The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 24, 1926, Page 10, Image 10

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.Vpper left: Mr. L. A- Kerai rfcentlr mstallerf president oLBaroara rteicnie leni, wo. a. uaugmers
of -Veterans. Mrs. Keiar ia alao pomlpent in the .lrajk of the Business and Professional Women's club
being seretary of tbe organization, in- the, business world she Is-secretary to S. A. Kozer, secretary
of state. Upper rlht: Mrs. W. E.j Kirk, who was elected president of th y. W. C. A. executire' board
at the annual meeting succeeding Mrs. John: Jttoberts. retiring president. Mrs. Kirk Is very active
In Salem social and dob circles. IShe Isa' past 'fesMet-b-Salem Woman8 c,b which will ob
crv ft sUrer anniversary this spring. During tbe ason of : l25-26. Mrs. Kirk Is serving as chairman
isisieraooa, oemg ticb
cf the calendar committees She W also a prominent, poemper m ine tri is. jj.
president of chapter ,ABL 1 ' , ; 4 1 AS'??m?:'.--; ir:., , t .
v 7enter: "Mrs.. J. C Cnrrie. house-mother at the cfty.YL W.CAi Mrsl Currle,
who is very popular
with- the-rirls. accented the new inosltion'in RMttmw nf fant tr Mrs. -Carrie is- of an old and
established pioneer, family, the Hibbard farm, in the Waldo.' Hills, baring been donation land settled
by er father., Lower leftrMrs. Mary JJ. Entressdepartroent. president Ojf the Daughters of Veterans of
tbe atate. of Oregon, who. is: a very j active fraternal and patriotic . worker in many . organizations. Mrs.
Entfess will be the presiding officer' at the state convention which will be held in Marshfield'inithe
late spring, Lower right: Miss Marian Wyman secretary of. the city Yaung Woman's Christian Asso-
cfation. wUo- has filled her office in; a most successful manner: Miss Wyman came to Salem from Lincoln, N
iveDraska,. tnree years ago in is montn. in ADrir sue , win represent, tbe saiem vv. u.- a. ai ine isien
wuivu w tAi cviiTcupj j y j 7 -ri- ;' ' " r'. -v
u MiiwtBKpe.' ;jig in rman ; ai
so bouse piothet at the Alpha Phi
Alpha-sorority;4' r -r?
Engagement of Hugh A.
Dqney Announced in Chicago
:A- host of 'Salem friends will be
interested in the news,, appearing
in, a recent issue of tbe Chicago
Tribune,' which- .tells of the en
gagement of r Hugh A, Doney.
yenagest son of Dr. and Mrs. Carl
GrK Doney, to Misn Mary ElUa
. Ieighton, The announce
West appears as follows: Mr. and
Mrs, Ceorge W. Leighton of 211
Idinbark avenne, Chcago, III. An
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Mkry. Elizabeth, o Mr.'
Hugh A. Doney, son of ;DrJ and
Mrs. Carl feregg Doney of Salem.
Oregon; r Miss Leighton is a grad
uate or Smith college" wjth the
membership in the Phi Beta Kappa
crais ofj 'Hi and was elected to
scholastic fraternity. Mr Doney;
w-L is graduate of Willamette
university, ts now attending: the
I lanyard Graduate School of jBus
ineta Admioistration. , lie is; also
A-graduate.of Wesleyan college at
Mlddletown. Conn., and is a mem
ber of the" lleat'Theta Pt fratern
. ItrY'-v"'-- . i. v'-qi
, -The wedding will be an . event
of t3 early summer, probably tak
ing place in June. .! ?--- -.
Entertainment, at. Church
' A, program of particular inter
est, with all, numbers to be given
by gifted students from the iChe
mawa Indian school, will be spon
sored at t o'clock Tuesday , even
ing, January 6. " at tbe !First
Methodist church, by J" the mem
bers of the Epworth leaguel A
social hour . will follow, the pro
gram, and light refreshments will
ixs served.1 The public is cordi
ally invited. . - -
' . f 1 ' . . - . ... a . a
a, ku ver ouering wiu oe lasen.
faculty Women's Club Meets
U The Fatuity Women's idub tt
Willamette .iniversityj enjoyed-a
meeting last Thursday afternoon
at the home of Mrs.!' George II.
Alden which;; was unusually in
erecting as j; well as unusually
well - aendatff'4;''.AssUtaathos
tesses wUh' Mrs. Alden were Mt.
F. O. Franklin;-: MrsL .'Alice' II.'
Dodd, and Mrs. Charles L. Sher
man. ' I1 y- nf
The program was both literary
and miitilcal, M ins Frances Vir-
ginie Melton giving the musical
numbers ilnd Mrs. AUce H. Dodd
arranging the program of literary
-Interest. Thfc . guests were' partic
ularly impressed by. the article
from a past number of the Good
Housekeeping which gives the bi
ography of Mrs. L. Adams Beck
who .has the, unusual; distinction
of two literary signatures. her
books of Oriental background such
as The Vf of Stars" being
written undeJr tho "name Mrs. ;l.
'Adams Ucclt 1md heryomantic'' jbl
ography. such as ("The Glorious
; Apollo" nnder the name, of E7
Barrington. Mrs. Bek, who be
longs to the; : English : nobility,
makes her home in Victoria find
ing It, since war days, more ljke
the England of old than England
itself. ' - Mrs. Beck has been a
traveler in practically all parts
of the world.! i
I The rmainder of the afternoon
was .' spent W conversation wth
refreshments ! following at the tea
hour." ' Mn. 'Arietta M. Page pre
sided at the tea table which was
centered with a beautiful gift of
red carnations.- flowers to Mrs.
Page, the mother of Mrs. Alden;
on her eighty-second birthday. The
hostesses were assisted by Mrs.- W.
H. Abell'r Margaret Alden) of Los
Angeles, caiuornta. i " -i
; In the group for the afternoon
ere: Mrs, Id. E Feck, Mrs.E.
Ci Richards, Miss Frances M. Rich
ards.. Mrs., T. E.KIrk, Mrsi E.
T. Brown. Miss Lois Latimer. Miss
Pauline Gabriel, MIka Francea.Vir
glnie Meiton. Mrs. T. S."Roberts;
Mrs. E. W. Hobson. Mrs. Herman
Clark.-Mrs.: La Moine R.Clark".
Mr. S. P.. Laughlin. Mrs. J. D.
McCormick, Mrs". ' Carl Gregg
Doney, Mrs. L. A.- Wood worth and
little son. Howard. Master Teddy
Sherman. Mrs1. N. S. Savage, Miss
Edith De Nise. Mrs. W. II. Abell,
Mrs. Arietta M. Page, Mrs. Florian
Von Eschen. Miss Lucile Ross.
Mrs. O. L. Rathbuh. Mrs. Alice H.
Dodd, Mrs. C. L- Sherman, Mrs.
Ceorse H. Alden, and Mrs. F. G
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rhoten
Celebrate Silver Wedding
: jThe attractive home of Mr. and
Mrs. E. A.. Rhoten on South High
street was the scene last night; of
one of the largest j anniversary
"at homes" of the season when
they entertained their friend! of ;
the community in .celebration of
their silver wedding day. A large
throng of guests called during the
evening. Assisting Mr. and Mrs,
Rhoten in the! receiving were Mrs.
Wl" J. Linfoot and Mrs. J. WUlard I
Deyoe. , j' '; ... '
,The house was .beautifully dec
orated for - the event with bowls
and baskets of narcissi and . fee-;
toons of cedar. The wedding cake
wa of silver jand; white, with or-,
namental icing. Asslsttng at the
pnna?: bowls were f MrsVlDaisy
Melntyre. and Mrs.m E. Tomli-
', Special musical numbers were
given during the evening includ
ing solo numbers by-J. P. Smart
and duets by Charles 'J. Lisle and
Joseph Crowthers. ' ; ; : i
; The "evening ''culminated 7 with
the - wedding 'ceremony. , which ' u n-
Ited : the trues ts' of honors Mrs.
Rhoten, -the 'bride of , '-twenty-five
years wore an attractive gown-of
asljesiot.roso, . flat crepe. Her
bride's bouquet... was of narcissi.!
The 'two daughters of the" honor
guests Mrs. .Everett Lisle (Zeda
Rhoten) and Miss Lucille Rhoten,
were members of the silver anni
versary bridal party. Mrs. 'Lisle
wearing her own white satin wed
ding dress, and 1 Miss Rhoten,: a
dins' dress, and Miss Rhoten, the
dress that was' Mrs. Rhoten's wed
ding dress. .' . - : 4 "... .
The original ceremony was sol
entnUed in Roseburg on January
23, 1901.
The majority of the guests were
the members of the Leslie Metho
lt church of which Mr. and Mrs.
Rhoten are among the most prom
inent members. ; Mr. Rhoten being
superintendent of the Sunday
school. . . .
Club Entertained at i
One oft r hej mest charming
bridge luncheons of the : month
took place on : Thursday at the
home of Mrs. George F. Rodgers
when she4 entertained for the
pleasure of her elub and three ad
ditional guests, Mrs. Frank Sne
decor, Mrs. R. P. Boise, Mrs. Jo
seph Baumgartner. and Mrs.. W.
H. Boot, at a 1 o'clock, luncheon
followed by an 5 afternoon . of
bridge; ; Mrs. William Root won
the guest prize of the day. Early
daffodils were lovely about the
rooms and on the luncheon; table
where covers were Disced for;
Mrs. Frank Snedecor, Mrs. R. P.
noise, Mrs. Joseph Baumgartner,
Mrs. W. H. Bott. Mrs -T c Smith.
Jr. Mrs. T. A. Livesley. Mrs. Dan
J. -ry. jr.. Mrs. O. C. Locke, Mrs.
Win tarn IValtrii, Mrs. JoSnll: Mc
Karyl Mrs. Pavtd Eyw Mrsllenf
rylAle7ersan4 the hostess.; Mrs.
George" F. Rodgers;... -; 4 r j Ll'.-
Motor to San Francisco - 1
f Mr. and Mrs. Lester Schlosberg
are leaving ; this morning by mo
tor for a ten-day trip to) San .Fran
cisco: While j in California ; Mr.
Schlosberg expects to 'do consider
able spring, buying for'TheSmart
sho r . r V?'
EdstcrnStar SocialAftemoon
- An enJoyahleV- efteroooa 1 of
car dw is anticipated foEsfTuesday
afternoon, January : 26; in-the club
roomsAwbenf'-th r: members of
Chad wick chapter of the Eastern
Star will meet for both bridge and
five hundred, j ; f j ,. .r :'. "
Mrs. -Earl IDaue is chairman of
the hostess committee for the day
which. Jnelud'es .Mrs. Daue, Iva
Bushey Odell Obling, Addie Duns
ford. Katherlne In grey. Neva Ad--ams,
Bern ice Blodgett, Anlella
BOsshard, Roma, Kurtz and Mrs.
, K ... i
Lis UC "
"Silver Stars
Presented Tonight ; ; 4; j:
An impressive pageants written
to commemorate the silver anni
versary of' the founding of the
Standard Bearers' society in the.
Methodist Episcopal church, and
entitled "Silver Stars," jwill be
presented, this evening at the First
Methodist church as the feature
of the regular..; evening ; service.
The; choir will assist with sacred
musical numbers, during the three
episodes ;:V- j ' ' . !
Those participating will be Mrs.
A. A. Lee (representing" Mrs. Clara
Cushman); Miss Neva Stolzheise.
who' will present a brief outline
of Miss Cushman's life and work;
Mary Jo Geiser, Evelyn Berger,
Alice Mae Murray, La Vada Mai
well; Kl Rae Maxwell, Doris Phoe
nicie,. Harriet Beckley, Beatrice
Hartung, who! will act as cross
bearer; Muriel White and Helen
Mae Rico, heralds; Bonnie Zellar,
Eugenia Savage, Crystalee Max
well. Isabel, Huston, Doris Hoog
erhide, Loraine Bobbins, Esther
Gardner, Margaret Bice,; Evelyn
Hartung, ; Gladys "Taylor, Helen
Breithaupti Dorothy ? uutegunst,
Viola f- Crozer,?s Neva j Stolxhelse,
Carolyn Waterman, Lois Taylor,
and Bernice Williams. Gladys Tay
lor will give the recitation In the
pageant, a .A silver, offering will
be taken. "; ', - ... : ".' 2 ;4v -r
Leave forMichigan : '' ' -1
Mrl and Mrs4 W. S. Paden of
ri? itanids. Mich., who have been
the guests of their daughter. Miss
Hazel ; Paden, for the past week,
are leaving; this morning for their
?-;V "' 'v,- 1 : ' v.. j-:v:;
Tea at First i
Conareaational Church f v tr
The parlors of the First : Con
gregational church will bo tne
scene of a delightful tea on Fri
day afternoon. Jajiuary 29," when
the ladies of the church will en
tertain honoring the ladies of the
Central Congregational church and
K Today
Standard Bearers Tageaat.
First Methodist church; ' - ji
H "Broken Laws."' First Congre
gational church. -7:30 o'clock; v
" ! " Monday . -:v-
Salem Burns . club. Annual
program 'and ' banquet. Hotel
Marion, "6:30 o'clock,. jlj
Mid -winter meeting of Iowa
society. ' First Methodist church.
6:30 o'clock. Pot-luck supper.!
v. Tuesday I
Eastern Star social afternoon.
Cards. Lodge rooms. ! ; !
Entertainment by students of
the Chemawa Indian school. First
Methodist church. r Sponsored by
the Epworth league. 8 o'clock. I
-.Wednesday j -'
Salem branch National League
of Women voters. Annual meet
ing. . city library. 3 o'clock.
Friday j '
Tea. First Congregational
church complimenting ladies of
the Central Congregational church
and new members in the ; First
Congregational. 2:30 to fj : 3 0
o'clock. . ' !:JCL3'
W. R. C. and G. A. R. birthday
dinner. Armory. Noon. , ii
those' bf their own" members who
ar6 hew. Calling hours wl be
from 2:30 to 5:30 o'clock. '
The following will be hostesses
for the affair 1 Mrs. W. D. Clarke.!
MrsrR. B. Flenllng. Mrs. H. W.
Bross Mrs. Frank Neer an4 Mr.,
Wi E.' Wilson. - ",'-j;' i . I I
'' ' !". - y.?-' ' '. . 'I . 1
Miss Richards at Doney Home
Kliss, Frances M. Richards , is a
guest at the home of Dr. and;Mrs.
Carl Gregg Doney during Dr.
Doney's absence in tho easti ;
Daughter Is Horn
" Mr, and Mrs. Roy Remington
(Adeline, Craven) are receiving
felicitations over the births of- a
daughter, Joan Lenore, Saturday
morning,. January 23. Joan Le
one is the first grandchild of both
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Remington and
of ;Mr.;"and Mrst.J..M. Craven.
! - i ; j
Motor to San Francisco -
, Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Clark left
on .Tuesday of last week for an ex
tended trio into California.; Mr.
(Contino pc ) J
: j Just Dip to . Tiht or Boil
P.'v-j;l;to bye :,;';,'( I ;
Each 1 6-eent
package contains
directions' sol sim
ple any woman can
tint soft. . delicate ;
shades or dye rich, ;
permanent colors
in lingerie. Silks,
ribbons, skirts,
waists, dresses,
soats. stockings,
sweaters, draper
's, c o v e r 1 n g s.
hangings --- everything! ,
Diamond Dyes no other
kind and tell your druggist . whe
ther the material you wish to col
or is I wool i or silk, or whether
It la linen, cotton or mixed goods.
Gossard Week January 25th to 30th, Inclusive
" , " k ; ' - - ! ' ". '. " '. . . j' :''
oinrilbeFsfa Obssairdl i
ale TMis . WeM
n . f. . ,
I i '-
i ' J f i r
French Shojp
THere Is Much to Interest
An "advance selectionstyled in the newest, smartest
, -. r .!,.. ..'
manner a selection urou will enjoy seeinp;--priced
. y . y V; ; , J. .: ,; .. :'J---;:- :.
from $19.75 and up. f -
SpringCoM :
Aglow With New Style Ideas
: ' :. : " - -
Many of the new coats are dominated by! various inter-
. r
pretations of the! cape. Tapestry weaves are most
intriiruinff. ; !" r ;. ' ", ' 5 1"
''"!;:."-'-"-. v-' 't '. " ':'rl f;';-'-""'-s-'--T.T -
I lot Dresses, values up to 539
Final Clearance
I lot Coats, values to $59.75
Final Clearance
' 1
M. Buffe Morrison
3 1 h!- v A
' '- -V.
115 North High. Street - f I
- s
Masonic Ten pla
Fastidious women in
all parts of the world have
learned to' know and appreciate GOSSARD! garments of
V corsetry. - Leaders of fashion and society depend on them
ror a part or tneir .Deauty ana social success. 1
In.tie tropical breath of Honolulu, in the fastidious
atmosphere of Paris, iri the! quiet dignity of London, or
j independent society of Long Island and Newj York, social
leaders commend, Wear and depend on Gossard Garments.
' A Gossard will give, you better style a more com
fortable fit, better materials, and longer wear. Come in
! tomorrow and choose from these special numbers, that
have been greatly reduced m price.
' I :. 8
Style Number
A lightly-boned corset JTor the
slight figure. It has a low, com
fortable elastic top, one and one-,
half inches above the waist line.
The' medium length skirt is cut
straight around the figure, - has
three hooks and eyes below the
front Clasp. Six garters.1 ,This
.number is -made of . Brocade.
Sizes 23 to 32. , . v. , ?
Was $k00
Now $3150
Style Number
' : ; 523 , . -V
This is an ideal garment for
the average to . stout r figures.
The front measures two and one
half inches above the waist line.
The long, heavily-boned skirt
has ra six-inch ' elastic section
over, the thigh, which is rein
forced by a section of the bro
cade. ;. Double support ; in : front.
Six garters, i Sizes 27 to 38.
Was $10.00
Now $5.50
Fancy Brocade
. " Surgical Elastic j ' .
This number, is made Of fancy
Brocade and hand-loomed elastic
A non-lacing style. .Sizes 27 to
34. It attains at once I perfect
grace and freedom for the fig
ure. . During ! "Gossard Week"
we offer these,' numbers far be
low regular prices
Was $7.50
Now $4.95
TFT j ra
Calem't .Leidls Deptrtaeat Ctcrf
CKoose From the
Gossard Line of Beauty
1. y .4;
4 o c o o
S i V
( -
4 . L