The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 15, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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-,7 ' i '
" " IiaedIjiiljr Ejtcept Xoaday hy t ? '
ins state sIcas rpBttsimra COXPAKT
313 South Commercial 8W Salem, Oreo,.-
V M..Mrrtai V v . City Editor ;
:,: Aadrga bunch ; ; - Kwciel j Editor
W. II. Headeraon , - Circulation M anagnr
naipn ju. jvietxiog AdTeMimnt Manager
rrn aaBoaai - ; Marian
K. A. IChoteo $ -
- V t -
ater Job Dept.
LjToslork Kditor
Poultry Kditur
' is-." ..--, '; 1, t ,- " t V i r- ;,'. r -:-- !
importation of the narcissus tdbe such; however, "that thcset
safeguarding American agriculture could do no 'way s othei!
man restrict tne entry of these bulbs, , iJtmi
;j'r?iV;i'"--,l&JOE OP THE j ASSOCIATES PRESS ' '
' js. ,",;2fll5!. jV " -UiiTly unified to h m for pnt,1t.o of ,?l ,.
i o.Sii'i!!.!' cited is taia payer .tad also the Iocl
yt'iX Albert Bmv. aaa Wwrmter J .Potthandl Or-, !
. - - . pM irimitfo. turn,; in;tun mdg. t Aafivlei, talH
V- ?e Pf"-1-3 or 5M
i ttoeiety Witorui.loa
i if
" ,fELEi!UEa:' i ' ? ' '
Cireulatioa Offfce. 583 ;XI I'5artment..23 or Io
litwi t th Post Ofico
in Salem, OretuB, a accordant aaatter.
, .-r ...
f- ' : . - f-
ri--"r i'"'-Tft.J!5 --..t'-T-.V Jantum 1.1. tma , it .. .
fP. i '1,IIB RIGHTEOUS PREVML-bnd It i camalto paaswhea
: vi iuw piam, noai uoa rememoered Abraaam. and
'u; , ; w. i.uv tuKiai ui i,ae orennrow, Uen,"l 9 : 29, , :t .
n (Portland
L. Experiments in the flax
tiary have accumulated into
increasing confidence in the
Telegram.) , : . , ":.'"
(industry at. the Salem peniten-
r4ence,v.ana inave Drought
value' of. the enterorise. The
-retting andlscutchingxapacitr if the plant is to be doubled
duringthe cpming year, inore cbnyicts will find einployment
1 f?1 progress will be made in putting the penitentiary where
i itbelongs, on a self supporting and productive basis.
; : ' Aside from placing in ;the penitentiary an industrv
?5"n?i!Petepth' fbose already established in the
:; tate,' the ax plant is deveJo"ping an enterprgj of great
Vlifaxe. pbssibflitfeKJh0 excjellent iflax'Jf sj evergreen
f45;rrNly! in the World's marlcets
, "wav, wa. wic!wicxw wiiuae iniiu, fnoisi cnmate so
vAuscijr; icscuiuies iiiai oijne wiuamette vauey.
Very . deat friends of . bottle bootleg and booze will no
doubt offer an alibi for the following records, ; The number
sent to jail in the country for, drunkeness two iyears 'ago
iizider the' operation of the Volstead; act Vas 91,367, During
tfalesame period of time; under pre-Yolstead lawhe;Bumbir
w$s 170,941 or almost twice as many. - - --' - t.-;v .
j And! under the prohibition amendment the- nunaperof
imitments for violations of the!., liquor laWs int reffid f iVe
hundred per cent.. The lawsLare more strictly enfofded with
reference to booze violations' than during wet timearand far
greater publicity- is given arrests for these:' violations than
ever bef ore. ! v 4 V, .;:-hv MKuf' 'v
i The long,! loud how that prohibition is a'faiiure,; should
not disturb. Its the death-wail of long-winded losers, paid
mourners and mournf ul thirsties.
Captain Diaz, Salem States
Organization. Ranks Higiv ,
! on State List
Headline -act at heilig
1 ,
; V iilJ , , tijllXJff
I, 111! I ii ii 1 1 1 iiiii ii t f r.i 1 1 m i-i V-i n 1 1 mfimunn UTtf. UMi l if It
in operation on some of the streets
packing and emoothing: the gravel,
thus making better for the traffic.
Between Fifth and; Sixth on" Divi
sion 'there is worlc. much needed
and Hi ia lioped .this locality -will
soon. receive attention. r.-
" ,r , . -i . . .....
! Mr, and - Mrs. August SchaTer
returned Monday evening from a
two day visit in Portland. ; !
' Anna Ku ho and Walter rull
man of Portland were married at
8 o'clock Tuesday, morning in the
Sacred Heart church. Tfiey expect
to make Portland their liome. .
Antoine, Wolff Vaa'twrfiously in
Jijred . in . an a utpiuo6il' accident
Tuesday - ' -f .. . i L '
Miss Harrison and Miss Simp
son, nurses with the'Marion Coun
ty Health demonstration, visited
the public. school this week.;"
Mre. Cecile Weigand andison.
Clyde, are visiting Mrs. Wejgind's
sister, i Mrs; Lenna - Perdue. iMrs
Weingand was formerly principal
of the grade school. ' 1
Minnie and Sophie N'iblerj and
Marie Mangold attended a ilieet
ing of the C.'D. A.,' in IVoodburn
Sunday.. , ;: ,; :
Mr. . and Mrs. "Otto Schwab
shopped in Salem Monday.
The Community club held a
card .party and dance In th city
hall Tuesday evening. I
Joe Frahler was a Mt. .ngcl
visitor Sunday.
Pendleton County improves
roads ' with one-man crane'! that
replaces 10 men and 10 teams.
"Echoes From Scotland," on the Associated vaudeville bill at
the Heilig theatre today is only one of the five excellent acts
on the program. In addition to the vaudeville, moving pic
ture attractions are also listed. 1!
Revival Draws Many at
Daily and Sunday Meet
" i ngs at Chu rch of God
fTheteveVrom.th4' Portland Telegram is worthy of
ote, as I showing one more powerful influence in this state
t in favor of making the Oregon penitentiary self supporting
n needr,.to hrry it to that point is the general
t ought td be made self support-
belief among bur people that i
f ihg, and can bi
.Which ought to be done,
train of benefits to this state
- 4
and can be, with a wonderful
and to future generations.
ERTON. Jan. 14. (Spe
cial to The Statesman.) The first
of a series of tntertafnnjents which
Company I will enjoy was neia
Tufesday riigbt when the company
attended the show and went later
ito the Cosy; where tney fnaa a
spread. Captain Dias of Salem
was present and spoke. ' ' '
. Captain IMaa said that Company
( had increased 100 pet cent with
W th,latt-fewi months and that
It pow ranks tenth 1n 32 organiia
tions in the "state in drill and at
tendance. .Fifty men and four of
ficers were present Tuesday, even
ing. !: ' i-.
The aim olthe organization Is
to ! nroduce the leading infantry
company in the: state. A' number
of the old men who have been
away have returnad and are again
taking up their work.
The entertainments win be nn-
anced by revenue derived from the
national guard dances. .
The revival services at 13 4 6 ,
Church street ! of the Church of
God, conducted by Evangelist J.
M. 'Harrington iof St. Joseph, Mo
are increasing j in -interest and in
power. .The old-time revival spirit
is being manifested, and a goodly
number have 4 sought the. Lord,
some for pardon and some for
purity. A number have been at
tending from Scio and also from
Woodburn. Services each evening
at T,r30 rind at 11 a m. tSinday,
and will continue until' January
24th.. ... i, f V
IfjoheoiT alien birthventijirs to find fault with American
ideas or lnsHtutions; th0 Sockret "Well, if yuh don't
Jilc.e this country, why doncha go back to the one yuh came
t Which isthe worstipossible reply. ' ir
rnerfcansvto vnell that their ideas and iiistitu-
X$r4&F:re ?H above criticismtv 'jNothing in .this world is per-
;Letx us; endeavor to answer -this fault-finding intel-
I Let uNsay to the cnticajl foreigner something like this:
i ;ris- d frohif home, of course.
-S J? well not have come.
-r ? "Th6 Siffereiiaps jrotinecessarily be faults.!
iW;-"Y6ui-sj The country is
mainly utilitarian, but-look at what it is doing. ; r-.
; behind it, but you have, you must admit, exhausted your
' initiative' ' J 1 : ' . ' ' -
: j , ; "What" do your learned men at home do? They ponder
and puzzle over their souls land pry into the innermost in
s sides of their fellow men. Thevdissecfc and snlit. fliAir mi'mif.
est sensations into fractions of atoms. But what do' they
accomplish : ' - f I f 4
Bits Tor Breakfast I
i'ii" Trif civilization means anything at all,, it stands for'ser-
Avice of the individual for jthe common good.
"Without that there is jretrdgression and decay: k
S XI "The individual niust strive to contribute
. - -.'"utu ui- iiue, uu.sornetning, tne Dest n.can, to make life
.uut.w, mvi si kyuuviMuic VI O 'UCttUllXUl, US 11 IS
jcwv umj ue, oui ueiier, anyway. ' :,
mure me uittua v your iwona, are ciutterinir ana think
ing in circles, the brains of Jours are wrestine p-old and iron
from the earth, building skyscrapers and roads, REALIZING
instead of dreaming. i . ! '
uStit- Perhaps we have hot come to art yet; we have been too
? busy huUding-up, a countryV whao the. Old eWorld has been
- V r v v" ixiucri wuice .tji ioreiatners ; out we will
U ycome. to it, and the decadej artificialities of youri world will
I look pale and sickly in tjpmpirison with the wholesome, Strong
j stuftwhich the youngimen and women here 'will bring forth;
i! v H V ' ou want to glt somethingiout of America arid that
" ' niust look at life here sub-
jecuveiy, not try to look down on it as if you stood on. Mars.
iS S -TWtft nillioraf anil fki l a i; , .
v-- "vv. iu( niusuvou iKviiivt vo realize wnat
they are trying to do.'
1 1
The restrictions on thefentry oTparcissus bulbs authoriz
; icd by Secretary of AgricultuVe Wallace 'three years ago are
' .. -I' :"-Ja. . a S .1 . ' w ; - ' ... - ' - T
- iu bu. liiw ;ieci as,5cneauiea on January 1 without modifU
. uuiua.w wuci'neresiricuons were to apply
"11? bepermitted runec permit and inspection pending
pi further. inYesU isnnbimced by; Secre-1
trdineafter -careful consideration of the situation in
- thd light of evidence, submitted ;t the ; conference held ' at
?. jlashington in-November; hxN - ' .-
i n rcommehtinsxm his jat;tion,f the Secretary said : the ini
iwuiuwun iivujiauie in ijon ine entry oi pests -oft these
-Inilbsaindoubtcdly jutificjfully jthe placing of the'restrici
?- 'f "Iitihs ".jtrtrl. ihaf Ko,Vniii! . 'nKf ainl.;niJ. u -i: : 1 3
A v rw'f" jMifc-.iun, vuvaiiitu omw: i.iiit . liiiiU j nave
j -empKasi j " ;
' 'f Ji unfounatein prjotecting our, various crops against
J - UCsts and,' discaSPS 'that 'kiSitip : fntvrsT -mnaf - 0fri. 'ti-rri.'
'-Icvicncehows the danerLfrom "teaUroaffi in. through
Would better hurry
Those who want to grow flax.
when the contracts are ready, in a
day or two. i
The Slogan 'man has to prove
oter again, next Thursday, that
this is the best celery district in
the -world; -which it is, and the
fact cannot be circulated too much
or sent too far.
vj "W "U
There is a rumor of California
parties being here to pay still
higher prices for strawberries for
! ' v
tlx bill is that it doesn't hit the
other fellow hard enough.
..... V -One
of the ironies of life is the
appointment of Parker. : Hughes
and Davis, defeated candidates-for
the presidency, on a committee to
arouse popular .Interest ' ia voting
at all elections. -
.: : I V
Scientists says that it Is im-
for the human hair to
ttirn ' gray overnight;' " Maybe so.
But just wait until gray becomes
a popular eolor for human hair!
- i V
W. i A 1
j e u.fc uui lerv uupupuiar ia
Ifiberia. ( that ; country ; owing us
qnly $?6,000.
Kansas man owns considerable
corn and a herd of turkeys. He
blames the government for the
low price of corn, but not for t"e
hjgh price of tarkeys.
jf ,. This Is a progressive age, and
.every year- the," automobile ; that
ras absolutely -perfect the' "pre
ceding year has been greatly im-
Awards to Be Made at Old
er Boys' Conference for
Best Narratives
A new water system is being in
stalled in the Rosedale schdol
house. Fountains will be placed In
both hals, which will .be a decided
improvement. . ' ,
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Porter, form
erly of Portland
cast has been selected, and work
on the play is being started im
West Salem
T.The old-fashioned girl who used
to bring In the milk bottlea when
4he woke up now, brings them la
when she Is going to bed. ; f
Announcemtflt is made of Ta
new kind of contest for boys and
girls of Marion county in which
they mas', compete "for some jslx
prizes offered by the, Marion coun
ey and Salem YMCA'. y,
, A Bible story contesU in.wnteh
the boys and girls of eacli scftfW;
district are given an opportunity
to tell any story in the ''Bible in
from 300 to500 words of their
own choosing.
Judges are; to be chosen from
the various churches over ' the
county and each entry will send
his story to any church pastor
who will, with the school ' super
intendent and the Sunday school
superintendent form the judges to
decide on the best two stories ..pre
sented their Church In each of two
classes '12 to-14 or Pioneer iige.
and 15 to 18 lor Hi Y age.
' The only rules of the contest
are that the story shall be written
by. any boy in Marion county ;of
ages from 12, to 18. written on one
side of paper, giving name!, 'age
and address 'on a separate paper
eaciosea witn tne story. These
stories can be given to any pastor
or school teacher with the request
that they be handed to the county-
city YMCA cdntest.
The finals! will be "read and
prizes awarded at the Older Boys
conference held the last of Feb
ruary in Salem. Prizes tot con
sist of two medals of each gold,
silver - and bronze, and so urge
: , George - Lathrep,- State
Third streets, gathers for the Mar-
h.vo rowntiv I ion creamery. He covers about 25
moved into the Rosedale parson- J0r more miles per trip- jj
age. Mr. Porter is the new nastor - A. W. Meade is building a pun-
of the Rosedale Friends' church, j galow residence on Fourth street.
A. surprise party w-as,held at I He has property also in. the coun-
the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. C I try. j "
Blooni Sunday evening, in honorj Elmer D. Cook' has a fine now
of Mr. Peter Bloom. An enjoyable I home oh Salem Heights, west. It
time was had by all present. Re- I is a most desirable. location. The
freshments were served, consist- view east and south is very fine.
iug of ice-cream and cake. There have of late been ttuite
Those present were: Mr. Peter la number of neighborhood dances
Bloom. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bloom, j here where order and proper con-
Air, and Mrs. Ira Leighty: Mr. and I duct nrevail in marked' contrast
Mrs. Glenn WcDaw; Mrs. Mary Ir- to some public places.
win; Lillian Bloom. Lucy Boji. The late citv ronnril hast or-
Lela Cook. Cecil Bonney. Milford dered an extension of the Water
Cook. Herman Boji, Elmer Boji system bv way of fire nrntrtion.
and Ralph Bojf. r . r I Also manv new hnmm srn hull
Mrs. M W. Blinston underwent afld are heiag buIlt whlch wliicall
uieiiiiuii- a.i me v uiameiie ., ,
mara uuaaao.Sy W avci OU))HJ .
Mrs, J, R. Shields who has been
laid up - by a dislocated hip is
convalescing under the care of
Nurse Mrs. K. E. Head of Salem.
The steam road . roller is l!
hospital. JaTiuary g. " It is reported
that her condition is steadily im
Miss Mabel Kime has gone to
eattie for a visit with her sister.
Mrs. Brownlee.
A birthday party was held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. It.
ary 9. It was attended by about
35 friends. The evening was spent
in PJayins games after which re
freshments were served.
Alono Sims, son of Mr. and Mrs.
It. - R. Sim, accidentally c ut his
ankle, while attempting to cut
.some wood. He was taken to the
.doctor, by his father and brother.
He is now recovering, and expects
to he in school in the near future.
Mr. w. H. Campbell has pur
chased a Chevrolet car.
A Sunday school class party was
held at the R. "M. Cammack home
January 8.
The Dramatic club,- organ ied by
tne, young people ot Rosedale and
bunjiyeide. has chosen as its play
"The Finding of Mary Jane." The
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
; now
Accept only "Payer" package "
which contains proven d4recions.
illandy! "Cayer" boxes of 12 fwblets
Also bottlea of 24 and 100 Lh-uJrit.
kturm U trail., mnrk of; rarer Manufartnr nf tlnaoarrtlcariUraipr nt Sali;irarl
every boy in
his, mble
Marion county ta get
and. write this
t '
: Mountain. States 1'ower company
operating exclusively through Wilj
lamette Valley and southwestern
Oregon, wUlj spend over $560,000
for adding to' Us .present facilities
in light and power fields.
' fjnrnirrm
5 5 E r
THE Happiest Resolve
can make is to be rid
and for all of your Piles or bthe '
Kectal and Colon ailment. M
treatment is so scientinc, so rertaNi. i-
complete, so conclusively proved b
inousanas or successful cases that a
doubt is eliminated. Further. I w ill fln
your Piles or refund yoi
tee. Vrjte today for ir
new lOpafie, illustratet
ffttui book of informatior
jmggLJgg. ra mw-m Ktrn
i DEAN fVi n In
VX 12. iTJ SlStt Safr ul
-TiiiwM'iiJ'70,0r'1 r,tcJ f act
ervice SMries
CHeap Food Is Epensivb ? j
.J! - Cheap foods are never worth what t hey cost. They are of no value as tissle
builders they merely fill you up.- 1 . J H ;
Real economy iri foods lies in buying goods that have nutritive val u e aid
possess a flavor that makes them palatable. ; I ! -
There; is ho watc.or extravagance i n our groceries, because the best foods colt
no more than ordinary kinds when bought from us. . ' ; i ' - i :
t Try something here for the proof and be convinced. - ! . - I
Foster & Baker
339 N. Commercial jst.
' Phone 259
Talk Don't Walt
? )Ve Deliver
f? ...
inn"1"1 ...
, i L. " a P
y. New four" room8 house with' treakf asit nook
: DCSt Ot'consrnirhnn ; . t'r-A 1? -
' V : :'S '-' . 1 "Ji ?5t$e ay limits ;f " Ni'high taxes :": b
.Best of garden land-rwill prdduce enough to pay grocery
.Diu ana taxes - -
" it'
-rs: n
147 N. Commercial -
Realtor5 1
Telephone 217
Roth Grocery Co.
134 N. Liberty St."
Phonei 1885 - 1886 -1887
, TalkDon't Walk
. Ve Deliver
Lehman Grocery
,190 S. Commercial St.
- Phone 305
X Talk Don't Walk
We'Deliver . '
,yf '
15c;. '
Post WheatiMeal 25c
.-J-abrrow's yH
Pure Buckwheat
y ib. bag ...6iC
-Pickens & Haynes
Hones 25G or 257
Talk Don't Wa
verRdad Groc.
:. -2305 N. Front St.,
... j;honeJ91;;s;
- Talk Don't Walk -
Ire Deliver ft
I. -w. Lreriarpport
' 605 S.19ihi5ij
i pPhoiic 128Ci
Talk Don't Walk
4'2 lb. bag
American Cluk S
Golden Bantam Corn
iaozreans SSl! 5 1.35
X 4
an Club .
Early. Jurie Peas ,
e can Pumpkin
sh :ai5c
25 barstVVhite Wonder '
Soap;:- 8c
a -ill
" ' ' ,
'.jf ff.i 'Sr
Fresh Sorted ll35
?f Granulated
H--;Siigar S9cM-
C. M. Eppley C.
! j 1900 State St,
Phones 118 or 93
Talk Don't Wfalk
Wer Deliver
A Daub & Sons
J 100is. Commercial St.
r - ' i
Phone 935 7
Talk pon't Walk
: i-jWe Deliver
D. La Shrode
T:C fcaJnj J-Wa
uj o. xin street
Phone 9
i Talk Don't Walk 1
! j We Deliver -.y
W H:4CIark j
2290 State Street
Phone G70 1
Talk Don't Walk
H'c Deliver
Wiggins &
Salem Heights
TalSs Don't Walk
Wc Deliver