The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 10, 1926, Page 8, Image 8

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k' Mrs.; Cheater Lte was elected
president of,the Villlnff Workers
class of the First Christian ehurch
at the Janaarr meeting held dur
Ior the iaet week jat-the" home of
Mrs. C. U. lister on?Soufi 13th
street. Other member'hdeii at
this' time Were -'Ms.;. Earl j Wood,
rice president: - Mr. Homer Conk
lla treasurer,, Mrs. C. N. Ruggles
secretary, Mrs. Vir Kil Hack; assist
ant secretary -v jr- It T
, Outgoing officeirs ' were Mrs.
Beatrice; : Neweonjib. president;
Mrs. Ci.' B. Simpson-, vice pres
ent; Mrs. ; Cheteti Lee. .treasu-
er; Mr$. A. A Qdrtcf , Becretary;
Jlra. C. ; A. 4tewis, assistant jscrch
ary. ... i-V X
? The business . meeting' was foj-
time and .plans
contest for! new
meeting: Mrs.'
Mrs. G. B.
II, fester, Mrs.
sowed ly.a sdcial
irere made for ,a
nembers betweeh .two 6i teams.
headed by Mrs. Muzzey; and- Mrs.
Present at .tlie
Harry Muizejf.
jimpsoh. , Mrs, P.
(J. y. Macey. Mrs), C. N. Rilggles,
Mrs. C, F. Riley. Mrs. ; Virgil
Hack, Mrs, Chester Lee,' Airs. Ho
mer Conklin, Mrs. O. E. Letley,
Mrs,, Emma Kab1unve,.Mrs. ; Wilt
Maj'. -Jr. C. .H. enham.. Mr8. R,
F. Peters. Mrs Earle Chapel, Mrs.
. H. Dickson.' Mfs. t. K. Later,
Mrs. A. B. gseipyl Mrs. W. I. El
lis. Mrs. E.-1. Reaney. Mrs. A. B.
Cox. Mrs! C. K, Smith and Mrs.
A. A. Carter. I;rs. Will MaJ is
the teacher of tha class. i "
AAUW LvmkcQn
Members of - the Salem braweb
of the American! Association of
UniTerslty Women will meet on
Saturday, January 10. for - luhch-
eon in the Elks dining room:
Prof. V. G. Du liach, director of
research and guidance In the
Portland public pchools, will be
the speaker.
Altar Society (ard Parties
Members Of thfc St. Vincent du
Paul Altar society will sponsor a
series of sbt card partios to ha.
given in the parish hall on Mon
day evening of each week. Priws
will be given at j these parties to
the lady and 'gentleman holding
highest scores, j
The committee in charge of
these first two parties includes:
Mrs C. D. :Thomas. Mrs. E. A.
Pruitt, Mrs. Mix Woods. Mrs.
Anna JelinsKf, Mrs. P. A. English,
Mrs. Joseph' PnWfer and Mrs. B.
F. Dimeler. j
Six-Cover Luncheon
l Mrs. t. CJ. Shipley entertained
in a delightfully informal man
ner oh Friday W. her. home when
she was hoMess, fona group of
six friends at ;1 o'clock luncheon.
Yellow jonquils! and White nar
cissi centered he table, with yel
low candles to harmonize burning
in crystal holders. ,v4ir .
- Covers were 'placed for Mr.
William 13oot, Mrs. bScphBaum
garthr.Mrs. Ada Strong? Mrs.
Fred Thielsen, Mrs. WJtliam H.
Jlurghardt and the , hostess, Mrs.
U: G-Shipley.- ' - C'.'i'X
Officers Hold Meeting
branch of the Woman's Mlaslon-
irf ';; society; of the - Evangelical
church met at the First Evangeli-cal-church
parsonage on Satur
day; to r transact business for the
branch and arrange the: program
for the next convention. ,
Mrs. C. C. Poling of Salem is
president and Mrs. G. N. Thomp
son, recording secretary.
: Other officers include:; Mrs.
Nettie Myers' of Grand Ronde,
branch: president and organizer,
kr3.iC.iLu- Heckart of Corallis.
treasurer. Mrs. E. "S. Frewing of
Tigard, . corresponding secretary,
MrKWAtJiieffroybf Canby. lec
retarJof Herature, ? Mrs. O. D.
Martin of Medf ord, secretary of
missions. . .
At the noon hour a delicious
luncheon was served ' in the
church, with Mrs. G L. Lovell.
Mrs. Arthur Rex. and Mrs. B E.
Maze, the hostesses. '
Attractive Bridge Luncheon
One , of , the most . attractive
bridge 'lunqheon meetings of the
new year, was that of Thursday
afternoon when Mrs. John Mc
Kary entertained for the ' mem
bers' and 'guests of her club. Red
carnations and mountain huckle
berry were used in the decorative
schemes Mrs. Prince Byrd won
the afternoon's guest prize.
.Luncheon covers in tho McNary
home wer placed for Mrs, Prince
Byrdt,Mrs. Frank .Spears, Mrs.
Vincent Diaz, Mrs. George White.
Mrs. W II. Dancy, Mrs. T. C.
Smith, Jr., Mrs. T. A, Livesley.
Mrs. . George .Rodgers. Mrs. O. C, i
Locke, Mrs. Frederick Lamport,
Mrs.j Henry Meyers and the hos
tess,. Mrs. McNary.
Capital Five Hundred Club
Tho members of one of Salem's
most congenial card clubs met on
Wednesday evening as guests of
Dr. and Mrs. L. F. Griffith and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meredith at
the Griffith ihome. Dinner was
served., after which five-hundred
was in play. Mrs. II. II. Ollnger,
Mrs. George G. nrown and Mr.
and Mrs. O. C. locko- won tho
honors of the evening., - Holly fol
iage and red candles decorated the
dinner table where . covers were
placed for 'Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ba
ker; "Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baum
gartner, Oeorgo G Brown. Mr.
arid'Mrs. Frank W. Durbin. Mr.
and Mrs. W. II. Dancy, Mr. and
Mrs. O. C. Locke. Dr. and Mrs.
W. Carlton Smith. Mrs. George
Rodgers, Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Iee
Steiner. Dr. and Mrs. II. H. Olin
ger. Dr. and Mr?. D. F. Griffith,
and Mr. and Mra. . Frank Mere
dith'." Sclig-O'Ncil Nuptials
Coming as ' a surprise to their
many friends, was tiro wedding of
.Miss Helen Selig, daughter of Mr.
a.TnrMrs. x, Selig. toMr. Joseph
Ofcil of Klamath Falh. on Tues
day, January 5. in Portland.: Both
Mr and Mr fl'Vil nrp'tiiniAru at
in liberal arts and Mr. O'Nell in
the law school. r Both plan to
continue their school work.-
.Mrs. O'Xeil Is a member of thd
Chrestomathean , lltc-rary society'
and of the Beehovcn musical 'or-i
ganization, ' She. s one of V thej
most prominent, aa well as the;
most popular, members of Theta
Alpha Phi national dramatic fra4
ternity. " Shells a violinist of unj
usual talent and is soloist at the
First Baptist jchurch. Mr. ONeil
is a Chrestophilian and an Alpha
Psi Delta. ;. ' :; f .... ' - !
The ceremony was performed
in, Portland, at. high I noon in the
West Side: Baptist church - with
Dr. Kentton officiating. The onli'
Tola r
Christmas cantata; "The Holy
Nativity." .Central Congregation
al church. Evening service. v j
- "Not one to Spare." Sacred
film, f First : Congregational
church. 7i30, o'clock.
v Monday f' ';
Reception ' at; State School foT
the Deaf, ' honoring Superinten
dent and Mra.-F. Lyman Steed. 8
to 10 o'clock, . . . j
Chapter AB of the P. E. O. sis
terhood. Dinner at Gray Bell.
6:30 o'clock. Members of Chap
ter - G -: invited. ( Inspect ion ajt
apartment ; of Dr. ' Mary C. Rowv
land. ' j -'y.-:yr -j
American Legion Auxiliary. In
stallation if officers followed by
social meeting. McCornack Hall.
S o'clock. - . I '. '
Card party." St. Vincent -du Pail
Altar society. Parish house. j
r Class in pyschology of child
training. Committee room of city
library. 7:30 p'clock. Sponsored
by American Association of Uni
versity women. , j
, Tuesday j
Reception honoring "Mr." and
Mrs. T. B. Jones on their SOtb
wedding anniversary. 417 N.
Commercial street. j
'.Social afternoon club. Chad
wick chapter of the Eastern Star.
Junior Guild. St. Paul's Epis
copal church. Mrs. L. S. Geer,
IS55 S. Commercial street, hos
tess. ! j
Columbine club. Party for hus
bands. Mrs. Frank Howard,
Maple street, hostess. ; .
; Wednesday
Salem chapter of American
War Mothers. Chamber of Com
merce rooms. 2:80 o'clock. I
Woman's Foreign Missionary
society of the First Methodist
church. Mrs. J; II. Baker, hos
tess, -.- j
, ' Thursday j
Silver te.-t. Woman's Auxiliary.
St. Paul'a church. Mrs. U. 1G.
Shipley. 148 E. Washington. 3to
5 o'clock. - " j ; ''
:- Saturday I
American Association of Uni
versity Women. Elks' dining
Daughters of the Nile. Portland.
attendants were Misa. Voia Selig,
a sister iot the .bride, aa maid of
honor, and Mr. Michael f Lacorata
aa besi manJ:'-'-;.:.y.--y )'
St. Paul's Epiphany Dinner, j
: The Epiphany, dinner, 'which. Is
a yearly feast in the Episcopal
church, was an outstanding event
of St. Paul's church an lastTues-.
day evening at tho piarish house,
with over 100 present for'. the af
fair; t v " : ' - 'r
The feature of the occasion was
the beautiful Epiphany cake, with,
red adornment. The .wife of tho
junior .warden, Mrs. i N. . C. Ki
foury. cut the cako.' Tho follovr
ingr won the prizes: To: Miss Dot
othy White went the Epiphany
ring, and she will therefore ia?t
a chairman of thO'-ebmrnitteQ for
the next Epiphany party; - to Mr.
Frank Spears, bojth the thimble
and the button; to Miss Josephine
Creech the dime:; to Mrs. U. C.
Shipler the nickel; and to MriU.
G. Shipley the penny. I
The hall . was attractively dec
orated with holly and poinsettias
while lighted cawdles in crystal
holders were usedlon each of the
seven tables. ... 5 f -,';.:;;.' j
The committee in charge In
cluded Mrs. H. H. Thlelsen, Mrs.
Russell Catlin, Mrs, Thomas
Williams and Mrs. Fryj Follow
ing the dinner a necrology service
was held for .five -members who
have passed away during the past j
year. This .servicer. was observed ,
in a particularly impressive man-
ner. Five members of the junior.
choir, in their Testments, appear
ed before tho group, each bearing
a lighted. candle. , Aa tho namea
of the absent ones. were read tboj
candles were extinguished, ono byj
oae4 .??r(y;,tV-i.- - i
. At the conclusion of the mc
mortal service Rec. II. D. Chaml
bers gave his yearly report. g
The readig of gratifying report
bf the vestryman showed that a
very prosperous year has just beerf ,
brought to a close.
Those who will serve as vestr
men for the coming year are as
follows: T. O. jDeckcbach. N. CI
Kafoury, William ,NIemeyer, All
lan "Carson, T. L. Williams. IlaJ
D. Pattbn and Linn Cronmillcr.
junior Guild of St: Paul's f
.The junior jsnild of St; Paul's
Episcopal : church "will , meet a
2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon
at the homo of Mrs. L. S. Geer,
1855 - S.- Commercial street, fojr
the first meeting of the year. Th
annual i, election of ,pff leers will :
take place at this time. . j j
Pictij Hill Club I , j
An enjoyable meeting of the
Piety .Hill club was., held .Thurs
day afternoon at the home of Mr&
R. IM Boise, when'MrsI Boise and
Mrs. Frank, W Spencer entertain
ed jointly for the pleasure of th
group. Mrs. Frank' Snedecor was
a special guest for the afternoon5.
Mrs. Breyman Boise assisted thfs
(CoirtiAdtd on pice 8)
f Willamette university, Mrs. O'NeiP Banquet at Benson Hotel.
Upper left:" Miss Nancy) Thielseu. the attractive daughter of JCr.ancl Mrs. F. D. Thlelsen. who is
one of the most popular' members of
who Is , taking advanced work - with
tractive young daughter of Mr, and
the younger set. ' Miss Thlelsen. is an accomplished young danseuse
Jliss 'Helen Rod olf-. Vpper right::, jissephlne McGilchrist, the at-
Mrs. William McGilchrist. J.. who livesj at 695 North Summer street
one of r Salem's lorety .garden-surrounded homes; ;Lower left: "Miss Josephine Cornoyer. one of
aiem a cnarming younger giris. jp$epninev is 'jne jaaugnter of .? MjJ. apd . plrs, Hr A. Cornoyer. . Her
nome is aiso on -Nortn, summer street. . Lpwer-right: tattle Miss Jewell Constance, tire petite daugh
, 'ter-of Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Minier.. Jewell's ag Is half past six. ' .
!,:". ; ' "
vl - L '
" - Sunday: is my Festival of Beauty, of Loved Things, of
Leisure; and of Worship.) I reserve for it whatever I most,
enjoy flotrers, blue china at breakfast, books, important
letters special walks, colored caiidlc at supper and waffles,
pine incense and colored! flame" s in my fire. : O nSunday I
would not do any work, nor say 'nor think nor do unworthy
things'. I may this day announce to the people whom I like
the fact that I do like them. ? j- J V r si
Abbie Graham 2 "Ceremonials of Common Days"
Social Afieriioon Club. . j !
A particularly large attendance
Is desired at the meeting Tuesday
of the Social Afternoon club of
Chadwick chapter of the Eastern
Stari .The meeting win be hetd at
the, usual hoar. , ,1 . ..: j. .
Cfiapieri AlVof PEO ; :
Miss Bessie ,M ickej, state or
caBlzer. will lje.'the guest' of honor
a t ' the." ineeting spf "Chapter All bf 1
tho; PEO. Sisterhood: on Monday
ereqtng.. ''fA dinner will be served
at ; 6 : S 0 o'clock at the Gray "Belle
at which tnierabera of both Cbap
tor G'ahd Chapter A B wilt be the
guef?'ts.f The Inspection meeting
of Chapter AB will follow at the
home 6f Dr. Ma.ry C' Kbwlaid on
Court -"streeL J ,t 4i-:'-.' l"f'f .'--'I
. A mcrican Legion Auxiliary y
' t An specially, interesting .weet
ins.of the.'AmeTican Legion aujctl
,iaryA is. announced .-for, .o'clock
,Mo?iday .evening ' In V tMcCoraack
bull. - Installation of officers -will
take placer at, this-time.. An en
tertainment and refreshments will
follow as thejromplfment et "the
outgoing officers.' f r ... -..
Vilm at Church Tonight
Not One to Spare is the title
f th film w hich .will show v to
night at the First Congregational
church, in : conjunction with; Rev.:
t buries Ks Ward s sermon topic;
'.'Christ and the 'Child," " - '
- - The press 'sheet furnished' gives'
the following' suggestion of the
ploti1 PIcturized from the rpoem
by Mrs. E, L. Beers, which, "we jars
reminded was published L Itbe
fourth readers of the . public
schools about 25 years ago, under
If I
j round table discussion followed.
. Mrs. George Wehderoth gave an
instructive, papur on the lesson
subject. Festoons of .- mistletoe
and lolly were'used in the rooms.
; In the group for the afternoon
were Mrs. C. M. Oglesby. Mrs.
George Wenderoth. Mrs. Elizabeth
Barwun, airs. Mauds Kcliutt, Mrs.
former copybook classic now askt
1 Which Shall It Be?"
Willis Marks "happy in bis
humble poverty," with seven
tildren and a disappointed farm
ub-Ktate,' Is envied by David Tor
rnce, "sad in his lonely luxury,"
It a home as big as the public
lfbrary.iwith two stone lions keep
tag guard. ; Tprrence, wrltes.bis
brother and offer to give him a
bouse and lot and a lifelong allow
ance in exchange; foi' one of the
sleven childrea to rale as his own.;
j ; Marls fand ? Ethel j;Wa'e bob
rel 1 ast 5 speo d several reel s t ry
pg to.declde what o:do apeak in
ioetic sub-titles tip trod uce sotue
ijeartul sconoa 5bd .try ;to choose
between the .children.- j' And ' all
t!he child ren, in the -cast are ador
able.' .
There, isa. refreshing absence
4f i Villains,' railroad wrecks - or
inidnight 'cabarets In the picture.
Which contains 'a3 sincerely , told
Story, .interesting in its sympa
thetic; simpjielty;. and answers the
flufsuon to , everyone s t ;sat1sfac-
Highland Study -Club . ' "
,The first, meeting of tho new
jrear pf tlje Highland Study, club
vas held .last week at tho ' home
jot Mrs. John Stapleton ion Hall
stret..- X 1 oVock lu ncheon was
fjerveI aftey which gifts, were' dls
jtribnted to the. guests from boughs
bf the Christmas trek On Janu
ary 23the4clnb will meet in In
dependence as the guests of Mrs.
Gayle Alexander.; ; , S -
I , The.f eature'ot tha jnee ting was
thj presentation ''of an', elaborate
birthdsy cake to Mrs. S. B. Coop
er. Lesson study on th tiMiwt
B. E
OgleSby and the hostess, Mrs.
Cooper, Mrs. Rose Evans.
Emma Edwards, Mrs. Rose
Silver Tea on Thursday
Interesting plans are being ar
rangbd for the silver tea on Thurs
day afternoon. January 14. which
Episcopal church will sponsor at
the Voman's auxiliary of St. Paul's
the home of Mrs. IX. G. Shipley,
148 jE. Washington street. The
calling hoars will be from"3 until
I 5 o'clock. y '
I Mils. N. C. Kafoury. Mrs. Joseph
Baurogartner und .Mrs. tT. G. Shin-
ley are in charge of the' arrange
ments. ,
Rapheterian Club '
; 5Iis. Carle Abraia enUxtairled
Thursday afternoon in ' her : home
for ihe pleasure of a -group of
members ot-the Raphetrian club.
An inrormal afternoon of needle
work was enjoyed, with refresh
ments served at the tea hour. '
i In the group Thursday . were
Mrs Grover BelllngeT. Mrs. Ie
Unrah,' Mrs. Ronald Glover, Mrs.
F. If. Thompson". Mrs. Phil New
myer. Mrsw A. A. Siewert.;Mrs. E.
White. Mrs. James C. Heltzel.
Mrs H. v. Compton,;Mrs. Cecil
HaWley, and, the hostess.- Mrs.
Carle Abrams.. ,
the title "Not One to Spare." the fRecrcation , and Hygiene," and
Outstanding i
Maytag Featurts
Easily adjusted
to your height.
7 Clothes can be
put in or taken
out "with the
washer running.
8 Tub cleans itself..
1 Washes faster.
2 Washes cleaner.
3 Largest hourly
capacity in the
world. ,
4 Most compact
washer made
takes floor space
only 25 inches
5 Cast aluminum
tu b- c a n't
warp, rot, swell,
split oreorrode.
9 AH metal
wringer. Self
adjusting. In
stant tension
It'orld Leadership
. m mm m
IN labor -saving equipment
is to be bought for great
industrial plants, guess work,
theory, or claims play no part. Facts
and, facta alone, determine the de
cision. Experts tor before they btry.
In the purchase of a washer, who,
mdeed, could be better qualified to
pass on the merits of the many fine
waihers offered, than the housewife,
herself. She's the expert
Naturally we turn to her with the
Maytag Gyrafoam, Washer. We ask
her j to cxalnpsuT tlhe'lVjag with y
or all other washers before sbeibuys.
Further than that, we ask her to actu-
Far Aomea without tUttrlf
Uy 0 At mute g Gyrafwam
U lolth Mala
Alitor attachmtnL . .
t "'- - . . '
Th$fammtM Maytag
.' - Catcline Atter. .
. i"1 " '.
: y- :, . ....
aHy do the biggest, most soiled wash
ing she can gather together, and we
offer her a Maytag with which to do it.
Then there will be no question un
answered no doubt in her mind
about the washer her horns must'
have. Shell find he Maytag twice as
fast as others, and much more thor
ough and careful in its washing. The
secret, of course, it the exclusive
Gyrafoam principle, j
Well bring a Maytag right to your
home.; Buy as the expert buys. Test
it iiwft with it. ' jThe only obbga
tion is the one you owe yourself.
Phone without delay.
Gyrafoam- Washer
- i
'7' A'nn a
169 tSilh'.IIIjh Street -J'-
rhcr.o 2218
A few minutes a
day will roll the
fat away.
TONT be - a slave to fat
I J slender graceful figure.
is a mark of distinctio:
the well-groomed woman, can
be yours. A few ; minutes
with the "Magic Reducer will
off fat where reduction is
No dieting, no cathartics, so
sive perspiring; no fatiguing .
caaea Just roll the fat away. 0
"-' Step into oar cone depart
j moot today. A trained cor
artiere will demonatratt th
Mafjc" Red seer. Th
prka is ISJO. :--
The Speciialty Shop
' i 'Rcnska L. Swart
1 Court Street
Tb. M J
q wttn - mil )i
a aar ill 1 1
take 1 M
desired. 1I I
exces- l
excer- ' I
v.; ,i(;n
J y
Every Department Including Downstairs "
Store Is Offering Hundreds of, Genuine
Clearance Bargains.
One Special Lot of
Silk Window
Clearance Sale Price
and off
We list just a f ew
46-inch changeable stripe colorings, rich, and 'elegant look
ing, regular,2.50 and 2. 98 values, sun proofs j"q
Clearance Sale, yd . ... . . ... , . . .'. ; . j . . . ... ) JLsO7
3 6-inch Rayon Drapery in plain colors, also stripes and
brocades, colors are rose, blue, tan and others.. .
Reg. $1.49 and $1.98 valnes. Clearance Sale yd. MUU
36-inch Rayon Crinkle Crepe suitable, for bedspreads and
draperies soft rich tones of yellow, orchid, tan and tjf s OQ
blue, tan and rose, reg. $1.98, Clearance Sale yd. . V
Ready made White Curtains, ruffled tie back style :QQ
Check Scrim, $1.25 value, Clearance Sale a pair., 0C
Women's Wool
Union Suits
One Big Special Lot of
Odds and Ends Regular
$3.50 values.......
In this assortment are the well known Globe Brand Union
Suits, of cotton and wool mixed and Bilk and wool mixed,
principally; odds and ends, mostly all sizes; Dutch, Neck,
Elbow Sleeves,; Kneo Length, High Neck. Long Sleeves,
Ankle Length. ! - --r i 1 . -
- Clearance 3 1 .00 Pair
Thoenlx and Beart Brand Hos IMalds, Brown and Black
fiber and wool, wool and cotton and silk and wool.
469 State Street'
CZ3 Alder Street
- I