
"9i grayM January 'February, March
'$30. fi- c.. -:.. i' . :.' ir-i'ir.'.j ;.r .
Barley No. 2. 4 6-pound. Janu
itfy, February, March"$30. 50; No.
3 ; '. i 4 -poun" d Ja n uary, Febr u ary ,
-Corn No. 3 EY shipment, Jan
uary February, March ,$34.
Millran Standard, January
28; Febtuary, March $28.50.
Ballot Reveals ! Desire to
- Build Own Home at Some
i , Future Date; ::
Salem" Professional and
Business. Women's club has voted
down the proposition' off buying
its -ownhome. At least for the
present, the club will continue to
hold its meetings; inHhe auditori
um of the Salem chatober of com
merce. ,;r r "
Crk rff Via l t Af rooann m la aM
-C -a-- w a. a ava a a viacwuo 0a VS
to be that the price asked for the
proposed location was. too high.
The location being voted upon is
the house on Marion street near
the corner of Church; street. Price
asked of the club was $10,00 0, it
is understood. , I '
Result of the vote;, which was
taken by mall, revealed .senti
ment that the club should wait un
til It can build a new- home1, fitted
expressly for the. , needs of the
Club. ' - '' . . a ! i .
Willamette and Umpqua valley
brccpll is expectd , yields 2,a00
. ! -
The ambitious man may wisely take as his slogan the
advice a famous college athletic coach always bawls, to his
men when they enter a contest: ' T ' ' , ' '
"Don't stop running unil your second wind comes." - --
No man becomes an athlete who quits when his muscles
first commence to groan under exertion '
' The man" who always 'stops kt the first sign of fatigue
never' accomplishes notable! things. !f . s I '
; No. man becomes powerful or. effective in. the emergen
cies of life unless he has trained himself to continue until the
second'wind comes. s , , fi, ' "-?..,- .
No man becomes a scholar who stops studying when the
subject loses interest and when hie. become weary of it. :,
- No- man becomes a waiter fho abandons his ambition
when his first stories are ' returned. , , j,;' ,' , 1.
The sick and debilitated may succumb to the first fatigue
but a healthy man will gain in power and courage by strain
ing himself to his limit and resting later
;, As witness John F Stevens Thomas A. Edison, Henry
: Ford, 'and scores of thousands of others. .
There is, we are told, no royal road to the acquisitiori 'of
endurance v.'." :m! ": i
1 ; Only by enduring is lttattained. ;'.-:l
t The motor must have electricity the steam-engine water
and coal," and the human body accomplishes nothing "without
Surplus energy too little energy. ; This is'youth and age
, The main difference between youth and age is not; as we
are to!d, that youth looks forward to life, and bid age to
death . , . . ' ' , '
r But in the fact that in youth thcj juices of the body are
fresh; its structures are lelasticl. and its adrenal, thyroid
pituitary and other glands, as wfell as the flexibility of the
bones and joints, impart 'a .feeling of ' vigor, ready ; courage
and recklessness . - f 1 ' j .
; ; Whereas the declining mobility of the, structures of the
aged sends to their consciousness a feeling of uncertainty and
fear which is expressed in over conservatism 'and a clinging
to the accustomed. Our radicals; our innovators, are young.
" 'Youth, a bright new Inuchhic, manufactures far more
General1 Markets
, Portland Hay ;' '
v PORTLAND, Or.,i Jan. 23.
f By Associated Trss.") Buying
prices: Valley timothy $20; do.
eastern Oregon !; $22'50;; alfalfa
S19.50Ib$20; clover nominal ; ? oat
hay $20; oat and vetch $21;
7- ' Livestock ' ' ;i '
PORTLAND. Jan. 2 3 Cattle
steady; receipts 40; calves', none;
steers good $8.50 8.75; medium
i?.508.50; common $6.50
7.60; canners and cutter steers
$5.50 $6.50; heifers, good $6.75
7.60 common and - medium
$5.256.75; cows, good $6.25
6.75; common and medium $4.60
6.25; canners and cuters $2.50
64.50; bulls, good, beef (year
lings excluded) $4.25 5.50; com
mon to medium . (canners and
bolognas) $3.50 4.25: calves
medium to. choice (milk feds ex
eluded) $7.00 9.00; culls and
commons $4.50 0 7.00; vealers,
medium to choice $10.00 12.00 ;
Wefl fed
Fruit-Ola-Nut bread
Easy et;
No regret
Mistland Bakery
culls and common $5.00 10.00.
Hogs ' Bteadyi,ecelpU 240;
jeary weights X5 0 to 350 pounds)
med ium, good nd -choice $12.00
a ii.00i medium weight (200 to
! - ' . 4 :.' i 'i
250 pounds) mcdizm goqo -iua
choice '' $12.50 ,13, o; S
weight (160 to 200 pounds) com-.
mon med. good and choice $13.00
11.60; light light (130 to'180
pounds), tomraon.
medium,' good
and choice $12.00 13,25; pacx
Ing hogs trough and . smooth)
$ 9.5 0 1 1.50 ; slaughter pigs ( $ 0
to 130) mewnm $'good and choice
$12.00 13 J00 ; ) feeder and stock-
er pigs " (t0 "to . pO 'pounda) " me
dium, good and1 choice $ 11.50
13.00. - J 1
(Soft or oiy hoes and TcAstlng
pigs . exclude - in ' above quota
tions)." '
Sheep steady; ;: receipts none;
lambs good ind choic (Mt.
Adams) $14.00015.50; lambs
medium to good rt valley) $13.00
15.50 heavyweights ; (92 lbs. i
up) ; $11.00 13.00; all weights,
culis aadc'6mmon: $10.00 13.00; t
yearling wethers, medium to
mWjto choice5 $5.00 8.5; can
ners nd culls $2.50 5.00
1 r- - .
r.L- - 7-1 . - JTl r t'r s.
W:i" "S4BSK' & a 1B1 J II R I . its I I
a - : irvvi rc . 3 n 1 1
Fimitoira .G,b
l ja.
S AY ;; BAYER k S'PJR I N' -r mn&
Unless you see the "tsayer cross" on taDietsf-.ypu are nojt.
igettingf the genuine Bayer Aspirin prescribed by physi-
cians anu proveu saic uy-iniuiuub uvcr .zo yaib lur .v
Accept ; only "Bayer? package
which contains proven directions..
Ilandy fBaywrT hot, 'of ,12 tahtetr
Alao.bottlea of 24 i4 10O IrupgiBt.
. 4iplriB ta tba trad taark f Bayer' Manufaetiirejor Moonaca.rtcl"ip-r or jirjucacia
r : " 1 v v
$i-ji?i.It is not' necessary to "have drops put in your '4 -
:. ;. ' -4. u i .... " ' - - ,.; : ' j-1 ..... , . .11 ji. '..... Jr. ""
' -" eyes when having them examined for glasses. ,
' : Our modern methods save: you the inconven- v ?
ience of being without your, sight .for two or. It"!
three days. '
. ...
4 J- ,
I' ! .J t.
- For Bala ' st -
; 7 onr Orocery
"Irresistible you'll say when you study
a BEDROOM, OUTFIT planned at such
a low, low price. A complete four piece
Bedroom1 Suite in choice of American
walnut or rich, dark mahogany. Sub
stantially built by one of the greatest
American makers. 7
Four Piece Suite With Coil
j Spring and 50 lb. Cotton
: ; Felted Mattress, j
' Special now at 1
i; : $118.50 1;
j Never in the "history of this business
have better values been offered. Don't
hesitate to come; you will be amazed at
the savings. ' f '
340 Court Street
i i
ttiwa pimiiuii
U mum
S tapleo ; Optical CoV 1 i
Portland - ? ':V':"vi 4-"Balem.,
. ' - , , . atcsi; Oregon "'Y'- -
f I
The man who thought a buggy
was good enough
the old days, a solid, conservative citizer
sniff and tell you he didn't read advertising. v j. 7
' He didn't think so much of the" horseless carriage
either. The telephone was newfangled and an insult to
the United' States mails. .
l As for radio, aeroplanes, wireless photography rif
' they had been born.then, he probably would have thought
them a bit immoral. -7 7
! But he's changed. He's been educated. His point of
view has been 'made broader and more- modern. He! has
been civilized by the automobile, the telephone, radio, : 7
vertising.j; . 77 ; ; . 7-;
, il Pr ssl?49nA!asl opened up new paths for him, 7
taiignt hini" jiew tHings Advertising especially. Adver- '
tising tells hirrt'i'the newest things to wear, the best things
to eat. Advertising tells his wife how to make a home Up
; to date and attractive ; Advertising tells him the prices to r
pay for things he buys," saves him from the old-fashioned . K- .
; ' Avaysof ndomg b keeps-him -
.. moaern.7"iiw X":- v ; : . ,4 . . !.;
. 1
1 &T.
Advertising can help you. "The advertisements in this'
j.'newspaper are here to tell you many things that make life
rriore comfortable; more interesting; happier. U Read-themr
1 faithfully. 'rhey'll - keep- you abreast of the times. They'll
prevent you from becoming .the 'type of old fogy who "
sniff I doesn?t read advertising. '
r s
t 1