The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 19, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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t "
' 'I
Phones 48 an& 49 I
155 North Commercial
-1 -
Hotel Benson Coffee
The more you know about coffee and how it ought , to taste, the more anxious we are
ide of Waldtf Hill, Flour 01 Qil
Red Ribbon Catsup , . -l o
large bottles .r.4; . u:- :.-.. .. 1 0 C
. No. I small white Beans, new A r".
crop, 6 pounds I C DC
, Fancy ; Italian Prunes, new crop QC
z A pounds 00 G
4 ; Fancy seedless ftalsins . V OA
: 3 ponds:..X-... A3C
; Fancy Petite Prunes ; J'tOfl
3 pounds ..;i.-i:.-AUifC
Fancy pack minced Clams' :f 1 'OA
per can ..... ,jp,....A;.,i..-.:. aUC
Macaroni put up in 5 jjoujid;. , iQ
boxes, per boxJ .:l..;Li:::i;l;1 ifC
Try Our Telephone Service Just Say 48, How convenient it is
fo have iyour groceries delivered right in you&home. The cost is
no moire--Our DeUvery Service is Free of CImrgei
Pride of Waldol
Princess Hard Wheat Flour-;
per sack u..r
Fisher's Blind Hard Wheat
Flour, per sack! .4-----r?li
1 ! cr.ii5:-
; SUGAR ; -
QuakervPute Can Sugar
per sack .
Crystal White
6 bars
We art selling a late Oak
land glass enclosure in the
pink of condition -srith oodles
of extras and real rubber.
4 : ' ... ; '4' -
This looks 'like a new ear
and has all the service ia it.
Snap at 8SO.OO
voice rang.' with, conviction. t She
said that she had conducted meet
ngp IS -states. She says that
Portland Is one of the best field
she 'has -worked, .for J people ar
very much interested in a metmas
coming from' a Mormon plon?
of the JJrlgham Young days.
her relatives are 'rood, faithf
Mormons in Utah, while. she las
taken up a residence in , M in
spoils. . '' 44
XfWomdn Realtor
Hires Own Sex
Portland, will address the Salem
Kiwanis club at today's luncheon.
The speaker is chairman of the
"On to jMontreal". committee of
the Portland' club.
Boxing, Armory Arena
Frankle Lewis, Salem. 14 5
pounds, Vs. George McCormick of
Portland, 148 pounds. Ten three
ininute rounds. Jewett Joe, Se
attle, 147 pounds, vs. Scott Hail-
in. Portland. 147 pounds. Six
three-mllnute -rounds. Ted Fox,
Independence. 107 pounds, vs.
Young j Leslie, Portland, 107
pounds. Snappy preliminary. "Wed
nesday, January 20. - J 20
Values to 15.50 to close oul
$1.95. The Man's Shop.
Is Recent VlslU
Miss Amanda Matthews of !
has been the recent guest
lcra friends.
Furnace, Fireplace, Paving-
13600 and $500 down
sponsible people. Mw;
Becke & Hendricks, 180 XI
" "' MHIWW -. .
! ! i '. .
t': - " :
Generally jfair
change in temperature; jmoderate
-variable - wlndsi. Monaay Max
48: Mln. 38; Hiver 2.8 rising;
-Rainfall v23 ; Atmosphere cloudr
..WindjSE; , C$:
-- v i
Bicycle "Is Fonnd- j
- A Service bicycle ( belonging; to
Harr Scott, local cycle man, was
found on a down toWn street Sun
day by Officer Thomason.
Radio Poles f Superior
Good used sets.
ported at the office of the city
health officer Monday. jThe boy.
born January 10, was unnamed in
the report.
Worthy Young Man-
Experienced in floral, landscape
and nursery work, with small
capital is desirous of getting In
touch with someone who has va
cant land and likes floriculture,
with the idea of assisting in the
business' of growing and planting
of evergreen shrubs and plants,
thus helping to make Salem beau
tiful the year around. I For in
terview: address "Greenery. care
for their monthly dinner and so
cial meeting. The. dinner room4
was attractively, decorated with
pink carnations: The members
present were, besides the hostess.
Miss Koon, Alma ! Pohle, Jessie
Martin, May Hale, Elhel Roberts,
Hetta Field, Ethel Higgins, Amy
Martin, Laura Hale. Maude Sim
ons, Mildred Simons,' Grace Tay
lor, May Brewer, June Philpott,
and as guests Mrs. Koon, Mrs.
Hale and Mrs. Taylor.
tcam Is Stolen
"' Five ( to six dollars worth of
bottled Cream was stolen from tho
Vhite Fir dairy on the Mstieay
road, according to reports made
to the sherilf's office, yesterday.
Steamer Tows Barges
The river steamer Northwestern
towed two large barges to Salem
yesterday, having picked them up
about 18 miles north of the city.
The barges were brought that tar
n the last run-and were lett due
to low water. Rise in the river
made continuation of their trip
Arrested on Speed Charge
Eric H. Chambers of Portland
was arrested Sunday .by Officer
Edwards on a charge of j speeding.
He was released on $15 bail and
cited to appear January 21 at 3
o'clock. -
Pbjone 1935.
Barnes. Is Released j-
. Ralph E. Barnes of Oervais. ar
rested Saturday nigt oh a charge
. of, driving -while under the influ
' enc0. L Intoxicating-lifluor, was
released Sandayr oy oraer i juaei prjn -winter street, xne struc-
"TouTsenJ ,He;Wasitea to appear
" Wednesday iilcfnoon ati. 2 o'clock.
Tlie Coffee Shop j j '
Has installed a fountain.
a milk shake thpre. ie
Values to S5.50 to close-out at
SI. 95. The Man's Shop. ' jl9
Building Permit Is Issued
A. A, Slewert took out a per
mit from the office of the city re
corder: yesterday to construct a
two-story stucco dwelling at 3 88
ture is to cost 35,000.
Baby CI licks
Now ready.
273 State.
a la mode.
Arrested on Speed Chatge
George Gouwmun of uorvauis 1 8en yesterday
has Been arrested by Officer n.a-itime
wards on. a charge; of speeding.
His car was; held for: 310 bail.
Fined f or, Parkng j
W. R. Gosser and John Doe
were fined 31 each by Judge Poul-
for parking over-
We Have Remodeled r
Drop in i and try ojur
now.The Coffee Shop.!
service i
Large Lots North
Close to new linen mill.
on up. Terms. Becke &
dricks. 1S9 N. High street.
B. Ringer was fined 35 by Judge
Poulsen Monday on! a; charge of
speeding. ;
Men, ! By Xow j and
Furniture Upholstery
And repairiug. Giese-Powers
furniture company. s20tf
Will Visit In East
iWilliam Poorman, assistant sec
retary of the state board of con
trol, win leave here today for New
York where he will spend the
next two weeks visiting with rel
atives and friends. Mr. Poorman
will have custody of an insane pa
tient on his way east. The patient
isi being transferred from the Ore
gon state hospital to an institu
tion in New York state.
Man's Shop
Clearance sale. Boy's wool pull
over sweaters, 31-35. jl9
People who suffered from serl
ous diseases that started with
simple cough or cold realize the
importance of checking them right
at the start. W. H, Gray, Venice.
California, writes: "Foley's Honey
and Tar is wonderful for attacks
of coughs and colds." Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound gives
quick relief from coughs and colds.
Buy a bottle today and keep it on
hand for the slightest emergency.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Adv.
? X . ..." .
"III; T."t
a m a ..- s-'.- .-. . v
l I x-r-:?r. . - t-.-r
A-1 I - ' J-WO
7 i v:
M II' - 1 M I
. . r r. a -
T ' I It .
inch ii ;i u
ai ii it
111 - II
land avenue in the Fairlodge ad
dition;, lower sewer.. In blocks: 72
and S;',to eutavement to make
sewet connections on Statesman
street,", between . Center v and A
streets. The city engineer was
Instructed to draw up plans lor
the sewers.'! . .1 - i
. Mrs. Fran'cesM. Hpunslea,
Brooklyn real estate brokef, has
seven saleswomen as her. aids and
not one man. - . '
anni trmm. Vt 1.) !
lit 11
Revival Interest Grows
Churich of God revivals, being
conducted by J. M. Harrington, of
St. Joseph, Md., are 1 ,-clarei to be
drawing large and reifent audi
ences. These meetings are taking
place every evening and will close
on nex Sunday, when Mr. Har
rington will conduct the services
for the I last time.
B & B ' Optical Co.
370 State. Phone 328.
allow "gasoline carts'-. In the jrlty
drew some fire. The carts bate a
capacity of 50 gallons.-. They are
drawn about in the garages, filling
the tanks of the cars as they are
to the council that the petition of at rest. Fire Chlei uuon, ex-
H. C. Joy to erect a laundry in the I pressed the opinion mat tuey
Nob Hill district be denied. As an 1 would Je fire hazards. The mat
expression of confidence in , the J te rwas i3W-fin tne table, until the
commission recommendation was! next meeting.
unanimously adopted. Reason was! Bids werefeeivedfrom three
given that the vicinity Is a real-1 companies on the Ttu5 to De uaea
dence district, and that the com-Jby the street department Those
mission is not trying to harm Joy, bidding ar Valley Motor corajft
n was stated that an endeavor is of Salem. W. E. Burns of Baleffl,
being made to locate the laundry and w11Etrifi(i Truck J?ales comoany
in a suitable place. t
In a communication, the zoning ferred to the street committee.
commission asked that the cityj The city recorder was instructed
have placed on the ballot at the to advertise for bids for fire hose.
May primary a measure lor aian(i other eautnment for the fire
55000 yearly levy to carry on the department
program or xoning. n was esu- Alderrafen Aldcrin. Grabenhorfet.
mated that the task of roning the! Williams, Roscbraugh. and Wend-
city woum taae trom tnree to live crolh wefe. appointed by the coun
skilled in this work would have
to be obtained.' This would mean
a $3000 yearly salary
Other money would go for. ne
cessary maps, plats, etc. The com-
Salem Boy Also Named As-
sistant Basketball Man-
ager for Season
COLLEaEi-Corvallhvfan. lr
Lewis West ot'Salenf,' sophomore
In CQinmeryejhasbnJrppoInt-edttarsity-trMk-'
manager f orf the
coming aeaioa. IIot was also tnade
assistant basketball manager. ii la
woVkilast year satisfied 'both the
coaches and the board of control
as td his ability to handle the da
ties' of the positions. 4!
The basketball managership and
the ."track managership are two of
the ;xnostF important positions on
the campus, as the manager has
charge -of? all trips and general
management of the varsity team.
A . varsity;, sweater with a large
"O" and a small "M" within tho
"0" is awarded to the manager
at the end f. each season. West
is a member ot - Phi Delta Theta,
national social fraternity.
the "world's largest sandwich."
The rooters made good by pre
senting the fortunate player, Fn '
Hunter, fullback on the Law is an 1
Clark team; a sandwich five and
half feet in diameter. It con
tained 150 pounds of hamburger,
a gallon and a half it oysters. I a
dozen eggs and 25 pounds of bui-
ter.". the last used to; fry the meat
and spread the "bun."
Hunter divided it with other
members of the student body as
sembled in a special convocation
to witness the presentation and to
celebrate the victory.
; 4 .
OLYMPIA, Wash, Jan. IS.
County aKstJHsors ot tb taic .
Washington, mnetifir " here tola
in their 2Sth annual onvcntlon
devoted today'.uvRluu to th i!i .
posal of -routine bsiiu'Hs.
Men, Bay Xow and Save
High grade clothing and furn
ishings. The Man's Shop. j 19
Manager Selected
. IF. W. Morgan, formerly with
Condit & Conser, Portland auto
mobile company, has been select
ed manager of the Certified Pub
lic Motor Car company here. He
succeeds Byron Wright, now with
the Valley Motor Car company,
Ford dealers..: '.Ral ph Morrison p f
the Salem Automobile company,
was temporary manager, of the
Certified Market.
Peach Trees Dug Cp
J. .P.! Dressier is digging up six
acres of Muir peach trees, ta re
place them with alfalfa. 'His
ranch is near .Uvesley station.
Change; to alfalfa is said not to
be due lto poor crops, but to poor
markets for that variety.
Hotel Marioi
Dollar dinner, served 5:1$ to 8
every evening. J2tf
I George Cummlngs III
George . L. Cummings. 1396
North Fourth street, is ill at his
home, it was reported yesterday.
Mr. Cummlngs was on) the jury
list for the present term of court.
Hl&h grade tlothfng; and fur-j : -.1
ishings; The Man 6h.dp.-- -i il rlZ' fwfi,
excellent brick for 122.500. Nets
11 per cent; $5,000 will handle.
Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High
street.' ' ' : " 119
j81I.IMPiUd;Monthly-J-: , .;! .
' Will retire allbaif 'oi ' 5 f ,M0 in
buildings -oniyf raipn n. c
CuTdy.rbffice oTetftle''' tre-
Methodist Ministers Meet
At a gathering held in tbe Les
lie Methodist church yesterday.
Viet hod 1st ministers of this city
organized the Salem Vethodit
Ministers' meeting, a body formed
to discuss church problems and
programs. Rev. Thomas Acheson
was selected president of the or
ganization. Dr. J, D. McCormick,
vice president, and Dr. Hamilton.
secretary and treasurer. The mem
bership of the body, numbers about
20. Meetings are to be 'held once
each month. .. . . . ; .'
Fined' for Failing: to-TDliiii-
,-Four men were fined 35 each
Jndce Fotalsenl Monday on
charges' of falling to dim their I days.
lighU. ' The men are Itoy Burch,
tj. PS I MS. ii- . aiiwoouu
,t v .-r i . ! . - -
lanceWcdnestiay Nit
- .At Jthe Clcmpna 4anFe ParIllon
Haxel Green. SRamblers' piaymg.
Chorus to Meet j
Salem Boys chorus jwill meet
this evening at the rooms of the
local YMX3A. This ls the first
meeting' since the Christmas holl-
A feature of the evening
will be a fending by Dr. H. C. Ep
ley. director of the chorus. The
meeting will start at 7:30 o'clock.
Birth Reported
v Birth of a aon t Mr. and Mrs.
George; Riley lof $alehi was re-
Rbwlio Headquarters, Phono: 1033
Zenith, Fada, Mognavox. and
nsed sets. Good radio poles. 175
South High. . j . r j2i
Meet for .Dinner j
At the home of Mis$ Ina Koon
the Pierean class of the First M.
I E. church met Saturday evening
Easfoiiui Brothers
v Salcjn Office 169 S. High
!, OfficVlIours:
' 1J M.TO fS P. M.
For the right kind of materials
and the very best workman
ship call us. v y '
Powder and Supply Co.
173 8. Commercial ITtione 728
Sendl this ad and ten cents to
Foley & Co 2S35 Sheffield Ave.,
Chicago. writing your name
and address clearly.-: You will re
ceive a ten cent bottle of FOLEY'S
for coughs, colds .and hoarseness.
also free sample packages of
FOLEY PILLS, a diuretic stimu
lant for the kidneys, and FOLEY'S
stination and biliousness. These
wonderful remedies have helped
millions of people. Try them!
Adv. i :
Exclusive Distribution
f For W. W. Kimball pianos. A.
Bj. Chase. Davenport, it Tracy,
Bush & Gerts. Moore's Music
House, 409-415 Court. 20tf
IlabW Will Speak
Speaking on the subject, "The
Eleventh Anniversary of Kiwanis
Ideals," Rabbi ; Max Meritt. ot
Dr. Tolly Gives Address-
To deliver the first of a series
of addresses arranged by the Port
land council of churches. Dr. Nor
man KJ Tully. pastor of the Fh-st
Presbyterian church, yesterday
left for Portland. The meeting
last night was held; in tho First
Methodist church, tho, subject be-.
,ing 'WVhy; Christians should be
interested in World affairs."
Mi' '
Tho Annual Meeting 2
j Of the stockholders of tbe xnos.
Kay Woolen Mill Co. will be held
at the i office of the "company , in
Salem, on Tuesday, Jan. 19th. at
9:30 a. m. Let those interested
take notice. Thos. Kay Woolen
Mill Co.. by E. J. Swafford Sec'y.
cil-to represent Salem at the an
nual ' meeting of the League of
Oregon cities, to be. held in Tort-
land at tho-city hall January , 30.
Mayor J. B. Giesy is president of
the league.' Eech city has one
mission also asfced $300 Immed- TOte at the meeting,
aieiy to oe usqq in narung. tne . haTe fivlJ alegat08.
Folfowing petitions were refer
red to the street committee: For
paving alley .in block 68; for pav
ing Hazelavenue from South to
work, and carrying on. until : the
May primary.' The communication
was referred to tbe ways and
means committee, with - Instrae-
tjfll 1 at the neXt. 6eUne LcasUstreets ; for paving South
A' petition bearing the signa-
f rom FafrgrpU nds road to Winter
street; to amend the parking or-
tures of 379 residenU of the Yew Ui-nnn. m inHndn Ronth Hiarh
Park district was read, seeking J street from Trade to State streets
that the bus system be done away jjn the two-hout parking limit; for
wit nana the conventional street j paving Winter from Howard to
car, service oe -restorq. it 'ascf0sn
contended in the petition that
street cars are needed for ade
quale service; that .the bus sys
tem was insufficient to accomo
date the district. It was held that
now many patrons have to stand.
as the buses are always crowded
The petition was referred to the
committee on ways and means.
Alderman Hal Patton moved
Following petitions wererefer-
red to' the light: committee: For
a street lfght on 21st, between
State and Mill;" for a street light
at intersection of 18th and Ne
bras&a avenue; for' an electric
sign- for. Farmer and Stewart 'at
265 "Sbuth Commercial street.; -
Alderman L. J. Simeral : moved
Oiat'tha hntliltnir rrtVn m iff AA K; In
.- .- . I ""V v..
...a. ur. para commi.iee, Btracted tb ' build a partition in
the women's 'quarters at tbe earli
est possible moment.: The motion
was passed. -. Simeral alio report
ed that the books are being audit
ed and will be finished by the mid
die -of February: ' - ;V i -
Following petitions for sewers
were granted: In block 53; High
Wood 11 Wood
167 D Street .Telephone 2313
Grangef Joint Meet Set
Marion County Pomona Grange
will meet with the Salem grange
Wednesday in Labor hall at 1
O'clock. F. J. Tooze, candidate
tor republican 1 'nomination for
state superintendent of public in
struction, will deliver the princi
pal address.
I Early
Salem Leading
Pays Cash Tor Furniture
Iteildence and'Storo
, 1010 North Hummer
" PHONE 511
Kstabli-hcd Since 1910
Chicks Pay Best-
Flake's Petland, 273 State. J21
Returns to Engen
RcrL David Eugene' Olson, who
recently .lectured j here,; has - re
turned to Eugene
! 10-inch DryTUill Wood !
81.50 per load. Phones 14 S
Underwooii Typewriter Co.
tUMft Vartnrr Branch
SIO Court Street iPhone IM-S
TewTltera. Rented, Sold.
Repaired; f
SpeU-i rentkl ral10 tnent
Edna Garfield. Rclura - ;
Edna Garfield has returned from
official attendance at. the cottrt
term in Polk county.
.y c.Kh for Ua ,FprltM.
871 orth tti-"1-!
Office Phone To
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
, IdftabUshed 18CS '
General Banking, Buiinsea
: Office ,l!onrs from 10 a. m. toil p. tn.
Furniture Upbolstcry . i
And repairing Glese-Powert
Furniture company, r szOtf
13 -
-..i-L- ttilii.u u.1. !
Mrs. , Marion WUUama, jwho; ad
dressed' a largo fahdience" a ; htf
union - meeting Sunday at , tne
M. EJ church related her cxperf-
ence as achieved at aixTpara oldi
walking from Omaba id BaiUUa&e'
City, a distance of 1,000 miles tn
30 days. When rcLitjnff her bit
and ways and means committee
get together and close the T. B.
Kay, park deal at the earliest pos
sfble moment. He stated that the
deal, has been hanging fire for
several months, and that some
consideration should be given Mr,
An ordinance was. passed
amending the ordinance regulat
ing1 and licensing motor vehicles
carrying passengers for fares
The:'-amendment provides that
Secrecy'rounBs Filing
of Mystery Movie Feature
'HOLLYWOOD, fil. For tin
first time In the history of mov
ing pictures a feature film H in;
ing made here without announc
ing the names of aily tt the r'J'
ers appearing in ltjjor any vi the
production details, f
The feature Is a ( mystery play
and its ' future' success on th
screen, 4 proa ucers i neueve, cv
mand absolute secrecy as to ii
making. Rigid rulies were lsnm
barring visitors. Including tho
of other studios, from the sets
and requiring that fall actors an
actresses refrain from revealln,
their, characters.
...JDnly. the producf rs aud direct
ors know the identity ot tho cn'
orwere the sequences are bciu
vA';statue becomes famous on!
after the reformer say It 13 sir..
stitutions would be rewarded with 1 ply awful. 1 ,
Football Prowess Rewarded
With Record Size Sandwich
V ..4V''.' '. ! . -v4. .'k' '
SPOKANE, Wa8L--Membi?rs; of
the football teams of two Spokane
high schools were "promised; that
the first to make a touchdown in
the annual : game between the in-
-..Vi..'-; '"'.vi' i 4'--:'.. .
Fits hand
pocket and .purs
llumflcet t.
Betty Jeane Humfleet,; age two
tairt .hull h Hn.Arl. ?ft nr. 1 Car. UlCU ouuu, ,-uu ucn ,
Uir-v-. a I near. Fairfield. . Funeral services
j c . a ail vaua uic vu uc iKcuacu l ...
1 25 per year.
The matter of amending the
ordinance regulating the storage
and use of inflammable liquids to
will be held this morning. Inter
ment will be in the Hayesvitle
cemetery. The TerwIUIger funer
al home Is in charge of arrange
ments. , , :
The Battery Man
Servic On All lttkM T
. BaUrtes .
WDuLARD 4; 4
531 Court St- Phone 10S
Treated by Osteopathy and the
latest Electrical Therapy in
cluding Dr. Abram's Electronic
t System. 1 , - -
i . . . ; . ;
o cliarge for consultation
Physician and Surgeon. :
50 U. S. BankBuUdlng
Balcm. Oregon
Heaven is but life made richer:
Therein can be no loss; .
To meet oqr love and. longing
thou hast no gtilf to cross;
So adamant between us appears
. j. its rocky screen; ., 4 "
A veil before us only; ! '
Thou in the light serene, f
i Lucy Larcom : ;
kvwlTiRlfiabn & Son
cAlways ready, in your pqdict,
tb give ydtt long lasting bzn
fidal irefira
OUOW-rorvc vturtw-T
J i -
Classified Sccliori
, . . ... . rsr s
?1 Many-bavo taken advahago
of our special Thrift. Week
, bargain- offer . and lojtefted ft
classified :ad In the Statesman
for this eek ' ' t 4-
1 Six . issues.? for the price" of
three. 5 cents per word. -; : ,
'.Ads' may; bo brought in any
days this week and will run tbq
full six Issues for' th$ : S cents
per word. " -" ' '
A Be thrifty sell what you do
not need- no'' doubt you -havo
many articles wblcM aro wortli-
less to yea auai vwiu oo usoiui
, to poBtfone . , - ; '
T Tclephonct ibfing :or ,-maIl
your lad in any.' t ime .this'-wec,k
f orthia Uargain .'Of tor. I
' Telephone 1UI or uS3 "si
'-. .. , ; J,4i.'. .
WHilo we are getting a large shipnicr.t c
several card of coal, we suggest t!:r.t yc
take the same advantage and lay in yc
winter x supply while coal is fresh cr
pncc$ arc right.. ,
& G65alj$10 andM
143 SculH Liberty - I
ter citD-:rirr!t-3 --tnT' 'jTiniy, her
rZl CIu"raiktta Vtnn IV:"3