The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 24, 1926, Page 20, Image 20

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I i J 1 - . - - - - ... - il M
II it 'if 'tr 7T-r-.;- Ls-at . i fr w -n 1 1 Mitt
h it - - -r f" - - ----- if, f j
. CKNTF.B BTKKKT-foraer Thirteenth
and Crater streets. VA. K. Hi liner, pastor,
684 North WiiUf Mwb phone eaui-MJ
'Merniag .aerviee at-il e'.cWk. Kveuiug
aervico at-T o'eVoelC rira tapir,
ton Stuov.t Following the. tmnaci i
ClermaB - of the- Maraing lj . K. . J. LV.
Heektey, the- Lord a Hus-por will bo oele
IrfBtod, ..,.8uBa school convenes at j 10
o clock,- II. II. Gralla."aaprintendnt,
: Young people' mt. nt ta'doek.
The asissioa staay "rYom Over the lior
der" will b ceatiaoed for the Evening.
All thaTfaiij inrku trHi lhd Kng
lth UBlsmfp. Yew- aura invtteat lo tk4
part - in these services. Cottar: prayer
meeting , IVedaeoriar, - 1;4. at ; WaldeMpel
huano as North .Twelfth street, I
STREET -FREECorner jof
teraad Market sfteatai . Alar
North Winter'
timer C. Clark.
paster, 12 North AVtw
-W.- Mofhing serviced!
'clock, sermon tople,' V'A Keligio "Thai
. ... Ja Divine, a, remind servn-e 7:30 o'clock,
. sermon topic, "The - eith of Moaet."'
Hoaoay. school- at r43, , Dr. Frank j 8.
feasts, . eaperiateaaent.: tmi people' a
xaeeting at o:30, preceded by a half las
. hear of prayer. Topi. VSpirttnal Jjfa -It-
Benefit fo : Others." Luther ID.
Cook ia the leader. - Cottage prayer mdet
: iag each. V1 neaday aiternoon at) 2
o'clock in the -noma of Mr. Carolaae
- Jackson, i. 143 '.North Winter - afreet.
Cbareh prayer " meeting each Tharsday
eveamgat 1:30.-411 are invited to these
eervicea and yon will enjoy the apleudia
apiritual Ataaoaphere '.t thia church joo
tue- corner. t .... ,.; ,i
" - - -t "! - 1 '
FlR8T-r-Joraef of State and Charch
atreeta. Frod X Taylor, pastor, 86
State atraet, phone T4. Miaa Mary -,
Findtey, director of .religioao educaiaoa,
of(ic 12a Koatk. Cnorca atreet, phone
8TX Morning aerricea at 9:1S, :43 and
: It o'clock. Seratoa topic, Tke Rejeic
inj of tho Tlif bteoa.'J .i:eaar aorrtf ea
; at a:3tt-and f;30. o'clock.' ' lliaaioakry
. pageant, -'8iirar -fttara."- Junior Tkareh
, aertaoB by Dr. D. H. Leach. Offertory
aolo hy Miaa Sparka, "Spirit of he
Lord." Anthem, "ilow BeauUful Upon
tho MoantaLna." Marstoa. Waaler claaa
meeting, ctaaa leader, S. A. Wheelwright,
Sunday achoot. :43,H. TTShanka, Lalap
erintendent. Three ehaptera of the Ep
worth Leagoo wilt meet in their repec
. tie plaeee at . :30. - Tho High School
chapter begin thia week a threo week'
intensive atudy of Jdeciro Crotu:the book
'Oeer tho Border.' -Jer Harry Staf
ford ia teaching thia aeriea. Laat Sunday
Joel Berromaa waa elected president j of
tho Fine chapter du to absence of fr
Hugh Bell, who a accepted .a poaiften
la ifonaaooth.' Taeaday -e eaing at a
vv o'clock tho, High School Lea coo will lac't
aa bosta to the chorcn. Entertajnawnt
w U " wo ooatri boted- hawuav-eeproaentatwe)
. group from Cbenaawa. A ailrer offering
will be taken at close of program. High
' aehool training rlaaa meets Tharsday, 6
7:30. Wednesday at 8:30, General Aid
- at tho church. Jiid -week devotional serv
ice. Thursday at f :i0. Pastor will ?on;
tiaae with tho third study of the' Feeta
roatal Revival, taking as Jiia 'theme- thia
week, Tha Power ia tho Bvival.
LESLIE South Commercial and Sfypfa.
J. Willard DeToe, paster. : 348 Mytra,
phone lftS-Jv Morning aejrvica at lle-ter-woa
topic, "A Uttlo Child Shalt Lead
Them." Sveniag service at 7:30, er
on topic, "The Hnffertng of tho Ore."
The chorus will siag. . AWeane Smith will
aiar the morning offertory;' Leslie Spring
er th evening. Suaday. school at 9 Ho,
K A. Khoten, sopermtendent. -Senior
' 111 iDlprneoillH i.pwmi uniun.
6:30. Week-day aervtce on ThnrsdaT ;eve
sinr 7:30 o'clock: Subject. "The Sal
vation of Totrr Soals Read 1 i Peter
1:1-25. The revival meetings will eom
: tneaco February 7. the pastor being his
own evangelist. ; j
fi RCAXDISAVIAX tVteeath and Mill
atreeta. Patrik Dahtia,; pator;'-t3
- Trade atreet. ohoao 877-J. Swedialt serv
ice at 11 a. aa. English service at 88
. au m. Saadar achoot 19 a. m. sir. K.
Torgatd, auperinteiidewt.' Yoana? poople'a
meeting ,7:15 p. aa..;' Prayer aaectiag
- Thursday 7:"u p. m., lou ara u cor
dially invited to onr services. , j ,
.ST. JOSEPH' SmCocaer .Cottage end
Chemaketa atreeta. " Kev. , J.- R. Buck,
pastor. 7S1 Ckemeketa atreet; phone o.
Services af t and: 10 a. bs. Sunday school
Y at' Academr. Saturday. S p. as. . Honda v.
end of Octavo tor Church Unity, dim at
7, benedict ton following last masa. atasa
in Academy on Saturday at 7. Balance
of week mats ia charch at 8
- " BAPTIST . U "
FIRST Liberty-and Marion streets.
Kev. Ernest. H. Khaaha. pastor, 548 North
1 jbertv. ohono 1924 Moraine aervicej at
11 o'clock, sermon-topie. "The Age-Long
Evanget" Eveain- aerviee at 7:30
o'clock. aermeH tooie. ,.Th Patmoa ivl
aion." Mra. Ario Black-Oraham, Koso
barg. wilt sing . the special solo - nnmber
at tJie t norniig7 worship. The truartet
choir wfir una-. Mew Beautiful Upon
the Mountains.' Spinaeyl j Sunday school
a :4j. -Ud Brhnnice. - aapennteaaeat,
Both Senior and Intermediate yoang peo
. pie" meeting at :30. Thursday evening
the mid-week prayer, meeting. , There fa
still room, for a few ntose each Thursday
. eveniag- Tho Sunday eveaing servieea at
1:3a ara popauar.- 1 te an ale euoros sriu
aiag acveral-flunibers. The quartet will
sing, v "Lead Kiadly Light,'1 Goddard.
Helen Selig-O'Siall wilt play "ereiiV
Tor .AatuU ' . x 1- : A '.' - r :-:
FIRST Outer - aoa . Liberty- afreets.
Chariea E. iWard, pastor, 440 Ceoter
atreet,. paono Morning aerviee at
11 o'clock, sermon topic, "Tbe Chriatiaa
College." Evening service-7 o'clock.
arrmoa - topic, "Broken. Lawa., There
will bo . spegial music Jy the sjnarrat at
both' services. Sunday achool at 10J M.
I. McCallister, soperintenden
. stady aad prayer meet iag Thar
ning at 7:3a. At the. morniag worship
hour too sermon will be1 preached b
Irapideat John F. Dobh of Pacific 'inn!
ersity. Thia ia the firs opportunity
most of as have had of bearing president
looba as ha is a new arrival on thai Pa
cific coast. At tho eveaing service '.the
4 1 - 1
. 1 1 A. Me'-Sermbn
; . . V . 1 of Pacific University r i '
- 7:30 P, M'Broten Laws Fifeby Mrs.
'-.h Wallace Reid ji : WS
Two Big Services Each Sunday f
1 -
; . Sunday Morning : -THE
':' . -sbOiovMrs, Ane '?Iack-Graharrif Roseburg
" - Sunflay Evening;
, , Male Chorus, Quartet Choir ;
' Violin Solo Berceuse, Tor Aujin
- . 1 Helen eliff 0'Nein tUri
The Church Thzt Welcomes Strangers
theme will be illustrated by Mrs. Wallaca
fteid'a ,film. 'Broken Laws." Thia to
an ; effective sermon en the evil of Jaw
hrviaking la Aaaerica, A - cordial mvita
tioa is given to the public to attend thesa
tw keapfuL services thia Sunday. -
' CENTRAL Sooth Nineteenth and Per
rr.f" ti. Stover, r paster, 4z4 5 Sooth
Niaetoenthphone 1924-4, ' Jrfaratar sei-v-icer
at It, erwoaet.fir. 'Tb Street
CaSod' Straighi." aeninr: serviro -a t
1:$S. sermon topic, "Palpit and Church."
Morning anthom..i0 Day of Kest." by
t'ara-ie Adams.! Evening anthem. "Crowa
turn ni majesty, wnoernter. - aa
dayj achool 10 a. m C O. Harris, Super
intendent.- (Senior anil junior Endeavor
6:4S'pi m. Week day service Thursday
- ST. ' PAUL'S Church, at flienteketa.
Revl H. O. Chamber, rector,- - Holy
r.acharBit at Tsao as .mr" TUormnr crarer
and: aermoa at ll'a, nr.-: Charch school
at 0:45 r. nv, the' rector, 'superintendent.
St. -j PanPs extends a -cordial iawtafiea
FIRST Twelfth and Mission, streets.
A. iS. HendersoB, pastor, 115 Miasloa
street, phone 1903"-W. Morning service
at 11. Evening service .at 7 ;30. Suaday
achool 10 a. n. sharp. E. O. doling, sup
erintendent.: - Voung peeplo'a eaoeung at
6:30. topic:
nx and --Masr hbou kt. we
$ed .; ChriKtianity t Latin ( America.
Leaalar, Mrs. Alice i Orifli.. Ol time
r-,er-aervice. VVednesaa c evening, 7 :30.
frS. Ellen Ilidav. ,clsn b-ader. Bishon
Grilffin will be watn.- us. aver another
Lord's day and will deliver the messages
on!3onday. . :i ; . - j
CASTLE . CHAPEL Seventeenth and
Nebraska s venae. ; P. C. Hoffataa. pastor.
1743-Nebiaska avenue. Communion srv-
ice in the morning at if. 'Evening aerviee
at J :30. eenneu - toavie. -t 'Josse Went a
Little Farther.' t Sunday achoot 10 a. sn..
v . av". -Kosebrauf h. auaetiatendent. Jun
ior land , Senior : oung ; peeplo's meeting
6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting and Bible
atudy Thursday night at 7:30.
8U3 y. hurch -atreet. - C. H. Johnson.
pasior. .1935 Maple ave phone 1917-W.
terricea at :s:8 ami 7 : p. sa. Sunday
selinot 1 : rtO " n. ' aa. fi llen-ke-r siniAria.
tenlrnt. Voung people's tneetiiR ariuaji
evening. Week-day .. services" Tuesday.
Thursday and Saturday evenings. -We
preach and teach, we- lull gottpet. lively
singing, earnest testimonies. . - All are
- FKtST Comer of -Liberty and Chume
keta streets. Sunday morning services
at 11 o'clock; Sunday evening at 8.' Sub
ject! of lesson, sermon, ."Truth." Sunday
scaeol session, convene at :3U and II
a. in. Wednesday -evening testimonial
meeting at 8 o clock. Reading room 208
Maaonie Teunple, " open every day except
onoaya ana holidays, from ll:ia to p.-B.; every evening except Wed
nesday from 7 :BO to U : Sunday afternoon
Iron 1 lo 6. i.-, , . - . -'
SOUTH SALEM Commercial and
Washington streets. -Carl F. Miller, .pas
tor,! 1055 Sou tar Liberty, phone - 133-K.
Morning-service at i 11, sermon topic.
Lhsons i rent the ueatitadek. Eve-
aius- servieo -at :5:3(' sermon tonic "A
Gospel .Message," Sunday school at 10
a. im 11. C, Pat t oa. superintendent.
Young people'a .meeting at 6 :3l p. m
leader, Virginia Aha It. Topic, "Latin
America.'" . Prayer ! meetiac Tharsday.
7:3Q p.' m. , - .
HIGHLAND Highland aad Church.
Edgar P. Sims, pastor S44S Maple. Sew
ice at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. ra. Special
pauaie and aiatlntrr Ssmdar-srhoof -tt7
a- IBM alter y OitaBtOBv suporintendenl. J
Lnmtian endeavor at'o.:3U p. t. jibie
propaecr Jtonoray. 7 :u .
prayer . meetinr- .'i.TiursOr... ii4U
Wei extend an nrcent irrvitatroa to at
who have not a church boma Jtoattead
our? aervicea. , ' , i .
FIRST Liberty ani -Center. C. C.
Poling, pastor., 435 Center phone 991-J.
Morning service Tl. .Aetmoa topic, "JMa
peneation of " Grace: V- C- Evenfng aerviee
7:a0, aormon topic,! VTae'iBoly iserip-tnres."-
Sunday school 9:45' a. m.. L. L.
Thornton, auperintendent. ' Young -people
meeting 6:30 p. jn, subject, "Why
and! How Shoal We Send Christianity
to LatiB. America,-Jet, -eli8 1-34 (Mia
aioniary meeting- leader, Miaa Bertha
Magnea, - returned .JBifcsionary. Mid-week
service Tharsday vaiBg. -
JVAXGELICALoeveritecnth aho Che
meketa . streets. .. F. W Launer-postnr,
268 North Seventeenth. phone lOUd-W.
Motaing serviea at 11. aermon topic. "AU.
, r...i.. .. n
Rer. u. L LoVeal will preside at the --re-
ninar . aervico.
Sunday school 10 a?
aogh, anperintendent. Youar
ting, riiiM ' Beulah Launer,
people a aseetiag.
er. Tba luniora will be lead by Clara
Bramwin. - Week-dav aervico' Thursday
evening. V!.i--:--v.;j,-s4 -
BALEia' . icnrriTXRiAi. 3associattoh
Will meet,. i a regular sesaioa Monday,
Jaanary 25, 1928, at 40:30 a. m. in the
city library. E. C Hickman will speak
oat "Tha Publia School Reliriaaa In-Strpatija.!--
.i. '
. The First Soiritualist church of Salevu
win hold services at their bail. Fraternal
building, Sunday eveaing, January 24, at
7:3 o'clock. Mrs J. -Roland . StJlwe
of Portland will bo the speaker 'and mes
sage bearer. The;ubac U dlrjr 4ar.
vuea to ibis . but vice. , .... (tw-vjltj
, Center-and Higat atreeta,.- Vivian ' M.
Wkisler, assistant ! pastor. ' 5T7- Center
atreet, . phono 8041-W. Services at :,1 1
a-.!m. aad 7730 p.? mA The choir 'will
furnish special masie at the morrfiag
hoar. In tho evening a pageant "The
Heding of Maintn' " will be given. This
pageaat presents the story in- a beautiful
way that ia inspirational. Those taking
j .. First -
(!cngrabGaial, Charclr
: Center and luberty r ".
reV. chables e. ward
by Pres. John F Dobbs
- iXibertV and Marion St.
jimjwsr ii. siiiASiiiiiir- i
rt are Fern iohnaoa. i RoaaKnd "JIel& t
mrau layior. iiatei naroer. jane
Sanders, Hose Dickinson, ,Oria Leach,
Zaida (Ttterback. Sunday school : 45,
ir. H. V Epl-y, aupeHntendent. r Yonng
people's' meeting ; it :30. ' - Christian En-tcavor-aaietj
led by llasel Harper. In
termed iatn society led by Rose llickin
Hoa. - Mod meet in bs with special niusici
jDr. Victor E-. Hovea 'wili orenpy the uuV.
pit both meraiuj a.l evening.. , He fa a
rr intretini and instruct ive- speaker
aad has been greatly enjoyed by all who
are hearH him. Yoa wljl .want io.hesi
ihia Gospel messages. . i f M -,f
p&-FVMtAiKY a0tDa'
Capitol aad Marion uti-eer; AL-Ileaoy,
pastor, VtiU Marioa atreet,- phonal, 446- ,
Herviee at ll a. m. ia English. Sunday
reboot 10 a. na ;.Fro4 ll; ,.hif;mxw
fatendent. -. ,f. : ; , vi .-
-' v c ': .. ( U ' -. -; '
t r.igbtrcnta and Ktate treelH. li. Kim--ler.
paoHofw' Saaday school at t:3 avim.
Eaglioh service aal commanioavat ltiiilO
a. ra. . t.titiier l-s?ne ail
Miioed weetin llonuav at 7:30
p.: in. ' in
the church, anstruetaoB for. all children
bver' IJ year on Saturday afternoon
pons. 1:30 to'S p. m. ,- ,-f . --ffi .,
! -. .-- ASSOCIATION i
j fMee4' every feunaay an. Lterby al Court
had High streets. ' Hours fom 10 to. Vi
a4 m. aad 3 to 4 p. m. - Funeral servieea
Conducted fpeo of charge ,i" Salem and.
vicinity by local Bible atasa. Phone
l i, , at:? V 0HTTRCH OF
I 1346 Xonk Church str
spie, pastor, 1315 Nor t ta
O0T l '
V a. . ..
street. J. J. Gil-
North- Charch ctret,
phone 1873-M .'Alorning aerviee ll.a.-m.
aermoB topic,- ''(Christian Service . Eve
ning aerviee '7 30, tfrmoii topie. "ff I
Am Lout Whetk 1 Iie. Who Cares!" Sun
Bay achool 10 a, m., Mrs. Welter BaHw.
fu perintend en t. Young people'a meeting
S:45 p. m. Prayer meeting Weunei,
vehiotf 730.. Jioptismat -t-ervice at the
YMCA Sunday It 1 p. n. and at 3 p. m.
the ordiasnce -of the lord's boose wifl
be observed itlUia ehapel,: 1346 Xorth
Church street, r ;
1 -w. tjhttaki"ak ' '
Coflare and t' heme keta streets. Rev.
Martin Ferexiiewan- minister. - Church
keheol at 10 a. m., graded instruction,
Mr, Miies McKey. aiHerintoadent. Oevo-
tional services at H a. m. Subject of
t- semon. "hThe" Spiritual Value mf'the
IFive Books of - Moses." Xext Sunday
Ir. F'ereshetiaB " will consider the-"Book
of Job" by request. Mrs. M. FeresbetiaiK
the contral'o soloist of the charch, will
king, ' Haw Lovely Are- Thv Dwellings,"
py Lyttle. -;Mr.W. A. Itenton at the
organ., The Emerson chib wiltlifteet as
usual 'Ja tho parsonage.. 6$7 Chemeketa
ktreet. o Tharsdav evening at S. ck's
f 'Essay M1 the -HumaB-' VaderstandiagV
will be eontiaued. as-a study. All are
invited to alt the - meeMaga. '
. - - J - - .'t
1-Kineteenth and; Marion streets, f. IL
llopkiax, psator; Mrs. Hopkrjns,-: assistant
pastor. , residence - 1960 Marion atreet.
Moaning seTviee' it. sermon topic, "The
Keed and tha Sopply." - Evening service
7:30, sermon 'topic, "The Tragic Eu4 of
a " Painted E.'le." ' Special musie and
tinging at poth services. - Sunday achool
P:45 a.B4' Frank Lit wilier, superintend
ent.: ..Senior renetg people's meeting at
6:30 u. m. . Topic. "Christ Onr Example
In Prayer." J. sd-r, TVIIa Williams. Jun
ior Christian Endeavor 6:43 p. m., LVyd
Miller, president. Prayetr - and praise
meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30.
(The pastor will preach Sunday morning.
Alra. Hopkini wilt preach - Sunday eve
ning. Everybody wetV-orne to these meet-
in- : ; .
Corner of Fifth add Gainer. N". C
Erntson. pastor. Sabbath school at 10:30
end preaching at 11:30 by the pastor.
Visitors are always wejeome... Missionary
volunteer meeting at 4 p. m.' Saturday.
JPrayeraaeetrng Wednesdays at 7
erso study of the book of -Revelation is
ieing-cendocted by the pastor. Many are
the lecture last Snnday. The subject for
r, V( 1 eaaaay mgns win i
i,b'J Versa! -Empire. "Doe,
O P-m.1, cHfr-vhei Bible tl
Baaday night wilt be. 7The ext Cni,
Does the Biblp same ltl
yea nave oeen tempteo
ihia iectwre -artU More
a great blessing- to yoo.' Singing begins
t- TsaOO -Come an bring your . fjrVeads.
k-.Coart'and North Seventeenths streets.
Putaam, paaaoa, 1108 Lasiie atreet,;1
hoau 1425-J. ,' Morning service It, aer-,
ao;topic, 'That, fjoett Charch Advanee
Program. Evening -aerviee 7J30, are
tnoa topic, -wltat IsYonr Life!'- Mnsic
the Bible 1 school furnished by Mrs.
jloy Moses', orchestra.- Sunday "school
-'J I
- 1
L . 1 1 f i Vmi
1 Ton
VA Ton
i.e-i il I :P '-:- I ' Jr-6.-s--i A . , t 1.. . . .
"J I A II W A I I I J 1 1 I 111 1 N I
f v - ". " - y ;"4 - -.. 1-3 ; ;:. m
I . A .7 1 . , , . I- - a m ' W M
c A
474 South
- - 3-t . '
f t i - lit! v.: -f 111 i H 1 v 1
lil 1-SBW 'ffT1'"""
- Combining; Hbooocu'rlty" afford
touch ot thtsl artist, hv American
bunt" town car of Jarft" and'l'ox
uriotis de8lKtt - drew ' the greatest
crowds, at - the- receift AutomobHe
Salon In "the Commodore hotel.
New York where; the nvonarchs
of all the - motor jworld vied fer
honors. '-' ' : : .. - '".
The whole - inotif of the Salon
was coach artistry. : The predic
tions of those,, - who have main
tained that the mechanical -perfection
In motor ; cars- has about
reached its peak and' that new de
signers will have to look to their
laurels in the field of artistic cre
ations were' fully borne ottt. Ev
ery car of the 110, entered in the
assembly of automobile nobility
waa resplendent in artistic con
tour and striking color schemes.
This effort found crystallization
in the all-Bteelibody,. built, 'and
mounted' on the": ; standard 100
horse power Mercedes chassis hy
the 'Edward, G. Budd Manufactur
ing: company. , Here In hard resili
ent steel, the fine touch of the ar
tist found permanent, expression.
; All-steel " automobiles are not
new by any means, but hereto-;
fore such bodies have been thought
suitable only foir the lower pric
ed motors where" quantity produc
tion makes them mbre economical.
But here beauty' and the protec-.
tlve quality of steel are combined.
Probably the most striking
thing about thia five passenger
town car, at least, that feature
which first attracted the crowds,
was the shape pt j the front fen
ders. Unusually wide,' they spread
like the hoods -of angry cobras
over the wheels, sweeping down in
the front In a continuous line to
the points of. the
.--.Their design.
wis in keeping.
9:45 a. m.E. W. Coolev, superintendent.
Volunteers visit tha .shut-ins in the after
atooau Chctstfsn Endeavor 6 :.10. Four
societies meet at .th su me time. Junior,
Junior-Internicdiat. Seoior-Intenuediate
Senior. Interestinsr' raeemes for young
oltti Keixt hBrsday-tavavi, will
visit "-" mat ead 2f wiWrog r their regular
'meetfnc- ThurWayil ttT it'Breh .Night : 7-8
o'clock Volunteer bani,jniettingr,a 9 Cible
study and stereoptiean pfctmea of t:ie
Holy Land. A hearty 'Welotptte' tit extend
eft to worship with bs. "Tha . churcn
.witlr a family-itpiriU !, . V;,
Brothers - Truck sales or
thejargestiintheihist J ; ;
The previous record breaking year was ?uW
passed by 123 per cent. "
Such heaithy increases in demand Require pro- "
-portionate increases in production. - -
Graham Brothers four; factories are now
equippe4iprjare9,uiput than evej before.
They,are. therefore able to "give truck buyers
- the benefit of still further sayings 4 :
Savings that are now passed along in the form
of another substantial Price reductibn-the
third such jeduction, in eight montHs! te f
Chassis! . -i - - - f
Chassis -
1,-ct, as 'as
- f.ob, Detroit
't, M '(
s ;r ,y,
' Tm O .
with the body, which. below a twp
inch indented bell line of Cleopa
tra green set off wjth Ivory, pin
stripes was an unusual , shade of
olive green, while above waa a
Brewster green, almost blackU'This
was carried out in the fenders, the
beltrlfne following the crest - of
the fender to a. point at the front
spring. ' ' " ' '
Of particular Interest to the wo
men went four orsewood panels
above the -door Handles of the in
terior,, inlaid with ivory on twhich
were sketched the modes of travel
from the time of Tutankamen to
the. jolly days oft. he British stage
, Tabernaclo-355 Ferry street. H. E.
Caawell. pastor, 173 "South Cottaao street,
phone 1434-.T. Afternoon preaching. aerv
iee 3 p. m. Subject, "The Mystery of
Godliness." Evening evangelistic service
3:30. aiubjeet. "The In side-Of tho Cjtp."
Snnday school 2 p. m., Mr. Ualson. sup
erintendent. " Lesson- found in Jh. 4:13
2. tioldruiext "With joy shall re draw
water out of the wells of salvation.", Isa.
12:3. Tuesday evening prayer and praise
service. Friday, 7:30, Bible study from
the hand painted chart on the wonderful
1925 -were
$ 975
i v-
Telephone 423'
- - - .'..,- i - .... ,,- . . . . , ' ..--. .
. i'Lifj : -
coach, including an Elizabeth se
dan cnair and the Japanese jin
rik.IshA, Also,, the, eiderdown
cushions of the rear seat .caught
,their eyes as well as "fbe Venetian
tooled leather and gold .inlaid
vanity kit placed, handily near the
arm rest. . ' ; -
i,. Drives of -cars were: impressed
with the universal range oFvision
made possible by the steel con
struction where pillar posts, par
ticularly, those on either side of
the windshield, are about one
third the size of wooden ones. The
effect was that of sitting in a mo
bile conservatory. '
book of Daniel. Saturday evening, yonng
people's,. . raeetinjt . Francis, . Wedeker.
president. January 31 is the opening of
our yearly 'missionary5' convention.' We
are expecting -aonae of ouraest.miasioa-
1:B0lir-ByHuason Un3if rT TTfXr i
Famous Sup'er-SixPatenta " k''$$Xk I Jv v-tVXf-
...... , . .; ... - - v i'ifvt A I
With the
: :, .Six cylindersgve smoother performance than --any
"1111'; :. .. , f,
-The Super-Six principle increases power. It
lenhens ciat lifeiand provides the advan-
tages sought in more
and greater cost. '.'
" K It ia patented and, exclusive to Hudson and
' Essex,-; i; y?.;' : , . .;. - " "
No wonder Hudson-Essex are" the world's'
largest seUingtMSixfcs. These advantages have
lea to constant refinement in chassis and ,
body, with the lowest prices in history. -
I . What cars at any comparable price-Fours"
; or Sixes"-cah give - you i so- much in Per-"
'.' fnmanfv.'"-pAfviffiV ssc1 T-Is1!MM 17.-.
"j, -V- J?0-? looks and pride ofwriership? I:. i '
; ; ; : Hudsdn Br6ugham:?.14567-Pass.'.
' - -
ariea. Among tiarnv is itev.-jago i
titiue.i" 7 " r t' '--;.
"irvti.' oospex Missros.1 1 ' .
Address 237. siia to--street. . Pastor
Ra tph D. - Iiullock, - residence; S5 1 -H-f.ion
SU phone 143SI-W.. AssiaUat pas
tor Harry ; J. Morrisv residence Silver
toa. Road, phone, 1&E14. Services 2:0
and 7:SO p. an. Snnday achoot 2:30 . .
Venng People'a. mer-tiBgsj tYiday night
at 7:30. Week-day services: BibUs study
oi evangelistic ; meetinrs every night -at
7:30 except Monday. The I-ord is open
ing His hand and feedttig Hia hungry
children with " tie "cor "of heaven.'
Pa. 1:24i Isaii. - -
w'.xs,-') s,v ' 1 " ' " "' t i,vr:
Ob Church -street teten Clienicheta
aad ' Center street. "Norman KcbHbH
Tullv. Ik D. Paktor, i:30 .'. Sunday
rbuol. - l:45 a. bsotb insr worship.
Sermon' 'The World ' Today," . by lr.
Tully. Anthem, "Like Aa the , Hart,"
Richer. Organ . numbers: - ."Maivhe
KolewBetieV;-Kl. Borowskt; Selected
Of fertory : and t-Receaaional, Whiting.
6:30 p. m. Young People'a meetings. Ad
vance Jnteramrdiaao - Topics. "Christian
Character" in Daily Living," Henry Cle
ment,' leader, 7:39 p. wu evening wor
ship. - Sermon. 'Almost a Christian. by
Dr. Tully. Anthem, "Draw Me to Theo,
Mason.- Young People-'a Choru Choit
and Sunday School orchestra will assist
wit nthe musie. ' Orgaw Bumbers: "O
Thou Sublime Sweet Evening Star,'.
W'ager: "From tho Land of the - Sky
. . . . -w a. J a w
Bine Water."- Cadman; an, "smrtie, .
liuubam. i. - -. - ". .v
-" -' --: " i
Corner North Winter and Jefferson
street. Take the North i Com mercUl
street oaf to Jefferson-- Ave.- 1onaa
Arheson, pastor. tHlbert Wrea, assistant
Don't Wait Until Everybody is "Doing j It V
Auto .Painting
It will cost more in the rush season. Everybody will
soon be busy. Let -us da your estimating jiok: while
we have-time. RevarnishUbb ortyouf:car now,
while it is six months or a year? old . will save you
having a full repaint job a littleJaternvr
Why cover up. a fine .car-with cheap," inferior
paint and varnish.' Wetfse! 'the best .materials
.Varnishes . that have stood; the test ,'f Or years. J
-' -v.- '' - .- - ' --rlt - lA3'a-'!V..-' T .,. ----- f "
. ' There 181 one C "r '
ESuco IDupont Duoo 1
We are the exclusive 'authorized agents' in Salem.
All pur "jobs have stood, up and we will guarantee
every Duco job we turn out- you take no chances
here. Our prices run about $25.00 a car. less than
Portland .'prices nd. our work is just as good. We
have 'a new 'spray equipment up to date and an
expert refinishing man; : y . :j : 1- 1 I
Don't Put It Off
St ; -. i r
J. Hull Auto
"Duco Shop" Rear
267 South Commercial Street
' ' jr - - - -..,,.. Iit..wiM!N' i . as t- l" . - - "?'lt$Ai;''SW
II . V.
Famous Sut5ef
.- - -
cylinders, larger motors
T : ' .
f 'Trelffit and Tux ttra - y
3G3 North Commercial
ia cbarra of the Junior church.? Tile
rhorca meets at 0:45 a. a, (or
Bibte atudy. Classes are provided for all
ages. Publia worship at 1 1 a. m.v- Ber
mon by tho. pator- The Rev. Wran will
preach to tho Juniors down stairs at this
hour.' The - Ep worth, - Jason Leo aad
-Wesley ait Loague-t meet la separate room
dowfr staii'i at 6:30 p. a, for devoiionsl
services. Public worship at 7:30ip. m.
Dr. J, 1. McConr-ick, of Kimball School
of Theology will briag the aiesage. Mul- -week
devotioaal twa-vico at 4 p. m. Thnrs
day far-'iiil'lra of -"school age. and at
7: l: Thursday evening for ,thrrw.
h" m(.-'.: '- - i '- ' '' '.
"Addrrsa, 2tl;Sut. :JThen Lt Ht
stntle when skies. are gray, aad laah at
stenny weather. o "Worry and th..
dreariest day may find an -end tngeih
er.'; - Begin tho day right by attend
ing ionr . Sunday -morning service, at it
a'ckK-k. .with Portland- visitors In the
lead 'Major and Mrs. Tail-ot, and En
signrand Mra. Turner.' We're off in
he "red and. blnu" Sunday school con
test 2:30 p. m. Toung people of all
agent aro welcome the Y. 1. L., which
meets at 5:30. The Sunday evening
meeting, at 7r30. ia evangelistic a rood
and eh-M-ful finish to a day of raanr
servu-es. All are cordially- invited!
j, ' 4 - ' 1
No matter how good a thing
may be, . we don't care much for
it If it Is forced upon us.
Race suicide might be intro
duced to advantage in the germ
andimicrobe communities; I '
v Sense is more effective H run
ning a business than systenL
:'J .
. r-
tDucb ' Ref inisiung
have us Put It On
nave us jrut it unj
Top & Paint Co.
of Fire Department
1 -..a.
t Fr c(K a4 Tax Drtrc
. These cars may be purchased
for "a low first payment and
convenient terms on balance.
4 -
Sedans 1650
. - : ' 1
smi-A aa.a tv e ! Xr" .W)s B mT
: 1 1
it-- a
t . . .
?"I!.-wat Sir--.