UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT WILL v BE INAUGURAjTEp IN NOVEMBER Regents Announce. Ceremony VQl Take Place at Semi-centennial " 'Anniversary Celebration; to Jiay Cornerstone v ;. EUG ENE,V Jan; 23 . ( Special, b . -Inauguration fqtf ; the 'new : ITni- . versityV'of ? Oregon , president' Will .' be held at the semi-centennial an- niversary' celebration, the date f of "which has i been innonnce4' fief 1 ; nlteljraa NovembV rt 1 5,;3rM:in 4 nonnced as the result f .of v plans made at the board regents meet-j - , The celebration. besides lnstalll4 Jng the new executive In office,; f wui De me occasion for laying the . cornerstone of the new state fine - arts .building and - the 7 commem oration of the Intellectual progress of the university. The inaugural 1 ceremony marking the . beginning of the, second half century of, the' : institution wilt be attended by un- lrerflty v presidents and represen- ta tires ffcf -other Institutions throughout the cbuntry; Notable addresses dealing wltht he alms of higher education and ! nnirer slty 'administrative" problems are be scheduled.. .; , - J I., sSome time during the' tour days - of - ceremonies . a program In con r. nection with the . art museum, -which contains: the; fanroas Mur , , Tf Warner collection of oriental ' art, and which Is to be dedicated sto the late President P; Camp- : bell, Is'td be scheduled, f With this . Imxvortant event In the - artistic and archltectual history ' of the state, it la planned to bare ad- : dresses dealing with' the cultural and aesthetic developmentof he country and,, the fetation or ori ental art to American civilization. A portion of the program will SCOUT HONOR COURT J r I AWARDS MERIT MARKS (Ppstinnoj from pg . . ( r '.Interest that Colonel Moore show ed In coming l before - them and . hope to get better acquainted. 1 -. Y-'i'. " Rke - : ' j '. I Special attention T Is .called ,to t the new rank of Junior Assistant Scoutmaster. .This rank may be used . as ' mVana lot I holding io ' gether as a unit all older boys j of the ; troop ;-whO re First. Class ' Scouts audit years of age, They , should however. In each case, be held on thje. basis of service to the - troop and not merely because 'of their desire to have a rank and ' the new insignia and possibly the difference in uniform which may - prescribed. ".'' ' Veteran Scouts ' - 'Any scouts or scout officials; of the Cascade cb unctf that have had five or jnore . years of service ''anouid ' apply for' membership In the; .Veteran Scout.' association. - Applications may be made for. (he ' fire. en or f if teeotyear class. The - new fifteen Year metal 'badge! is now available.- - : J f ! "' XoW Is the Time ; Now Is the time' for all scouts j: to start to think about the sum : iaer camp- Every icout should 'go to summer camp' as this Is one t ' of the most essential parta of ihe. s. scouting program,. When July r- - rfves many scouts find that they - are unable to attend camp'be- cause of lack of funds. Most: of you .' are " working, and 7 earning , 1 moneyj ' Why not put some aside ; each week 1 so that you t may be l sure of(your summer outing : ' ' " ' "" ' "'. ' , - -1 ; QOOD MORHiHG SAY -M v. -j ; OLD JACK AMD JILL l j (Cotutel from psg 1) . , vested wisely In business and tried to live within their means- ; First thing, "Jane said: "Let us -", save 1100 for a rainy day. f"" i tGoodf said Jack. "How 111 we do It??- .l j ' - "Let. us save out every, dime : and every one-cent piece that we ,get, and put It In a saving's ac- count." ' ;.-.; , : -r'i : : r f . 1 "Agreed. said Jack; and they began at once. '.Ittiid not seem anytime at all tinUl; they had $100 In- the bank. ;And the best' part of it was that they did 'not' hiiss the amounts ' they' bad 'saved up. -tf?C ' U K Then Jane said. fLefs make It f l.OOO. Whew! ' . That looked like a lot of money. t. But. they - agreed to keep on saving. ; It ras -much harder, to get the $1,000. . It seemed "a long hard pull; ?j At 'last they 'were almost at their , goal,? almefeV $ 1.000 in the bank: ,' Then Jack came la one day land i said.; "Jane I've" got .'it- chance to ' t double-our- money- in -almost; no ': time." - lletold Jane about the "ls" chance to ? make something. - Jane did not like the way the. plan looked and. she -was afraid. 'But Jack kept at her and argued" until liually she gave in. -And then ! - then haw .terrible-it 4was Jaek ' 1 '..- -. I . me wnoie sum, every penny f It.'iJt jvas a terrible blowr1and! vcrrr dlshearteulnc.. . , , - iutf ttae. story does, not. end there, for Jane plucked, up courl age: Shcr;wairt$ry much hurl; over the loss of; all "that 'money! t hey had tried - so' hfd '. tov save' Fo she coaxed Jack ta try. ngainj .The thIngTBeeraed j much harder; . now.- especially-at , first tojgei started..-,. . '. - . Beginning with the pennies and the dimes, after a while they add el the -quarlers "lo,! the savings When they got the water In the pail again they were more careful than, ever. ; The tidy. aura grew; until it became in tlreia a-modest Jacome, a good'" : TIffi OrjSGOSTMJIAN. SALEM. OKEG OH . . -- - - . . i '- , be4evoted to ihe contributions of scleinceVto ": material and Intellec tual development 'Jl'v d .social progi re4 of the United ..States. - Scien tist, 'Jurists and publicists- of nation-wide reputation trill be invit ed to participate yrT?. 0-'i T The aimlof the whole celebra- 10-renew' cue nasi, to ex amine Oregon's j materia! and In tellectual resources, v and ' to lay plans for the educational and. so cial, progress of the nextvhalf cen tury. - f. M The early-history? of .the- Uni versity, the -sacraf fees of the' pion" eersj of Oregon to establish the In stitution, and ' the life of early presidents like John Wesley John son will be given 'prominence on the program. Dr. losepScbaf ert lormer neaa oi tne .history oepart meat here, now superintendent of the Wisconsin, Historical Society. Is preparing a biographical sketch of ; jLhe late President Campbell which will berlnted .ahoU(4is timfe. j Dr. H. D, Sheldon, who M writing a : history , of the univer sity will disclose certain signifi cant portions of his extensive re searches. Jage Lawrence; ,T Harris, ' who 4eUreretf the Presi dent Campbell memorial address, wilf be asked to .deal with the life Of early presidenll- 1 f 5 Members of ihe semi-centennial committee are: C. C. Colt and Mrsf. George T.1 Qerllnger, regents; Dr. I James Gilbert. Dean William G. Wale, and Dean E. C. Robblns, meinbers of the faculty; Harold Young and MraLawrence Tf Har ris, representatives of the alumni. business. It-was up-hill -most of the way, but it proved the road to happiness and success. Here . is something from 1 God's- word that I like: ' "The Lord has pleasure in the prosperity of his servant." Psalm 85:27. i t JOSEPH JEFFERSON-- t? j I WINS SLOW VICTORY 1 .' I ' (Oomtiaaad Am px rj-'t -, t! jtwor young' children ln&jont:f. roa.' because she could not pay a Wagoner the sum. aJ ten, dollars t We hear so much more of the )atey; life ot celebrities and of their successes . than '. of- their earlier - life and - ' the struggles which step by "SepcarTiedthem !to their goat. It vas 'through. such a tempestuous Tut thappyj Mneute . mot vv;)u wcuciouu came to wealth' and what was moe toJ hlnjU thari moneyi tiip In his rine. ace he lived aa 'simply as the great souls pt!ihe eartn usually live, staunch in.the senf fment that 1tl: a'hbflow iife where artificial ; nonsence . is so coveted that 7 teafcom forts " are" sacrificed to obtain It-Vwhere one subjects one's self to a life of ioll merely, to Increase the ' pomposity Of one'a tueri f f felve me V tidy rirU" he said, "tn a clean calico dress and a neat cap that is good enough for me" T ' v ' ' SABBATH SCHOOL , . STORY, FOR TODAY XComUniie4 frm px 1.) ... : nis sympathy for ' heri In Intro- ducting the 'conversation. He re ferred -to that which was upper- moat In her mind.' namely, water. This waa the teacher's point of contact. He soon passed"' from earthly water I to - the. r water of everlasting life which was in Him self. Every human mind has. a handle. Our. success as Christian workers depends upon bur ability to srasp and use It. ' ---f t. Jesus' Tender Dealing With This Woman -1 0il 5r ' 1 J ...... - ' ; if ' s fe tirsi apjeatea in ner curios ity j by declaring. ''If thou knewest the; gift of God" 10. He knew the deep unrest, of the soul of the sinful woman aa she went on her wakr . IIe knew' If she really knew Him she would believe on Him and be saved from, her sine, there- tore ther first 'thing wai to get attention. Whetf'we, can get- true Co give attention to the 'claims of Christ, there Is good chance of wijining him. - JleJ followed ; this appeal-to her curiosity by -w-prom-feel which directed t her attention to jher deepest V8; . There Is "a coasciousness,.of T deep need . n evry soul.; The deepest'-need of a soul Jesus only can satisfy: v t;The Woman. onrieted" of Her Siis 15-19.' - " ' - - .3 acsus r succeeded i In ' arousing he Interest; but she did not really understand - II J' m.'4 lief ore" - s 3 e coild understand, what the, Water 6f j Life is, .she Taust be convicted of her sin. She did not - agree with. Him. Lbut; becan a humble IMulrer. ' The' sour must' be con victed of sin before It can be con Verted, a ' : : ; 5 ." v :. , A The .Problem of Worship Sub- I This she did lis soon as she per cefvetT Him to-'brV prop"hel. Jesus knowing i the inner f life of ; this wejmaa, told her of -the' glad time evn then' present when true wor shipers J could; lioM intercourse with GodV- anywhere. lie showed he that' the place" of . worship unimportant,", that the all-important thing is to have the true con ception of Cod as brought through the. Jews. Sinro worship Is splr iiaalonljttoaQjwJia .; haTabeea cherished cqmpanionshlpof 4 meij like! Robert Browning andCniaries Kingsley. ft f'AZ ' :-Sht$? regenerated,icaniirorshdpCo4 , In spirit.' - v- -rv''- ' i 5 The, Woman of Samaria Wit nessing for Christ 27:30. j 7 , IThe Woman left her water pot ! l;.oinai ie ner w r po.. audretarrang;- to i tbe lty 'Come; see. a -manwnHrp loianae all things that erefe I Sid klsnot thia the Christ r'a soonaa'she wm "converted she became an.Jn4 thusiantic , missionary. This ts; as it Ought to-"be and; always wlirjbei The".8oui that realises JesuV can noT be1 s ttentp- John 1 V 1? 4 5The result of hefHeimonykthat many 'believed on i Jesus. J 'f - , - bi; Jeeus - Testifying to the bltixens of 8 y char 40, 41. i; ; Thai womanSte8timony brought the request 4rom tlje Samaritans that Jesus - tarty with them. He abode- with them two days!. Though they heard the woman's testimony, they believed because of Christ's, own word 41 , V. The Samaritans Witnessing for Christ 42. ; ; t . f . J ; They declared, "We " know that this is Indeed the Christ. thetSaT io r"bt the wbrld., -They Confessed to the woman that their, belief wis nbt durer tohertestmonVtbut to' paving heard'HIni themselves, that they were sure that He was the I Messiah. . " '!;".""' "THE, PIONEER TRAIL!!i L0CACCLUB NEWSPAPER v . i (Continued rora pf l.J 12 to lyears and 15 to 13 years Inclusive. " sl Any .story from the Bible may be taken. v 4. ;Tbe story must be entirely rewritten in the language of the writer. ' p- . '-f ;. 6. .The story must be. not less than 300 words norx-!fnbre than 500, In length. 6." Use only one side ( of the paper. ... . . - ; 7 Write name, address, and age on a separate piece of paper and attach. 8. Hand the written story to any pastor or school teacher, with the 'request that It be haaded to the budges. ,. 9i The finals will be awarded at the County Older Boys confer ente to be held in Salem,' Febru ary 19-21, vU '.. i - lO,"Three awards will be made in each class; - -Gold. : silver and bronze medals $ for first, second, and third places, respectively. Get busy now and pick your story, and- start to "write it, . for time goes quickly. TAMMANY STARTS CLEAN FACE DRIVE FOR -YEAR. r- , .CCBtmt rro. Ps II - - Tammany is" to Toe" advertised to thecojntryf;asc nn agent of good government-"' -.. " --!' ": ' - A shower xf 'enlightening publicity and press agent stunts is to be loosened up n the hinter land. ; v;- -;' . j. -i ' .- f' ' :"' Tammany Is to 'become a' pan acea for the farmer's ills and the ityY ailments. Tammany Is to be Impressed on the populace's mind as democ racy's salvation. 1. 'Audita one purpose the over riding of opposition to Al Smith on (the score he is. a Tammany man.' In the democratic conven-' tlon-of 192S.t A- ff William's uncle was a Tery tall, fine-looking man, while his father was very small. William admired his uncle, and. wished to grow up like3 him. . One day he said, to his mother:- A . ' ' . . " , : ' Mamma, how did uncle grow - 6 'i'iiij.'. r: ;?i J. -Vl COeIe Busy Re Fred A. Williams caused much commfent.'- With the publica tion in the Statesman of a letter ,writtert by Cv B.; Phillips, citing: legal precedents tending to show the council's lack of poorer to appoint one of its. own members, the point at issue became merely one of law, having nothing to do with the personalities of the men concerned. Solution of the tangle was heldsimple in informed circles." Williams being no longer a member of -the council, his reelection remained only a mat ter? of form. . ;: ' ; ." : - -. iyc i ! x : f . . . ;. - ' j . : i I With the purchase by Major F. W. Leadbetter: Port land organizer, of controlling t. wwvaiiy, - pussiuiuiy . ox auuition oi tne news, print paper manufacturing process seemed probable. ,i The new controlling; owner offered $125 per share for-; all outstanding common stock, a premium of $25,. due jto a desire to become sole owner of ommon stock. vv-. Is. t- 1 I Representatives of , 18 communities met at the anniiai gathering of the Marion County Community Federation at th$ Chamber of Commerce, therlargesrfrieeting m?ltr h1atdryf Llyd .T. Reynolds was named presidentf Kac1iorhniuhity gave' an" individual report. i f4'K:lif:Q h- A -Polk. County; Farmers' UmoifhentoseVswr Dallas. - I. H.-McBee; of Dallas, wa4 elected president work of the county federation bf commurrityrcT6bs aM the'fcoiflEify fafr were endorsed. " ' 1 I .Preliminaries in the Music Memory? ''Cbntcst' In" the fourth, fifth and sixth grades were' conducted. I I'Vt' i; i4 .- " iuay, I Biayor j. is. uiesy. called a special meeting of,itu6urlcil for; Monday night, for the Duroose of tMrrecHriff" "iVWcDeween city ana.state laws grmne.tftCvirm 6f houses. t Ha asks .electricians to meet with'thCideijnenf Concerning he 'city attorney conti overs v- be! said t Jtlt -thefk is any petty technicality standing between WiltfSmst&ftd his ngnt to oercity attorney, ;wewilr attend to the miitteelthc next regular meeting of the. council.', - .1 h (vv.l'.: - - Newly elected Chamber ttf Ojmmerce 'officials w7Il 't per.:: at.the Monday meeting of that body. . ' -j . v I f: Lieutenantdrnmahder "Johii' Philin'Sosa. the eivhtAt band master America cer prptlucedgattran exclusive Inter? f vlewBtatesrrian readers. Vr f -J , f; Salem high school "debaters won a double victory over Wpodburn, speakers, with a split decision, to U iri ca?h Wei The rfucstion read:. "Resolved that the child labor amendment to;the federal constitution should be adopted' r Willamette University basketball five defeated Pacific University at Forest Grove by a score of 48 to 31. , . ; juii accounts or, aeveiopmcntson -featurilay; anaearj(y Sunday-will f:-fiiri.i ihJfain fs.R.n vf, thin'mnfr. ao-big and (all? j . His mother said f"Vftui-when uncle' was a small' b6yTTeWas' at1 ways a very good boy, and tried to do what was right; at all times; God ,et hlm oW big and tall. 1.;,--l ,9iWt$? :i WllltamUhought this ver seir iottsly'1 for few minutes, 5: then said r-.11 am mi, what - kind feof ?a boy raJHpapar ; ; -jv". ' ,!Troni-.t Tammany headquarters comes the repoi t that the ictrtef taf&s hope itol induce Josephus panielsi Noftlt Carolina dttor rho was secretary .of navy Inulbe Wilson administration, to consider himself as a vice presidential can didate with Smith in 1928, The idea didn't-, emanate tfrom' fTam many origin allybut rom;aa un named Georgian.1 It its hoped by this move to win i some f the sup port of the Solid: South." It" would give Smith a link with Wilson. , Governor Smith continues to be emphatic In hia assertions, he is giving the subject of a presidential n&'minatlon no thought ' . He refuses to HIbcuss the possf- D11117, inis aismcxinauon- iq 51 e so nqiamg even in me case or nis jnore. Intimate . associates. Wlth themi the governor dismisses air- suggestion of a presidential nom ination v-lth the curt, assurance that he is not ''kidding' himself about it. ' , I - . , But, his repeated declaratfons to friends In the list fevr" weeks that he will , not be I a candidate this year'for n fourth term as aroyer- ixof bf ToV tfie TfnltdJStatei sen ate, but will retire to private life has caused many,, both among the governor's political supporters as well as his opponents, to wonder whether his promised! retirement may not be to leave himself freer fo engage in some important mis sionary work becoming better known In the South and laying the foundation for possible abrogation of the two-thirds nominating rule that obtains In Democratic conven tions. . !..'!.' "Please Say I We i Are Su premely .Happy,!' Ooly , Remark of Newlyweds LONDON, Jan, 23.--( By Asso ciated Press). Irving Dern's next song hit should have a chorus refrain: "Please say iwe are su premely happy,'! fo?" t,hati ew all ; the jaiz4 composer and his bride are able to say; when .they arrived here 'for thtilrt honeynioon. Like the haunting setityenJL o the Berlin ballads ef the lastryear or 3. this thought runs KltroMgh everything the j world's most talked of f-newlywed4 told the French. British .and American je-1 porters wno'flociEed tq meet them at Cherbourg and Southampton. Even the big cockney ' lackey who guarded their rooms in a London hotel caught the spirit of the Berlin-Mackay; romance. For the flfsVfew days, bt wiaj Beselted j callers of all kinds 4- reporters, song writers, theatrical agents and movie . men- but ' whenever proposals were.ttade. about: inter viewing the tuneful Irving and his' bride,- the gold-braided digni tary was sure ii would be "him possibleKalri" .' i "H'l can ' assure you, si,' he always ended, ''thatthey're "sn- prememly 'appy, ttvm page X.JT " interest' in-the Oregon'-Pulp & rftfiiuaty i. f. , : - WEXT BERLIN fllT IVIll PISEfff JOY I ; ' 7 SUNDAY SCIILSTOTESL. Selections f i-UBlar1aii"Rliapsoay;Koi srf AtiiSL, jt uua jl - v w t Raiding, Hungary. fe f Frans Liszt, the' great pianist and- composer of the nineteenth century. Imperlshably .preseryed In the fourteen Hungarian Rhain sodies. the wild traditional music of the ancient Hungary, of the Magyars. These Rhapsodies were the planistlc sensation of the cen tury. The Second, probably ihe 'bestknown of. all, the Rhapsodies, Is an Idealization of. the Czardas t-the national dance of Hungary. It3t jflivided Into two parts, as la the dancer a slow, wandering, yet eccentric lassenyvfollowed by an even-niore f eccentrl swlf t ; move ment or friska which grows wild er and wilder - as the nancv pro ceeds to Its climax. ; The lassen begins with a stern almost' tragic 'melody Un a minor key and is punctuated by solemn bass crashes. A: 'cello passage leads to the unforgetable "rhythm of the lassen. This is folio ved by a clarinet cadenza which Intro duces the friska. Light, feathery themes alternating on violins and woodwinds , and later enforced by trumpets are played against dazz ling counter themes Swift and frenzied grows the " dance; ap proaching its climax in a roar of chromatic octaves, whirling, spin-1 nlng. turning upon Itself until the reeling ceases with the closing crash. . The Lost Chord "Sullivan, Sir Arthur (1842 iCK) ) b London. England, t Sir Arthur Sullivan is famous for his charming; light operas, -his songs and oratorios. Familiar among these are the operas "Mir kado," "Pinafore," etc,, and the songs "Onward, Christian 1 Sol diers", and "It Came Upon a Mid night Clear." "The Lost Chord" Is probably the most famous of the composer's art songs."1; . This song, sacred In character, with its well-known melody, has a vague beginning, bearing put the (ext.,. Then It seems to take a shape and builds- bigger and big ger until "the " greit climax Is reached at the last. The song Is "through-composed "-breach stanza different music. - a V ' Blue Danube 'AVarfa ';' ' ' Strauss. 'JoTianh t25il899) b Vienna, Austria. "Certainly no such beautiful waltzes have been written ' by other composers as those by Strauss, "The Waltz King." These exquisitely melodious, " -perfectly harmonized,; and marvelously or chestrated dance numbers are worthy of a place among the great Worts of the nineteenth "century. "On the Beautiful Blue Danube" is ef course, foremost among Strauss waltzes, and in Vienna is esteemed, more than any. other musical composition. Written at a" time of -depression -after losses In battle, it was received by the people ..with great enthusiasm. It was written originally' tor male quartet. t - r , WlfJTER FLOWER - - STORY GOOD I Article Describing 52 Varie ties Gathered Christmas Is Reprinted ' On Christmas day in the Salem Statesman - appeared . .-an . article describing 'a basket 'of 52 varie ties of flowers all gathered from the gpudoor 1 gardens ; by II.' C. Bateman and presented to Dr. R. KrLeeStelner, superintendent of the state hospital. , .Our attention has been called to the same article copied in a Boston paperJ of stride circulation. airtmti OreBOn's-mIId winter cli mate. " ' . . f Appearing as this did just as winter, was settlirf Mown on the cist with !serowlads and storms, it'eaa not b1rr turn the attend tton of many, toward this part of the ; coBtrynd "Trail 'em 4o Salem. - -Ther article follows: , . - SALBAf . Ore.. Dec. 31 (Special Correspondence ) -Fif ty-two' varl ctlejCTOf tfowers "Z, grown out of deora wore In a bouquet made re Gently -by H. C. Bateman. floriet atf itatey institution, for Dr. K; te.Eee SteinersuperlaUiBdent. V' 'Flowers in the bouquet were; Veronica, ; heliotrope, holly hocki pansy, dianthus, carnation, fever few; scablosa. deronlcum, "Oriental poppy.-'-, snapdragon, ; calendula achillea'.. anthentfs, Bellis . daisy Testout tuhc, llrrmosa rose K. Am , Victoria , rose,: Baby Hamblcr coreopsis. Marguerite daisy, vinca. stocks,- alyssum, gatllardia, ama ryllis, begonia, lobelia, lemon' lily. wallflower, verbena, chrysanthe mum. Call fo rnia . poppy, Tiberis, 1u.e phto-jysponicattbtfQ:,. rf Tl"?at"i ,TrT;iM MORNING; JANUARY. 24, hydratfa. spiraea, forsythia. es colonla.Jaurestlns, -geranium geanv foxlora.,ACXOstemmar mil foil, hlhbush cranberry and the Shasta daisy. Piloses are being picked In many ;,-ia.'i-. i The Rewards of those who Save U 1 f'iSirtixSk - - ' U , Is. t .. ..' ,:' V "'l -;:'.''" ' ! - ..,-.-.'. . -. - a " ''.'-. ' '"'.; i- j. .; ' . ' ' ';.. 1. Relief from financial worries. , ? "1r"' 2. The pleasure of being a partner, in worth'-while enterprises. 3. The joy of being able to meet emergencies as they arise. j 1 "4s. friiei satisfaction of never being a burden to jothers. , ; 5. The benefit of being able to take advantage of opportunities. " 6. The prestige bf sound financial connections " - 1 Ask us about our present issue of 7.20 First Preferred Stock backed by the property and income of your own . home (utility company. Call ior a descriptiye folder. It's waiting for you. , , Portland FREE POWER FARMING j,?.?T"...b' t EWTERTADKNT Thursday, Janua Tractor School tcTStart in'Ouf Store at -1 0:30. iri the Morning I Free Lunch at Noon Free) Movie; Show i S To All Who Attend the School At Our Store 2:00 P.M. - Everybody Invited ; 5 Reels of Entertaining and Educational ' .- Pictures - i Here iian opportunity, folks for: every body to learn more about engines and trac tors, their construction,' their care, and their operation. J You cannot afford to miss it. We will have trained men on hand who will illustrate, , demonstrate,.and italic onj questions eyery uprto-therminu te f arnier is vitally interested in." 'The moving pictures will be entertaining and instructive. The . ;--jlunch'Avill be a good oner; And: there will i neighbors will be' here and we want youl I too. Make "your plans how to attend our j big Power Farming : Entertainment. SRe l member the date and the place' ", ; r - - "Good Equipment makes . a, good ; farmer better "'; Ciias. R. Archerd Implemeht : 210"Stalo Street ;'., j -f ' ' a ' . - SALEM, OREGON 102Q ;;.jr; :irc..v. parts of the Estate while from . - ...- . . ......... ... . Bend manzanita blooms ate re portexf.tA"bo"nqniet of sweet peas were picked at Lebanon, In the Willamette valley. Oregon Is ex periencing one of the warmest 4 "and! Invest -4 . ' " VS V - - ' "' l -i . '' '-- - ' . : . . s . 4 - : -j ,-ie ' .- . - . - . Investment Department, 820 Electric Building .'.v. - - - .. - . ' . i Or Division Offices it 237 N. Liberty St., Salem, Or. - Main gt.. Mam St., Vancouver,' Wash, i ver in ' - 1 1 Electric i is ii .it "i ni l:" i - . winters in Its history. Christian Science Monitor, January 5, 1$26. .a" work Fashion and pneumonia perfectly In Rouble harness. isly Man at the detk"Here'$ the re ceipt for youti first payment on a share, of our gtock. ThaCs a good start ' towards independence." V and Invest in 1. Oregon City, Or. s Company and Tractor School 7 ' -I ' : vi - K ' AT