RTINpAY, MOnNIKOt; JANi;n 24t Jp2(.r Tire oiuigo. statiichanI cali onnco:; runtoiiiiiiii.inii GIVES TfiEE FACTS American "Association Issues Handbook to. Mark Semi- Centenial To mark -.1926, the semi-centen nial of the first step la forestry of the United States government;; the "American 'Tree association In4 nounees the publication of ,the FotetryPrimer." ifThe primer recites the facts of 'the forestry situation and is designed - for school and-club use.' and 'also is for distribution to -women's clubs; civic , and "commercial ' org-rti-a tions. '..The association . - from Jts headquarters in : Washington will send,' for a three cent' stamp4o pay postage, the booklet to organi sations and committees having forestry educational program an- der wayv YiOY'Z-- lfl?M f "The primer contains 32f pages with a forward. by paries1 Liath Ttip Pac k. "the K preid ent of the American 'Tree- ,as$ocieiti6hi land comments on the Tttnce of the'stndy of the forestry question hj John J. Tigert, United States commissioner of education;' Mrs. John D. Sherman, president of the general federation of women's clubs, andirolV ip.";llaurence Palmer of Cornell who directs the nature study department'1'. In iNa ' ture iMgatlne. - r f ;r ' j . The primer, sets forth? the f im portant 'figures that , "show' jast how great a part forest products 'play in ' our economic . scheme. Some of these follow :V ; During l?24,ferest tires'.swept 29 million acresjnd did. damage estimated at .'3 8mfliion " dollars. The figures apply to all private unit nnMlK Inrii-I "H --w-if A a 1 Km f .-- . . ; We use atoui 24 billion cubic . - SUNDAY iORxrxa lp:5il2:00--KCiW (401 JS) Port- , land. Service ffom St. Steph- 'en's pro-cainearai? A'ri vtioruce '.: it. Ramsey, dean. 5 'K RUXDAY AFTEItko a:O0:0OKTBRi (263) CPortiL land, Cpncert.1 v. t r-J r . Portland Stations i ,r:t5-lO:0M-KOW (401JS) Port , Iand.R7ji5-9; evening service from East i Side Baptist church; Dr. W, Bi Hlnson;:.9-Jl0. con- eert:- weather report. T: 15-10:0O-l-KOP4 (212.6) Port- . : land, 7:15-9, serviee ' of Z First " Church kl Ckrist, Scientist; 0-10, KQP Sunday Eyenlngclnb . program r talk; Tbi itfbtherof All GoodV Rabbi Max'i. Sler- 4 ritt,? Temple Beth Isreal ; rRaV 'Makay, tenor; frs Dudley Field Clarke, accompanist; Mrs. Clarice Wepfer, cotftralt-ftr.Vefn Prestonr ti9linlst; llrp. Prestorn, 'accompanist. - U., l C:0O-0:3O KTBI (2IMI V Ange les, 6-7, tvesper ervicT?t 9 : 3 0, service , from Clrurch ot the Open iyoor;rTf7HoKn:'Vt . Tltaclnnis.1 . I. ' " v - C:00-10:00KPO (428) - San' .Francisco 6-6:30, I4nd orcnes . - tra ; 6 : 3 5-7: 3 0, concert OTches - tra; t:10, Seigers orestraf P : 30-10 :30-KTU J (43w2Los , ; Angelas. 6 f3 0-7. ;llgh'ton!a, dr .V.chestra; 77i30. fjtrirjrM'fthis-t dist Episcopal church; 9-10:30, program. . , r,;.10-12:00 FRC l (2C8) ; San 'rancisco,' 6:30-7430, Ben'a Lit tle symphdny- orchestra; -S-fJ, ; silent; 9-10. mulcl-proKTra;-".-10-11,. Rausgiill's orchestra ;. ' n.45-Il:00-Kl',I (4MJ-ljrjrAn geles, 6:4 Weather forecast, ; music appreciation Vtalk; , pipe organ ; 8-9, Isabel . Bowen, , , "Qprano, Thomas : Wade,-: barl-' tone, Lee Bolin, tenor, Margar et1 JohnsoSviollotatr 9-ldv itsU ;balle Hein :and her : Blue Bird Iband; 10-1 1, dance orchestra.. C:45-ll:0OKFSi (273.1 X Loa ; .Angeles. 4 :'4 5-8, musical hour; -fc-0:45, revival service by. Paul Rader; 10-11; organrrecIlat.TC? 7r00-10:30 KNX , (366.0) HOlly 4wood, 7-?,Jir8t Presbyterian church orHollywoelr-9-l30v ; Laboviski trio. -; r- 7:13-10:30 KJRv(34.4.Seat-1 7 tie, 7:15-7:30, orgail recital ; rom First Ifl E. thurch; : 3 0-- ,' 9. service r from - First ' M.-' E. church: t Dr.' J. Ralph Magee; r ,9-10:30, Damski orchestra. 9 :pO-l 1 : OOTOrp : 23 TJlQlly 'wool, Cal4 ' Late news,; Warner ' ; v Brothers Sunday night movie . rolic. Jack Smith's dance or , :- hestra, Ashley Sisters,. Le Roy KUlberg and others. : "..V . 0:30-11:00 KTAB (240) Oak- iuvi. Alter service. ? Beclie - Lsuraiice ; "nellii.e - rfer - -tr jr ! v--. -!":'' et-"--!" " . - feet or wood' a'yeac -white forest tires anJTTnbetls uestrbytwo'iiil- . Iftonie hints K tiki 1 f HrelIljon trees , n av e . to. be c u t e ve ry y ear . to maintain telegraph and telephone "Wires. ' ' ' -'YJi U Katlmates show we use COO, millicn fence posts in this roun try -every-year. i ikdustry uses, 2 00 "million cubic feet cf wood every year id mining and excavation operations i The ; railroads rtlie United States uso; about 1,25 'million hew wood ties every year. There are about ITiree housand.,tofthe'mile R T'lie cooperage' 4 industry ; de4 mafids 2 1 million; cubic feet of WoodT'every-'year. 'I''ttf-.-T?!' I' The annual consumption of pen '.clls-'every. yeaf , la,' placed. t 'one, billion. ' . ('' ' . :-'t If In the, neighbor hoodjof 45 mil lion Dounds . of maple, sugar prod ucts are prd-aee-Tla this couhtry' every., year-. The-yalu of 'turpentine-, rosin and like nroducts' of llrer forest reaches 4 0-million VdoJlars ever year. 4 There .are SL. million." acrea.'ot Idle land T In7tKIatwntrj; that ahould" be put, W, ork Townjf 1Itr Is tsUmated;AmercsLh busi qess men are' payrng. 250 millions of dollars a- year 'affreight rates on lumber from . distant points to great manufacturing centers. i ,In h&cforew6rdMr. Pack uses, unlouef tltltothOagelwhfch, isi "116 19 26--1 9 7 r. jThls im ztfedUtely pro-mpta a: query in "the reader!" mind1 and jt points out how" Franklin B. Hough -was put to work fifty years ago by the U. SLi government to Inquire into for estry conditions.- In the foreword Ifr. Pack' writes; H'Thlsf orestry primer - is -pub- ll.,tnUTnfV th Anmnlollnn of the"flltyyears"Ince the United States government took the first 6tpiir' fofTOtiyjfn 876 Dr Franklin B.r Hough was appointed a! special agent to inrtilre Into f or- heBtTynditions-r-T;'dat-l 876 4s destined to be an important one isi forestry history," Just as,. 18 1 6. parked. thecehtenn1al pl6ur po-, litical Independence, so it will f mark the beginning of our eco- UOUlIC w ucu eftry istory f IZ2?HZ1?IJ "T. m .Jv-, i ii.. f . yearB ;to l976 when there will' be" a forestry centennlaf In the same year that our country marks the two hundredth anniver-sary-of-Ita political independence Wiir this country' have .Advanced fTorwa'rtl "JKorioic independence-in a forestry sense? I believe tne "Arnertcari'lJfeQpie wllU bring about that ItaaUbn. I'b'ener the fine cdoperatiqn given the educaUenal daJhpalgn -of !if merlWjTtee asBOclalion by the -newspaper'and nffagaitfle- editors ; wfll, long before KhiVSUrte? hve'arcmsed; -theTiubllc-i toj demand a timber -crop every year on our thousands of acres of idle-land; as a wtll 'ordered pro jet.-of publid- policyv' Theii lhe dale. 1876, will -indeed have be- tine-air--imperta4'bnein ; eeo- nomtc annais. . . r , rnhSTUle'ttrlcaif? people he brought tc look ! ahead through nomE&t glassef rCfld aee.the mounting cost' of 'ifylng ckused by our dwindling forest, resources? Those resonrces krer,inoVfii'fr laT t&ir find farthef, away ?from the centers of g'reatest" consumption, fth great pbjpulationv 'centers r,of tne easu j-;.a.; I ijA; famdhs Roman senator made but .oner speech, but -he made . it every Hlad. he go't n chance. That speiech was 'Carthage must be de-fed-.rnnchattadearand kept natnmenng u ai every oppor- tunity. f :Y .''iY- ,:irY-Y - 56 .with the, forest crop-, idea. W must all keep - hammering at Ity j:burdl land teust -Jbfi, put-40 wbtk.growing trees. -" r-. -1 fthl ioresfr- priirier Aims not only to mark ' a date, but alms to direct' the, pubUc- -opinion 'of ,"to nrwjrrowlto the! great importance tot iouf economic structure, of,Mat cornerstone of ouf country's eco- nomic-saiety FORESTS. : To turn! public thought to the Importance r of ;tree crop- every yearJustas'we.hVebther.cxops, IS J the object "'of the - American Tree association. 'a Counting use In husaids jot jways, together with destruction ,oy, insects ana lorest f if es, .obi1; f oress Iresosrees are being depleted aoout tour and onie-hatf times faster than the'for- 1 This BituaUon is anational eco nojmic menace that threatens the nation's, futnre.X! t . "j jA' ti&iber'chjp every-vyear much cjosee tr;theseotlons of ' greatest consumption--the "manufacturing" centersls another term f or 'a'na- t t. V iiKHt-n(-icI-s , ofl AH Ilr.qT4iLlflt t i tb - rrisar' tional ,fqrtTp.9lQvtforthatjlm ber crop Js what a naiional. forest policy -Nrou Id Icreater ' "v ,V ,T6. brJng I bi. 6oul.'t he A mef can Treer association is -enlisting the interest 0t hundred of thous- ands In trees. -.To .join ,thi or ganization yb have only in plant a freend. register it with4 the-liH-aociation at . Washington. .There ore no clues.si t .: The association has' for free dis- tribution. for a stamp for postage. tree planting .instructions', hullo- im,on town lo rests, ana outlines on what your state must do to gain Jlhe -cooperation ot- the fed- teralfgbvern,m"ent nnder'- tlieexist- ills luicsu; woo. ) , . ?; The association cooperates with all local organizations that have any iree plan ting" tfrTBreSlrypra- rxau can oe orereat service, as Theodore Roosevelt said, by "act ing 'jbe part 1 of " GooJ CltUens.'' There .is 'much to le done, and the ' American .Tree association welcomes your enlistement in its educational rampa1ghs.-,ril:f-,;'4 - i;:di?j;s on INSIBI Research 5 F aifs 6 -Show GLACIER PARK. Mon.t Just the nsu al India n gr u nt t su p-J pressed-surprise! ' ThatVas the only ripple of x-J pression stirred, in thee Mparts by. recent newspaper dispatches an- nounicing that despite all .its re search In. 192 S, science had failed to esU6ll3h''urQpeaurdr Asiatic sources as the origin of the Amer ican Indian. . ' ' :.' And" "the red man's' faelief that the Great Spirit moulded some copper-colored clay and put him here upon the" r North American I 1 ; v continent as-an original produc tion - stands unshaken.. . " ; f , The inability; of science to j fix the ' origin 'of ithlji 'species of the human race- recently was revealed In the discussion of 'the 27th an nual tneeting.ot the society of (the American ' bacteriologists, held in I ... . . ... r MadIsonrWj.T?T)ecembr 2 9t3 0 Their reports snowed that It was nmpiosBlbler'tcrrfincTri any resent' blance. of blood', grouping of In dlans with European or Asiatic faces. -T- , ' During the year a personal study was made of 800 Indians. Unusual .opportunity" to photo graph and -study, the Chinese and inqians ;rogeiner r was f laaen aa- vantage oe at uiacier national bark; iwhere 1 during the summer montns more tnan l.ooiv stuaents from the' Orient stopped oft to fraternise with . the . Blackfoot tribe tirlftle otf their-way to enter eastern colleges. The finding of this" scientific research appears to Detnattne American .Indians are in a class by themselves distinct- iy an'indlvidual or third' group in races air the, world. . IT Hitherto scientific theories have leaned strongly to.- the idea that the "Indians "sprang' trom an loI4 wortdirtock'.oT the bdman family: JThe kldest .living "thief ot the Glacier national park reservation, through an interpreter said ! he knew' all the while that the pale ace scholars were off the trail. for hir father had told him all aboutwtahd Jils .father's father had told him. Buy ajWant Ad It-Pays Big suyajwan TUY JpARNIT WHrVT P10 PlCKAi: i mm j am LOOK TER AW - vi . 7- .' 4 ' -t, ' ' ' J ' 4 Jan'V4' " l " fffp ' ' TUtji,V: - . '"U'lV'l " - I aJJ-'l - " ' - ------ - - I I -Tcc,-4. - ,-JJr - - r ywa-io. .Z " r-- j " ' ' ' ' . r ' yv -; " - v ' ' ' v;8 - - - """"" . -4""1 '"T" rr"" ' ' --' c '; jjy Charles Lie 11 "V i AtC IIP ' H, T"'-1 -7 " ' 1 iiOlLESPILS; n Enterprising StiiderilGath ; ' er-and Circulate Their - :;0vyn Lqca! News; " t ; Students o f ,t h e i Aumsvllle school are-preparing and publish ing an Interesting' school .paper extracts 'from" A -recent Issue' fol lowing: ' :j ,-4 ' - j '." ' "Arron Boggs, Freshman.'? ;the play, da coming along, fine under the, direction tof Mrs. ; Hayden. A complete cast nas been selecteu . . - - t . with .reference ilto ""voice; personal ity and scholarship. - !- , neier iuu a. kiil nqree in me mouth. - You .might see the price tag: : ' ?:' 4!i-.'' ,The Qregoni Country." a selec tion of .slides from the UBveslty of tpregon, -were , sboWn ..to the grades Monday ; afternoon.;'- -d- ...The" sixth - graders are fwo'rking hairdw the8t egQn,"iustory,. tnat is. fommg next week.-"-"- We think some plan should be devised . w h e r e b y scholarshln would "be I reepjinited ' ljyl facility, schoof board,- and student - body. Soine. schools awardlhonoraryUet- ters; others keep an honor roll; still "othefs of ?rprl2esriottm1i4 late' schoiarshipL f ' ' . : We wish to thank the P-T for their excellent j Judgment Inpro--viding the not lunch for both high school and grades. This lunch Is greatly", appreciated these c'oid days'. Mrs. Bradley'is an 'excellent rook; ' v '"' 4 : ' f'- u SeveVal of the f Irst'yfeaif typists are obtaining the speed or 25 words a minutei the minimum re th. '"close "of the qufrenienl for second semester, Narden . Nance nnd-flarotd-Bery leading the cktss with a record o 28 words-a niB- ute, , A few. others , in barely have reached the the'jtjjass rainfmum speea ror me it t semester which is-15- words. Nineteen' Shipsr Sscheduled to -Take Veteran? to French Convention NEW YORK, H. Y,4Jan. 2. More"tbaii nineteen i ocfean-going liners. thesTiIpsthat. -wHltCjirry the second A. Bj. F, in September, F19Z7, when the Americap Legion I holds 'ft& conv-entipn ' f rtg arls; f Prance,- will' ' be" inspected "this month. So that the very best of MdcdihmbaatlohS' will b javailabTe - At the behest of the " many steamship ' companies codperating In4 'brraiI-inr , this - tremendous peace-time movement, the France cohvefilldn travr cbmmiitee 'wlll b'e.their'kuests'iau'rlng the middle of Ihri raorimil-Tlie f cornmltteewfTI f inspect, uiorougniy eacn vessel, lor updn' Its- work" depends' "VheTjib'ttt fort of the men who will Shore off Inf 'Zi r?mereatilgrlmagi Motning wiji s be! overiooicea . irom bow to stern. - Transatlantic liner r 8 e are made up two and three years In advancer aha thiThiatrer oraK ranging" prbberiy tor"' sufficient - : . 1 ; ' . ' - .THftf Mine: ENGRAVED I CrUESS .1. , . LUCKY! t. .m, - y, ' -. ' Ai - i-Ji-i-'" " il - ri -.df-- r J-'-' ' " II "NJ - ' , Union Roster, CAl lTAX. TyroUEAPHICAIWriOJi KO 2l-tTiliint. U. V. Kvfttu: irHty. M. D'iU.nWB. H.eti s:iBt Stur- CARPENTfcRS' ; UKIOTV fiO. ' 0S . -MnU Thura. twi, Arthur Tk i er, president; .Wn,, iVttit, reUry. '; Bkillsd tnchanies faramhe. Ihono 17i. SATjEM( rnXlON' 'LABE'I "UEAQUE-2 Meet t Llor Hall oa. ealt f . prert- , - , ' sst(je Roster FBATERXAL ORDER OP EAGLES. bm( overr. Wedarsdar. Fraternity 1111, ,8. - at. vwjijett, tMe.-y, 'i4yi. 4frs,,y KNIGHTS OP ; PYTHIAS MJ5ETS" AT Fratral Hall every Tudy stotiiiF (VitUors in-ritad. Frd DeahaAw O..C. ; - -Warter lnon. :af R;-Sv ' tf Pabliahad erary mora inf faxeapt lfota aayj at Maiaai, -rapttat ot Orrok f ft jLi aaMaMaWtaa For Classified Advertising Bair or Uttnday t -2 eantspatrord S eaota par worf this tlma rbree lis ia Six timea i s tenia per word 1 nt, daily end Sua. 20 eeata per word . In' order, to earn the more than ina. wx lerate, adTertiaeaeot injiat mm. la conaeetttjTa iaaaea. w v -vri. ? s-1 ; Ko. Ad. taken for le thaa 25 eenta. JLda. mm Sunday ONLX. fharse- at- pae-tj-tD rt. - .- . .. : - J ;? ' AdTrtiiamnta (exeept Pertonala and Situation Wanted) will oe Uken aver the telephone if the ad rertiiar ia a anbaeriber to phone. The Statea-ma- will roeelvo adrer tUementa at any time of the day or BlcntT T hitiuro propef elifica tione ad. CboQld bo ia befoTe 7 p, V w JWUtrHOKt 23 Ofc 503 V, . 1 ..-.l.l . .,,.' . . l. .-.-I.!' ,.. ...... , Money to Loan os(m1 Tstaty - ' , - " t k. roTuy 0-er Ladd A Bash Bank) BETORB TOO LEAVE TOOK HOUB OK OAR HAVE- IT Itisu reci 7ProperIy " , Pbona l"ol lioclra ft' Ttaadrieka, HelHj Bidr i8 ifHJrh at. 4-20-1 ADVERTISING HONEST A4VERTI9IN-The(-a eoi-" uni anttn kept free from anything' of i jqneationaMe'Satnra. Ifiarepresen.. 'tetiaaa wirt not .e teWated. infor mation ihowinff any questionable in tent on the part of tha htfrertiier should be reported to' thia ntwi peper or the Raletn Ad Clnb. ships will be definjCey; settled at ther. January : nreetin;, r.Tle ques tion of carrying the, Levgippnaires over is not a perplexingr one, for there is a lull In the overseas. traf fic going;4 east -itr tire fiirr"Hfjw ever, just at this time summer va cationists ""abroad are returning Jn great-numbers. That la the prob lemtjft be. finally arranged at the meetkg.here;- : C .-- -jThat thousands of Legionnaires appreciate' the great Bignificance oi ithe - Irlp ta - showit by tftls marked jump in the total of J-'aris Savings accounts 'duVing the4 past monti. .Hundreds' Of banks 'show marked .tirrease' Y ? In a .bulletin to headquarters last week, , jbhh J. Wicker, Jr., chairman of the France conven tion 'committee, gave .-warning to Legionnaires to - .make arrange ments about a longer I vacation period Jn 1927. He .urged that Legionnaires planning td make the trip forego th-ir vacation in 1 Sagand fndd the"'iime to ' their holiday period in 1927. That will provide ihe necessary foirr weeks, which it will take to make the round trip. -' - The members - of . the France convention travel committee are as - follows : -John J.- Wicker. Jr. . Virginia, chairman; George llat- HeTdrCanfQfhraTrBoWm Indiana: Albert Greenlaw; Maihd;. WHAT t AUTO INS4! HA MCK AT T1X Kl rT PKCKa - - MlfciUleJ , 1 tim-,- ot if '-salpm ArT1,WKE,Ki,crCwI" , Wlrl. Tire, Kiiu, JviiUaf- . -, Haft Pri Ml La : j " Parf for aM earn, eal for old rara. , 402 8. Church PbaM 2t5V - i t TRT RADIOUlTrT IN YOnR t'AK.BAT tery and rim will )m w ltadiola tMtoatrt 3--Mtor inn i 2aaaj;er-- 4 10 ' S.? Poimr Anto Ttepalrlas' MOTOR INN OARAGE l-'KDER NE". - maaaerracet. v expert repair aerriee, ' 'om in and ret afonamteiL 410 H 1 ICom-U- 4 , ' yI23 Anto Tops ERR US FOR TOP ANT PAINT "WORK, O j Hall Auto Tan and Paint Shew 267 8. Com-oiemial. - 5al6tf HelrTUTiihted Rnvi tAsn-4OTR4LS-REt:. tacks of my ut-w lit-onre new mi uw im .1 will frir you frff.m woiidet-fnl Et-s ready 'Ftaablijcht. : 'Pud Trmrr .name to , day.i L'haries iaviu ' ,n" 1,1 : CiiM innati. J I . 9j24 Help Wiutted-UI -t It wantex rjut jtieiru man ..for local Dositten afc aleairiaii: Bor .182 Htatesinan" - - 1 lj3U DISTRICT -RAJ jF.BM A"N MUST " BE REi liahW Prefer married man.- SO years dldTor-over and sernmnent resident 4 in his cotnmtmUyr Exceptional opportunity tfor toort n. AddrMSaieat atanaarr, S844 West . -AdaiBa-Srt, Dp 28S Caielso:' n V f ' Hj24 MAN WXKTEft ' CITY - bR jOUN.TRy ) old established eompany will ppiy 'capital and start you in your own per manent -bBMness aellinr necessities pao- ple mbt buy every4 day. Experience flrtinecasa'ry.'.."AVrite fcCon"-h Oo. Ftoty 296. 'WhiO,iMfnn. hllj24 XOTrCE TO ..SCREEN ASPIRANTS f. -Because .produrtjoii ..acii'Mea-,yril ba groatwr ia It2fl. tlian 'efer before, and because were new personalities will be aeep ,film rt6aa bfis,. bJ1 ,0S the lsst 5 years; Von 'are a'tikert. to submit photo and personal' description at once. Fred eTiciP J'anl, N. .Mariposa Hollywood, Cal. .Hj34 ALL SLES rlWOMEi. iMlKTlVAXtta to qwaKry it-iov rniuent Volitions. aiew-i:s. montniy. ratome or -iraTei- ins. write: Atr V.J 8-A... .St. .oui, io.. iwmeaiaieiy. jiji KELTABLE MAX IS EVERY TOWN and city to d tHbteTo-smplM', 4' ..vartiwar m-tter." ete.'Jo' seliiiir. Ex- neriencei nnnecessary: Outdoor- work Average -pay .$M.OO:.pe day,: Write quickly for contrast. ' Supervisor ejoBHe. 5Kr jtorra-ttar- utr.xiitfiito,-Illi-Ois. ... - : -o .a -lljS4 Help WantedFemale 13 TIIOB0UOHLY BELIABLE WOMAN lor nouse wora bjr small laipiiy aauits outaide-eity-. Uood , home. O ire full particulars -cafa Ktatemnan, Bot 13K- - f , .. : , . .i3j29 iADPKS WHO. CAN E5JBROIDEU writw.ua for easy,- pleasant, profitable work. I'ay guaranteea, everything: fur nished, no canvassing.. Royal Art Co., Pept. 25, Iipsic, Ohio. ..I3JS4 WANTED 4-i 8TENOGRA PJIEK, 4 J FOK atenotrapbtc and general office work. Apply staling qualifications, age, sal ary expected .to box 121. Orecon States man. 1 - .-...-.- - ADDRESSING ENVELOPES EXPER lenco -nnncrcesshry. ; lam I3.0tTf -T5.U0 weeklr dtmic. spare time at . borne limified work for honest, niiwere per sons.? EB.1NKWS PKODl-VTS, 1" vanopren, ,mcao, l- ,. ; .I4i4 WOMAX -"WANTEI POR TRAVELING POSITION Must, p etitirely pnineatti' bcred; witn'niga achopl education, be twen;aaes pi! zy au -ao. - Salary, bun us ana trn sport at ten. (rive rail 'in formation first h-tfer. F E. COMPTON COi, OarlanJ Bldg Chicago. - 13jg4 t IfOTICE . NotfceTiRh'trebygrTeii "that ,1 have imi)ounde4 the' following de scribed "dogsii in compliance with Ordinance No. 1404, to-wit: One blatk ihd'whll-lp.Stted'smari'fox terrier dog .with .bQbtaiU LQne white fox terrier dog with yellow eft ear. yellow spQt,over tall and uv,ut-ii. . .uo .Diuaiijciiun aucr- herd dog, female. The above de scribed dogs wpi tb,e.,WHed t ,npt redeemed 'by owners, oh or before. anuair2v, alS26VR provided fin said Ordinance.. ' .--f ' f J .w.'vW 3. LOW,1 I ' Street Commissioner. : January, 1926-l-..p. J-21-22-23-24-26. it Alton4' T. Roberts. Michigan; Sam Reynolds,- Nebraska r Wadef "H: Phillips, North Carolina; BY W. son; South Carolina. $ V,i ri fr- A KKtfFKCTABUli ANX CAPABUK PEK- -J.. a .a.. u.p4i I. rMMM WArki'llV. tht da ailrfy -'JO- fh!Bf .- aMf-r--! 8AI.ESMRX OUARANtEED Pn KE Wool rit-NHBaanr 'eioh $23. s. liirmii"! rmimiin -Jarf''t4 "frr. -W ltiliwr ael ell"t. Upt. 2481. Oaoa-Keat, . Cineinaati.- --3i'J- t ' -KVV.n 'ah.' AOENTi TO SELT MY r;adiea. Mints and Csm to dealers Largo profits. .Expcnenao annecessary. Frei ' aamples. Write today, tfiR"" flordnn. CmcMiaaUj -, r ' i .i 7J42 irioPROirlT!l ' THROUGH t JNEW . methods t llia;, liOe - stylish anaranteed. Khtrt. S for (r4.tfn. -setr oa, ?n Complete outfit .abeotntety free. 44"" earnings in advance. Wa delive -and .nlUri . Iiiecnerieneea make bir money. 1 Experienced, double earniaaa either as -mawi or aide line, - V wte aaickr- asn, - ion 4Wear Khirts. . Deijtr C424, Ctacinaati; AMAZINQ-AKflE CASH COMMISSIONS .e faitroaenaj;Batiuii nT'j unre Mads cuaranteed shoes. Ac tual samples furniaheaWi Write for your ferritory. tyi A.- wp '! D I R E O T-l FACJTDRV AOENT, THIS tTteuatWiit'j7iNJ' aelliaa. Jasl dktribrto- and'r-lleeUExpwienca ' ii n nrrmtf.r .fat 'c.Wrr ATA lhl ,llPTnr.,;, . . , . -weekly.-!?- Address Ststesman.-lioa 497B. UATERNITV! 'jCSES At' ritACTlCAL r wirieV' Wioita j . ; 19j3f r ' I - - - r EXPtRljiNCEO MAK. CARRIED. TEVILL -?aerata or-.work oa poiitry rane- FOA GARDEN PLOVlNG BASEMENT "digsine and, leejn: ytdvk. - Phone 72F2. WLtsfTED PAINTTNO.' TTNTrXO, PA perhanrina. , Expert service -anarsn- yfjj.j J.phoa, ifix-yrxrKiTi - ius WOOL COLP HOSE CHILDREN'S T? sport hose, knifto order. Hand knit- hf. ."Pho-a. XVlt Jr, . , ISa30tf SEWING WANTED AT 1 ISO N, FRONT. VOUNG WOMAN iAyjTII V BOY SCHOOL age wish any Yftipe'C tattle work. Kef Vreneee. V Box 105 car -Statesman. "- ,- .., , - . .-.-;-. . t-. , . - ' 10127" For Rent 21 GARAGE-.-4 1 1 SiTMMER: aiOUSE. N ' oapitoir f i'nona jo. - - k i j-i3 PRHJT:D CARDS. SIZB 14" BY 7-VS 444. wording "Por Rent." price lO rents '-"ava.4 Bta teaman -jBusns Office, -on -g-ronnd floor: - ' .For JTcnt-i-Apartments 22 WELL "FURNISHED 1 THREE ROOM anartment. also c-arar. eloae in. S41 apart ; FURNISHED 3 -ROOM HEATED APART meat, - 91N;.Cottaa. , t'. v23i26 2-ROOM APARTMENT.4 RKAS41NABLR 254 -S. fjottnee. , 151-M, . .. saj THREE-JIOOM FURNISHED, water,vrra8e; 41 N. 21st. LIGHT 23j23 AN.D SINGLE a-w-aM - m m it tt a 11 .a.'' - - I- 23J23 MODERN w HOT. WATER -HEATED .5. room flat with fireplace, slepinc; porch and, ,a;araof.rU9na . 1377 1444 LIGHTbY FDRJrISHED APARTMENTS. Tsmiw. r"i7?"-7tf ajjhi . Thono FIR-ST FLOOR. APARTMENT TOR RENT t reaonable:-i1245 Msdisn. v is,2a APARTMENTS C AND OARAGE. 817 , f.ll ' , f. .. . . - A-- FIRST FUH1K VtlRVTKtTPTl n a pnv aasement, Saragn. 878-K. f. . 3j23 . . : - - r APARTMENT TO r RENT HERE'S targa a-raom iiat vacant today, f 30. Own furnaea. etc. Adults. Ribt town town. fBecke- Hendricka. il 8 N. Hijfk atrat,.f-9"' FOR RENT S 'ROOMS, $20 5 -ROOM flat,-130 Threfrooiir 3: ATI' Yacant. isecaa U Hendricks. .189 N. Hijrh Street.' .23117-; YFor Bent Booms . 25 4-lTNtn7ftNISHEb tROOMS. StO.Otf to.. cuiuuk (juue, . ucBt,. water. mngie rooms, $3.00. Phona lOoSr . 25J244- R0OM"' AND BOARD. 4 C7T : S. COM'L. 25j26 CLOSE IN- HEATED ROOM, MOD BED rood board, 0.0 a week. 423 N.' Churcn.' ' -7 i ' - 25j30 Large prqnt room. sciTABLEr for -4-WA Sin1 ila44 aaaai. .caa fit fi C I-f I lt i-ROOM HOUSE ER MONTH 25,26 Call ,1064-W. NIGH BOOM CLOSE IN." PHONE 585-W. HOUSE KEEPING, ROOMS AND OA. - rat-, llODiviaion. . 25j24 3 TrjAKKS T li'n Broa. FUKNlfUlfcl' kOOM ,1K MonKRX IfOMK ' rluc to ktate iwiis. 4 lirraLYafttUif iIp- irJ. Pboar an5 W; Ni 13th. v., j4?!:-.,-- ' 'W KOOM AVITII HOT WATKR 1JKAT. - richt off . liathroiiin : ' g rfI . 24S - Humiarr. FURNISHED ROOM FOR OKNTLICMAS. - Strictly Bsodern home. I'rivstn'" ImLh. : Foar blocka from I'apltaL 14C5 Jhe ymekcta. Phono 1804-J. . , -,-gSjftt f FwO FURNISHED" IIOUSEKEJri'INO , rooms. 1492 Market. - t .35;23 ROOM FOR RENT JN MODERN HOKE threa blocka from state bonae, All , eoaraaiencea. Gentleman prslerred. Please five refereaees and audrta A. B ear Stateamaai - i, SOjStf SPECIAL. RATES BY WEEK OM , month on - aleepina. or ,bo-sekeepine f rooms.! Capital Hotels . ; Htyz FOR RENT ROOM SUITABLB FOR stadanta, with sleep in r porch nrUjiecoa. :i Everythtaa modern. Refarancea are re v r OBired, , Address rooaa, ear StasMiinsa. I J2tf For . Hnt Ho-oses " 2 - FOR" I RENT FOUR-ROOM f Ht'SK. wood house and carace. -Call S'!V K. 31st St. . . : ' fTj-Jf 7 ROOM HlOUSff, OA RACE, FlU'ifi AND -ardeaj -Pltona 248. 44 . c 'tljiT T FPRNISJ1ED 2 K(K1M HOIT8K. lJUWK irooau. r Adnlta ;onry-. Phone 14'7-V. TWO t ROOM HOUSE, FURNISHED, lieiJTi, . water. a rare, sis, nm n. 4l7t St." ?7J23" 5 ROOMSr "NEW, MODERN ' EXPEIT Irnac, 62 Electric Ave. 1 Herlc A - HoiMlricka,vioe.jj Hih, , . 7JlCtl FOR. RENT 8UC ROOM HOUSEJvNKW . ly f: painted and papered .915.00. . Georro Cotton. Route 4. 'Boa (I N. t-ROQM HODSB'-- S25.00. r NKWI.V J painted. papered throuahont, 4- new sbadea. cldiev ia. f Phona 17FJl..,Wj3a FURNISHED ; ANA UNFURNISHED houf. . Hrown and Johnson, U)9.S. . Cbm'I. v .- . . 27jl7tf 5-ROOM -HOUSE4... 91S PER -MONTH. 27.U8tf Pboaa ?044 w. FOR LBENT--VE10HT HOUSES ' AND flat-, $12 td $35. - Backa Js Headncka, 180 mjmth' Bt-raaa. ,. . a 2Td2SU HOtisK Or 5 ROOMS AND B ATirj 31 ! H. th. $20.00 per tiionili. Phone 1371 day time. " Harry Paron.4"; ..-Mrr'TT-!. "?:;,; ; tint FOR ! RENT fNKORNISH KW; HOUSE 7 i rooms. - BaHion Ytrrt and r-nt . ... floor. - vlj lirraratcd tart ' emtnt4d, - fall luiK-im-iit anil aaraae, "! mbmhly 'rental or lease, $U,50 close in,' bu(ry if you'Waut it.--- ;i ? ' 1,-'A- ' - SEE WHITE ; 'J ? -i f HOSI B REALTY CO. ' u 16?) S. High. r i- rrjlfi r -- 1 " V6t nentlFarms " 9 150 ACRES. HALF CULTIVATED. tJNU time.; slas. .. 2277, North Liberty. " " V''" ' .' ! Y( - . ... 'J 4;5'Jj2-J I HA YE ctEVERAL IRRIGATED FARMS tor :rent. , P. E. Tkomason. Turner, Ore.j Phono XXY - . - ?'altf i Swaps WANTED TO TRADHt LOT FOto STAR or Chevrolet, nothinf older than , a 23 model, 4 Sa .'Mt.. JVhite, .Statesman. Wanted Mlscellaneoas' "15. PURNITURB f: PACKING - FOB SHIP- msnts. GUise-Pewsw- .Turnlrare Od . - - ; v f ,4f 3tt9tf fllGHESf ' PRICES AID ; TfOR TSED . Oooda Dept oppoeiti court house, WOODRY ! THE' ACCTIOliZEl-t -BtJTS rsed furniture for- cask. x-nane-oti. !i -Satf - 4 YYl 10ASH j PAD 1 FOR - FALSE TEETH 4 dental aold. platinum and diacsrdad J. Jewelry. wllpke Smelt laz aad Ref.nery r Co,' Otaes. Michigan;. j "8 5J38 SELL US YOUR USED PURN1TU?' E tl T Ai!as m t . -- . . k a. u. bwk .-enrnuara uo. used ion4a Depopposita. eoui fco-ia. , fiSn titt WANTED 4- iPRI VATB MONEY i, FOR ,f . (arm loana. Wa have aeveral anr-tica- i I,... i X7 t-i a. . i ir . w i ,,. -1W W t XVJ , ,-V , Iae SOS Or4ron Bda . - - 854)4tf WANTEDRELIABLE PARTIES f O r.-ramof TP ' for - us - from our sto. k. 273- State.' llj2t - V t For Sale Jfjl. LAWN ; I-Hj AWIf -YERTILIZER4. PHONE .TSTT practically , new. .$200 makem- I bapboae, $75. Bargain. Phoae'lOT. s 318 N. Church. j - - 37!lo GARAGE DOING A GOOD BUSINESS witu.n roo atock, will sell or trade. wruo me ror particulars an thle.,Tie. T m.w ba: r . .... I. Large; Seio, Ore. 37jJ7 WHITE SEED OATS4 FOR SALE AT !i lesa than idrke price. Box 443 Sa lem. 1 -4 ; ' i 87jl! - t I'. ..- A4 k j f- ar . at: .n.-a ,. ., i-f- ' l... ,- 7 ? - j ! Oor4T 11 r-iENTiONi l l4 !- 4 -r-!-- V 1 V- ' -Xa . i i t. I ;'J-