.... .' ' 1 TT' -O 77; -! test' ...... I .. I section: one ;Pcgeslto8 THREE SECTIONS ' i" " 24 Pa(;b3 rv "1 .it - sveoty-fifthJ SALEftl; OREGCfN, SUNDAY MQENINq JANUARY:i24 1926 PRICE FIVE C ' ; , . . . 1 rr- CLOTURE iULE IS TH R EATEt 3 ED 3 iElectn Wailife 40 Per $ t j THBEf.Tf.mD 16 Possible Sas Health Chief - - - . . , . , . t Dr. H. ifrqwn eUSjFlrst Fuir Story of Objectives Sought by Local 'jQemonstration. After Examining 3,799 School Children etVEKGREDiT f! RUSS CO' 1 Profft Sharing Carnpafi jfa Residents of ThiDistrict Ex ceeds in Vahie of Prizes Anything Ever Offered5 " " i " ' " iri This 'PnrHftrV nf StatW '-i'. P.' 1 -. rhn 1$ - ft .... ' - . - - . i - i . . I i- .'. - V Death Rate Gut Prizes Giveri IS DISCOU . i - '-, , .i -- (!-'- r ,- X -U-, f ? i .1-- j on ;,1 World Court Commands T . Attention in Senate OFFER' NEW RESOLUTION s -n - 4'. I srasry nrntmir ofijwioos I said to llf'Btet. bjr. Sulmtitate TUB 3 itcsaii pi oiMitj Jng Jan.' S3 CBy ! Associated ft-esslJVltlijfh sem- i ate ; standing ready to adopt 1 on ; Monday, Its drastic cloture xul J which, would almost ! cat ! off, dis- cassion, new : negotiations were begun tonight looking to an agree ment for .limitation of debats on . the world' 'court. j -'" ''.' This new .and elerenth hour ef ) fort to staVe off- die bnp cloture was launched after leaders df lthe pro-cohrt f orces Bad offered d sub- atltnte resolution ' of observance . i which opponents said' met some of i the most serious -objectlans Ithey : had raised Itt the debate thai be . :5a last DetemterTi.T f'l 'f The svbstitnte was the, result sof a long Series of eoiiferences' iamongT,the.,court. adyqcajtesf and w4: offered'', by Senator, Sjw'ahsofi, I democrat, Virginia, author, of the ! pending resolution!. Its chief eat ture Is that . recourse to thle Yrtd "court tor settlement of differences between the United I States and other' nations could be hiad 'only by agteement through a j general or special treaties concluded be tween the nations la dispute j Opponents called attention im mediately that the ultimate ftect " of this 'reset-ration w6Uldj bef that ' tha senate, through Its eonstltu tiohal power s td pats u)d4 5 all treaties,' would hay the final de cision, aa to- what cases should or should not go to the Geneva tri bunal. 4 I a Besides the Swanaon substitute resolution of adherence, which Is expected to y be . adopted lhal "by 4 number of ne 'reservations were offered. . Chairman Borah of the foreign relations canimittee proposed two' more ;! and others (Cobbo u put S. - t - ' ' ' ' 1 WOMEN STAGP FL0G6II.G VICTI3I IS BEATEX bilaiu5e MOI1 OF OWX SEX I - ' .1 f i OCALA, Fla., Jan. Jt.-KBy A's soclated Press. ) Masked - Jwith floursacks, 17 unidentified women today spirited Mrs. ,MargJe pun ter, 33, housewife, away from; her apartment here to a . .lobelyj by road spot" and there j arej said ! to have whipped her with' , lmbs broken from surrounding j trees. , The woman. ' after assailants had left, rawled' to the Dixie highway .where she was foundj un . conscious by passing i motorists who brought her to j Ocaila.' She regained . ' consciousness c before reaching the city and, tonght was reported by attending physicians as rapidly recovering. he j Jold the authorities that one of! the women accused , her of atte'mp ting to separate a .man, and hla-Jwlfe. Her story of being' spirited way from the apartment was corrobor ated by other persons liriag ii the neighborhood. ' I',- t ". Head ' Every Word 1 .. f In the Statestnarf . 'if, s Large - enough - to contain strong local features; and thorough! departments, jet ot ..i ... . it, t ; I . too largo! to be jxandlcd ea4ly you miss some, thing while unless yon read worth e'vWy' -1 word in the Sunday .Statesman. Salem'i only Sunday 1 news paper printed" Iff three sections. for your convenience.. Worth White l:Wd THE OREGON . - - (te 1 . The' ETeatest' biter of a electric washer' and Jixteefi gold prizes' given free : . 'r The Oregon Stesmaii has ;decided ta announce at profit sharing campaign for. th residents; of this district j which exceeds, in -value of prizes offered, anything ever dreamed of in an .enterprise of this kind in this part of the' state. ! - First prize will be'a' Dodge Sedan, value $1,115.00 Second prize,' Chevrolet Touring Car, value $65:00. Third prize, F6rd Touring car with fulljeguipmerit", Value $499165. Fourth Prize Hagg Electric Washer, value $147.00i and 16 gold prized OAROINAb MERGiER! Primate of Belgium and Card inal of Malines dies at age of 74 years following? long' illness, f - DEATH ENDS SUFFERING OF BELGIAN"1 dHURfSHMAN GREAT ; PATRl OTA PKIXCK OP r CATHOLIC CHTRCH, DIKS End Conies Peacefully After liong Weeks' of Snfferirig From HI Health BRUSSELS, Jan. 23. (By! As sociated 1 Press. ) Cardinal Wer- cier, primate of Belgium, died at 3 o'clock this afternoon and f the passing of the great patriot and great , churchman was announced by the tolling of bells throughout the7 land. " I -He died peacefully, with eyes fixed upon the ' crucifix and sur rounded by his family. The fun eral will take place at M alines, on Thursday and the body, will be transported there tonight. It will He in i state ; in the archepiscopari residence. -The holding of nation al funeral services will be decided upon by I the ! council of ministers. Half an hour before ; the. end. the cardinal's mind, which had been extraordinarily clear and keen, began to fail. Breathing became difficult and his headj fell forward slightly as he' expired. , : . In the last hours Cardinal Mer cier grasped i the' hand, of Brother Hubert, who. had so long and so faithfully watched over him.-jand with Hubert's s hand ihyhis the cardinal breathed his last'. ; A! nun held the other hand, in which she had placed a lighted candle, j' ' - f King Albert and Prince Leopold came to St. Jean clinic when they learned of the passing, of the; car dinal and j remained -for several minutes ! silently, beside the j bier where, the body lay ' clothed in ceremonial robes. ' Prior to this. Burgomaster - Max' came person aUy to record the .death of his ancient war-time ally. 1 : Cardinal Mercler died as he had lived, at peace vlh men of good will, but i fighting grimly against the Inroads of Insidious disease for. weeks. with the same resolute and undaunted . courage . with which r he had faced the. enemies of fiis' country during , our t Jong year? ,ptl occupation., This prince of the church, above all men,' was the spirit incarnate of the Bel gian people, unbroken under the German military heel. ' ; , -, During the 74 years of his well filled life he lived up to all ! the precepts of the gospel, but: was no passive martyr.,.'. i GIRU GRANTED DAMAGES 15 YEAH OLD INDIAN' SCHOOL G1KL UXH IN COUHT SEATTLE. Jan. 23. (By sociated' Press.) Margaret As- Sut- ton, .1$ year old Indian school', girl was awarded S.O (TO damages against I the Alaska Steamshfp company in an order filed in fed eral court here today. . " ; t i fThe glrUfWh'o is ; attending an IndiaU school in Oregon, won" a suit against the ' steamship . com pany filed; .Hi If 24 fot.411eged at tacks: of negro employes of the company while she was en route from Alaska to Seattle. ThS I - TIt . I life time three automobiles. and commissions, total, value, of 13,000.00.' , Here's . the '. campaign , plan . in brief; VThe object of this Prize Campaign twQ-fold- to irier'ease the subscription list 'of the Oregon Statesman, to collect,' in advance, subscription payments from pres ent anipew subscribers and at the same time afford our friends and readers an unparalleled opportun ity to r rofit in a big' way through their spare time efforts' ; during the next few weeks. ; i ' Tt is a plkn that works both ways and ta the ultimate good" or all concerned. In: , other; Iwords make your spare time pay big dlv? idends. i ": ,x Whe4 you have seen friendsan acquaintances spin by in a hand some new car,; harent you often wished you owned an automobile also? Of course you have;: There Is not 1 a person Hying . who ! does not love the joys of motoring. 'Therev'to no reason at-all "why you cannot win .one df these ele gant free awards. Ambition, en ergy., and.' determination, are the necessary requisites for success, r Utilird. your spare ; moments perhaps you; are Industriously lay. lng? by a tidy sum' each week or month with i a view to 'buying something in the line! of an auto mobile. , ?' ' i, i.' t Whatever; your station In life, however large or small, yotir in-? come ;4 may be, there 1 Is surely something among the costly list pt prizes!, whieii 1 4ne Onsgonj States man Is going to givel away free. that is hound toJnUret pa. I Get the early starts-read over every word of the liberal prize of fer which will, be found -Jin .JTlie Auto Contest advertisement InT an other ; section -i in today's issue. Then send in your nomination ?hd get started for one Tpf the fre prizes at once. Those with the early start will have all the ad vantage in the competition. ju For the benefit of those who cannot call during business hours the on ice of the Contest Editor at 215 S. Commercial St., will be open every evening until :30. U ADMIRAL ROHS DIES MIAMI. Fla.. Jani 23i Rear Admiral, R: A. Voss, DSN, retired j died suddenly tonight at his home in Cocoanut Grotf. six miles south of Miami. 1 t Clergymen and' Scientists Say Opinion Is Without Scientific Basis PROMINEfiT MEW SPEAK Eiiiiiiont Mctu " Ieuy JP'uWfcilied , .StiUtnrulsTliat'ari ReUglinfs" Are Totiti'ring ou Their I . Foundations CHICAGO,' Jan. 23. (By Asso ciated j Pressj) ' The published opinion of JJuther Burbank that "all religions are on a -tottering foundation," accompanying his re ported 'avowal that tie is'yli7 infi del in' the true sense of the word," Were dismissed by, prominent cler- gymen I here today as uiiscien- ttfic. The. clergymen maiilfested the highest! respetet for the plant wis - ard's opinions on horticulture, but- suggested that the , shoemaker stick to his last. ' - "The; assortment of Mr. Bur bank's' beliefs printed in the news papers,!' said Bishop P. J. Mc Connel) of Pittsburgh Methodist, who oice debated with Clarence DarrpW, avowed agnostic, "have no scientific basis. Mr. Burbank is not talking of what he knows, but df what he believes, and his views jas published . are badly (CenUnued on pt 7.) FAMOUS PAINTER DEAD WILLIAM H. DIUKK POCXI) myKU IX ROOM; GAS KILLS LOS ANGELES, Jan. 23. (By Associated Press.): William H. Drake, internationally famous an imal painter, iwas found dead in a hotel room here today. Escaping illuminating gas had' caused the death, whieh is being investigated by the police jDrake left a letter addressed to his niece, Mrs. Wayne Jackson of this city. The artisti who .was 70 years old, was a member of the Salama- gundt club of Water jColor Xew Yor American Society and other art organizations. He had received honorable, mention for his work at the Paris exposition in 1S83 1900. He illustrat Kipling's "Jungle and again in ed Rudyard Book;" Drake was bOrri'itt New York City.lJune 4, 18561 lesrtfmr&n "f WcV w H TO QlAfl ArAV JL ' - Captain -. Rbald Amundsen Champions Cause of Dis graced Polar Explorer REMARKS BRING PROTEST MnrVlJllijii and Stefanssoii Deny Truth of Norwegian's Stale incuts in Defense of Dr. Cook FORT WORTH, Texas. Jan. 23. (By Associated Press.) -Dr. Frederick A. Cook is a "genius in the estimation of Capt. Roald Amundsen, ahdvpo matter what he may or may not have done in business, deserves the respect of the American people for his in repid explorations. Dr. Cook may not have discovered the north pole but Commander R. E. Peary also may have not, the former having as good a claim as the latter. Cap- I tain' 'mundseh, discoverer of the south pole, said here today, The Norwegian explorer ap parently had not intended to speak of the discredited discoverer of the north pole, but spoke with feeling when he jdid touch upon the subject. "I don't know whether he de serves to be in prison or not," Amundsen said. "To me he was always a genius. .When we were young men together in a Belgian Antarctic expedition I said that if any man ever reached the north pole it would be' Dr. Cook. In 1909' D.r. Cook came" back from the. north as the discoverer of the pole, and I was. among. those xyho greeted him at Copennagen. He began Immediately to put the story of his, discovery, and explor ations in writing. Later, Com mander Peary returned with his claim of discovery and attack on Dr. Cook's claims. The ultimate result was disgrace for Dr. Cook. "I have read Dr. Cook's story and I have read Peary's. In the Peary story, I have not found any thing of consequence- not covered already by Dr. Cook." Amgndseh declared that the evidence that Capt. Donald Mac MJllan, one of Peary's companions, gathered in an effort to discredit Dr. Cook was "of no importance. ROCKFORD; Hi., Jan. 23 Commander Donald B. MacMHlari said he stood with the Eskimos of Dr. Frederick A. Cook on the (Contiaaed on pso T. Death rate" in Marion, county can be" cut from 25' t6 ; 40 percent, and.the frequency of sickness in the same proportion, in the opinion of Dr. Walter H. Brown, head of the Child Health Demonstration here, which, in the past eight months, has" examined 3799 children in39. communities of the conuty. . "These 3799 children were tinder 14 years of age," said Dr.. Brown, as he sat in his private of fice tellirig' the first full, complete story of his org;anizatiQnvs work here; for the benefit of Statesman readers. "Of that number, 2973 wer6 between the ages of ' 6 and 14 yearsi ., ',; "We have just finished studying the results of 2.D24 of I these Indi vidual examinations. Of the total, 1,740, or 86 per cent, had one or more defects and 28 4i or 14 per cent, were free from defect. One of the striking facts brought out was that 90 per cent of the chil dren of school age had one or more physical defects, while in the pre-school age this percentage was only 72. . "Children here are not worse off, probably better, than in most sections of the country. 'The explanation of this in crease' In defects when a child reaches school age should chal lenge' every thinking physician. - "Objectives of the child health demonstration are these," said Dr. BroWn. "To help every inter ested citizen to learn the known things about health and disease prevention. When these . things are known and practiced t death rate in this country will fall from 25 to 40 per cent. Sick ness can be cut in the same pro portion. "We replace no official or unof ficial organization or group. We work only with and through exist ing agencies. We do not send a worker into a school. I We oHer to pay a worker to spend half her time in Salem, half . her time in the county, but she must be. a part of the schools organization. 'We found that little had been done jin school nursing in this sec tion.1 tWef el t there was need for visiting1 nurses vho would do ed ucational work in the home and give medical advice, not. however, replacing in any way," the work of the family doctor. ! "These district nurses we hold responsible for families in their districts She. was not asked to attend emergency cases, as much as to provide general nursing ser vice, primarily educational, deal ing with the entire family. "We have established, five dis tricts 1q Salem, each with its own district- nurse. There' are three (Con tinned en pS 7.) HUNTER'S BODY FOUND IX x; 8 LeadxO seauchi.Vg I PARTY TV DEAD BODY BAKER, Or.. Jan. 23. (By As sociated Press. )- The baying of wd bounds; taken outesterday. on . a cougar nunung inp oy meir master, led a searching party 'to tbe body of Fred Creighton, young Grant county, rancher,, near here late today. The; body; was" found lying face downward at the foot Of a cliff, a jagged bullet wound In the left leg. ; . j A gun. sling made of strips of underwear and wrapped around the leg showed that Crelghtota. had made a' futile effort to stop the flow of blood that cost hihf his" life. .The hammer of his gqn was broken.; indicating' that it had been' discharged by' a hard blow, possibly a.fall on the rocks. ..The gup. was found near, the body? t... rcreightpn liatuiiton yest'erdayaf ternoon with his' hounds to hunt for cougar. Alarmed when he did not return this morning, his wife "sent . out friends to search for hint. i v v ' i rt- URGES BEET PLANTING XORTHWEST SUGAR FACTO R l ' IES SEEK INCREASES SEATTLE.! JanM2 By VAs sociated Press. )-.V.W.i,Tlihpsoiij .it.itc manager of - the tali-Idaho Sugnr company, is appealing to development organisations : in an Jriort to interest King county farmers, east n J eoufh of .Seat tle.to increase sugar beet produc tion it was learned' litre today. The sugar com pa ty last' year ft iJellingham built the5 first beet t r ar factory in - wc. rn Wash ington at a cost of 1?000,OOQ. The plant last fail handled 30,000 tots ot beets most of which were grown . in Watcom and' Skagit counties. Timpson said, hi com jjaiiy; wisl-ed ;tohandl at least tKh'e as many beet next'fall. ?' i - t "''': - i j - . L. ..' -. ..... i ' Mr. Timpson,, is to visit Salem spon and:n'effort';wlt.h& made to 'iudoce", him . to fpef k on, the sugar beet. industry at jone of the coon luncheons of the Salem tJ'","',r Ct """-"fro, j r i EtEVEN DIE WHEN FLAME SWEEPS THROUGH HOTEL FIVE UNACCOUNTED FOR, THUtTEEN IN HOSPITALS Guests on Fourth and Fifth Floors f Old Hostelry Trapped' j by Flames ALLEXTOWN', Penn., Jan. 23. fBy Associated Press. I Eleven bodies had been recovered tonight from the ruins or La Fayette' ho tel, the city's oldest hostelry, des troyed by-fire today. Five per sons were still unacocunted for and were thought to be in' the ruins. The walls, still standing, will be dynamited tomorrow to make the task of the searchers less dangerous. ;; j Eight bodies were identified and thirteen persons are in hospi tals '.-: . , The cause of the fire: was un determined tonight. Herbert ; W, Guth. director-of public safety said there' would be a thorough investigation of a report that just before the cry of ; fire there; was an explosion In a room on .an up per floor. This, report, was some what discredited by Ralph Leh man, the night clerk and Melanc thon Usaw, a newspaper worker and lodger at the hoteL Usaw had just reached' the ho tel after his 'night's work; ? He stopped to talk with the night clerk. Thieir conversation wjis In terrupted by a terrifying cry of "fire from upstairs. Both rah to the second floor and aroused those rooming there, but the spread of the flames was so rapid they had to flee; to save their lives. Neither heard any expul sion preceding 'the first alarm they said. 1 I The Quests on the fourth ; and fifth floors, unable to .escape through the hallways. were, hang ing from' windows" when the IirH meii; arrived. Nets5 were" ir little" nse because of an old time' nar row? roofed porch,' t ha t extended the whole width of te. first floor. , . One aged man unable to hold on uridl firemen coiild reach j him With! a ladder, dropped with a cry of terror, landing on the root, of the porch. He . was dead when reached.. r . . -.f ' '; William, b. , Cassone owner of the hotel," estimated the .property as beiHg wortV 20d,00(J, . , ; .. . COURT PROBE ORDERED - ' . !-' : ALLEGED 'SETTLEMENT'' OF CHARGES BRINGS ACTION SEATTLE, Jan. 23. (By; As sociated Press. ) -Prosecutdr Ew Jng Colvin today started an in vestigation of ' the actiTlties ofl Lawrence F. Linden and Tom Mulligan, justice of peace and con stable of .Riverton, Constable James Ml Lambert of Seattle! Id a complaint' filed . today stated' that the Riverton officials have been issuing and serving warrants for the arrest of alleged Chinese' gam biers and liquor, law violators here. Several months jago Lam- bert fdeclined to serve four of Judge Linden's warrants, direct ed 'against alleged Chinese gam blers aUd refused to jretprn them to Linden when it Was explained' that ;mattersj hkd beeu'satisfac- toriry settled.- : " ' v - Colvin declared he intends to find out how the Riverton offic ials had settled the charges; ANBIAW TI!6UGh:' LtSiiDED IX TRUCJCS DURING NIGUT The" victim of sheep thieves for the third, time in a" month. Pear. Givens of Turner reported to the sheriff's office yesterday that 14 yearling- ewes had been stolen trom his ranch s between ' Turner and Marion . sometime : between Friday night and Saturday after noonl .The -sheep - weref i marked on the hips' with red paint. it Mr.r Givens lost seven sheep a weekf agt ;-' and- three last., month: hc nas orrcred, a- reward for la formation leading to the arrest of the. thieves. K 4 - " - Deputy Sheriff Bert Smith in vestigated Jhe case. Beyond tho factthat , the animals had : 1kx--i taken away-in a rut-k. no otter Arrest' of Railroatl Officia'a By Marshal; Ctiang Brings Strong Protest RELEASE li DEMAF.DED Soviet Consul Declares Occupation of Manchiirta Station Will Result Ifij Order Not ' Acted On ' - - ' !. - . PEKING, Jan 23. (By Asso cl Press.) -A Ithreat of a sov iet occupation df the railway sta tion at Harbin, 'Manchuria, head quarters ot the! Chinese Eastern' railway, was telegrapjhed today to Marshal Chang Tso-Lin. dictator of Manchuria, b L, M. Karakhan, soviet ambassador to China, fol lowing the arrest yesterday of M. I vanoff, Russian! general manager, and three Russian directors of the railroad. ,. :- .The arrests were made at Har bin by orders of Marshal Chang and his subordinates, following several days of controversy over the right of Chinese troops to ride withbut payment of fares. Ambassador Rarakhan's threat was supplemented, by a' telegrarh from the Peking foreign office to Chang and otheqr military, leaders concerned, insisting that M. Ivanoff must be released in the interest of goodl relations of Rus-, sia and China. This message was sent after M. Karakhan had pro-, tested vlgorousfy, to the foreign Office.,' i :: - I V.: r; - .Although the Peking admiais-. tration Is . well disposed ' toward ft the soviet, it has ao means tc . compel Marshal ;Chang to obey its orders. ! ",'." MOSCOW, J4n 23. (By As sociated Press.)-! strong message's' fortrsnsmisslod t to Chief "Exec u- tivejTuaV 0hi-Ju'C td "the cUief foreign ministe arid 'to Marshal Chang Tso-Lin, f dictat'dr of Man--churia were frojrwardd " by For eigd4 Commisaif Tchitche'riii today to Ambassador tr Mr Karakhan at Peking, dealing with Jhe arrest of. M- ilvandff,8 ; Itussia-i s generar manager tof thel Chinese eastern railway and ot tTer1 points' In the railrptd controversy.; - - he vmessagls. ' demand M, IvinofH i-eieasl aJd euilable ac tion on other matters within' three days. Otherwise, M. Tchitcherin requests the Chinese g;overnmcnt to permit the soviet "to . use' its own efforts" t secure ; a settle ment with' Chang Tso-LIit. . TIMBER LAN-D lk)NATED , SEATTLE, Jan. 23. (By Asso-, elated ress.) fpr. Charles Lath-rop- Pack- of Lakewood,. N. J., r-resldent of the American Tre association, has given 329 acres of - timber containing , a 'million and a half board feet to the Uni versity of Washington college of forestry,'. Presiding Henry Surzal lo announced today. The forest, which will be used to demoastra a the' science of forestry. Is situate 1 at La Grande, adjoining the Rain ier National park highway. JIM CORBEpT .-DARED'' NA3EPA FARMER, 73, ISSUL 1 FOR3LL CHALLENGE y SPOKANE, f Jan. .23. (By Associated" Preis.) W. J. Ran kin, r 73,-farmer of Nam pa. Idaho, wants to fight Jim Cor bett, former heavyweight cham pion of the wdrld.: --' Rankin declared here today that Corbett had once Issued a challenge thatf he would f Is! : any man In the world sixty years of age when he himsc'.J reached that age. The former heavyweight pd gills t will be 6 0 in September and Rankin says he is ready forfhlm. "I have known Jim Corbett for raanyyears and I have sparred with Iui." said t Nampa man. 1 don't say thst 1 can hci. him, but we ha 1 ought to be ale to put up ft good boxJmktch, as Corbett has taken good care of hir - fi 'Although 14 ye Vis cldr ttx . Corbett,-..Eack.ia ia nctworrl: -He" Is a b!,?r man,-siX' tsz.t c inchja fic!iht',r"l T.:-s I rounds, but claims ha c : -. r lT-e to IS 3 i:iz:$ I, i jadsement has just been upheld by