The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 10, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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    ;v: I'-;'-
The Delights and the Draw
, backs of the. California
Orange Growers v
Etljtor Statesman: . ..(
Today we are having bean t if
Bunsmne, out uie air ,has a tinge
of cold .brought down from th
Ran Jacinto monntnins. by a n
lle breeze .whirh play.- a-delight-
fnl mnrmur through ttm idn
drooping- limb of-,-, tho tall-and
handsome pepper: trees of which
ther are many thousands alnns
the streets of; Riverside, vieing In
a ; contest - for heantjr with fbe
itatelypalms. . no! lens numerou.
Victoria avenue alone la six miles
long, with pepper. - aeanla and
rypius trees on either-tde of, 'a
double : track;: i parked J between
track, set to rosea and perennial
bloomers.! -On either-side-Af- the
driveways the ; nagged ftobin,- a
beautiful red- rose,- trained to
about three -W four-feet high, is
set ; from tree to- tree almost the
whole length 6f the six-mile 'drive
and I now, in January these" rosea
tire in xuu. oioom. ,
Juat think of driving six miles
amongpalnr" trees and ' orange
trees loaded with the luscious
f ru it, 'and. many; are.crowned .with
blooms for next year's crop, with
your eyes ' feasting to'- the - limit;
with : such a letting orertopped
with shade, rugged mountains "a
few' miles away, towering into the
Bkies arid your olfactories loaded
to 'the limit ' with i ; blended
aroma 1 front trangeffdr lemon
and roses and magnolia!- -"-;
You. almost loseyourself; and
wonder that any man ever have
dreamed that cactus and sage and,
sand dunes eould ever bave'been
the only inhabitants of this now
lovely and pleasing; scene 1.? Vfh&t
has enabled man to perform such'
a .miracle? The answer is
water, " water, .watery and. more
water, "stored bynature down be
iowj'the "influnce of surface con
tarn inattori rf But bh! the'ebntera
platlofl 'changes from this season
of ecstatic - joy to" commiseration
for the poor-eo pper-h lied Mexicans
whotoil their lives awayttt-the;,
employ of some millionaire who
glories in his-magnif icent posses
sions.. Go up to the mount aia and
listen frto the great pumps -Ciiig,
chagchug"; ahfidst a grind-'
ing monotone of grating sounds.
See the, foaming v hdrse's or the
puffing, tractors' j following 1 the,
rows of trees makh Way tol the'
refreshing ' water to Black." th
thirst of, the grateful soil for the'
lack of which' 1 in twelve"
month's period, if it would fall
to assist : in keeping life s in any
plant, they would all ' droop and
die-i-exceptfthe afdy eucalyptus',
which. Is1 of; little value; where oil
and I gasoline ; and" gas "have
usurped tbi rfghC toHe with, elec
tricity ii. furnishing all themb
tive power in i the, schemes for
production. "1 ? ; .
Then again these 'fcrbves mttst
he fumigated, an herculean task,
ever yeir; or .twoT anffrintist. also,
be 'fertilized about everjj- year
with the jmbat fonl smell Fng' corn
mod Uy, one can. imagine... "While
this prbcessIs"gofngbn. thettH
eraior"surely "are Inra'gony for
FREE 10 ' . s-
i FORD'oraps
Sjiotix Falls, S. D. -Jim May,
former . lieutenant of the A.E.F.,
now Captain May, lias .perfected
an Amazing invention for Fords,
called , the Wesco Gas f!aver and
Carbon Remover. Under, actual
tests .the" Wesco has enabled Ford
owners to get as high as 60 miles
on a. single gallon of gasoline. To
quickly introduce it. Captain May
is offering ViWeacoVfretfto one
person in each locality who will
show and :reconfmend-f it to - their
-friends S Just send name and ad
dress to- Captain r-JV A. May," "347
West Ninth Street, Sioux Falls, S.
D. i Also ask him to tell "you how
local and state distributors can
ra a k e faou.ou to-, ai, 500.00 a
month supplying the enormous de
mand "for Wescos.Adv. - '
" Free to Jladio Fans f
f . Cliurch Services ,
I O.-23-f f40t JIJTt Tort
'land. Services from First
f I'refibyteriaj .church; Dr. II,
L. Rowman, pastor. ,
7:30-TT K.G W. (191JJ) rort
IAT. Service from East Side
llaptiat-churchy Dr. --W.
Ilinson, pastor.
7: j 5-9 KJIt j(284.4) , Seattle.
.Frst 1 Methodbt " Episcopal
chnrch:v',. ,,r , .v f . j
7:30 liGO (31 J2) Oakland.
First' Fresbyteiian churchy :
r Entertainments. f.
C:30-10- KH.J .(40.tJ2), lxs
! Ayr-Ies I 6 :i 0-7, orchestra; .
j. 7r7i3a, First Methodist Epis
j copal '.church;1 8-1.0,i;ituth
I'iys, soprano; ' John MaXliu,"
' pianist. vv r . i ' .
7.H KFI. (4C7), Is Angeles.
76 pipe organ; 8-9, Louise
s Ivloa trio; .Ysabel Bowen, 60
prano; 9-10, Examiner hour;
10-11, dance orchestra. " 3 , KPO (42S.3)r San
J'rancisco.-6:3o1:"?; Tro!;t:e
orchestra; 8-8:33, ' s a m e ;
:23-lC, Cr!.:-r's crclic.lra.'
weeks: a,t a time. Had jf the pow
er and 4kift of Trhomi TToOd who'
foiemesbnr of ine shirt'
I v Wortig ; workj . ,work,: with flag
e rs weary and" worn, with'eyblids, a woman j?at in nn
womahly drags' in sbrf'ang'.thN
on'pfl the sbirti'V'lbeh X &ui4
sink!' i 'sonk of roi' b""the fn'de
tatigatle Work'eys"wio in dust and
uiutLjanu muu( ana nun unceas
ingly'; tofj. lii' and around t these
Cltru s groves' ' for-months each
year?thjat. a'concytlon" may come,;
for a shbrt "time, wKen the, sight
seer may regale himself to utter
satisfaction, a"nd exclaim, "6, how
beanrtfnr; 3 What Klories are ; fn
natuf rt !;Wb woiild 'have thought
tti"..rtbwr can" ft be possible? Won
AeTfvU wonderful. Wonderful!"
Still there i.-. another side to
the. picture .when 'picking Reason
comes j. or shortly before. "'uery,
$ritteijLic fbr .
bickink?, Will tbe.feverdreaded
frost jcome like "the '"destroying
la ngel la hd'dasir the pToaperts-for ipe-iour-infU?; ,
lTft be, forewarned, is !o hif fore
armed, :. UuStlVr. Ijoya rfet a move
on 1 yoirfaf nhcerrhalf a million
smudge potS must be-gotten in
ordjer,! placed and filled with oil
foi-j saf eiy insurance. -1 thousand
mete rrtnist be held in readiness to
respond.-r-to- the-;-weather : man's
prognostications:-. The ' detestable
L. . J 1 ,.111 1. ' iif . . . . .
.mercury is imng, laiiang.
tne oanger.-pomt is reacnea.; zz
egrees4--fjashit oytr 'the .wires.
Pather np the.jtorches, ye sons of
toii; hasten down the precious
rows, j make haste, before the
demon drops his freezing powder
npoa the golden prospects, Soon
me neat 19 rising wun ianorea.err
fort; lower and-lower. 'the' demon
drops-his biighijag breath; 30 de
grpe.s,; 25, 20Aaii is gone. Water
rifs.-;ciritivaton bills, pruning
$flls.M ditching bills, fumigation
bflls, fertilizing bills. andt last
bat ndt leasts smtiging bills. Gone,
aliigond. Only lone hope left,
paplfthltlrall ;these' bills for-an-other
-Tyear, ' and just before the
danger, pojnt next ! year, find a
tenderfoot and closed at a profit.
t ' -' : W. T, RIO DON.
itiversid, Cat., Jan. G. 1926.
fl. S. J-Our mutual friend, C; O.
;..1L,j; f . ' ' t , ;ym . I
! , "Y"-'
; -; v
since ypur glasses were changed? Your
eyes are constantly, undergoing a strain and
are sure to heed a different cbrrection after4
a yartjr two. 1 Ha.thexamined often
Satisfactory. Eye Service at
r '-'.yi. "' Y--."f - 1
es. Optical
1 urtie-and 'V'necK slipovers- m, a i general cloan-un.
Some of these, sweaters are
" their onVinal nrirp. i
' I -' 'A; ' .
. . v-
I i Another; group of txjul
iV neck sweaters in .the-
icollars and knitted ties. , r
ft U
Cpnstablekindlx Jook us in,vhs
autOj oveij thousanas otv acres ot
these N crosrestiifad Showed 4 hree
separat!t?roves'whichi hb bhea
owneifi andi operated.1 rionelfdf
Which he (now owns.'. I. did; not
ask h im why he d isposeI of t liem
he saidj it would bring; up- too
many sorrbwfnl recollections.
(Mr. Ilfgdon writes that he is
going on tb San Diego. He was tb
leave Itiy jirslde yesterday; Ed. )
TACM.V tMAX', ,72. L.,- HIT
, 1 .i'Tt ix iirayy rcta
TACOMA. Wash., Jan. !.-( By
Associatedj Press! fhree- hours
a iter he hid been struck down by,
an antomqhlle, Hon on R. Itossny
72," died n; the icounty hospital
this evening; Charles Youngherg
of 'Hounuiam. was'lhe driver of
tlio automobile." i He reported to
police thai the accident occurred
when thf heavy fog. obscured his
vifilow as jthe man allempted to
cross tint road. .
. Tall folks with thick : necks
should be made (o occupy the back
seats. , M" ' '
Break a CoId'Rfght Up with
'Tape's1 Cold Compound'
i:. Take two tablets
every three hours
until three doses
re taken. The first
dose always gives
relief. The settond
and third doses
completely break
up the cold. Pleas
ant and safe tp
take. Contains no
quinine r-opiates.
Millions use
"Pape's Cold, Com
pound.". Price,
thirty -five cents;
guarantee it. Adv.
SaJera ; -,
Orgprt -
!j t-
marked at less than halt
i 1 1 ! ? -: i i ff;
' t -- .
wonderful values are. the-
bright - dolors withi whiter
- f ;
in 1
Mrs.Chas. W. Cqrby Lived
'Life "of Usefulness and . .
. Dfed JJnafrjaid '
Dora Estell Wooflward was
born May 8. 186C, on!' North lldw-
ejl Prairie, Marion, 'ounty. Ore
gon.. Died' at ;A irl ip. Brecon. Jan
uary !. 1 92.1 .at " tlie ko of 59
years. " months, a xuX li days. Her
1 Iff has been lived in Oregon, for
the most part in .Marfnn. county..
On peoember. 13, 192, she was
united in marriage to llfv. Charles
Wl Corby, by whonj -she i sur
vlved. She also leavf. one broth
er. Charles Albert Woodward of
Seattle; one sister, M tx. 't Tiara May
naiiKhnian of Camasj Vash.; two
haif. sisters, Mrs. W'jnnio McKay
of j Vancouver. Wash)., and" Mi&.
Martha Ellen Vinton of North
Howell Prairie; one halt brother,
Winter II. Baujrhman of North
JwiSPEffrDriil ' MOST FAMOUS VALUES V X:: . . -i 'ii i I
m yilli l- IIW ItlXT I IB. V . , l.liglltl I AAA - " - - - - . - - M. --------
1 W ig H.' rT"H"WlGi' . Si Good furniture cerUinlyf helps, to make; fa
' W-8 JB- 2 lwT" - . there's the heritage of j future generations; in the quality; i '"'(: I-
rtrS'n 'nLDpadXy Willi rll 1 " furniture-we sell --You see it inflected in such yalues as we : i . '1'
Wywy 1 ttTOM : are emphasizing in these Icornplete outfits. Most striking arid - 1-! i- -. 1
!l ' j 1 jjlw y individuarare they. No matter if you're only famishing one, I I r .'Si- . j '
i " " j? i . . u'"" rohm or five rooms. youwiirn'n4 our assortmelnts. ample to -lit 1
jjf ynyfcVl ' tlojliig so'me "dritt see jwh4t wcTiave' tffoffcr.."; -' r - - ; Jjl! j
' -1 ; 'FaI . ( . A fivfe piece bedrooni suite in walnut consisting of ibow , I.
Vh4jit.v Jt! end bed. dresser, vanity! chiffonier and bencti J$203 value. 1
IrrrfTr I. Rf' . Specially nriced't , - ' . - "'..ft--:.-. , . . . , :v i)''.!
':;..:,;- i. ; --I " - : --'v. :r- '.-fT - " " 1
' iLlft- rH-'li F HI ttT-JMi- V I1 -II
hHt?itS5Tl nrn IS US I 1 r 1
' : : SA' 1 i ill X '-mm - i -
: 1
HowelL. Prairie and .lhraft-tep-.
brothers, J o "b n Baugbman of
Wobdburn, Orb; Hard ing .'.Baagb
ward Bauhmairof Portlan.cU Vz
sides " theso she leavej many;, de
voted ' -wHsin; and. nieces 5 and
nepKe;ij;ian,tto the age4'm.otheri
in-law, ilrs. K J. Corby Dora tra
as a beloved daughter: ' Toknrow
Mrs; Cor by was to 'believe in her
and tdf Ibve heri,andonseQuntly;
aside from the relattves menlnbhed
another host of true friend sin
cerely mourn herVpartnrev,
' Mrs, Corby i was bVightly con
verted to t. Opd -while yef in her
teens, a n d , t ho d eep' ab id Ing love
that; shoi, for.' her. Redeemer
resulted in a . most consist ant
Christian .life.' She was A pro
gressive Christian, going on; from
grace- unto 'jrrace and from con
queHnK unto ' conquest, always
championing' ho cause of Christ.
She4 was ra wnman of real spirit
and, flashes of indignation against
iiiirightebnsness sometimes found
expression. So it did from her
S.ivior and Lord!
Mrs. Corby had a deep, hoart-
feltr intetest in every, cause that
made for righteousness, and the
honor of God, and the bringing in
of His Kingdom. And she elt 'it
i I V. o& II 01. II -I l-t t AtUJT A l.lfl.' "lUf M. I
til mi ii tMt ii -; . im- ,ir;i i ia -ii tr -ti "i ..
grat4ririlegrtta- hlp-'fir-trrgrjlyealut! tn.a.dftrtb
" v - . . . - a I a s t- T m imrl rialak w IS n
Waylp'bJttJIbte.iSheiwas an earnest
worker "in .tnetemperance cause,
servink for hreb? years aa correr
s'pb4dlnrwrretar'i'b'f. the Worn
iti'k ChiTst UttfX0&n?0 ' nnfon
bf Marion icbilViJyv litS Was a'real
etf icient . helper ; in fxr phasoof
local enures : wor wie.wu . m
ttie.l Sunda-sehobKandydn
people's", societies, of ; the various
pa,storatea whlibbr husband
seredhelptdrjeajot? these
ybupg people into brighter Chris-,
tiat experiences and nearer to the
ideitt ljfeJ nd bow these, y onng
people loved her! ' ; ,
"fp her hiisbanVCirs:.lCor,.v'was
a niost devoted'ornpanion and a
help-mate, . lndeel, ' always," hriRht
ening the home, byiher cerful
nes.4 and courage. ; ;' '-t ;v
'I Mrs;; Corby eame- from sturdy
pioneer Hto:k. both; her parents
having crossed the;,plais hy ox
leai?i ; mother- Mef MXn
Hedrtcks" in '17 . and b r father.
f'eoYge Woodward, in rl. She
waM a woman nf marvelous f-xir-ap;owifhout
seeming' tri-reaJi-ej it
herself . As I have wen herewith
a sweet. :cbin"identsm!ie iorik
Rduarelv ihta the face Ardir'fiilty
anr hardships apd saf ferine; that
would have utterly dismayed a
Good furniture certainly? helps, to niake family history,
-There's the heritage of future generations; in .the quality ;
furnitureywe. sell. You see itfeflectedin such yalues as Ave' :
are emphasizing in these 'complete outfits. Most striking an'd
individuarare they. No matter if you're only furnishing one,
"""" luuiiiii. juu
iarry oui, your wisnesT -
A f l tfi TtilWtA l? "irV
end bed. dresser, vanity!
Specially nriced't
' fi" n'dia TTAnnVt Mrnlilli'' lin!n. r...!- T''Ul U..fLl.
arm chairl,and;5,.side cha
grain blue leather; sidesj
priced at I
lit A two piece living rpom .suite consistipg ot; davenport
and fireside chair. Upholstered in rose and taupe. Jacquard
vejqur 'jon .'froit,.. sides hd l3aj:k'.-$13750-value;.- SpcciaPy
priced at" ' . ... J. - . - ,-"' - . 'A.
-' -j - - i
f " i .'-.-' . - T ! !
. piece oreaKiast set in blue With beautiful, decor
ations ji) gpjd anC black-fonsistirjg oXdrop leasable and 4
chairs: A real value at " T
I Easy. Therms, aincl Np, Interest Char
hlnk of Joshna and Caleb, whose
names are synonyms of heroic
dourage aa j they 3 plead ' with the
frightened multitude saying, "Nelr
th&r fearrrb the peoplo ofrthe land
4r ihiv nre bread "'1 or nslT Bo she
Igeemed tojaccepl tiese' experiences
4iovidenceiJ;to "c; n nrJLslvi and
atrengtnen ner moai anu piruuai
pature, and to fit her .more per
fectly not the; Joy? thaayvajtrthe
igbteon.a.K!-. 'y.X'zi
And then.: later, just a few
weeks ? before- she went;; home,. I.
saw. her, Twith the ; same calmr
jriamphant smile, ;lobk'B4nary
into. the. face or. ner. last? en.emy;
Death. as she seemed, lb say .you
bring, no fear to; met''Yonjrf a
conquered enemy. It was m'y Sav-f
jor who conquered yoii.two Ihons
N't ycarsa.go'. . , v......t
i rU was iher; mighty, cblld
likg faHh in,.Cod that did all thi
ifoibora, : Fall ) cab ilb: iIxq ;sam
for!1 us' all. Gh,'"it me die tb
death of the righieous, and let m
jast end be like his." ..- ' - '. i
.. - k.
V The funeral services were1 held
at the Rigdon mortuary.. by-tbii
writer, assisted by Rev. A. S. IIen-
niu jinn uui tioowj. Liit;iir.iiiijv
- ana save, you, consiaerDie mpney
chit a iW ifrnlmif itAvielfiiitKv 4
chiffonier and bencti J$203 value
, - - :-f yi ;, i , '4.- .
- Chairs upholstere4 in beautiful I
and back. $188 -value." Specially' "
- T --j
( ' 1
n - - 1
- i ! ? ' ---V" . . .3.-;
,34rcP-urt .....
Street U. B. chnrch of Salem. In;
terment was had In the Robert
Bird cemetery, Clackamas county
. SEATTLE. Jan, , pjTliat "tho
demand for liquor, and brandies
formed Icinal purposes by physf
clana; In this , state will keep the
bootlegging i industry alive" wal
the declaration of Mayor E. J.
Brjowp Jn.tbesls: on prohibition
issnetr today entitled IIow Dry
A b jtjf Npf ? low pry I Am;"
"Strong' drink .is a curse and
abomination, I am at dry. as tbb
Sahara and have been all my life
the thesis says', but Brown added
,1 hat ho, was "impelled to conclude
that" brandies' 'made '; from fruifa
'and cereals hossess much value in
the category of medicinal reme
dies." . :t: i-. . . - ; ;
7i "EspIonao framing, spying anil
jobbery are creating a deep dltf
trust of public officials in tho
public mind which is more dan-,
gerous than the saloon." f ,
n ,
? 1
: r
f i- . rl
1 .1 1
1- ' 11
-r. v " . r ; ' : , - 1 ;'r g