The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 10, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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    ' -.. . : . . ., . 1:1 . -., : , . : '.. . - , - .- . . '- - "7 . . T - ." """" , , ..
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? ' :; . . J . -' . , ' - . . , - . . .' - . , , .. , ' ' ' - - .
-; . ; ... : ' I 1- '" " ' : . . v ' ''! ' " ' ' r . !. v i- :, t ' 7; ' ,:
- ' - -; ; - -. , - -" ..i. .. ;. -. 1 - r '1-'" " , ,7!7TmmZZT7T7?!2
'"4 irr,':-,-'i-4 -.
Without reserjve
$ J 0.00
Wright -Union"
' -f-
Generally cloady. or foggy, "itii
oat marked : change' In; tempera
ture: moderate easterly winds.
Maxlmnm yesterday," 36; mini
mum, 26;riTer. S. 5, falling: rain
fall, . none; , atmosphere, clear;
wind, north.' '; : . " I
in-rr.Triric iicary ! -(
Officials, of the Salem Naviga
tion company stated late; yesterday
afternoon that business forj the
rirer steamer was increasing jso
much that; in order to ! handle i It
they were, planning on nnning the
steamer to Salem three times '; a
week, instead of two times as jit
now does. : The boat would jthen
arrive on 'Sunday, Tuesday
Friday. .-.Vs. ' r
All Wool Orrrcoats t
$9. $11,15 and $20.
Kay Woolen Mill Co. j
! jl3
Iulls for' Winter Enclosures j
Reasonably priced.,, j j j,12
Dan F. LaBgenberfp j j
Will present Leslie" j Springer
baritone . Harry Pearson Weh
"orK and Martin Doerfler (fc8o)
In recital Tuesday eveninfi 'Jan.
12v 192.': at the Presbyterian
church at 8:3j)clock jsharp M.
Donald Wayne Riddle. 1 assisting.
No admission; public invited. pl0
Unt.l tla'iuw U'mI. Jan. 13
, Burnaugh's Troubadors cojlege
eight-piece jazs band of j OACL A
hot band with feature numbers: at
Crystal Gardens. j 413
Soeeder rrs Fine .!
Otto A, Baettlehier was fhied
$5 when he appeared in the' city
police court yesterday after! bet
ing cited on a speeding-, charge.
K. C. Butler, is to appear Monday
Pomeroy & Keerie
Jewelers and Optometrists
Salem, Oresron ;.) ; .
i : :
1 Pnctmnn Brothers
u 1 j -
t '. . ; -r- I v i .,
Furnaces i
Salem Orfice 16 S.-Higli
: i . - "i ; j
Ottlco Hourg: v ; . .
. 12 M. TO 2 P'M. 1 f
UnderwobdTypewritcif do.
- Direct Factory Braacli l ,
'319 Court Street , Phono 203
Typewriters-Rented, Sold,
1 -.. - Repaired ' '' i j .
Special rental ratestp students
. - - -
H. u 1 H
I . I .
. t
p.T tth Ur Ced ruraiture. t?t
871 ot OouxaaercitU. : . v j
t-,. ri:o.r3 it:v '
weare pridng any suit
. spore at the r.ollowing prices:
or 0rcoatd,p:I4-- 4 f 17J30
or Overcoats. i. $21.00 .
Overcoats-LLi . $24150'
or 'Ovcrcoats-l......: .. 4$8.00 -yf-
or Overcoats... .I.-. $310'- "
cnT?rl A TT two rrrir
Suits, slightly , damaged, regular $4.00 value
special vio or z tor $4.50
; ': t
G. W. Johnson & Co.
afternoon and Tom Webb, 49f
North Commercial, will, also look
in at the police station Monday to
answer speeding charges. The
were arrested by Officer Edwards.
OAC Collect Band
At Crystal Gardens Wed.
Read This
The new, linen mill is to be east
of Laurel Park. Laurel Park starts
where the Fairgrounds road meets
the highway, and runs thru to
Highland avenue. '. Lot prices oh
Laurel Park are the same until
further notice. Some large double
lots left at $550, terms. Take ad
vantage now; Becke & Hendricks,
189 N. High street. , jlOtf
75c and This Adr- j
Buys one dollar's worth of
photos at Trover's studio. jljO
Always the Eatewt j
In Victor record or sheet music
at Moore's Music House. jib
Abbic S. Baer
- Portland, will be 'at Gray
Shoppe, 4 1,3 Oregon Bldg. Mori.
Tues. Wed. each week for removj
al of superfluous hair, moles,
birthmarks by electrolysis. jlO
Burns Celebration ' J
The execiltire committee of the
Burns club met last night to ar
range for tho celebration of the
anniversary 'of the poet's birth,
on January 25, at the Marion ho
tel at 6 o'clock. The banquet will
be followed by a program of song,
story and speaking. 'Covers for
200 guests will be reserved in the
main dining room. ' ,
January Sale of- ;
Fur coats and jaquettes. Cost
prices. . M. Buffe Morrison,
French Shop', Masonic Temple. jlO
exclusive. jJisiriDuuon . ;
For W. W. Kimball pianos. A.
Chase, Davenport & Traci,
Bush & Gerts. Moore's Music
House, 409-415 CouTt. s20tf
42-Picce Set Dfamerwure, S6.05-4-
Regular 38.90 value. In base
ment household department II. I.
Stiff Furniture Co. 310
Cluck Ct?-r-
Kecp both eyes open.
Action Postponed j
At a recent meting of the city
planning zoning commission no
definite action was taken on the
application of H. E. Joy for a per
mit, to .build a two story laundry
building.' The application . calls
for the building to be erected on
Lunch Box
18t Sooth Liberty, Next to
t , Kfkers Storase ' '
Eat once you come .back :j j
For the right kind of materials
and the very bast . workman
ship call us. ' A
? Powder and Supply Co. f
1T3 S. Commercial Ibono 7S8
LADD & BUSH, Bankers;
, ; - Established 1S08 , :
" General Banking Businies
Office Hours from 10 a. m to 3 p. tn.
or overcoat in the
Superior stret between High aAd
Liberty. (The application was sent
to the commission for recommend
ation. f-To allow members ofUhe
commission to confer with Mr.
Joy and to allow him to be heard
before the commission the appli
cation was deferred until the next
Furniture Upholstery
And repairiijg. Giese-Powers
Furniture company. i20tf
To Make Room For
New patterns I am offering
stamped goods at a great sacrifice.
Mrs. Miller, over Miller's. jlO
Hotel Marlon
Dollar dinner, served 5:45 to 8
every evening. J2tf
1020 Calendar Free, Homer II.
Smith Ins. Agency, over Millers-.'
- d22tf
Accepts Position
Announcement was made yes
terday that Miss Fanny Martin is
the new stenographer to Benjamin
J. Kimber. county YMCA . secre
tary. Mr. Kimber has his offices
here in Salem, -
Burnangh's Troubadors ;
Of OAC at Crystal Gardens,
Wednesday. jl3
Someone With
' - Here's large quarter block semi
business property. Genuine bar
gain, leased to net 5 per cent,
with 'certain increase in value:
al30 three business buildings
$8500 to $24,000. Leased to net
6 to 14 per cent. Becke &. Hen
dricks, 189 N. High utreet. jlOtf
All Wool Overcoats
39, 311. 315 and 320.
Kay. Woolen Mill Co.
WeildlnK Gifts
Mrs. Trover, Trover's studio.
To Form New Class
Another new public speaking
class is being formed at the local
YMCA. Friday evening of this
week is set as the date for the
first meeting of this new class.
Button Orders by Mail-
Are given special attention at
Creglow's Shoppe, 1253 State St.
Furniture Upholstery
And repairing. Giese-Powerr
Furniture-company. s20tf
To Attend Rate Meeting
Edward Ostrandef, member of
the Oregon public service com
mission, left here yesterday for
Kansas City where he will attend
I Wood Wood!
167 D Street - Telephone 2313
Salem's Leading
; Pays Cash For Furniture
' .... Residence and Store ,
- 1010 North Summer .
"istabllshcd Since 191V
Anyone who wants Dodge
i Roadster, late 1034 model,
i with glass enclosure, 83
1 rubbery bumpers, windshield
swipe j and many, other ex-,
tras, can get It at Vlck Bros.
' This car look like new and
! Is In fine condition and -
1 real feuy- for some one. ;; A ;,
a hearing called by the interstate
commerce commission to consider
the application of the? western rail
roads for jan Increase in rates. The
Oregon public service commission
has gonej pa record as opposed
to granting; the. application. '
January- alc of
, Fur coats and 3qucttes. Cost
prices. M. Buffe Morrison.
French Shop, Masonic Temple. J10
1929 Calendar Free, Homer H.
Smith las. Agency, over Millers.
39. 31
1, 315 and 320.
Kay Woolen
Mill Co.
lt needs repairing, Duke can
take carej of it. Take your saxo
phones, clarinets and other band
instruments to Duke's Musical In
strument! Repair Shop, room 3,
McCornack Bldg., over Miller's.
Honored jat Confercnci
At-the first convention of the
Independent Service Station. Own
ers' association that was held in
Eugene jecotly Otto K. Paulus
was elected vice president and L.
D. Jones .director.' From 12 coun
ties ther were. more than 50 del
egates present.
Always the
In Victor
record or sheet music
at Moore
s Music House. JlO
Special 75c Sunday Dinner
Elks Dining Room. 12 to 8:30.
I 310
Wdv Installs
At the recent installation ser
vice of the local Woodmen of the
World tbWc were more tbau 300
Woodmeji, Neighbrs of Woodcraft
and guests present. The officers
for the jcoming year are: Past
commander, M. I. Steward: coun
cil commander. Glen Adams; ad
visor Carl R. White: escort, H. R.
Becker: banker, C. C. Wolx; clerk,
L. S. Ger; manager. C. T. Walk
er; sentiy, Russell Winchcomb.
B Jt II Optical Co.
370 i State. Phone 328. 310
WOW Attention
The funeral of our late neighbor
W. H. Brown will bo held Tues. at
1:30 p. jm. from Webb's chapel,
instead of Monday. JlO
Hospital I Self Supporting
At a rjecent meeting of the ex
ecutive ; committee of the Salem
spital I board, it was reported
that since the Installation of Miss
Hofseth las head nurse, the hos
pital has been able to meet its
financial expenses.
January Kale-
One lot of dresses formerly
priced from 325 to 347.50. Special
319.75. French Shop, Masonic
Temple, 4 15 N. High. JlO
Hod Carriers and
Buildlrier Laborers' union No.
441 will bold open meeting. Union
hall. Jan. 13. Special speakers.
Everyone: come. I J13
Dr. White, Osteopath)- .
Electronic diagnosis and treat
ment. HQ
Asks Charge Adjustment
V. R. Dennis, in an application
filed with the public service com
mission yesterday, has requested
reparation of alleged overcharges
on sand
and gravel shipped from
Mr. Dennis lives at Mc-
O. J. HUH Auto Top , ' . ;
And Paint Co., authorized Duco
refinishep. , Alt Jobs guaranteed.
Prices right. 2C7 South Commer
cial St. I .... :; ; . . . J12
Grade Crohsiag Hearing
Hearing of an application -for
the establishment of a grade cross
ing of ef the Southern Pacific
tracks near uoia nui nas Deen set
for January 18. The hearing
will be held In Salem.' Announce
ment of tho hearing was made by
the public service commission yes
Beautifully Made Buttons ' -
Creglow's Shoppe. 1253 State.
. '- I , : JlO
Why Spend Good Money
: 1,'For m poor paint job? The Du
co way j insures a high class job
at a reasonable price. Hull's, 267
Si Commercial St.' " J12
Gors to' Seuttle-i- , ; t' t
Dr. EL C. lllckman, president of
the Kimball School of Theology,
has lef;,' for ' Seattle and will not
return: o' Salem for "about two
weeks, according to .Miss Blanche
Blllmye.'secretary'of 'the collego.
While in Seattle Dr. Hickman U1
preach n two Sundays." ' Later "he
will attend a-banquet to be given
tea-up for those actively interest
ed ia moving Kimball from Salem
to Seattle. " ' ' ' ' '
January' Sale
jj One lot of - dresses formerly
priced from 25 to 317.50. Special
$1975. ; French Shop, Masonic
Temple, 115 N. High. ' 1 310
Legion Surprises DaUas-
The drum corps ad about 80
members, of the, local Americah
Legion post Went to Dallas recent
ly, to Install their officers. This
was a complete surprise to the
Dallas' post as they were not ex
pecting visitors. Carl D. Gabriel
son, of Salem acted as the install
ing oficer. William A. Hlmes was
installed as commander of the
Dallas post.
AH Wool Overcoat
39. fll. 15 and '$20' Thos.
Kay Woolen Mill Co. J13
Experienced Carpenter
To build house and take a 3350
lot onWest Luther street as part
payment. Address Box 4027
Statesman. 11J1Q
Answers Fire Ala
Yesterday morning a chimney
fire at 617 North Winter street
railed out the Salem fire depart
ment. The blaze did not cause
any great damage.
j r- j'
Always the Latest
In Victor record or shccinuslc
at Moore's Music House. ' JlO
Gun Clnb Shoot
This morning the local rod and
gun club will hold a competitlbe
tryout, from which members will
be selected to represent Salem in
a tri-eity shoot that will be held
sometime in the future. In order
to get ten of the best men. all of
the members of the club are asked
to attend.
All Wool Overcoat:
$9. $11, $15 and $20. Thos.
Kay Woolen Mill Co. J13
Call County "V Meeting
This afternoon from 3 to 5
o'clock the board of directors of
the Marion county YMCA will
hold a meeting at Wood burn. The
report of the secretary will be
given, followed by routine busi
ness. Correct Corset Fitting
Howard Corset Shop. 153 S. HI.
Employment Report Filed ?
During the past week 30 men
and four women found employ
ment through the Salem YMCA
employment bureau, according, to
a report submitted by Sim Phil
lips, head of the bureau. There
Were 81 men to ask for work.
For this number 33 Jobs were
called In , and 31 men were re
ferred. . For- 26 women seeking
employment, -calls for' the help of
peven were received, and six wom
en were referred.
Dr. Marshall,. Osteopathic
Physician and surgeon.
Births Are Reported
Thero were two births to be re
ported to the office of the city
health officer yesterday. To Mr.
and 'Mrs. Joe Meithof of route 8.
Salem, was born a daughter Janu
ary 8. and they have named her
Anna Matilda, A son was born
December 25 to Mr. and Mrs.
Andy ' Schindler of Stayton. and
has been named James Andy.
Arrested on Conduct Charge i
VU Huston was arrested yester
day afternoon .by Officer Thomp
son for molesting girls on the
streets of Salem.
NEW YORK. Jan." 9. (Dy As
sociated Press). After five days
of vain attempts to evade persist!
ent . groups of interviewers , and
DhotocraDhers. Irving Berlin, com
poser, and his society . bride, the
former Miss Ellin Mackay, tonignt
vere bound for Europe on the
Leviathan, f .' " ;
Culture javjans tapplag a clg
arette exactly three times upon
the : wrist before lighting iU
Child's Harmless Laxative is
p rV'Califoi7iia Fig Syrup" ;
'- Eren lf crcres. foveriah. bilious.
constipated or fall of cold, chll-i
dren love -too pleasant taste oi
VCalUorsdaFlg Syrup." A tea-
1 spoonful Jieveri falls to genUy
clean the liver .-ana io weis ana
sweeten the-litbmath. . , '
: Ask your dfnggist for genuine
"California Fig Syrup" which has
directions for babies and children
tall ages printed oa bbttlei. ,'J-Io-therrt
Vsu must eay "Calif oraia"
cr you Kiy; jet aa Jr:itall23 V j
Local Men Follow TrljWeek
ly Directions of iTom
Gawley in, Portland
- Physical .education by radio Is
the last word in the "daily doc
en." 'Tom Gawley, physldal direc
tor of the Portland YMCAi broad
casts physical exercises j of his
own concoct! in every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday,, from sta
tion KGW at Portland, j
Only those who are in the habit
of rising before breakfast aro
aware of these unique radio class
rooms. For the sessions begin at
7:30 o'clock in .the morning.
Business men throughout the
horthwest have taken widely to
the exercises, using them as pre
ludes to the morning coffee. Sa
lem fans are not Immune. It Is
known po'sltively that Joe Alberts,
local banker, indulges regularly,
Dr. X. Beechler Is also an avowed
pupil. I
Several other Salemllte. it is
understood, are also "enrolled" in
the radio class.'
Gawley is well kuowu In Sa
lem. For the last two seasons he
has had charge of the swimming
campaigns hre for school! children.
Local YMCA officials are endeav
oring to bring him here for an
extensive campaign when tho as
sociation moves Into Its new Court
street home. j
C. A. Kelts, general secretary of
the Salem YMCA, and Bob Board-,
man, physical director 6f the lo
cal association, were classmates
of Tom Gawley at the YMCA col
lege in Springfield, Mass. Tom
and Bob played on the same foot
ball team together.
Exercises broadcasted; by Gaw
ley are of a light nature, aimed
to keep in healthy order, the. vital
muscles' and organs of ihe body.
The health - side Is emphasized
especially. ' j
A special chart of the 'exercises,
compiled each month. Is sent to
all fans requesting them,- fret of
charge. Some of the "Itules for
Health," Gawley suggests for
1926 are set down in the January
chart. !
Included In these arer
Ventilate every room you
occupy. S
Sleep in fresh air always, in
open air if you can.
Do not attempt exhausting
feats of strength.
Never take vigorous! exercise
directly after a' meal. J
Eat only plain and wholesome
food. ;
Keep serene. Worry is the
foe of health. ' I 1
Stand, sit and Walk erect.
Drink sufficient wateri daily.
Take a physical examination at
last once a year.
Keep clean in mind and .body.
The exercises to be. used dur
ingthe month are explained on
the chart, and are illustrated.
Following are a few typical ex
ercises: . i
Position. Hands at side, stand
ing erect. CounM, rale arms to
Lost The Black Cat
if yon find htm please return :
' to ICO South Liberty and
receive , reward
Otflce in New Salem Hotel
Building, 169 Sooth High
- , Street. ! -
Salcsyard in rear of office.
Phone 1718IL
i Itcsldencc Phone! 11F21 i
Treated by Osteopathy and the
latest. Klectrical , Therapy la
cludlng Dr. Abram's Electronic
System , ' (-..,,
. ..- - . - . ! u;
So charge for consultation )
i rhjelclan and Surgeon --
COS TJ. S. Eaak: IluHIn
Salem, Oregon. . - : .
lr s - . !
: r?'L
JANUARY 10, .1926
front horizontal, at same time
shaking wrists and . hands "down
ward on each beat. Sideward,
vertical, " overhead, and down tp
hips: - " :; ;
Position. Hands at Bide, stand
ing erect.; Count 1, step left foot
sideward 23 inches, at same time
swing' arms overhead to vertical
position. Count 2, bend, body for
ward and swing arms downward
and backward beyond hips. Count
3, return to count 1. Count 4,
lower arms to side and' bring left
foot to position.
Position. Sitting on floor, legs
straight. Lean- body, slightly
backward supported by placing
bands on floor to steady body.
Count 1, raise body off floor,
keeping body straight. Count
two. lower to position, 1
Position. Lying on floor face
downward.; arms extended , for-
In this city Saturday January
9. David Beob, age 58 years. The
remains are in care of the Rig
don & Son mortuary. Announce
ment of funeral will be made
In this city Saturday, January
9. Dennis Byrne, age 83 years.
The remains will be forwarded by
the" Rigdon & Son mortuary to
Roseburg on Monday, January 11,
for funeral services and-' Inter
ment. , . " ,' Given
Charles Given, Saturday, Janu
ary 9, at 1565 North Commercial
street at the age of 72 years. He
is survived by his wife, Hattle P.
Given, and one son, Harry P.
Given ,ol Oswego. Funeral an
nouncement later by the Webb
funeral parlors. 1
Funeral services for the late
Elizabeth M. Dancer will be held
from the Terwilliger funeral home
on Monday. January 11,' at 2 p.
m. Rev. S. M. Launer will offici
ate. Committal services will be
held in the IOOF cemetery.
Funeral services for the late
Myrla Burdett will be held from
the Webb funeral parlors today
at 1:30 p. -mi Rev. Hall of Sll
verton will officiate. Interment
will be in the Clagett cemetery.
Funeral services for the late
William II. Brown wilt be held
from the Webb funeral parlors on
Monday. January 11. at 1:30 p. m.
The WOW lodge will have charge
of the services. . Interment will be
In the Hayesvllle cemetery.
The healing of his .seamless
' dress
Is by our beds of pain;
We touch him. in life's throng
and press i
And we are whole again.
Through him our first- fond
prayers are said
Our lips of childhood frame,
Tho ' last low whispers of . our
dead - ' - i
" Are burdened with his name.
--John C. Whlttler.
W. T. Rigdon & Son
They sit and spoon ihe ncw-
ly weds . t i , -
Until they think of FruiUola- ,
nut bread. i r
But even on their honeymoon
They'd rather eat1 that bread
than spoon. : i
Mistland Bakery
Ir. .urance cf All
m m m , m mm M - . t I '
ill .'T g m- vi m am m i wiwi - t i i
Wi i LUri'-W;,' VKtJIII.
l:-'-IiilS&: I. .
lltlkr Theater LoLby, 1C I.c-r
ward in line wiUi "body, hUai-j r i
floor, palms downward. Cunt 1.
raise left arm. Count 2,5 lower.
Then. rIgbt. Then alternate. Tleu
both: ' Repeat same with lci,i.
Then both arms and legs together.
' ; Position. Lying on floor on
back, cross left leg over; H?hl .
Hands on' floor . under tbl? -v
palms downward.. Count 1. sv'is
both legs left obliquely off fie
Count 2,' return to positlolu Titt-.i
swing to right side. Altcifnato.
i SUDBURY, Mass.. Jan. . (Ily
Associated Press!. Whil nn old
fashioned snowstorm pil'fl drifts
about his Wayside Init; today.
Henry rord kept within nors and
listened to old tRhionfl tuaes
played by eight New Enptand fid
dlers. Among the minny-els whs
John C. Wilder of PlyroiAith. VU
uncle-4 by marriage of treslent
Coolldge. ; I
' When & man loses his heart,
he!ls pretty sure to also! lose hi
head, r ; v i a
Say It With a Classified Ad
; fob nrporofATiOJi
:r Phone, 727f
The Battery IaS
When font Cr Xedi Electrical
Attention CU Uig - i
031 Court 8U .. rhone 108
Study it
comfort l
Don't let defective Msion ,
cause .you unnecssary
discomfort and mrrest
your mental develop
ment. Most of ui have
1 defective v" vision S un
knowingly. 1
Consult us, W0 will
:. . -know,;' j
You ought to- f or ,
increased comfort
and greater ease in
303 Oregon Bldg.
. Salem, Oregon
:,r-Vh::'..- '."-' i '
: An economical and ef
fective Ck)ugh f Syrup
made in Salem and sold
- . c
drvo sTona U
The Yellow Front Phone 1S7
135 North Commercial Street
..i i-.:'v--: . . ' ,- ' .
s ; The PcnsSar Clcra
KItCj. Tel. 1C1
(mm :