The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 24, 1926, Page 19, Image 19

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- -SUNDAY. .ilORNINGf JANUARY,-24, 1926 rTf-TT
. cwrvT'OJCT. Torjs
The. l&25:hfaif. million jproduc
tton mark of Chevrolet has .never
oetore. a fttiajnea.oy aty man
Wt ua?tnr?r . lectY transmls
7 aiOA ' . automoMlML Tbia f ieura
tops Chevrolet's own previeps reo
ord ; by 0.0 p 0 cars, F. -jri CoaU,'
regional aalee ! manager
of the
Chevrolet oMtor company of Call-fornlaattrlbuti-the
product's' in
creasing success to three f actorsA
uabatejnAipaal nrpsperltx,
closed 'cat; whjcli eliminates e!a
aooal - buying and? passing on- to
the consumer cuttty production
economies. . -
1M .1ft HPXRR yRDI -
I BUSSETO; Italy , Gtoseppt
Verdi,- Italian-v "composer, 5 the
twenty-fifth anniversary: of whose,
death will be commemerateq with
fitting ceremonies . here.'; h! -natal
cltyi next January, Is to be hon
ored with , a statute "In Rome
- .1 '
I EXear Mutt
I - lf itstRelifr
HI. .!
vKABmvti . weum this- ,;
ion youwwi
Speculation, you writ, go to nqppa; But cpie j H
back soon.
If it's
you want
ir ' it
w iave it r-
y c iutvc cars to unve 10 Qmjrcn ana cars io Dnng you. paCK p..
We hfye.i;fins pndiyoed'lue1,
qualitY ' cars in, the vallev. r , A' : r'J; i
Stutlekrs,; nsnighte, Frar kljns- Hupmooiles,
Uodgesr Maxwells, ;Qakla.ndst fcjrdsi
OH! YESt - rHii
We vJe Nevf.crtqQiCar4 r;
first nd iiceqpaJVv PHqPrbfligW"'-'--.'
the incomparable Franklin-- . S
Will see you tomorrow'jlaaTo have you drop, m to ..
TtfT Jk- TiTSVAT- A TTfTfl
" !"'-- 'ML .
- - - : . I-1' "
1 jll aillw
V ytOST-folks buy t
of bver a Half BilUop' Dollars and One Hundred and
T&rty MillionIollars in cash on hand, with no loans
' troM banks or other outside sourc.ffersj;othe ;
public what we believe is the lowest charge possiblf
J; tblobtain anywhere : forM purchase who desus to ; e . 1 1
! ( 2?My T 'terms; v AD Chevrolet Dealera have the
ijfy eral tyo&s"3iine! jtp thejf v v I -
j custoiaers. If yoii buy on time, (as; m6s-purchasers 4 J
. dp) you certainly sxpuld anvestigateand .com pate : ; ;
General Motors charges for time financing as agaih&.;
t any others In many mances yovpre : 1"
- be ot sumaent. value to cover tneaqwn payment ior- k ;
wardanew Chevrolet.
is . - -
Here Are the New ttEDyeEiy Prices .
. i ,1 . '
f :
.4-.. i- ..-i. -
Toiinns i-art Tvoy 1 . ; :
Coach, SowXnly
! -. "m m -
Commerciiu Chassis, iyo On7. . .
1 ' - AR PrieM F. O. B. FUm. Alkhtsm I' i I
' " - ' : " : ' . -'V
' f
:j - I itia
i i Opposite CityjlnrT,cI;cn? JCCOSen, Oregon
-rnmMl JrVodlzs EucqRnirh ;, ,
1:1 r'
!-;,? j .
Given For Saving
. I ' Xo. iLllaflation
' Iiearn the correct air pressure
for your tlresiaad check' it wtb
a catja ereryf few daya- Eemem-
bex that 4 pounds loss of uresattre
In a balloon'tlre. oJ certaLa size.
for which the correct pressure may
be I $ pounds jls J ust setlona. mi
the loss of two orhree ttmea that
mnch la a high Pressure tire of a
vvAtoI oTerloadics yourtireT-
and when it la absolutely unayojo
aEle phclpith '.Xtca tft'handl i the
extra load by pnttlne in mora atr.
If 'theloTeyloadlne-.ia likely- to be
continuone change .' yqnr . tires' for
larger one. .v iss w
"i Xo. IUpId Tread.. Wear; J
.' Anything -which causes a tire'.tq
drag with -more Pi lejr aide mo
tion instead pff runnlnstr be, cill
grind' the, rubber ''trei away fas-
ter 'than f Bornialr 6heck"" yon
car over today to see -whether you
are - losing tire aervieebecanse of
nycl the Tarioua'forms of. wheel
irreaularUles; These include mls-
aligtment,-improper camber, wob
ble.; etc., ana may resnlt ; from: a
bent axle, a bent fteeiing knuckje,
aScose -nrheer bearing broken
tpring, a bent, spindlej or a-rim un
evenly placed otL . -wheel. -A
brake which drags will cause rap
i4 weaalabfij'-'.r'I ki,
, " r.o- 4 phaift Abrasions i
t- See .that yonc akid-chains are
not- so tight th4t; they gouge into
the-tread and. fabric carcass of
your tire, i -
i'-n -yo. ' C;.yyeft4t4 .
! Sharp" s stones and-- pieces tf
glass, -tin or the sharpTedges of-a
switch point will" cutS into: the
toughest kind of a tire tread." The
flexing action of the tire enlarges
such cuts. Road dirt t and moiar
tore enter- and J eVentnaliyr cause
separation of the ' rubber ': tread
from the fabric carcass -of the-tire.
mIooIc your tires oreri at-least ev
ery week. Clean I such fcuta ; and
fill them with plastic patching rub-
ber. which you may gets from any
tire,..-; - "
Xo. ft Side Wall Wear
, Sjdsaisg ift tire: aftcurb
when turning a corner or when
parking or careless .driTing over
ratty - roads sometime will wear
the rubber .oft the., side wall and
expose ihe -fabric, carcass. Water
and, dirt then, enter and rapid de
struction of he tire results. Such
side wall ; mjua . on ;ypur ' t ires
ought to be ,Tepaired promptly by
an experience vulcapixer, .
Xo. 7 Rim Trouble
Take a careful look to see that
your rims may not be causing you
the loss of some service from your
tires. Make sure . that they are
trne to the tire lugs without-a
wobble. See that the flanges are
not bent or badly rusted which
might cause them to chafe the
side of the tire.
Xo.. fi -Tubo Care v
Th,e destination of a tube often
is started w.hen it i3 being applied,
through its being pinched . under
the tire tool or under, the bead of
the tire- A little, care is all: that
is needed tp avoids pinching In
stralghtside tires the -flap should
be care fully and smoothly applied.
A wrinkle will cut he tube, caus
ing a alow: leak. ..The lock nut on
tie. valre stem ; should be. tightlj
screwed' down as should tha. valve
cap.JKeep yppr spare tubeshere
they - will :shot "be thafedV- or in
jured by grease or olL " -1-
Probably no .one. thing causes
tlres to be 'scrapped before . xhey
have .given full --service i than. i a
break. or. crack in the fabric body
of the tire, commonly.: called a
"stone Jbruiae." ; A-toae bruise'la
usually , the result of the fabric in
side of the tire being forced sharpy
ly down against -I the steel v rim.
Most' of Buch accidents . pan , be
traced to your tires. not being suf
ficiently inflated, pryour sir'
in g sorae'v prefect ion in. the r
at high-ipeed..trr.-ias th -aharply.wb.ea.turclu.s
a.ccrsc- ;
turning aropjad. in ' the street 1
also responsible for many' V.c-3
bruises.."..-Usually thp tire can . be
sared if such injuries are prompt
ly repaired by a'good, rulcanizet. '
1 If1H3
If; ypw' axje ; a motpri&t .make
sure you know., (he regula.tion$lor
tb,e. JhaAdlipg . of i street trajain
you city.' .. I;'.. " ;' ' -..
Before leaving, your .garage ex
amine your brakes, Seoitbat' your
lights are in good coDdition. fc w
; iMake sure you - are familiar
with hand and directional signals.
; .-If going 'to another city famil
iarlae yourself with - the i regula
tions for that -fctty.. . '.-M
Don't dor any. guessing iu drlv
ing a motor,car. Tou tny goess
wrong gomtjme., t. . .
; Avoid left" tarns ' e much,
possible.,, , ' - v m v.
Don't cat iin or out of ' traffic.
KePi ii aline. v - '
Slow down at crossibga. p
Slippery pavepaents are. danger
ous.' Remejrrber. that. -Apd
xemember always that pe-
Idestrians have, rights- in the
Scientific Poem Source .
of Derby Entrant's Name
horpe, f an, like crossword puzzle
bugs, may have to consult the dic
tionary, if the NewJtork Jockey
club:, approves gwigerr TsloiJe
application to have his" chestnut
colt; 1926 Kentucky, Derby entry
named "Isostasy."
,- Friends, of Taylor predict when
the,;' colt starts in the Derby, it
will- be a long shot because Mr.
Taylor alone will be able. to pro?-,
nounce -the name and ge-a. wage?.
Suggestions for the. name came
in si poem of W. A. Parks. Cana
dian professor,, submitted- to the
British, .sspciatioo. :fot he- Ad
vancement tof Science ' - at South
Hampton, Enjfian.; ' '
ftlE W: DtlALW A A?IEl
As a result "of ever - increasing
flow of business during its 'Great
est iyear" the.' Chevrolet Motor
company hppointed 2 additional
associate dealer on the - Pjacjf,ic
coast between December-i and&15
Corresponding increases . in "the
dealer Organization have ben made,
from month to moni, thToagh Ute,
year. Three new zoneSff ices have
benj opened by Chevrolet, one in
New York City, another in Cleve
land and si third to, 'Omaha.Tia
preparation! for a still greater
Vm In 1926
street. It takes all kind of people
to make up thiswerld and there
are. thoughtless t pedestrians, just
like there are thoughtless motor
ists. 3 These are : pedestrian "who
Jay-walk and pedestrians who run
agaUist sign a Is. 'The, motorist oiust
be -exer alert to watch out for
them. . . . A .
Whether' pedestrian or . motor
ist, le careful always, be thought
ful and courteous.' ' '
The application of common
sence will do much to solve some
of-our troublesome -traffic prob
lema. We. muet 'be. ion,5deratetpf
tytetrtght,of. e,ach .otbenr
-.nil. 1,1 1' :,r
it .
: 7 2
t jriiii:!!:!!--: ifTi.l . . : ' 'i w Vv. " -ffTnrjuRMd'V:
V"r.fsponsiye i .w ajirxung luuuua Uia Narrow Sixers
to Control Ih fa-Aon ! JTEJ,' V
runuveuiiu . ji oYuyacr nnpne i Ltgai tpcea
Pettbrxnance II yTJH
A 1
CStopt SofiLy.T-t - '
Qmcklz and Uurer -
r - -
ivxeets moaern jviotonng pnaitipns
S . :
. .. V-
Superior Comfort If
and Ease v 1 ;Wptf 0f I
'- Lk Gravity i:
Perfected '
Steel Bodies
: IfRldet rcr rerj a,
ILCraiilee Comfort -
ILto Rour Roads
I --'- r-lLrotar4,iif-... ...
i- 4...-
r.VtTv f4j
Sturdy Design
1 1 Easy to Maneuver
. i t.k4 t; .,:.
Flf?f Uto-rTrhoTt,
f utmost wrvcxessiotucy
lnpeslgrt:.ia;;v: :r i
1 Practical OveraUXenst1; rsru.1
,v ' - i . -. t- J' . . i UiA Small Cr?e T
Utmost Accessibility rssOrnrt; -
Correct Throughorit : . . ILCars la Ikoooja-g
w prioSttxlmrd Sedan, $99 f; Dm toM SWn. SI095; Dm Vmmm Tombing Car. $l093rmigm J
Hydramho Pur-Whmml Mrkm inclodmd wtibtmt mxtrmf emmt. Prtcm t a. a. XroM,. (u wrYra,
Jmtt can purxJtMmmd on Harm parmtitm through orm-o f thm momt mtiratrm pfpnmmrmfojjmti
Profit- by .experifice
of tliosjsjhq kiiqV
. Use
.. 4- .
. : X II e
A Grip iilft& Tread
'Jim' ' j ' -1 Biir'
Smith & WaUdtu
, Saappy rce; : ,
- " ' ;j4
To -
iclKTick Sfaire ?
i- Leave Salem 9:10 A, JI. r
Arrive SaJrancisco 10:50 P. next -day
- f 4
Eeave Salem 3:10 JVMV"tV.- Ivl
1' , .! Arrive San Francisco 50lThird'Pa3 r
. - - 4- .
. :. i ... ...
in Francisco
i . ' - ...4.
-5-4 ,., JR Z---3' .
Loa Angeles
Round Trip .
Tot .Information and Circulars Inquire
So 1
........ ..." . : .' . .. .. - " 'f T
4.. ,
. if. ... - - . . "1 A
',ni 111 l:TTl7T7 ..p ,,t - i
1 'i
Authorized Fon3 Dealer, U a
Ford cars axj& iK
grid offered aratted ttsed cars, are thoroughly re
conditioned and backed with a liberal cuarantee; - .
Ypu can WiFcar
Deajer with uraac y thoiisiinds of.
miles Qfgpod perf ormia. rfis knowledge; of Fprd va!"
and his lnterest ui Ford aha.F6Tdwueta makes hici V
the best man in the community with whom to deaL
Je" , 4
of a guaranteed used Ford. . The balance can bepzfd-W.
small monthly paymeflts, f And wheayou'are re'j'
w uw wmi jvu, A9 ksmreu a 1 uueui anowscco.
uuiu yuur AuuzgnzeO; cru Leaier.
I '., .V . ' .. .'. . . : . -
4"4 , t .
v '
or riione C03
i i