The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 20, 1926, Page 2, Image 2

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Baleim) '14; In: Season; $
Lewis To -Meet George M In Arhiory Fight Tyriigh
Visitors? "Drive
Halted Short
! " Local Pi
-for Vsctory
of jGbal by
Salem blgb school defeated tbe
"basketball team from WoOdDurn
last night 49-14. The came was
slated to be Salemf a hardest t the
season In this division. It that is
bo, Salem is a good , W entered
in the state tournament; Tbe game
was, played. , on ytfce ; Satem, high
' -'. Different inUhe scone may be
attrlbated to the difference 1n the
abilities, of the two teatts to con
nect -with baskctsi Ralean was on
as . she hasn't been this season.
"Wodburn, on " tjie otjher hand,
seemed unable tcj mak her shots
land on the inside of the hoop.
J.. Draper startedi the scoring
with long - shdt - after several
nioments of mid-floor skirmishing.,
Olinger followed ,- witjh another
basket on the net.piayi When the
score was 14-1, j the jfWoodburn
men called time oat. Stiff check
ing resulted, and, the ffirst quarter
endsl wihtout farther scoring on
either side. .; ;. j .. I
:, It looked as thongbjthe Wood
burn , men werd out fjor a come
back" when the second Quarter got
under way.' But! Salem took "the
quarter 24-5? Ther tHro "baskets
Wood burn - earned - In iithla period
werelong tMes. I1 ': -';t'"l
Both teams played 4 surprising
ly fast came. The ball here, and
then there bef or 4 mostfof the spee-
xaiors were aware oi u.
Starting in the second half, Sa
lem ran up six points liefore Wood-
burn finally Scored a;) free throw.
A bout r tbis .; time Sfrgmnnd went
out on fouls. Soon aftfT Norton -of
Wood burn followed siilt. Momen
tarily the scoring lagged.1 while
the teams were adapting them
selves to the new combinations.
But Salem was not to be stopped
long. Lyons had gonef in for Sieg
muhd. Ash by ent In; for Olinger.
The third quarter ended 36 to 8
lor. Salem. " j ' j ?
L '-.In the last period the Woodburn
men started' out withja -speed that
ran their score up to 14.'
for tho first
outfit, stood
tho fastest men. in
was leading as high
point, man of .the game by several
point .when hef made natural ex
it through fols. jjj i
' liaffy, not showing strong in the
first; half, opened. up-. In Ihe home
stretch, and fraeed jonf of : the
'gaaie-aa high! point man, withU&
points to. his! credit.'
. paring 5 the internals between
periods the jSalem .jhlgh school
band -played. (Cheering during 4he
tnUge. contest was qt a .greater
height than at any previous game
this season. t j - -
'Lineup for! the game follows:
Kaletu . I'osition Woodburn
. Du f f y, ( 1 f );-.!. . TIT : j Bom hof f ( 5 )
Biegmund I0)LF. iCarnthera(7)
J. Drager (?,.. C.J.' Norton (1)
IL.Drager (4) RG.jj.. McKenzie
Olinger (7) ..LG... Deett (I)
.Substitutions: 6a3em Adams.
Xyo&s (3),t and lAshby (30).
.wooaourn Allan and Sims.
Referee Pug Rois of Salem.
' (If L
FORFEIT MDFlEy f 1 1 ' - , ; .
POSTED B1flE- ; tytfhen
i h frf vj7rc fhrnuah tnp trees wnen trie
arfe pre- j
I j - - ; - i
- ! ;
S - I .
.... ,.- - , 1
Win by Local Fighter I
Boost Him Well.Up.Scjtiarc
Ring Ladder
Salem fight tollbwers
dieting an, unnsuaL-attendance 10?
night at the armory when George,
McCormlcl:, PaciIS coast V
claimant eetlTrankleikIje'rrsv '
Lewis, a local boy, haa Wroptet
ed a. str.enuous: period of training
and last night said that lie j a in
fit condition for the encounter.
McCormick last night had fail
ed to make the announced ring
side weight ' of 14$ pounds, but
Lewis refuses to demand a jweight
forfeit, assuming the extra risk
In meeting the fast Port jander.
The : Salem, lad . weighed . 143
pounds at the inclusion of train
ing yesterday. ; ',
MeCormlck i i going -to-prove
hlmaelf a real problem fori Lewis.
Should the local boy best Mc
Cormick ; 1 tonight ho will ,Uke
about six strides up thw ladder.
i Scott Holling and Joe iJwett.
scheduled for the semi-winflup de
serve as much motion as Lewis
and McCormick. In their class
these two men are more than just
"gbod and can be relied ipon tn
furnish more than their s
the entertainment.
: Stocky Foley, Salem's
bantamweight, has - challenged
Tommle Murphy and two or three
PorUanders in his weight..'
maker Harry Plant has not yet
received ! word from . the boym Jol
ty is after but plans if jpossible
to put him on with a good! man. as
a special attraction. j -4
' Ted Pox, 107 pounds, of Inde
pendence, is billed .to meet Young
Leslie of Portland and wlll'prob
nbly keep his repute of out-boxing
all comers in his weight.
Forfeit money has been posted
for the actual appearance of the
main eventcrst ! V-'.fefS't y$
V :
: . ! , ;. :..v-r. i ' ' r -..j.;:;i.T'-'.;fe , !u? -v
hare of
Siegmund. playing
time with the Salem
out 'tis one of
the squad. He
1 i -
OM AIIA. Xeb.T Jan, 1 ( By
Associated iress.)-f-Harry Oreb,
Pittsburgh Middleweight champ
ion easily win a referee's decision
ovt Joe Lohman ol Toledo, Ohio,
lo a 10-round fight here tonight.
Grel toyed -with Lokman" through
out and In (the 10th round tried
.to land a knockout but: Lohman
avoided his barrage. ; r i
BOSTON, Jan. lk.-4(By Asao-i
dated Pressj) Al 31 eld of Lowellj
tag Champion, wod tb referee's
decision over. Morris Schtaifer ot
Omaha in s, 10-rond fight' here
BUTTE. Mont.." Jan. IS. (By
Associated press. ) f Toung Xa-
uooaiisia, . -riiipino ooxer, ana
Dixie Lahood of putte went
fast, rounds to a draw cere to
tight:, r 0 w;:r-'- '
. OAKLANfD, Call, Jan.
tlitL Associated Press.) Leo
Lomski. ' hard hitting middle
weight, from " Aberdeen, Wash4
and Ray Pelky off iOakland. com
pleted training today for their
1 0-rpund
right, at
X.oth fighters wesro reported, la
topx shape.
relky will
the; scales
encounter tomorrow
Oakland! . auditorium.
It is ! expected that
outweigh his opponent
somewhat as the OakLander tips
above lhe li pound
!-', i
10W 1 IS
ChamDioni Wiris'-W
plane SptttFollqwing
- ; 4b Minute btrugglc
Ii Air-
SILVKRTON.- Jan. 1 9. ( Spe
cial to They 'Statesman. 1 Henry
Jones. Protd, Ut&b:.-' western wel
terweight champiQn, last night
proved himself a' better strat.egi3t.
than Johnny Maurus. '
After 4 mnutes-ol pulnishment
administered by . Mauros; Jones
worked ont of a grapevine hold
and fiung Johnny with aj shoulder
smashing airplane spin.
Maurus in his .third match with
Jones has made -great j progress.
He repeatedly tortured Jones with
short-arm scissors holds one last
ing; for three and a half minutes.
At this time Jones risked a broken
srmor dislocated shoulder rather
than pat the mat. .
Maurus as ruthless inj his work
and led into nearly efery hold.
He pat Jones' stopper system to
a severe test and often forced the
champion to abandon this defense
and shift into Deadlock land body
friendly logs blaze up in the fireplace
have a Camel!
WHEN it's a winter night and the day that was
busy is done. And outside the snow is driving
through the trees before the wind. When, in
' side, the crackling logs catch fire and burst into
flames above the hearth -have a Camel!
For Camel is the tried and trusted friend of
millions of experienced smokers. Whether your
returning steps bring you home tired or jubilant,
no sweeter, more mellow fragrance ever came
to you from a cigarette. There's not a cigaretty
after-taste, not a tired taste'm a whole county
full of Camels. Only mild and mellow flavor,
deep-down contentment in.your, home or any
- borne wjiere Camels arc lighted.
'So this night, before your roaring logs of
oak or hickory- have a Camel. Open up
the famous package of Camels and know the
fragrance, the contentment that brings happi
ness to millions. Put. a Camel between you and
a light and taste the mellowest, most delectable
blend ever made into a cigarette. v
Have a Camel!
I No other cigarette in the world is like Camels.' Camels contain ih&choicest Turkish
and domestic tobaccos. The Camel blend is the triumph of expert blenders. Even
the Camel cigarette paper is the finest made especially in France. Into this ne
brand of cigarettes is concentrated jhe experience and skill of the largest tobacco
organization in the world.'
"'HI i
: ' m
' Vi 4 if h'
Our highest wish, if you dp not yet
know 1 Camel quality, is tha you try
them. We invite you to compare Camclt,
with any cigarette made at 'any price.
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.
; t 1
Will Tackle Alt, Angel and
Portland Western Union
Fives This Week
n . . .
From first to last Ihfy audience
was 'po stoutly for JiAtrus that
thoyrfcfused the Utah man recog
nition for bis work, without doubt
the beM 'Jxe has shown in the val
ley; Manrus badly shaken bu
not! disheartened after the match,
aaln chalUned , Jones and as
serted that 'with last night's ex
perience and the imprayement in
his own work that- he would yet
take the belt. ; . :
Present at the match were Al
Karasick. Cal Herman, Virgil
Hamlin and Robin need. ; Ted
Brown, ''- recently defeated by
Jones, challenged him by telegram
from Portland ; after the match.
The attendance nearly i filled
Eastman's gymnasium and Referee
Rastman at times had difficulty
in contrlling , supporters i of the
wrestlers.' - - . : ;. ' .. ;. i ; .; 1
Two SUverton wrestlers! Young
AnderBon- and Stub, Wheeler, fig
ured, in the preliminary, Wheeler
wlanlag by two. falls, one in three
minutes and the second in IT
minutds. : . j(. -. -; "
. Before the main evnt Frankie
Lewis of .Salem was introduced to
the audience and it was announc
ed ' that on January 28 he would
meet Stolx of Bend at a bout here.
Webfooters. Salem basketball
champions in the 19-year-old class,
are scheduled for a heavy week
of play. Thursday night they go
to Mt. Angel to meet the Mt. An
gel Juniors. ; Satdrclay-nfghf they
go to Portland to" play. te: Wfestern
Union team. .
Mt. ', Angel isf n ported k to have
a strong team' this year. They
are said to be good on defensive,'
and to try for most of their shots
.lose in. Webfooters, however, ex
pect to win after a hard fight. J
At Portland, however, they look
for a game that might end in de
feat, j The Portland Western
Union basketball boys hold the
northwest championship of West
ern Union basketball teams. They
are reported to be larger and
heavier than the Salem boys. The
Webfooters 1 are 1 determined -to
give the Portland team their hard
est battle of the season. -
"Lineup for the Nt. Angel game
will Include Miller; and Simpson
al forwards, De liarport at ten
ter and SchaeGer and Keeney at
guards. ; ;
; Eugene Bible university will
establish boys' i home and school
and home for aged. , '' , , -
Poor goods .need the biggest ad
jectives to sell them;
s Cy etrnm ot
bri::e;g - fathe
PRICES: Matineo 25c, 50c, 75c
Evening OOc, fl.OO, 91U50 pjus tay
1". of O. 40; V. of M. 19.
EUGENE, Ore. Jan.,19.W(AP)
-r-The University of Oregon bas
ketball team defeated tbe Uni
versity lot Montana five here to
night 40 to 19 in its opening con
ference game.
Montana started the scoring in
tbe initial period and led four to
one foif the first five minutes.
This lead was soon overcome by
the Oregon team and at the end
of half time the Webfooters led
13 to 8.
The second half was all Oregon,
tbe Webfooters shooting from all
angles pf the floor. DurfnglthiS
period Coach Relnhart sent
four substitutes. Jerry Gunther,
playingLhis.tirst year as a regular
... .. .
iur ureKun iw in scoring wuo I
Okerberg with 13 was
Gonzaga 24; Whitman 15.
WALLA WALLA. Wash., Jan.
19. AP.) Gonzaga university's
basketball team ! defeated the
Whitman college quintet here to
night 24 to 16 in an unusually
fast game. -At the end of the first
half the score stood ten to three
In favor of the visitors. ' "
Presenting -
5 Feet It inches, 17H Pounds
Playing his second year on the
team, his first year as a regular.
Bob has proved to be a guard th'
guards. Few aspirants for in
dividual honors ever get beyond
this husky lad. He in not a
flashy player, but his consistent
defensive work and his steadiness
help give the team the foundation
without which flashiness would be
Bob has another year in the
high . school and will undoubtedly
inf be a bulwork en next year's squad.
who substituted for; Bluege last
year after he sustained Injuries,
wlir succeed Peckinpaugh and
Tate will be Griffith's first string
catcher; " The "old fox"! does not
censure Peck because of his errors
in the 19 2i-world series, j
Grlfflthsaid several of his
prominent playejirs have no
signed their 19?G contract
eluding "Bucy" Harris. But
fith Bays Harris will Bign.
TAMPA. Fla.. Jan. 16. (By
Associated Press.) Roger Peck
inpaugh and "Muddy" lluel. Vet
erans of the 'Washington Ameri
can league champions are to be
benched this coming season to
make room for youth and speed.
Clark Griffith, president, an
nounced. Charles "Buddy" Myers
ARMORY - - Salem - - JAN. 22
Third of a Century Tour of
the -World's Most SurceNsful
Musical .Organization
UeatCommander -JOHN
' Couduttor - -
and Organliuttioa of ''
100 Meu
Tickets now selling al the Armory 'Telephone 1015
1 ;- Jivsn Including War Tax
Evening Special Reduced Prices
i' Afternoon
Entire lower flobr S2.SO , Entire lower floor....ii.63
Balcoay center ..&LSto r 'TJalcony center -...5t.03
Balcony sides ..f 1X3 . ' ' 'Balcony tides - 1.10
Bleachers .Bleachers 85e
50 - lb. Cotton Felted
For Two Days
Wednesday and Thursday Only I
An opportunity to buy a 50 pound Cotton Felted Mattress
run size well made good bckingfruaranteed in!
respect to De tint class. An 18.50 value.
Limited one to customer
early before stock is exhausted if vou care to be
Denented in this bale
vJpen a Charge Account"
E&Ml torn : . Frnmhiie
. Interest
Charge .