The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 23, 1926, Page 1, Image 1

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Hail Cecil V ere
Musical Sunshine Counts
j As Brook's
; : Says, John Philipv Sousa
Mainly Dae to InHuencc of One Halt, Town Nine Miles North
Greatest Band Master America Ever .produced Leans Back
in His Chair, Following the Concert, and Talks
Freely fcr Statesman Readers ,
ui ouitrui a iKes on in ew Liie and Activity Through
I. Growth of Celery Industry i ;
. n n.u-m ' '
. severe uoia wave : is riov
, w ing East ami South; At
i fantic Cities Shiver
I Soatb Dakota City Registers 20
) Below; Sixteen States Are 1
ia Tbroet of Severe 1 !
, Cold Blast i !
CHICAGO; Jan. 22. (Br As
sociated ' PreBS. ) From the -filoc-
leg east to Ohio and- from i Sai-
iatchewaa to tha Gulf of MftiicQ.
tha' country . Is shlTering'; under k
cold mtre. Tonight the' mercorpr
win stay below the zero mark, bttt
weather- forecasters promise! tle
beginning of relief ! tomorrow
morning-. The cold area Is cree-
tag east and south, and the entire
Atlantic seaboard Will next leU tl
Huron, S- D was the coldest
snot lv:. the United States i laslt
night with a temperatnre of 26
below; xeroc The Twlnj piUe re
ported' the season's coldest nlgfajt
of the year-with 17 below. 1
: In Chicago the mercury dropped
to 5 below, : - ';: ; r. ". v: !
i Freezing temperatures 'were re
ported from as far soaih as El
Paso, Texas, today; and they will
advance over the other gulf anil
southern states tonight, forecast
say. Sixteen states, are In for be-Iqw-sero
weather, tonight and! nu
merous others will watch the fnef--cury
hover around the sro mark
or little above. j ' ;
LMttlesnow or'windUis predicted
over the greater portion of the af-
-f acted' area, but storm ! iwarninga
have. been issued for the region of
the freat Zakea; y 11
One death was reported in Chicago-today
as a result of the1 colli
and there were numerous appeals
to local welfare agencies for cloth
ing and fuel. - ' j r-, j
'NEW YORK. Jan. 22. (By A
sociated - Press.) The Cold wave
caused the death of one!
man to-
day In Perth Amboy, NJ
2., vhilo
la New York two men were tkkeb
f to hospitals after they ! had i cot
) lapsed In the street. ;
?The weather" bureauj
predicted a steadily falliftar met
cury throughout New- York, New
Jersey and the New England states
with no relief in sight until Sun
day. ; . , I
7 Snow flurries ushered in! the
cold wave early today, In paris
of! the northeast-region; orchards
were badding? yesterday and a few
robins had returned. jj;M i
Temperatures plunged! precipi
tately, 20 to 25 degrees downward
during the day.; In New: York the
mercury -dropped 25 degrees j be
tween midnight and 1 o'clock; this
afternoon.-. -; ' .. ! ! " ;
The wind reached a velocity of
6f miles In New York city during
the early afternoon. The snow
was no more, than a flurry in jNeV
York city but was heavier through
New England, varying from 1
Inches around Boston to 5 inches
at.Eaatport, Me. : - j...
. -.;':. Harold Leroy Walsh, 30, known
I to his former companions in the
1 Oregon EUte - Prison- as Bid
Eye Dick," wa , arrested ! late
Thursday evenlngt and was placed
.-, lat the county. Jail yesterday! as la
' result of his alleged bad check
T operations In the vicinity ofj Jet-
tenon. Turner, .-Aumsyllle aid
1 Stayton. Hla home, he says. jls In
, i Marshfleli He waived ,prell9M
nary hearing la the justice. Bap
was not' set. . - s f " 1 1 A l
Walsh waa arrested lav a ca
believed to be stolen and the pos
session of which be could' not ex
plain. He Is said-to- have cashed
a check for f 1950 In Jeff erson.
j The signature of Ben j Fu4tojx,
j well known Turner man j was
- wis 'used.-' ' 1 I
Jf He has a- long . prison ' record,
V -first lnnAiHnr at tha nnnltentiarT
( ( here In January; IS 20. He) was
sent up from Portland ; on a bw-"
1 year sentence! of assault! and rob
bery while armed with a dangfr
ous weapon. Before' that '-hi had
served a sentence In-thelWas'hl4g-'
ton state -reformatoryi J In Sfp-t-;ber;
1922, he was ratoled from
. turrr i later from Rch'rburj; as-a
By EBa
j -
'In the Thursday issue of The Statesman, featuring, the
development of, the celery industry in the territory adjacent
to Salrn the Several thousand Statesman readers learned
something- more than that Brooks was a leading- shipping
point on the southern Pacific railway: i I t
; It learned that this little town, nine miles north of Salem,
has taken' on: new life and activity never before known in the
70 years of it's existence, largely through the influence of One
Operation Are Said to Give Rise
to Speculation With
( Punishment
PORTLAND, Jan. 22. (By As
soclated Press.) Abolition of the
state parole board, or a rigid re
striction by law of its functions
and powers, was recommended to
day in resolutions adopted by the
district attorneys' association, of
Oregon at the closing; session of
its annual meeting here.
The resolation. set forth that
the operations of the state parole)
board, since its establishment
have , given rise to a condition
where la w violators specu) ate
with the certainty of punishment
The system of granting paroles
which has been followed by the
state parole board, the resolution
states, permits law violators In:
great numbers of instances to re
ceive double consideration of all:
extenuating, and . mitigating cir-i
cumstancesi : !
First, from; the trial court 'at
the time of passing of sentence;:
second, from the parole board on
ex-parte presentations of the same
mtigating circumstances and ' con-j
ditlons urged before the trial
The district attorneys held fur
ther that a! double system of pa-i
roles exists In the present law 4
bench, paroles and parbles by the
state parole board, making the
proper panishment of law viola
tors doubly uncertain.
The constitutional powers of
the government, it was held, are
sufficient to cover all causes oil
justifiable leniency after committ-j
men oy tne trial court, and lor
that reason the state parole board
was held to be unnecessary and!
not satisfactory. j
The association recommended
that the power to suspend first
sentence from the bench be re
tained by Judges, , !
; Officers were elected' as follows
President, 'John L. Foote, Column
bia county; vice president, W. Ti
Miller, Josephine county; secre-f
tary-treasurerj C. W." Barrick, Tilj
lamook county; executive coiai
mittee, Staaleyr Myers, lultnomah
county; . Livy Stlpp, (5lackama$
county, and Newton C. Cheney
Jackson county.
Tne association went on record
In favor of a court of appeals of
limited jurisdiction subordinate
to the supreme court; because of
the increasing' volume of appeals
from the circuit' courts.
I SEATTLE,. Jan.; 22. (By As
sociated 'Press.) Warren Hardy;
Seattle attorney todajr made good
bis threatj of Wednesday to sue
Chief of Police Severyns for $22,1
835, the valued Hardy placed on
arms and j ammunition seised In
S raid Saturday night. '
s Lee Waite, at liberty on bond
pending appeal; on a holdup con
viction and George Woodhull were
arrested in the raid, pot released
when Hardy : claimed; ownership.
$ Hardy charged in his compaint
that the arms were known to po
lice to have been in bis borne since
November 10 and were seized
without writ.
LAS P ALMAS, Canary Islands,
Jan. 22. (API Tha Spanish
seaplane De Plus, Ultra has suc
cessfully completed the first part
of Its journey from Spain to South
Americalanding on the waters to
the harbor here at 3 o'clock this
afternoon the " time, - almost to
the minute, at which it was eS
pected. ' f rj ; ; j . ;
.j;-'; -v:-rLvtf;'; . (
i CLAREMORP.: Okla.. Jan. 22.
Mrs. J. D. Sullivan, wife of-a
farmer, . is the mother of triplets
born; a few- days ago? weighing ja
total of 31 funds. Two gifl babies
weighed 11 . nounds esch -and !a
hhT bey '.wHtrhed 0 ionnf.i '--The
babi v'i are growins nicely ays the
In that way, as far as I know, he
doesn't live up to his name at all.
He does write verse; mighty good
stuff, too, but he leaves out the
suicide and similar unprofitable
ways of spending one's evenings.
And he paints pictures; Wonder
ful pictures that might well be
termed painted 'poems; Also he
can make thecamera talkL (Now
I don't want anybody to grab that
expression. I just thought it up
and it isn't often I think;, of any
thing these days but my rheuma
tism). Well, he does the- most
wonderful things in the way of
photographs. The. people; In them
seem, not only, to talk, but, walk
as well.' His colored photographs
of flowers call the very ; bees in
from the fields, seeking honey.
Some of them exhibited at the re
cent state fair elicited much favor
able comment from competent
Also, he Is the Brooks corre
spondent for the Oregonian, and
gave , to the world the- first news
that the president was to have
Lake Labish celery f or Thanksgiv
ing. Occasionally he contributes
to Icoal papers,' and be has in
preparation some articles -for a
magazine of national circulation.
featuring the various industries of
the Brooks , (or Salem) 4 district,
to be illustrated with some of his
own photographs, and it; is quite
possible that the next issue of the
United States department of agri
culture y ear book . wiU contain;
some' of his"pietures. " -"
All this he does in addition to
spending the hours from 8 a. m.
to ft p. m. as agent for the S. P.
railway at Brooks, and; looking'
after -the needs of his family,
which' consists of a mother, wife
and three children, with a very
large circle of friends to whom
he plays the part of "big brother."
At Christmas time, through the
influence of this young man, the
Hoot Owls of Portland save me
a radio set, aitnougn mat is not
why I write this. I liked him;
even before that now !there is I
no limit. ?
(By Associated .Press;)-? The fed
eral reserve bank of San- Fran
cisco in ' its .ajsauai. .report made
public today-, announced that it
began the - neqp year, with total
cash reserves of $285,819,302 and
total resources of 443.83T,730.
Both show substantial ' increases
over 1924. -' ' '" 'A . '
a uiTtiiiiiiiar a m "tw jl mr t i mt t "
Operators Shatter Hope of
: Anthracite Settlement by
Refusing Pfan
Coal Mine Operators Declare Plan
Accepted, by "Miners Fails ,
to Meet Any Require
ments of Situation
(By Associated Press.) Another
effort to end thej long drawn out
coal strike was shattered today.
This time, it Was the anthra
cite operators, who refused, o go
along after the mine workers had
consented to go Into another con
ference to consider a plan of set
tlement as a basis for . negotia
All through the hard coal re
gions. Which have been suffering
from progressive paralysis of busi
ness during the fong suspension.
the joyous ; report tnat a settle
ment' was about to be reached
swept like wild-fire only to have
the high hopes if all concerned
dashed by the declaration of th?
mine owners that the peace plan
was not acceptable.
The new plan was offered by the
Scranton Timts. ! The invitation
of newspaper to Major W. W. In
gliss, chairman of the operators'
negotiating committee, to" com
ment 'on the proposition brought
response from ; him which was
construed by mine workers and,
others as favorable to a renewal
of negotiations.
President John! L. Lewis of the
United Mine Workers, in a letter
to E. J. Lynett, publisher of the
Times, made public today, ex
pressed his willingness to re-enter
joint negotiations at the earliest
possible moment.. The statement
given out-by the press represen
tative of the operators to counter
act the false report follows:
"Regarding reports that the an
thracite operators had accepted a
strike settlement plan proposed by
E. J. Lynett of the Scranton Times
the Philadelphia office of the an
thracite operators conference
states that Mr. Lynett's plan did
not meet ahy requirements of the
situaton and had; not been accept
ed by Mr. ' Ingliss or the opera-J
tors. .
SPOKANE, Jan. 22. (By As
sociated Press.) As a result of
injuries sustained when he slip
ped on an Icy pavement here last
week,. John Russler, 61, a baker,
died here today. At first it was
thought that Mr. Russler was, not
seriously hurt, but intestinal com
plications caused his death.
Navy Department Appropri
ation Measure Is Stripped
By House Action
Open Bread Between House Com
mittees on Naval Affairs
Causes Legislative
Sea to Foam
WASHINGTON, Jan. 22. (By
Associated Press.) The navy de
partment appropriation bill en
countered ' a choppy sea in the
house today, and was stripped by
points of order of sections carry
ing approximately $9,000,000 for
new aircraft construction during
the next fiscal year.
Those steering its legislative
course were unable to guide the
measure to port before adjourn
ment and tomorrow face a vote on
an amendment to eliminate anoth
er section to provide $300,000 for
the navy to contract with the air
craft - development corporation
backed by Ford interests for an
all metal airship.
The legislative sea was
Churned up by an open breach
between the two house commit
tees charged with the handling of
naval affairs. Chairman Butler fo
the naval committee charging the
appropriations naval subcommit-
( Continued on page 5)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 22. (By
Associated Press.) The long
threatened move for a cloture on
the world court was made tonight
in the senate. It was followed by
a bitter debate of an hour, with
signs at the end that some sort
of an unanimous consent agree
ment to limit debate without 're
sort to cloture, might yet be
Bearing the signature of 43
senators- 4 from each side of
the aisle the petition for cloture
was presented by Senator Lenroot,
republican,, Wisconsin, leader of
the pro-Court forces. Under the
rules it must lay over for one cal
endar day, so in no event can a
vote- on it be had until next Mon
day. Administration leaders declar
ed they could muster at least 72
votes for cloture, which upon its
adoption would limit each senator
lo one hour in the court debate.
This, number is more than the nec
essary two thirds majority to in
voke the limitation rule.
The greatest band master America,eer produced settled
back into his hotel room chair, unfastened one .button for the
sake of ease, and smiled as your own uncle might.
One more concert was over. The armory had been pack
ed. He seemed pleased as he said:
"Every night a different audience. I never tire of appear
ing before them, and the funny thing is that all people of all
countries cheer to some of the' strains, that have lightened
the footsteps of many a weary doughboy.' .
tie taiKed, not as Lieutenant Commander, John Philip
Conflict Between City and State
House Wiring Laws Given
as Reason
What's a little legal tilt between
council members? Apparently not
much, for a special meeting of
the council iras been called by
Mayor J. B. Giesy for Monday
night. The meeting is to be held
in the council chambers at 7:30
Is the matter of the legal right
of Fred A. Williams to hold his
office as city attorney, or the
claims of Chria Kowits to be con
sidered at this meeting? No, says
the mayor.
"If there is any petty technical
ity standing between Williams and
his right to be city attorney," de
clared Mayor Giesy, "we will at
tend to the matter at the next
regular meeting of the council."
Fred WUliams seems not to con
sider the two weeks salary an
issue demanding a fight. It is un
likely he will force the collection
of two weeks salary through the
courts. It is just as unlikely that
Kowitz will do so.
The meeting called Monday
night Giesy Is merely
for the purpose Of conferring with
electrical experts. All ' electrical
contractors in the city have been
asked and urged to attend the
There is, it seems, a conflict be
tween the city ordinance regulat
ing the wiring of houses, and the
state law. It is merely the pur
pose of the meeting Monday night
to draw up an ordinance for the
city that will be in accord with
the state law.
As for the city attorney ques
tion like the rear license plate
on a nauto, it seems to be a back
Salem high school debaters
scored a double victory Friday
evening when they wou two victor
ies over Wodburn in a dual de
bate. The score was 2 to 1 at
both schools. The-question read;
resolved htat the child labor
amendment to the federal consti-J
tution should be adopted.
In the debate held in the high
schol auditorium here, the .Wood
burn team upheld the affirmative.
In Woodburn, the Saiem team af
firmed the question.
Harold Tomliason and Gaynell
Beckett participated for Salem at
the local debate, with Margaret
Pro and Winston Williams debat
ing for Salem 1 in- Woodburn, The
Woodburn team here was Betty
Balllio and Feme Tweedid ?-
The Salem hlghschool won six
points in the debate and Wodburn
received two t&wards participat
ing in the state championship corn
test. ' " '
Drs. E. B. Mittleman. W. It
Dreesen and Roy M. Lockenour,
all of 4he Oregon v Agricultural
college, were the judges. , Homer
Richards" acted as chairman of the
evening. Orlando" Hornsby5' la" the
debate coach for Salenr high. "
The next' debate; will probably
be -held. here I on February 12.
Salem meeting the winner of the
two other triangular "cnotests.
.. . SEATTLE, Jan. S 2 . -( By As
sociated ! Press.) -Finding the
victim's body abruptly- ended a
murder mystery i which. . started
promisingly here v today.'. ; fl- '
f Three automobile loadc of offi
cers, including prosecutor ;E wing
Colvin, his assistant, Robert Mac
Farlane," sheriff Matt Starwich,
deputy coroner W. J. Jones, - six
deputy sheriff s. and ; two; trusty
bloodhounds rushed to a small
Iraildlag t just north f of Seattle's
city -limits where - matted gray
ha!r,- blood -and. number '"dis
charged cartridgQS were strewn.
The : blood hou n ds' led the ffl
rrr to- a. well. : -A depuly-was- low
ned. He brought np the victim,
t'i-asc t tuijr rfi, ' '"LlJ.l
Sousa, that man- whose music has
circled the world. Rather he
spoke, with tl.e complete ease and
formality of some kindly, good
n&tured relative.
"Which of your marches brings
the quickest response?" '
"I don't know" he replied.
"Many would say the Stars and
Stripes Forever. The first ver
sion for piano was written in
1896, just after I landed from
Europe. Throughout the voyage
I had been pacing .the deck, with
the Stars and Stripes in my heart.
I was homesick. I wanted Amer
ica again. Gradually it developed.
"Where do songs like that come
frpm? I don't know. One must
bo inspired, I suppose. No, 1
fci.ow that. You cannot write mu
tlc until you have thought It all
out, and then it goes on jpaper
ensily,. and fairly fast.
"The Star sand Stripes fcs lived
because of its war- associations,
now, I suppose. But when I heard
It first in form of music rather
than just as a feeling within me,
it had the appeal. That wa hack
In 1896. The spirit of sunshine
In music always calls forth a -genuine
reaction from listeners.
"We went around the world in
39lti, 1911-and 1912. - Love of
that type of music, 1 we found;
does not appeal .to- one. people
alone, i X give the same .cert
whereever I go, wherever I am,
and the rythm" and -a. sunshine
takes.: :' ' : j, -
"What would you counfj the
great war marches, other j than
your own?" .
'Over There, would be; one.
George Cohen is clever. ; The
march primarily features :the
trumpet. But the combination Of
words, with tremendous dramatic
appeal, and his rythm, made it the
favorite it was. I shan't forget a
sailor I saw singing that. i. HIS
action was dramatic and; the. mel
ody compelling," '? J . j
-Sousa should, know; To idate
212 compositions- have appeared
under . his name. Forty-five of
them might easily be rated among
the most moving selection - of
their' type. -,
Mr. Sousa was born in Wash
ington, D. C. ; r '
"I drank in patriotism even as
I took nourishment," he laughing
ly phrased it. I ; -
Throughout the war period,"
bands under his leadership were
prima -factors': in riasing funds for
liberty Bonds. The famous band
batallion, 350- strong, was per
haps the greatest ' musical i organ
ization of the type -ever -formed,
while bands, playing; his pieces;
made - roads shorter and boots'
lighter for millions of "American
fighters. . . . .
- Mr. Sousa was mustered out of
service- In '1920; -having , made his
official contribution.' He leads a
civilian, organization now.' 1
4 "You know," he concluded with
a sly- twinkle, "This life appeals
to- me with something of : the
gambling:. Instinctf Always a new
audienee. Usually eager. I en
joy it all, probably more " than
those who sit out in front. , In'
the : background the - question,
will 1 make money, or villi lose? '
IpERS1 i Wl.t SPEAJf
':fr TAJUK- AT LU CRIX-V . , -
.; Members attending- the Monday:
lunt-heon of 'the'chamber of com
merce wUl have - the-. opportaaity
of hear lag t'the men-' they-' have
elected to office for- 1926. J The
officers, of, the club are to be ho
speakers - on . the- program, at .the
Monday luncheon. ?; : A ,' .. . i,
'- Each 5 will have , the- chance ; to
tell what he thinks should bo do'ne
by the chamber apd for the cham
ber during the '.coming' year.
; George II. Grabenhorst, presU
dent of the chamber, will be prin
cipal speaker of f the--occasion. The
other officers to speak are W.' K
rBnrns, vice president; U.: Si Page.
secretary; Ross iC. Miles,- trcasu
ref ;, U. - G. Holt, social, "departs
mentj -OttoAis tartroanv; civic' de
partraentf George F. Vick, . agricultural.-,
department;. .Div E E.
Fisher legislative department; 11.
O. White, king blng of the rherri
ana; I. M Dnuirijtn. )r 5t-nt f
the Salem BujJTj-.rj-w" lcaTU'W
Rfcspectafcfe Citizens Who
Violate Prohibitiori Laws
i Are Condemned
BamUtry, ; Murder anl . Bribery;
; Flourish Because People Are
Paying Criminally i
: Inclined f ; - V
NEW YORK, Jan. 22 ( By As
sociated Press. ) Attorfaey Gener
al Sargent has studied! the rela--tionship
of prhibitionand crime
waves, ; and reached the conclu-.
sion that there is logic in the posi
tion of, the1 person who, paid a.
bribe by respectable citizens for
breaking the liquor jaws, con
tinues with a career ofjerime.- In
his first public discussion of prohi
bition enforcement since taking .
Charge of the department of Jus
ticei Mr. Sargent asked the mem
bers of the New York? State Bar
association tonight whither "it is
any wonder that banditry, mur
der, bribery and corruption flour-'
ish," when decent citizens con-'
stantly are paying the? criminally?
inclined to take the risk of vlolat-,
lag other laws. if- : r
The- 18th amendment and the,
Volstead act. he said.jare settled
laws of the land and must be en
forced and he urged the lawyers
to j give thought to -the problem
how neforcement may! be accoaw
plished. The attorney general add
ed that he would no be drawn ;
into a dlacuesion -of. other "phases!
of the question, inasmuch as con-t
gress had acted on the whole mat
ter, but desired to. Ulk over the
situation, "with a vleiv to solving
the enforcement problem by tlnd-'
Ing the real root of the trouble. s V
f His division had nothing to do
with offenses against the law com
mitted 'from motives of Jealousy,
anger, revenge, passion and ill will
toward society, he continued, since
every citizen had come to regard,
it as-a duty -to aid in the detec
tion and punishment lot such of
fenders and in correcting the con-"
ditions which make them offend
ers: ' r
"But no- one engages- in the
liquor traffic from' any such mo-:
tive." he - declared, i- ?'I3very per--son
who sells liquor does it solely
and only, because someone will pay
I price high , enough to make a
profit sufficient to offset the
chance of detection, conviction'
and punishment. , Tdl put it dif
ferently, every such I Sale Is the
direct result of the offer and pay
ment by the purchaser; of a bribe
to commit' the offense. Is' there
any escape -from this! as a logical
conclusion? -.'-
, "Now why do otherwise re
spectable citizens, engage in such
bribery?. . Because, they say, the' ,
law Interferes with their personal- ;
liberty, In that they f have an in- -berent
right to drinlc whiskey or
any- other liquor if they choose...
That is nobody's business ' but. ,
their own-whether i they -shall or
shklt not injure themselves; and
therefore 'no one may decide for
them whether the Use of " liquor ,
is or is not injurious
I "Whther the polic of invokingr
.and exercising-the power ia this
particular mater-when and as It
has i been ; sxerclsed' fwaa wise or
unwise is no longer open- to dia- -csssiooC
It has been done. ..It is,
an accomplished fact; . Not only 1s
the law settled, but Jo all appear
ances, if we can Judge of -the-minds
of the people i by- the votes
of "their r representatives in con
gress the determination that it
shall remain settled and be obeyed
is hardening day by "day.
."Now what - is the portion of
the-community who would prefer
a definite policy, ajdifferent law,
going to do about Jt? When I
ask-, this question I refer to that
portion of the-substantial,' self re- '
specting. decent eitlzenry who iry
all other. things. are: law abiding:
the citizenry who In all other mat
ters and'indeed. in; many things
Ctatisucd on rf 7.)
I ' - 1 -
j (Though this contribution i3
printed without signature, iden
tity; of the writeria known.).
i . She "This - fa better than
Uhat old bus dorirsfon' Twelfth
"street - ; - I y
; I "Why, what the Matter
'with the bus?" I
v-E!je ''Oh, I don't know."
Z'f I ."Isn't It ha tjr than the
treet car?" . .. ..
.!5,She I hhould fly not."
:iI-'That- seems jstranre.' It
makes no no's, its. seats tr
imore comfortable, fend it dc-:i't
-throw yoa about." r
i She ."That 2...:;' ?; I a! ';
-'JveF-roJ it y t :
! n't Eecri rl .1 - ' '