1 . -.J ' .-. t . ' , - - ..-.' ' J 1 Or.'.T Itay iflond1arirtlt)l I) to 'lie's A,-Pttno."-i ikf- IlcUte -Association vaudevtll C-"J rr.rti ft 1IUUJML .7- ft! v t m . mtgh -Tom Go Gallagher." Tyler In nrrnrr nmiti in mn liilLaj: e. 1 " t I " i Vfle's'a :Pf idcfe With payr t mona brtuiin, oaia desi - - Herc:NV.iany Monti ouble .J "lie X' rTlrrci" serves' tl p u rj4 vror;i)te stiParsifeio u nt -romed jr ,tha1 0peqed - nt the ; Ore gon .theater " yesterday and will continue on the ;- screen (there ih rough .today's performances.' neHides--.&rving , as a title! it be$t describes tfie -performance of IlaymondVIriffUh, who carries the title role with' the support b such opular stars as Mary, Brian and Tyrone Power. ? V r"""r-. -j , The.piefure Is one of the! most refreshing light, pieces tbtj have come ;to ; the screen j in t-eoent SIPPyiUDEM Athfetib Novelties, .-Dance ; ana uomeay cn.ief las ers Highly Praised;.- rs h A tajloeted .gathering of: spark ling ? noTelties, nich-ptowered r J i ity una i nt mor toget ner w .many, cleyer; Jrtta V' of r sonjc and dance ! -will ho, presented,;, ati llie BItgh theetee 'naSaturday . night, matine;id yenins. , 1 :tWs,WtJ?aoTdiri3.ry bill. la. head ed by ttierArft'wsmithB in an ath letic novelty; with knock-about and acrobatic ftttints.Tloinan rinps and cradle.fln aft actof thls'klKdtiie male member UsqaUy JIoessLjl t le I;WI 1.1 0 -. . - - i" - a' SJ10IMEETJL'! Six Men and One WQrnan to Take Part in Evahgdis- . - lic Service f ;t 5ix men' and ont Ionian wll taktj par ih.he'- hfe Saturday nfsht evangel istfc meetinn'to jje' Jield at 'the; local Salrat ion V Army . DalJ on 'State- Mreefc-''FranJiM M mari ,.head4, e - group";-and ,wiih Titinwllt rf ft Tx$ LehmatL-Tl, X. Meyers',: i:alpU;frofiplest Walter riotn, f)ph -Wftfvertrtiff and Illoyd w 11 1 preach ? ', w ldi : special miigfc and son Jr livll I ' 1ef rendered by those assistinjSr him'; tUv Mrs. " It M laUmated that Ue! II. Shan ks ' of the: r Firsf. 1 Baptist churchy will be present to lend a tfahri with the rest. ' ' ;,;: : ; The meetinE will be She tenth iACser4ie6JipeciaLlSaturday the little lady does her share. sKifS t?h---rity . . , , i. . . t- been noWIns Wherein ' ministers possesses what might J be termfed, &ttd lffy workers , 6f Jocattchurches supernnman strengtn ana enaar a'nce. Lyle Harmony Ponr, "The Stnging Jesters;' render perfciJ harmony and ; natural comedy in new songs, sang In , a rolflckthg months, and the comedy is Merer " . "6r "T8 f Vf 5 and entertaining. As; a jyonng c0paiea styie. jwucn aaaitlonai & Harcourt, a Tersatlie pair of en- qnd exceedingly likable prince of modern time Griffith, j whose life is "an "endless chain of corner stone layinRH, paradesJshipichris .. lenlncH and the like, ideclires a .Ktrike forshorter hours and; more fun. "With his appointment S books filleil tor months ahead he d;ecldes to run away, and he does, Sneak ing out of tho palace wjth al party of tourists, witb one of whbmj he 'falls .in love. : ") :; j i There the fun beRlns. wthjthe prince chasing the Klrl arid the king and his agents chasing the prince. The possi bill ties aire too evident to need explanation! More .hearty (aughs conld only i he paclked into the film by .malting It ODD once: lixtc rnslly GONSTANT. dosing ife 4 little ; stomachs Mfttrt nadhets pttfci to treat chil- dfeii's icolds . externally fwitb VicYaooRub.' Thcv simply t rtjS It on. the; throat and; jchest 3 rjearimc. Vicks acts two ways at (1) like the old-fashioned feoultice in "drawing out" the sorenefe iucwi pain; and, at the same time, j (2) like a modern vapor lamp be cause the body heat1 releases the ingredients in tie form of medicated vapoTT which Are Inhaled all bight long. These loosen the thlegm and open the congestea airpassages. j- Most colds yield by morning to this double direct action. tertainers, appear in a:'n'ovel idea of praeenting a comedy and sfif'g Ins offering- which speaks for It self. Dainty TJorothxVaters. "The birl .with ' the'Vink." ' m the last word in versatility and clever ness and Is a revelation In vaudo yiile. As , a juvenile star," shj has no equal. , LeRoy & BettMiJn "Covering Territory" prent?rim- edy sons and, patter arranges and presented to make a most amus ing hit, essayed by two sterling anisis or anility; and class . , X., . VEABS FIBSTMEET i . .' ) i Meeting Day of Silverton 0 ganization Changed;' to r- SIXVERTOJC, : Jan. 14. (Spe claflo The Statesman. -Vrhe $0 verton Woman's clap held ( Its first meeting of the year Tuesday afternoon t the, city library. Jor merly. tne meetings were heldfon Monday ftferriooifb'ut hus ps been changed inj-order to hold ithe meetings, at the library. Tbe library. Is open" to the public ion Monday, Wednesday" ami Saturd4yj afternoons.' r ' " -i: 1 At the meeting of this month the study whlch- thfe cWb. women are taking up on the Chinese Arsa continued.- Mrs.;,G. ,B. J0eritfeoh and Mrs. Sorgen .Ostergaard giv ing papers.. Mrs. -Bentson - spdke" on the "Great Wall of .rhina',.' ndj Mrs. Ostergaard had for. her tbplc "Chiha's Civilization." the .fatter based her paper t ott ; in article 1 hiidh appeared in the May Vorum delving info the philosophy of the Chinese. ! . Eugene rtreat celebration , plan ned forope'ningi'ft' '-Erfgene-Klam-ah : Falls cut-off railroad, about July i.i"-?M:.i ;;1":',v " ! ' are takirfgjnTOinlnent'part. snioffiT mm 1 OfSlKlilGlIT Willamette - University Pub- firSpeakers.'tb Present "r . rtiect Pieces' ' For the third titnen1 tire his tory of the university, all Evening's ehtertaltlment bf oiic&ct plays is td he presented, stt - jfUIdmette. The proir!n WHI taKeL3)Jae this fw-iiintr at H o'clock ill? Waller hall;',', f . -p- -V' . '-y. The,lirist grphp'ot tk4-pJl plaVa was presented'rtv the fail teintW a year ago. It- was tnii but an experimetft to '-ascertain" w fiethir r .1 V YOU SEE - TODAV BLIGH IfKATltE Watch for Saturday's VAUDEVILLE . lint I . I I I I I I ! II II II I I I I I ' --I..-' - j - . ----- i ;- - ;'C " : : . SF-ECIAL' PRICE3 We list ae'ltem fdr thiaek end seUihrlliat.vj claas.rnerchandise and We4cnow that it is priced to extreme vaiues. . , lrge'Gbloht'&fh ijraincTs.with the ; extra tray "on tfje endiforthe Rmall ' pieces. Made df jhejavy retinried wire. Take them Saturday for pNLY . 75 Jof iVo. 2 Another 'bit assortment of Razor : blades. P rham Auto Strop khd Fax in the lot. Take , any kind Saturday limit 4 packages , " to one customerjfqr only v ? v r 1 interest y oq. This is .all f irst tnake it move; fast, otejth'e Lot ' S An assoHmeht of large 'pieces of White jand White Granite Ware. Lofo br finebig pieces iat 'regularly , sell - for frdml$1.25 to ?1.S0. "Wesell any piece tor only i - IV I , 7 v - j fj X 4- , Rogers Solid Nickel SUy.er;Teaspoons. Wq , have , Gem, p verreadyV . 4 fe00 d :w6rght and will wear a-lif e Duplex Gillette Enders, I- . .time. . I Also sorrie Dessert" size of tthe isaine jtnaterial and brand., t -t" t Special Saturday, Teaspoons l.pnbSciter'Seti- Special Saturday B?sstrt Spoons, ?nly.90c per.&t . . - -' . . ' j ! " ,, ". ' i. l 11 if f 1 1 1 1 u ' - - ; ; Thesi values will tolease-you. ..Our.Jherthandise i is always first jclass. cReinember U ; Anesev u ( j pays to go to ALLEN'S irst ":r 'J.r f -,', , f , , gpillllll tr "tot tt sBldC-Otaf atfd ') towns fkeobie wopfd respdhdit'Ttje ct4?: d" ast'capaelty h.oua - and .enthtf pl astic. It was decided t ntakt the presentation - of one-acr- aa annual affair. . '7' r ."Willamette Writers'' club.-'miki'ii-sored by Prof. Horace :. Will ton, offered an evenlhg's perform ance of one-act plays the second semester 'pf the 'same year! iThe plays presented by the clilh Wert4: written by its own members," - : Prewntation was nxad at-,the little theater. ',In the cilj? library. Again a capacity house was thptOr sppnse to the 'one-act plays.'. 'Sev eral members of. the club .have written plays since then, and ;it 'is how pfanned -o give another. eVe iiirig's entertainment of .plajs wHt tch by members of the club.' .Ttis Is1 also' planned to he a '.yearly event. t : ' ;' -. ' " . . t. H'WurteVFlubimery,'' Jy A. A; Milne, one of the plays to be pr' sented ,his evening, is .considered to be one of the best "one-acfplays In English literature. It is a mild anjd fast satire; on. love for monfy which Milne assumes 'to be innate in every one. X ' "Trines," 'another of the plays to be staged. Is a fantasy. .: ' "Suppressed Desires," -completing the fist of 'plays for this eve ning. Is a comiedy. Both of thepe two latter plays mentlonedjare by Susan GTaspell. . .. .. 'Portland manufactured' products gain 47s04, and- number r' em ployees gain 32-28 per cent from X921 .to 1923. Products in 1923 were worth $164,414,799. and fac tory wages were $28,244,478. , . . 1h l.-iflri'Mnfthf rA' ViP knouiuKlthiii ot hlsTwhlch fresia.nQt'he tli HAUjL iyIflIIr'' -Mfav t, Cottage Ctqr&S U-av "I Q llHUUltllLII UILU kK fra Conner was born inidhlo'ih JUiMnki; ellev tiawnl f;COTTHGEGIiE 'I He .Was Fatjier W.'Ci Cdn--lWC ttitior .NortHwest If Poultry Journal ; '." 1 , . W." C. donne'r, "editor of 'the lorthwest -Poultry JoWrhal, Ve-V cetved a telegram yesterday .'morn-! Idaho; Marble comlhy Vill work black marble deposits near Joseph, Wallowa" county ' wmmm - - i'Ji 1 1 ; -C 'j --V2 I i stdard cm. coipan y cip, 1847 and would have ben -7 yea'ra-ef Tagefct hlarixt birtlidpy in Sinternbe'r, y'He was married .In Missouri . and went to Kansas to reside. In 1875 he-wentfto Cal ifornia with hi family aad after Ihfee ye.arsv residence In that state came uregon in.,' sepiemoer, 187$, locating at Cottage Grove, .wjierer.lie engaged in Sawmilling Jor several; years. Jle later en- gagea in rarming in mat neign borhood and was for. many years associated with the j late) D. W. Ilarding fn "conducting Mi. Hard Ink's 2000 acre stock and rgraifl farm near Cottage Grove. bout 20 years ago ho bought, ,a. farm the Cottage Grove Masonlv, lodge and was closely Identified with the early growth and development of Cottage Grove and eommunity, where he has always been held In the highest.esteem, r ' ' . "." lie Is survived " by - seven sons, W. C. of,. Salem ;L Edward.'. Fred. Charles and J)ose '. of , Cottage Grove, Horace of Grants Pass and Harry Conner of Eugene. - Funeral services will bo . con ducted at Cottage fj rove today .X Springfield Three important wood manufacturing innsiries will enlargelhefr plants this win- adjoining the Harding farm appn ter. SATURDAY ii . . . .. ' I. . ! : i .. Ma rf1e4j7,Coo9 uy : ! Issues 7e-page paper, jarge.-t i i rpw bUsltei '"1 n Boot hern trs-tfoh.- and i covering the whola soit'h west Ipifrt' f state; I ifl LAST CALL s . - .alt -- : 4 ' f 1 jSjOl longer ti 'GxUf-i-N Ith the - screen's . jg" f e a t e s t -'coVriedian. 4firidVr -In "lie's, a Prince;: :.he's star 1 1 And rthe. v. cream. , of : screams i i a . . . t ' , , . . .. & A 1' . S M If i!T ' WHAT iS & REAL SALE? Incur estimation a reaj sale is one that mves you ify at prices much below regular. That's the fcin'd 6f a Sale this is! You can tibiotuely HcKhd'onihe teV- chandise both as to style and iqualiiy, aVd once you see the prices you will know that the only generinis, BUT MORE TP THE POINT, ABSOLUTELY GENUINE ! - ' ' reductions are tot V.I. Oak Dining Furniture ft 6 foot extension table, - quarter, saw.ed oak, 4 fIid oak chains to. match ale Golden jOak Fiirhitiire Genuine leather seat, golden oak arn rfkers -as loW as 1'-; m - t Big Redu(rairalden t oiak chairs, buffet, triples androbke- r I . ; - ' , ' -,-',V I . " " ' Coxwell tGhairsl ''yiii:'""i''' S. : - .'..-t The most popular design of today is ah easy 4 cnair. upnoisierea in a ncn veiour or tapes-, try with Ueep spring c6hstrbctfon'lHroogndal ' Living Robin Furniture , The famous. Birchfield overstuffed line of Living Room Furniture . f All Mohair Overstuffed $11 ( Davenports ) lOX JU All Mohair Overstuffed Davenports with reversible cushions.' All Jacquard Veiour Overstuffed .Ol CA Davenports Dpl U , Heavy .figured, I)enim Over-., stuffed Daveilports f.t;.4..-..---:-- Overstuffed Boudoir Chair, covered in heavy denini.. . ...I.-. Chaise Lounge, covered in heavy Stripe denim $136.50 $67.50 $19.75 ;75 $27 mms- rugs "You Must Make a, Clean Sweep o f your entire. Stock of Rugs .These are the orders from bur rug buyer, Mr - jpasey.,5 Abd",we are goings to -do just that. ; Our stock is complete and we' arft, going to ',cut priced fooriey' Mr. Casey's orders. Owing tbUimiteja ; space j we cannot I. list f our. A nargains so nere are a iew ot inefli. - t; . rw . 1 1 1l' : B5 9x12 Axnnister $47,50 57i50,9xl2 Velvets $2l $ m Rye-Piece Complete Bed $a!f l $26.25 I." Xleaatirnl .'enamel .all steel l?d, 'ivnrjr. or. walnut' iliiikU .with splendid wet of , spring?, ualitie mat tress ant jj. pa)r feool WntarVea'lher JUJofs,-tho. complete outfit Of": five piece "'at this very locw ialo price. . . -1 Reductidrion ;sers 015.95 ; .... ; ,. -4 . . ' L Shle $29.75 Regular: Mce-li'6.i5Wg4iWr: l?Tice C 15.50 . At no other, time during . the year t can yrrti hny ivory yreksfrs at prices roMow as fhos'c whlcli.p're ' vail rlht how duriiijt IliU wIe. finished iu' Ivory" -4r siJtrertonc-. ." . --','-. . " ; '"' ' vr! .SaIe:Prices BHnj f SfFrece Dcwirtirj Sail t a m -as : ruice con Asia Of ine foTlowlrtir tde'ees iill ktze . . ' bed, 38-Inclt. drewsr,' - 2i t28 Inch, m I rror ; . S 4 i i i h CUlXferctte,.3tcIrarersl.Si traj-s;.S4 Inch 3 Mirror dressing twble ;-wth' mbol.sterHl tench to i,i,ttJi. Alliu"CeJiar(l vood Ivory f Intslu lUit of coiimi uc . ilon .tliroughont. 5 - Uise .yoitr: jxredit' ... p X 1 J. OipSB-;fiOWl. e ennrno no :r..irc:: nrr , a -rs ? 'r trrt V s v ' A -Vv in w t v"V , -iv ' " -- . -a. . . . ' . .''Jit $4 . .' ; i . i i